Show program Russian fair. Concert “Russian Fair. Medley of folk songs

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July 15 under open air in the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University " Apothecary garden“A bright and cheerful musical show performance “Russian Fair” will take place with an authentic Russian scope and flavor.

Only in this unique program can you see mystery and magic national holiday day of Ivan Kupala, a joyful harvest festival, a traditional Russian fair, Russian winter with Christmas, carols, games and a wide Maslenitsa.

“Russian Fair” is the first musical show performance presented in colorful scenography using synthesis folk traditions and modernity, in which the processing of songs and music from all over Russia is intertwined with original performance ritual melodies and is accompanied by bright choreographic performances.

The vocal and choreographic ensemble “Rusy” takes part in the performance.

The ensemble "Rusy" is a vocal and dance group created in 2008 on the basis of the Moscow Cultural Folklore Center under the leadership of L. Ryumina, whose performances are based on traditional Russian song and musical creativity. Over the years, the team has created a large concert repertoire, which includes not only folk dances, but also samples classical heritage, modern choreographic performances. The geography of the band's tours is Germany, England, the Republic of Korea, Croatia, cities of Russia and neighboring countries. The ensemble took part in the Slavic Bazaar (Vitebsk), in the cultural program of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014 in Sochi. Frequent guest holiday concerts in the Kremlin and Concert hall"Russia".

Date: 06/16/2016

Start: 18:30

Creative teams Philharmonic

The “Russian Fair” program is a grandiose two-hour show, in which the State Concert Dance and Song Ensemble “Kuban Cossack Freemen”, an ensemble of Russian folk instruments“Maestro”, soloists of the State Concert Ensemble “Ivushka”, ensemble “Skrynya”, quartet “Adagio”, Choir Krasnodar region. The program was composed of completely new groups. Favorites folk songs, which everyone has heard, will be performed in an original pop arrangement. The Russian fair will sparkle with bright colors, spectacular costumes and decorations.

Ticket price: 150-800 rub.

Cash desk phone number: 267-26-26, 267-36-87

To book a ticket: 275-19-32

Concert program:


"Rus - Fair"vocal-choreographic composition

Russian folk song.

“I’ll go for a walk when I’m young” music by G. Ponomarenko, lyrics V. Bokova

Spanish State Concert Ensemble "Ivushka" and State Concert Ensemble of Dance and Song "Kuban Cossack Freemen"

"Village - four courtyards" Russian folk song

Spanish State Concert Ensemble "Ivushka" and State Concert Ensemble of Dance and Song "Kuban Cossack Freemen"


"Ryaba quail" music by G. Ponomarenko, lyrics folk

Spanish State Concert Ensemble "Ivushka" and State Concert Ensemble of Dance and Song "Kuban Cossack Freemen"


"Felt boots" Russian folk song

Spanish Honored Artist of Kuban Anastasia Galushko and the State Concert Dance and Song Ensemble “Kuban Cossack Freemen”

"Oh, mommy" music and words by A. Flyarkovsky, L. Derbenev

Spanish Honored Artist of Kuban Alina Darenskaya and the State Concert Dance and Song Ensemble “Kuban Cossack Freemen”


"Along along Piterskaya" Russian folk song

Spanish Honored Artist of Kuban Pavel Kravchuk and the State Concert Ensemble “Ivushka”, State Concert Ensemble of Dance and Song “Kuban Cossack Freemen”


“Russia has a soul” music etc. I. Shadyuk, arrangement G. Tomilin

Honored Artist of the Kuban Nikolai Kolchevsky and the State Concert Ensemble “Ivushka”, State Concert Dance and Song Ensemble “Kuban Cossack Freemen”


"Moldavian" dance

Spanish State Concert Dance and Song Ensemble "Kuban Cossack Freemen"


"Am I to blame" Russian folk song

Spanish ensemble "Giltse" and ensemble "Skrynya"


"The last day of today" Russian folk song

Spanish Ensemble "Skrynya"


"Pillow" Russian folk song

Spanish State Concert Ensemble "Ivushka", State Concert Ensemble of Dance and Song "Kuban Cossack Freemen"


“Kalyna cost a lot” music etc. folk

Spanish State Concert Ensemble "Ivushka", State Concert Dance and Song Ensemble "Kuban Cossack Freemen"


“The nightingale sang in the grove” Russian folk song

Spanish soloist of the State Concert Ensemble “Ivushka”


"Viburnum - forest berry" music by G. Ponomarenko, lyrics by P. Karpenko

Spanish State concert dance and song ensemble “Kuban Cossack Freemen”.

Dance "Buffoons"

Spanish State Concert Dance and Song Ensemble "Kuban Cossack Freemen"

Medley folk songs

Performance quartet "Adagio"

"All that has gone before" music by D. Pokrass, lyrics by P. German

Performance quartet "Adagio"

"The Long Road music by B. Fomin, lyrics by K. Podrevsky

Spanish quartet "Adagio" and the State Concert Dance and Song Ensemble “Kuban Cossack Freemen”


"Peddlers" Y. Prigozhy, N. Nekrasov


"Katyusha" M. Blanter, M. Isakovsky

Spanish Choir of the Krasnodar region


"Wide is the river» music A. Kostyuk, lyrics by E. Muravyov

Spanish Choir of the Krasnodar region


"Clear Days" music and lyrics by O. Gazmanov

Spanish Choir of the Krasnodar region


"Go Russia!" music and lyrics by O. Gazmanov

Spanish Choir of the Krasnodar region

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