Scenario for a family game in the library. “The whole family to the library”: Guidelines for the work of libraries to help family reading Library and family reading

On May 15, Russia celebrates International Day of Families, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993. For this event, illustrated book exhibitions were organized in the libraries of the Central Library: “Family, love and fidelity” (Afoninsk rural library branch No. 16), “Island of family treasures” (Chernyshikha rural library branch No. 30), “Saint patrons of the family” ( Slobodskaya rural library-branch No. 23). Literature reviews were conducted for readers and electronic presentations were shown.

May 14, 2015 at the MBOU secondary school with. Activities for younger schoolchildren The Rabotkino children's rural library - branch No. 6 conducted an educational and game program "Family is the root of life." The children were not bored at the event. The gaming part of the holiday was filled with competitions: “Collect a proverb”, “Who is the most economical?” and "Nimble little tailor." They took an active part in family riddle competitions and recalled the books they had read.

May 15 in Bolshemokrinskaya rural library- Branch No. 31, together with the rural house of culture, held a competitive game program “A family in a heap - not even a cloud is scary.” The purpose of the event: to expand children's ideas about the family as the greatest universal value, to show that peace in the family is the main condition for the well-being, happiness and health of all family members.

The event was fun and interesting. In the program, the children had to take part in educational and game competitions: “Draw a house blindly”, “A house where a large and friendly family will live”, “Let’s help Cinderella”, “When mother is not at home”, “Tie a scarf”, “My light, mirror , Tell". Workers of the village House of Culture held a fun relay race “Sport is a family matter.” Book exhibitions “The image of the family in fiction” and “We and our family” were prepared for the event, at which literature about family education and hobbies, where you can relax with your family, how to spend your leisure time. The children enjoyed looking at the drawings presented at the “My Family” stand.

Azov village library

On the eve of International Family Day on May 13, a thematic hour “Family Reading Circle” was held at the Azov village library. Librarian Tatyana Nikolaevna Pokotilo told those present about the purpose, history, and traditions of the holiday.

Then the presentation of the book exhibition “Family Academy” took place. Those present could familiarize themselves with literature on home improvement, raising children, handicrafts, growing flowers, gardening, cooking a variety of dishes, and health. With great interest, the event participants read the statements of great people about family, life, love, and relationships.

At the end of the event, the librarian wished everyone family happiness, love, mutual understanding and goodness.

Zavetleninskaya rural library

On May 13, a conversation “Family Hearth” was held in the Zavetleninsky rural library, dedicated to International Day families. Librarian Irina Viktorovna Cabril designed the thematic shelf “Family is the warmest place on earth.”

The librarian told those present that a person’s life begins with the family, that the formation of a person as a citizen occurs in the family. Family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which a civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist.

The Skripnyuk family was also invited to the conversation, as exemplary family men living in love, loyalty and understanding for each other, they shared their secrets and advice from their family life.

May Rural Library

An event dedicated to International Family Day was held at the May Rural Library, in which 9 readers aged from 5 to 11 years took part. It took the form of a moral lesson “Family is the main value.”

The purpose of the event was to instill in children love for their family, their relatives, respect and understanding for them.

During the lesson, the librarian told the children about this holiday and its history. Also, the event participants read poems about family, recalled and discussed proverbs and sayings about family. Of course, it could not have happened without interesting riddles about family members that the children enjoyed guessing. Also, for children and parents, a temporary display “All about the family” was created so that everyone could familiarize themselves with the literature on this topic.

At the end of the event, participants wrote on symbolic paper hearts best wishes for your family.

Pobednenskaya rural library

“Where did the Russian surname come from” - under this title, an educational hour dedicated to International Family Day was held in the Pobednaya Library for middle-aged library users. After all, translated from latin surname- this is family. Why did surnames appear in Rus', what can a surname tell us, who was the first to officially introduce surnames in Rus'? The children learned about this and much more from the story of the head of the Pobednenskaya library, Tatyana Borisovna Kareeva. It turns out that it was Peter the Great who, by his decree, ordered that all people living in the Russian state be recorded “by first name and nickname,” that is, by first name, patronymic and last name. That A.S. Pushkin received his last name from the boyar Grigory, nicknamed Pushka. He lived in the 14th century. Why did he get such a nickname? Perhaps for an overly loud voice, reminiscent of a cannon shot? Or maybe he had something to do with the cannon business? Be that as it may, only his nickname turned into a surname, which after several generations went to the great poet. The guys also solved a crossword puzzle, figured out the task that led to the formation of this or that surname. At the event, poems by G. Graudin “Great-Grandfathers”, S. Mikhalkov “ Funny last name", M. Yasnova "Counting table with surnames." We also got acquainted with the presented books by N. Pavlenko “Chicks of Petrov’s Nest”, B. Unbergaun “Russian Surnames”, N. Superanskaya “About Russian Surnames”. And at the end of the event, the guys tried to determine the origin of their surname.

17 people attended the event.

Family reading library model
“Library and family: facets of interaction”

Glukhova Tatyana Viktorovna, methodologist Lebedeva Tatyana Viktorovna, deputy. Director for Innovation and Methodological Work
Municipal cultural institution "Centralized library system of the city of Saratov"

1. Rationale social significance and a description of the problem.
The family is an important element of the education and upbringing system, where the system-forming basis is traditions, customs, and legends. Reading has important social significance for a child. Educators, psychologists and library scientists have long and convincingly proven that through reading, a child gets the opportunity to independently assimilate the knowledge and experience of mankind, improve his own thinking and personality as a whole. Today in the family there are no or almost all conversations with children about books. To instill in a child the need to read, to teach him to read creatively, means to give him the ability to draw knowledge and spiritual strength from a book. According to experts, the consequences of a decline in interest in reading, including - fiction, can be the most difficult. To prevent this from happening, the family and the library must join forces.
Currently, the proportion of Russians who do not read at all or read only occasionally is increasing. According to statistics, in 1991, 79% of the population of our country read at least one book a year; in 2005, this figure was 63%. The share of systematically reading young people decreased from 48% in 1991 to 28% in 2005. The traditions of family reading are being lost: in the 1970s, 80% of families regularly read to children, today only 7%.
Interaction between the library and family is the most effective way to introduce family reading adults and children.

2. Prerequisites for creating the program:
The creation of family reading libraries in the structure of the Central Library of Saratov dates back to the early 90s and is considered as the implementation of a comprehensive program of comprehensive family support.
In Centralized library system There are 3 family reading libraries in Saratov. They are called library, educational and leisure centers “Family World” (b/f N7, 23/36) and “Family. House. Life Leisure" (b/f N9).
The opening of family reading libraries was aimed at attracting large families and socially vulnerable segments of the population to the library, providing them with assistance in raising children, rationally organizing free time, and reviving the traditions of family reading.
Work on creating family reading libraries began with identifying and clarifying the position of library readers. A survey of readers was conducted and their forms were analyzed, which confirmed their great interest in family problems.
The three libraries, despite common goals and objectives, are different. Each of them has its own characteristics and traditions, its own contingent of readers. To create libraries, branch libraries located in remote areas of the city were selected. These are the so-called “dormitory areas” that do not have a wide network of other cultural institutions. Not last role The material resources of libraries also played a role. All three branches have spacious premises, the ability to freely place and regroup library collections, allocate areas for holding public events, classes with separate groups readers.
The branch library N23/36 is a complex of two libraries N 23 for adults and N 36 for children united under one roof. The merger of the two libraries made it possible to use their premises more rationally: to allocate new departments and service areas. There is a cozy living room for holding public events, a periodicals room, and an exhibition hall. Played an important role creative potential library teams, individual inclinations and capabilities of specific library workers.
The next stage in creating a family reading library is the regrouping and reorganization of library collections. In the open access fund of each library, a thematic set of literature “Family. Life Leisure”, where literature on family issues, raising children, rational housekeeping, and a healthy lifestyle is concentrated.
In b/f No. 7, during the formation of the complex, literature was selected from the reading room and subscription funds. But all the literature on the topic was concentrated in one place - on the subscription. In b/f N 23/36, a set of literature is also presented in the children's department. In b/f No. 9 it is colorfully decorated and represents a permanent book exhibition on the subscription “Family. House. Life Leisure"
The work of libraries is built in close contact With educational institutions cities, municipal institutions additional education(music schools, preschool institutions), social service centers, public organizations, cultural and educational organizations, teenage clubs, studios, circles.
It has become a tradition to hold family holidays and “family get-togethers.” On March 15, the library-branch No. 7 hosted a family holiday “In the family is our future”, dedicated to the Year families. 50 families attended. On June 24, the same library hosted a family holiday “Boys and Girls, and Their Parents!”
Since the beginning of the year, the Central City Library has been holding lecture classes on “Family and Society” for young people and students. Lecture topics: “Love story - history of society”, “ National characteristics Russian family”, etc.
At the Saratov Central Clinical Hospital, special attention is paid to the problems of young families. This work is ongoing in family reading libraries. Thus, in the library branch No. 7, the Library and Information Center “Family World”, in 2007, 31 young families were identified who were provided with information assistance on family issues, raising children, rational housekeeping, a healthy lifestyle, etc. In 2008, a benefit event “Reading Family” was held, in which the most active reading families in the library microdistrict took part. Participating families represented family tree families talked about family traditions, participated in competitions, one of which was the “Favorite Book” advertisement
Every year on Mother's Day, B/F N 9 holds events for mothers with the active involvement of children. Play activities for parents and children are very popular among readers of Library No. 9 - “ Finest hour», environmental game"Robinsonade" literary game-quiz “My light, mirror, tell me...”. Events b/f N 9 have their own specifics - these are, as a rule, theatrical celebrations. Among them are the celebration of initiation into reading “Little Red Riding Hood and her friends in the kingdom of books”, a theatrical Day of Knowledge (based on the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”), a theatrical excursion “Meeting with the Library” for first-graders and their parents, a theatrical new Year's Eve For different groups readers of "New Year's abductions and magical transformations." The library space allows for separate activities for parents and children at the same time.
Library No. 9 works closely with music school No. 14, which is located in the same building. Students performing in the library music school at events such as “Romance Evening”, “Chopin Evening” for children and parents.
Family reading libraries pay special attention to working with young people.
In b/f No. 9, the “Muse” club was created for readers of adolescence. The club has its own permanent composition and organizational core. Events held within the club can be attended by all library readers. The club's program is varied. Debates on moral and ethical topics are held here - “Love huge country", "To smoke or not to smoke"; Various holidays are held - New Year's Day, St. Valentina, KVN, “Laughter is a serious matter” (by April 1); "Knight's Tournament" and others. To the 200th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin, the members of the group prepared performances based on his works “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”, “Dubrovsky”, “The Queen of Spades”.
There have been 3 generations of children in the Muza club. Its first composition meets twice a year.
Library branch N 23/36 pays special attention to moral and legal issues in its work with youth. Organizes meetings with lawyers, such as “Rights and Responsibilities of Minors.” For Family Day, a discussion “Your Difficult Parents” was held for teenagers. Currently, a series of activities for youth and parents to prevent drug addiction has been developed and is being implemented.
Library N 23/36 continues to work to help provide career guidance to teenagers. Testing, psychological examination are carried out to determine abilities for the chosen profession, and parent surveys are carried out. This work is carried out jointly with PAGS specialists and psychologists. A lecture “Human Psychology for Parents and Teachers” has been developed, led by a psychologist. There is a lecture hall “The ABCs of Education” for parents.
Based on the complex pedagogical literature Days of information from the series “Family World” are held.
Much attention is paid to older people. For about 10 years, the “Communication” club for war and labor veterans has been operating in b/f N 23/36. In b/f No. 7, family gatherings are held for older readers " Winter evenings" All family libraries hold literary and musical evenings for the Day of the Elderly and Victory Day.
The “Health Service”, created in b/f N 23/36, maintains close contacts with the “Mercy” social center. At its base, a series of lectures on herbal medicine “Your health is in your hands” was held. “Safety Lessons” are conducted for children and their parents, which include game-based training in the rules of behavior on reservoirs, roads, etc.
In 2008 held mini-study “Books and libraries in family life”. The purpose of the study was to identify the attitude of managers children's reading(parents) and their children to books and reading (including reading in the family), the library, knowledge of the interests of their children. 10 children's branch libraries took part in the study.
200 questionnaires were distributed, 192 questionnaires were processed. Among the respondents were 13 men and 178 women aged from 22 to 72 years. 55% of them have higher education and 30% have secondary education. Most of them (65%) visit the library with their child. More than half of those surveyed (58%) answered that their child loves to read. But at the same time, TV (video) is in first place in the list of children’s interests (60.4%), and reading is in second (49%).
The majority of respondents place responsibility for organizing children's reading on the family (92%). School is put in second place (sometimes kindergarten) (32%). 14% of respondents place responsibility for organizing children's reading on the library.
You can introduce your child to reading by reading aloud in the family. 55.7% of respondents think so. 63.5% of respondents read aloud with their children. The highest rate of such answers is among respondents with higher education - 67.9%. 30.2% of respondents sometimes read aloud with their children. And about 6% admit that they do not read aloud to their children. For respondents with higher education this figure is 2.8%.
47% of respondents consider it necessary to discuss what they read. 34% of respondents consider it necessary to recommend and offer literature.
More than half of the respondents (64%) believe that reading and discussing books in the family develops the child’s speech and imagination. Reading and discussing books in the family affects the development of the child. This is the opinion of 55.2% of respondents. 31.3% believe that reading and discussing books brings the family closer together.
88.54% of all respondents have a home library (among the respondents 75.86% have secondary education, 87.72% have secondary education, 92.45% have higher education).
The composition and core of the family library depends on the education of the respondents.
Among respondents with higher education, the core of their library includes classics, followed by books educational nature, then reference books and encyclopedias, an entertaining book stands on last place.
Among respondents with average special education In the first place are books of an educational nature, reference books and encyclopedias, an entertaining book, and in last place are the classics.
For respondents with secondary education, entertaining books come first, followed by educational books, classics, and reference books and encyclopedias at the end of the list.
Additionally, the following were listed in descending order: children's literature, fairy tales, specialized literature (respondents with higher education), science fiction, detective stories, literature on history, history of civilizations, adventure, literature necessary for school.
The vast majority of respondents to the survey (89%) were able to name their child’s favorite books or reading preferences. But 11% did not name their child’s preferences and did not provide any reasons for their answer. It can be assumed that they either do not know their child’s preferences, or his reading taste is varied, or it can be assumed that the child practically does not read (as part of the school curriculum).
The majority of respondents (65%) visit the library with their child.
More than half of the respondents (52%) admitted that home library does not satisfy information needs. Satisfied - 30% of respondents. About 20% did not answer this question.
But it is worth keeping in mind that the majority of the survey questions were answered by adults who visit the library, read, those who know the book and able to introduce their children to reading.
The study did not cover those who do not go to the library. And their relationship to books and the library, as well as to their children’s reading, remains unexplored. And this is a reason for another study.
Independent research on family issues was conducted in individual libraries of the system. For example, " Modern family: “for” and “against” - library branch No. 22. A survey was conducted among students and teachers of the Chemical Technology College. The students are 16-17 years old. Teachers are people who have experience of family life and certain problems in the family. This can be seen from the respondents' answers.
The desire to see family as a reliable rear is the desire of every person. 55% of students and over 71% of teachers think so. But it is alarming that 20% of young people consider the family a “hot spot.” This indicates trouble in family relationships.
To the question “What is a complete family?” 60% of young people and 64% of the older generation believe that these are grandparents, parents and children, and 40% of the young and about 30% of the older generation believe that a complete family consists of only parents and children. Today's young families are trying to live separately from their parents and grandparents. Large families, living together: there are practically no several generations in one apartment now. To the question “Who should be the breadwinner in the family?” The younger and older generations gave different answers to family problems.
Many years of experience in the work of family reading libraries have shown its promise, made it possible to analyze and comprehend the results, and draw certain conclusions. This project developed taking into account existing gaps and developments.

3. Project goals:

  1. Revival of family reading as a factor promoting strengthening and development family relations.
  2. Formation information culture and family reading culture.
  3. Increasing the prestige of the library profession.

4. Project objectives:

  1. Organization of family leisure and reading, promoting the upbringing of children in the family, strengthening family ties, mutual understanding between parents and children based on a common interest in the book.
  2. Information support for the family.
  3. Popularization of literature to help educate morality, preserve and form a culture of family relationships.
  4. Combining the efforts of libraries, educational authorities, administrative and public organizations, funds mass media in introducing families to reading.

5.Expected results:

  1. Development and implementation of a family reading library model.
  2. Increasing the supply of literature to help educate morality, preserve and create a culture of family relationships.
  3. An increase in the number of library users due to the popularization of family reading.
  4. Increasing the information culture and reading culture of the family.
  5. Creating a comfortable environment for family communication within the library as a factor contributing to the strengthening and development of family relationships.
  6. Improving the material and technical base of the library.
  7. Creating stable partnerships with local educational authorities, administrative and public organizations, and the media in introducing families to reading.

6. Project implementation timeline:
The project is being implemented over two years (2008-2009)

7. Project implementation resources:
It was decided to initially implement the family reading library model project on the basis of branch libraries No. 23, 36.
7.1 Material and technical base of libraries for the implementation of the project of branch libraries No. 23, 36.

7.2 Library staff.
By staffing table two libraries have a staff of 14.5 units:
Library workers 10 units
Head library 1 (13th category)
Head children's services sector 1 (category 12)
Head youth service sector 1 (12 category)
Chief Librarian 1 (12th grade)
Subscription librarian 2 (9th grade)
Librarian of the periodicals hall 1 (rank 9)
Children's subscription librarian 1 (rank 10)
Senior circulation librarian 1 (12th grade)
Reading room librarian 1 (grade 9)
Cleaner etc. and sml. premises 3 (2nd category)
Janitor 1 (1st category)
Worker 0.5 (3rd category)

7.3 Printed products: leaflets, booklets, bookmarks, digests.

7.4 Media: appearances on local radio; publication of materials about the activities of the family reading library in city newspapers: “Zemskoe Obozrenie”, “Saratov Regional Newspaper”, “Saratov Panorama”, “KP in Saratov”, “Region Week”, “Sovfax”.

8.Library partners within the framework of the project.
Libraries work closely with:

  • administration of the Leninsky district (deputy head for social sphere - V. P. Klevtsova). In 2007, library No. 23, 36 was awarded a diploma for 3rd place in the regional competition for best design facade and adjacent territory of organizations and enterprises.
  • Deputy of the regional Duma Vodyanenko I.M. and Sinichkin V.P., with the support of deputy Sinichkin V.P., redecorated the library.
  • Deputy of the Saratov City Duma for Leninsky constituency No. 15 Vladimir Aleksandrovich Koldin.
  • Children's Art School No. 20.
  • KTOS "Spring".
  • Organization of veterans of the Leninsky district of Saratov.
  • The Center for Social Services for the Population of the Leninsky District of Saratov (CSSC) has drawn up joint plans for working with families.
  • schools in their microdistrict No. 44, 49, 56, 101 and gymnasium No. 87.
  • teenage clubs "Rovesnik" (headed by Bolotova L.N.) and "Harmony" (teacher-organizer Tugulukova O.V.).
  • preschool institutions of microdistrict N 222, 216, 232, 242.

9. The main content of the work within the project.
9.1 Development of internal documentation for the family reading library.

9.2 The main directions of work of the structural divisions of the family reading library within the framework of the project.

9.2.1. Information support for the family

  • Improving the reference and information apparatus.
  • Providing information services: performance bibliographic references, development of family reading programs, provision of Internet services, use of full-text legal databases “Garant”, “Cosultant+”.
  • Organization of psychological service: individual consultation families, group counseling (round tables, question and answer evenings, trainings, conversations).

9.2.2. Popularization of literature to help educate morality, preserve and create a culture of family relationships. Tasks of service departments:

  • Study the interests and requests of readers (analysis of family reader forms, questionnaires, express surveys, analysis of questionnaires). To increase the supply of specialized literature, for this purpose, complete the collection of books and periodicals, purchase audio, video materials; disclose library funds; organize a thematic complex, highlight thematic racks;
  • Involving readers in family reading. In this direction, develop and conduct cultural and leisure activities (excursions, conversations, quizzes, library lessons, literary games, competitions, quizzes, meetings with interesting people, organization of joint leisure and educational events, creative competitions) and programs:
  • Family reading program “Growing up with the book I”
  • Family reading program “Know Your Self.”
  • Family reading program “Create yourself.”
  • Family reading program “The future is born today.”

An important point remains individual work with the reader. It is planned to organize family reading according to developed programs.

Family reading program “Growing up with the book I”

Reader's purpose: for families with preschool and younger children school age.
Program goal:

  • Encourage the child to think about a work of literature, promote the formation of independent thinking and strengthen the need for reading.

Program objectives:

  1. Joint reading with the child of literature offered by the program;
  2. Family performance of creative tasks;
  3. Close collaboration between librarians, teachers and parents.

Event name



Forms of library events

Family. Book. Library.

Aug. Sept

Parents: Answer the questions in the “Book in my family” questionnaire.
Children: Listen to a conversation at school “How to be able to read well”; prepare for a mini-conversation: “My favorite books.”
  • Analysis of questionnaires;
  • I'll take you to the library.

    September October

    Parents: Listen and record the child’s story about the excursion to the library.
    Children: supplement the story with an illustration and come up with a title for the story.
  • Children's excursion to the library;
  • Exhibition of books for the family reading program;
  • A fun family literary game “Journey to the Kingdom of Books.”
  • Summing up the results of the family competition “My first trip to the kingdom of books.”
  • Tales from Grandma's Chest


    Parents: Reading Bazhov's fairy tales; A joint creative task"Continue the story..."
    Children: Take part in the video survey “My favorite fairy tale”
  • family holiday “A fairy tale comes to the house...”
  • book exhibition"My Family's Favorite Fairy Tales."
  • summing up the results of the family team competition.
  • Dedication to readers


    Family: family reading books according to the list.
    Parents: Preparing costumes, gifts, tea party.
    Children: prepare for theatrical skits, make snowdrops for the New Year's family party. Learn New Year's poems.
  • book exhibition “Your first books”.
  • theatrical performance "Dedication to Readers".
  • consultation for parents “The role of illustrations in a book.”
  • acquaintance with the list of literature for family reading for January.
  • Kaleidoscope winter events"New Year's Lights"

    December - January

    Family: family reading of books according to the list. Take part in the family quiz " Christmas story»
  • New Year's family party "New Year's Tale".
  • Family quiz “From a fairytale chest.”
  • Introducing the family reading list for February.
  • “Where has it been seen, where has it been heard”: a holiday of cheerful boys and girls


    Family: family reading of books according to the list.
    Parents: Preparing for the poetry competition “The Sorceress from Childhood” (based on the work of Agnia Barto).
    Children: Learn poems by A. Barto
  • Theatrical quiz on the works of A. Barto.
  • Literary lotto
  • Poetry competition between parents and children “Continue the lines.”
  • Introducing the family reading list for March.
  • Knight Tournament


    Family: family reading of books according to the list. Preparation for the "Gentlemen" competition (best congratulations to mom, better with dad).
    Children: Prepare creative works for the exhibition “With all my heart.”
  • Holiday "Knight's Tournament".
  • exhibition of creative children's works "With all my heart".
  • "Gentlemen's Competition"
  • Introducing the family reading list for April-May.
  • “Opening the door to a fairy tale” (works of A. S. Pushkin)


    Family: family reading of books according to the list. Preparation of family creative work “Opening the door to a fairy tale.” Preparing costumes for children. Filling out the form: “A year with a library—pros and cons.”
    For children: participation in the quiz “Tales of Grandma Arina.” Filling out the form “I am a reader”
  • Costume ball “At Lukomorye”.
  • Exhibition of family creative works“Opening the door to a fairy tale.”
  • Awarding the winners of the creative work competition “Opening the door to a fairy tale.”
  • Friends, our union is wonderful (Summing up the results of the first year of work on the project)


    For the family: prepare a creative report “The Year of the Family in the Library.”
  • Holiday “Friends, our union is beautiful.”
  • Round table for parents on the issue of organizing summer family reading.
  • program presentation summer reading for younger schoolchildren.
  • analysis of questionnaires.
  • Summer Family Readings


    Family: family reading of books according to the list. Preparing for a family competition of creative works based on books read.
  • Book exhibition: “We read, we relaxed.”
  • Exhibition of creative family works “The World of Family Hobbies”.
  • Celebration “It’s great that we are all gathered here today.”
  • Joyful Reading


    Preparing for the “Autumn Cabbage Party”
  • Speech at parent meetings: presentation of the family reading program for the second year of work within the project
  • Exhibition of methodological and pedagogical materials on organizing family reading for parents
  • Consultations on the topic “Joyful Reading”.
  • Festive autumn cabbage “Autumn waved her brush.”


    Families unite and prepare a theatrical performance “We read, we rested.”
    Children: Take part in the design of an exhibition of drawings, crafts made from natural materials and a poetry competition.
  • Festive autumn cabbage
  • Exhibition of crafts and drawings “Autumn waved her brush.”
  • My family


    Family: family reading of books according to the list. Drawing up a family tree with a description. Preparation for the “Old Album” competition (Photo and an interesting story about the person/people depicted in it, the event captured, a fact from family history)
  • Review of the exhibition “Family in the history of the Saratov region: traditions and rituals.”
  • Celebration in the library “My Family”.
  • Summing up the results of the “Old Album” competition.
  • Summing up the results of the children's essay competition.
  • "Give kindness to people"


    Family: family reading of books according to the list. Together with your parents, write an essay based on the books you’ve read: “Is it easy to be kind?”
  • Holiday "Give goodness to people."
  • Exhibition family essays“Is it easy to be kind?”
  • Merry Christmas


    Family: family reading of books according to the list. Preparation Christmas performance, carol costumes, gifts.
  • Matinee, theatrical performance. "Christmas Star".
  • Christmas quiz.
  • Favorite family magazines


    Family: chooses a favorite magazine, prepares a presentation of a section or the entire magazine in any form
  • Exhibition-viewing of family reading library magazines and a review around it.
  • Family competition "Magazine Fireworks".
  • "Poetic Russia"

    March, April

    Family: family reading of books according to the list. Prepare a story about a poet whose poems made a deep impression.
    Children: Learn a poem by this poet, draw a picture.
  • Literary and musical composition “Poetic Russia”.
  • Exhibition of children's drawings.
  • Book exhibition.
  • "I love you my city"

    Family: family reading of books according to the list. Prepare work for the “My Favorite Corner” photo competition.
    Children: learn a poem about your native land.
  • Book exhibition “City over the Volga River”
  • Exhibition of family photo works “My Favorite Corner”.
  • Literary and musical composition “I love you, my city.”
  • “Together with the book I grow up”


    For the family: preparation for the family holiday “We are happy, we are together.” Filling out questionnaires.
  • Book exhibition “We grew up with books.”
  • Family holiday “We are happy, we are together”

  • List of family reading books for families with children of senior preschool and primary school age “Growing up with the book I”.

    1. Bazhov P. P. Danilo-master. Selected tales.// Treasures of Russian fairy tales. — M.: GIF “Ros. Book Collection", 1993. - 272 p. : ill.
    2. Barto A. Poems.
    3. Bianki V. Stories and fairy tales. - M.: Helikon, 1992. - 219 p. : ill.
    4. Voronkova L. F. Girl from the city. Tale.- M.: Sov. Russia, 1982. - 112 p.
    5. Biblical stories in drawings / Artist. V. Khramov, Y. Zhigunov, A. Akishin, I. Savchenkov. - M.: Panorama, 1992. - 96 p. : ill.
    6. Biblical legends / Compiled, retold by Z. Gurevich, N. Shestopalova. - St. Petersburg. : Respex, 1996. - 608 p. : ill.
    7. Hoffman, Ernst T. A. Nutcracker and Mouse King: fairy tale. - M.: Argus, 1995. - 96 p. : ill.
    8. Durov V.L. My animals. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 128 p. : ill.
    9. Pocket encyclopedia of phenomena. Unusual children. Unknown facts about famous families. - St. Petersburg. : Delta, 2001. - 367 p.
    10. Knorre F. F. Salty dog. Story. - M.: Det. lit., 1981. - 32 p.
    11. Martyshkin V.S. Your pedigree. - M.: School Press, 2000. - 223 p. : ill.
    12. Orchestra: collection of poems for children / A. A. Blok [and others]. — M.: Det. lit., 1983. - 228 p.: ill.
    13. Pushkin A.S. Fairy tales. - M.: Eksmo, 2006. - 112 p.
    14. Saratov on old postcards / author-comp. E. Maksimov, V. Valeev. — Saratov: Privolzh. book publishing house, 1990. - 160 p. : ill.
    15. Tyutchev F.I. Poems and poems. - M.: Helikon, 1993. - 68 p.
    16. Fet A. A. Lyrics. - M.: Artist. Lit., 1965. - 183 p.
    17. Keepers of time. Museums of Saratov and the Saratov region. - Saratov, 2000. - 2008 p. : ill.
    18. Charskaya L. New family. Russian story: stories for children. - M.: Russian Mission, 2005. - 192 p.

    List of summer reading books for families with children of senior preschool and primary school age “Growing up with the book I.”

    1. Andersen G.-H. Fairy tales. - M.: Bustard-Plus, 2004. - 64 p.
    2. Bianki V.V. Stories and fairy tales. - M.: Samovar, 2004. - 112 p. : ill.
    3. Zakhoder B. Favorite poems. - M.: Ast-Press, 1996. - 336 p. : ill.
    4. Nosov N. Mishkina porridge. Novels and stories. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 687 p. : ill.
    5. Uspensky E. Fairy tales and poems. - M.: Astrel, 2004. - 415 p. : ill.

    Family reading program “Know Your Self”

    Reader's Intent: For families with middle school-aged children.
    Program goal:

    • Renaissance Russian tradition family reading;
    • To lay the foundations of morality, citizenship in the younger generation and help them realize their own self.

    Program objectives:

    • Joining efforts of the library, educational institutions, families in introducing children to reading.
    • Strengthening the institution of family through joint family reading and discussion of what they read.

    Conditions for working on the program:

    1. Joint reading of literature with the child according to the proposed program;
    2. Participation in activities of all family members;

    Event name

    the date of the

    Form of conduct

    "Marathon of parent meetings"


    Speech at parent meetings: presentation of the family reading program, conversation “Traditions of family reading in Russia”;
    Distribution and analysis of the “Book in My Family” questionnaire among parents.
    Introducing parents to the list of reading programs for middle school children.

    “The meeting place is the library”


    Children's excursion to the library;
    Exhibition of books for the family reading program;
    Distribution and analysis of the “Book in my family” questionnaire among children.

    Readers' conference “It’s not an easy time of growing up” based on the book “Scarecrow” by V. Zheleznikov


    Watching the film "Scarecrow";
    Readers' conference “It’s not an easy time of growing up” based on the book “Scarecrow” by V. Zheleznikov
    Book exhibition “What children read a hundred years ago. Creativity of Lydia Charskaya.

    An hour of open thoughts “Goodness scattered across the pages”


    Book exhibition-reflection “Hurry to do good”;
    An hour of open thoughts “Goodness scattered across the pages”, based on the book by Lydia Charskaya “Princess Javakha”.

    Travel game “Country that is not on the map”


    Book exhibition
    Travel game “Country that is not on the map”, based on the book by L. Kassil “Conduit and Schwambrania”.

    Exchange of views “There is always a place for heroic deeds in life”


    Book exhibition-quiz and conversation around it “The heroes of Mukhina-Petrinskaya are waiting for you.”
    Exchange of views “In life there is always a place for heroic deeds”, based on the work of V. Mukhina-Petrinskaya “Sandi's Ships”.

    Thematic discussion “Don’t lose humanity”


    Thematic discussion “Don’t lose humanity”, based on the book by G. Belykh, L. Panteleev “Republic of Shkid”;
    Book exhibition-reflection and conversation around it “Choose Freedom.”

    Round table "Don't go with the flow"


    Round table “Don’t go with the flow”, based on the book “The Fugitive” by N. Dubov.
    Speech by a representative of the police children's room.
    Speech by a psychologist.
    Book exhibition “Your rights, citizen.”

    In the world of periodicals


    Presentation of periodicals for middle school children “In the world of periodicals.”
    Exhibition - viewing of periodicals.

    Friends, our union is beautiful


    The final family literary brain-ring for the reading program “Friends, our union is beautiful.”
    Exhibition of family creative works according to the reading program (essays, crosswords, crafts, drawings).

    List of family reading books for families with middle school-age children “Know Your Self.”

    1. Belykh G., Panteleev L. Republic of Shkid. Tale. — Saratov: Privolzh. Book publishing house, 1980.
    2. Dubov N. Fugitive. Tale. - M.: Soviet writer, 1991.
    3. Zheleznikov V. Scarecrow. Tale. - M.: Ast: Astrel, 2003.
    4. Kassil L.A. Conduit and Shvambrania. Tale. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1985. - 288 p.
    5. Mukhina-Petrinskaya V. Ships Sandi. Novel. — Saratov: Privolzhskoe book. publishing house, 1995.
    6. Charskaya L. Princess Javakha. Tale. — Saratov: Privolzh. Book publishing house, 1992.

    Family reading program “Create yourself”

    Reader's Intent: For families with high school-age children.
    Program goal:

    • Revival of the Russian tradition of family reading;
    • Associations of parents and youth in a reading community;
    • Offer teenagers a safe way to organize leisure time.

    Program objectives:

    • Combining the efforts of libraries, educational institutions, and families to introduce young people to reading.
    • Strengthening the institution of family through joint family reading and discussion of what they read.
    • Increasing the number of library readers and book lending of specialized literature.

    Conditions for working on the program:

    1. Joint reading with high school students of literature offered by the program;
    2. Participation in activities of all family members;
    3. Close collaboration between the library, teachers and families.

    Event name

    the date of the

    Form of conduct

    Marathon of parent meetings


    Speech at parent meetings: presentation of the family reading program for youth, conversation “Traditions of family reading in Russia”;
    Distribution and analysis of the questionnaire among parents “Books and libraries in family life.”
    Introducing parents to the list of reading programs for youth. Book exhibition “Inspiration of Tomorrow”.

    "Tales of the War Years"


    Family historical and literary evening “Tales of the War Years” (For Victory Day);
    Exhibition of family heirlooms (photos, letters, personal belongings) from wartime “In Memory of Our Page”;
    Book exhibition “Dedicated to Victory.”

    "Let's continue the conversation"


    Family hour of communication “Let's continue the conversation”, based on the results of work on the family reading program;
    Questioning of parents and youth “Family reading: yes or no.”

    List of family reading books for families with children of high school age “Create Yourself.”

    1. Akunin B. extracurricular reading: novel in 2 volumes. Vol.1. - M.: Olma-Press, 2006.
    2. Bulgakov M. A. The Master and Margarita. - M.: Sovremennik, 1984.
    3. Vishnevsky A.G. Evolution of the Russian family. // Echo of the Planet - 2008. - N 7. - p. 4-11.
    4. Gorenko E., Tolstikov V. The nature of one’s own “I”. - Minsk: Polymya, 1998.
    5. Children's encyclopedia. Say yes to life.
    6. Children's encyclopedia. Healthy lifestyle.
    7. Children's encyclopedia. Dad, mom, you and me.
    8. Dovlatov S. Reserve. Zone: records of the warden. - M.: Pik, 1991.
    9. Kabakov A. A. Everything can be fixed: chronicles privacy. - M.: Vagrius, 2006.
    10. Carnegie D. How to be happy in the family. - Minsk: Potpourri, 1996
    11. Capponi V., Novak T. An adult, a child and a parent. - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 1995.
    12. Kulikova R. Sleeping Princess. [About love and marriage] // Wings. - 2007. - N 8-9. - With. 21.
    13. We and our family. - M.: Young Guard, 1998.
    14. Orlov Yu. self-awareness and self-education of character. - M.: Education, 1997.
    15. Pelevin. V. O. Chapaev and Emptiness. - M.: Vagrus, 2003.
    16. Tales of Bygone Years. 1941-1964 / Comp. L. Bykov. - Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2005 - 896 p. — Contents: In the trenches of Stalingrad / V. Nekrasov, Ivan / V. Bogomolov. Everything flows / V. Grossman
    17. Family - time for change, or it's time eternal values: what is the Year of the Family in Russia // Smena. - 2008. - N 6. - pp. 14-18.

    Family reading program “The future is born today”

    Reader's purpose: for a young family.
    Program goal:

    • Revival of the Russian tradition of family reading;
    • Attracting young families into the number of active readers;

    Program objectives:

    • Joining the efforts of the library and family to introduce children to reading.
    • Strengthening the institution of family through joint family reading and discussion of what they read.
    • Increasing the number of library readers and book lending of specialized literature.

    Conditions for working on the program:

    1. Joint reading of literature with the whole family, offered by the program;
    2. Participation in activities of all family members;
    3. Game program for the whole family;
      Book exhibition “Read, learn, play.”

    "How to protect your child"


    Safety lesson “How to protect your child”, with the participation of an inspector from the children’s police room;
    Book exhibition and review “Safe Childhood”. 5. "Reading together" October Loud readings for children of primary school age “Reading together”;
    Review of new children's literature for young parents "New in children's literature of the Volga region" (special issue "Volga XXI century").
    Competition announcement children's drawing"My favorite fairy-tale hero." 6. « New Year is knocking on our house" December New Year's carnival “The New Year is knocking on our door”;
    Exhibition of children's works "My favorite fairy-tale hero."

    Family reading list for young families “The future is born today.”

    1. Gurevich L. M. Child and book. - M.: education, 1992.
    2. Polozova T.D., Polozova T.A. I owe all the best in me to books. - M.: Education, 1990.
    3. Torshilova E. M. Aesthetic education in family. - M.: Art, 1989.
    4. Strelkova L.P. Fairy tale lessons. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990.
    5. Holt J. The key to children's success. - St. Petersburg. : Delta, 1996.
    6. Bim-Bad B. About the benefits of family reading aloud. // Family and school. - 2008. - N 5. - p. 18-19.
    7. Chudakova M. About the “captains”. // Family and school. - 2008. - N 3. - p. 18-19.
    8. Heim G. J. Children and us. - St. Petersburg. : Crystal, 1996.

    10. Project budget.
    The project is financed from budget funds.


    about library events

    MO Dinskoy district, dedicated to International Family Day.

    An important role in the process of moral and spiritual education of the family and its strengthening is played by books and libraries. District library staff conduct great job to strengthen family relationships, promote family values ​​and organize family leisure. As part of International Family Day, public events were held in the district's libraries:

    The Intersettlement Library hosted literary hour“The most important word is family,” organized jointly with the youth center. The main idea of ​​the event was the revival of the authority of the Russian family, the revival of spiritual and family values, and the cultivation of a sense of love for their families. More than 40 high school students attended the event.

    For this date, a book and illustrative exhibition “The most important word is family” was organized in the reading room of the Intersettlement Library.

    From the books, those present learned that issues of family relationships have always worried people since ancient times. Starting a family was considered one of the most important events In human life.

    A library employee introduced high school students to the history of International Family Day.

    We listened with great interest to the speech of the clergyman of the Holy Ascension Church, Fr. Pavel. He talked about how creating a family should be taken thoughtfully and seriously. He supported his speech with parables and legends about the righteous life of Saints Peter and Fevronia. Showed icons of family patrons. I read some chapters from the Bible.

    Each of those present expressed their opinion about the importance of the family, what the family is based on, about traditions and relationships in their families. The event ended with the reading of poems about family, love, kindness by Yu. Drunina, A. Dementyev, R. Gamzatov.

    On May 15, in the Dinsk Children’s Library, on the occasion of International Family Day, a special event was held for children of primary school age. entertainment"A strong family is a strong power." The purpose of the event: to expand children's ideas about family as the greatest universal value; to show that peace in the family is the main condition for the well-being, happiness and health of all family members.

    The event was fun and interesting. The program included the children taking part in four competitions: “ Folk wisdom says” - readers made up proverbs about the family, which were divided into two parts and had to be combined; “Pass the heart” - when passing the heart to each other, it was necessary to say affectionate, kind words that would sound at home in the family; “The house of your dreams” - they collected bricks to build a house from those words that would be needed for a good, kind, warm home; music competition - they sang songs about childhood, family, friendship.

    At the end of the event, the children were shown the video “My Family”.

    15.05. in the children's library st. Vasyurinskaya was held round table“Mom, Dad, I am a reading family” dedicated to International Family Day. The event was attended by students of the 2nd “B” class of BOU secondary school No. 10, 29 people. The children were told about the holiday, read proverbs and sayings about the family, which they continued, and asked riddles about the family. The children recited poems dedicated to the family, talked about their family and showed drawings in which they drew their family.

    At the event, social workers Dobrodey's defense team distributed booklets to the children with wishes to their parents and a children's helpline.

    The event ended with a festive tea party.

    The meeting “A house where you are loved and expected” was successfully held in the library of the station. Staromyshastovskaya with large families - Nazarenko, Pravelyev, Pristupa, Makienko, Yastreb.

    For the guests, students of grade 2 “a” of BOU secondary school No. 31 prepared holiday program“To cherish your family is to be happy.”

    The guys sang songs, played wind instruments and keyboards. On this day, poems and songs were sung, children and their parents actively participated in quizzes and competitions.

    For the holiday, the settlement administration allocated material resources. A tea party was organized with our guests.

    There were 55 people present.

    15.05. - in the village library st. Vasyurinskaya hosted a musical and gaming evening “When we are together”. Students from secondary school No. 10, 8th grade, were invited to the event. The event was organized and held with the aim of promoting family values ​​and attracting readers to the library.

    At the beginning of the meeting, the librarians talked about how family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. The event participants were offered various games, proverbs, and riddles. Next, there was a quiz that amused everyone with unusual and very interesting questions.

    A sheet of Whatman paper was prepared for each team. The team members took turns, blindfolded, drawing a portrait of their friendly family.

    In the “Explainers” competition, the guys tried to show all their imagination and intelligence with the help of their hands, feet and facial expressions.

    The next competition involved solving sayings and proverbs, as well as riddles about the house.

    The holiday ended with the presentation of well-deserved awards for participation in competitions.

    In the library of the village. Zarechny held an hour of proverbs, sayings and riddles “The world of the family - me and us.”

    A book exhibition “We Read with the Whole Family!” was organized for the event.

    Readers were introduced to old legend about a huge family, which consisted of 100 people, in which peace, love and harmony reigned. The only word that has become key in this family is understanding.

    Then a competition of riddles and proverbs about family was held. At the end of the event, the guys talked about relationships in their families, about how to respect and take care of their loved ones.

    The purpose of the event is to help strengthen the family, promote mutual understanding, love, and foster family traditions.

    An information hour “It all starts with the family” was held in the library of the Karl Marx farm. The purpose of the event: to tell those present about the history of the holiday, about the role the family plays in a person’s upbringing.

    A book exhibition “The Book, Me and My Family” was prepared for the event, at which literature was provided about family upbringing and hobbies, where you can relax with your family, and how to spend an hour of leisure.

    Older readers talked about their family traditions.

    In the library st. Vorontsovskaya held an information day “Family ABC”.

    The purpose of the event: to help create a culture of family relationships.

    During the event, 17 people attended the event. The exhibition presented literature on the problems of raising children, healthy way life, active family recreation.

    Family Ethics Lesson " Love is the beginning of all beginnings"was held in the library of the village. Ukrainian. For the event, a book and illustration exhibition “Family is the Foundation of Society” was organized, where books, articles from newspapers and magazines, illustrations and reproductions of paintings on a given topic were presented.

    A library employee spoke about the role of family in modern society, the history of the development of family relationships from ancient times to the present day. Blitz surveys were conducted with readers on the topic “What constitutes main basis families?”, “Which classic works are dedicated to the complexities of family relationships?”, “Which films about love left a mark on your soul?”

    Director of the MPB L.S. Finogina

    Family is the most important thing in every person's life. Family is close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take example, whom we care about, to whom we wish goodness and happiness. It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect. This important topic The conversation was dedicated to “Mom, Dad, I am Family.”

    May 15 At the initiative of the UN General Assembly, the International Day of Families is celebrated throughout the world.

    On this day, in library No. 16, a literary hour “Being together is such happiness.”

    From the librarian's story, students and library guests learned about the history of the holiday and its social significance throughout the world.

    The main focus was on literary works, embodying scenes of family life. This is how it was organized for the guys reading out loud Boris Minaev’s story “Far - Close” from the book “Leva’s Childhood”, which was accompanied by elements of theatricalization. Reading excerpts from the works of Russian classical writers alternated with short excursions through the pages of the books in the series “Children’s Project of Lyudmila Ulitskaya”. Those present learned about how families are structured in different nations, what systems of raising children exist in different countries.

    At active participation competitions were held for guests the best expert family hierarchy, best performance poems, songs, ditties about family. The boys and their parents reminisced folk proverbs, sayings and solving riddles.

    The meeting ended with a review of books for children in the “Cherished Dream” series.

    For Family Day, the library also organized a book exhibition-advice “The Warmth of a Friendly Family.” The exhibition offers readers a selection of books on family issues and its role in raising a child. Guests of the library also looked with interest at the book and illustration exhibition “What a family is based on.”

    On the same day, students of class 3 “A” of school No. 15 became guests libraries for children No. 8 , which took place media hour “Russian Saints - Peter and Fevronia”.

    A cozy, homely, warm atmosphere was created by librarians. Small exhibition “Mom, Dad, Me - a happy family", a bouquet of flowers, an electronic presentation - all this was conducive to a sincere conversation.

    In opening remarks Lyudmila Viktorova Ivanova with the help electronic presentation told the children about the history of the holiday, about family values ​​and the observance of good traditions that unite family and friends. The children learned that working together family holidays, hospitality, caring for each other, organizing joint recreation, and there are family traditions.

    The children read poems, analyzed proverbs about family, and took part in the “Through the Mouth of a Baby” quiz. Then the children were offered a psychological moment of silence, which was accompanied by a beautiful instrumental music, and at that time lovely flowers were blooming on the monitor screen. In a quiet voice, the presenter said that if all people had such beautiful flowers blooming in their hearts, then everyone’s soul would become purer and kinder. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the “flowers,” that is, of your soul and your thoughts.

    At the end of the meeting, the children received reminders in the form of a chamomile, which in Russia is a symbol of family. The main words about family values, they will remind children of the holiday and family!

    May 19 on holiday “Family is the refuge of the soul” V Central Children's Library young readers were invited with their parents and grandparents. At the beginning of the holiday, guests were asked to remember folk tales, proverbs and sayings that talk about family, the presenter began the proverb, and the guests all finished it together:

    • Family in a pile - (the cloud is not scary)
    • Children are not a burden , (and for joy)
    • When the family is together - (so the soul is in place)
    • What's the treasure for? - (if there is harmony in the family)
    • Away is good , (and at home is better)
    • Alone in the field - (not a warrior)

    Nathanael's housewife, the keeper of the library, came to the children for the holiday, and she had in store for the participants of the holiday many different and interesting competitions. Nathanaila told a fairy tale in which there were a lot of mistakes, at the mention of which the children had to clap their hands. And in the game “Explainers”, based on several signs, children had to guess what subject they were talking about.

    Then came the test for the mothers - the children were placed with their backs to their mothers and the mothers had to call their child not by name, but by the affectionate nickname that they used to call their baby. Blindfolded children fed their mothers semolina porridge for kind words, and mothers made outfits for their princesses using paper clips and scissors from newspapers, and each tried to make her daughter the most beautiful. And in conclusion, all the guests of the holiday sang a song about Antoshka for the housewife, and not just like that, but like a choir of dogs and cats. The holiday was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere, all children received a sweet prize.

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