The death of Svidrigailov and the last days of his life. Svidrigailov. "Crime and Punishment". Hero image

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In fact, all the reasons for Svidrigailov’s suicide come down to one thing - denial of himself and his life.

Svidrigailov is essentially a criminal; he has several ruined lives to his credit. He believes that everything is allowed to him, that he is superior to others, and in this his position coincides with Raskolnikov’s theory. Svidrigailov is capable of lying, blackmailing, even killing, not for the sake of great goal, but simply from boredom, from the emptiness of life. Awareness of the dead end and hopelessness of such a life leads Svidrigailov to suicide. This is not only retribution for many sins, but also moral collapse.

Svidrigailov has long crossed the line separating good and evil. At first glance, it seems that he has no doubts - he has come to terms with his “villainous” existence and even finds charms in it. It would seem that such an extraordinary hero should not kill himself. But Svidrigailov committed suicide. What are the reasons for such an act? There are many reasons for Svidrigailov’s suicide.

One of the reasons for Svidrigailov's suicide was boredom. Freedom from the moral law does not bring satisfaction to the hero. His life is meaningless. He is no longer capable of bright feelings; he has erased all of them from the depths of his soul. And Arkady Ivanovich has to look for all kinds of entertainment. Even his attraction to Raskolnikov’s sister Avdotya Romanovna is nothing more than a manifestation of raw passion, kindled by the girl’s inaccessibility. But all these attempts to overcome boredom led to nothing. The indistinguishability of good and evil gives the world a special grayness in which it is even difficult to breathe. And Svidrigailov gets tired of the eternal meaningless cycle.

Svidrigailov is a cynic, and as the owner of extraordinary thinking, he is able to realize himself, his vulgar and stupid existence. He denies himself - and crosses out the same way one crosses out an unsuccessful phrase in a letter. The impetus for this awareness, the impetus for action, was a failed rape. It was this step that finally showed Svidrigailov all the stupidity of his existence, all the lack of meaning.

It can also be assumed that one of the reasons was Svidrigailov’s understanding that he could not push Raskolnikov to his own path of cynicism and denial, thereby overcoming his loneliness. This is felt on the pages of the novel.

It is also possible that Svidrigailov’s soul was so mired in cynicism and dirt that he did not see in himself the ability to repent. If Raskolnikov eventually managed to repent and took the path of atonement for his guilt, correcting his mistakes, then Arkady Svidrigailov can no longer do the same.

There was nothing bright and holy left in his soul. AND the only way out from vicious circle: unwillingness to continue such an existence and inability to repent - became suicide.

What are the reasons for Svidrigailov’s suicide? In his work, F. M. Dostoevsky scrupulously analyzes spiritual world the main character of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov, and those motivations, both external, obvious, and hidden, deep, that led him to crime. Raskolnikov's psychological doubles help the reader to adequately assess the hero's personality and penetrate into the recesses of his soul.

One of Raskolnikov’s psychological doubles in the novel is Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov, a deeply vicious and immoral man.

Not without reason, he says to Raskolnikov: “You and I are of the same breed,” because a whole series of atrocities lies on his conscience. He is to blame for the death of his lackey and a fifteen-year-old deaf-mute girl, he poisoned his wife and benefactor Marfa Petrovna, he harassed Dunya, not disdaining by any means.

It was not for nothing that Raskolnikov’s confession that he overheard did not surprise or outrage him. Svidrigailov completely calmly and calmly accepts Raskolnikov’s crime and does not see any tragedy in it. Moreover, he also recognizes his theory, believing that “a single crime is permissible if the main objective good." But Svidrigailov’s “good” goal is voluptuousness. For the sake of his vile aspirations, he stops at nothing.

Svidrigailov does not repent of the atrocities he has committed, he is not oppressed by pangs of conscience, but he himself becomes a victim of his own crimes, they lead him to an inevitable psychological “dead end, from which he sees only one way out - suicide.

One of the reasons for Svidrigailov's suicide was boredom. Freedom from the moral law does not bring satisfaction to the hero. His life is meaningless. The indistinguishability of good and evil gives the world a special grayness in which it is even difficult to breathe. M. Bakhtin’s research helps us reveal another reason for Svidrigailov’s suicide. “Dostoevsky’s hero,” writes Bakhtin, “is a special point of view on the world and on himself.”

The author, according to Bakhtin, does not explore the clearly defined image of the hero, but the final result of his consciousness and self-awareness, “ the last word the hero about himself and his world." Svidrigailov is a cynic, and, as the owner of extraordinary thinking, he is able to realize himself, his vulgar and stupid existence. He is lonely, he failed to win over Raskolnikov to his side.

It is also possible that Svidrigailov’s soul was so mired in cynicism and dirt that he did not see in himself the ability to repent. There was nothing bright and holy left in his soul. He does not want to continue this existence, but is incapable of repentance. And the only way out of the vicious circle was suicide.

Dostoevsky showed the meaninglessness of the existence of a person like Svidrigailov.

A person deprived of support for the universal moral law is doomed to obsolete himself.

/ / / Death of Svidrigailov (analysis of an episode in Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”)

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in his novel “Crime and Punishment” chose original way to reveal the depth of the protagonist’s character, he introduced a system of doubles. The most important antipodean hero becomes Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov.

This person is distinguished by such qualities as depravity, cynicism and cruelty. He openly declares that all his actions are dictated by voluptuousness, reaching the point of real pathology. Svidrigailov is not burdened by his existence; he even seems to be proud of it. Arkady Ivanovich does not recognize God at all and mocks any manifestation of morality. He is equally indifferent to both good and evil. And he does both good and bad things at the same time.

What is the reason for his such demonstrative behavior? Why did he choose this one? life position? The hero does not even accept the very concept of virtue, believing that all this is just an attempt to deceive others or himself. Apart from this, he is not busy with anything. His entire existence is idleness. Debauchery becomes the main occupation of his life. If it had not been for him, then Svidrigailov’s entire existence would have been completely lost.

But everything said above about this person does not mean that he is stupid and primitive. On the contrary, Arkady Ivanovich’s nature is complex and multifaceted. This man is smart. To everyone around him, he seems like a true villain, surrounded by a demonic aura. Because of him they are persecuting him, he is blamed for the death of Marfa Petrovna. But this is just a mask under which hides a person with a big soul, capable of development and improvement.

Svidrigailov tests ordinary human feelings, familiar to everyone: he is afraid of death, assuming that he will have to answer for everything there, he is capable of pity and compassion and even love. You can even think about how his love for Dunya would affect him if it were mutual? Perhaps it would have led him to spiritual and moral rebirth?!

But most of all, Arkady Ivanovich experiences pangs of conscience; he is haunted by the ghosts of the past, which come even in reality.

But still characteristic feature This hero is that he does not believe in miracles and the possibility of resurrection. He believes that a criminal will not be able to cleanse himself morally.

Despite all his fear of death, he no longer wants to live. has lost its meaning, there is a dead end in front of him from which there is no way out. Therefore, Arkady Ivanovich commits the only possible action in this situation - he kills himself. He does not see the opportunity to be reborn, and he hardly wants it.

Through the life and death of this hero, Fyodor Mikhailovich shows how tragic stepping over a moral line can be. Being on the other side of this border can destroy a person not only spiritually, but also physically.

Having met with Dunya, Svidrigailov said that the matter concerns Rodion Romanych, whose secret is now in his hands, and that she should listen not only to him, but also to Sonya, who is waiting for them at Kapernaumov.

The girl became thoughtful, but Svidrigailov could hardly control himself, his heart was beating desperately. He deliberately spoke very loudly to hide his growing excitement. Dunya, who was hurt by his remark that she was afraid of him like a child, decided to go up to the apartment. There Svidrigailov showed her an empty room in which he eavesdropped on Raskolnikov’s conversations with Sonya, and then took the girl to his place, where he told her Raskolnikov’s secret.

Having learned the terrible truth, Dunya did not want to believe that her brother could be a murderer. Svidrigailov replied that according to the theory of Rodion Romanovich, a single crime is permissible if the main goal is good. Then he began to explain his point of view on what he had done.
The reason for this crime is the excessive vanity of a person who decided to prove to himself that he belongs to extraordinary people, to those to whom everything is allowed. You can't blame him for this.

Dunya wanted to get confirmation of what she heard from Sonya, but Svidrigailov said that she would not be home until nightfall. Avdotya Romanovna rushed to the exit - the door was locked. Arkady Ivanovich began to calm the girl down.

...why do you need Razumikhin? I love you too... I love you endlessly. Let me kiss the hem of your dress, let me! give! I can't hear it making noise. Tell me: do this, and I will do it! I'll do everything. I will do the impossible. What you believe, that I will believe. I will do anything, I will do anything! Don't look, don't look at me like that! Do you know that you are killing me...

He said that he would help Raskolnikov escape abroad, that his brother’s salvation depended only on her, he confessed his love to her, but then Dunya jumped up and began to scream, but they were alone in the house. She ran to the corner of the room and began accusing Svidrigailov of violence.

He answered mockingly that no sane person would believe that a young girl just came to the apartment of a lonely man. Then Dunya took the revolver out of her pocket and cocked the trigger. Svidrigailov slowly began to approach her, saying that she herself was not indifferent to him at one time. Dunya fired. The bullet slipped through Svidrigailov’s hair and hit the wall.

...Avdotya Romanovna! Where did you get the revolver? ... Yes, the revolver is mine! ... Our village shooting lessons, which I had the honor of giving you, were not in vain ...

He stopped, laughed and took out a handkerchief to wipe away the blood running down his temple. Dunya looked at him in a kind of stupor, then cocked the trigger again and fired. Misfire. He was already two steps away from her, and his passionate gaze was full of determination. Dunya realized that he would rather die than let her go, she prepared to shoot again and... suddenly threw the revolver away.

Svidrigailov came up and hugged her waist. The girl did not resist, she just looked with pleading eyes and asked to let go. He asked if she could ever love him, and, having received a negative answer, took the key out of his pocket, put it on the table and told her to leave. There was something terrible in his eyes, Dunya grabbed the key, opened the door and, like crazy, ran out into the street.

Svidrigailov took the revolver - there was one more bullet left - he thought, put the weapon in his pocket and left.

Svidrigailov spent the entire evening visiting different taverns and taverns, moving from one to another. He didn’t drink a drop of wine, only asked somewhere for a glass of tea, and that was more for the sake of order. The evening was stuffy, by ten o'clock clouds moved in and a thunderstorm began. It was raining, lightning flashed, thunder roared.

All wet. Svidrigailov returned home, wanted to change clothes, but changed his mind, put all his money in his pocket, took his hat and went to Sonya. He told her that he would probably go to America and wanted to say goodbye. the children are now settled, the money owed to them has been given, and he wants to give her three thousand rubles.

She will need money, especially if Rodion Romanovich is sentenced to hard labor and she follows him. In response to Sonya’s confused remark about how he was leaving in such a downpour, Svidrigailov grinned and said that those who were going to America should no longer be afraid of the rain. Then he left, leaving Sonya in amazement, fear and some vague, grave suspicion.

At about twelve o'clock he made another visit: he went to the apartment of his fiancee's parents, informed them that he had to leave St. Petersburg for a while due to important circumstances, and presented fifteen thousand in silver. For the bride
he said that he would arrive soon, patted her on the cheek, kissed her and left.

Svidrigailov went to the Petersburg side, rented a room in some run-down hotel, asked for tea and cold veal, lit a candle and looked around. The room was very small, with a dirty bed, shabby wallpaper, on which the design was no longer visible.

They brought what we ordered. He drank a glass of tea to warm up, but could not eat a single piece. Taking off his coat, Svidrigailov wrapped himself in a blanket and went to bed. Could not sleep. and when he finally began to forget, something suddenly ran under the blanket along his hand. It turned out to be a mouse. With disgust, he began to catch her and woke up.

It was still dark. Svidrigailov sat up on the bed and decided not to sleep at all, but again fell into a half-asleep. He imagined a beautiful hall, in the middle of which stood a coffin with a girl, and everything was strewn with flowers. This fourteen-year-old girl drowned herself, unable to bear the insult and undeserved shame. A wreath of roses was placed on her wet hair. A smile froze on her lips, full of some kind of unchildish
boundless sorrow and great lamentation...

Svidrigailov woke up and got out of bed. Opening the window, he heard a cannon shot - a signal of a flood. The clock struck three. It's getting light soon. It's time... He took the candle and went to look for the bellhop to pay and leave the hotel.

In a dark corner of the corridor, he suddenly noticed a girl of about five, in a wet dress, crying and trembling. The girl said that she broke her mother’s cup and hid because she was afraid of punishment. He picked her up, undressed her, laid her on the bed and covered her with a blanket. She immediately fell asleep, and Svidrigailov was annoyed with himself for contacting her, because it was time for him to leave.

After a while, he looked into her face and saw that she was not sleeping at all, but was slyly, somehow not childishly winking at him from under her half-lowered eyelashes.

Now she completely stopped pretending and began to laugh, and her eyes looked at him with a fiery, shameless gaze. there was something infinitely ugly and offensive in that laughter and those eyes, it was the face of depravity. The girl reached out to him, and Svidrigailov was already raising his hand...

F. M. Dostoevsky wrote the novel “Crime and Punishment” in the 60s of the 19th century, when Russia entered the darkness of the transition era. In the novel, using the example of Raskolnikov, the author reflected how, for what reasons, a person can go to extremes. Raskolnikov, who created and tested his theory of the “superman” is troubled soul, striving for ideals and oppressed by the darkness and hopelessness of the surrounding world. Petersburg Raskolnikova - scary place: dusty, yellow tall houses with “well courtyards”, “blind windows”, broken glass. There is dirt, dust and destruction everywhere. Throughout the entire narrative, Raskolnikov faces different people, which to one degree or another affect the movements of the protagonist’s soul. And among them is Svidrigailov.

Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov is one of central characters novel. “... About fifty years old, above average height, with broad and steep shoulders, which gave him a somewhat stooped appearance. Wide face he was quite pleasant, and his complexion was fresh, not St. Petersburg. His hair, still very thick, was completely blond. His eyes were blue and looked coldly, intently and thoughtfully; lips are scarlet." According to Raskolnikov, Svidrigailov’s face looked like a mask. Actually, this is a mask - a mask worn by a hardened cynic, dissatisfied with his life, both in its external and spiritual manifestations. On Svidrigailov's conscience terrible crimes: through his fault, the servant Philip and a fourteen-year-old girl, insulted by him, committed suicide. Svidrigailov has long crossed the line separating good and evil. At first glance, it seems that he has no doubts - he has come to terms with his “villainous” existence and even finds charms in it. Svidrigailov worries Raskolnikov, the latter feels power over himself mysterious man free from moral laws. It would seem that such an extraordinary hero should not kill himself. But Svidrigailov committed suicide. What are the reasons for such an act? There are many reasons for Svidrigailov’s suicide. Dostoevsky, a master of subtle psychologism, could not limit himself to one trivial explanation for the death of his hero.

One of the reasons for Svidrigailov's suicide was boredom. Freedom from the moral law does not bring satisfaction to the hero. His life is meaningless. He is no longer capable of bright feelings; he has erased all of them from the depths of his soul. And Arkady Ivanovich has to look for all kinds of entertainment. Even his attraction to Raskolnikov’s sister Avdotya Romanovna is nothing more than a manifestation of raw passion, kindled by the girl’s inaccessibility. But all these attempts to overcome boredom led to nothing. The indistinguishability of good and evil gives the world a special grayness in which it is even difficult to breathe. And Svidrigailov gets tired of the eternal meaningless cycle.

Another reason for Svidrigailov’s suicide, in my opinion, is helped by the research of M. Bakhtin.

“Dostoevsky’s hero,” writes Bakhtin, “is a special point of view on the world and on himself.” The author, according to the researcher, examines not a clearly defined image of the hero, but the final result of his consciousness and self-awareness, “the hero’s last word about himself and his world.” Based on this statement, we can say that Svidrigailov denies both himself and his world, which led to the emergence and development of such a cynical character for whom nothing is sacred. Svidrigailov is a cynic, and as the owner of extraordinary thinking, he is able to realize himself, his vulgar and stupid existence. He denies himself - and crosses out the same way one crosses out an unsuccessful phrase in a letter. The impetus for this awareness, the impetus for action, was a failed rape. It was this step that finally showed Svidrigailov all the stupidity of his existence, all the lack of meaning.

It can also be assumed that one of the reasons was Svidrigailov’s understanding that he could not push Raskolnikov to his own path of cynicism and denial, thereby overcoming his loneliness. This is felt on the pages of the novel.

It is also possible that Svidrigailov’s soul was so mired in cynicism and dirt that he did not see in himself the ability to repent. If Raskolnikov eventually managed to repent and took the path of atonement for his guilt, correcting his mistakes, then Arkady Svidrigailov can no longer do the same.

There was nothing bright and holy left in his soul. And the only way out of the vicious circle: unwillingness to continue such an existence and inability to repent was suicide. In fact, all the reasons for Svidrigailov’s suicide boil down to one thing - denial of himself and his life. Dostoevsky showed the meaninglessness of such existence, the obvious disastrousness life path, deprived of support for the moral universal law.

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