Scene the golden key and the adventure of Pinocchio. Educational and methodological material on the topic: Script of the play "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

Description: Scenario of the fairy tale adaptation "Pinocchio" for adults on new way. Suitable for anniversary, New Year, wedding.


Papa Carlo
Other Karabas dolls - upon request.

The stage is simulated as a carpenter's workshop. Unfinished stools and tables are placed in the corners. Papa Carlo processes the stump.

Song by Papa Carlo, set to music from Metallica's song, Nothing Else Matters.


Papa Carlo: Like this Magic world, where children are made from logs. I will have a daughter, or maybe a son.

Pinocchio appears: Here I am!

Papa Carlo: ABOUT! Here, my duty is done. Now we need to load someone else. Go to school, son.

Pinocchio: What is school? I have a bad feeling about something.

Papa Carlo: School means friends, new knowledge, a canteen and a lot of interesting things. Here's your library card.

Pinocchio: Why do I need it? – brings it closer to his eyes, pierces his nose.

Papa Carlo: Well, how impractical you are. Why are we Italians and not Germans? So I could get the primer for free. And so you will have to spend money.

Pinocchio: What is money? I have a good feeling.

Papa Carlo: You're wearing three coppers. Buy a primer.

Pinocchio: I have a feeling that with this money you can only buy a bus ticket.

Papa Carlo: Listen, home-grown psychic, go study, they told you.


Pinocchio: Well, here's another! I'm a child, going to school.

Song of Pinocchio. To the music from the song “Little Girl”, “15 Years”.


Karabas-Barabas: Ugh! Do you even know how sad the lyrics to this original song are?

Pinocchio: I know. I also know that you are a fool!

Karabas-Barabas: So! Come on, my servants, come here!

His troupe comes out - Malvina, Harlequin, Pierrot and Artemon.

Karabas-Barabas: So! Here are the main signs of a local slacker. Catch and neutralize.

The troupe runs off to catch Pinocchio.

Pinocchio goes out onto the square. Tortilla the turtle approaches him.

Turtle Tortilla: Can you tell me where the Elephant cafe is?

Pinocchio: Granny, this is Italy, not a film about Stirlitz.


This was an introductory fragment of the fairy tale. For purchase full version go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for downloading via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 99 R ub.


(Based on the fairy tale by A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key".)

Script for children's theater where the children themselves will play.





STORYTELLER: Once upon a time there lived a man named Carlo. He was poor and lonely. And then one day he said to himself: “Why do I live alone? Let me make myself a little boy out of wood. Everything will be more fun for me as an old man." And Carlo began to carve a boy out of wood, but before he had time to finish the work, the boy began to twist and turn, and when Carlo cut out the boy’s nose, the boy tried so hard to escape that his nose stretched out. And when the work was finished, next to Carlo stood a small wooden boy with a perky long nose.

(Music. The curtain opens. Papa Carlo's house. He sits and whittles a log. A painted hearth hangs on the wall. Papa Carlo (if possible) imperceptibly removes the log, and Pinocchio should also imperceptibly appear near Papa Carlo (i.e. Pinocchio should be where - hide.))

CARLO: Well, that's what a fidget you are! If it didn't twist, the nose would turn out normal! And so you will be called by me - Pinocchio.

Pinocchio: Pinocchio, so Pinocchio!
And who are you?

CARLO: I am Papa Carlo.

Pinocchio: Well, great! (Looks around, pokes his nose at the painted hearth).
And what's that?

CARLO: This is a painted hearth. He's been hanging here for a very long time. Back when I was little
boy, he was already hanging here.

Pinocchio: What's behind this hearth?

CARLO: You are so curious!
So, some kind of iron door, but the key to it was lost long ago, and I don’t know what’s behind it

Pinocchio: Ah-ah-ah! There must be some kind of secret here!
It would be good to know! !

CARLO: How curious you are, Pinocchio!

Pinocchio: Inter-resno!
Papa Carlo! Can I go for a walk?

CARLO: Wait, Pinocchio.
First you have to go to school. After all, you can neither read nor write.

Pinocchio: Why do I need this?

CARLO: Then, so that you become smart and prudent. And so that Papa Carlo can be with you
be proud.

Pinocchio: OK! Then I went to school.

CARLO: Wait! Don't forget to take your ABC's! From it you will learn to read. (gives the alphabet)

Pinocchio: Well, then I'm off?

CARLO: Go, son. And see, be a diligent student.

(Music. Pinocchio leaves. Carlo waves to him. The curtain closes).


STORYTELLER: So, Pinocchio went to school. But he was very curious, because it was not in vain that he had a long nose. And long noses, as you know, stick everywhere, even where they shouldn’t be.
So Pinocchio walked and looked at everything around him.

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage is Buratino with the alphabet under his arm. He jumps up, looks around. Suddenly he stops at a sign: “KARABASA-BARABASA PUPPET THEATER.” A barker stands near the sign (this is necessary, because Buratino has not yet can read.))

BUTTER: Karabas-Barabas Puppet Theater! Karabas-Barabas Puppet Theater!
Hurry! Hurry!
All for the show!

STORYTELLER: Pinocchio became curious about what it was, and he decided to enter the theater.
But they weren’t allowed in without a ticket.
And since he had not yet become smart and sensible, he sold his beautiful alphabet book and bought himself a ticket with the proceeds.

(Pinocchio hands the barker the alphabet, receives a ticket, waves it cheerfully and runs into the theater. Music. The curtain closes).


STORYTELLER: So, Pinocchio stuck his long nose where it shouldn’t have, and forgot his promise to Papa Carlo to go to school and become smart and sensible.
And now let's see what came of it.

(Music. The curtain opens. The Karabas-Barabas Theater is on stage. Pinocchio enters and looks at what is happening in the theater.
Different on stage fairy tale characters. Pierrot comes out and begins to read his sad poems. He has long sleeves, a cap on his head, drawn on tears and eyebrows to make his face look sad.)

Malvina, Malvina
My bride.
She ran away
To foreign lands. (cries).

(All the dolls also begin to cry. Karabas runs out - Barabas with a whip and begins to wave it, scream and whip in all directions).

KARABAS – BARABAS: Damn dolls!
There you are!
You have to laugh when he cries!

Pinocchio: Don't hit them!

KARABAS – BARABAS: Who else is this?

Pinocchio: I am Pinocchio.

KARABAS – BARABAS: Nasty wooden boy!
How dare you order me, Karabas - Barabas, the richest of the owners of puppet theaters!
You will also receive whips from me! (raises his hand).

Pinocchio: Don’t you dare, otherwise I’ll tell Papa Carlo and he’ll deal with you!

KARABAS – BARABAS: Who is Papa Carlo?

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo lives in the Poor Quarter!

KARABAS – BARABAS: Ha ha ha! In the Poor Quarter!
What can he do to me, the richest and most powerful of the owners of Puppet Theaters?
Ha ha ha! After all, he has nothing!
He doesn't even have a fireplace to cook his own food!

Pinocchio: But he has a painted hearth!

KARABAS – BARABAS: (wary). Painted hearth? At Papa Carlo's?

Pinocchio: Yes!

KARABAS – BARABAS: Does he know what is behind this painted hearth?

Pinocchio: Yes! There is an iron door there!
But he doesn't have the key and doesn't know where this door leads.

KARABAS – BARABAS: Dear, pretty Pinocchio!
Go quickly to Papa Carlo, he has probably been waiting for you for a long time.
And tell him to keep this painted hearth, and for this I will give you 5 gold pieces so that you give them to Papa Carlo.

Pinocchio: 5 gold?

KARABAS – BARABAS: Yes, here they are! (counts). 1,2,3,4,5 .
Go quickly to your Papa Carlo!

(Pinocchio takes the money (it should be 5 large yellow circles), clutches it in his fist and runs out of the theater. Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: So, Pinocchio left Karabas - Barabas almost a rich man, because 5 gold is a lot. And he hurried to Papa Carlo to give him this money.
But it's not that simple!
Indeed, at the time when Karabas-Barabas gave Pinocchio 5 gold coins, Karabas-Barabas’ friends were in the theater: the cunning Fox Alice and harmful cat Basilio. They decided to trick Buratino into giving him 5 gold coins. Therefore, Basilio the Cat pretended to be blind, and Alice the Fox was his guide.

(Music. The curtain opens. Pinocchio is on stage. He happily runs and jumps across the stage, waving his hand with 5 gold pieces above him. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat appear. Basilio the Cat in dark glasses, with a stick in his hand, extends his other hand for alms. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat move arm in arm across the stage.)


(Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat stop near Buratino.)

FOX ALICE: Dear Pinocchio, give alms to the poor blind man!
You have money, right?

Pinocchio: I have 5 gold.

(Shows. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat eagerly reach out to them.)

Pinocchio: But I have to give them to Papa Carlo! (He hides his hands with gold behind his back.)

FOX ALICE: Silly Pinocchio, you only have 5 gold!
After all, you can have much more of them!

Pinocchio: Like this?

FOX ALICE: And like this!
We know how to do it!
If you want, we'll tell you!

Pinocchio: How?

FOX ALICE: It should be on a moonlit night, but today is just Moonlight night
So, on a moonlit night, you need to go to the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools and bury your coins there, and say the words: “Cracks, Fax, Pax!” ". Then pour water, and in the morning a tree will grow, on which there will be coins, apparently and invisibly!

Pinocchio: Where is this Country of Fools?

FOX ALICE: You have to go straight, then turn right, then straight again.
And you will see the Field of Wonders of the Land of Fools!
And don't forget to wait until nightfall to bury your money there. (rubs hands).

Pinocchio: OK!
Just don't peep!

FOX ALICE: Are you kidding?
We are going in a completely different direction!
Let's go, Basilio the Cat!

(Music. Pinocchio walks across the stage. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat seem to walk in the other direction, and then turn and sneakily walk on him, or simply spy on him.
Pinocchio looks around, buries the money, waters it, says the words “Cracks, Fax, Pax!” and goes to bed. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat quietly dig out the money. The music ends. Fox Alice grabs the money.)

BASILIO: Give me the money!

FOX ALICE: Basilio the cat! Let's share!


(Fox Alice puts 5 gold pieces on the dais so that the audience can see how she will divide the money.
Then she (in accordance with the text) takes one gold piece at a time.)

FOX ALICE: That's for me! This is for you! That's for me! This is for you! That's for me!

BASILIO: You deceived me!

FOX ALICE: Why did you deceive me? Come on first! (repeats the previous procedure.)
That's for me! This is for you! That's for me! This is for you! That's for me!

BASILIO: You deceived me!

FOX ALICE: What are you saying, Basilio the Cat!
Well, how can I deceive you, my faithful friend!


(Pinocchio wakes up and gets up, sees that his hole has been dug up and there is no money.)

Pinocchio: Ooh, deceivers!
Give me my money!

FOX ALICE: Cat Basilio, hold him!

(Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat grab Pinocchio. Basilio the Cat holds him, and Alice the Fox spanks him on the butt.)

FOX ALICE: Here are the deceivers! (slaps)
Here's your money! (slaps)
Don't be so gullible! (slaps)
Where is he going, Basilio the Cat? So he couldn't complain to his Papa Carlo?

CAT BASILIO: Let's throw him into the river!

Take him by the hands, and I by the legs!
One two Three!

(They grab Pinocchio, swing him to the count: one, two, three and throw him into the river.
Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: So, little gullible Pinocchio ended up in the river. But it was made of wood and could not drown. Therefore, he was carried down the river by the current.
And in this river a long time ago, for 300 years, the old turtle Tortila lived.
It was she who caught Pinocchio from the river.

(Music. The curtain opens. Pinocchio is sitting. Tortilla Turtle is next to him.)

TURTLE TORTILLA: Poor stupid little Pinocchio!
Why are you so gullible?

Pinocchio: (offended) Why are you calling names?

TURTLE TORTILLA: I have lived on earth for 300 years and have seen a lot in my lifetime.
That's how little boys (turns to the hall) and girls are easily fooled into not wanting to go to school in order to become smart and sensible.
Well, don't be upset!
I will give you the Golden Key! (holds out the Golden Key)

Pinocchio: Is he really Golden?

TURTLE TORTILLA: Yes, it really is Golden.
And there is some kind of secret connected with it.

Pinocchio: Secret? Inter-resno!

TURTLE TORTILLA: He was dropped into the river by a man with a long beard.

Pinocchio: With a long beard?
Maybe it was Karabas-Barabas?

TURTLE TORTILLA: May be! I don't know what his name was. But he swore so much, so
demanded that they get him a key from the bottom, which scared away all the fish!

TURTLE TORTILLA: He had to leave empty-handed. And then the fish took the key from the bottom of the river and gave it to me.

Pinocchio: Inter-resno!

TURTLE TORTILLA: Well, goodbye, Pinocchio!
It's time for me to rest.

Pinocchio: And it’s time for me to go to Papa Carlo, otherwise he’s probably already waiting for me.

(Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: And Buratino set off on his way back. The road passed by a small house in which lived a girl, Malvina, with blue hair.
Pinocchio remembered how sad Pierrot read poetry about her and decided to visit her.

(Music. The curtain opens. Malvina is sitting, writing. Pinocchio enters.)

Pinocchio: Hello, Malvina!
Are you the Malvina about whom the sad poet Pierrot always reads poetry?

MALVINA: Yes it's me.
And what is your name?

Pinocchio: My name is Buratino.
Papa Carlo sent me to school, and I ended up in the theater of Karabas - Barabas!

MALVINA: I ran away from this Karabas-Barabas.
He's swinging his whip all the time!

Pinocchio: And I almost got it from him!

MALVINA: What, you never went to school?

Pinocchio: No never.

MALVINA: So you can't even read or write?

Pinocchio: No I do not know how to.

MALVINA: Then sit down and write!
I will teach you!

Pinocchio: Or maybe I'd better go?

MALVINA: No, sit down and write!

(Pinocchio sits down and takes a pen.)

MALVINA: Well, I planted a blot!
One more!

STORYTELLER: Pinocchio laughs and plants another blot.

MALVINA: We'll have to put you in the closet for your outrages!

(Music. Malvina takes Buratino by the hand and leads him into the closet. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: So Pinocchio ended up in a closet where there were a lot of spiders.
... But he very soon managed to escape from there, and he went further, home to Papa Carlo.
But new adventures awaited him along the way!
After all, Karabas-Barabas managed to find out that Tortila the Turtle gave the Golden Key to Pinocchio. But Karabas-Barabas has been looking for this Key for a long time.
Therefore, Karabas-Barabas began to wait for Pinocchio by the road, and there he met his old friends Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat.
“How good,” thought Karabas-Barabas, “they will help me.”

(Music. The curtain opens. On stage are Karabas-Barabas, Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat.)

KARABAS-BARABAS: It's so good that I met you!
It's you that I need.

BASILIO: And what happened?

FOX ALICE: Yes, what happened?

KARABAS-BARABAS: I found out that Tortilla Turtle gave the Golden Key to Pinocchio! That crappy wooden boy! And I’m just looking for him!

BASILIO: Who are you looking for? Pinocchio?


BASILIO: Why do you need him?

KABARAS-BARABAS: He opens the iron door behind the painted fireplace in the closet
Papa Carlo!
I think there's... treasure there!

FOX ALICE: Lucky this Pinocchio! We threw him into the river!
And not only did he not drown, but he also received the Key to the door,
behind which the treasures lie!

KARABAS-BARABAS: Well, can you help me catch Pinocchio before he meets his Papa Carlo?
And I will generously reward you for this!

FOX ALICE: How is that generous?

KARABAS-BARABAS: I'll give you three gold pieces for this!

FOX ALICE: Are you kidding? Basilio the cat!
He wants us to fight Papa Carlo for three gold pieces!


FOX ALICE: Basilio the cat! He wants to fool us!
He is the tightest of all puppet theater owners!

KARABAS-BARABAS: Well, you don’t want to and don’t need to!
I can handle it myself!

FOX ALICE: Basilio the cat! It won't work!

BASILIO: Can't handle it!

FOX ALICE: Five gold!

Let there be five gold!

FOX ALICE: Let's go, Basilio the Cat!
Let's help our friend find Pinocchio! ... And then - the treasures!

(Pinocchio appears.)

Give me the Golden Key! He is mine!

Pinocchio: No, I won't give it away!
(removes his hands with the Key back.)

ALL: Give it back!

Pinocchio: No!

ALL: Give it back!

(Everyone rushes at Pinocchio.)

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo!

(Papa Carlo appears with friends.)

CARLO: I'm here, my boy!

(Music. Papa Carlo and his friends free Pinocchio. During the brawl, Karabas - Barabas wraps his long beard around a tree.)

CARLO: Well, we finally found you!
What kind of key do you have?

Pinocchio: This is the Golden Key!
Tortilla Turtle gave it to me!

CARLO: So this is probably the Key to the iron door behind the painted hearth!
My grandfather also told me that this door can only be opened with the Golden Key!
Let's go home quickly and try to open this door!

(Music. Pinocchio, Papa Carlo and his friends go home. Karabas - Barabas, Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat are going to follow them.)

FOX ALICE: Well, quickly, let's run after them! Otherwise we'll be late!

KARABAS – BARABAS: Wait for me!

FOX ALICE: Well, what happened to you?

KARABAS – BARABAS: My beard is stuck!

FOX ALICE: Well, cut it off!

What kind of Karabas am I - Barabas without a beard?

FOX ALICE: Well, then stay with your beard!
Let's run, Basilio the Cat!

KARABAS – BARABAS: Well, okay, cut it!...

(Alice the Fox takes out scissors and cuts his beard, and at this time he howls: “What kind of Karabas-Barabas am I without a beard?” - 2 times.)

FOX ALICE: Well, let's run quickly! Otherwise we'll be late!

(Music. They run away from the stage. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: So, everyone came to Papa Carlo's closet.
What is there, behind the iron door?

(Music. The curtain opens. On the stage are Pinocchio, Carlo and his friends. Everyone approaches the painted fireplace, takes it off. They open the door with the Golden Key and see the inscription: “FAIRY-TALE COUNTRY.” A Fairy comes out from behind the door.)

FAIRY: Welcome to our Fairytale Land!
In it all people live together and happily!
But they can only enter it good people, and the evil ones cannot enter!

Pinocchio: Can I bring my friends here: Pierrot, Malvina and all the artists from the puppet theater of Karabas - Barabas?

FAIRY: Certainly!
In our Fairyland have your own puppet show, and they can all work there.

Pinocchio: Then we will call them!

ALL: Friends, come here!

(Music. Everyone comes. Karabas - Barabas and Alice the Fox stand aside and shake their fists, and Basilio the Cat - with his stick. But no one is afraid of them.)

CARLO: Now, friends, let's all dance!

(Music: polka. The fun begins. Everyone dances the polka, except Alice the Fox, Basilio the Cat and Karabas-Barabas. The curtain closes. The music stops sounding.
Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat appear on the proscenium (in front of the curtain)).

FOX ALICE: (speaks, looking into the hall) It’s always like this: you work and work, and everything goes to others!
(addressed to Cat Basilio) Let's go, Basilio the Cat, my old faithful friend!

(Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat walk arm in arm along the proscenium along the curtain.)

BASILIO: Give alms to the poor blind man...
Give alms to the poor blind man...

(Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat leave the stage. Music plays.)


1 child.

A good fairy tale and I are inseparable,

And the fairy tale has miracles to the skies.

Just imagine: how boring it would be,

If only there were no miracles in the world.

2nd child.

Fairy tales teach kindness and love.

We will not stop believing in them.

The world is eternal, magical,

Your pages

We scroll again and again.

Giuseppe: (looking at the log) - Not a bad thing, you can make something like a table leg out of it...

(He turned the log over in his hand and began to cut it with a hatchet.)

Pinocchio: (in a thin voice) - Oh, oh, be quieter, please!

(Giuseppe dropped the ax, backed away, backed up and sat down straight on the floor: he guessed that the thin voice was coming from inside the log. At that time, his old friend, an organ grinder named Carlo, came to see him).

Carlo: - Hello, Giuseppe. Why are you sitting on the floor?

Giuseppe: - And, you see, I lost a small screw... Fuck it! Well, how are you living, old man?

Carlo: - Badly. I keep thinking - how can I earn my bread... If only you could help me, advise me, or something...

Giuseppe: - What’s easier! Do you see this log? Take a knife, cut a doll out of this log, teach it to say all sorts of funny words, sing and dance, and carry it around the yards. You will earn enough for a piece of bread and a glass of wine.

Pinocchio: - Bravo, great idea, Gray Nose!

(Giuseppe again shook with fear, and Carlo just looked around in surprise - where did the voice come from?)

Carlo: - Well, thank you, Giuseppe, for your advice. Come on, let's have your log.

(Carlo went into his closet and carved out a doll).

Carlo: - I'll call you Pinocchio. You need to study. I'll go buy you the alphabet now.

(At this time it was heard).

Talking Cricket: - Kri-kri, kri-kri, kri-kri...

Pinocchio: (turned his head, looking around the closet) - Hey, who's there?

Talking Cricket: - Here I am, - kri-kri...

Pinocchio: - Hey, who are you?

Talking Cricket: - Talking Cricket. I have lived in this room for over a hundred years.

Pinocchio: - I am the boss here, get out of here!

Talking Cricket: - Okay, I'll leave, although I'm sad to leave the room where I lived for a hundred years. But before I go, listen to some helpful advice.

Pinocchio: - I really need the advice of the old cricket...

Talking Cricket: - Oh, Pinocchio, Pinocchio, stop self-indulgence, listen to Carlo, don’t run away from home without doing anything, and start going to school tomorrow. Here's my advice. Otherwise, terrible dangers and terrible adventures await you. I won’t give even a dead dry fly for your life.

Pinocchio:- Why?

Talking Cricket: - But you’ll see - a lot.

(Pinocchio fell, then Papa Carlo came in).

Carlo: - This is what self-indulgence can lead to! (He sat him on his knees and took an onion out of his pocket) - Here, eat!

Pinocchio: (began to rub his head against the stubbled cheek of Papa Carlo) - I will be smart - prudent, Papa Kalo... The Talking Cricket told me to go to school.

Carlo: - Nice idea, baby... (gives the alphabet) - Here's the alphabet for you, learn to be healthy.

Pinocchio: - Papa Carlo, where is your jacket?

Carlo: - I sold the jacket... It’s okay, I’ll make do as it is... Just live in good health.

Pinocchio: - I’ll learn, grow up, buy you a thousand new jackets...

(Pinocchio ran to school. Music played merrily).

Pinocchio: - The school won’t go anywhere, I’ll just take a look, listen – and run to school!

Pinocchio: (pulls one boy by the sleeve) - Please tell me how much it costs admission ticket?

Boy: - 4 soldi, wooden man.

Pinocchio: - Boy, take my new alphabet for 4 soldi.

Boy:- With pictures?

Pinocchio: - With wonderful pictures and big letters.

Boy:- Come on, I guess.

Pinocchio: - Listen, give me a front row ticket to the only puppet theater show.

Piero: - Hello, my name is Pierrot... Now we will perform in front of you a comedy called: “The Girl with Blue Hair, or Thirty-three Slaps on the Head.” They will beat me with a stick, slap me in the face and slap me on the head. This is very funny comedy

Harlequin: - Hello, I am Harlequin! (gives Pierrot two slaps in the face). Why are you whining, you fool!

Piero:- I'm upset.

Harlequin:- And why?

Piero: - I want to get married, but my bride ran away.

Harlequin:- What is her name?

Piero: - Malvina or girl with blue hair.

Harlequin: - Look, it's Pinocchio!

Piero: - Live Pinocchio! Pinocchio! Come to us, come to us, cheerful rogue Pinocchio!

Pinocchio's song

Who enters the house with a good story?

Who is everyone familiar with since childhood?

Who is not a scientist, not a poet,

And he conquered the whole White light?

Who is recognized everywhere?

Tell me, what is his name?


On his head is a cap,

But the enemy will be deceived.

He will show his nose to the villains

And he will make his friends laugh until they cry.

He will be here very soon.

Tell me, what is his name?


He is surrounded by people's rumors.

He is not a toy, he is alive.

In his hands is the key to happiness

And that's why he's so lucky.

All songs are sung about him.

Tell me, what is his name?


Karabas Barabas: - Aaaah! So it was you who interrupted the performance of my wonderful comedy? -!

Piero: - Try to talk to him between sneezes.

Pinocchio: - Oh, I’m unhappy, poor, no one feels sorry for me!

Karabas Barabas: - Stop crying, you're disturbing me! Aap – chhi!

Pinocchio: - Be healthy, sir!

Karabas Barabas: - Stop screaming, I tell you!.. Aap - chhi! So, is your father alive?

Pinocchio: - My poor father is still alive, senor, but he will still soon die of hunger and cold. I am the only support in my old age. Have pity, let me go, sir!

Karabas Barabas: - Ten thousand devils! There can be no talk of any pity! The rabbit and chickens must be roasted! Get into the hearth!

Pinocchio: - Signor, I can’t do this!

Karabas Barabas: - Why?

Pinocchio: - Signor, I already tried to stick my nose into the fireplace once and only poked a hole in it.

Karabas Barabas: - What nonsense! How could you poke a hole in the fireplace with your nose?

Pinocchio: - Because, sir, the hearth and the pot over the fire were painted on a piece of old canvas.

Karabas Barabas: - Where did you see the hearth, and the fire, and the pot painted on a piece of canvas?

Pinocchio: - In my dad Carlo's closet.

Karabas Barabas: - Your father Carlo! So, it’s in old Carlo’s closet that there is a secret... Okay, I’ll have dinner with undercooked rabbit and raw chicken. I give you life, Pinocchio. Not only that... Take this money and take it to Carlo. Bow and say that I ask him under no circumstances to die of hunger and cold, and most importantly, not to leave his closet, where the fireplace, painted on a piece of old canvas, is located.

Pinocchio: - I’ll buy Papa Carlo a new jacket, I’ll buy a lot of poppy triangles and lollipop roosters.

Hello, dear Pinocchio! Where are you going in such a hurry?

Pinocchio: - Home, to dad Carlo.

Alice: - I don’t know if you’ll find poor Carlo alive, he’s completely ill from hunger and cold...

Pinocchio: - Did you see this?

Alice: - Smart, prudent Pinocchio, would you like to have ten times more money?

Pinocchio: - Of course I want! And how to do it?

Basilio: - I'll explain to you now. In the Land of Fools there is a magical field called the Field of Miracles...

Alice: - Dig a hole in this field, say three times: “Cracks, fex, pex”, put the gold in the hole, fill it with earth, sprinkle salt on top, water it well and go to sleep. The next morning a small tree will grow from the hole, and gold coins will hang on it instead of leaves. It's clear?

Pinocchio:- You're lying!

Alice: - Let's go, Basilio... They don't believe us - and don't!

Pinocchio: - No, no, I believe, I believe! Let's quickly go to the Land of Fools!

Alice: - It wouldn’t hurt for us to have at least a dry crust snack!

Basilio: “At least they’d treat me to a crust of bread.”

Pinocchio: - Hey, master, give us three crusts of bread!

Alice: - Cheerful, witty Pinocchio is joking with you, master.

Basilio:- He is joking.

Alice: - Give me three crusts of bread and with them a wonderfully roasted lamb, and also that gosling, and a couple of pigeons on a spit, and, perhaps, some liver...

Basilio: - Ten pieces of the fattest crucian carp and small fish for a snack.

Master: - Who will pay for dinner?

Pinocchio:- Oh, how much?

Master: - Exactly one gold. Pay up, scoundrel, or I'll stab you like a bug!

Basilio: - Stop, your wallet or your life!

Alice: - Where is your money? Ah, that's where his money is! There's money in his mouth!

Basilio: - Sit, my friend, until the evening.

Malvina: - Ah, ah, ah! We need to untie poor Pinocchio, Artemon! Bring castor oil quickly!

Pinocchio: - No need for castor oil, I feel very good!

Malvina: - Pinocchio, I beg you - close your eyes, hold your nose and drink.

Pinocchio: - I don’t want, I don’t want, I don’t want!

Malvina: - Hold your nose and look at the ceiling... One, two, three... That's all.

Malvina: - Sit down, put your hands in front of you. Don't hunch over. We'll do some arithmetic. You have two apples in your pocket...

Pinocchio: - You’re lying, not a single one...

Malvina: - I say, suppose you have two apples in your pocket. Someone took one apple from you. How many apples do you have left?

Pinocchio:- Two.

Malvina: - Think carefully...

Pinocchio:- Two.

Malvina:- Why?

Pinocchio: - I won’t give Nect an apple, even if he fights!

Malvina: - You don’t have any ability for mathematics, let’s take dictation. Write: “And the rose fell on Azor’s paw.” Have you written? Now read this magic phrase backwards... You are a nasty naughty person, you must be punished! Artemon, take Pinocchio to the dark closet!

Bat: - Listen, listen...

Pinocchio:- What do you need?

Bat: - Wait for the night, Pinocchio, I will take you to the Land of Fools, friends are waiting for you - a cat and a fox, happiness and fun. Wait for the night.

Malvina: - Pinocchio, my friend, are you finally repenting?

Pinocchio: - I really need to repent! Can't wait!

Malvina: - Then you will have to sit in the closet until the morning...

Bat: - It's time, Pinocchio, run! Follow me, Pinocchio, to the Land of Fools! ... Brought.

Alice: - Brave, brave Pinocchio! Roy a hole.

Basilio:- Put the gold ones.

Alice:- Sprinkle with salt.

Basilio: - Water it well.

Pinocchio: - But you still go further away.

Basilio: - My God, we don’t even want to look where you’re digging a hole.

Dance of the frogs.

Duremar: - Shoot, shoot, wet!

Tortilla: - Who's scaring my frogs here?

Duremar: – It’s me, Duremar, the seller of medicinal leeches.

Tortilla: - I’m ready to pay you off, Duremar! I will tell you great secret! At the bottom of the pond lies a magic key to the door, which is hidden behind a canvas with a painted hearth.

Pinocchio: - All the boys and girls have drunk milk, sleep in warm beds, I’m the only one sitting on a wet sheet...

Tortilla: - Oh, you brainless, gullible boy with short thoughts! You should stay at home and study diligently! Brought you to the Land of Fools!

Pinocchio: - So I wanted to get more gold coins for Papa Carlo... I am a very good and prudent boy.

Tortilla: - Your money was stolen by a cat and a fox.

Pinocchio: - You shouldn’t swear, you need to help a person here... What am I going to do now? Oh-oh-oh!.. How will I get back to Papa Carlo? Ah ah ah!..

Tortilla: - I give you this key. It was dropped to the bottom of the pond by a man with a long beard. Oh, how he asked me to find this key! He said something about some door that needs to be opened, and this will bring happiness... But I forgot everything.

Piero: - Goodbye, Malvina, goodbye forever!

Pinocchio: - How did you get here?

Piero: - Pinocchio, Pinocchio, hide me as soon as possible. Signor Karabas Barabas haunts me day and night. He hired police dogs in the City of Fools and vowed to catch me dead or alive. You see, Pinocchio, one night the wind was noisy and rain was pouring down like buckets. All the dolls were sleeping. I was the only one who didn’t sleep, I was thinking about the girl with blue hair...

Pinocchio: - I found someone to think about, what a fool! I ran away from this girl last night!

Piero: - How? Have you seen the girl with blue hair? Have you seen my Malvina?

Pinocchio: - Just think - it’s unprecedented! Crybaby and pestering!

Piero: - Take me to her! If you help find Malvina, I will tell you the secret of the golden key...

Pinocchio: - How! Do you know the secret of the golden key?

Piero: - I know where the key is, how to get it, I know that they need to open one door... I overheard the secret, and that’s why Signor Karabas Barabas is looking for me with police dogs...

Pinocchio:- Tell me!

Piero: - So, one night the wind was rustling...

Pinocchio: - You already talked about this.

Piero: - So, you know, I’m not sleeping and suddenly I hear: Duremar said that he knows the great secret that Tortila the turtle told. At this time, you understand, Pinocchio, I became so interested that I leaned out from behind the curtain and they noticed me.

Pinocchio: - In what house is this door located?

Piero: - Duremar did not have time to tell this. And what difference does it make, because the key is at the bottom of the pond...

Pinocchio: - Did you see this? Here he is! Well, now I’ll show you the way to Malvina’s house...

Karabas Barabas: - Yeah, gotcha!

Pinocchio: - Uncle, you won’t catch up, you won’t catch up... Tell me where the secret door is!

Karabas Barabas: - In Papa Carlo’s house...

Pinocchio: - They also wanted to fight with me! What is a cat to me, what is a fox to me, what is Karabas Barabas himself to me - ugh! Girl, hold on to the dog's tail. Went…

Carlo: - My son, Buratino, you rogue, you are alive and well - come to me quickly!

Malvina: - Papa Carlo, first of all, take care of the sick dog. Boys, wash yourself immediately!

Artemon: - A plate of oatmeal and a bone with brains.

Carlo: - Ay-ay-ay, but I don’t have a crumb in my house, and not a soldo in my pocket...

Pinocchio: - Guys, stop whining! Papa Carlo, take a hammer and separate the holey canvas from the wall.

Carlo: - Why son, do you want to rip this one off the wall? beautiful picture? In winter, I look at it and imagine that it is a real fire and there is real lamb stew in the pot, and I feel warmer.

Pinocchio: - Papa Carlo, I give my puppet my word of honor, - you will have a real fire in the hearth and a real stew. Rip off the canvas. And here is the key to the door. Papa Carlo, open...

What did you see? So, it was not for nothing that I got wet in the swamp at Aunt Tortila's... In this theater we will stage a comedy - do you know what kind? - “The Golden Key, or The Extraordinary Adventures of Pinocchio and His Friends.” Karabas Barabas will burst from frustration.

Piero: - I will write this comedy in luxurious verses.

Malvina: - I will sell ice cream and tickets.

Artemon: - I will be in charge of theatrical costumes.

All: - What will you do, Pinocchio?

Pinocchio: - Weirdos, I will play myself!

Piero: - Good fairy tale save in your soul,

Malvina: - Take your example from good heroes.

Artemon: - Be a magician for others.

All: - Childhood will go away, but don’t forget us!

Song "Golden Key"

Bearded Karabas.

Pinocchio is our good travel companion,

I don't know any better fairy tales.

A golden key was found in that fairy tale -

The door to a beautiful country.

To all the girls and boys

Buratino became a friend.

He's wearing short pants

Enku danced with us.

We studied at the same desk,

They were bending over some books

And smiled at the spring rays

Blue April day.

Childhood will melt away somewhere in the distance.

People all grow out of fairy tales.

Only fairy tales still await,

What will the kids become?

Simple-minded Pinocchio

Did you turn out to be

Beautiful Malvina

Or the terrible Karabas?

Everyone knows the boy Pinocchio,

Everyone knows the girl Malvina

And once very, very scary

Bearded Karabas.

Song of Duremar

The bird catcher sings about the birds,

The fisherman sings about fish,

And I sing about leeches.

I sell them for money.

Applications for medicinal leeches are accepted.

From bronchitis, tonsillitis, from the liver, spleen,

For polyp and flu

These little boogers will help, -

My darlings, my darlings,

Very expensive leeches.


But from greed (kva-kva)

And from stinginess,

But from meanness (kva-kva)

And out of stupidity

And also from boasting


Your product won't help

Evil, nasty Duremar!

The florist sings about flowers,

The beekeeper sings about bees,

And I sing about leeches.

I sell them for money.

Leeches eliminate pimples and warts.

From hiccups and yawning, obesity, baldness,

These little boogers will help blindness and deafness, -

My darlings, my darlings,

Very expensive leeches.

Olga Marina
Script for the theatrical performance “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” (beginning)

« Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio»

(Based on the fairy tale by A. Tolstoy « Golden Key» and film " The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key")

Script for children's theater, the roles are played by parents.

Characters :



Cat Basilio

Fox Alice

Papa Carlo


Police Chief

1 police assistant

2 assistant policeman

Hotel owner

Turtle Tortilla

Act one

The curtain is closed. The melody of the organ sounds, Papa Carlo wanders the streets in the hope of earning something. In Giuseppe's house, a log falls from the table and laughs, Giuseppe looks around, not understanding anything. He takes an ax and hits the log.

Log: Oh, it hurts! (hits 2 times, log "screams", Giuseppe runs away in bewilderment)

Giuseppe: A-A-A! Ooo!

Papa Carlo: Hello, Giuseppe. Why are you sitting on the floor?

Giuseppe: And I lost a screw. And what did you think?

Carlo: Yes, I didn’t think anything. My organ-organ is completely broken. I don’t know what I will do for a living now.

Giuseppe: And take the log from me.

Carlo: Log? Why do I need a log?

Giuseppe: You will cut out a doll and walk around the yards with it.

Log: Giuseppe, you are a genius.

Carlo:(after thinking) Well, come on, maybe it’s your log.

Giuseppe gives the log to Carlo. Everyone leaves.


The curtain opens. Carlo sits in his closet and carves a doll out of a log. In the corner, Cricket plays along with him on the violin.

Papa Carlo: And the nose is perhaps a little long!


Let's see what you can do?

Pinocchio jumps, walks and runs around Papa Carlo.

Ooo! Do more. (Pinocchio is walking) Well done, baby! Good good. Stop. This is how you go to school... Wait, how do you go to school, because you don’t have the ABCs... A-ha... Stay at home, and I’ll come soon. (Carlo leaves)

At that time Pinocchio plays the barrel organ.

Cricket:Pinocchio, don’t touch the organ, it’s old, you’ll break it. Have pity on your old father, you are now his only support. Understand Pinocchio, you won’t have a barrel organ, you won’t have anything to walk around the yards with, and you’ll die of hunger.

Pinocchio: We won't die. I'm so tired of you. Where is Papa Carlo, I’m hungry...

(at that time Pinocchio runs up to the painted hearth and pierces it with his nose).

Pinocchio looks inside.

Pinocchio: Eh, beauty...

Cricket (edifyingly, ominously, sing-song)

Remember, Pinocchio,

My sincere advice:

Don't stick your long nose in

No trace of where to poke.

Go to school

Forget about pampering.

Makes life fun

Not just mischief.

Be an obedient boy

Help everyone with everything.

And remember…

Pinocchio: Very necessary!

Cricket: ... don’t run away from Carlo,

Otherwise there will be a lot of grief

You bring it to him.

Pinocchio: Why?

Cricket: Himself soon

You'll find out why!

Terrible things await you adventures.

Pinocchio: I'm so tired of you. (Throws a hammer at the cricket. A pot breaks near him. Papa Carlo returns to the noise)

Carlo: Oh, you wooden fool.

Pinocchio eats onions.

Carlo:Don't smack when you eat.

Sounds magical music. Carlo gives Pinocchio striped cap and ABC. Pinocchio rejoices.

Pinocchio: And what's that?

Carlo: And this is the ABC, with it you will go to school.

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo, where is your jacket?

Carlo: Nothing, baby. Live and learn healthily.

Pinocchio:(hugs Papa Carlo) So you sold it? Nothing. When I grow up, I will buy you 1000 new jackets.

It has been decided that from tomorrow I will be a man.

The curtain closes.

Act two.

The school bell rings. The phonogram sounds « KARABASA BARABS THEATER» , Carlo escorts Pinocchio. They meet Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat "Give it to the poor blind cat Basilio, and the lame fox Alice". Acrobats perform a sports number. Townspeople flee to theater. Karabas Barabas invites everyone to performance. He goes and pulls the strings of his dolls. Pinocchio runs, looks at everyone, teases Karabas.

The school bell rings again. Pinocchio, running towards the school, stops, and, having changed his mind, goes to theater…

Pinocchio:Why, you can’t see it. I'll take a look and run to school. The school isn't going anywhere.

Pinocchio goes to the Karabas-Barabas Theater. Approaches the cash register.

Pinocchio: Please give me a ticket to the very first row.

Cashier: You have 4 soldi.

Pinocchio: 4 soldi? Where do these 4 soldi come from?

Cashier: Where do they get it from? From thick wallets, my good girl. (laughs)

Pinocchio tries to get into the theater, but the cashier, who came out of her cash house, grabs him by the ear and sends him away. Pinocchio approaches those sitting in theater for children, asks them for 4 soldi, but the children have no money. Then he approaches music director, and she buys the ABC from him, paying 4 soldi. Pinocchio hurries to buy a ticket from the cashier and sit in the first row.

The action continues in Karabas Theater. Pinocchio is in auditorium among children.

Karabas (voice backstage): I repeat the question, scoundrels. How will you play my play? Where did this girl run away - Malvina with her poodle Artemon? I count to 3, and then it hurts. 1.2. (the audience screams and whistles indignantly) Thank you to our esteemed audience. On stage, on stage. (the dolls run away) And get out of it yourself as you want. (throws boots and hat)

The curtain opens on stage Pierrot appears to the music and bows.

Pierrot: Hello, dear audience.

Pinocchio: Hello!

Pierrot:My name is Pierrot. Now we will perform a comedy for you. They will hit me with a stick, slap me in the face, and before your eyes I will receive 33 slaps on the head. This is a very funny comedy.

On stage Harlequin appears with a stick.

Harlequin: (looks out from behind the scenes) Grow up! I'm Harlequin.

Pinocchio: Hello. (bows, turns around and slaps Pierrot on one side, then on the other)

Pierrot cries, Harlequin laughs.

Harlequin: Ha ha ha. What are you whining about, you fool?

Pierrot: I'm sad because I want to get married.

Harlequin: Why didn’t you get married?

Pierrot: Because my fiancée ran away from me.

Harlequin: Ha ha ha, have you seen the fool?

Harlequin: What's your fiancee's name?

Pierrot: Aren't you going to fight anymore?

Harlequin: Well, no, I just began. (takes the second stick)

Pierrot: In this case. Her name is Malvina or the girl with blue hair.

Harlequin: Ha ha ha. Are there girls with blue hair? (hits Pierrot with a stick, Karabas is dozing at this time)

Pinocchio Unable to bear it, he rushes to Pierrot’s defense, snatching the 2nd stick from Harlequin and begins to fight with him.

Harlequin: Are you crazy?

Pinocchio: Why did you pester him? What did he do to you, I ask you?

Harlequin: Who are you? Same theater(waves a stick, Pinocchio jumps over it)

Pinocchio: I'm telling you, it's bad theater.

Harlequin: What about you?

Pinocchio: This is stupid and evil theater. (fight)

Harlequin: And who are you?

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo whittled me.

Harlequin: So you are from a log?

Pinocchio: I’ll tell you another secret. I am made to please people.

Harlequin: With a nose like that?

Pinocchio: Don't you like my nose? Watch carefully, you'll hear about my nose again.

The soundtrack of the song "The Bird Danced the Polka" plays. Buratino and Pierrot are spinning. Children join them and perform couples dance. Having woken up, Karabas rushes towards them with threats. The music continues to play.

Karabas: Stop, stop (all the children return to their chairs, Pierrot hides, remains alone Pinocchio, Karabas grabs him and carries him away scenes)

Karabas: It was you who disturbed my submission? Well, that's it. (hangs Pinocchio on a hook)

The curtain closes.

Act three. Swamp.

On stage Duremar sits in the reeds and sings SONG OF THE LEECH, DANCE OF THE FROGS (children on the bridge) Duremar puts on galoshes and takes a net. On stage Tortilla Turtle appears.

Tortilla: Is it you, Duremar, who are muddying the waters again?

Duremar:Is that you, old floating suitcase?

Tortilla: You scared the whole pond, you're unnerving the leeches. Will this mess end soon?

Duremar:It won’t end until I catch all the leeches from your dirty puddle, Aunt Tortila. It's clear?

Tortilla: Why do you need them in such quantities?

Duremar: You know, I am a doctor.

Tortilla: You are not a doctor, you are a liar.

Duremar: Why should I be a doctor? Your leeches themselves heal people, and money pours into my pocket.

Tortilla: Then I’m ready to pay you off.

Duremar: Auntie, how can you pay off? I bet you don't have a soldo.

Tortilla: I'll give you more than soldo. I'll give you more than a million. I'll give you one magical thing.

Duremar: A million leeches for one thing?

Tortilla: This thing brings happiness.

Duremar: Do you want me to exchange money for some kind of happiness? Swim away, sail away, sail away from here, darling.

Tortilla: I swear that no one will ever get golden key.

Duremar:(mimicking) I swear no one will ever get it. Klyuchika? What key? Golden? What did you say? Tortilla! (The turtle, offended, swims away) Listen, Tortilla. It's true that yours pure gold key? Wait! He's big, yours little key?

The curtain opens.

Act four. Karabas-Barabas Theater. Karabas roasts a piece of meat on a spit. Pinocchio hanging on a hook, the dolls hid in the chest and look out, Pierrot and Harlequin are sitting near the chest.

Pierrot: Let him will fall asleep first.

Harlequin: Then we will take a ladder and remove Pinocchio from a nail.

Karabas claps his hands, dolls consider:

Dolls: One two Three (with their heads down, the dolls approach Karabas)

Karabas: Remove this piece of wood from the nail and throw it into the fire.

Dolls: Dear sir, have mercy Pinocchio.

Karabas: No mercy. Throw it in and my roast will brown quickly. (grabs the whip) I am starving.

The dolls come to Pinocchio.

Pierrot: Remember, he becomes kind when he starts sneezing.

Pinocchio: Oh, I got it!

Karabas: Well, you will be messing around there for a long time, throw it into the fire.

Pinocchio Somersaults over his head, blows on the fire, Karabas begins to sneeze.

Pinocchio: Be healthy. (starts to cry) Ah-ah-ah! Poor, unhappy me. Nobody feels sorry for me. Ah-ah-ah!

Karabas: Get into the hearth immediately.

Pinocchio: Senor, I can't do this.

Karabas: Why?

Pinocchio: I can poke a hole in your fireplace, and then you will be left without dinner.

Karabas: What kind of nonsense are you talking about?

Pinocchio: Alas, but it happened once already.

Karabas: It happened, what happened?

Pinocchio: I just stuck my nose into the pot and immediately poked a hole in it. Guess why?

Karabas: I’ll guess this for you now. How the ladies hurt now.

Pinocchio: And the answer is simple, because the hearth and pot were painted on an old canvas.

Karabas:(gets up from the chair) Ah-ah-ah, Apchhi! (Pinocchio falls to the floor) Where did you see this hearth, baby?

Pinocchio: In my Papa Carlo's closet.

Karabas: So your father is Carlo? (Magical music sounds) This means he has a secret one in his closet. (covers mouth with beard)

Pinocchio(approaches Karabas from behind): What did you say? What's secret?

Karabas: I said nothing. You heard it.

At this time, Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat look through the window. Pinocchio approaches Karabas from behind and pats him on the shoulder.

Pinocchio: What did you say, sir? What's secret?

Karabas: I didn’t say anything, baby, you heard it (looks at Pierrot and Harlequin, shouts threateningly) And you heard it, did you understand? I give you life Pinocchio. Moreover, I'm giving you money. Here (counts down) 1,2,3,4,5. five gold. Give them to your dad. And tell him... No, don't say anything. Don’t die of cold and hunger just yet, don’t leave your closet anywhere, and don’t remove a piece of old canvas from the wall just yet. (laughs).Go get some sleep and go home tomorrow. Hey you (addresses Pierrot and Harlequin, take him to the bedroom... Go, baby!


The dolls dance, and at the end of the song everyone takes turns hiding in the chest. The curtain closes.

The curtain closes.

Act five. Street.

The phonogram SONG plays Pinocchio, Buratino runs home. The Fox and the Cat are standing on the way, asking for alms. Girls sweep the street and dance. A girl waters flowers. The cat and the fox constantly meet on the way Pinocchio, they are preparing a rope to wash him. Hurrying home Pinocchio stumbles and falls.

Pinocchio: A-AY!

Fox:(right here) Oh! A child fell.

Cat: Why are you falling? (raise Pinocchio on both sides by the hands). Have taken!

Fox: Poor Pinocchio.

Cat:Poor, Pinocchio, poor, Pinocchio! (running, carrying Pinocchio) Hurry, hurry, hurry, come here!

Fox: Poor Pinocchio! Are you hurt?

Cat:(looking around) Poor, Pinocchio.

Pinocchio breaks out, tries to escape.

Cat: Wait, where?

Fox:(laughs) Where are you in such a hurry, poor thing? Pinocchio?

Cat: Yes, where were you in a hurry?

Pinocchio: I need to buy Papa Carlo a jacket.

Cat: So.

Pinocchio: ABC and to school.

Fox with a cat: (vying with each other) ABC, ABC, ha-ha-ha-ha!

Fox: Don't do anything stupid Pinocchio. So I studied, studied, and now I walk on three legs.

Cat: Because of this teaching, I became completely blind. Here you see? (takes off glasses, shows eyes) I don't see anything (takes off his hat) Give the poor cat some food.

Fox: Here you see?

Cat: That's life, eh! (Lisa puts his hat on him)

Pinocchio: What are you saying?

Fox: Yes Yes! Keep in mind Pinocchio, the teaching did not bring anyone any good. Let's better sit down with us on the path. (sit on the stairs) Us to come a long way . Today we are going... To the land of fools.

Cat:(waves to the side) Yes, there.

Pinocchio: Where? To the land of fools? (leans back and laughs)

Fox: Yes Yes.

Cat:(jumps up angrily) Why are you laughing at a cripple? Are you laughing at a cripple? (The fox rushes to defense Pinocchio, kicks the Cat) Meow! You offend!

Fox: Don't laugh, dear Pinocchio. We are very poor, but we go there to get rich. There is such a field there, magical, a field of miracles. On a lunar midnight, you need to dig a hole and put it there. gold, cover with soil, water from a puddle. And say the magic words. Shh, I'm only telling you. Kreks-fex-pex. And sleep peacefully. And early in the morning a tree sprouts, all covered gold coins. Understand?

Pinocchio: You're lying.

Fox and cat (vying with each other, echoing each other): Let's get out of here, Basilio. They don’t believe us and they don’t need to.

Pinocchio: Yes, wait. Let's go, let's go. They won't let a person think.

Fox and cat: Think, boy. Think that's the main thing.

Pinocchio: Can I buy it? theater?

Fox:(laughs) Theater. Yes, you know how much you can buy. A thousand million to the sky.

Cat: Ha ha ha.

Pinocchio: Interesting if you buy theater, will there be more left for a jacket?

Fox:(in ear Pinocchio) For a hundred jackets, come with us.

Pinocchio: No, perhaps I I'll go home first. I need to solve the mystery.

Fox: So much the worse for you. We're not pulling you on a rope.

Cat: We don’t pull on a rope.

Pinocchio: Well, okay, I just I'll warn you Papa Carlo and say goodbye.

Fox:(indignantly) Are you crazy, we're late. We don't have a minute.

The cat repeats everything after the Fox.

Fox: You are your own enemy. Listen, Basilio, why are we talking to him? He doesn't have a soldo.

Cat: He doesn’t have a soldo.

Fox: Go here.

Pinocchio: No soldo? (takes out coins) Have you seen this? (the cat’s glasses slide down his nose, surprised eyes are visible)

Fox: What a blue sky... (birds chirping is heard)

Cat: How many?

Pinocchio: Five.

Cat: Five gold?

Cat: Do you want me to show you a trick? Jiiiiii (moves his hand trying to pick up the coins)

Fox: They ran, they ran, they ran away….

The cat and the fox pick up Pinocchio, are carried backstage. A pillar with pointer: "CAFE" Behind the curtain, the interior of the cafe is being prepared.

Cat: Wait a minute. What is this? (sniffs) Cafe. Shall we come in? A?

Pinocchio: But we don’t have a minute.

Fox: Oh, we're late.

Cat: Well, at least take a peek. Walk to smell what’s cooking. At least lick your lips.

Fox: Let's go in, otherwise it won't come, it will fall apart.

Act six.

The curtain opens, the Cafe Hostess comes out to meet the guests and bows.

Fox: It wouldn’t hurt to have some refreshment, even a crust of bread.

Cat: Give me a crust of bread.

Pinocchio: Mistress, three crusts of bread.

Mistress: Three crusts of bread?

Fox (laughs) Cheerful Pinocchio(laughs) Witty Pinocchio. Rich Pinocchio. He's joking with you.

Cat:(laughs) He is joking. It's a joke.

Mistress: Clear! (lays a tablecloth on the table)

Cat and Fox (carry Pinocchio, sit down at the table, repeating): Three crusts of bread, no more.

Fox: Three crusts of bread, and with them, please, this wonderful, roasted lamb.

Cat: Yes Yes Yes.

Fox: Pigeons, these beautiful, crispy ones, and several chicks, chicks, and quails. (The cat also reaches out his hand to order something, the Fox gives him hands) And please, I’ll have some livers with blood.

Cat:(shouting out as he climbs onto the table) I'll kill you now. Me, me, me, me... All this and also 6 fatty crucian carp and small raw fish for a snack and more milk (The Fox takes the crutch, hits the Cat on the head, he gets off the table) OK…

Pinocchio: And three crusts of bread.

Mistress: Three crusts of bread. (food items are brought into the cafe)

WHAT THE SKY IS BLUE (Cat and Fox eat)

The music is muted

Fox: Are you full?

Cat: Full. He who eats well works well.

Fox: What an appetite. What a good assistant for Papa Carlo. (laugh)

The music continues to play loudly. The fox is dancing. The cat finishes the milk. At the end of the music, the Cat and the Fox, having eaten, leave, taking into the bag what they did not have time to finish. Pinocchio tries to run after him, but is stopped by the Tavern Mistress.

Mistress: Where are you going? So, sir Pinocchio, let's do the calculation.

Pinocchio: Let's produce it.

Pinocchio: I can do it up to five.

The hostess grins. Do you know how much two times two is?


Mistress: Have you never been to school?


Mistress: Molochina, how you made me happy. Then we'll do a quick calculation. 3 soldi plus 3 soldi equals 10 soldi. So?

Pinocchio: So.

Mistress: Well, 10 soldi plus 5 soldi equals 100 soldi. So?

Pinocchio: So.

Mistress: If so, sir Pinocchio, you are due 5 gold.

Pinocchio: From me? For what?

Mistress: And who will pay for dinner?

Buratino tries to escape, but the hostess grabs him by the collar. Pinocchio throws one on the table gold, which, having rolled across the table, returns back to Pinocchio. Pinocchio runs away.

The curtain closes Pinocchio ends up in a vacant lot.

Pinocchio: Aw, aw! (leaves)

The curtain opens. The phonogram of PAPA CARLO'S SONG plays, Cricket plays the violin. Carlo sits and worries.

Carlo: Where can I look for you? Eh, you wooden fool.

Cricket: (laughs) You answered your own question, Carlo. Look for him in the land of fools.

Carlo: Where?

Cricket: All fools end up there sooner or later.

Script for the play "Pinocchio"

Target: Create conditions for children’s emotional relaxation and improvement of students’ artistic taste.



Pintroduce the characters of the fairy tale characters.

Developmental :
- develop creative possibilities and children's imagination;

Develop students' speech

- promote unity children's group


- Cultivate kindness in relationships with peers

Equipment: costumes, scenery, props, musical soundtrack of the performance.









Karabas Barabas




Malvina Artemon


Fox Alice

Cat Basilio

Tavern owner

Senior police officer

Frogs – 4 people

Lamplighters – 6 people

Dogs – 4 people

Puppets of the Karabas Theater – 6 people

Cooks -4 people

1 action.

On stage, Giuseppe is laying out firewood and minding his own business. Carlo is playing the organ on the street.

Giuseppe: Wow! Nice log! It might make a nice leg for a table or something else. (Giuseppe was distracted, the log jumped to another place. Giuseppe is surprised, but chops the log.

Log: Oh! It hurts! (Giuseppe adjusts himself and hits the log again)

Log: Oh! Oh-oh-oh!

Giuseppe sits on the floor and Carlo comes in.

Carlo: Why are you sitting on the floor?

Giuseppe : I lost the screw. And what did you think?

Carlo : Yes, I didn’t think anything. My organ is completely broken.

And now I don’t know how I will earn my bread?

Giuseppe : Hey, it’s easier. Take this log from me.

Carlo : Log. Why do I need a log?

Giuseppe: Cut out the doll. You will walk around the yards.

Carlo : You say a log. Well. Give me your log.

Giuseppe carries a log, it falls on Carlo's leg.

Carlo: Are you crazy!

Giuseppe: It's not me!

Carlo: Not me, not me. Why did I hit myself in the leg?

Giuseppe : It’s not you, not me, it’s the log.

Carlo: Oh log. So you're still a blue nose and a liar!

Giuseppe: You're swearing, right? Come here.

Carlo: No, you come here. I'll grab your nose!

(a small scuffle begins, they fight, fall colliding, a voice behind the scenes: Come in from the right! Come in from the left!)

Carlo : Giuseppe, are you still alive?

Giuseppe : Yes.

Carlo : Oh, it seems to me that someone wants to quarrel between us. Don't you give up?

Giuseppe : For rent, Carlo.

Carlo: Let's try it out better.

Giuseppe : Let's!

Carlo: Just in case, otherwise anything can happen.

Giuseppe: Certainly!

(they hug, together: Face it, face it, face it and don’t fight anymore, and if you fight, I’ll bite!)

Carlo takes the log and leaves, Giuseppe goes backstage.

The curtain is closed.

Lantern Dance

Carlo: And the nose is perhaps a little long (he wants to trim it, but Pinocchio won’t let him)

Carlo: So, let's see what you can do?

Carlo: Ooo. Come on!

Come on, do this. And again. And two.

(Pinocchio walks, then runs around Carlo)

Carlo: Good good! Stop! This is how you go to school. Wait, how are you going to go to school, you don’t have the alphabet!


Sit at home. Do not play. I'll be back soon

(he leaves, and Pinocchio takes the organ and plays it)

Cricket: How many times have I told you, Pinocchio, don’t touch the organ. She is old. You see, it's broken?

Pinocchio: I didn't break anything...

Cricket: Yes, poor Carlo, he so hoped that you would become his assistant. And you two will walk around the yards.

Pinocchio: Around the yards!? Ha ha ha! (laughs while falling, hits his head on an object) Oh!....

Cricket : Yeah! It serves you right not to laugh at your elders.

Pinocchio : Well, I'm tired of it. Where is Papa Carlo?... I'm hungry!

(runs to the canvas with the painted hearth and pierces it with his nose, looks into the hole)

Pinocchio: What a miracle, beauty...

Cricket: E-he-he.. Pinocchio stop fooling around. It won't do you any good.

Pinocchio: Oh! Oh! If you are a talker, then I must listen to your chatter.

Cricket: I've been living in this room for a hundred years.

Pinocchio: Whoa-oh-oh! Well, that's enough for you! Now I live here!

Cricket: The terrible adventures of Pinocchio await you.

Pinocchio: Are you still here?

Cricket : I feel sorry for you. You will shed bitter tears.

(the cricket leaves the rat's exit)

Rat: Why are you poking around here in the corners...

Pinocchio: I fumble wherever I want, I am the boss here..

Rat: Just think... All the babies here are mine!

Pinocchio: What more! (notices the rat) Ah!

Rat: I'm not your cricket...

(attacks Pinocchio and drags him into a hole in the wall..)

Pinocchio : Papa Carlo! For help!

(At this time Papa Carlo came and grabbed Pinocchio by the legs and pulled him out)

Carlo: Oh you, my fool.

(puts on his cap, opens the alphabet, Pinocchio is surprised and happy)

Pinocchio : And what's that?

Carlo: This is the ABC. You will go to school with her.

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo and Cricket also told me to go to school.

Carlo: OK, baby. The cricket is very smart, listen to him.

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo, where is your jacket?

Carlo : It’s okay baby, live and learn healthily.

(hugs Carlo and talks like this)

Pinocchio : So you sold it? It’s okay, when I grow up and learn, I’ll buy you a thousand new jackets. Cricket, and cricket, it’s decided that from tomorrow I will be a man.

The curtain opens

phonogram "Karabas Theater"

Pinocchio: Why can’t I watch something... I’ll take a look and run to school. The school isn't going anywhere.

Conveners: Hurry! Hurry! Get your tickets quickly! To the cashier! To the cashier!

Pinocchio: Please give me a ticket to the very first row.

Cashier: 4 soldi!

Pinocchio: 4 soldi.. Where do you get these 4 soldi, please tell me?

Cashier: Where do they get it from? From thick wallets my clever girl! Haha...

(Pinocchio finds a boy in the crowd)

Pinocchio: Boy, boy, lend me 4 soldi. I forgot my fat wallet at home

Boy: (licks a lollipop) Look for the fool!

Pinocchio: Well then, take my jacket, it's a good deal.

Boy: Paper, for 4 soldi? Look for the fool!

Pinocchio: Well then, my wonderful cap, so be it!

Boy: You can only catch tadpoles with your cap! Look for the fool!

Pinocchio: (Reveals the alphabet)

Boy: Oh! What is this?

Pinocchio: Only 4 soldi!

Boy: I take this alphabet! Hold it! (gives him money)

(Pinocchio sits on a chair in the hall)

Karabas Barabas : I repeat the question, scoundrels, how will you play my play? Where did this girl Malvina run away with her poodle Artemon? I count to three and then it hurts! Once! Two!

(audience boos)

Karabas Barabas: Thank you to our honorable audience, but after the performance it will hurt so much! On stage! On stage! And get out of it yourself as you want!

(Karabas leaves)

Piero: Hello, dear audience!

Pinocchio : Hello!

Piero: My name is Pierrot! Now we will perform a comedy for you. They will hit me with a stick and slap me in the face. Before your eyes, I will receive 33 slaps on the head. This is a very funny comedy.

Harlequin: Hello, I'm Harlequin!

Pinocchio: Hello!

Harlequin: What are you whining about, you fool?

Piero: I'm sad because I want to get married

(extras laugh)

Harlequin: Why didn't you get married?

Piero: Because my fiancee ran away from me!

Harlequin: (extras laugh) Ha-ha-ha.. We saw the fool

(extras laugh)

Harlequin: What's your fiancee's name?

Piero: You won't fight anymore?

Harlequin : Well, no.. I’ve just started.. (picks up a stick)

Piero: In this case, her name is Malvina or the girl with blue hair.

Harlequin: Ha ha ha.. Are there really girls with blue hair?

(Harlequin hits Pierrot with a stick, Pinocchio, looking at all this, stands up for Pierrot, snatches the stick from Harlequin and fights with him as if with swords, the audience is indignant)

Harlequin: Are you crazy?

Pinocchio: Why did you bother him? What did he do to you? I'm asking you?

Harlequin: Who are you? Where did you come from here?

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo whittled me.

Harlequin: Ah-ah-ah... So that means you're from Palen...

Pinocchio: You guessed it, sir. I am made for the joy of people!

Harlequin: With a nose like that?

Pinocchio: Don't you like my nose? Well, take a good look at him! You'll hear about him again!

Extras: This is Pinocchio!

(raises the stick up, firecracker explodes)

Extras: Hooray!

(all the dolls go on stage and dance the “Polka Butterfly” dance)

Karabas: (wakes up) Stop it! Stop!

(extras scream, run away, Karabas grabs Pinocchio)

Karabas: What's this? So it was you who interrupted the performance of my wonderful comedy?! Well, that's it... Your song is all done.

(goes backstage)

Act 2

The curtain is closed

Duremar sings the song: “My dear leeches”

Tartilla: Are you Duremar muddying the waters again?

Duremar: And this is you old floating suitcase...

Tartilla: You scared the whole pond. You're unnerving the leeches. Will this mess end soon?

Duremar: It won’t end until I catch all the leeches in your dirty puddle, Aunt Tartilla. Hehe, okay?..

Tartilla : Why do you need them in such quantities?

Duremar: But you know, I am a doctor.

Tartilla: You are not a doctor, you are a charlatan.

Duremar: Ha-ha...Why should I be a doctor when my leeches themselves heal people, and money pours into my pocket.

Tartilla: This is not scientific...

Duremar: Not scientific.

Tartilla : Every schoolchild will explain it to you. You will catch all the leeches and there will be no one to treat people.

Duremar : Of people? And I don’t care about anyone, as long as my gold rings.

Tartilla: Then..

Duremar: Then.

Tartilla: I am ready to pay you off Duremar.

Duremar : To pay off, stupid aunt, how can you pay off. I'll bet you a dozen leeches, you don't have a single sold...

Tartilla : I'll give you more than a soldo... I'll give you more than a million. I'll give you one magical thing.

Duremar: Haha.. A million leeches for one thing.

Tartilla: This same thing brings happiness.

Duremar: Do you want me to exchange money for some kind of happiness... Get out, get out, I ask you. Get out darling!

Tartilla: I swear, if people began to mistake happiness for money, and money for happiness, then no one will ever receive a golden key.

Duremar: I swear no one will ever get the key. What key? Gold? What did you say? Tart! Listen, Tartylochka, it’s true that your key is pure gold. Wait! Well, a deal is a deal! Well, wait, you crazy! Well, is this key big or not? How much does it weigh, then?

(The frog Tartila is taken away on a water lily leaf, Duremar also goes backstage)

Papa Carlo and Giuseppe walk across the stage.

Carlo: Pinocchio!

Giuseppe: All! Let's go home, we won't find him.

Carlo: My heart feels that the boy is in trouble.

Giuseppe: That’s it, but mine feels that we won’t find him.

Carlo: Giuseppe, shame on you. Let's go to. Pinocchio!

Giuseppe: Pinocchio!

The curtain opens

Karabas: Thousands of devils! Two thousand devils!

(claps his hands three times, the dolls count, Harlequin and Pierrot go to Karabas)

Karabas: Hey there you are! Drudge around like sleepy turtles. Take this dry piece of wood and throw it into the fire.

Pierrot, Harlequin : Dear sir, have mercy on Pinocchio!

Karabas: No mercy! Throw in my roast and it will quickly fry. I am starving!

Pierrot : Remember, he becomes kind when he starts sneezing.

Pinocchio: And I understood.

Karabas: Well, you will be messing around there for a long time, throw it into the fire!

(Pinocchio blows on the roast, ash flies, Karabas begins to sneeze)

Pinocchio : Be healthy. Ah-ah-ah, poor, unhappy me! And no one feels sorry for me! Ah-ah-ah!

Karabas: Stop crying, you're stopping me from sneezing!

Pinocchio: Be healthy!

Pinocchio : Have pity on my old father. Have pity on your father! Ah-ah-ah!

Karabas: (tries to sneeze) a---a---a...No pity! You see, I’m already sneezing from hunger. Thousand devils! Get into the fireplace immediately!

Pinocchio : Sir, I can't do this.

Karabas: Why?

Pinocchio: Because I can poke a hole in your hearth. And you will be left without dinner.

Karabas: What kind of nonsense are you talking about? What hole?

Pinocchio : Alas, but it happened once before...

Karabas: Was! What happened?

Pinocchio : I just stuck my nose into the pot and immediately poked a hole in it. Guess why?

Karabas: I’ll tell you right now how I’ll hurt you!

Pinocchio : And the answer is very simple, because the hearth and pot were painted on an old canvas.

Karabas: (sneezes heavily) Where did you see such a fireplace, baby?

Pinocchio: In my dad Carlo's closet.

Karabas: So that means in your father’s closet, Papa Carlo’s… He has a secret… in his closet.

.(covers his mouth with his beard)

Pinocchio: What did you say, sir, that it’s secret?

Karabas: I didn't say anything, baby, you heard it

(speaks towards the dolls) And you heard it! Got it?

(the dolls nod).

Karabas: I give you Pinocchio’s life, and what’s more, I give you money. Here, five gold. Give them to your dad and tell him... no, don't say anything. Don’t die of cold and hunger just yet, don’t leave your closet, and don’t remove a piece of old canvas from the wall. Go get some sleep and go home tomorrow. Hey you! Take him to the bedroom! Go baby...

(Karabas leaves, the dolls dance to the song “The Secret”)

Pinocchio: There's some kind of terrible secret here!

(goes backstage)

Act 3.

The curtain closes

Duremar runs in:

(Karabas sings while tuning the guitar: mi-mi-mi...)

Duremar : Signor! I know the secret!

Karabas: What secret can you know... I am personally interested in one secret that I would like to know... Get out of here!

Duremar: I know the secret - Tartila turtles!

Karabas: Tartila turtles?! Speak!

(grabs him by the chest)

Duremar: The turtle said, I know one person who will do everything in the world to get this key.

Karabas: (stands up proudly) This person is ME!!! I! I! I! This person! key!

(extends his hand to Duremaru)

Duremar: Unfortunately…

Karabas: Give me the key...

Duremar: Unfortunately, we quarreled with the turtle and she swore that this vile, nasty, low person would not receive the key.

(Karabas sings “Consider me mean”)

Karabas: With this key I will open one door in one closet where one lives.....

(Pierrot looks out and hides behind the scenes)

Karabas: He's eavesdropping, you scoundrel! Stop! Hold him!

(give chase)

Duremar : I'm with you, sir!

(Pinocchio runs along the road and meets a cat and a fox)

Fox: Oh, the child fell...

Cat: Why are you falling...

(they pick up Pinocchio and drag him onto the stage)

Fox: Poor Pinocchio...

Cat: Poor Pinocchio...

Fox: Where are you going in such a hurry, poor Pinocchio? A?

Pinocchio : I need to buy dad Carlo a jacket, the alphabet and for school.

Fox: Poor, stupid Pinocchio. So I studied and studied. Now I walk on three legs.

Cat: But I’m completely blind, I can’t see anything, give the poor cat some food...

Fox : Here you see.

Pinocchio: What are you saying..

Fox: Yes, yes, dear Pinocchio, take into account the teaching that no one cares for good....

Giuseppe : Pinocchio!

Pinocchio: (comes out of the curtain) Hey, Giuseppe!

Cat: Giuseppe, hello!

(grabs Pinocchio and again pulls him backstage)

Pinocchio: (comes out again) Hello!!!

Giuseppe: Where are you! Well, you'll get it from Carlo!

Pinocchio : And if I were you, I wouldn’t poke my little gray nose into other people’s affairs!

Giuseppe: But for this, I’ll tell Carlo who you’re hanging around in the gateways with!

Fox: Who is this with? With whom?

Cat: How shoud I understand this?

Pinocchio: Yabida!

(everyone whistles, laughs, Giuseppe leaves)

Fox : Don’t worry, dear Pinocchio, forget about him...

Cat: Forget it, honey.

Fox: Let's better sit down on the path, otherwise Basilio and I have a long way ahead... We're going with him...

Fox: To the land of fools.

Cat: Yes!

Pinocchio: Where? To the land of fools….Ha ha ha….

Fox: Don't laugh, dear Pinocchio! We are very poor. We go there to get rich. There is such a field there. Magical. Field of Dreams. On a lunar midnight, you need to dig a hole, put gold in it, cover it with earth, salt it well, water it from the puddle and say the magic words: Shhhh... I'm only telling you. Rex, pex, fex. And go to sleep peacefully, and early in the morning a tree grows, all covered with gold coins. Hee hee.. Do you understand?

Pinocchio: You're lying...

Fox: Let's get out of here Basilio!

Cat: Let's go to!

Fox: They don’t believe us and they don’t need to!

Cat: They don't believe us!...

Pinocchio: Just wait... Let's go, let's go... They won't let the person think.

Cat: That's right, think...

Pinocchio: Can I buy a theater?

Fox: (laughs) Do you know how much you can buy?! A thousand million to the sky!

Cat: Yes... hehe...

Pinocchio: I wonder if you buy a theater, will there be enough left over for a jacket?

Fox: For a hundred jackets, come with us.

Pinocchio: No. I guess I'll go home first. I need to solve the mystery.

Fox: So much the worse for you. We are not pulling you with a rope...

Cat: On a rope, we don’t pull..

Cat: You are your own enemy!

Fox: Listen, Basilio, to what we are talking to.

Cat: Why are we talking to him!

Fox: He doesn't have a soldo!

Pinocchio: No soldo! And you saw this! (shows coins)

Fox: What a blue sky...

Pinocchio: Giuseppe! (Giuseppe appears)

Fox: Did you run?

Cat: Let's run, let's run...

(they grab Pinocchio by the arms and take him backstage, Carlo and Giuseppe run out and don’t find Pinocchio)

Giuseppe : ABOUT!

Carlo: Wow! (shows fist to Giuseppe)

Giuseppe: I swear by Carlo! Here they stood and whispered! These robbers and your boy.

Carlo: What can you imagine... Well, what to do now, where to look for him? Eh...


The curtain opens

Cat: Rack! What is this? (sniffs) Tavern! Let's go in, shall we?

Pinocchio: We don't have a minute!

Fox: Oops, we're late.

Cat: At least take a peek at what’s being prepared, smell what’s cooking, even lick your lips...

Fox: Let's go in.. Otherwise it won't come, it will fall apart.

Pinocchio: Let's go!

Cat: Let's go to!

Fox: It wouldn't hurt to have some refreshment, even a crust of bread...

Cat: Treat me to a crust of bread!

Pinocchio: Master! Three crusts of bread!

Tavern owner : Three crusts of bread?

Lisa starts laughing

Fox: Oh, funny Pinocchio! Haha...

Master: Three crusts of bread!...Ha-ha-ha..

Fox: Witty Pinocchio, rich Pinocchio...He's joking with you...

Cat: Ha ha ha... He's joking! It's a joke!

Master: Clear!

Fox: Three crusts of bread and this wonderful roasted lamb and beautiful, crispy pigeons... and also some livers please...

Cat: I’ll kill you now, for me, for me... That’s it, that’s it, that’s all, six crucian carp, fatty flatbreads, cheese for a snack and milk... More... (the fox hits the cat with a crutch, he... La-a-a-a-bottom!.. .)

Pinocchio: And three crusts of bread!

Master: Three crusts of bread!

Song “How blue the sky is, we are not supporters of robbery...”

Master: Where are you going? And so, Signor Buratino, we will make a calculation.

Pinocchio: Let's produce.

Master: Can you count?

Pinocchio: I can do it until five!

Master : Ha... what is two and two? You know?

Pinocchio: Nope!

Master: Have you never been to school?

Pinocchio: No!

Master: Well done. How you made me happy. Then we'll do a quick calculation. Three soldi plus three soldi equals ten soldi. Well, ten soldi plus five soldi will be one hundred soldi. So?

Pinocchio: So.

Master: Well, if so, you owe Buratino, five gold.

Pinocchio: From me? For what!

Master : Who will pay for dinner?

(Pinocchio tries to escape)

Master : Pay up, scoundrel, or I'll skewer you like a bug.

Pinocchio: Fly!

Master : Where?

Pinocchio: Aw! Aw! Kitty! Little fox! Where are you? It's me, Pinocchio!

The cat and the fox hooted and ran towards Pinocchio:

Cat: Yeah gotcha! Hold him! Stop!

(run around the hall)

Fox: Stop!

Cat: Where are you in such a hurry?

Fox: Surround!

(the fox and the cat grab Pinocchio, he closes his eyes and pretends to be unconscious)

Cat: Here he is, the thief!

Fox: He died.

Cat: Pretends.

Fox: Give us our money! (shaking Pinocchio)

Cat: His mouth is ringing, he swallowed the money.

Fox: Say: Aaah! (shaking again) Wait! Shouldn't we cut it down?

Cat: Let's go get a saw!

Fox: First we tie it to a tree.

Cat and fox: Wow! (shaking fists)

Fox: Robber! (leave)

4 action.

The curtain opens

Malvina: Artemon! Artemon! Free this poor thing!

Artemon: I'm ready. R - wow!

(Artemon unties Pinocchio and he lies right on the floor)

Malvina: Oh, why is he silent? Why is he silent?

(Artemon puts the puppet characters in his hands and is responsible for them)

1 toy: The patient is more alive than dead...

2 toy: The patient is more dead than alive...

3 toy: One out of two. Either the patient is alive or he has died. Or the patient is dead than alive.

Malvina: What is there to characterize him with?

Artemon: He needs to be treated with castor oil!

(Pinocchio jumps up and spits)

Pinocchio: What-o-o! Castor oil?!

Artemon: Yes Yes! Castor oil! (responsible for toys)

Pinocchio: Look what they came up with! Castor oil! Yes, I’ll die and I won’t drink it!

Malvina: Ah-ah-ah! Horrible! Horrible! Artemon!

Artemon: This minute!

Malvina: Take off your rags and change clothes!

Pinocchio: What more!

(Artemon brings a robe and Pinocchio puts it on)

Artemon: I ask you to!

Malvina: And who is raising you, please tell me?

Pinocchio: When is Papa Carlo, and when is no one.

Malvina: And now I will take care of your upbringing.

Pinocchio: Here's another!

Malvina: Sit down.

Pinocchio: Please…

Malvina: Place your hands in front of you.

Pinocchio: Please (lays down on the table)

Malvina: Don't hunch over.

Pinocchio: Please…

Malvina: So. You have two apples in your pocket.

Pinocchio: You're lying! No one!

Malvina: Someone took one apple from you. How much do you have left?

Pinocchio: Two!

Malvina: Think first, why two?

Pinocchio: I won’t give someone an apple, even if I fight!

Malvina: You won't be good at mathematics this way. Let's try dictation

(gives Pinocchio a feather)

Malvina: Write. And the rose fell on Ozor’s paw. And then read this magic phrase in reverse.

(Pinocchio puts his nose into the inkwell and drips a blot into the notebook, laughs)

Malvina: Horrible! What are you doing?

Malvina: Oh, what a disgrace! I'll have to punish you! Artemon! Artemon! Take Pinocchio to the dark closet!

Artemon: P-r-rosh you!

Pinocchio: Please.

Artemon: Stop. Like this…

(takes off Buratino’s robe and he goes to the closet, Artemon opens the door to the closet)

Artemon: P-r-rosh!

(Pinocchio looks into the closet, then at Malvina)

Malvina: I have no choice!

Pinocchio: No exit…

a cat and a fox appear:

Fox: Hey little tree!

Cat: Look what we have!

Fox: Oh, where is he?

Cat: Escaped! Hey, he's impudent! (they remove the bags from their heads as they walk)

Fox: Rude!

Cat: Run away, coward!

The song “They Spidey” is performed by puppet spiders and Pinocchio.”

bat : Are you sitting?

Pinocchio: Sitting….

Bat mouse: Well, sit, sit... Will you sit a lot?

Pinocchio: What should I do then?

bat : There is a rat passage...

the curtain closes

Mouse: Shvoboda! Shvoboda! Let's run to the land of fools!

Pinocchio : Listen! How did you know that I was sitting in this damn closet?

Mouse : Your friends know this! Your friends!

(Pinocchio and the mouse run around the hall, running around the hall in a circle)

Pinocchio: Is it big, this field of miracles?

Mouse: Your friends know this! Your friends!

Pinocchio: Why are you so secretive? You fly everywhere and know nothing?! Even a little suspicious!

(they run to the middle of the hall, Pinocchio pretends to be running in place, a fox and a cat appear on the stage)

Cat: Everything is lost! She won't bring him. Our money was crying.

Fox: You are the stupidest cat in the world, Basilio!

Cat: He can't get out of there, Chulan, he's locked up!

Fox: There's a mouse! Insider!

Cat: I hate mice! Especially volatile ones! It's all because of you!

(hits the fox on the hat)

Fox: Because of me! Oh you... Cat: I'll tear you to shreds, into pieces! And also for rags!

Fox: Oh so... (fight)

(Pinocchio and the mouse run to the stage)

Mouse: Here we are! Ha ha ha! (flies away)

Cat: What happiness! Who came to us! Ha ha ha!

Pinocchio: What's wrong with you?

Fox: (the tone of voice changes to pitiful) Pinocchio, we have gone through so much to save you!

Cat: I just! I was all nervous!

Pinocchio: And I went through so much because of this girl!

Fox: Pinocchio, have you lost your money?

Pinocchio: Not with you!

Fox: Pinocchio! (rejoice)

Cat: My boy!

Fox: Oh! Today is the last night when you can sow money!

Cat: Do not have time? We'll be late!

Fox: Oh!

Fox: We'll be late! Or maybe we’ll still have time?

Pinocchio: We'll make it!

Fox: We'll make it! We'll make it! (jumps for joy)

Cat: Good girl! Do you want me to show you a trick? (blindfolds Pinocchio)

It's a secret!

Fox: It's a secret, boy!

Cat: Rex, fax, pex!

Song "Don't hide your money..."

Fox: This is a field of miracles! Here's where you dig a hole...

Cat: Put the money in!

Fox: Sprinkle with earth, salt well and go to sleep peacefully..

Cat: Yes Go…. Here's some sprinkles and go...

Pinocchio: But you still move away!

Fox: Yes, we are not interested in seeing where you put your money!

Cat: Yes, we are not interested in watching...

Fox: The main thing is not to forget to say, rex, fax, pex

(kicks the cat and drags him over the edge of the stage on the left side)

Cat: (on the move) You say the main thing, rex, fax, pex.... This is the main thing... because this is the main thing, otherwise you’ll forget to say...

Fox: Well? Putting it down?

(Pinocchio buries coins)

Cat: (counts) Five coins! Hee hee hee! Watering... watering... hee-hee-hee... Good girl!

Pinocchio: Rex, fax, pex! (sits down, waits)

Fox: Well, what's sleeping?

Cat: How will he sleep...

Fox: Children should sleep at night!

Cat: Must! And he has insomnia!

(the fox hits him on the head with a crutch)

Fox: Buratino is not such a fool!

Cat: What do we do?

Fox: Stay here, I'll be right there!

(the fox runs to the end of the hall)

Cat: Fox, what about me... Pinocchio? Are you here?

Pinocchio: Here.. (thoughtfully)

Cat: Smart girl. And here I am. Meow! Pinocchio, children should sleep at night!

Pinocchio: (dreaming, says to himself) I’ll immediately run to buy dad Carlo a theater. Big and beautiful. No, perhaps the most Grand Theatre I won't buy it for him. Otherwise he will die of joy. I'll buy an average theater.

Fox: Mister courageous police officer on duty. A terrible danger threatens all the rich people of our city. A thief named Buratino sits in a vacant lot. He wants to rob the whole city.

Karabas: In the name of the Karabakh king! (gives a bag of money) Arrest the thief and scoundrel Pierrot! He stole from me terrible secret! We need to catch up with him!

Fox: No! Pinocchio!

Karabas: No Pierrot!

Fox: Oh, you old sneak!

Karabas: No Pierrot!

(a scuffle, they are trying to move each other, the policeman blows his whistle)

Karabas and Fox: (simultaneously): Follow me!!!

(Karabas, Duremar and the police run to the police station at the end of the hall)

Carlo: Oh, Giuseppe, I somehow don’t like all this... No matter what happens with Pinocchio...

Giuseppe: Pinocchio. You're unfortunate, Carlo. Your boy is not such an important bird that they would set out a whole chase after him!

Carlo: And yet the Blue Nose honors my heart that I need to go in that direction

Giuseppe: In that...

Carlo: Yes….

Giuseppe: In that! In that one! Carlo, we can’t be torn into different pieces!

Carlo: Shhh!...

(They leave through the central doors)

Pinocchio stands up and raises his hands like someone under arrest:

Pinocchio: What I've done? Well, what did I do?

Senior police dog: R-r-vav! You scoundrel committed three terrible crimes! You are homeless, without a passport, without a job! Take him away and drown him in the pond! R-r-vav!

Pinocchio: Hey! What are you talking about? Ah-ah-ah!

Fox and Cat rush to the hole

Fox: My!

Cat: What are you yelling at? Everything here is ours!

Fox: Here it is, the money...

Cat: Give me half!

Fox: Wait… Wait Basilio…. (carefully blows the dust off the money) Money loves counting... Wait...

Cat: I'll grab you in the face right now..

Fox: (sternly) We have five gold. So?! (cat nods) Five is not divisible by two? (the cat nods) It doesn’t share, right? Get one gold!

(hands the gold to the cat)

Cat: Don't confuse me! (with irritation)

Fox: (slyly) Basilio, when did I confuse you!

Cat: (boiling) Don't confuse me!

Fox: (with indignation) Well, when did I confuse you?!

Cat: Deceived... Confused. Oh, you're vile!

(grabs the fox by the throat, fight to the music of Alexey Rybnikov “Fight of a cat and a fox”, fall)

Fox: Which sky is blue?

Cat: Give me the money Alice (stand up)

Fox: Choke on your gold...

Cat: Ah-ah-ah.. And then..

Fox: You would be lost without me, you idol.

Cat: Do you think it’s easy to pretend to be blind, Aliska?

Fox: Everything is fine, let's go to a good tavern (mocking) Rich, smart Pinocchio... Where are you?

Cat: Where are you? No! Ha-ha-ha... (both laugh and go backstage)

Pinocchio flies out from behind the scenes

Frogs appear, croak, and run away.

Pinocchio: Where did those frogs go? Now, now, and themselves...

(Frogs appear and Aunt Tartila rolls out)

Tartilla: Ah... you are the brainless fool who was deceived by the cat and the fox.

Pinocchio: Cat and fox? Who are you to slander my friends? Turtle, or what?

Tartilla: First of all, don't talk to me on a first-name basis. I am three hundred years older than you and know life three hundred times better. But you don’t understand this because you dropped out of school and don’t know how to count at all.

Pinocchio: But I can do it! I just have nothing to count right now! And when I had money, I could count to five. And now I have no money.

Tartilla: So you want to be rich.

Pinocchio: What more! I don’t want anything!

Tartilla: Then forgive me my curiosity, why do you need money?

Pinocchio: To buy a theater!

Tartilla: Do you think you can buy a theater?

Pinocchio: Don’t you know that money can buy everything! Well, think carefully, do you want something? Well, do you want to?

(Song of the turtle Tartila “Three hundred years ago...”)

Tartilla: And you know, for some reason I really liked you...

Pinocchio: I'm charming.

Tartilla: No...that's not the point. You are kind, you love Papa Carlo and believe that you were created for the joy of people. I want to give you a key. He will bring you happiness!

Pinocchio: What should I do with it?

Tartilla: With this key you can open one magic door!

(Pinocchio joyfully raises the key, laughs)

5 action.

Pierrot runs from the dogs

Piero: Goodbye Malvina! Do not see you again!

Pinocchio: What's happened? I can't believe my ears!

Piero: Goodbye Malvina!

Pinocchio: What is it, I can’t believe my eyes! Pierrot! And Gray Nose still didn’t believe in miracles! Piero where are you from?

Piero: Goodbye…

Pinocchio: Enough for you!

Piero: Oh, it turns out I’m still alive...

Pinocchio: More alive than dead. Where are you from?

(pursuers whistling)

Piero: Ah, hide me! It's Karabas Barabas who's chasing me! I found out his secret.

Pinocchio: What secret?

Piero: The secret of the golden key.

Pinocchio: What? Do you know the door that is unlocked by the golden key?!

Piero: Karabas did not have time to tell me about this. Anyway, the key is at the bottom of the lake, we will never see happiness!

Pinocchio: Yeah! And you saw this!

(Shows the key, a magic melody plays)

Pinocchio: I will hide you in a safe place.

get up on stage

the curtain opens

Malvina: Artemon! Artemon! Look who came to us!

Pinocchio : Here he is, bring him up!

Piero: Oh, forgive the unworthy poet who allows himself to sing a song. This song is for you!

(Pierrot’s song “I don’t need raspberries”...)

Pinocchio: Bravo! Bravo!

Artemon carries juice

Piero: Malvina! I haven't eaten anything for a long time! I write poetry.

(Pinocchio sprinkles tea and laughs silently..)

Piero: Malvina ran away to foreign lands.. Malvina disappeared - my bride.. I’m crying, I don’t know where to go, wouldn’t it be better with puppet life breake down?....

(Pinocchio chokes on his tea from laughter..)

Pinocchio: All! All! All!

(frogs appear, croak, warn Pinocchio)

Malvina: What they're saying?

Pinocchio: Karabas Barabas found out that I have a golden key!

Pinocchio: We're being chased!

Malvina: Oh! I'm afraid, I'm afraid!

Pinocchio : Calmly! No panic! Behind me!

They run to the central exit.

the curtain closes

Karabas: Ha! Well come here! Come here, kids!

Malvina : Oh! Afraid! Afraid!

(Duremar and the fox, the cat surround friends)

Duremar: Yeah!

Malvina: Oh! Afraid!

Pinocchio : Listen to my command, prepare for battle! Artemon, do your warm-up! Pierrot, read your nastiest poems! And you, Malvina, are louder!

(Malvina laughs throughout all the poems)

Piero: I feel sorry for Alice the Fox

The stick is crying for her!

Fox: What? Impudent!

Piero: Cat Basilio - quieter...

Cat: I have the honor!

Pierrot : Thief, vile cat!

Cat: Not true, yours!

Piero: Duremar is our fool

The ugliest morel!

Piero: Karabas you are Barabas

We are not very afraid of you!

Karabas: Oh, so cute kids! One, two, take it! Forward!

(releases the dogs)

Karabas : Behind me!

(a trick act between Artemon and the dogs begins)

Karabas: Yeah! Grab them! Worthless boy, give me the key!

Fox: Gotcha!

Malvina, Pierrot, Pinocchio: For help! For help!

all the heroes are running around the hall

Giuseppe and Carlo appear from the central doors

Carlo: Stop! Can you hear? Giuseppe!

Giuseppe: Yes! It seems to me Carlo, someone was screaming!

Carlo: This is Pinocchio! I recognized his voice!

Carlo: Wow! Here they are!

Pinocchio: Papa Carlo!

all the dolls, having reached Carlo, hide behind his back

Fox: Oh! Guard!

Cat: For what, dad?! For help!

Fox: For help!

Duremar: And I have nothing to do with it! Nothing to do with it at all!

Karabas: Give me my dolls!

Carlo : Will not give it back!

Pinocchio: Don't give it away for nothing!

Karabas: My dolls!

Giuseppe : Don’t be a fool, Carlo planed Pinocchio himself! And these are all our friends! Yeah I understood?

Karabas: (falls to his knees) Well, sell it! Sell ​​them to me for a hundred coins!

Carlo: I don't sell my friends! Even for a million!

(falls and is hysterical, banging his fists on the floor)

Karabas: Sell! Ah-ah-ah!

Carlo: Eh, what have you become because of your greed! And also a doctor of puppet science! You got involved with swindlers, you offend dolls!

(Carlo and all the dolls go up to the stage)

Karabas: Well, wait, Carlo! I'll get to you!


Pinocchio: Papa Carlo! And I won’t walk around the yards anymore!

Giuseppe: Here!!!

Carlo : Why so?

Pinocchio: But look what I have!

(shows the key, imitates as if using the key to open the door in the middle of the curtain)

Pinocchio: Ask!

(everyone passes, a cricket appears)

Pinocchio: Wow! Hello, wise cricket! Where did you go then?

Cricket: Haha... I warned you that terrible adventures await you...

Pinocchio: But without adventure, I tell you, you won’t achieve anything!

Cricket: Well, Buratino, maybe it is so. You young people know this better now! But your adventures are not over. Go forward, your friends are following you!

(Pinocchio is hiding behind the scenes)

Cricket: See you soon, Buratino!

The final dance of all the characters of the play to the audio track of favorite songs from the film “Pinocchio”

At the end, bow to all the heroes of the play.

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