Do you agree that indifference is the highest cruelty? Argument on the topic of indifference in the work Crime and Punishment

He goes to war, helping younger brother, and, although he doesn’t like fighting at all, even in such conditions the hero remains kind and sympathetic. Plato “loved and lived lovingly with everything that life brought him together,” helped other prisoners (in particular, he fed Pierre when he was captured), and took care of a stray dog.

  • In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" many heroes show themselves as pronounced altruists or egoists. The first, of course, includes Sonechka Marmeladova, who sacrifices herself to provide for her family and then goes into exile after Raskolnikov, trying to save his soul. We must not forget about Razumikhin: he is poor and lives hardly better than Raskolnikov, but he is always ready to help him - he offers his friend a job, buys him clothes, gives him money. In contrast to these noble people presented, for example, the image of Luzhin.

Indifference and responsiveness in “crime and punishment”. what to write?


The meeting with Marmeladov, participation in the fate of a drunken girl wandering along the boulevard in the center of St. Petersburg, the episode with the drowned woman - all these fragments of the novel prove to us the protagonist’s deep sympathy for the fates of the people around him, even strangers. But it was through his meeting with Marmeladov that Raskolnikov met Sonechka, the girl who became his destiny.


His sympathy for the troubles and suffering of disadvantaged people proves his deep and strong nature. Raskolnikov’s responsiveness is especially clearly shown in the episode of reading a letter to his mother: when he learned about all the troubles and problems of his mother and sister, his face was distorted by a terrible “snake grin”, strands of hair stuck to his sweaty forehead! Isn't this an indicator of concern for the fate of people! The hero of E. Gabova’s story “Don’t Let the Redhead on the Lake” behaves completely differently.

Reading "Crime and Punishment". arguments for writing an essay

Numerous heroes rejoice and suffer, love and are disappointed, dream - each living their own lives. But they were all united by one tragedy - war. It was she who revealed the essence of everyone, showed how spiritually rich or low a person is.
Pure, direct, kind, cheerful Natasha Rostova and difficult moments life of the people showed its best qualities. She did not stand aside, was not indifferent to what was happening on her land.

Sympathy and compassion pushed her to organize carts for the wounded during the retreat from Moscow, to become a sister of mercy, helping the wounded, easing their pain if possible. The war with even greater force revealed in Natasha best features her character.

Do we see among those who need help such heroes as Helen, Vasily and Anatol Kuragin? Where are they in moments of testing for Russia? Helen actually went abroad, waiting until the end of the war.

Arguments from the literature in the direction of “indifference and responsiveness”

A young doctor named Bomgard, who recently graduated from university, goes to work in a rural hospital, where he encounters harsh living conditions, human ignorance, terrible diseases and, finally, with death itself. But, despite everything, he fights for every patient; goes to the sick day and night, not sparing himself; constantly learns and improves her skills.
It is significant that Bomgard is not a heroic person, he is often unsure of himself and, like everyone else, experiences fear, but at the decisive moment the sense of professional duty overcomes everything else.

  • The indifference of people to each other is especially scary when it, like a virus, covers the entire society. This situation occurred in the story of V.P. Astafiev "Lyudochka"
    It contrasts life path the heroine and the attitude towards her from others, from family to society as a whole.

The direction is indifference and responsiveness. arguments part 2 (final essay)

And this is how everyone treats him, from strangers to family members. Chudik’s responsiveness and society’s reluctance to understand someone who does not fit into the framework are two sides of the same problem.

Examples of literary arguments for topics in the direction of “indifference and responsiveness”

Raskolnikov, without hesitation, gives his last money to the Marmeladovs, whose family is in such grief; Razumikhin helps in Hard time to his friend Raskolnikov, first offering him a job, although he himself was in a difficult financial situation, then being at the bedside of a sick friend; Dunyasha is ready to do anything for the sake of her beloved brother, even to marry an unloved one; His mother is ready to do everything for her beloved Rodi. Sonya Marmeladova was there during a terrible period in the hero’s life, she followed him when he was sent to hard labor, and supported him.

They were resurrected by love, the heart of one contained endless sources of life for the heart of the other,” the author wrote. All these are examples of sincere responsiveness, mercy, and humanity.

It was this behavior of the heroes that saved others, helped them, and gave them hope. By giving, a person receives more.

“Crime and Punishment” - novel by F. M. Dostoevsky

So he convinces Nastya that she had real love, since she believes in it; The actor talks about a free hospital where he can be cured of alcoholism; He consoles Anna, saying that peace will soon come, all her suffering will end. What is better: a white lie or the bitter truth? Of course, we will say that the truth is always better, whatever it may be.
But you also need to feel sorry and sympathize with the person, just say a kind word to him. (...It is necessary, girl, for someone to be kind... it is necessary to feel sorry for people! I will tell you - to feel sorry for a person in time... it happens well!..") The indifference of others kills people, makes them hard life unbearable. Responsiveness manifests itself in everything - both in deeds and in words of sympathy. Helping another, being together in difficult times is so necessary not only for the person in need, but also for the person himself, since this is a need kind soul, open heart.
Whether or not to condemn Luke for his lies is up to each reader, but his kindness warmed the people who needed it so much at least a little. Conclusion. A person is valued by his deeds and actions, by his attitude towards the people around him. No matter what heights a person achieves in life, if he is indifferent, indifferent to people, the country, to everything that happens around him, if he thinks only about himself, society will reject him, which means he will not become truly happy. You need to strive to give people the warmth of your soul, to respond to other people's pain and suffering. Then the world will become kinder, and life will become more fulfilling, richer, more beautiful.

Argument on the topic of indifference in the work Crime and Punishment

Children of the Dungeon “Two worlds - the world of the rich and the poor - are sometimes like a huge abyss of misunderstanding, condemnation, and indifference. Adults cannot understand the contradictions of society, and even more so a child, who one day suddenly encountered injustice, saw it for the first time with his own children’s eyes, trying to understand why he has everything, while other children do not even have food to eat.

This is exactly the situation I found myself in main character story by V.G. Korolenko “Children of the Dungeon” Vasya. His acquaintance with seven-year-old Valek and three-year-old Marusya changed his life, made him more mature, more attentive, and more serious.

His “heart sank” when he saw the conditions in which the children lived in the dungeon of the old castle, where “two streams of light... poured from above... stone floor slabs... the walls were also made of stone... sank completely in darkness.” The boy showed sincere responsiveness to the fate of children.

Ranevskaya’s love is illusory, Gaev’s path is unclear, material goals, the thirst for money, the position in society characteristic of Lopakhin, have already begun to devastate his soul (“I can pay for everything!”). It is surprising that the younger generation also showed indifference to the fate of Firs: neither Anya, nor Trofimov, nor Varya remembered him.

The cherry orchard, blooming, all white, beautiful, is a symbol not only of the wonderful future that awaits people, which Anya and Petya Trofimov dream of building, but also an allegorical image of the fact that the souls of people should be pure, immaculate, and beautiful. Indifference, indifference, selfishness will never help you become happy. Only responsiveness, humanity, mutual understanding and support are the guarantee that a person’s life will be beautiful, interesting, and filled with joyful moments. V.G. Korolenko.

Bernard Shaw believes that “the worst crime we can commit against people is not to hate them, but to treat them with indifference.” He talks about why indifference is worse than hatred. Archimandrite Melchizedek (Artyukhin), rector of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and the Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God in Yasenevo.

Not “fuck off”, but “roll off”

- Father Melchizedek! Indifference has existed since time immemorial. As in the parable of the Good Samaritan: a man was lying on the road, beaten by hooligans, and everyone walked past him - both the Levite and the priest... Where does the indifference in people come from?

— From human nature damaged by sin.

My husband bought yoghurts, put them in the far corner of the refrigerator, where they couldn’t reach them, and then quietly ate them. The wife saw this attitude - and there were two children in the family - and asked: “Can you explain this? Your own children?!” The Apostle Paul says: Put to death the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit, and you will live. For the spirit desires what is contrary to the flesh, and the flesh desires what is contrary to the spirit.(cf. Rom. 8:11-13). What are the works of the flesh? Self-love, comfort, calmness, so that “no one touches me.”

You yourself then fall under the law by which you live.

Like the youth: “Get away from me!” And we must have the dispensation not to fall off, but to “roll away.” Previously, when we got a telephone in 1971-1972, people picked up the phone and said not “Hello”, but “How can I help?.. Amazing! You didn't even know what it was about yet we're talking about, but already entered into the conversation with a willingness to help. He did not answer indifferently or neutrally: “Hello?”, but on the contrary, openly and with participation. You didn't say that out of politeness, it was a general high bar empathy, involvement in the fate of another person. And now? The name is displayed on the phone, and we already know: to take it or not to take it. What if they ask for something, what if they hook you up with something, what if?.. And what’s interesting is that your phone number is also displayed. And then you yourself fall under the law by which you live.

-Where does not giving a damn lead? That is, if a person lives according to the law - “fuck off”, then “fuck off” and he will get it?

- Yes, that’s what he’ll run into. The Apostle Paul says: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows generously will also reap generously. He who sows evil will reap evil: one day he himself will find himself in the same situation. First, all the heroes: I don’t need anyone, I don’t care. But the moment will come when this person turns to people and in response hears the same words: “I don’t care,” because an appropriate environment, an appropriate world and an appropriate attitude will form around him. It's counterproductive.

If you are indifferent to yourself - to your life, to clothes, to the furnishings in your apartment, to your shoes, if you have a mess in your briefcase, on your desk and in your life, then you will have the same attitude towards people. You will think that this is normal for them too - a mountain of unwashed dishes, a pile of unwashed laundry, cobwebs on top... Your inner indifference will spread to the circumstances of another person’s life.

What other person? If you are not alone, then you are already a family: it is not necessarily husband and wife, but maybe you live with your mom or dad, grandparents, stayed with a brother, sister or nephew - you are already two or more. You rarely meet a person deprived of family and friends! There are at least two. And you have no right to be indifferent to this “other” person. You are responsible for the people with whom you grew up, with whom life brought you together. Otherwise - woe. I know examples when relations between siblings, grandmother and grandson, grandfather and grandson are simply broken. Because of which? Because of delusional egoism, which began with indifference, indifference grew into misunderstanding, misunderstanding into hatred, and hatred into rancor.

Law family life- share the best

I remember my childhood. In those days, we saw “Mishka in the North” candies only on New Year. And then my mother once brought candy from work. I took it and ate it alone. They asked me: “Pavlik, what do you think, did mom want to try it? Did brother Kolya want to try it?” I didn’t know how to get this candy back - it was so reproachful and unpleasant for the child’s conscience. This is also indifference. The law of family life is to share the best. No one forces you to share potatoes or cabbage, but more delicious things - servelat or half a cake - you cannot open the refrigerator and hack one on the sly, like those yoghurts.

Indifference is worse than hatred

— Bernard Shaw says that the worst crime we can commit against people is not to hate them, but to treat them with indifference. Why is indifference worse than hatred?

- With hatred, at least a person exists for a person, but with indifference, a person does not exist. Sometimes we tend not to sort things out with people, but to emphasize in silence that something has happened. Silence may not be exactly indifference, but it is close to it. Through silence we show that a person does not exist for us. Because who are we not talking to? We even talk to animals! We don't talk to the thing. We don't talk to furniture, we don't talk to chairs, we don't talk to wardrobes. And a person becomes a “thing” when they don’t talk to him.

I always emphasize: in family life or among people - know how to talk! If you can’t say it, you don’t have enough strength due to extreme offense, then write so that the person at least understands why you were offended and kept silent, because he may not understand it. How can you not understand? Let's say it was a trifle for him, but you were hurt with this word in childhood, and he, without knowing it, stepped on a sore spot!

Before you think bad, think well

I had an emergency. When I was in Optina Pustyn, I came alone close person. She prayed the Nativity Fast, and we celebrated the bright holiday of Christmas. She needed to return to Moscow. And I, realizing how hard it was for her to part with Optina and go to the chaos of Moscow, seeing her off, said: “Our joy!” - and slammed the car door. A month later I ended up in Moscow to visit my mother, and when we met - and she knew her - she said: “Father (my mother addresses me like this - “father”), I understand that this could not have happened, but what do you mean to her? said when she got into the car? She cries for a month after that!” Lord, what did I say?! I started to remember. After praying, I remembered: “Alexandra, our joy!” Mom smiles, crosses herself three times and says: she thought she heard: “Alexandra, you’re not ours!” I called her and we figured out the situation. But this is what it is to be silent, this is what it is to be offended, this is what it is to drive yourself into this state. This is not from the area of ​​indifference, but rather from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stupidity of our relations. You thought something was wrong, so first talk to the person! Therefore, we recently released a magnet and now we are distributing it to everyone, on the magnet are the following words: “Before you think badly, think well!”

Do what you have to do and a little more

I myself encounter indifference at every step. They didn’t say - I didn’t do it, they gave instructions - I did it according to the instructions, and nothing more. And about indifference even in small things, Elder Paisius says: “If a person does what he should and a little more, God gives double grace for this.” What is “a little more”? The wife cooked for her husband oatmeal- this is what it should be, but I put a berry or a cherry or a piece of banana on the oatmeal, and a parsley leaf on the cabbage salad. This is “a little bit”.

When I was in Italy, I heard on the street, in a cafe, in a store: spouses - young, middle-aged and elderly - when communicating with each other, they called each other: “Amore.” This is “my love”! I was struck by such sublime and reverent loving relationship. Also evidence of caring! After all, it all starts with the word: And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth(John 1:14). Words have enormous power! If you call a person “my angel,” even in situations that are completely inappropriate for this word, then the person, wounded by his conscience, mind, and circumstances, will eventually be amazed: “It’s like I didn’t do anything, but they call me that!”

All the time “over”: what should be - and a little more

Therefore, if we want to be close normal people, then you need to select, creatively produce words that would inspire, and be indifferent in this regard. In the Christian life it is not normal to simply treat each other evenly. The Lord Himself said: if you love those who love you, what is your reward for that, for sinners also love (cf. Matt. 5:46). All the time “over”: what should be done - and a little more.

I'm happy to please

Let us love each other not in word and tongue, but in deed and truth.(1 John 3:18). I often tell people: if we still cannot love in deed and in truth, then let’s love at least in word, don’t be stingy with what we say to each other good words. This is also evidence of caring. Someone from smart people He said: “It makes me happy to please.” You haven’t seen an acquaintance for a long time, so tell him when you meet: “Listen, bro, I haven’t seen you for a hundred years! How glad I am!” You sent the mood, and it will return to you. You can, of course, just say “Hello!”, but that’s not enough. If you want an extraordinary environment around you, you must be caring about those around you! Otherwise it will be so gray everyday life: nothing from you - and nothing to you. There is a wonderful poem: “I will not tire of praising God for the length of the days I have lived, that my road has been so full of shining people. Because he was kind to them, communicated with them, spoke - without fear, without a mask, and found joy in his heart.”

- What if you have a hard heart?

—Here Father Ambrose Optinsky comes to the rescue. People came to him and asked - now I can ask millions this question: “Father, I don’t have love. And I want to have it.” Love is kindness, it is warmth, it is burning. Love is the highest peak of right human relations. And the priest answered: “If you see that you do not have love, do deeds of love, and love will come.” You helped - albeit without your heart, but you understand that it’s right.

Today the prince, and tomorrowin the mud

And with whatever feeling you take part in the lives of other people, you generate this feeling. And if you want to help someone, empathize! If you empathize, then eventually you will figure out what can be done. Indifference will not give you the opportunity to do anything, you just don’t think about it, you understand: it’s hard or it’s impossible, and therefore I can’t do anything. And someone said: if a person cannot be cured, this does not mean that he cannot be helped. A person has cancer, we cannot cure him, but we can help as much as we can.

“We must help indiscriminately so as not to miss Christ.”

There was such a case - homeless people came to us, and there were so many of them that I asked one: “How did you find out about our temple?” - “They told me that you have help.” Who said it? And he simply takes out the memo that he was given at the Kazan station, there are ten churches in a column, and four points horizontally - food, clothing, work, money. And in front of each temple there are crosses. Opposite our church there were all four crosses. I addressed this question to Father Lavrentiy, Lavra’s confessor: “Father, every day: robbed, house burned down, not paid, oncological surgery, train ticket no closer than Khabarovsk or Irkutsk - what to do?” - “Is there a way to help?” - “Well, for now.” “Then we must help indiscriminately so as not to miss Christ.” Wow! And then, I’m always afraid of being in their place: today a prince, tomorrow in the dirt. This also helps me personally to be caring.

It's like it's you

I remember one saint. He said in prayer to Christ: “Lord, do to me what I did to people.” Ooh! Which of us can say that?!

We communicate with people every day. And our attitude towards them should be as sympathetic as possible. When participation becomes a good habit, it will cease to be a strain for us. They ask me: “Isn’t it hard for you - church, services, responsibilities”? And I answer: “Do you think it’s hard for fish to swim in water?” No, it’s not hard, because this is her environment.

Humanity must become your environment. And don’t think that “I’m doing something spiritual, highly moral, great.” All this is rubbish. If you evaluate yourself, your internal structure is cheap. Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh has the words: “A person should not notice his good deeds.” The rating is only acceptable with a minus sign: I could have done more, but I didn’t. Live and think more often about the fact that you yourself might find yourself in someone else’s place. Live by looking at others as if they were you!

Indifference is indifference, a cold-blooded attitude towards the needs and troubles that arise in someone’s life. The manifestation of indifference is described as the main evil of our time and the reaction to it must be immediate, since this phenomenon, unfortunately, is taking root in our environment. Indifference borders on insensitivity, apathy and becomes a common problem, and this can provoke Negative consequences In human life. By distancing ourselves from the problems of strangers, we try to protect ourselves according to the rule: if I don’t see a problem, it simply doesn’t exist.

What is indifference

When considering the phenomenon of indifference, one must take into account that the individual’s choice is completely conscious, it is a complete avoidance of taking part in any actions that do not concern him. This is either a refusal to help, or an inability to show support and compassion at a time of extreme need to help people. First of all, this behavior encourages obligations. The result of invading the life of strangers may be undesirable reactions, and the kindness shown by you sincerely and unselfishly may turn against you. But there are always risks; when making any decision, we are responsible for the future consequences. So is it worth rejecting people who need us?

Experiencing the indifference shown by others towards us, we feel upset and stop believing in humanity; it is not easy to trust again, what to say about providing help to others when we ourselves did not receive it on time. By refusing help and remaining indifferent, we risk experiencing a feeling of guilt over time, which will leave a detrimental imprint on our lives. Why carry the weight of guilt with you? When there is an opportunity to do good and live with the belief that everything possible has been accomplished.

However, indifference can occur in absolutely everyone, regardless of character and values. The reason for this behavior is sometimes simple boredom. Boredom can cause a low-grade depression; while experiencing it, the individual does not have the required amount internal resources to show assistance in the problems of others. A task that you do separately from work or study will help you overcome boredom; finding a task that has become an outlet and will begin to fill you with positive energy and strength is very important. This is related to age, so you can look for a type of activity that will bring happiness at any period of your life, as well as change it in the future.

Human behavior as a social being is strictly regulated by a certain number of hereditary factors. The interaction of a subject with society is a reflection of its characteristics.

To raise a caring person, parents should talk with their child about the manifestation of indifference in life, give examples, discuss various situations and discuss how they can show compassion, provide mutual assistance and understanding. Observe the manifestation of indifference in your child, perhaps by analyzing his interests and hobbies. If there are none, it is advisable to start looking for a favorite activity together, because responsiveness to people is possible when a person develops harmoniously in all areas.

Reasons for indifference

Where does indifference come from, what exactly caused its development in people? There are factors after which a subject decides to be deaf and blind regarding certain situations. Let's look at some of the reasons. A prolonged feeling of stress and anxiety makes a person emotionally exhausted and incapable of additional experiences. Such individuals are characterized by apathy and passivity.

The next reason for indifference is getting stuck on your own problems, an unshakable belief that there is simply nothing going on with those around you that is worth paying attention to. All other people's problems are leveled out and devalued, and the person himself is prone to a constant position of victim and expects pity and support only for himself. Most often, indifferent people do not see themselves as such; even more, many of them are absolutely sure that they are soft and sympathetic.

Also a large number of Experienced misfortunes can make any person more rigid and detached from the troubles of others. Although it would seem, on the contrary, that those who have experienced such a situation are best able to show responsiveness, unfortunately this is not always the case.

Our psyche tends to protect us from repeating traumatic situations that once happened, so a person seems to distance himself from everything that reminds him of what he experienced. But this happens while the person is consciously sure that he is absolutely not interested in delving into other people’s affairs. And sometimes, circumstances arise in which a person who has not had such sad situations is simply not able to empathize with the grief of others. But a similar reaction is most often characteristic of teenagers, when childhood naivety and all-encompassing love have passed, and life experience is not yet enough to adequately assess the current situation.

In addition to the global reasons described, there are situational reasons when a person was simply confused and could not provide help immediately, felt unwell and did not react properly. Do not rush to condemn others in anything, do not bear the burden of grievances, learn to forgive and give others the opportunity to improve.

Why is indifference dangerous?

Let's consider what dangers indifference brings. Indifference and responsiveness are opposite concepts in their meaning. If responsiveness can positively influence a person, renew hope for a solution, and give strength, then human indifference pushes us to despair and powerlessness in the face of the wall of troubles that have arisen.

Indifference, a phenomenon that destroys our society, the indifference of one will most likely affect everyone around. A child who notices indifference in the relationship between parents adopts their model of behavior and will behave the same way in similar situations. An adult who has felt the indifference of others may one day not help another, feeling resentment, experienced inattention from loved ones and society as a whole.

How often does society look through such global social problems such as children abandoned without attention from adults, assault in families, weakness and defenselessness of older people. What would happen if we found the strength to solve problems that affected not only our interests? It is likely that there would be less evil that we encounter every day absolutely everywhere.

At the moment of indifference, humanity loses the ability to empathize, the connection with morality is lost, which, in principle, defines us as individuals. These people are filled more with negativity, envy, and the inability to share not only the suffering of others, but also joy. It is also difficult for such people to show love; inside they can experience this feeling that they do not understand, but outwardly they can push away their loved one or even offend them. And this all turns into an unbreakable circle. A person who does not know how to show love is unlikely to evoke a feeling of love in others, this, in turn, will have an even greater impact on his life and will lead to loneliness, because it will be very difficult to maintain even ordinary communication with such a person, let alone to create a strong family.

Please note that you don’t need to take other people’s problems too closely into your heart. This is the cause of depression, sadness, and emotional instability. Sympathy is wonderful, but even in this feeling there should be boundaries; you shouldn’t live with other people’s problems. Showing participation and support is very simple, often these are ordinary things: helping a young mother with a stroller, telling a grandmother with poor eyesight the bus number, helping a lost child find his parents, or helping a person who feels unwell.

We often rush, not paying attention to what is happening around us, although sometimes just a minute of our time can cost a person his life. Famous writer Bruno Yasensky in the novel “Conspiracy of the Indifferent” wrote: “Do not be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they may betray you, do not be afraid of your enemies - in the worst case, they will try to kill you, but beware of the indifferent - only with their silent blessing are things going on in the world.” The land of betrayal and murder."

Positive emotions make our lives bright and full; try to notice more good things around you, show more compassion and help, and respond to people with kindness.

Each new generation is obliged to develop through the accumulation of social experience. Interaction of the individual with social environment is a process of demands and expectations on both sides. A person is guided by skills and abilities acquired through direct relationships in social groups. Therefore, by freeing ourselves from the burden of grievances and accumulated claims against others, we will free ourselves from such qualities as indifference, indifference and callousness. Give goodness to the world, and the world will definitely give it back to you threefold!

There is indifference extreme cruelty.

Indifference is a terrible disaster of our time. People are increasingly not paying attention to other people's problems. They show no initiative to help. This behavior is becoming the norm. But for a person, indifference on the part of people around him is sometimes worse than any bad deeds on their part. Wilson wrote that indifference is the highest cruelty.

I completely agree with him, because I believe that indifference is worse than hatred and malice. Families are breaking up due to the indifference of spouses. Indifference is worse than cruelty, because no warmth appears in the soul, and it becomes dead.

Confirmation of these words can be found in many famous literary works. As an example, I will give Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol’s story “The Overcoat”. The writer talks about the titular adviser Bashmachkin, who is engaged in rewriting papers. To buy an overcoat, Akaki Akakievich saves on everything. But after the purchase, his overcoat is stolen. He turned to whomever he asked for help, but no one helped him find his overcoat. Bashmachkin catches a cold, and still no one helps him. He subsequently dies. Thus, the indifference of the people around him brought the man to death. After all, if they had helped him find his overcoat, he would not have gotten sick, and therefore would not have died.

You can also bring literary work Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment.” This novel contrasts gloomy and gray St. Petersburg with its indifferent society and Sonya and Raskolnikov. During his first visit to the Marmeladovs, Raskolnikov cannot remain indifferent to how they live, so he leaves them money. Dunya is going to marry Luzhin for convenience in order to help her brother pay for his studies. But Raskolnikov saves her from such a life. Luzhin is absolutely indifferent to everyone and thinks only about money and his career. Amalia Ivanovna does not feel sorry for the Marmeladovs at all, and after the death of Semyon Marmeladov, she kicks Katerina Ivanovna and the children out of the apartment. Sonya, having learned that Raskolnikov killed the old woman, tries to morally support him and goes with him to hard labor. Sonya and Raskolnikov, despite the indifferent society surrounding them, did not become as indifferent. If people had been more sympathetic, many of the tragedies shown in the novel could have been avoided.

Thus, I confirmed Wilson's words that indifference is the highest cruelty. Indifference on the part of other people can lead to death. Evil is obvious, and people are trying to fight it. Indifference is more secretive and not punishable, but sometimes the consequences are much more dire. People need to be compassionate so that more good deeds can be done in the world.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) -

I'll open it for you terrible secret! There are weapons in the world mass destruction, which hits accurately and accurately. And he kills outright. This is indifference!

This is surprising, but true. Moreover, in on a global scale this also works.

As for a person, nothing humiliates, outrages and destroys him more than the indifference of others.

Why do you think terrible, eccentric, wonderful, strange things are done in the world? Why do people go crazy about ? Why do wars happen, after all? There is only one reason - the initiators and instigators of all this disgrace do not have enough attention to their person.

After all, what is attention? This is a designation of your presence in the world. Even if it is negative attention, anger or indignation. Doesn't matter! You will be noticed. This means you will receive a certain amount of social stroking or spanking. That human energy that will give you the strength to live.

"Most great sin towards one’s neighbor – not hatred, but indifference. This is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. In the end, my dear, if you look closely at people, you will be surprised how similar hatred is to love.”. Bernard Show.

No wonder they say that from love to hate there is one step. And all because both love and are powerful energies of attention to your personality. That is, what your being requires.

Sometimes the indifference of others can be a stimulus for development. It makes a person go out of his way to prove his worth. Tell me honestly, have you really never done anything to prove that you are smarter, more beautiful, more cunning, kinder? “I’ll prove it to you, you’ll still cry without me, I’ll show you again!” - sometimes spins in my head. Sound familiar?

I dare say that the majority human actions are involved precisely in this motivation: “I want to be noticed!” "Look at me!" “You see how good I am (brave, smart, wise, beautiful, etc.)!”

One of the leading human needs associated with recognition. We long for others to notice us. Appreciated. Accepted into our flock. We fell in love in the end. We want to be loved!

Sometimes, in order to experience this feeling, even if it is deceptive, we are ready to humiliate ourselves and beg. To become dependent and forget about our own needs, devoting ourselves to the one we love. But try to honestly answer the question: “Are you doing this for him or for yourself?” Only honestly. Even in love, we are often focused on our own experiences, our own sacrifices, which must be rewarded. And if we are not rewarded and loved ones show indifference or inattention to us, we suffer.

Oh, this is truly a terrible weapon. And in every sense. One could even say that this is a terrible devilish weapon, with the help of which people are capable of destroying life itself (if they are indifferent to the problems of the Earth).

What do we know about indifference?

Firstly, indifference is worse than hatred. This is the most brutal weapon you can think of. If you don't know how to defeat your enemies, you can kill them with a simple and in an accessible way. Ignore. Complete and final. One that automatically transforms a living warm person into an empty space. Not even into a corpse, but simply into nothing. Remember that this is a very cruel and inhumane weapon.

Secondly, contributes to the spread of evil. "Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you. Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Be afraid of the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent There is betrayal and murder on earth."(American poet Richard Eberhart).

Third, indifference is a killer. It destroys desires and dreams. The indifferent turns into a living corpse, which nothing holds on this planet. As a rule, such people die.

Indifference to a person on the part of others can lead to his illness and death. Especially if he fails to gain attention, even negative attention. And not knowing how to achieve positive attention and love, each outcast will strive with all his might to achieve at least some effect, even if it has the opposite effect. Because this is also a result that proves to him that he exists!

Fourth, indifference as a way to escape the frailty of existence has nothing in common with the indifference-emptiness that is discussed in this article. The so-called enlightenment, liberation from thoughts and passions, the emptiness that Buddhist monks strive for is only a way to be filled with higher meaning. But not indifference.

Don't create emptiness

Does everyone know the rule of communicating vessels? The law of filling voids requires that there be no void. If we create it, we kill ourselves. "There are two ways to kill yourself - suicide and indifference". (Jonathan Coe).

Therefore, use this terrible weapon very carefully. Yes, of course, for some time you can ignore all your virtual or real offenders. But time will pass, and the empty space may be filled with new trolls. Therefore, indifference is only a temporary, tactical move. Signaling to someone who is behaving badly that they are in the wrong.

Many people are kept in good shape by just the attentive gaze of a complete stranger. Think about it. And look around with this attentive and kind look.

Our main strategy should remain And by definition, indifference is not characteristic of it.

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