Skin protection products, special skin protection products - personal protective equipment

Skin protection products, along with protection from vapors and droplets of chemical agents, protect exposed areas of the body, clothing, shoes and equipment from contamination by radioactive substances and biological agents. In addition, they completely block a-particles and significantly reduce the impact of b-particles.

Based on the principle of protective action, skin protection products are divided into insulating and filtering ones.

Insulating skin protection products are made from airtight materials, usually from special elastic and frost-resistant rubberized fabric. They can be sealed or not sealed. Sealed means cover the entire body and protect from vapors and drops of chemical agents; non-sealed means protect only from drops of chemical agents.

Insulating skin protection means include a general protective kit and a special protective clothing.

Filtering skin protection products are made in the form of cotton uniforms and linen impregnated with special chemicals. Impregnation with a thin layer envelops the threads of the fabric, and the spaces between the threads remain free; As a result, the air permeability of the material is largely preserved, and OM vapors are absorbed when contaminated air passes through the fabric.

Ordinary clothing and underwear can serve as filtering means for protecting the skin if they are impregnated, for example, with a soap-oil emulsion.

Insulating skin protection means - general protective kit and special protective clothing - are intended mainly for protection personnel civil defense formations when working in contaminated areas.

The combined arms protective kit consists of a protective raincoat, protective stockings and protective gloves.

The protective raincoat of the set has two sides, sides, sleeves, a hood, as well as straps, ribbons and fasteners, allowing the raincoat to be used in various options. The fabric of the raincoat provides protection from toxic, radioactive substances and bacterial agents, as well as from light radiation. The weight of the protective raincoat is about 1.6 kg.

Protective raincoats are made in five sizes: the first for people up to 165 cm tall, the second - from 165 to 170 cm, the third from 170 to 175 cm, the fourth - from 175 to 180 cm and the fifth - over 180 cm.

Protective gloves - rubber, with seals made of impregnated fabric (fabric impregnated with special compounds that increase its protective ability against chemical vapors) come in two types: summer and winter. Summer gloves are five-fingered, winter gloves are two-fingered, have an insulated liner fastened with buttons. The weight of protective gloves is about 350 g.

Protective stockings are made of rubberized fabric. Their soles are reinforced with canvas or rubber soles. Stockings with a canvas top have two or three straps for attaching to the leg and one strap for attaching to the waist belt; Stockings with a rubber cuff are attached to the legs with straps, and to the waist belt with a ribbon. The weight of protective stockings is 0.8-1.2 kg. When operating in contaminated areas, a protective raincoat is used in the form of overalls.

Special protective clothing includes: a light protective suit, a protective overall, a protective suit consisting of a jacket and trousers, and a protective apron.

The lightweight protective suit is made of rubberized fabric and consists of a shirt with a hood 1, trousers 2, sewn together with stockings, two-fingered gloves 3 and a balaclava 4. In addition, the suit includes a bag 5 and a spare pair of gloves. The weight of the protective suit is about 3 kg.

The suits are made in three sizes: the first for people up to 165 cm tall, the second from 165 to 172 cm, the third above 172 cm.

The protective overalls are made of rubberized fabric. It consists of trousers, a jacket and a hood sewn into one piece. The overalls are manufactured in three sizes, corresponding to the dimensions specified for a light protective suit.

The overalls are used together with a balaclava, gloves and rubber boots. Rubber boots are made from sizes 41 to 46. Rubber gloves are all the same size, five-fingered.

The weight of the protective overalls complete with boots, gloves and balaclava is about 6 kg.

A protective suit, consisting of a jacket and trousers, differs from a protective overalls only in that its components are manufactured separately. The costume includes rubber gloves, boots and a balaclava.

Filtering skin protection products include a set of filter clothing in the Western Federal District, consisting of cotton overalls, men's underwear, a cotton balaclava and two pairs of cotton foot wraps.

Along with filtering and isolating skin protection products, improvised skin protection products are also used.

Self-test questions:

1. Basic principles and methods of protecting the population in emergency situations.

2. Individual and collective means protection.

3. Classification of protective structures.


1. Yu.G.Afanasyev, A.G.Ovcharenko, S.L. Rasko, L.I. Trutneva. civil defense.


1. Denisov V.V., Denisova I.A., Gutenev V.V., Montvila O.I. Life safety. Protection of the population and territories during emergency situations: Textbook. allowance. - Moscow: ICC “MarT”, Rostov n/a: Publishing center “MarT”, 2003. - 608 p.

2. Kruglov V.A. Protection of the population and economic facilities in emergency situations. Radiation safety / V.A. Kruglov, S.P. Babovoz, V.N. Pilipchuk et al. / Ed. V.A. Kruglova. - Mn.: Amalthea, 2003. - 368 p.

3. Ecology and life safety: Proc. manual for universities / D.A. Krivoshein, L.A. Ant, N.N. Roeva and others; Ed. L.A. Ant. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2000. - 447 p.

4. To prepare this work, materials from the site were used

5. Yu.G.Afanasyev, A.G.Ovcharenko, S.L.Rasko, L.I.Trutneva

6. Arustamov E. A. Life safety. – M., 1998

7. Steblyuk M.I. Civil defense. – K.: 1994

8. Meshkov N. M. Fundamentals of naval training civil courts- M.: 1989

9. Law on Civil Defense of Ukraine, 1993

© Viktor Ivanovich Bereznev, senior lecturer, Department of Economics and Economics

Lecture notes on the discipline “Civil Defense” for full-time and part-time students in direction 6.070104 “Sea and River Transport”, specialty “Operation of Ship Power Plants”

Circulation ______ copies. Signed for publication ___________

Order No. _______ Volume 4.7 p.l.

Publisher: “Kerch State Marine Technological University”

98309, Kerch, st. Ordzhonikidze 82.

In conditions of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological contamination when exposed to human body poisonous, radiation substances, biological agents, as well as light flux nuclear explosion there is a need to protect the entire human body. Skin PPE is used for these purposes.

Skin PPE is usually called products that complement or replace a person’s normal clothing and footwear and are made from special materials.

According to the principle of protective action, like respiratory protection products, skin protection products can be insulating or filtering.

Insulating Skin PPE is made from rubberized fabric and is used when people spend a long time in a contaminated area, when performing decontamination and disinfection work in lesions and infection zones.

Isolating protective equipment includes: general-arms protective set OZK, light protective suit L-1, protective sets KIKH-4, KIKH-5. As a rule, most PPE is used to protect both civilians and military personnel.

Combined arms protective kit OZK

It is used in conducting radiation chemical and bacteriological reconnaissance, as well as for protecting personnel in conditions of chemical and bacteriological attack.

Consists of a raincoat with a hood, stockings, gloves. Weight 5 kg.

Light protective suit L-1

It is used when conducting radiation chemical and bacteriological reconnaissance, as well as when performing degassing, decontamination and disinfection work.

Consists of a shirt with a hood, trousers with stockings, two-fingered gloves, and a balaclava. Weight 3 kg.

Chemical insulating kit KIKH-4 (KIKH -5)

These kits are designed to protect fighters of gas rescue teams, emergency rescue units and civil defense troops when performing work under conditions of exposure to high concentrations of gaseous highly active agents (chlorine, ammonia), nitric acid, and liquid ammonia.

The kit includes a protective suit, rubber and cotton gloves. For putting on and taking off the suit, there is a hole on the back of the overalls, which is sealed by twisting the suit fabric. The seams of the suit are sealed from the front side by using adhesive tape.

KIKH-4 is used in combination with one of the breathing systems of the ASV-2 type, KIP-8, which is located in the subsuit space.

The exhaled air enters under the suit and is discharged into the atmosphere through an overpressure relief valve. The KIKH-5 kit is used with an IP-ChMK insulating gas mask placed inside the suit.

KIKH-4 (KIKH-5) is worn over regular clothing. After use, the kit is degassed.

The weight of the KIKH-4 kit, without breathing apparatus, is 5 kg. The protective action time for gaseous ammonia and chlorine at concentrations of 1-2 g/m3 is at least 60 minutes; for liquid ammonia - at least 2-3 minutes.

The kit protects against high concentrations of nitric acid vapors for 10 minutes and is resistant to degassing solutions.

Skin filtering PPE includes sets of protective filter clothing ZFO-58 and ZFO-MP.

Western Federal District -58

It is used to protect human skin from exposure to chemical agents in a vapor state, as well as from radioactive dust and bacterial agents in an aerosol state.

Consists of cotton overalls, underwear, a balaclava and two pairs of foot wraps. Used in conjunction with a filter gas mask.

Western Federal District - MP

It is used to protect human skin from the effects of various SDYAVs that are in a vapor-droplet state.

Consists of a jacket with a hood, trousers, calico underwear, combined gloves, rubber-textile boots. Two-layer - the top layer is made of cotton lavsan fabric with acid-proof impregnation, the inner layer is made of cotton fabric with chemical protective impregnation that binds vapors of the active substance.

The weight of the kit is 400 g, the protective action time at a concentration of 0.1 g/l is 150 minutes.

Handy PPE skin

Available skin protection means include regular clothing and shoes. Ordinary capes and raincoats made of rubberized fabric, vinyl chloride or polyethylene, coats made of drape, rough cloth or leather protect well from radioactive dust and bacterial agents. They can also protect against droplet-liquid agents for 5-10 minutes; cotton clothing protects much longer.

To protect feet, rubber boots for industrial and household use, rubber boots, galoshes, felt boots with galoshes, and shoes made of artificial leather with galoshes are used. Ordinary shoes can be wrapped in several layers of thick paper while leaving the contaminated area, and on top of the paper - with tarpaulin and burlap.

To protect your hands, you can use all types of rubber or leather gloves and mittens.

Clothes must be fastened with all buttons, the cuffs of sleeves and trousers must be tied with braid, the collar of the coat must be raised and tied with a scarf. To protect the neck and the open part of the head not protected by a mask, it is necessary to sew a hood.

More reliable protection can provide jumpsuit from thick fabric, treated with special impregnation. The most affordable means for impregnating clothes at home are solutions based on synthetic detergents used when washing clothes, or a soap-oil emulsion.

However, the means at hand are only of an auxiliary nature, can be used only for a short time, and do not protect against high concentrations of ADAS.

Helpful information:

Skin protection products are intended to protect open areas of skin, clothing, equipment and shoes from exposure to droplet-liquid agents and toxic substances, pathogens of infectious diseases, radioactive substances, and also partially from exposure to light radiation. They are divided into service (OZK, L-1) and improvised (items of household clothing). According to the principle of action, standard means are divided into filtering (air-permeable) and insulating (air-tight).

Filtering skin protection products.

Filtering skin protection products include a set of filter clothing in the Western Federal District. It consists of a specially cut cotton overalls, impregnated with a solution of a special paste - chemical substances that retain OM vapors (adsorption type), as well as men's underwear (shirt and long johns), a cotton balaclava and two pairs of foot wraps (one of which is impregnated with the same composition, same as overalls). Underwear, a balaclava and an unimpregnated pair of foot wraps are used to prevent the overalls from abrading the skin and irritating it from the impregnating composition.

Sizes of overalls included in the ZFD set: 1st - for people up to 160 cm tall, 2nd - from 160 to 170 cm and 3rd - over 170cm.

Insulating skin protection products

Insulating skin protection products made from airtight materials can be sealed (suits, overalls that cover the entire human body and protect against drops and vapors of chemical agents) or non-sealed (raincoats, capes, aprons, etc.) which mainly protect against droplets -liquid agents (SDYAV): OZK set, light protective suit L-1, protective overalls or suit.

The protective effect of insulating materials is based on the property of protective films to retain OM for a certain time, i.e. prevent their penetration onto the inner surface of these materials. The following requirements are imposed on protective materials: they must be elastic, frost-resistant, moisture-proof, and also resistant to degassing, disinfection and withstand long-term storage.

The protective properties of insulating materials are determined by the following values: protective power and wetness.

Protective power is the time from the moment of exposure to a liquid or vapor agent on the front side of the material until vapor appears on its back side, causing minimal damage.

Wetting is the time from the moment of exposure of the liquid agent to the front side of the material until it appears on the reverse side in a liquid state.

Protective power and wetness are expressed in hours or minutes. The amount of protective power and wetness is significantly influenced by temperature, the thickness of the protective film and its nature, and the nature of the RH.

As the temperature increases, the rate of penetration of OM increases. In this regard, in winter conditions the protective power of skin protection products is much greater than in summer.

Materials based on butyl rubber, polyisobutylene and some synthetic resins have the greatest protective power.

Combined arms protective kit (OZK).

The combined arms protective kit, together with a gas mask, is used to protect against chemical agents, explosives, as well as to protect the skin, uniforms, shoes and equipment from contamination with explosives, BS, light radiation and incendiary mixtures.

The combined arms kit includes a protective raincoat, protective stockings and protective gloves. The combined arms protective kit is usually used in combination with impregnated uniforms and underwear.

The protective raincoat is available in five sizes, depending on its length:

I- up to 165 cm;

P- 165 - 170 cm.

Sh- 170 - 175 cm.

IV- 175-180 cm.

V- more than 180 cm.

Safety boots - stockings in three sizes depending on the size of the boots:

Isize 37 - 40

IIsize 41 - 42

IIIsize 43 or more

There are 2 types of protective gloves: summer - five-fingered, winter - three-fingered. Set weight - 3 kg.

OZK fully provides protection from radiation agents and BS, prevents damage to agents through the skin - drops and aerosols of agents for 1 hour, vapors of agents for 6 hours, and also protects against burns with a light pulse of 14 cal/sq. see. Instead of OZK, KZP can be used for the same purposes - a protective film suit with similar protective properties and consisting of protective fabric gloves, a jacket and trousers made of polyethylene. When infected with OV, KZP is used once, and when infected with RV, BS, it is used repeatedly. OZK can be used in in the form of a cape, worn in sleeves and in the form of overalls.

In the form of a cape, a protective cloak is used in case of sudden use of toxic substances and biological agents or in case of fallout of radioactive substances. A protective raincoat worn in the sleeves is used: when driving through areas contaminated with chemical agents or biological agents in open vehicles; when crossing zones radioactive contamination on open machines in conditions of dust formation, when performing degassing, decontamination and disinfection work.

The combined arms protective kit in the form of overalls is worn in uncontaminated areas. Used in areas contaminated with agents or BS in the following cases:

When operating on foot in areas with tall grass, crops, bushes or covered with deep snow;

When carrying out rescue and evacuation work, engineering work and equipment repair.

Protective stockings are made of special fabric and are designed to protect against droplet-liquid agents, radioactive substances and BS when crossing contaminated areas. The soles of the stockings are reinforced with a canvas or rubber vamp. The stockings have two or three ribbons for attaching to the leg and a ribbon for attaching to the waist belt. Weight of stockings 1 - 1.5 kg, protective power of at least 1 hour.

Special protective clothing.

There are the following types of special protective clothing;

Light protective suit L-1;

Protective overalls;

Protective suit consisting of a jacket and trousers.

The lightweight protective suit is made of rubberized fabric and consists of a shirt with a hood, trousers with stockings, two-fingered gloves and a balaclava. In addition, there is a bag for carrying the suit and a spare pair of gloves.

The protective overalls are made of rubberized fabric and consist of trousers, a jacket and a hood sewn into one piece. The kit includes rubber boots, protective gloves and a balaclava.

The balaclava is the same for all types of protective clothing; it has a neck flap and a button for fastening.

The protective suit consists of a jacket and trousers, made of rubberized fabric. The protective suit jacket and trousers, as well as the light protective suits, are available in three sizes.

To protect against radioactive substances, the population can also use ordinary clothing. To ensure its tightness, you need to have additional devices: bibs, a hood, side fasteners of trousers. To protect against radiation, you can also use available skin protection products (personal, household, sports, industrial and other clothing and shoes with additional sealing agents).

Sanitary and hygienic assessment of skin protection products.

Insulating protective clothing is of greatest interest and practical importance from the point of view of its impact on humans.

The essence of its influence mainly comes down to disruption of thermoregulation of the human body.

An adult weighing 60-70 kg produces up to 1900-2100 calories per day. With significant physical exertion, heat generation can increase 4-6 times. All generated heat is removed to the external environment with the help of adaptive mechanisms, as a result of which a constant body temperature is maintained - 36-37 degrees.

If more heat is removed to the external environment than is generated, the human body will become hypothermic; if less heat will be removed, it will overheat.

Heat transfer occurs mainly through the surface of the skin and the lungs (respiratory organs).

As a percentage (of the total heat transfer), heat transfer through the skin is 80% (in hot conditions 90%) and occurs through heat conduction and convection, heat radiation and evaporation of liquid (sweat) from the surface of the skin.

In insulating clothing, heat loss can occur along all of these heat loss paths.

The most powerful mechanism of physical thermoregulation in the hot season is heat transfer through the evaporation of sweat from the surface of the skin, which in percentage terms is almost 80%.

In insulating protective equipment, as soon as the air in the under-suit space is saturated with moisture, heat transfer is completely eliminated. However, the sweating function is not impaired. On the contrary, there is excessive sweat secretion, which can be released up to 5 or more liters per day in the hot season.

The cessation of sweat evaporation under these conditions leads to overheating of the body and the development of heat stroke.

Violation of thermoregulation in insulating protective equipment is especially pronounced during significant physical activity and high external temperatures. In these cases, severe dehydration of the body occurs, which is accompanied by disruption of oxidative processes, blood circulation, the development of oxygen starvation, depletion of the nervous-regulatory apparatus, which is manifested by increased heart rate, respiratory failure, increased temperature and dilation of blood vessels.

To avoid overheating of the human body, the “Manual on the use of personal protective equipment” stipulates the maximum permissible periods of work in insulating protective clothing (including in a combined arms protective kit used in the form of overalls):

at temperatures +30 and above - 15-20 minutes;

from 25 to 29 degrees - 20-35 minutes;

from 20 to 24 degrees - 40-60 minutes;

from 15 to 19 degrees - 1.5-2 hours;

below +15 degrees - more than 3 hours.

At temperatures of 10 degrees and below, overheating is not observed. At the same time, in order to maintain maximum performance when using protective clothing in conditions of different outside temperatures, it should be worn at a temperature of +15 degrees and above, as a rule, on underwear, from 0 to +15 degrees over summer clothing, from 0 to - 10 degrees over winter uniforms and below -10 degrees over a padded jacket worn over the uniform.

In all cases, light protective suits are worn over uniforms, and rubber boots, as a rule, are worn over foot wraps or socks, and at low temperatures - over warm foot wraps. In winter conditions, a warm balaclava is worn under the hood.

All work associated with prolonged stay in isolating protective equipment must be supervised by a medical service.

In the system of measures to protect the population from the damaging factors of technological disasters, natural Disasters, mass diseases, a significant place is given to medical personal protective equipment. They are intended for prevention and provision of first aid to the population exposed to radiation, chemical and other damaging factors of technological and natural disasters. With their help, you can prevent or significantly weaken the damaging effect of these factors on the human body and increase its resistance to them.

Skin protection products are intended to protect open areas of skin, clothing, equipment and shoes from exposure to droplet-liquid agents and toxic substances, pathogens of infectious diseases, radioactive substances, and also partially from exposure to light radiation. They are divided into service (OZK, L-1) and improvised (items of household clothing). According to the principle of action, standard means are divided into filtering (air-permeable) and insulating (air-tight).

Filtering skin protection products.

Filtering skin protection products include a set of filter clothing in the Western Federal District. It consists of a specially cut cotton overalls, impregnated with a solution of a special paste - chemical substances that retain OM vapors (adsorption type), as well as men's underwear (shirt and long johns), a cotton balaclava and two pairs of foot wraps (one of which is impregnated with the same composition, same as overalls). Underwear, a balaclava and an unimpregnated pair of foot wraps are used to prevent the overalls from abrading the skin and irritating it from the impregnating composition.

Sizes of overalls included in the ZFD set: 1st - for people up to 160 cm tall, 2nd - from 160 to 170 cm and 3rd - over 170cm.

Insulating skin protection products

Insulating skin protection products made from airtight materials can be sealed (suits, overalls that cover the entire human body and protect against drops and vapors of chemical agents) or non-sealed (raincoats, capes, aprons, etc.) which mainly protect against droplets -liquid agents (SDYAV): OZK set, light protective suit L-1, protective overalls or suit.

The protective effect of insulating materials is based on the property of protective films to retain OM for a certain time, i.e. prevent their penetration onto the inner surface of these materials. The following requirements are imposed on protective materials: they must be elastic, frost-resistant, moisture-proof, and also resistant to degassing, disinfection and withstand long-term storage.

The protective properties of insulating materials are determined by the following values: protective power and wetness.

Protective power is the time from the moment of exposure to a liquid or vapor agent on the front side of the material until vapor appears on its back side, causing minimal damage.

Wetting is the time from the moment of exposure of the liquid agent to the front side of the material until it appears on the reverse side in a liquid state.

Protective power and wetness are expressed in hours or minutes. The amount of protective power and wetness is significantly influenced by temperature, the thickness of the protective film and its nature, and the nature of the RH.

As the temperature increases, the rate of penetration of OM increases. In this regard, in winter conditions the protective power of skin protection products is much greater than in summer.

Materials based on butyl rubber, polyisobutylene and some synthetic resins have the greatest protective power.

Combined arms protective kit (OZK).

The combined arms protective kit, together with a gas mask, is used to protect against chemical agents, explosives, as well as to protect the skin, uniforms, shoes and equipment from contamination with explosives, BS, light radiation and incendiary mixtures.

The combined arms kit includes a protective raincoat, protective stockings and protective gloves. The combined arms protective kit is usually used in combination with impregnated uniforms and underwear.

The protective raincoat is available in five sizes, depending on its length:

I- up to 165 cm;

P- 165 - 170 cm.

Sh- 170 - 175 cm.

IV- 175-180 cm.

V- more than 180 cm.

Safety boots - stockings in three sizes depending on the size of the boots:

Isize 37 - 40

IIsize 41 - 42

IIIsize 43 or more

There are 2 types of protective gloves: summer - five-fingered, winter - three-fingered. Set weight - 3 kg.

OZK fully provides protection from radiation agents and BS, prevents damage to agents through the skin - drops and aerosols of agents for 1 hour, vapors of agents for 6 hours, and also protects against burns with a light pulse of 14 cal/sq. see. Instead of OZK, KZP can be used for the same purposes - a protective film suit, which has similar protective properties and consists of protective fabric gloves, a jacket and trousers made of polyethylene. When infected with OV, KZP is used once, and when infected with RV, BS, it is used repeatedly. OZK can be used in the form of a cape, worn in sleeves and in the form of overalls.

In the form of a cape, a protective cloak is used in case of sudden use of toxic substances and biological agents or in case of fallout of radioactive substances. A protective raincoat worn in the sleeves is used: when driving through areas contaminated with chemical agents or biological agents in open vehicles; when crossing zones of radioactive contamination on open machines in conditions of dust formation, when performing degassing, decontamination and disinfection work.

The combined arms protective kit in the form of overalls is worn in uncontaminated areas. Used in areas contaminated with agents or BS in the following cases:

When operating on foot in areas with tall grass, crops, bushes or covered with deep snow;

When carrying out rescue and evacuation work, engineering work and equipment repair.

Protective stockings are made of special fabric and are designed to protect against droplet-liquid agents, radioactive substances and BS when crossing contaminated areas. The soles of the stockings are reinforced with a canvas or rubber vamp. The stockings have two or three ribbons for attaching to the leg and a ribbon for attaching to the waist belt. Weight of stockings 1 - 1.5 kg, protective power of at least 1 hour.

Special protective clothing.

There are the following types of special protective clothing;

Light protective suit L-1;

Protective overalls;

Protective suit consisting of a jacket and trousers.

The lightweight protective suit is made of rubberized fabric and consists of a shirt with a hood, trousers with stockings, two-fingered gloves and a balaclava. In addition, there is a bag for carrying the suit and a spare pair of gloves.

The protective overalls are made of rubberized fabric and consist of trousers, a jacket and a hood sewn into one piece. The kit includes rubber boots, protective gloves and a balaclava.

The balaclava is the same for all types of protective clothing; it has a neck flap and a button for fastening.

The protective suit consists of a jacket and trousers, made of rubberized fabric. The protective suit jacket and trousers, as well as the light protective suits, are available in three sizes.

To protect against radioactive substances, the population can also use ordinary clothing. To ensure its tightness, you need to have additional devices: bibs, a hood, side fasteners of trousers. To protect against radiation, you can also use available skin protection products (personal, household, sports, industrial and other clothing and shoes with additional sealing agents).

Sanitary and hygienic assessment of skin protection products.

Insulating protective clothing is of greatest interest and practical importance from the point of view of its impact on humans.

The essence of its influence mainly comes down to disruption of thermoregulation of the human body.

An adult weighing 60-70 kg produces up to 1900-2100 calories per day. With significant physical exertion, heat generation can increase 4-6 times. All generated heat is removed to the external environment with the help of adaptive mechanisms, as a result of which a constant body temperature is maintained - 36-37 degrees.

If more heat is removed to the external environment than is generated, the human body will become hypothermic; if less heat will be removed, it will overheat.

Heat transfer occurs mainly through the surface of the skin and the lungs (respiratory organs).

As a percentage (of the total heat transfer), heat transfer through the skin is 80% (in hot conditions 90%) and occurs through heat conduction and convection, heat radiation and evaporation of liquid (sweat) from the surface of the skin.

In insulating clothing, heat loss can occur along all of these heat loss paths.

The most powerful mechanism of physical thermoregulation in the hot season is heat transfer through the evaporation of sweat from the surface of the skin, which in percentage terms is almost 80%.

In insulating protective equipment, as soon as the air in the under-suit space is saturated with moisture, heat transfer is completely eliminated. However, the sweating function is not impaired. On the contrary, there is excessive sweat secretion, which can be released up to 5 or more liters per day in the hot season.

The cessation of sweat evaporation under these conditions leads to overheating of the body and the development of heat stroke.

Violation of thermoregulation in insulating protective equipment is especially pronounced during significant physical activity and high external temperatures. In these cases, severe dehydration of the body occurs, which is accompanied by disruption of oxidative processes, blood circulation, the development of oxygen starvation, depletion of the nervous-regulatory apparatus, which is manifested by increased heart rate, respiratory failure, increased temperature and dilation of blood vessels.

To avoid overheating of the human body, the “Manual on the use of personal protective equipment” stipulates the maximum permissible periods of work in insulating protective clothing (including in a combined arms protective kit used in the form of overalls):

at temperatures +30 and above - 15-20 minutes;

from 25 to 29 degrees - 20-35 minutes;

from 20 to 24 degrees - 40-60 minutes;

from 15 to 19 degrees - 1.5-2 hours;

below +15 degrees - more than 3 hours.

At temperatures of 10 degrees and below, overheating is not observed. At the same time, in order to maintain maximum performance when using protective clothing in conditions of different outside temperatures, it should be worn at a temperature of +15 degrees and above, as a rule, on underwear, from 0 to +15 degrees over summer clothing, from 0 to - 10 degrees over winter uniforms and below -10 degrees over a padded jacket worn over the uniform.

In all cases, light protective suits are worn over uniforms, and rubber boots, as a rule, are worn over foot wraps or socks, and at low temperatures - over warm foot wraps. In winter conditions, a warm balaclava is worn under the hood.

All work associated with prolonged stay in isolating protective equipment must be supervised by a medical service.

In the system of measures to protect the population from the damaging factors of technological disasters, natural disasters, and mass diseases, a significant place is given to medical personal protective equipment. They are intended for prevention and provision of first aid to the population exposed to radiation, chemical and other damaging factors of technological and natural disasters. With their help, you can prevent or significantly weaken the damaging effect of these factors on the human body and increase its resistance to them.

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