Fairy tale 12 months theatrical production. Scenario of the fairy tale “12 months” for children of the older group. Snowflake girls appear on stage

Elena Maslova reviews: 86 ratings: 85 rating: 22

The grass is turning green, the sun is shining; A swallow flies towards us in the canopy with spring.
I think each of you knows what fairy tale these lines are from. Of course, from the fairy tale “Twelve Months”.. It was this performance that Mishka and I watched at the Moscow Theater of A. Dzhigarkhanyan.
The fairy tale began already in the foyer of the theater. We were greeted by a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, and the New Year's mood immediately appeared. The third bell rang, and we went into the hall to wait for the start of the performance. As soon as the curtain opened, I realized, here it is, a real miracle!
Everything is as it should be. A winter forest, a stepdaughter who came to the forest for brushwood and a soldier who is looking for a Christmas tree for the palace. How I love it when everything in the play is as we know from early childhood
And the princess who doesn’t want to write “The grass is turning green, the sun is shining; the swallow is flying in the canopy with spring.” And the 12 months that gather in the forest near the fire. And the stepmother and sister who turn into dogs.
But we live in modern times, and the theater made small adjustments, but they fit into the action so well that everyone thought that this was how it should be.
I really liked the way the stepmother and stepdaughter entered the palace with a basket of snowdrops. They paraded along the red carpet like models))
A fiery dances in disco style?
Amazing production. Mishka and I liked everything. And the snow that falls on the stage, and the costumes of all the characters, and the beautiful 3D scenery.
"Twelve Months" is a performance that I can confidently recommend to my friends.

Katya Khripunova reviews: 57 ratings: 57 rating: 15

Recently my daughter and I visited the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater for the first time. Watched winter's tale"Twelve months".
The lights go out - and the magic begins - a long-familiar fairy tale from a book and cartoon comes to life on stage, the poor stepdaughter collects brushwood in the forest, and the wayward princess writes “Execute” instead of “Pardon”, because this word has only 2 syllables, not 4! As usual:), it suddenly occurs to her to want snowdrops, the reward is a basket of gold. True, it is unlikely that anyone will dare to bring them in the middle of winter.
But the stepmother and daughter do not lose hope of becoming the owners of the basket :) and send their stepdaughter into the cold forest. Then you know everything...
I won't bore you with details famous work:) I'll tell you about the costumes of the months, they are very cool, bright, and characteristic. All months distinctive features- some details characteristic of the season - flowers, berries, and the corresponding colors of costumes - from bright green to dark brown through beige and gold, and of course the white-silver, shining winter months, one of which has a bullfinch on his shoulder !
In general, the costumes are simply amazing, sorry, I can’t stop talking about them :) In the queen’s retinue, even without her addressing the heroes, one could understand who is who! Just bravo to the costume designer!
An interesting idea with the way deep snow is presented on stage - the actors walk on something like foam rubber and, naturally, fall into it :)
But of course everything ends well, the queen turns out to be smart enough to learn not to order, but to ask, the stepmother and daughter, of course, turn into dogs and continue to bark, and the stepdaughter becomes the mistress of the house and receives a chest with a very beautiful fur coat (I don’t even know what better:))
In general, my daughter and I really liked the performance, and she noticed the costumes too (she noted the bullfinch and fur coat separately :)). A good beautiful fairy tale for children and adults, we must go!

Andrey Travin reviews: 49 ratings: 49 rating: 10

We started the theater year with “Twelve Months.” At the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, a qualification of 3+ has been established for the performance. In other places, for example, in the Shchepenko Theater, the Sats Theater and the Durova Theater - 6+. And I expected that here the fairy tale was somehow specially adapted for the little ones, who occupied half the hall. That's why I took the three-year course instead of the seven-year course. But to my amazement, we just watched a classic, good performance, “Twelve Months,” which is suitable for all ages, starting, perhaps, really from six. I, of course, had great pleasure, but what the child understood, I decided not to even ask. But it arose interesting episode due to the young age of the spectator. When, in the first department, April gave his stepdaughter his diamond ring, my girl became very excited: where was her ring that she wore when going out? I replied that I put it in the wardrobe in my jacket pocket. And during the intermission I had to go to the wardrobe and rescue the ring, which the girl never parted with until the moment when she had to put on mittens on the street.

At the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater there are usually at least half a dozen unsold tickets, but our day was sold out: I myself spoke with the woman who bought the last ones.

Marina Safronova reviews: 6 ratings: 6 rating: 4

A very interesting performance. Both a 5-year-old and an 11-year-old child will like it.

cheryba reviews: 42 ratings: 42 rating: 4

I am a very demanding viewer. And I place great demands on theatrical productions, especially for children. But from watching children's performance"Twelve Months" is absolutely delighted. This is how productions for children should be! But, despite the variety of children's entertainment and performances in Moscow, it often happens that it is difficult to find something of high quality. In the pursuit of profit, real art is lost. And it’s so nice when you see that people work from the heart.
I love it when they don’t distort the text, but try to keep it in its original form and don’t confuse kids, those who know the fairy tale, redrawing the script. Yes, everyone wants to bring something new to be different from productions in other theaters, but sometimes it turns out to be rude and clumsy. Here they very subtly and organically introduced a touch of modernity in the form, for example, of a red carpet with a fashion show, dancing to modern music, subtle jokes that adults can understand, but absolutely without vulgar humor. It turned out to be such a highlight.
But the most important thing, of course, is the acting. They were sincere. It was impossible to say that they were acting, they were living the lives of their characters. And it was also surprising how they looked for the eyes of the kids, i.e. not an ephemeral viewer somewhere in the hall, but everyone. We sat in the front row. And this was especially noticeable.
In general, we received great pleasure from visiting this Theater.

Ekaterina V reviews: 16 ratings: 16 rating: 2

We live not far from this theater and regularly go there with the whole family to children's performances. They are always good, understandable to children even of small age, with beautiful suits and convincing acting. And ticket prices are quite affordable. We have already reviewed almost the entire repertoire, incl. We were only too happy about the premiere of the new play "12 Months".
The theater itself is small, there is still a Christmas tree in the foyer, you can look at it. There is a small shop with toys, but they are taboo in our theaters. There is face painting for those interested. And a good buffet on the -1st floor. We usually go there straight away) So you can sit and refresh yourself before the performance.
The production of "12 Months" is a classic, almost entirely based on the play. A little modernized with music and dancing. All the characters are bright and understandable, thanks to the costumes and of course the actors. The decorations are original, seemingly conventional, but creating the right atmosphere: dark forest with bare trees, knee-deep snowdrifts, a high fire of the brothers for months. It even snowed at the end - very beautiful. My child and I enjoyed the fairy tale. Everyone probably knows the plot of this fairy tale, because this play was staged for the first time 70 years ago! Briefly, in case you forgot: The Capricious Queen wished to receive a basket of snowdrops for the New Year, promising the same amount of gold for it. Otherwise, there will be no New Year! The evil stepmother and her daughter, wanting to get rich, sent their stepdaughter to the forest to buy flowers, where she meets 12 brothers - months. April decides to help the girl...
In general, the Queen received her desired gift and the New Year has arrived! How else? In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. So here, the stepmother and daughter were punished and turned into dogs, and the Queen received a good lesson.

My daughter liked the fairy tale, and of the heroes - April, whom she named Snowdrop. He was very smiling and kind (actor Alexey Lapshin).
In general, all the actors were good. But I also had my favorites - Nadezhda Selivanova (stepdaughter), Inna Lyaskovets (Queen) and Denis Nadtochiy (soldier).

The performance is staged with a slight shortening of the fairy tale-play and lasts 1.5 hours with one intermission. But the director modernized the production a little and added fiery dances. By young viewers This was received with a bang! The kids all clapped and danced. And the stepmother and daughter came to the palace not anyhow, but like real models with a gait from the hip. I think it turned out very funny. The decorations are quite simple. But the Queen’s dress was beautiful! But the stepmother’s dress was “modern,” although the other characters’ costumes were very “fabulous.”
It was our first time in the theater itself. The theater is small, the main stage hall is 88 seats. We were sitting in the front row, but I think we can see well from everywhere.
So, I recommend everyone who wants to extend the New Year’s mood for themselves and their children to go to this performance!

S. Marshak “12 months”

Dolls - grandmother and grandson
Old woman
Old Woman's Daughter
12 month brothers


There are two dolls on the stage - a grandmother and a grandson. The grandmother is knitting and humming the song “Silent Night”, the grandson is reading a book.

Grandson (reading): “Our calendar begins with Christmas. From this day on earth came new era..." Um, interesting. Grandma, what is Christmas?
Grandmother: Oh, grandson, this is a great day. Even, more precisely, the great night when the Holy Child was born on earth. That night, thousands of angels rejoiced in heaven, praising God.
Grandson: And who is He, this Baby? Tell me please!
Grandma: Then make yourself comfortable and listen: I’ll tell you a Christmas story. In one small country, a capricious young queen ruled...

Act one

Castle. Queen's classroom. Wide board in a carved gold frame. Rosewood desk. The fourteen-year-old Queen sits on a velvet pillow and writes with a long golden pen. In front of her is a gray-bearded Professor of Arithmetic and Calligraphy, looking like an ancient astrologer. He's wearing a robe and a fancy doctor's cap with a brush.

Queen: I hate writing. All fingers are covered in ink!
Professor: You are absolutely right, Your Majesty. This is a very unpleasant task. It is not for nothing that ancient poets did without writing instruments, which is why their works are classified by science as oral creativity. However, I dare to ask you to write four more lines in Your Majesty’s own hand.
Queen: Okay, dictate.
Professor: The grass is turning green,
The sun is shining
Swallow with spring
It's flying towards us in the canopy!
Queen: I will only write “The grass is turning green.” (Writes.) The grass is not...

The Chancellor enters.

Chancellor (bowing low): Good morning, Your Majesty. I dare to respectfully ask you to sign one rescript and three decrees.
Queen: More to write! Fine. But then I won’t add “turns green.” Give me your papers here! (Signs the papers one by one.)
Chancellor: Thank you, Your Majesty. And now let me ask you to draw...
Queen: Draw again!
Chancellor: Only your highest resolution on this petition.
Queen (impatiently): What should I write?
Chancellor: One of two things, Your Majesty: either “execute” or “pardon.”
Queen (to herself): Po-me-lo-vat... Kaz-thread... I’d better write “execute” - it’s shorter.

The Chancellor takes the papers, bows and leaves.

Professor (sighing heavily): Nothing to say, in short!
Queen: What are you talking about?
Professor: Ah, Your Majesty, what you wrote!
Queen: Of course, you again noticed some mistake. Should I write “intrigue” or what?
Professor: No, you spelled this word correctly - and yet you made a very serious mistake.
Queen: Which one?
Professor: You decided the fate of a person without even thinking!
Queen: What else! I can’t write and think at the same time.
Professor: No need. First you need to think, and then write, Your Majesty!
Queen: If I listened to you, I would only do what I thought, thought, thought, and in the end, I would probably go crazy or come up with God knows what... But, fortunately, I don’t listen to you... Well, what do you have next? Ask quickly, otherwise I won’t leave the classroom for a century!
Professor: I dare to ask Your Majesty: what is seven eight?
Queen: I don’t remember something... This has never interested me... What about you?
Professor: Of course, I was interested, Your Majesty!
Queen: That’s amazing!.. Well, goodbye, our lesson is over. Today, on the eve of Christmas, I have a lot to do.
Professor: As you please Your Majesty! (Sadly and obediently collects books).
Queen (puts her elbows on the table and watches him absentmindedly): Really, it’s good to be a queen, and not a simple schoolgirl. Everyone listens to me, even my teacher. Tell me, what would you do with another student if she refused to tell you what seven is eight?
Professor: I dare not say, Your Majesty!
Queen: Nothing, I allow it.
Professor (timidly): I would put it in the corner...
Queen: Ha ha ha! (Pointing to the corners.) This one or that one?
Professor: It’s all the same, Your Majesty.
Queen: I would prefer this one - it’s somehow more comfortable. (Stands in the corner.) And if even after that she didn’t want to say how much seven eight would be?
Professor: I would... I apologize to Your Majesty... I would leave her without lunch.
Queen: No lunch? What if she is expecting guests for dinner, for example, ambassadors of some power or a foreign prince?
Professor: But I’m not talking about the queen, Your Majesty, but about a simple schoolgirl!
Queen (pulling a chair into the corner and sitting in it): Poor simple schoolgirl! It turns out you are a very cruel old man. Do you know that I can execute you? And even today, if I want!
Professor (dropping books): Your Majesty!..
Queen: Yes, yes, I can. Why not?
Professor: But how did I anger Your Majesty?
Queen: Well, how can I tell you? You are a very wayward person. Whatever I say, you say, “Wrong.” No matter what you write, you say: “It’s not like that.” And I love it when people agree with me!
Professor: Your Majesty, I swear on my life, I will no longer argue with you if you don’t want it!
Queen: Do you swear on your life? OK then. Then let's continue our lesson. Tell me something interesting.
Professor: Tell me something interesting, Your Majesty? About what? In what way?
Queen: Well, I don’t know. Something Christmas... After all, today is Christmas Eve.
Professor: Your humble servant. (Thinks.) There are a lot of stars in the sky, Your Majesty.
Queen: Is that so? Indeed?
Professor: Absolutely, Your Majesty. I read in scientific books that once a star rose in the East, which showed people the way to the place where the King was born.
Queen: King!? Is there another king besides me? I want to know who this king is! Bring me this star!
Professor: This is impossible, Your Majesty! The stars are in the sky, and not a single person has yet managed to reach them.
Queen: Please tell me, what if I make such a law and put a big seal?
Professor: I'm afraid that this won't help either, Your Majesty. This is contrary to the laws of nature!
Queen: That's good! I will publish new law nature! Hey, who's there? Send me the chancellor. And you sit at my desk and write. Now I will dictate to you (thinks). Royal decree: “We most graciously command that a star from the East be delivered to the palace in a basket for Christmas. We will reward the one who fulfills our highest will royally.” What could I promise them? Wait, there’s no need to write this. Here, I came up with an idea. Write: “We will give him as much gold as will fit in his basket, give him a velvet fur coat on a gray fox and allow him to participate in our royal Christmas ride.” Give me a pen, I will inscribe my highest name.

The Chancellor enters.

Put a seal here and there, and make sure everyone in the city knows my order!
Chancellor: Is there a seal for this? Your will, queen!
Queen: Yes, yes! My will, and you must fulfill it!
Herald (reads the decree): Royal decree: “We most mercifully command that a star from the East be delivered to the palace in a basket for Christmas. We will reward the one who fulfills our highest will royally. We will give him as much gold as will fit in his basket, give him a velvet coat on the gray fox and let him take part in our royal Christmas ride.”

Act two

A small house on the outskirts of the city. The stove is burning hot. There is a snowstorm outside the windows. Twilight. The old woman rolls out the dough. The daughter is sitting in front of the fire. There are several baskets on the floor next to her. She is sorting through the baskets. First he picks up a small one, then a larger one, then the largest one.

Daughter (holding a small basket in her hands): What about Mom, will there be a lot of gold in this basket?
Old woman: Yes, quite a lot.
Daughter: Enough for a fur coat?
Old woman: What's on the fur coat, daughter! Enough for a full dowry: both fur coats and skirts. And there will be some left over for stockings and handkerchiefs.
Daughter: How much will this include?
Old woman: This one has even more. There is enough here for a stone house, for a horse with a bridle, and for a lamb with a lamb.
Daughter: Well, what about this one?
Old woman: There’s nothing to say here. You will drink and eat on gold, you will dress in gold, you will wear gold, you will wear gold, you will cover your ears with gold.
Daughter: Well, then I’ll take this basket. (Sighs). There’s just one problem: it’s impossible to get stars from the sky. Apparently the queen wanted to laugh at us.
Old woman: She’s young, so she comes up with all sorts of things.
Daughter: What if someone goes into the forest and gets this star. And he will get this basket of gold!
Old woman: Well, wherever there is, there’ll be enough! Before night the stars will not appear. And at night in the forest you can freeze.
Daughter: I'll go anyway.
Old woman: What are you talking about, daughter! Yes, I won’t even let you out of the threshold. Look out the window, what a blizzard is blowing up. Or maybe it will be by nightfall!
Daughter (grabs the largest basket): No, I’ll go - that’s all. I will climb the highest tree and get this star for the queen, and hook it with my basket. For once, there was a chance to get to the palace, to visit the queen herself for a holiday. And they’ll give you a whole basket of gold. (Crying).
Old woman: Well, that's enough, daughter, that's enough, don't cry. Here, eat some hot pie!
Daughter (through tears): I don’t want any pies, I want a star! Well, if you don’t let me in, then at least let your sister go. She will come from the forest, and you will send her there again.
Old woman: But it’s true! Why not send it? The forest is not far away, it won't take long to escape. If she catches a star, puts it in a basket, and you and I will take it to the palace, and if she freezes, that means that is her fate. Who will cry for her?

Stepdaughter enters.

Stepdaughter: It sweeps so hard that you can’t see either the earth or the sky. It's like walking on clouds. I barely made it home.
Old woman: You'll have to walk on the clouds again.
Stepdaughter: I don’t understand what you’re talking about.
Old woman: What is incomprehensible here? You'll go into the forest again.
Stepdaughter: To the forest? For what? I brought a lot of firewood, enough for a week.
Daughter: Not for brushwood, but for a star!
Stepdaughter: Behind the star? In such a blizzard? And more than one person has never pulled stars from the sky.
Old woman: For this star they will give a whole basket of gold. So here's your basket, go and don't come back without a star!
Stepdaughter: I won't go!
Daughter: How is it that you won’t go?
Stepdaughter: Don’t you feel sorry for me at all? I won't be able to return from the forest.
Daughter: So, should I go to the forest instead of you?
Stepdaughter (lowering her head): But it’s not me who needs gold.
Old woman: I see, you don’t need anything. You have everything, and what you don’t have, your stepmother and sister will have it!
Daughter: Go and don’t come back without a star!

The stepdaughter wraps herself in a scarf, takes the basket and leaves. Silence.

Act three

Forest. Large flakes of snow fall to the ground. Thick twilight. The stepdaughter makes her way through deep snowdrifts. Wraps himself in a torn scarf. Blowing on frozen hands. It's getting darker and darker in the forest. A lump of snow falls noisily from the top of a tree.

Stepdaughter (shudders): Oh, who's there? (Looks around.) The snow cap fell, and it seemed to me as if someone had jumped from a tree on me... And who would be here at such a time? The animals also hid in their holes. I'm alone in the forest... I won't go further. I'll stay here. It doesn't matter where you freeze. (Sits on a fallen tree.) I’ve seen little good in my life, but it’s still scary to die. Ay! Help! Ay! No, no one is responding. What should I do? Just sit here until the end comes? Climb a tree or something? At least the wolves won't get me there. (Climbs one of the branches and sits down in a fork. Begins to doze.)
January: Don't sleep - you'll freeze!
Stepdaughter: What is it? Who said that? Who's here, who? (Rubs his eyes, sees January). Good evening, grandfather!
January: Good evening to you too! What are you doing in the forest alone at this time?
Stepdaughter: My stepmother sent me to the forest to bring a star from the East. Under this star some Tsar was born.
January: Go home, girl.
Stepdaughter: I can’t go home, my stepmother won’t let me enter the door without a star.
January: Things are bad for you, my dear. We are not allowed to tear stars from the sky.
Stepdaughter: Yes, I know that myself. Thanks for talking to me, I'll move on.
January: Wait, girl, don't rush. Let's go to the fire and warm up. I know about the star you are talking about.
Stepdaughter: You know, grandpa?
January: I know. Come on, my brothers and I will tell you about it.

They come to the fire. The moon brothers are sitting there.

January: Hello, brothers - months.
February: Hello January. Who is that with you?
March: I know her. She works all year round for her stepmother and sister. He wakes up with the first ray of sun and goes to bed when the moon is already shining in the sky.
April: Why did you, girl, go into the forest? After all, it’s not surprising to freeze here.
Stepdaughter: I didn’t come to the forest of my own free will. My stepmother sent me for the star under which the Tsar was born. And not only have I never heard anything about this star, I don’t even know what kind of King this is.
January: Well, girl, sit closer to the fire and listen to the story of the birth of the Tsar. A long time ago, more than 2000 years ago, the same star for which you were sent into the forest lit up in the sky. It was lit in the distant country of Israel in ancient city Bethlehem. It was the most beautiful and most bright Star throughout the entire sky. This was not an easy star. She illuminated the path to a new life.
February: She shines on high.
She rises in silence
When night comes to earth,
And the heavenly choir will sing,
And people echo that praise -
Christ was born on earth!
January: This star was seen by the Magi - sages who lived in the East. They learned that, according to ancient prophecies, the sky would light up new star when the Messiah, the King of the Jews, is born. The wise men set off to worship the born King, and the star they saw in the East began to move in front of them and stopped over the place where the Baby was born.
Stepdaughter: And who is He, this Baby?
March: This Baby is the Son of God Himself. He sent His Son Jesus Christ into this world to save people from sins and eternal destruction.
January: The story of the birth of Jesus is amazing. Just think, He, the Son of the Creator of the entire Universe, had to be born in an animal stable.
Stepdaughter: Can a Tsar be born in a stable? He should live in a palace!
March: God did not send His Son to earth so that He could live in royal mansions. God gave Him a very important mission.
Stepdaughter: What mission?
April: Long before Jesus was born, in the beautiful Garden of Eden, there lived a man named Adam and his wife Eve. They communicated with God and were happy. But one day they disobeyed God and thus committed sin. For this, God expelled them from Paradise. They lost the most valuable thing they had - eternal life. This is how people experienced death.
March: Then Adam and Eve had children who also upset God with their sins. Eventually, the whole earth was filled with evil. To atone for their sins, people had to sacrifice animals.
April: God didn't like the idea that people should kill animals. Imagine if every person killed an animal for every sin, there would simply be no animals left on earth! God loves all people very much, but hates sin. Therefore, He sent His Son to earth to become the only sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.
March: God gave a piece of Himself so that man would become closer to Him. He wants us to be happy and have eternal life again.
January: So, the Son of God, becoming a Baby, was born in the small city of Bethlehem. He became like people in everything. The only difference is that there was no sin in Him. Jesus Christ lived on earth for about thirty-three years. During this time He did a lot of good deeds. He healed the sick, restored sight to the blind, and raised the dead. But He came to earth not only to do good deeds. Jesus Christ did a very important thing for us. He gave Himself on the cross, willingly dying for us. Died to pay for all our sins. He took our punishment upon Himself.
March: Oh, how good God is to us! How much He loved us! He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place. And how much Jesus Christ loves us! He voluntarily agreed to die for us.
Stepdaughter: He died for me too? Because of my sins? (Crying). What can I do to get God to forgive me?
January: You just need to believe that Jesus Christ is your God and Savior, who gave His life to give you eternal life. Ask God for forgiveness for your sins, and He will become your loving Father!
Stepdaughter: But where can I find Him to ask for forgiveness? He died after all.
April: On the third day after His death, He resurrected, and after some time ascended to God the Father in heaven. He's alive today! Jesus Christ is among those who believe in Him. He's nearby! Today, on Christmas night, everything speaks of this - the stars, the moon, and the forest. It's time for miracles!
Stepdaughter (praying): Jesus, Jesus! You're close, I feel it. Thank You for being born on this night. Thank You for dying for my sins. I'm sorry. I really want You to become my Father, such as I have never had!

The candle is lit. Its light illuminates the stage.

Stepdaughter: How bright it became!
April: A miracle happened! A new star lit up in the sky. Born for God new soul. (Addresses stepdaughter). Now God has become your Father. (Gives her a candle.) Take this, this is your star. Let her light illuminate the hearts of people and never go out!


There are puppets on stage again.

Grandson: Is this where the fairy tale ends? What happened to that capricious queen? She never received the Star of Bethlehem?
Grandmother: For Christmas she received an even more valuable gift.
Grandson: Which one?
Grandmother: The stepdaughter and the moon brothers brought the joyful news of the birth of Jesus Christ to the palace. They told the queen that God grants eternal life and true happiness to those who believe in Him. Then the queen, the chancellor, the professor and other servants in the palace bowed before the One Great God and King of the earth. The light of the Christmas star illuminated their hearts too. Faith in Jesus Christ changed their lives forever. Peace reigned in the kingdom. Now a new King reigned there - the Lord Jesus Christ.
Grandson: Grandma, what happened to the Star of Bethlehem?
Grandma: She still shines in the sky. It reminds people that more than two thousand years ago the King and Savior of the world was born in Bethlehem. On this night, angels in heaven and people on earth praise God for His love.

All the actors go on stage and sing the Christmas song “The Stars Are Shining Over the House of Christ.”

Ekaterina V reviews: 16 ratings: 16 rating: 2

We live not far from this theater and regularly go there with the whole family to children's performances. They are always good-quality, understandable to even small children, with beautiful costumes and convincing acting. And ticket prices are quite affordable. We have already reviewed almost the entire repertoire, incl. We were only too happy about the premiere of the new play "12 Months".
The theater itself is small, there is still a Christmas tree in the foyer, you can look at it. There is a small shop with toys, but they are taboo in our theaters. There is face painting for those interested. And a good buffet on the -1st floor. We usually go there straight away) So you can sit and refresh yourself before the performance.
The production of "12 Months" is a classic, almost entirely based on the play. A little modernized with music and dancing. All the characters are bright and understandable, thanks to the costumes and of course the actors. The scenery is original, seemingly conventional, but creating the right atmosphere: a dark forest with bare trees, knee-deep snowdrifts, a high fire of the brothers of the month. It even snowed at the end - very beautiful. My child and I enjoyed the fairy tale.

Elena Maslova reviews: 86 ratings: 85 rating: 22

The grass is turning green, the sun is shining; A swallow flies towards us in the canopy with spring.
I think each of you knows what fairy tale these lines are from. Of course, from the fairy tale “Twelve Months”.. It was this performance that Mishka and I watched at the Moscow Theater of A. Dzhigarkhanyan.
The fairy tale began already in the foyer of the theater. We were greeted by a beautifully decorated Christmas tree, and the New Year's mood immediately appeared. The third bell rang, and we went into the hall to wait for the start of the performance. As soon as the curtain opened, I realized, here it is, a real miracle!
Everything is as it should be. A winter forest, a stepdaughter who came to the forest for brushwood and a soldier who is looking for a Christmas tree for the palace. How I love it when everything in the play is as we know from early childhood
And the princess who doesn’t want to write “The grass is turning green, the sun is shining; the swallow is flying in the canopy with spring.” And the 12 months that gather in the forest near the fire. And the stepmother and sister who turn into dogs.
But we live in modern times time and theater I made small adjustments, but they fit into the action so well that everyone thought that this was how it should be.
I really liked the way the stepmother and stepdaughter entered the palace with a basket of snowdrops. They paraded along the red carpet like models))
What about fiery disco dances?
Amazing production. Mishka and I liked everything. And the snow that falls on the stage, and the costumes of all the characters, and the beautiful 3D scenery.
"Twelve Months" is a performance that I can confidently recommend to my friends.

Marina Safronova reviews: 6 ratings: 6 rating: 4

A very interesting performance. Both a 5-year-old and an 11-year-old child will like it.

Andrey Travin reviews: 49 ratings: 49 rating: 10

We started the theater year with “Twelve Months.” At the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater, a qualification of 3+ has been established for the performance. In other places, for example, in the Shchepenko Theater, the Sats Theater and the Durova Theater - 6+. And I expected that here the fairy tale was somehow specially adapted for the little ones, who occupied half the hall. That's why I took the three-year course instead of the seven-year course. But to my amazement, we just watched a classic, good performance, “Twelve Months,” which is suitable for all ages, starting, perhaps, really from six. I, of course, had great pleasure, but what the child understood, I decided not to even ask. But an interesting episode arose due to the young age of the spectator. When, in the first department, April gave his stepdaughter his diamond ring, my girl became very excited: where was her ring that she wore when going out? I replied that I put it in the wardrobe in my jacket pocket. And during the intermission I had to go to the wardrobe and rescue the ring, which the girl never parted with until the moment when she had to put on mittens on the street.

At the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater there are usually at least half a dozen unsold tickets, but our day was sold out: I myself spoke with the woman who bought the last ones.

Olga Polozova

Performance "12 months"

for children from 5-7 years old


Adults: Presenter, Santa Claus, Stepmother, Daughter.

Children: Masha, Blizzards, Hares, Fox, Bears, Brothers-months.

Progress of the event

Children run into the hall to the festive music and stop around the Christmas tree.


Happy New Year

Children and guests

I wish you happiness and good things

And happy clear days!

Look how it sparkles

Christmas tree for us

Let's sing and have fun

Near the Christmas tree at this hour!

1st child: What kind of guest came to us?

So elegant and slender:

The star is burning above,

And the snow glistens on the branches.

2nd child: And all the way to the top of your head

Covered in toys and firecrackers.

What is this?

Children: Christmas tree!

Looking at the Christmas tree while listening to music.

3rd child: Multi-colored toys

They hung it on it for us,

And we look at the Christmas tree,

And we have fun today.

4th child: She thawed in the warmth,

Straightened the needles

And with merry songs

We arrived at our Christmas tree.

The round dance “New Year is coming to us” is performed. Z. Petrova, music. V. Gerchik. Children sit on chairs.


Every time on New Year's Eve

A fairy tale is spreading across the Earth.

Knock on our window,

Shakes off the snow from your feet,

Quietly the doors will open

And the story will begin.

Children know that in the year

Twelve months

But nowhere and never

They won't meet.

But people said

That the girl is alone

I saw all my brothers

At the New Year's bonfire.

And it happened like this:

Snow, frost, midnight darkness.

And in a taiga village

The conversation takes place in the hut.

There is a snow-covered house on the stage, and the stepmother, daughter and Mashenka with a broom come out of it. Mashenka is her step-daughter, she cleans the room. The stepmother feeds her daughter a pie, strokes it and says.

Stepmother(addressing his daughter): Daughter - pink cheeks,

Eat cheesecakes and pies.

You will be plump and smooth,

How sweet the cheesecakes are.

Daughter: Maybe I should eat another one,

Oh, I guess I can’t.

Presenter: Nearby is my stepdaughter

Spins like clockwork.

There is cooking, cleaning,

Runs errands.

Stepmother: Chop wood for the stove,

Yes bed bed

Don’t you see, you’re tired,

We worked like this all day.

Daughter(looks out the window):

A blizzard is blowing outside the window,

Well, it's time for me to go to bed.

Stepmother: Masha, go to the forest quickly,

Grow me some snowdrops!

Stepmother(dreamy): I’ll surprise all the people

I'm bringing flowers for the New Year!

I’ll sell them at a higher price -

Daughter: Maybe the fur coats will suit us.

The stepmother and daughter come out. Mashenka is going to the forest - she takes a basket and ties a scarf.

Presenter: There is nothing to do, and so,

After crying, the girl goes.

My feet get stuck in the snowdrifts,

The blizzard is howling even more.

The Snowstorm dance is performed to the music “If only there were no winter” from the film “Prostokvashino”

Masha appears, looks around, sees a stump.

Masha: Oh, how cold it is in the forest,

Well, where will I go?

Here's a little stump, I'll rest

And I'll take a little nap.

Masha sits down on a tree stump and falls asleep. Hares run out.

1st hare: Oh, little bunnies, look

The girl is sitting.

Poor thing, she's frozen

She's shaking all over.

2nd hare: Girl, who are you, tell me,

Well, wake up and don't shake.

Masha: My name is Masha,

Not here by choice.

I wish I could find snowdrops.

Have you met anyone along the way?

Hares(surprised): Snowdrops?

3rd hare: Those flowers bloom in April,

And now it’s winter, snowstorms.

Masha, don’t waste time,

Better play with us.

4th hare: We will clap our hands

And let's warm up a little.

The Bunnies dance is performed, Masha dances on the spot. Lisa comes out.

Hares shouting “Fox!” run away.

Fox: The bunnies are making noise here,

Those are stupid little cowards.

I have no time for you today

I got ready for the holiday.

I worked so hard all day,

I studied fashionable dance.

He sees Masha and is surprised.

Girl! Why did you come to the forest?

And did you bring the old basket with you?

Masha: My name is Masha.

Not here by choice.

I wish I could find snowdrops.

Have you met anyone along the way?

Fox: Snowdrops in winter?

You're laughing at me.

Quit this bad activity

We'd rather sing with you.

Masha: No, no, thanks, I can’t,

I'll go look for snowdrops.

Lisa leaves. Bears appear with a barrel of honey. The Bear dance is performed.

The Bears(addressing Masha):

The bunnies told us

About your misfortune

They sent us to you,

Here, eat some honey.

Masha eats honey, thanks the bears, they leave.

Presenter: Mashenka is alone again.

Suddenly she saw:

A light flickers in the distance,

Like a star shining.

(Behind the tree a flashlight lights up and goes out)

The girl hurries to him

And suddenly he goes out to the fire.

By the fire - brother months,

There are, of course, twelve of them.

Masha goes behind the Christmas tree. A fake fire comes out, with a burning flashlight. The month brothers come out and perform a dance by the fire to the music from the film “12 Months” “Burn, Burn Clear!” at the end of which they sit in a semicircle around the fire. Masha appears and bows.

Masha: Good evening.

January: Good evening.

Masha: My name is Mashenka,

Not here by choice.

I wish I could find snowdrops.

Have you met anyone along the way?

May: Snowdrops – bloom in April

And now it’s winter, snowstorms.

June: (rubbing hands) Strong winds are blowing

The cold weather has arrived!

July: Who sent you here?

Masha: The evil stepmother ordered...

Go to the forest soon

Don't come back without flowers!

August: (to the month brothers) She is very kind,

She loves work and is so smart.

September: We are ready to help you

You worked all year

December: On this New Year's holiday

A miracle will suddenly happen!

January: Well, well, brother April, get up,

Your guest, welcome.

April(addressing January, February, March):

Brothers, give in to me now

Your place at least for an hour.

The month of April is coming to the middle

February and March. Okay, let's give in!

January. Well, have it your way! (knocks with ice staff)

Don't crack, frost, in the reserved forest,

Whirlwinds, blizzards, blizzards, do not gnaw the bark!

It's enough for you to freeze the crows,

Cool down human habitation!

Presenter: January fell silent, and the forest became quiet.

January: Well, now it’s your turn, brother February!

February: (tapping the staff)

Winds, storms, hurricanes, blow as hard as you can!

Whirlwinds, blizzards and blizzards will break out by night!

Presenter: Snow flakes began to swirl, white whirlwinds rushed across the ground!

February: Now it’s your turn, brother March!

March: (tapping the staff)

The snow is no longer the same - it has darkened in the field,

The ice on the lakes cracked, as if it had been split.

The stitches and paths are getting blacker every day

And on the willows the earrings glow like silver.

Well, now take the staff, brother April!

April: Run away, streams! Spread out, puddles!

Come out, ants, after the winter cold!

A bear makes his way through the dead wood.

The birds began to sing louder, and the snowdrop blossomed!

(the music “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. I. Tchaikovsky plays, girls with fake snowdrops in their hands dance “Dance of the Flowers”). Masha is standing by the Christmas tree.

October: Why are you standing there, yawning?

And don't you pick flowers?

Mashenka collects flowers and bows to her brother moons.

Masha: Brothers-months, thank you!

Helped my trouble.

After all, without your participation

I wouldn't find flowers anywhere.

(April): Thank you too, April!

I always rejoice in you,

And now I saw it in person

I'll never forget it again!

April: Here's a ring for you as a keepsake. If good people If you need help, throw it on the ground and say:

You roll, roll, little ring, onto the spring porch,

Yes, along the winter carpet, to the New Year's bonfire!

Masha: Farewell, brothers, months!

(Masha with a basket leaves the hall to calm music, the presenter begins to read the words)


Having picked tender flowers,

Without feeling my feet underneath me,

Through the forest is thick and snowy.

Mashenka is in a hurry to go home.

I reached my door,

And as soon as she walked in, it was like outside the window

Sparing neither birds nor animals,

The blizzard covered everything with white snow.

WITH last words The music of blizzards and blizzards sounds, the months “fly away” along with the fire. The stepmother, daughter and Masha come out. Daughter and Stepmother are quarreling."My basket! “No, mine!”

Masha: Well, why are you so evil?

Presenter: Guys, let's call Santa Claus, maybe he will bring the evil Stepmother and daughter to reason. After all, in New Year miracles happen!

(The children call Santa Claus) D. M. comes out to magical music.

D.M.: What happened, who is offending Mashenka here? ( Stepmother and daughter back away, hiding the basket behind their backs) The month brothers told me everything. Shame on you to send Mashenka into the forest in this weather! Oh, now I'll freeze you!

Mashenka: No need, Grandfather Frost! You are a magician, make them better kind and good.

D.M.: Well, if you ask, so be it! (knocks with staff, twists)

I twist, I twist, I want to turn

Evil and harmful in good and faithful.

(The stepmother and daughter spin around, stop, look around, notice beautiful Christmas tree, pet Mashenka, hug, say good things good words: “Thank you”, “Please”, the voice becomes affectionate)

Daughter: Thank you, Mashenka, for not letting us freeze.

Stepmother: Thank you Grandfather Frost for making us kind. Let's go, daughter, get ready for the New Year. Goodbye guys! (leave)

D.M.: Wow! And I didn’t even notice that the guys were already here. Hello. (Children say hello) Stay with us, Mashenka, have fun. Look how many good and kind guys there are, just like you!

(Masha bows to Santa Claus and sits down)

D.M.: It's time to light the Christmas tree!

Well, let's say: One, two, three,

Our Christmas tree, burn! (does not light up) Something is wrong, you guys must have spoken quietly. Once again all together.

Presenter: Something again, grandfather, the Christmas tree is not lit.

D.M.: Yes, I forgot to knock the magic staff three times on the ground (knocks). One, two, three, our Christmas tree is on fire! ( lights on the tree light up)

D.M.: The Christmas tree is glowing, sparkling, let's have fun, children!

Let's dance together, because today is New Year!

Children stand in a circle and perform the round dance “Santa Claus” lyrics. V. Malkova, music. V. Efimova

D.M.: Oh, I'm tired, I'll go and rest

Presenter: We won’t let you out!

(The game “We won’t let you out” several times D.M. breaks through, but doesn’t come out)

D.M.: Ah well! Then I'll freeze you!

(Game “I’ll freeze”, I’ll freeze your cheeks - the children cover their cheeks with their hands, I’ll freeze your nose - they cover their nose, etc. to D.M.’s imagination) While D.M. runs in a circle with a staff, as if he accidentally drops a mitten near leading.

Presenter: Grandfather, whose mitten is this?

D.M.: My, oh, thank you! Let's get her here!

Presenter: Try to catch up! (The game “Mitten” sends the mitten in a circle, D. M. catches up, gets tired, the children give it to the mitten)

D.M.: Caught up with! Oh, it's hot, it's hot here, blow on me, guys! (Children blow) It doesn’t help, but get stronger! (blow) That's better! Now I will blow a magic breeze on you and you will all sit quietly in your places. (Blows, children sit down)

Santa Claus sits on a chair with a rug spread out in front of him; as soon as D.M. puts his feet on the rug, his feet begin to “dance on their own.” A surprise moment “Magic Mat” is held - the dance of Santa Claus.

D.M.: Oh, that's the rug! I haven't danced like that for a long time!

Presenter: Sit down, Grandfather Frost, relax, and our guys will read poetry to you!

(2-3 children read poetry)

D.M.: I've been sitting too long, guys! You sang and danced, you read poetry well! I really want to give you gifts as soon as possible! Where's my bag? Now… ( rummages in the bag, turns to the leader) Granddaughter, help me.

Presenter: (comes up and looks into the bag) Grandfather, here in the bag there is only snow.

D.M.: Where are the gifts for the guys? I probably lost them in the forest. What should I do?

Presenter: I think I know how to help the cause ( addresses the girl Masha). Mashenka, you have a magic ring. Help us. I am sure that it will definitely help us, we just have to say the magic words. (Mashenka shows the magic ring)

Mashenka: You roll, roll, little ring, onto the spring porch

Yes, along the winter carpet, to the New Year's bonfire! (the ring rolls under the tree)

D.M.: And here are the gifts for the guys! (Santa Claus brings out from behind the tree a bag of gifts previously hidden “in a snowdrift”) Thank you, magic ring!

(D.M. distributes gifts to children to the New Year's melody)

D.M.: You sang and danced nicely, Santa Claus is pleased with you!

I will definitely come to you next year! Goodbye, guys!

(Children say goodbye, D.M. leaves the hall)

The presenter wishes everyone a Happy New Year and invites children and parents to the group.

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