Scenario for holding the regional graduates’ holiday “Parade of Stars. All over Russia, high school students are saying goodbye to school - exams, prom and adult life lie ahead.


« On the air "School News"

Footage "The beginning of graduation."

Presenter 1 Good evening.

Presenter 2

We are pleased to welcome dear teachers and parents of graduates, distinguished guests and simply heartfelt friends to the festive hall.

Good evening to you! Good graduation evening!

Slide “School news”

Presenter 1

On air "School News"

Presenter 2.

Time is rushing by at full speed,

He is calling us to follow him!

Year after year flew by

Many days already, and now...

Everything is ready, everything is ready:

Flowers, smiles and words.

So, meet me in this hall

The heroes of the great celebration!

We greet the graduates of 2010 and class teacher N.A. Perova with friendly applause.

Graduates rise to the stage to the music of the School Waltz

Celebration is best time per year.

Everyone is smart, kind and attentive

We wish everyone that the sky has a big star,

You're definitely on fire today.

Let starry fate without delay

Will write a new chapter in life!

Dreams, love, success and inspiration,

May it give you a holiday in reality!

Graduates descend into the hall to the “School Waltz”

Dear graduates!

Now that your year of study is over...

And the first take-off, and the first fall...

And this evening we wanted

Do you remember every moment...

While you are together, in class, still close...

So, our program opens with a report from the hall of the House of Culture, where the ceremony of presenting certificates of completion of a basic secondary school is taking place. And the honorary right to open the ceremony is given to the school director V.I. Zolotukhin .(comes out to music) The director addresses them with words of greeting and wishes of good luck.

The solemn moment is coming...

Graduates receive a certificate of completion of school.

Presentation “Presentation of certificates”

( Graduates receive certificates and remain on stage) + certificates from the school + certificates from the recreation center and library.

Ved. So, the report from the certificate presentation ceremony has been completed and now we are passing the microphones to the heroes of today’s celebration to find out how they feel now.

(Word to graduates) poems for teachers + song to the tune of “Just Give”

It's hard to talk about how we feel when we say goodbye to school. I would like to find kind words for everyone.

I'll never be a schoolgirl again.

Don't rush to class.

A mischievous and sad bell

My last bell rang.

It rang, but there was confusion in my soul,

The girls are in tears. Why?

How we have been waiting for this moment,

How many years have we been preparing for it?

Close and a little far,

School - our second home -

Like a bright and strict memory

We will take it with us in our hearts.

Nine years...since these first-graders

We grew and gained strength.

And so many years older today

Those who taught us good became.

The strands are dusted with gray hair,

A new wrinkle has appeared...

Smart, beautiful, good,

My strict teachers!

I give you all the spring flowers

All the love that is in my heart.

In life until the last moment

I owe you an unpaid debt.

We continue our program. We bring to your attention the announcement of the final episode of the TV series “My Fair Nanny”. The first teacher of our graduates is invited to the stage, brilliantly performing throughout three years its important role. We meet Suyunchalieva B.K.

Slide “photo of 1st grade with S.B.K” + fanfare for exit

Poem for the first teacher.

Do you recognize us? Look...

Your first graders are standing here!

We wore big backpacks,

Rulers, pens, and notebooks

We remember you with love,

So dear, so familiar.

How did you treat us like a mother?

And we were at home with you.

Thank you, bow to the ground

Please accept from all graduates

We will remember you like this

And we can’t change our memory,

Graduates are now before you

They want to bend their knees

Give flowers

Ved. The word for congratulations is given to S.B.K

Who led you into the depth and breadth of knowledge,

Who opened it before you,

How difficult it is to say to them: “Goodbye”...

It’s not so easy... But this moment has come!

We meet the class teacher of 9th grade Perova N.A.

Congratulations for children.

Word to the graduates (Vic's verse)

Everything was there: roads and hardships,

And the light of the sun, and the light of your beloved eyes...

I look back on the past years

I remember you with warmth and feeling...

I took your example and came to you for advice.

The reward was the look of your living eyes,

You gave me so much warmth and light,

That's enough to warm ten people.

You give everything to a great job,

You awaken a dream in children's souls.

Thank you for living.

Here's to the beauty of your deeds and thoughts!

We will never forget you

We will love and remember all our lives.

Our second mother is you!

Our entire class is grateful to you.

Graduates sing for you,

who did not carry diaries every day.

And sometimes everyone ran away from class...

But believe me, everyone respected you!

(song to the tune of “Birthday”)

Ved. On the eve of the graduation party, a special correspondent visited the teachers' room at our school and found out the teachers' opinions about today's graduates. So, pay attention to the screen.


So, this was our special correspondent who visited a secret place for our students - the school teachers' room.

And our broadcast will continue with a report on the topic “School everyday life”


They bring in the current model of the poor student (he).
Model of a poor student from the end of the 20th century, made in full size. Outwardly, she is no different from a good student, but internally...
(Point to head)
- What do you think this is?
All: head.
He: - What do you know about the head?
One student (raises his hand). One head it's good, but two better.
Loser: - Ha-ha-ha! One of mine is enough for you to make everyone’s head spin!
He: - Let's move on. These are two ears. Why two?
Loser: - So that it flies into one and flies out into another...
He: - Eyes are given...
Loser: - Looking at other people's notebooks. I wrote it off - it's okay!
Him: This is the mouth. For what? To speak...
Loser: - I didn’t learn! And I forgot my notebook!... Why a bad grade?
He: - Let's move on. These are hands...
Loser: - Why are you talking so little about my hands? You would talk a lot about the hands of an excellent student. Yes, the whole class and the whole school are crying from my hands and feet: pulling braids, unscrewing nuts on chairs and tables, tables covered in writing, notes in all directions, calls, conversations, chatting on the phone - the work of my hands...
He: - Yours, yours... Any questions?
Loser: - And we leave school, will there still be such people left? He: - We wish you that this is the last poor student in your school life
(they take him away, he resists).

Loser: - I’ll leave myself! They have adopted the fashion of criticizing...

Song based on "Forgive me, believe me"

Ved.: Thank you, graduates.

And now on air there is a permanent column “For you, parents” Dear Parents! Graduates, of course, are not saying goodbye to you, but theirs is saying goodbye to you. school age

, their school joys and failures, grades and diary entries.

Mothers, beloved kind mothers!

We want to say thank you.

For caring, for being with us

Everyone is ready to take the exams.

You moved from class to class,

We gained knowledge and grew,

Everything we were taught at school -

You helped us manage everything.

Always be young

Beautiful as it is now

And we will try our best

Nothing to upset you!

Ved. The floor is given to parents of graduates To the song " Parents' house

"Parents go up to the stage.

If the son is first everywhere,

There are easily enough stars from the sky -

It's all parental nerves

If a daughter grows up for the joy of others,

Smart girl, athlete and artist,

So it was my mother who tried -

She was also a mentor and close friend.

Here they are - beloved children:

Your boys and your girls,

Your little children, your little blood.

There are none more expensive, closer or more beautiful.

How many sleepless nights and days

Given for daughters and sons!

How many difficult and long years

Given for daughters and sons!

Song to the tune of “Light the Lights”

Perova N.A.

Who loved and caressed children

Who didn't get enough sleep at night,

Who was worried about them?

And sometimes it was built?

Patiently, day after day

He raised them.

Did you help the teacher?


Presentation of letters of thanks to parents. (screensaver 21)

Well, we continue the “School News” program with the report “This will never happen again...”

Show video.

To the words of the leader, the children rise to the final song.

Nine flew by unnoticed school years, you have become older and now understand well that in the world there is good and evil, good and bad, beautiful and noble. At school you learned justice and honesty. And today it's time to say goodbye. Some of you will continue your studies in the tenth grade, some will leave school, but all of you will forever remember your school years, the lessons that you learned here, those with whom you were lucky enough to meet every day.

Song to the tune of “Light Up”

Dear graduates! And today you will continue the tradition of our school and light the star of the 2010 graduates in the school yard.

This concludes our broadcast.

And you, dear viewers, turn on any program to your taste, and you can also actively participate in such programs as “You'll Lick Your Fingers” (i.e., a banquet) and the Dance show “Dance While You're Young.”

Goodbye, see you again.

Prom script

"School News" is on air.

Time is rushing by at full speed,
He is calling us to follow him!
Year after year flew by
Many days already, and now...

The moment of farewell comes,
Goodbye, goodbye...

Each of you has your own dream, and everyone strives for it..

But today is your last evening when you are all together, last time you have everything in common - this room, the mood, the music. And let even today you have a common dream!

Leading: Today the school has its own television and radio center.

And we are not just presenters, but school TV announcers.

We take our places in front of the cameras. Please pay attention to the news of the day, and in between news, watch our favorite TV shows.

___Motor double first.

And we announce the TV program of the day.

Host: Good evening, let’s briefly talk about today’s report. So, the program opens with a report from the assembly hall, where ceremonial presentation school leaving certificates.

Then, watching the TV series “Who’s the Boss at School.”
Next - the program "For you, parents"

The program "Culinary Duel" will be broadcast from the school cafeteria.

For university teachers, the program is “Wait for us”

A retrospective screening of the TV show “With All My Heart” will also not leave you indifferent.
At the end of it, we bring to your attention the next series of the film about class teachers - “My Fair Nanny”.

So, “News of the Day” opens with a report from the assembly hall, where the ceremonial presentation of school leaving certificates is taking place. __________ can you hear me, please tell me what is happening now in the assembly hall of Aidarlinskaya high school.

Good evening, Irina. The assembly hall is crowded with people, everyone has come to see our graduates off to adulthood. But for now I don’t see the graduates themselves, we’ll wait, Irina.....

Because now comes the solemn moment - the presentation of school certificates!


Leading: So, we begin the live broadcast from the ceremonial meeting of ________high school. Presenter - main character“Who’s the Boss” by the director of ______________secondary school______________, the head teacher of the school ______________ also takes part in the program

Dear TV viewers, dear guests, I now feel like a conductor. My symbolic wave of my hand will mark the beginning of the main event of your school life.
Congratulations to the Class of 2015!

Leading: Dear viewers, you have a unique opportunity to see the most solemn event in the life of the school - the presentation of certificates.
Director's word
Presentation of certificates

Leading: We continue our TV program. We bring to your attention the next series of the t/s “My Fair Nanny.” Our beloved teachers are invited to the stage, brilliantly performing their important role for many years. Let's meet!

(a parody of the t/s “My Fair Nanny”, performed by teachers and class teachers of the school)

Leading: We continue the program. The program on air is “With all my heart”

Leading: From the bottom of my heart in quiet words
Who else should we talk about today?
If not about you, who have been with us for so many years,
Who taught us to read, write, count...

Leading: Who led us into the depth and breadth of knowledge,
Who opened it before us,
How difficult it is to say to you: “Goodbye”...
It’s not so easy... But this moment has come!

Words of gratitude to teachers from graduates.

Leading: The TV show “For You, Parents” is on air.

Leading: Dear Parents! Of course, we are not saying goodbye to you, but we are saying goodbye to you to our school age, our school joys and failures, our A’s in physics and diary entries.

Leading: You no longer need to come to school for family meetings. You did a great job and deserved to receive the document -
School completion certificate No. ___ series___ dated 200___.
Issued to citizen To a parent with a common surname, Shkolnikov Klass Parallelevich. With this document we certify that you and your child entered school No. ___ in 19___ and together with him successfully graduated from school in 200__. During the training, you repeatedly showed deep knowledge and brilliantly passed the state exam. He also showed respect for teachers, helping them in everything.
Date of….
School No.___

Leading: And now a word for the parents themselves.
(receipt read out)


We, the parents of current school graduates who have signed below, issue a receipt to the school that we actually receive in 200__. Back our children, who were enrolled in school in 199__, for temporary storage, education and training. There are no complaints about the school, there is only endless and sincere gratitude. There is, however, a problem: we handed over small-sized children, but we get back large-sized ones. You know, it’s much more difficult to feed them, put on shoes, dress them up, and further train them... Although, looking at their smart faces, we hope that our children will soon give the knowledge acquired at school for the benefit of the public, and society will benefit from these benefits, you know, and he will give us something.

For this we thank and subscribe to: mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, grandfathers, grandmothers of 2015 graduates

Leading: And now, dear TV viewers, turn on any program to your taste, you can also actively participate in such programs as “Lick Your Fingers” (banquet), Dance Show “Dance While You’re Young”, etc.

Leading: And today we are not saying goodbye to you, everything is just beginning!

June 25th took place, perhaps, main holiday, which all of us - eleventh graders - were waiting for - graduation party. We greeted him with sad joy, sad because we would never again see our beloved school, to which we had become so accustomed during all the ten years we spent within its walls, because this holiday was an omen of the end of our beloved childhood, because that many difficulties awaited us ahead, but despite all this we were happy and ready to meet a new world that we had not yet known, full of dangers and unpredictable situations, but which beckoned us so much.
The holiday was full of surprises, both for graduates and teachers and, by the way, for the director of our school himself, as he was awarded a prize in the form of a statuette and verbal congratulations, however, like all the nominees of the evening, in the category “Chief Millionaire ", the graduates decided to congratulate him and the entire school on their win of one million rubles. Congratulations, dear Nikolai Semenovich! In addition to the rather funny nominations, there were other funny and interesting situations. Everyone was surprised by Vladlen Gabtulgalev, who played a wonderful miniature associated with a very current situation in Lately
, – with exams. Also, the graduates repeatedly surprised everyone present with their wonderful voices, performing equally wonderful songs one after another. All the spectators were delighted with another miniature, dedicated, of course, to childhood, in which Anna Maltseva, Dmitry Kozlov and Elena Vostrikova showed remarkable artistry. The festive program was interrupted by a slightly lengthy ceremony of presenting certificates and awards, but the waiting time was more than compensated for by the award itself and all graduates, without exception, were waiting in the wings to get up on stage and receive the results of their long and hardworking “work”, and for those those who tried better than the rest received additional awards, their work was not in vain and every bit of it was appreciated. Along with the graduates, the work of their parents was also noted, who made a lot of efforts to educate and release worthy representatives into society. This year we had six wonderful, talented and very erudite guys: Roman Abdukhalipov, Dmitry Dvoryanov, Alexandra Lychagina, Daria Skibina, Alina Smolyakova and Svetlana Trunova. In addition to the medalists, excellent students for the 11th grade were noted and awarded. Among them is Dmitry Dvoryanov, who scored five out of five, that is, all the exams, he passed with straight A's and for this he was separately singled out and awarded a diploma of honor along with our excellent students.
When, finally, the award ceremony was successfully completed, having exhausted all the prizes prepared for the graduates, the festive program continued. The continuation was no less impressive than the beginning: sonorous songs, cheerful numbers, and deep, pure wishes also sounded. The culmination of the evening was a warm, reverent dialogue with Roman Abdukhalipov’s school, in front of the eyes of some graduates drank tears, perhaps it was at this moment that they began to understand what was really happening... A little later, a number followed in which a guardian angel in the form of a girl came down from above, and to the accompaniment of a similar song, presented the graduates with flowers, and promised to protect them in the future life path. The end of the holiday was the moment when the graduates were presented with champagne in the “cup of friendship” class teachers . The official part was

adi, but the evening was just beginning and there was a graduates’ ball ahead, as well as night and dawn, which, according to tradition, the waking graduates should meet...

The report from the graduation party was conducted by the former technical editor of the School Window editorial office, Roman Abdukhalipov.

Presenters: Semkov R. V., Shelkoplyas G. Yu

When the column approaches the square: Sounds Beautiful music

and the presenters enter:

R.V.: Good evening, dear friends!

G. Yu: Hello, dear residents and guests of the Absheronsky district, all those who will witness today the solemn ceremony of presenting gold and silver medals “For special achievements in learning” to school graduates in our region!

R.V. Very soon ______ young and beautiful graduate(s) of 2015 will solemnly and festively come out to the main square of Victory Square!

G. Yu. And of course, those who faithfully walked next to them through the school stages these 11 years - teachers, mentors.

R.V. And those relatives who helped overcome this first road in life - parents!

It's June again in this world,

On the school joyful planet.

Nature comes to life again:

It rings, it blooms, it smells fragrant!

We celebrate the holiday with you:

What kind of people we have gathered here!

Here is a sea of ​​smart, clean eyes,

Here youth enchants us.

G. Yu. Solemn excitement soars,

The usual introduction sounds

For everyone who has been waiting for this moment for a long time,

Let the holiday break out to the thunder of fanfare!

Fanfare sounds

A troop of drummers enters and lines up along the perimeter of the square.

R.V. School graduates of 2015 who were awarded gold and silver medals “For special achievements in learning” and their parents are invited to the square!

Report about schools (read during the construction of schools on the square)

Beautiful call signs

R.V. Dear graduates! The final chord of the school symphony was the exams. You have written to the end difficult sentence your childhood - a time of happy discoveries, kind and cheerful worries.

G. Yu. And today’s holiday is a launching pad into a new life,
which gives you the command: “Take off!”

R.V. I am sure that the graduates of 2015 will reach stellar heights in their flight and will write many glorious pages in the history of their ancestry, their school, city, region, our mother - Kuban, and perhaps all of great Russia!
G. Yu. It can’t be otherwise! After all, this year is a glorious year Russian history! This year we will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, the 770th anniversary of the victory of Prince Alexander Nevsky at Lake Peipsi, 340th anniversary of Emperor Peter 1.

R.V. This year, residents of our region are celebrating two main anniversary dates— 220 years since the settlement of the Kuban by Cossacks and the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Krasnodar Territory.

G. Yu. Dear graduates! Be proud of your unique and original history! Live, learn, create always and everywhere for glory Great Russia, for the glory of our native Kuban!

R.V. Let the sky above the country

Will be blue

was lined with victories

Our Russian way!

Increase the history of Russia,

And be a patriot for your homeland!

Thematic screensaver “Russia - we are your children!”

At the end of the screensaver, graduates release the balloons - Russia tricolor

Ceremony for presenting gold and silver medals.

The fanfare stopped.

The drums are tired

We are waiting for the main action with you,

We are waiting for the award ceremony

The highest award for years of study.

This is a great teacher's work,

The genes that mom and dad give,

These are the efforts of mothers and fathers,

The work and perseverance of students.

The shine of gold and silver grandees,

- This is a wedding of minds and talents,

The highest ranks are honored:

The best chosen ones are countless.

Call signs fanfare sounds

R.V. For the ceremony honoring graduates secondary schools, presentation of gold and silver medals, announcements of gratitude to parents, the head is invited municipality Apsheronsky district A. E. Kravchenko and Chairman of the Municipal Council I. A. Vodyanov

The chapter congratulates the graduates on graduating from school, receiving certificates of secondary education, and medalists on receiving high awards - gold and silver medals “For special merits in learning.”

R.V.. 1) To be awarded the silver medal “For special achievements in learning”, graduates are invited to the stage - ___________________________________ (pause 3 seconds), to announce the gratitude of the head of the municipal formation of the Absheronsky district for the invaluable parental work and decent upbringing of their daughter, _________________________________________________________________ are invited

The graduate walks along the star path, the presenter reads a report about him. G. Yu. Serious, independent, with a creative, analytical mind, ______ achieved high results in teaching. Her hobbies are mathematics, geography, English language. She was awarded several times with Certificates of Honor for academic achievements and active community service in the classroom and school.

The parents are walking a little behind.)

The head of the district, A. E. Kravchenko, presents a medal to the graduate.

I. A. Vodyanov presents gratitude to his parents (father).

41 medalists

Honoring talented graduates and Olympiad winners

G. Yu. Today at our holiday we honor graduates who throughout for long years successfully demonstrated their knowledge of science at zonal, regional and all-Russian subject Olympiads!

R.V.: With your diligence, curiosity and painstaking work, you paved the way to success!

G. Yu.: You are always ready to solve the most complex tasks and move forward towards your goal! Your victories make up the diamond fund of our region.

Awarding ceremony for graduates - winners of subject Olympiads.

G. Yu. Agree, Roman, all roads lead to childhood. Our graduates are entering adulthood today, leaving the walls of their home school.

R.V. But a little time will pass, and on the first of September a new generation of girls and boys will go to the land of knowledge. May their lives necessarily include the first bell, the first teacher, and the first ball!

Choreographic composition “Cadets. First ball"

A waltz sounds for graduates - participants in the Governor's Ball.

During the opening chords, the presenters read.

G.Yu.: Kuban, your youth is spinning in a waltz!

And it takes wing like a bird.

But, having scattered to distant lands,

She will come back, of course!

R. V... He will be able to bring glory to you,

To multiply your beauty and wealth.

So that you, Kuban, can bloom like a garden!

To increase Cossack valor!

Waltz of graduates and teachers.

G. Yu... Dear adults, look how young and beautiful our graduates are, and the air is filled with their wonderful dreams and expectation of a wonderful future!

R.V. So let each of your dreams now grow wings, and with these blue balls they will fly upward!

The song "Don't drop the ball!"

Medalists release stars and large blue balloons into the sky

G. Yu. We, Absheronians, have the following motto:

Graduates: To the stars, soaring, strive upward!

Live and study only with “five”!

Multiply the glory of our native Kuban!

G. Yu.. Absheronsk region, dear to all of us since childhood.

He bound us together forever with a single destiny.

And wherever fate takes you -

Remember him every day, every hour!

R.V.. The emerald green of forests and fields,

Nice, kind and generous people.

Clean air, intoxicating at early dawn.

And be proud that you were born on this earth!

The final song “Above Absheronsk!”

Development of Prototype in the Class hour section and published on December 16th, 2014
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