Birthday script based on the book "The Little Prince". Have an interesting and educational trip! Class hour - opening based on the fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “The Little Prince” “What does it mean to be human Scenario based on the work of the little prince

A little prince.
Script based on the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“The Little Prince” using the texts of “The Little Prince” of “Planet of People”, letters of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, songs of the poet-bard Sergei Poroshin.

There are two screens on stage for projecting slides. Screens are located on the right and left. A scene without any special decorations. The play is on under color music.

Presenter (slide: Saint-Exupery, slide: Malen-
cue prince):
- This story is about a star boy, the Little Prince. He was light as a ray of light and even more fragile than he seemed at first glance. He saw with his heart, never explained anything, but as a gift
gave his laughter.
- He was devoted to his Rose and always felt responsible for those he tamed. He left us and, in my opinion, this should sound a warning. Listen to what the children say.
Voice of the Little Prince:
-People grow five thousand roses in one garden... and do not find what they are looking for, but what they are looking for can be found in one single rose, in a sip of water.
(slides with images of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and the Little Prince change)
-Talk to your children more often. They don’t want to believe in bad things. Remember, in Bulgakov, the destruction caused by Margarita the Witch was stopped by her conversation with the Little Boy.
(light and music break)
(The presenter re-enters. On the slide there is an old, crowded carriage on a bench, two people with a baby and a new slide with Saint-Exupery)
- Several years ago, during a long trip around railway, I wanted to explore this state on wheels, in which I found myself for three days. At about one o'clock in the morning I walked the entire train from end to end. The sleeping cars were empty. The first class carriages were also empty... And in third-class carriages in the corridors I had to step over people sleeping.
I stopped and, by the light of the night lamps, began to take a closer look.
The carriage was without partitions, like a barracks, and it smelled like a barracks or a police station, and the movement of the train shook and tossed bodies dumped by fatigue. The mother was breastfeeding the baby. Deadly tired, she seemed to be sleeping. Amidst the meaninglessness and chaos of these wanderings, life was transmitted to the child. I looked at my father. The skull is heavy and bare, like cobblestone. A shapeless and clumsy body, shackled by sleep in an awkward position, squeezed by work clothes. Not a person, but a lump of clay, so at night homeless tramps lie in piles of rags on the benches of the market. And I thought: poverty, dirt, ugliness - that’s not the point. But this man and this woman once met for the first time, and he probably smiled at her, and probably brought her flowers after work. Perhaps shy and awkward, he was afraid that they would laugh at him. And she, confident in her charm, out of purely feminine coquetry, perhaps, was pleased to torment him. And he, who had now turned into a machine, only capable of forging and digging, was tormented by anxiety, from which his heart sank sweetly.
It’s incomprehensible how they both turned into lumps of dirt? What terrible pressure did they come under? What distorted them so much? Why is the noble clay from which man is sculpted so deformed?
The baby somehow perched between his father and mother. But then he turns around in his sleep, and in the light of the night lamp I see his face. What a face! From these two a wonderful golden fruit was born. These shapeless coolies gave birth to a miracle of grace and charm. I looked at the smooth forehead, at the plump, tender lips and thought: here is the face of a musician, here is little Mozart, he is all promise! He's just like a little prince from some fairy tale, he would grow up warmed by vigilant reasonable care, and he would justify the wildest hopes!
But... little Mozart, like everyone else, will fall under the same monstrous pressure... Mozart is doomed... . The point is not to shed tears over an ulcer that never heals. Those who are struck by it do not feel it. The ulcer does not strike an individual, it eats away all of humanity.
...In each of these people, Mozart may have been killed. (from the book “Planet of Humans” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).

(The beginning of the song of the poet-bard S.M. Poroshin sounds)

It's hard for me to believe this already
By all indications, the trail will end.
It's not somewhere, it's in the soul,

Whatever will happen will happen
Maybe we'll look through the book again,
But we won’t fix it - we must admit:
It doesn't happen like that, it doesn't happen like that.

(Color music. Cosmic motifs. Light effect of the bottomless, ever-moving Cosmos. A slide appears: The Little Prince travels with migratory birds. The music warms up, becomes more specific. The slide goes out).

Scene 1. Meeting with the snake.
A little prince:
- Good evening.
-Good evening.
A little prince:
-What planet did I end up on?
-To the ground.
A little prince:
Here's how. Are there no people on Earth?
This is a desert. Nobody lives in deserts. But the Earth is big.
A little prince:
(looks at the stars) - I would like to know why the stars shine, probably so that sooner or later each of us can find ours again. Look, here is my planet - just above us... But how far away it is!
- Beautiful planet, what will you do here on Earth?
A little prince:
- I quarreled with my flower, it’s still lonely in the desert.
- It’s also lonely among people.
“I crawled at a snail's pace over the Alps, at the mercy of the first German fighter I encountered, and chuckled quietly, remembering the super-patriots who ban my books in North Africa"(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, letter to Pierre Dalloz 06/30/1944).
- It’s also lonely among people (silence).
- I feel sorry for you, you are so weak on this Earth, hard as granite.
Little Prince: I heard that on your planet, people kill animals while doing some kind of hunting? (Sad) How can you want this?

The little prince goes to look for people.
There are a lot of people on stage. They walk, say something, shout something, laugh. We see a drunkard and a vain man and an official. The Little Prince walks among people. He addresses first one, then the other, but no one can hear him. On foreground a completely average looking and completely worn out looking man stops. He freezes and closes his eyes. The little prince turns to him:
- Please... Draw me a lamb. (The man doesn’t hear him. He mumbles: gradually getting excited)
“My hand is heavy, my leg is warm, and everything is fine, and everything is fine, and everything is fine!”

People on stage are formed into groups according to the type of clothing, type of gait, and answer the Little Prince’s questions with a characteristic fashionable laugh (“rzhalovka”) with various intonations. Exclamations like: “What a lovely baby”; “He is very nice”; "No no. You are wrong, he is original, he is very original.” Some pass by contemptuously, not noticing the Little Prince. But, one way or another, everyone bows to each other.
The switchman enters. He looks at everything as if from the outside. The personality is indifferently neutral.
A little prince:
- Why are they hiding? What are they afraid of?
- It’s easier that way.
A little prince:
- But they become like mushrooms.
(The switchman shrugs his shoulders vaguely).
A little prince:
- How are they in a hurry, what are they looking for?
- They don’t know themselves.
A little prince:
-Who do they want to catch up with?
-They don't want anything. They just swallowed them without chewing.
A little prince:
- Who?
(Slide: a boa constrictor swallows a beast. See the beginning of the book “The Little Prince”).
The Little Prince (thoughtfully):
- Only children know what they are looking for. They give their whole soul to a rag doll, and it becomes very dear to them, and if it is taken away from them, the children cry.
-Their happiness (leaves).

The little prince was left completely alone, because even in the middle of the conversation with the switchman, all the people gradually left the stage. The little prince is lonely. Color music should show this.
Slide: The little prince on the mountains.
A little prince:
-Good afternoon.
A little prince:
-Who you are?
-Who are you... who are you... who are you...
A little prince:
- Let's be friends, I'm all alone.
(The little prince was very upset).
A little prince:
- What a strange planet. People lack imagination. They only repeat what you tell them. (pause).
- (continues) I had a flower at home, and it was always the first to speak.
(looks into the hall)
A slide appears - The Little Prince meets the fox.
-Please... tame me!
A little prince:
-I would be glad, but I have so little time. I still need to make friends and learn different things.
-You can only learn those things that you tame. People no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no such shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.
- Internet? Probably, the Internet doesn’t count after all.
-If you want to have a friend, tame me.
A little prince:
- What should be done for this?
-We need to be patient.
- In 1987 in Moscow, at the exhibition of the “Iris” group, a tame rat named “Fiji”, tamed by one girl, enjoyed no less success than the paintings themselves.
- And the Little Prince tamed the Fox. When you let yourself be tamed, then it happens that you cry. And now the hour of farewell has come.
- My secret is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

The light goes out. Pause with color music, The stage is empty. The sounds fade away. The light goes out again.
The darkness dissipates. Business man on stage. He is very busy. The Little Prince approaches him.
A little prince:
-Good afternoon.
Business man:
- Three and two are five, five and seven are twelve. Twelve and three are fifteen. Good afternoon.
Fifteen and seven – twenty-two. Twenty two and six – twenty eight. There is no time to strike a match.
Twenty six and five – thirty one. Ugh! The total, therefore, is six hundred and one million, six hundred and twenty-four thousand, seven hundred and thirty-one.
A little prince:
-Why do you count the stars?
Business man (trying not to pay attention):
-I have so much work to do, I’m a serious person, I have no time for chatter! Two and five seven...
A little prince:
- But why do you count the stars?
Business man (dissatisfied):
- And it’s all you. (Suddenly uncertain) Maybe it’s planned? Maybe a meeting with the younger generation? Spun. Work work! You plow like an ox.
(He approaches the Little Prince. He takes him by the shoulders and speaks soulfully.)
Business man:
-Our shift. The future of the planet, go for it! (imperceptibly pushes him to the edge of the stage).
- Go for it! (brings a chair from behind the scenes and places the Little Prince on it).
-Sit...Relax... (rolls out a poster “Youth is our future” from behind the scenes, covers the Little Prince with it. Looks behind the poster. Strictly).
- Sit here (puts a tick in his book, thoughtfully)
- Everything is needed, everything is needed. So the main thing, what is the main thing? Yes... Yes... (starts counting stars again)
- Four and three are seven, five and six are eleven,
Eleven and seven - eighteen.
(The little prince approaches him.)
A little prince:
-But why do you count the stars?
Business man:
-Enough talking! Roll up your sleeves! Why aren't you busy?! (looks at the Little Prince with an angry squint)
-Or maybe you’re a tramp and you’ll be put behind bars? Not afraid? Like from another planet. (suddenly it dawned on me)
-Are you from another planet? A ray of light?
(A ray of light falls on the stage. A business man approaches it, steps on it, and tries to squeeze it with his hands.)
- You won't take it.
(The little prince approaches the beam and bathes his face in it)

The Pill Dealer enters.
Pill Dealer:
- Pills, the latest pills! You drink one and you won’t feel thirsty for a whole week. According to experts, fifty-three minutes are saved.
A little prince:
- And I go to the spring. And this way I save much more.
- After the success of the first story, friends believe that Saint-Exupéry has literary fame ahead of him, and suddenly...
Voice of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry:
-Goodbye, now I'm a postal pilot.
-Our operations manager needs a deputy.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery:
-No, no...I want to fly, just fly.
- What about literature, Saint-Exu?
Antoine de Saint-Exupery:
-Before you write, you have to live.
The Little Prince (addressing the Business Man):
-Are you thirsty?
Business man:
- I don’t bring myself to such a state. (To the Pill Merchant)
- Can I have some packaging? (Buys and immediately swallows one tablet).
- Convenient thing. (to the Little Prince with a feeling of superiority).
- Understand. When will I learn to count these as they are? Yes, yes stars. When will I learn to count the stars! First, those that I count will become mine. They will obey me. I will own them.
A little prince:
- They will not become yours, you are mistaken. And they will not obey you. Because! Because…
Stars... they are different stars, not like you.
Business man (not paying any attention to him):
- When I learn to count stars, they will trust me to count kilograms and meters, and then kilometers and tons and ton-kilometers and square meters, and all this will become mine. And then (he closes his eyes dreamily) then...
A little prince:
- But astronomers also count stars and give them names. For example, recently one small planet was given the number 2374 and named Vladvysotsky.
Business man:
- You don’t understand anything (imitates)
-Astronomers. Do you know how to count these little ones, how are they (points to the sky)?
A little prince:
-I? (after thinking a little) I can't count the stars.
Looking at them, I remember. I remember a lot. Your flower, which you left there (confused)
-I'll immediately lose count.
(slide with Rose)
-If you love a flower - the only one that is not on any of the many millions of stars, that’s enough.
You look at the sky and feel happy. And you say to yourself: “My flower lives there somewhere.” I'll immediately lose count.
(Suddenly getting seriously angry)
- You, you... you look like a baobab tree. (quietly) the baobab tree.
(On the slides are drawings by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry from “The Little Prince” with baobabs).
- On the planet of the Little Prince there are terrible, evil seeds... these are baobab seeds. The entire soil of the planet is contaminated with them. And if the baobab is not recognized in time, then you will not get rid of it. He will take over the entire planet. He will permeate it with his roots. And, if the planet is very small, and there are a lot of baobabs, they will tear it to shreds.
A little prince:
-There is such a firm rule. You got up in the morning, washed your face, put yourself in order - immediately put your planet in order. You definitely need to weed out baobabs every day, as they can already be distinguished from rose bushes: their young shoots are almost identical. It's very boring work, but not difficult at all.
(Addresses a business man).
- These evil seeds have sprouted in your soul, on your planet. There is no need to teach people to count stars or trample roses. How many ton-kilometers are there in human happiness? Do you think you know how much is left in your accounts?
Business man (does not listen, but counts monotonously, throwing away the bones):
- For one innocent person, there are nine guilty ones. For two innocent people, eight guilty. (Increasingly heated). For three innocent people, seven are guilty. For four innocent people (The Little Prince, in horror, covers his ears with his hands and closes his eyes).
The business man now shouts his terrible arithmetic silently. Having finished, he says: “But it’s orderly.”
The light goes out. Pause, twilight. The Little Prince sits in the corner on the edge of the stage. Only his silhouette is highlighted.
A lantern lights up at the back of the stage. The figure of a lamplighter is visible. After a while he turns off the lantern. On one screen is a drawing by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry with a lamplighter, on the other is his drawing of the Little Prince traveling with migratory birds.
Gradually the stage is filled with light. The lamplighter lights the lantern again, and turns it off again after a while. The little prince continues to sit. The soundtrack is talking to the lamplighter. The little prince remembers
Voice of the Little Prince:
- Good afternoon. Why did you turn off your lantern now?
Such an agreement. Good afternoon.
Voice of the Little Prince:
- What kind of agreement is this?
- Turn off the lantern. Good evening.
Voice of the Little Prince:
-Why did you light it again?
- That's the agreement.
Voice of the Little Prince:
-I don't understand.
-And there’s nothing to understand. An agreement is an agreement. Good afternoon (turns off the lamp, wipes sweat from his forehead). My job is hard. Once upon a time it made sense. I turned off the lantern in the morning and lit it again in the evening. I still had a day to rest and a night to sleep.
Voice of the Little Prince:
-And then the agreement changed?
-The agreement has not changed. That's the trouble! My planet rotates faster and faster year after year, but the agreement remains the same. I always want to rest. My business is bad. Good afternoon (turns out the lantern).

The light is on the Little Prince again. He gets up. Somewhere in the depths of the stage a small star lights up and goes out several times.
A little prince:
-Here is a man whom everyone would despise, and yet he alone, in my opinion, is not funny. Maybe because he thinks not only about himself. When he lights the lantern, it is as if another star or flower is born. And when he turns off the lantern, it’s as if a star or a flower is falling asleep. Great activity. It's truly useful because it's beautiful. I wish I could make friends with someone. But his planet is very tiny. There's no room for two.
(The little prince is thoughtful. He is alone on stage. A slide with Saint-Exupery on one screen, on the other - Consuelo.
The little prince leaves.
- Consuelo, understand, I’m forty-two. I've been through a bunch of accidents. Now I can’t even jump with a parachute. Two days out of three my liver hurts. Every other day seasickness... Monstrous difficulties with money. Sleepless nights spent on work and merciless anxiety, because of which it seems easier for me to move a mountain than to cope with this work. I'm so tired, so tired!
And yet I’m going, although I have so many reasons to stay, although I have a good dozen articles for dismissal from military service, especially since I have already been to war, and even in some troubles.
I'm going... It's my duty. I'm going to war. It is unbearable for me to remain on the sidelines when others are starving; I know only one way to be in harmony with my own conscience: this way is not to shy away from suffering, to seek suffering myself, and the more the better.
I will not be denied this: after all, I physically suffer from a two-kilogram burden and when I pick up a handkerchief from the floor... I do not go to war in order to die. I follow suffering in order to gain connection with my neighbors through suffering... I don’t want to be killed, but I will readily accept just such an end. Antoine. (Letter to Consuelo's wife, April 1943).
The light goes out. It is gradually getting brighter. On stage Mime (a person in trouble) Pantomime.

The person feels good. He enjoys life. But gradually something begins to limit his movements. More and more. Now the controls appear. Something dominant over him begins to control the person. Not only with limbs, but also with facial expressions. In horror, the man notices that his face is spreading into a stupid smile. He tries to drive her away, but cannot. At some moments, a natural feeling of horror flashes across his face, but it is erased again with a stupid smile. Then the smile gives way to a grimace of animal anger. Then a grimace of satiety and pleasure, then again a stupid smile. A grimace of concentrated attention, admiration and admiration, etc., but mostly expressions alternate - a stupid smile, animal anger. At this time, the person himself freezes in some position, then suddenly jumps, then begins to march, but the movements are mostly ridiculous. His hands, like those of a puppet, either throw up or hang limply. Everything is to the beat of the music. The music suddenly stops. The man freezes in an unnatural pose, his face is vaguely concentrated. There is readiness on the face, a little bewilderment. Change in color. Different music is playing. The Little Prince enters and approaches a man in trouble.
A little prince:
-Please…. Draw me a lamb.
(There is a barely noticeable reaction on the mime’s face, something relaxes).
A little prince:
-Draw me a lamb...
(Mime looks at the Little Prince in bewilderment, listens to the sound of his words, as if remembering something).
A little prince:
- It is very important that Rose and the lamb live together.
-But it’s very difficult. (Mime says all this with his face).
A little prince:
-Yes, of course (looks at the mime, he is still standing still)
-I'm thirsty... Let's go look for a well. (Mime throws up his hands sadly).
- What's the point of looking for wells in the endless desert?
A little prince:
- Salvation is to take the first step. One more step. It’s with him that everything starts anew. (takes the mime by the hand and they take the first step).
So you also know what thirst is?
A little prince:
- There are times when the heart needs water.
(A merchant of thirst pills enters and is about to say something, but the mime shows him with gestures: you don’t need to say anything and don’t need anything at all. The gesture is a plea: go away, don’t scare me away, don’t destroy it).
The Little Prince (he did not notice the pill merchant, even though he was standing in his sight):
-Do you know why the desert is good? Springs are hidden somewhere in it.
(music, light)
Voice: (slide by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
-I was amazed. Suddenly I understood why the sand glows so mysteriously.
- Whether it’s a house, the stars or the desert, the most beautiful thing about them is what you can’t see with your eyes.
The Little Prince (sad):
- You sound just like my friend Lis...
-People grow five thousand roses in one garden... and don’t find what they are looking for...
- They don’t find it.
A little prince
-But what they are looking for can be found in one single rose, in a sip of water.
(The Presenter enters, slide with a well)
-Water! You have neither taste nor smell, you cannot be described, you are enjoyed without understanding what you are. You are not just necessary for life, you are life. With you, bliss spreads throughout your entire being, which cannot be explained only by our five senses. You are returning to us the strength and properties on which we put a cross. By your mercy the dry springs of the heart are opened.
You are the greatest wealth in the world, but also the most fragile - you are so pure in the depths of the Earth. You can die near a source if it contains magnesium. You can die two steps away from a salt marsh lake. You do not tolerate impurities, you do not tolerate anything alien, you are a deity who is so easily frightened. But you give us infinitely simple happiness. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, “Planet of Humans”).
The Little Prince (thoughtfully):
-Yes Yes…. In one single rose, in a sip of water. But you have to search with your heart. The most important thing is what you cannot see with your eyes. (Pause).
- I'll return home today. (He starts to leave, the mime follows him.) It's in vain that you follow me. (He stops. The mime follows him. Although the environment offers him strong resistance.)
The end of the song of the poet bard S.M. Poroshin sounds:

It’s like you’re going into dampness and darkness,
As if further and further from home,
And in the very heart, in the far corner,
Seems to be crying a little boy.

Only perhaps, worst of all,
That there's not even any pain left.
I don't remember him well anymore
He won't come back, he won't come back.

-I won’t leave you, I won’t leave you, I won’t leave you... (like an echo).
A little prince:
-Each person has his own stars. For those who wander, they show the way. For scientists, they are like a problem that needs to be solved. For my businessman.
they are gold. But for all these people, the stars are silent, and you will have very special stars. You will look at the sky at night, and there will be such a star there, where I live, where I laugh, and you will hear that all the stars are laughing.
You know, it will be very nice. I will also start looking at the stars. And all the stars will be like old wells with a creaky gate, and everyone will give me a drink. Think how funny it is. You will have five hundred million bells, and I will have five hundred million springs. (Pause).
-You know... my Rose... I am responsible for her. And she's so weak! And so simple-minded. She only has four thorns; she has nothing else to protect herself from the world. OK it's all over Now…
(He takes a step, enters the beam of light and the Little Prince disappears. Mim rushes towards him, but only manages to touch the beam of light, which slowly melts. A star lights up somewhere high).
The presenter comes out. The stage is empty. On the screen - slides: photographs of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry different years V chronological sequence. The presenter goes to the microphone. It turns out business man, looks at the image of Saint-Exupery.
Business man:
- But from a decent family. I would write to myself if I am writing. I would go on these, what do they call them...creative business trips. Otherwise he pretends to be a saint. But if only it were like me. Everything is along this ridge. You can't fly here.
- Grayness always starts with envy and ends with denunciation. And today, as the presenter, I demand that you leave... At least from the stage. Take him out. (Music and light push the business man off the stage).
- Like this.
(The presenter looks at the image of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).
-He could have died in 23, when during a demonstration flight the car began to fall apart in the air. Antoine recalled (in the voice of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry): “I’m done, but don’t fall into the festive crowd.” He pulled the car to the spot. He regained consciousness in the hospital. “How strange, I’m dead, but I still feel as if I’m alive.”
In 27, in Cap Jubi, he could have died from the bullets of nomads.
He almost drowned in the 34th in a seaplane accident at Saint-Raphael.
In December 1935, he was dying of thirst in the Libyan desert.
In February 1938, death miraculously passed him by when he crashed in Guatemala and, finally, it overtook him at his post during a combat mission on July 31, 1944. How did this happen?
He may have been the victim of a malfunctioning oxygen device. One such case, a relatively mild one, happened to him on June fifteenth, a month before his death. Another, more dangerous one at high altitude on July 14th. Either there was an accident, as happened on June 6, when the engine caught fire..., or like on June 29, when a malfunction in the engine forced him to return at low speed and at low altitude over Italian territory.
Or, finally, he was being chased by enemy fighters, although this remained unclear. The P-38 Lightning reconnaissance aircraft did not have any weapons. Saint-Exupéry wrote: “Fighters are not shot down in battle. They just kill."
From the memoirs of Jean Polissier: “...I must not forget that morning of July 25, 1944, when he left my house, getting ready for his last fateful flight... He squeezed my hands... He was sad then, it amazed us all. And so tall - he stooped a little, as if the sorrow and suffering of all people lay on his broad shoulders.”
- When you give up, and you seem stupid to yourself, and hope begins to disappear, you remember that somewhere on a planet so tiny that there is no room even for two, a lamplighter, observing the agreement, when night falls, lights a lantern - a small star in endless darkness. The darkness becomes even blacker. But he is not funny, for he says: “This is light, this is meaning, this is life!”
The little prince did not disappear. There is a piece of him in each of us. Keep this piece inside you. When you're cold, warm yourself up next to him. This fabulous boy, who had no place on our Earth with its adult, business thinking.

The inscription lights up: “I am tormented by the care of the gardener.... In each of these people, perhaps, Mozart has been killed.”
The slide is one of the last photographs of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Somewhere in the depths of the stage, like a beacon, a star lights up and goes out. Color music.

Olga Merenkova
Scenario for the event “The Little Prince and His Friends”

Scenario for the event “The Little Prince and His Friends”


Goals: broadening the horizons of preschoolers, forming ideas about environmental balance; learn to draw conclusions based on your own observations; develop communication skills, teach how to take care of the riches of nature, awaken children’s interest in the fate of our Earth, arouse a sense of concern about man’s relationship to nature, how native land, and the Earth as a whole.

Equipment and materials: costumes for: little Prince, Baba Yaga, 2 gnomes, Traffic Light, Forest Fairy, Chamomile, Grass Witch, Basilio the Cat, Hare, Bear; slingshot, lighter, artificial Christmas trees for the forest, mittens, bucket, hatchet.


Forest Fairy: The Little Prince

Boy Girl

Forest gnome 1 Forest gnome 2

Traffic light Hooligan 1

Hooligan 2 Basilio

Hare Bear

Herbal Witch

Progress of the event

Ved. There are miracles in this world

The dawn blooms like a poppy in the distance and beckons. Today is a Holiday on our blue planet.

Love the native land of your childhood

With ardent love, without boundaries

And know that at the call of your heart, the little prince came to you. Let me introduce him to you. Blue eyes, slightly turned up nose With a sword, with a light yellow scarf

With a shock of sunny hair.

The prince appears: - I left my asteroid,

To help you in a good deed, after all, for great goal costs

We have to work day and night,

So that the sun shines brightly

And our day did not fade in darkness. We will have to do a lot

In the name of life on Earth.

It's all about us, kids. We can do miracles: Save animals, clean up rivers, Create gardens, grow forests!

Andrey: - Hello! I think I recognize you! You're the Little One

a prince who has flown around many planets. Will you live on Earth?

Small prince: - No, everyone should live on the planet on which they were born, which they love. But I came to visit you, and I would like to know more about your planet.

Julia: - We are very happy to have guests. Well, then let's go!

1 action.

Andrey: - And here is the river. Shall we take a swim? Or maybe we'll catch some fish? / casts a fishing rod for the first time - pulls out an old shoe, the second time - a torn umbrella, the third time - Baba Yaga. /

Baba Yaga: - The river was clean, it was even called Transparent, but it became

dirty - Multi-colored. It was high in water, but now low in water: the plant drinks too much water, and then releases the dirty water back into the river. Everyone is angry: no washing, no washing, no quenching your thirst, no catching fish!

Julia: /hiding behind Andrey/ - Grandma, who are you?

Baba Yaga: - Disgrace! Haven't you read fairy tales, girl? I am Baba Yaga.

And now, because of the people who ruined the river, I am the Multicolored Baba Yaga. I washed my dress in this water, see who I looked like. There are also rivers that are blocked by dam walls. One hydroelectric dam on the river - no matter what. But when there are several of them, this is a disaster. In captivity, the river is slowly dying. Her living water gradually becomes “dead” - no water, no bath. My friend Vodyanoy escaped from one of these. Eh, you people, stumps!

Andrey: - But not all people have a bad attitude towards nature! Of course, we must take care of rivers: water is the beauty of all nature. So the poet Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky wrote:

Landscapes appeared

Trees and birds

And even mammoths.

Then the hippos

Elephants, crocodiles,

And our distant ancestors are Gorillas.

And if we appeared on Earth,

They would contact us immediately.

They would tell us:

Protect the environment!

Especially the greens

Especially water!

Baba Yaga: - Easy! And you, I see, are wow people! Let's come and visit me, in the hut on chicken legs. The forest is my home.

What are forests?

What are forests?

This is our land

Age-old beauty

They contain not only crossbills,

And not only mushrooms, -

Our dreams are in them,

And a piece of fate.

Many songs have been sung

About the beauty of the forest,

The forest teaches trust

And also kindness.

Always gives us something

You can't help but love the forest.

Julia: I'm afraid, Andryusha. What if she eats us?

Andryusha: It can’t be. I think that the modern Baba Yaga is a vegetarian. Right, grandma?

Baba Yaga: The boy is smart. Let's go, let's go, I won't hurt you!

Two gnomes come out.

1st forest gnome: Shh! Do you hear? /listens/ Someone is walking through the forest


2nd forest gnome: /crouches to the “ground” and listens, speaks in a whisper/

It’s not just one person walking along a forest path,” but a whole group of people!

2nd: /grabs his head/ It seems these are children! Quicker!

Quickly inform the forest dwellers!

1st: Declare the alarm! Quicker! Quicker! We run forward along the path. /They rush to run and run into an environmental traffic light/.

Traffic light: Stop! You'll scare me away! You'll scare away the whole forest! What's happened? Dwarves: /interrupting each other/:

This way along the path. a group of children is moving

They make noise and litter

Last time, the same group of children lit a huge fire and the entire clearing burned out.

One day they trampled the entire anthill.

Traffic light: Calm down! No need to sound the alarm! These children want to make friends with the forest! I, an environmental traffic light, will help the children learn to follow environmental rules and travel through the forest in such a way as to

so as not to harm animals, plants, or ourselves. So, forest gnomes, welcome your guests!

/The children and the Little Prince come out/

Dwarves: We are always glad to have friends!

We invite you to visit us.

Anyone who wants to know for sure

How to protect nature

How to behave in the forest

So as not to cause harm to yourself,

Not a tree, not a flower,

Neither frogs nor foxes,

Neither grasshoppers nor birds.

After all, at any time of the year

Nature's defenders are waiting!

/The song “From a Smile” plays/

Traffic light: Who still doesn’t know:

I am a green traffic light.

I do my duty

In this fabulous forest!

Everyone, I'll turn on the green light,

Who will give the correct answer!

Dwarves: Dear traffic light! Please show me how you work! Traffic light: Every signal I make on a forest path means almost the same as on the roadway:

Red light is harmful to nature!

Yellow - be careful!

The light is green - how beautiful! - The forest will say to you: “Thank you!”

ABOUT! Where are you going? /addresses 2 boys who appeared from nowhere and are heading past him/.

Boys: Where - where. To the forest, of course!

Traffic light: Are these your friends? /Addresses the Little Prince and children/

Children: No.

Traffic light: Well, I see that the guests are very strange /saying these words, he takes a slingshot from one boy’s pocket and shows it to the guys/.

Dwarfs: Well, well, show us what you came with, and the guys will turn on the traffic light at each of yours, what you can and cannot go into the forest with.

/The boys untie the backpack and take out objects from there, accompanying them with comments. /

1. Lighter.

Boys: We wanted to make a fire.

Traffic light: Why?

Boys: Well. so simple. Maybe bake some potatoes.

Dwarves: So, shall we let this thing into the forest?

What signal? Why? /children's answers/

2. Work gloves.

Boys: we were going to mess it up spruce branches to build a hut and collect garbage in the clearing where we will stop.

Traffic light: What signal? /yellow/ Why? /children's answers/

3. Small plastic bucket.

Boys: Last time we planted several rosehip bushes along the edge of the ravine, and today we wanted to water them.

Traffic light: Which light is on? /green/ Why? /children's answers/

Well done! Just remember these signals and never forget? Little Prince: I am friends with nature, - At dawn, you understand,

Life is more interesting this way! Only owls sleep - sleepyheads,

I treasure every bee, feed the red squirrels

Every bird song. From the palm of a pine tree.

And to love nature - Don’t destroy bird’s nests -

Nothing is simpler, Respect freedom.

You just need to wander around Like a master, protect

Early morning in the grove. Nature on Earth!

Forest Fairy: Hello, kids, girls and boys. Hello, Little Prince. I am the Forest Fairy. I came to tell you that our little brothers need protection and protection. Animals, plants, rivers, lakes, and seas need to be protected and preserved. Everything that nature has created needs our protection.

But I didn’t come alone, my forest friends were with me.

Chamomile: Many useful herbs

On the soil of my native country

Can cope with illness

Mint, tansy, St. John's wort.

Herbal Witch: I want it for you, my friend.

Add more flowers to the bouquet.

/holds out poisonous flowers/

Chamomile: Oh, that witch! Either he will slip a poisonous root, or inedible grass. So he strives to do something nasty.

Herbal Witch: I've come to my senses, guys!

Let's go to the forest together,

Let's collect sage and mint,

We'll pick tender lilies of the valley,

At home we will put them in water.

Chamomile: We know these plants,

We protect and protect!

From such dashing ones as this one,

Bouquet Gatherers

In the Red Book they

They've been listed for a long time.

/Basilio the cat appears/

Basilio: The birds have a Christmas tree. The guys have a Christmas tree. And I want to have a Christmas tree too.

I’ll take a hatchet and go into the forest to chop down a tree.

/goes and sentences/

I will cut down the green one with an axe.

From the forest I will take the fragrant scent into my house.

/Approaches the tree and swings an ax; a Hare comes out from under the tree/

Hare: Why are you, cat?

Came into the forest with an axe?

The ax and I are not expecting guests.

After all, these Christmas trees are

Basilio: I won’t quarrel with you, Hare. I'll go further. That Christmas tree is even better, I’ll cut it down.

/Basilio was just swinging his ax when the children and Mal appeared.

Prince/Julia: What are you doing here, Basilio?

Why do you have a hatchet?

Don’t even think about cutting down Christmas trees.

Without them, the animals will have nowhere to live.

Come on, give me the ax here,

Otherwise, we’ll wake up Toptygin,

So that he can talk to you

And he explained it well.

Bear: And I woke up anyway

Guys, what's that noise?

Andrey: How can we not make noise, Mikhail?

When some bully

I intend to chop down a Christmas tree

In the green forest, ours.

Bear: What are you thinking, prodigal Cat?

Why did you come to our house?

Come on, get out of here with an axe!

Basilio: And I want a Christmas tree like the guys’, and even more beautiful.

Julia: Don’t you know that we have been making beautiful New Year’s bouquets for the holiday for a long time. There’s even a competition: “Instead of a Christmas tree, a New Year’s bouquet?”

Little Prince: I also want to learn how to make New Year’s bouquets. Children: We invite everyone who wants to learn to visit us next year.

The Little Prince: May it be a glorious day in February

And eternal in future years

And let the air in the cities shine more transparent than watercolors!

Andrey: It’s all about the Person!

He can do miracles

Save the animals, clean the rivers,

Create gardens, grow forests!

Little Prince: I'm glad that we are together on this Day.

You are patriots, God knows!

Saving the planet is a matter of honor,

And your highest civic duty!

/Everyone sings in chorus/

There are many barriers in life

On an unknown path.

There are hundreds of thousands of poachers - They cannot escape retribution!

To see the sky with bright stars,

As a gift for future years, we need clean air back

I am for big small cities!

There are a lot of questions in the world,

And we could solve them,

Whenever there was a day on the planet,

And the National Year of the Earth!

Let miracles happen all year round,

And even better - every year!

And then the world will be reborn,

And everyone will find happiness!

Annex 1

Script for the play “The Little Prince”


    Presenters - 2 readers; recitative with guitar – 1 (2) performer

    Girl in a pink dress

  1. Ambitious

  2. Business man

    Reader of the poem “Rains” (on the edge of the stage)


    1st geographer

    2nd geographer

    Snake (dance)

    Roses (2-3 people) (dance)

    Performer(s) of the song “Conversation”

    Performer of the song “The Hour Has Come, It’s Time to Go”

    Performer of the song “A Star Fell on My Palm”

    Performer of the song “Little Country”

Explanatory note

The stage is decorated in yellowish tones. On the left side of the stage there is a raised platform (chairs covered with curtains), on the right there is a lamppost (coat hanger). A red paper lantern made by children’s hands will then hang on it. Behind the background are stars and planets. On a portable board - 2 Whatman paper, a marker prepared. Quotes are written out in advance on separate strips of paper:

“Everyone must be asked what he can give”

“Authority must first of all be reasonable”

“You are forever responsible for those you tamed”

“Lamps must be taken care of: a gust of wind can extinguish them”

They can be attached to the background as the play progresses (students are specifically assigned). Costumes are designed by children and parents themselves. It is necessary to involve as many students as possible. This will increase their interest in the performance and the subject in general.


Introduction to the performance

Option 1 (for Teacher's Day)

1st presenter: “Childhood is a huge land from which everyone comes,” wrote Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

2nd presenter: On a day like this, it is customary to give gifts. And we, who also once came from childhood, present with all our hearts, our dear mentors, the play “The Little Prince”, staged based on the fairy tale story of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Looking at the environment through the eyes of a child, trying to understand his world, his soul, helping him not to die is what Antoine, the French pilot who died heroically in an air battle with the Nazis in 1944, calls for.

1st presenter: The greatness of the teaching profession is that it unites souls. There are too many people in the world who have not been helped to awaken.

Look through the eyes of a mother or father at your students: they need your friendship, your love and participation. “The only true luxury is the luxury of human communication,” said Exupery. - “Remember, you are always responsible for those you have tamed.”

Option 2 (for children's audience)

1st presenter: Hello, dear guys! Today we will show you the play “The Little Prince”, based on the fairy tale story of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, an excellent French writer and pilot who died heroically in an air battle with the Nazis in 1944.

2nd presenter: In this fairy tale, Antoine talks about the Little Prince, who looks at the world through a child's eyes. He is inquisitive, tireless and very kind. A very capricious rose grows on his planet. He wants to punish her for this and... goes on a journey.

By the end of the fairy tale, the prince understood what love, loyalty, and friendship are. And although he was very sorry to part with his friends: the Author and the Fox, he cannot remain in the world of businessmen, ambitious and drunkards, in the world of people who do not understand him.

2nd presenter: He felt that he simply needed to return home, to Rose, who could die without him. After all, he is responsible for her.

Author: I am the author of the fairy tale “The Little Prince” and I want you to tell me what it is. Hat? And you didn’t understand me... This is a boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant. That's why I had to give up my career as an artist as a child and become a pilot.

So I lived alone for a long time. But one day I had to make an emergency landing in the Sahara. Something broke in the engine of my plane. There was no one to help me, so I decided to fix everything myself. Tired, I fell asleep. At dawn I was awakened by a thin voice.

PRINCE: Please draw me a lamb.

PRINCE: Draw me a lamb.

PRINCE: This is what I need. Where did you come from?

PRINCE: From the sky? And from what planet?

PRINCE: I have very little space there.

PRINCE: Do lambs eat bushes?

PRINCE: That’s good, that means they eat baobabs too. I have baobab trees, and I'm afraid they will destroy the planet, they will tear it to shreds. There is such a firm rule. Get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order.

PRINCE: I really love sunsets. You know, when it gets really sad, it’s good to watch the sun go down. Does your lamb eat flowers?

PRINCE: And the thorns don’t help them? Why, why do lambs and flowers fight each other? Why this war? Isn't this a serious matter, understand? What if I know the only flower in the world, it grows only on my planet, and a lamb suddenly takes it and eats it? It’s the same as if all the stars nearby went out...

Dancing girl in a pink dress.

PRINCE: My flower. He was wonderful. He filled my entire planet with fragrance, but I did not know how to rejoice at him. Sometimes I even got angry with the rose, she was sometimes capricious. And I left her there alone. I didn’t understand anything then! It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave me her scent and illuminated my life. I had to guess tenderness, I didn’t know how to love yet.

Prince's music (as a refrain)

King: And here comes the subject! Come, I want to look at you. ( The prince yawned from fatigue and looked around for somewhere to sit.). Etiquette does not allow yawning in the presence of the monarch. I forbid you to yawn.

PRINCE: I accidentally. I was on the road for a long time and did not sleep at all.

King: Then I command: yawn! This is my order.

PRINCE: But I'm timid, I can't do it anymore. Can I sit down?

King: I command you, sit down!

PRINCE: Where is your kingdom?

King: Everywhere ( spread his hand).

PRINCE: Do the stars obey you?

King: Well, of course. I don't tolerate disobedience.

PRINCE: Then order it to be sunset now.

King: Everyone must be asked what he can give. Power must first of all be reasonable. If you command your people to throw themselves into the sea, they will start a revolution. I have the right to demand obedience because my commands are reasonable. And you will see the sunset when it is sunset time.

PRINCE: You are strange people, adults.

Ambitious: Oh, here comes the admirer!

PRINCE: Hello! What a funny hat you have.

Ambitious: This is to bow. Clap your hands. ( The prince clapped, the ambitious man bowed). To honor means to recognize that on this planet I am the most beautiful, the best dressed, the richest, and the smartest. I'm smarter than everyone else.

PRINCE: Really, adults are very strange people.

Sad, tragic music

PRINCE: What are you doing?

Drunkard: Drink.

PRINCE: For what?

Drunkard: To forget.

PRINCE: Forget what?

Drunkard: Forget that I am ashamed. It's shameful to drink.

PRINCE: Yes, strange people, these adults.

Business man: One, two, three... Five hundred million. Why are you here, don't bother me.

PRINCE: What five hundred million?

Business man: Stars. I count them. I love precision. I own these stars.

PRINCE: Why do you want to own them?

Business man: To be rich.

PRINCE: How can you own the stars?

Business man: Whose stars are they?

PRINCE: Draws.

Business man: So, mine, because I was the first to think of it.

PRINCE: Funny. These adults are strange. Nobody understands me, and I can't understand them.

Poem "Rains"

V. Egorov

I love you, my rains,

My heavy, autumn ones,

A little funny, a little distracted

I love you, my rains.

And the leaves flock to the trunks,

And the sidewalks are like a mirror -

And I'm floating on mirrors

In which there is no one to be reflected.

Where, like stooped walruses,

Cars snort with their engines

And the monotonous rails wind,

Like silver snakes.

Where are the ragamuffin lanterns

They wander in a dirty line,

And autumn fiery wig

Ripped off by rain paws.

Thank you, my rains,

Thank you, my autumn ones,

For everything that you have sown in me.

Thank you, my rains.

Dance of the lamplighter.

PRINCE: Maybe this man is ridiculous. But he is better than an ambitious man, a businessman and a drunkard. At least his work has meaning. When he lights his lantern, it’s as if another star or flower is born. Great activity. It's truly useful because it's beautiful. ( Addressing the lamplighter) Why do you turn off and turn on the lantern?

Lamplighter: Such an agreement.

PRINCE: Which?

Lamplighter: Once upon a time it made sense. I lit the lantern in the morning and turned it off in the evening. But the planet is spinning faster and faster. The day lasts only a minute.

PRINCE: You are so true to your word! I would like to be friends with you, but your planet is so small, and you are so busy!

1st geographer: I am describing mountains and seas, but I have never seen them myself, and I am very glad to see you. I will write down everything you tell me. And if I don’t write it down, then all this will die, disappear, and no one will know about it.

PRINCE: And my flower should disappear soon?

2nd geographer: Yes of course.

PRINCE: You know everything! Which planet would you recommend me to visit?

2nd geographer: Visit planet Earth.

Prince's music.

Author: So the seventh planet he visited was Earth. The Earth is not a very simple planet. There are kings, geographers, drunkards, and ambitious people on it. There are a lot of different kinds of people. But when the prince got to Earth, he did not see a soul, except perhaps a snake in the desert.

Snake dance.

PRINCE: I would like to know why the stars glow. Look, here is my planet - just above us.

Snake: Beautiful planet. But she is far away, and I am here, and very powerful. Anyone I touch, I return to the earth from which he came.

I feel sorry for you. You are so weak on this planet. On this day, when you want to return to your place, I will help you.

PRINCE: What a strange planet. Dry, salty. And how lonely it is here in this world of people. But what is it?

Dance of the roses.

PRINCE: Good afternoon!

Roses: Good afternoon.

PRINCE: Who you are? You look so much like my flower!

Roses: We are roses!

PRINCE: Roses? Oh, I'm so miserable. My rose told me that there is nothing like it in the entire Universe. And there are so many roses in front of me. So she is as ordinary as they are. What kind of prince am I after this?

Fox: Hello!

PRINCE: Hello. ( But I didn't see anyone).

Fox: I'm here.

PRINCE: Who are you? How beautiful you are!

Fox: I'm a fox.

PRINCE: Play with me.

Fox: I can't play with you. I'm not tamed. What are you doing here?

PRINCE: I am looking for friends. How is it to tame?

Fox: It means being needed for each other. You will be the only one for me in the whole world. And I will be the only one for you.

PRINCE: How is my rose? I'm starting to understand something.

Fox: My life is a bit boring. I hunt chickens, and people follow me. But if you tame me, my life will definitely be illuminated by the sun. I will begin to distinguish your steps among thousands of others. They will be music to me. There is a wheat field, and on it are golden ears. Golden wheat will remind me of you. Tame me please!

PRINCE: I would be glad, but I don’t have time, and I need to find people, learn different things.

Fox: You can only learn those things that you tame. People no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made and in stores. But there are no such shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends. I can become your friend.

PRINCE: What should be done for this?

Fox: We must be patient. You come at the appointed time, by this time I will begin to worry and worry. I will find out the price of happiness.

Fox: I will cry for you. And remember, looking at these golden ears. Go and look at the roses again. You will understand that your rose is the only one in the world. And when you return to say goodbye to me, I will tell you one secret. This will be my gift to you. ( The prince looks at the roses).

PRINCE: Yes, they are beautiful, but they are not at all like my rose. Nobody tamed them. After all, it was I who watered it every day and protected it from drafts. And these are strangers to me. (He returns to the fox) Goodbye!

Fox: Goodbye! Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes. Your rose is so dear to you because you gave her all your days, like a mother gives herself to a child, and this makes him dearer to her than anyone else in the world. You are forever responsible for those you have tamed.

PRINCE: Yes, yes, we are all responsible for those we have tamed.

Song "Conversation"

Poems by M. Cherkasova

Music by A. Dulov

And about nothing, and about nothing

Our conversation, our conversation.

Noticeable to you and me alone,

We knit a wonderful pattern

From light words - simple and bright.

You give to me, you give to me

A crowd of birches, a crowd of birches.

And like a wizard, without deception

You are a rainbow transparent bridge

You take it out of my pocket.

And silver... And the silver river -

There is a river around -

Lays down in a smooth outline.

You weave clouds into the strings

And the waves of a gentle river.

Your warmth, your warmth,

Your shoulder, your shoulder

And sweet songs of sadness and tenderness,

And our conversation is about nothing,

PRINCE: I'm thirsty too. But I haven’t found water anywhere here, and I’m tired, let’s rest after such a long journey. Look, the stars are very beautiful, because somewhere there is a flower, although you can’t see it. And the desert is beautiful. Do you know why the desert is good? Springs are hidden somewhere in it...

PRINCE: I'm very glad that you agree with my friend Fox. ( fell asleep).

The most touching thing about the Little Prince is his loyalty to the flower, the image of the rose that shines in him like the flame of a lamp, even when he is sleeping... Lamps must be taken care of: a gust of wind can extinguish them...

And then we found a well, and there was water in it. That water was like a gift to the heart, because we had been looking for it for a long time.

Song "The hour has come, it's time to go"

The hour has come, it's time to go,

But we need a first step.

All paths will diverge

And the clock is fast.

The music of your steps

I remember it by heart.

This song is for two

Forgive her for being sad.

In the quiet music of steps

The last beat sounds.

I'm ready for this too

Well, that's all, shut up.

You are above the world of gray roofs,

The sun is half a candle,

You always burn for me,

That's all, shut up.

Say goodbye

I receive the rays of my hands.

I feel warm in your shadow

Well, that's all, shut up.

PRINCE: You know, tomorrow it will be a year since I came to you on Earth.

PRINCE (snake): You will find my footprints in the sand. And then wait. I'll come tonight. Do you have good poison? Won't you make me suffer for a long time?

Snake: No, I have good poison.

PRINCE: I will return home today. I will have your lamb.

PRINCE: When you gave me something to drink, that water was like music. My star is very small. And you will love to look at the stars, they will all become your friends.

PRINCE: My laughter is a gift to you. You will look at the sky, my star will be there, on which I laugh, and you will hear that all the stars are laughing, and you will be happy.

Song "Wishes Fulfilled"

A. Dolsky

A star fell on my palm.

I asked her: “Where are you from?”

Give me a little break.

Just like a bell rang:

Don't worry that I'm small

I can do a lot of things.

You just need to remember

What is most important to you in the world?

I can make your wish come true

I do this all the time.

I know what I need

I don't need to remember for long

I want to love and be loved,

I want my mother not to get sick.

So that on our woeful planet

If only the stars would fall from the sky.

If only everyone were trusting, like children,

And they loved rain, flowers and forest.

So that the grass can be mowed with a scythe, as of old.

Every day we flew to the moon.

To carry women in their arms.

There would be no disease or war.

A star fell on my palm.

And you look at the sky. And ask yourself: “Is that rose alive or is it no longer alive? What if the lamb ate it? And the laughing stars will ring like bells!

Song "Small Country"

Sl. I. Reznik

Music I. Nikolaeva

There are behind the mountains, behind the forests

Little country,

There are animals with kind eyes,

Life there is full of love.

There is a miracle lake sparkling,

There is no evil and grief there -

There's a firebird living in the yard

And gives people light.

Who will tell me, who will tell me,

Where is she, where is she?

Small country, small country

Where the soul is light and clear,

Where it's always spring.

I only dream about this country

But a bright moment will come,

And on a winged chariot

I'll take the flight.

I'm destined for a meeting hour

In my starry country,

There's a beautiful boy waiting for me there

On a golden horse.

There are behind the mountains, behind the forests

Little country,

There are animals with kind eyes,

Life there is full of love.

The autumn rain is pouring outside the window,


SCENARIO TO PERFORMANCE « Scarlet Sails"Scene 1 (In front of the curtain... you. (Assol - a girl in her dreams sings " Small country.") Scene 2 (Market, traders are laying out items... the ship will move towards her. Brave and handsome prince will take her to a brilliant land. But...

  • Short film program from the ecocup festival 12.00 13.00 Small stage, Cinema


    The children and the screenwriter will come up with scenario of their film, they will make props from... bubbles. Project “Read_Clearly!” Interactive literary play « SMALL PRINCE AND OTHERS". 16.00. Big stage...

  • Scenario in the life of an adult


    A tomb, a castle, one of princes or a hedge. Imagining yourself as a hedge... -what else? What's the name of this one? playplay about your own life? And... in the very early stages of formation script small the child "...already has certain...

  • Do you want to arrange an incredible Holiday for your child, interesting and at the same time educational? Then throw him a “Little Prince” themed party and go to an amusing trip with him!

    You can also give your child a Little Prince-themed day off or organize one on any day! Travel as a couple, with the whole family or with your little one's friends! It will be interesting and educational for everyone!

    You can also give your child a trip to the Fairy Tale “The Little Prince” with an organ, oboe and sand animation.


    If you have read the book “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, you already know that the story is filled with deep thoughts and important values. She teaches us to love, care, appreciate life and everything we have, and also see the most important thing in everything.

    The fairy tale is useful for reading not only for children, but also for adults who have completely forgotten that they “were children at first, only few of them remember this.”

    And if you haven’t read or watched the cartoon “The Little Prince,” before the holiday, you can watch the wonderful cartoon “The Little Prince” 2015 with your whole family. You won’t regret it!

    Forward, towards the stars!

    To begin with, to go to interesting adventure on other planets, each participant in the holiday needs to make an airplane out of paper. You've probably already made paper airplanes as a child, so it won't be difficult for you to make one and help children make airplanes.

    When all the airplanes are ready to fly, warn the children that you will now take the airplanes on an interesting journey to other planets! To do this, ask the children to close their eyes. At this time, turn off the lights and turn on the star projector.

    When children open their eyes, they find themselves in a real galaxy! Everyone launches their airplanes and ends up on the planet of the little prince - asteroid B-612.

    Read an excerpt from the book:

    “I would like to know why the stars shine,” said the little prince thoughtfully. “Probably so that sooner or later everyone can find theirs again.” Look, here is my planet - just right above us..."

    For this task, you will need a star projector or glowing stars, which you need to stick to the ceiling in advance, and also print out photos of the planets in advance and stick them to the wall at a distance from each other.

    Planet of the Little Prince

    On the planet of the Little Prince, there is only one rose, which the Little Prince takes care of. Invite the children to plant another rose.

    You need to explain step by step what needs to be done to plant a rose, and also ask leading questions so that the children themselves think, for example: “So, we planted the seeds in the ground, and now what do we need to do, what do you think?” and so on.

    Accordingly, the scheme is as follows: you need to make a small depression with a spatula, plant a seed there, then lightly bury it and water it.

    When done, read to the children short excerpt:

    “On your planet,” said the Little Prince, “people grow five thousand roses in one garden... and do not find what they are looking for... But what they are looking for can be found in one single rose...”

    You ask the kids: what can be found in a single rose? And, if they find it difficult to answer, you prompt: "Love". And you explain to them: when you look after and take care of something or someone every day, like we took care of a rose today, you water it every day, put your whole soul into it, and it becomes truly dear to you, this is love!

    To complete this task you will need a container for flowers, soil, seeds, a spatula and water for irrigation. If you suddenly don’t want to bother with planting, you can just make a rose out of corrugated paper all together.

    Journey to Planet No. 6

    Let the children know it's time to hit the road again. This time, when the children launch the airplanes, they will find themselves on planet No. 6. An old geographer lives here, who himself never travels.

    Read an excerpt from the book to the children:

    “Your planet is very beautiful,” said the Little Prince. - Do you have oceans? “I don’t know that,” said the geographer. “Oh-oh-oh...” the Little Prince said in disappointment.-Are there mountains? “I don’t know,” said the geographer. - What about cities, rivers, deserts? - I don’t know that either. - But you are a geographer! “That’s it,” said the old man. - I am a geographer, not a traveler. I miss travelers terribly. After all, it is not geographers who count cities, rivers, mountains, seas, oceans and deserts. The geographer is too important a person; he has no time to walk around. He doesn't leave his office."

    Explain to the children that a geographer should not be such a “know-nothing”; that’s why he is a geographer, to know everything about his planet.

    Invite the children to tell the geographer whether there are oceans, cities, rivers, or deserts on earth? Now ask the children how many oceans, cities, rivers, deserts they think there are on earth? After listening to them, tell them the correct answers. To make it more convincing, you can show some objects on the map.

    Answers: 1) 4 oceans on earth: Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Pacific. 2) About 2667417 cities in the world, i.e. more than 2.5 million cities. 3) Nobody knows how many rivers there are on earth. 4) There are 25 huge deserts on earth.

    Meeting with the pilot on Earth

    When the kids launch their airplanes, they land back on Earth. There they, together with the Little Prince, meet the pilot. The pilot drew unusual drawings.

    Ask the children to guess what is in the pictures using their imagination. Show the top picture first, and if the children have difficulty answering, show the bottom one.


    Read the quote from the book:

    “Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes.”

    Answers: 1) A boa constrictor that swallowed an elephant. Along the way, you can tell the children that a boa constrictor is able to swallow food much more than he can; 2) Lambs. There is also a lamb in the box, but the one each of the children wants: big, small, multi-colored, in general, whatever you want!

    For this assignment, you will need to print these drawings in advance.

    Gift for the Little Prince

    Read an excerpt from the book The Little Prince:

    “When you tell adults: “I saw beautiful house made of pink brick, with geraniums in the windows and pigeons on the roof,” they just can’t imagine this house. You need to tell them: “I saw a house for a hundred thousand francs,” and then they exclaim: “what a beauty!”

    Ask the children if they can imagine such a house. And offer to draw as a keepsake for the Little Prince beautiful house made of pink brick, with flowers in the windows and doves.

    For the task you need A4 sheets and multi-colored pencils.

    Very special stars

    It's time for the little prince to return home...

    Read the Little Prince quote:

    « At night,when you look at the sky, you will see my star, the one on which I live, on which I laugh. And you will hear that all the stars are laughing. You will have stars who know how to laugh!... For all these people, the stars are mute. And you will have very special stars..."

    The star projector turns on again.

    The little prince flies away to his planet.

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