The strangest hobbies and entertainments of some people. The most unusual attractions that will take your breath away

When in the editorial office we began to discuss non-obvious practices that I would experience myself, for some reason my colleagues immediately came up with the idea of ​​burying me alive. With subsequent digging, really. And someone else suggested strangulation. Partial. I appreciate the creativity of our team, but some other time.

So, here are 9 absolutely safe ways to shake yourself up. Go beyond the bustle of the capital. Discover something new for yourself or about yourself. Fun, overcoming oneself, strong emotions and a little philosophy - all in three days.

01. Japan: taste and strength

To begin with, I wanted to experience something cultural and exotic. I choose “Games of EGOists” - the name is intriguing. We find ourselves in the interior austerity of bamboo, enveloped in the subtle aromas of tea. There is calligraphy on the walls, weapons in steel rows, elegant tea porcelain, tassels, and figurines on the shelves. While waiting, I drink tart pu-erh from a thin cup.

I am then prepared for the Japanese tea ceremony, which involves wearing a traditional kimono. In a special room, a smiling girl Olga lays out silks, at the same time telling her that this kimono was given to her by her sensei (mentor), a Japanese Opera singer. Vintage kimono, hand sewn - fantastically perfect. I am fascinated by the white tabi socks - with a separately cut thumb and gold clasps at the ankle. The dressing process lasts about 40 minutes.

Typically a kimono consists of 12 or more pieces. Shaping a Japanese silhouette on a European figure is not easy: “Japanese women have neither breasts, nor waist, nor butts - so everything turns out evenly. But we need to tinker with you,” Olga explains.

The Japanese idea of ​​beauty is first and foremost evenness. The fewer bulges, the better. The sexiest part of the body is the back of the head - that's why geishas often have a deep neckline at the back. Hair must be tied back. Finishing touch- a wide obi belt, which is tied at the back in the form of a taiko drum. Olga tells me that the traditional kimono in Japan is an alternative to evening wear; people wear it on social events. It does not constrain the figure, but firmly holds the posture. We learn a polite bow “without bending.”

Then we prepare thick green tea with foam, which I stir with a bamboo brush while sitting on my knees.

Then we go up to the martial arts hall together with the owner of the club and Iaido master - Dmitry Ivanov. The meaning of iaido, in short, is to instantly draw a sword from its sheath and deliver a lightning-fast killing blow. Proactive. Taking out a samurai sword, Dmitry looks at me with regret. To be proactive, I ask the question: “Why “Games of EGOists”?” “When you shoot, two things hinder you: the desire to hit the target and the fear of missing - this is what the ego dictates. To get rid of this, you need to give up the ego. And in order to give up something, you need to have it. That’s why the name is like that.”

Iaido is not only martial arts, but also philosophy. main idea- “the path of awareness.” “As opposed to the path of ignorance and the path of passion, which most everyone lives now,” says Dmitry. “Every action is conscious. Not only in battle, but also in life,” “If the principle is not universal, the art is not high,” “In a world of chaos, our support is rituals,” - like Master Yoda, my Iaido master speaks aphoristically.

We try to do basic poses, but I feel like I'm dancing and not intending to hit. death blow… “Where is your instinct? Humanity has owned edged weapons for thousands of years!” - asks the teacher. But the dexterity and speed of the blade are the result of constant practice. Overcoming yourself in everyday training is another principle of Iaido. In general, as in any matter on the path of self-improvement.

For self-knowledge and zen - the best place in Moscow.

02. Visiting a maniac

Our next experiment is a performance from “Claustrophobia”. This is a game for 1-4 players, combining suspense, theatrical production and quest elements. The task is to get out of a confined space. “And survive,” my partner added. The operator watches the game: he starts the special effects, adjusts the light and gives commands to the actors. A second before the start, the three of us don’t even know what to expect. We are strongly requested not to apply to anyone physical strength and do not destroy objects.

The game begins! I can't reveal the details, but I can say it's very cool. Adrenaline is off the charts, your brain is working, your whole being is shaking from special effects and unexpected turns. Finding keys, overcoming obstacles and working together teamwork- everyone is having a blast, and the most pleasant thing is the final salvation. Overflowing with emotions, we sit down to chat with the project team. They say that we were nothing like that, fearless, we didn’t shout too much. Some players are taken out to calm down. “But the strangest ones are those who come alone. You won't understand what's in their head. They walk around and poke around. So, based on the team’s negotiations, we at least understand what’s going on!” I ask what other strange things happened. “Three guys came once. We were very afraid, we almost canceled the game. But then they passed with grief in half. And the next day one of them came for the same game with another company - and he was all the smartest and most courageous. One guy brought his girlfriend tied up in a bag so she could play.”

03. Being Lara Croft: Shooting Range

Next we go to the facility - more precisely, to the “Object”, the largest indoor shooting complex in the world. Live ammunition is used here - so the safety aspect is very important. First, you undergo a medical test and breathe into a breathalyzer. Then you get headphones, glasses and an instructor - he is such a healthy guy, as if he stepped here from the screen of an action movie. In my case, this is Sergey Voronkov, under whose guidance I am taking a course on safe handling of the CZ-75 SP-01 Shadow pistol (I have zero experience, except for the time when I once shot in the forest with a hunting rifle during a country party, while wearing a dress and heels).

During the training process, I ask: “What is your most ridiculous moment involving a girl and a gun?” “When Angelina Jolie shoots two Desert Eagles at the same time in films. Such recoil would have sent her flying two meters.”

After the training area, having mastered drying (in professional slang - a workshop with a weapon without ammunition), we go to the spacious shooting area. The noise is terrible.

Here they strictly monitor safety, almost like at competitions: if, when changing the magazine, the shooter does not remove his finger from trigger, a remark follows, if repeatedly - immediate disqualification. Sergei explains that this is the most stupid and dangerous habit - very often, especially when moving, this mistake results in accidental shots. And while hunting, friends’ backsides are shot at (at best).

The most unpleasant “gift” from your body is waiting for a shot. Your muscles tense up and you shoot worse. Therefore, the body must be deceived: it “hangs” on the sight and pulls the trigger unexpectedly.

When shooting, both accuracy and speed are important. Sergei calculates my hit factor (the sum of points for hitting all targets, divided by the execution time) - and he is shameless for the first time. And my minimum task was to hit the target at least once. It’s nice to exceed my own expectations - this is also the merit of my instructor, he explains everything very accurately and clearly. I go to the locker room, noting to myself how competently and stylishly everything is arranged at the “Object”. A great place to relieve stress!

04. Is darkness a gourmet's friend?

We have a restaurant in Moscow “In the Dark?!” - you arrive there, choose the color of the menu (red - meat, blue - fish, and so on), and then go to dinner in pitch darkness. Well, that is, absolute. I've never seen one like this before, at night at home - it's nothing, there are outlines there. And then he opened his eyes and closed them - black and black. And voices from the void...

According to the creators, when disconnected visual perception other senses become more acute and, most importantly, taste buds. And by as much as 30%.

Blind waiters escort guests into the darkness and serve them - they navigate there perfectly. My companion and I asked to be accommodated behind common table, where there are 10 people, to make it more interesting. Everything is by touch. What savings on the interior, serving, no need to bother yourself with beautiful presentation...

Judging by the survey, the majority eat with their hands. But I selflessly moved my fork around the plate and most often brought it to my mouth empty.

The main thing is not to try to peer into the darkness - it is pointless and harmful. You might get a headache or hallucinate. Someone sometimes flies out of the hall in a panic attack. At the table we quickly organized a game - to determine by voice the age, profession, where he was from and what his neighbor was wearing. To which the people sitting opposite immediately told us that they were naked. And I thought: it’s a good idea: gather friends for their birthday, tell them to all wear carnival costumes, and bring them here.

Meanwhile, we all take turns reciting poems - and the rest are guessing who is who. This was probably the most fun. In the dark, conversations become more frank, and the interlocutor’s voice turns into a three-dimensional substance - so much can be recognized in it. By some incredible chance, it turned out that at our table three people from Chita met in the dark. For one girl, the whole company did not believe that she was a girl - because of her rude voice. They thought he was a transvestite. The man was indignant that a scoop of ice cream was stolen from his dessert. The waitress came over and explained that he had simply “floated away.” On the tablecloth. In general, I kept imagining how trashy it would be on the tables if you turned on the lights...

At the end of the session, we hurried out of the darkness - not only to guess what kind of courses were being served, but also to look at our fellow residents. The girl turned out to be quite large, but still a girl. The nut strudel turned out to be carrot cake with nuts. They didn’t serve the forbidden food (but they could have!). I won’t say that I’m delighted - it didn’t taste good to me, personally, nothing was aggravated for me except people’s perception.

05. Being Snow White: Tactile Zoo

The sign says “Forest Embassy”, and on the phone they answer: “We lived with grandma” - either a rebranding or some kind of creativity. Grandma's on the fifth floor shopping center bunnies live Guinea pigs, sheep and goats, fallow deer, porcupine, ferrets, parrots and some other exotics. Light, clean and even hipster-ish, but lacking greenery. The animals are cheerful - as there are not many people. The zoo staff are nice and friendly.

You can go into any enclosure. The doe turned out to be wildly timid - from attempts to touch, she twitched as if from an electric current and jumped, twisting her thin neck. But her friend, a black sheep from the same enclosure, didn’t care. She came up to me and looked at me point-blank like “what do you need?” But my idol is Skippy the kangaroo. He wasn't afraid of anything at all. You hand him the seeds - he comes up, takes you by the palm with his small hands and calmly allows you to hug him. His fur is silky, his eyes - black beads - are calm, and he eats carefully.

Multi-colored rabbits surround you from all sides, stand on their hind legs, cling and puff with their furry little faces. The ferret was sleeping in my arms. In short, it’s just a swoon for fans of bestiality.

06. Non-dark knights

Our next goal is knightly battles. We arrive at the Paladin sports club, where training takes place before our eyes. And then I receive the necessary dose of educational instruction from one of the leaders of the knightly movement - Artemy Gershwald. It turns out role-playing games, reconstruction of battles and knightly battles are all different things. And confusing Tolkienists, who get a kick out of walking into a bakery in chain mail and holding a wooden sword, with professional knights who fight with real weapons in their hands in specially designated places is not comme il faut.

It was invented to make knightly combat a sport in Russia in 2006 - since then the movement has become international, and since 2008 the world championship has been held. Our team is the strongest, we are five-time world champions.

They come to this sport from fencing, Thai boxing, combat sambo. In general, the audience here is successful people, mainly top managers of companies. They fight in armor, the blades are real, and the blows too. In addition to one-on-one combat, there is also a mixed five-on-five fight - this is very similar to what happens between fans after football, only in armor and officially. And the mat is the same - because it is a very tough sport. You need a lot of endurance - you're wearing about twenty kilograms, and in all of this you need to move, fight and win.

And then the most interesting thing begins - the guys bring out for me the combat kit of the knight Andrei Bely (this is his real name), one of the best duel fencing fighters in Russia. The armor weighs 11 kg and is made of ultra-light alloy. Such a “body kit” costs a lot - about 100 thousand rubles. Andrey puts the “pieces of iron” on me. The load is good. I actively move in armor, swing a sword in sparring for about ten minutes - and I’m already feeling tired.

The code of honor, like those of those same knights, is also present among modern knights. If your opponent drops his blade, you give him time to pick it up. I ask Artemy if he feels the influence of knightly principles in ordinary life. “Yes, these are behavioral rules that shape you at the subconscious level. We don’t pass by if we see someone in trouble.”

Were there serious injuries? “Before, yes. And now armor has grown in terms of the quality of the metal - and protection accordingly. That is, now there are injuries only if you yourself are clever with the ammunition. For example, Andrei made large eye sockets on his helmet - and now you can see the injection marks on his face. We made bets on when this would happen - and it did.” Andrey objects: “Great helmet. Visibility is good!”

There are also girls among the athletes. There is also a world-class star among them - world champion Tatyana Guseva. It's time for us to go - from iron man I turn into an ordinary person, the knights gallantly help me disarm and escort me to the car.

07. Get off the ground: anti-gravity

A “first of all, it’s beautiful” practice. Classes are held to music in elastic hammocks suspended from the ceiling: there is also the pleasure of flying for swing lovers; gentle but intense stretching; deep relaxation and fun from various tricks with flips for the most active.

The creator of the direction is Broadway dancer and choreographer, American Christopher Harrison. In search of new forms, he transformed the airy fabric into a hammock. Circus gymnasts always worked under a dome at one end of the canvas - Christopher came up with the idea of ​​hanging the second one from the ceiling. Once, after a serious injury, he recovered precisely with the help of his invention, since anti-gravity is not only spectacular dance performances, but also a healthy practice.

For example, World Class clubs offer the Antigravity Yoga program, also developed by Harrison. All you have to do is sit upside down in a hammock - your spine will straighten completely. There is a surge of strength and energy - this is true great way recovery. They also say that after regular practice, height increases by 1–2 centimeters due to traction.

The course trainer, Olga Besprozvannaya, teaches you to trust the hammock, as well as the “here and now” principle. Yoga and acrobatics coexist surprisingly organically in this practice! Having closed yourself in a “cocoon” and hovered above the ground, it is easy to enter a state of meditation, and then literally transform into a butterfly. In antigravity there is generally a lot of plastic from the animal world: from bats hanging upside down, from monkeys swinging on vines, from soaring birds.

This is probably my favorite practice! In it you can get perfect body, since the loads are palpable, and inspiration - euphoria from the feeling of flight. After the class, the mood is amazing, blood circulation has reached all the secret places, cheeks are burning, there is lightness in the legs, and the only thought in my head is: “I want to buy a hammock!”

After the flights, the morning awaits me in the forest, where we plan to ride a tank at the Tank Route training ground. We get to New Riga quickly, the weather is frosty and sunny. The crew commander starts up the 12-ton BTR-80, this is the commander's staff vehicle. They give me a warm tank suit, the famous helmet and a Kalashnikov. The guys in the crew, Nikita and Vitalik, say: “It’s a pity that you came on weekdays. On the weekend, we would give you an army day: training on an obstacle course, passing standards, driving through a windfall, buckwheat with stew.”

The armored personnel carrier accelerates to 100 km/h in a straight line and easily overcomes all hills and potholes off-road. We purposefully fell two trees - this is called clearing the area. We bounce like on a roller coaster. I’m no longer sitting inside, but on top of the tank, and the commander is right there - sticking his head out of the hatch - steering with only his feet. I thought it was a myth! His comrade is firing blanks from a Kalash. In terms of handling, an armored personnel carrier is like a KamAZ, but faster.

I shout over the noise of the engine: “Is it possible to ride in a tank in the center of Moscow?” Can. Only it's expensive.

09. Tie me tenderly: shibari practice

Shibari is a Japanese practice of aesthetic or erotic bondage that has its origins in hojojutsu combat bondage techniques. Currently, there are two schools of shibari: one focuses solely on the aestheticism of the action, that is, bondage for the sake of art, the other - eroticism, that is, bondage for the sake of immobilizing a partner in order to obtain psychosexual pleasure for both. Some representatives of shibari consider themselves to be contemporary art, others - to representatives of the BDSM subculture, and for them, the process from the inside is primarily important.

There is no single specialized center in Moscow - there are individual artists, communities, and festivals are held periodically. But it turned out that the aesthetic school dominates in St. Petersburg (after all, it’s a cultural capital, logically). Proponents of “true bondage” despise this school. The essence of the complaints: “This is a harsh sexual practice, and they are playing with a string, and all sorts of youngsters are falling for it.” The main condition for shibari is the voluntary and conscious participation of both partners. It is tied up mainly by women, as it is considered more aesthetic and “more in line with female sexuality.” One of the most technically challenging and impressive parts of shibari is the hanging. An important aspect: during shibari, predominantly non-painful bondage is used.

And then the hour X came: a meeting in a dimly lit hall with Alexander AlekZander Sokolov, a master of kinbaku shibari. I’m in a white dress, and he technically examines the beam from which he will hang me... And then it turns out that he belongs to the strict school of shibari. It’s no longer boyish to refuse. I ask you to assign me a security guard. So. Just in case.

Alexander ties my hands. The ropes are soft, jute - in the first minutes I don’t feel any pressure or knots at all. He ties them quickly and very deftly. I ask how long it takes to learn this. He replies that at least three years. They wrap my torso, grab one leg, and then one precise movement - and I’m already hanging upside down. The guard's eyes widen. It's actually pretty cool, of course. But only with a loved one and somewhere in solitude... The master grabs my hair with a rope, then takes one end and begins to unwind - I spin on my axis. And I feel like an absolutely helpless puppet. While I’m hanging from the ceiling, the photographer, impressed by what he saw, is already signing up for training. After some time, the rope treacherously begins to dig in, and I stop feeling one hand. Meanwhile, the photographer asks the master: “I knitted it, hung it, and then what?” It flashes through my head: “Nature will tell...” Alexander calmly replies: “Spanking. You can tie your mouth. Apply wax."

Please put me in my place. First he lowers my legs down, my head takes its usual position. Then, continuing the game, he puts him on his knees. All with rope. I'm gradually freeing myself. We're going to have coffee...

And now, looking at the small hematomas on my wrists, I think about awareness as the main principle of life - almost all my teachers talked about this. In the spectrum of vivid emotions and various states, he ran like a red thread.

And that's what it is the main idea this text.

It is important to be different, to test and overcome yourself - but to remain aware. And you will be happy!

And I probably won’t do anything at all this weekend.

People love to be entertained, people love to be surprised! And businessmen make decent money from these human aspirations, creating places where you can get emotions for money. That's about ten the most unusual attractions in the world, we will tell you in our today's review.

In Moscow they are going to build the most big wheel views in the world - Moscow View. Its diameter will be 220 meters, and its height including the spire will be 320 meters. A shopping and entertainment complex with an area of ​​120 thousand square meters will also be created at its foot.

On the X-Scream attraction, located on the roof of one of the Las Vegas hotels, you get into a trailer, it accelerates, reaches the edge of the roof, overcomes it and suddenly stops, hovering at an altitude of 350 meters.

An unusual attraction called CN Tower Edge Walk invites us to walk along the edge of the site located at the very top of the CN Tower in Toronto, at an altitude of 356 meters. There are no railings here. But there is a safety system that will prevent you from falling down under any circumstances. Even if you come here yourself!

Another high-altitude attraction in Las Vegas. Insanity is a carousel spinning at a height of 300 meters, 20 meters from the edge of the skyscraper on which it is installed. A person on a carousel hangs at an angle to the horizon, so that while riding he sees the ground. The earth, which is somewhere very far below.

A Venice branch has appeared on the roof of Selfridges London. Here, along the perimeter, there was a canal along which you can sail on boats, admiring the city located below.

For those who are nostalgic for Soviet Union, we can recommend visiting Grutas Park near the Lithuanian city of Druskininkai. Of course, you won’t get into a time machine, but you will quite feel the atmosphere of bygone times. After all, this park contains statues and memorials Soviet period, collected from all over Lithuania and not only from there.

In New Zealand amusement park Agroventures Adventure Park introduced the world's first individual monorail system, called Shweeb, in 2007. With its help you can travel around the park. And as a driving force The Shweeb uses the passenger's feet - all you have to do is turn the pedals.

Fall from a height of 40 meters, scream with delight, smile and move on. Is it possible? Of course it's possible if we're talking about about the Nothin’ but Net attraction, which is a tower from which people fall. But they do not fall on a hard surface, but on a special catching net that absorbs the impact.

A very unusual amusement park has appeared in the UK - Dickens World. As you might guess from the title, once you enter it, you find yourself in nineteenth-century England, inhabited by characters from Charles Dickens’ books. Appropriate surroundings and entertainment will leave you with an impression that you will remember for a long time!

If your cheeks don't blush at the sight of naked bodies merging in sexual intercourse, then you're heading straight to the Loveland amusement park, located on Jeju Island in South Korea. On the territory of this park there are 140 sculptures, very, very explicit. This place was chosen by newlyweds - Jeju is famous for its climate and beaches, and Loveland Park corresponds to the theme of honeymoon travel.


Do you love quests and want to try something new? Join exciting adventures in deep space, team missions and arena battles in the park virtual reality Z8 VR Park.

Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 36 building 28

Another World Virtual Reality Arena 12+

Spacious premises, the latest equipment, colorful special effects - all this will provide guests with maximum immersion in an amazingly realistic virtual world.

st. Skladochnaya, 1, building 1, Stankolit business park.

Dry pool for adults H2Ball (“H2Ball”) 16+

Are you jealous of kids today who can play in ball pits? Then for you good news. H2Ball opened in Moscow - one of the first dry pools for adults in Russia!

1st st. Bukhvostova, 12/11, bldg. 11, room 312

Virtual amusement parks Arena Space 6+

Modern technologies blur the line between your fantasy and the familiar world. Put on a super-tech helmet, arm yourself with special gadgets and go on a dizzying tour of parallel galaxies with Arena Space parks!

ave. Mira, 119, building 2, VDNKh, pavilion No. 2, “Robostation”, st. Profsoyuznaya, 61A, shopping center "Kaluzhsky", floor 3, ave. Teatralny, 5/1, Central children's store, ground floor, region Moskovskaya, Kotelniki, 1st Pokrovsky pr-d, 5, shopping center "Mega Belaya Dacha", st. Avtozavodskaya, 18. Shopping center "Riviera", region Moskovskaya, Mytishchi, Sharapovsky pr-d, vl. 2, shopping center "Red Whale"

Center for Contemporary Art "MARS" 0+

A platform that presents to the world modern Art- the art of the future, where the artist’s idea is picked up by the viewer. In the art space, the shape and appearance of an object depend on the body movements of the participants in the interaction.

lane Pushkarev, 5

Observation deck of the Ostankino TV tower 12+

Seeing Moscow from a height of 337 meters, exploring the sights through a telescope, proposing marriage at the local Eiffel Tower - this is entertainment for adults. For children, interactive educational excursions are provided, and as a bonus - rides on high-speed elevators.

st. Academician Koroleva, 15, building 2

Maze of fear 18+

Are you hungry for thrills? This labyrinth will give your senses a jolt. On the way of a museum visitor, monsters will appear that are scary to imagine. Are you ready to meet the embodiment of your childhood nightmares?

Excursion - an integral part of any trip. It's impossible to imagine visiting Paris without watching Eiffel Tower, Egypt - without pyramids. What experiences can you treat yourself to if your budget is unlimited?

Flight into space - from RUB 1,800,000,000.

The excursion lasts about ten days, six of which you will spend as a guest on the ISS. Training, preparation and baggage delivery are included in the price. You will have to pay extra for going into outer space.

Fighter flight into the stratosphere - from RUB 1,114,500.

45 minutes of unforgettable flight on a jet fighter! According to the scenario, you soar at supersonic speed to a height of 18 km above the ground, admire the view for 4 minutes, descend below and, if your reserves of enthusiasm have not depleted, perform aerobatics.

Hunting in Swiss forests - RUB 376,000.

An exclusive Swiss pleasure. Presented as true men's leisure. In winter - for wild boar, in summer - for game. Hunting license, guide services, accommodation and fire are included in the price. You will have to pay extra for renting equipment and gear.

Over Israel by helicopter - 277,000 rubles.

From the airport over the coastline, several circles above the excavations, Jordan, New and Old city, flight to the side Dead Sea and over Mount Muntar, from which the scapegoat was thrown. They also promise to feed you and give you tea among the picturesque hills.

Flight in zero gravity - from 243,000 rubles.

A two-day excursion that will give you 250 seconds of weightlessness. The rest of the time you will be examined, instructed, encouraged and taken to the airfield. The secret of weightlessness is that you will be rolled along the Kepler curve - during the transition from horizontal flight to ascending or descending flight, you will hang in the air for 20 seconds, and so on 10 times.

Mountain valleys of Switzerland - 160,000 rubles.

Drive along the most beautiful roads in the world behind the wheel of an exclusive sports car. The mountain serpentines of Switzerland are waiting for you!

Dog sledding - RUB 95,000.

Glasses, mittens, scarf - and you can hit the road. The expanses of the Swiss Alps will appear before your eyes. For yourself, you will notice the enthusiasm of the dogs and feel unity with the wild winter nature.

Night in prison - 91,100 rubles.

How would you feel if you were behind bars? During the day you will have an exciting time in freedom, and in the evening you will return to the harsh reality in the hotel-prison. Well, are you ready?

Horseback riding tour to the places of Karachay - from 76,000 rubles.

The beauty of alpine meadows, gray-haired peaks of eternal mountains, unyielding granite rocks and intoxicating clean air. You can see this by booking a six-hour ride on purebred Arabian horses.

Whales in the wild - RUB 74,000.

Travel to the poorest province of the Dominican Republic. From January to March there is whale season, when you can watch the majestic animals from a distance of five meters. Palm trees, boat, whales and in reverse order in 12 hours.

Autumn is a great time to try new things and rock out to the fullest. If you don’t have enough thrills and want to add some bright colors to the weather and mood, then the Music of the First TV channel has collected the most unusual, interesting and scary attractions from all over the world especially for you. What comes first - the "devil's throat" or a walk along the cornice?

1) "Devil's Throat" (South America)

You can, of course, watch the terribly rapid current from observation deck, but that’s not interesting. Especially for a Russian person! Therefore, we board the boat and start the high-speed slides very close to the “Devil’s Throat”. Above (60 and 82 meters), below, on the sides - water everywhere! One of the most extreme rides in the world.

2) Ferris wheel (Nepal)

Remember our good old Ferris wheel at VDNH? It slowly spins, spins... And here it seems to be the same pattern, but the speed is many times faster. Imagine: an elderly (and even a young - not the point) couple buys tickets, sits on the wheel in anticipation of philosophical conversations, and then it starts to spin like crazy! Extreme? That's not the right word!

3) Walk along the cornice (New Zealand)

192 meters above the ground. The cornice is no more than a meter wide. No railings or fences for you. Only a rope holds you. Very strong and safe. For sure. The cost of this pleasure is 145 dollars, and there are still people who want to walk along this very cornice. They say no one was hurt. Shall we try?

4) Free flight (Switzerland)

“Oh, why don’t people fly like birds?..” They still do! Please, here is an attraction in Switzerland called Sternensauser. This is a cable car 75 meters above the ground. And no protection - a helmet and a rope. Flight speed: 70-90 km per hour. The cost of the trip is $78. And those who want are a dime a dozen, fly the road. Extreme sports are better than paragliding.

5) Jump into the Abyss (Africa)

This is not just rope jumping from a height of 15 to 50 meters. The height of this “bridge” is 216 meters. Drop down to your health. Since 1990, people have been flying and flying - no one has been hurt. You only fly for seven seconds. By the last moment of the flight, by the way, you are moving at a speed of 220 meters per second. In general, these will be unforgettable moments in life... Unforgettable!

6) "Giant Canyon"

It's just a swing. Giant swing. At an altitude of 400 meters. Above the abyss. Do you want to go for a ride? Great! But please sign a document stating that there are no claims in case of injuries, falls or death. So... Just in case. And ride to your health. This swing will definitely be remembered for a long time!

7) "Leap of Faith"

For those who have ever dreamed of feeling like the hero of the movie “Jaws”. You fly from a huge building somewhat reminiscent of an ancient Greek Temple and find yourself in a narrow plastic pipe, side by side with giant sharks. The entertainment is not for the faint of heart, but many people go to the Bahamas for such a swim.

8) Carousel “Insanity” (“Madness”)

The most high carousel on the planet. You are simply spinning three hundred meters above the abyss at a fairly high speed. Oh, by the way, the seats are open. And you are not protected by anything other than magnetic belts. This is probably an indescribable feeling. Do you want to check?

9) WhiteCyclone, Japan

That's it! - and you find yourself in some kind of crazy mountain whirlwind. A real cyclone. The height is a 14-story building, and the length of the attraction is 1.7 km. Oh, yes, and the speed is more than 100 km. at one o'clock. Here they are - crazy Japanese roller coasters!

10) Free Fall Zone (Ohio, Paramount)

100 meters high (and this is approximately a 24-story building). You hang in the air for 10 seconds, and then fall down with lightning speed at a speed of 100 km. at one o'clock. One of the largest free fall towers in the world. The moments there, believe me, will be remembered for a long time.

11) FormulaRossain Abu Dhabi.

Yes, it's still the same roller coaster, but in the form of a Ferrari. The ride's acceleration is perhaps the highest in the world - 240 km. per hour. You literally break through strong wind and rush past the beauty of the park where the attraction is located. 1.5 minutes that will be remembered for a long time.

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