Solomin Vitaly. Vitaly Solomin: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Vitaly Solomin - last performance

Despite the fact that People's Artist of the RSFSR, actor Vitaly Solomin is known to Russian television viewers for many successful roles in films and on the theater stage, he was especially loved by everyone for his role as a friend and biographer of the legendary British detective in the famous television series “Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.” He was a man in love with his profession and once expressed a desire to end his life on stage. The cause of Vitaly Solomin's death was a stroke.

He was born in 1941, in Chita, in musical family: parents taught music. Since childhood, he studied piano. In 1959, after graduating from school, he entered the Shchepkin Higher Theater School, from which his older brother, the famous actor Yuri Solomin, had already graduated. On theater stage Vitaly graduated in his second year at the school and proved himself to be an excellent director, so immediately after graduation he was accepted into the Maly Theater troupe. Solomin was lucky enough to play his first roles – Chatsky in “Woe from Wit”, Khlestakov in “The Government Inspector”, Astrov in “Uncle Vanya” at the very beginning of his career.

The actor’s film debut was the role of Boyartsev in the drama “Newton Street, Building 1”, then he was noticed and appreciated by the audience in the role of Zhenya in the film “Women”. Generally creative career Vitaly Solomin's film career was no worse than his theater career. Over 40 years of work in this field, the actor starred in more than 70 projects, and 4 of them were TV series. If the roles in the films “The Indian Kingdom”, “Dauria”, “ Bat", "Siberiada", " Winter cherry"and others added to his popularity, the role of Doctor Watson brought the love of many generations of television viewers for many years.

Solomin's demand in the film industry was complemented by the success of his theatrical activities: He worked a lot in the theater, very successfully and fruitfully. In the early 70s, he began to try his hand as a director and he succeeded superbly. In his native theater, Solomin staged “The Living Corpse” by Leo Tolstoy and “My Favorite Clown” based on the story by Vasily Livanov. Later, after a 2-year absence from the small theater, he returned with a lot of new ideas and strength to become the director of the play “Savage” by Alexei Ostrovsky, the play “Ivanov” based on the work of Chekhov, the musical “Krechinsky’s Wedding” based on the play by Sukhovo-Kobylin and play they have the main roles.

In life, Vitaly Solomin was different from most of his heroes: he was withdrawn, silent and even gloomy. Once he half-jokingly said that he envied Andrei Mironov, who died on stage and, as they say, invited his own misfortune. In April 2002, during the first act of the play, his colleagues even decided that he was drunk: Solomin began to slur his tongue. And it was a blow that paralyzed the actor left hand and leg. Vitaly Methodievich finished the act and fell after the curtain. He was urgently taken to the hospital. Solomin underwent surgery at the Sklifosofsky clinic and was under the supervision of doctors for a whole month. The actor even felt better, but not for long. At the end of May 2002, he died in his sleep. The consequences of the stroke had an impact - that’s why Vitaly Solomin died at the age of 61.

He is buried on Vagankovskoe cemetery Moscow.


Even during the existence of the USSR, fame came to such a wonderful actor as Vitaly Solomin. The star’s biography says that what made him popular was the role of Dr. Watson, which he played in the series about Sherlock Holmes. The audience also remembered other bright films with his participation: “Winter Cherry”, “Dauria”, “Silva”. This talented person passed away back in 2002, but his memory continues to live.

Vitaly Solomin: biography of a star

The future “Doctor Watson” was born in December 1941, a joyful event took place in Chita. The boy’s parents were musicians who dreamed of seeing their son continue their work. For 5 years I was forced to attend music school Vitaly Solomin. The actor’s biography claims that he experienced real happiness when classes were canceled one day due to frost. The parents accepted the fact that the child would not become a famous pianist and gave him the opportunity to choose his own hobbies. It is curious that after this he never sat down at the piano again.

Even in the first years of his life, Vitaly Solomin fell in love with reading. Biography famous actor contains information that among his favorite authors were Conan Doyle, in the film adaptation of whose works he got to play his starring role. It’s interesting that the boy imagined his character Watson as completely different from himself. Vitalik was also interested in sports, happily attending several clubs at once. IN school years he played volleyball, boxing and athletics.

Choosing a life path

The reasons why Solomin chose the acting profession for himself remain unknown. As a child, the boy was not interested in theater and did not attend the drama club. It is possible that his decision was influenced by the example of his beloved older brother Yuri, who also became famous actor. Another version says that there is a choice life path The young man was influenced by the film “The Fate of Man,” which managed to make an indelible impression on him.

Entering the Shchepkinsky School is the goal that Vitaly Solomin set for himself. The actor’s biography claims that the parents tried to dissuade their son from this decision, but were unable to do so. After graduating from school, the guy went to the capital, where on the first try he became a student of the famous “Sliver”. Even in his first year, he fell in love with the atmosphere reigning at the Maly Theater, then joined the ranks of the actors who played there. For the first time, the public became interested in the talented young man thanks to his participation in the productions “The Living Corpse,” “Woe from Wit,” and “The Inspector General.”


Throughout his life, Solomin considered himself a theater actor, but film directors quickly noticed him. Popularity came to Vitaly before the release of the film “His Excellency’s Adjutant,” which made his brother Yuri a star. Of course, in his first film, “Newton Street, Building 1,” he received a small role, then appeared in an episode of “The Chairman.”

However, soon after this he was allowed to play central character in the film “Women”, the actor’s character’s name was Zhenya. The picture attracted critics and viewers, about the talented young man they started talking, but real glory was ahead.

Star role

Doctor Watson is the most famous role, played by Vitaly Solomin. Films with his participation after the release of this picture began to enjoy enormous popularity, as Holmes’s phlegmatic partner fell in love with thousands of viewers. The actor was persuaded to play Watson by his friend Igor Maslennikov, who became the director of the famous series. It’s interesting that Solomin’s colleague film set who embodied the image of Holmes, became his best friend.

It’s curious, but Vitaly himself did not consider filming in this popular television project a serious achievement in his life. The actor believed that only in performances whose plot was taken from classical works, he was able to demonstrate his talent. Nevertheless, his Watson was recognized as the best in the history of cinema.

In one episode of the famous series, the plot of which is taken from the story “The Speckled Ribbon,” viewers were able to see Solomin’s wife. It is interesting that before this, Maria did not act in films for several years, as her husband forbade her to do so. After the release of the first episode of the television project “Sherlock Holmes”, Vitaly Solomin became famous. The biography and personal life of the newly minted star became the center of attention of the press and fans. Igor Maslennikov liked the collaboration with him so much that he then invited the actor to star in his “Queen of Spades.”

"Winter cherry"

"Winter Cherry" - another one famous movie, in which Solomin starred. Vitaly embodied the image of one of two men who are fighting for the love of the main character. Not only the audience was delighted with the film, but also the critics, who called it a witty psychological experiment. Solomin's character in this film is a bit like Watson, and is also phlegmatic and reasonable.

It is known that Vitaly Solomin, a biography whose personal life in those years was already actively interested in the press, did not hide his slight love for the actress who played main character in "Winter Cherry". He argued that in order to get used to the role, the actor must give free rein to his feelings.

What else to see

When journalists asked Solomin about which films with his participation became his favorites, he always mentioned the drama “Dauria”. The actor liked the filming process, as the work took place in most beautiful places Transbaikalia, cooperation with a team of professionals.

Despite his dislike for playing the piano, which appeared in childhood Vitaly had a great attitude towards music, he liked to act in films where he was required to be able to dance or sing. It is not surprising that he gladly agreed to roles in such musical dramas as “The Bat” and “Silva”. Parents-musicians had the opportunity to be proud of their gifted son. It is also worth watching the multi-part film “Sink or Lose”, in which the actor embodied an atypical image for him.

Directorial debut

The brilliant Vitaly Solomin was a versatile person. The actor's family rarely saw him at home, as he was constantly passionate about new projects. He managed to gain experience as a director while working in the theater; his debut in the world of cinema was the film “The Hunt.” The film will definitely appeal to viewers who like historical films.

The action of the fascinating film, shot at the Lenfilm film studio, takes place at the end of the 18th century. Director Solomin's special pride was the unusually beautiful costumes made using special technologies for that time.

Actor's wives

Of course, fans are interested not only in what films Vitaly Solomin managed to star in. Biography, personal life, children - viewers want to know everything about their idol. "Dr. Watson" was married twice. His first marriage took place at a young age; the actor spent only a few years with his wife. His first wife was also an actress; there were no children in this marriage.

Maria - the woman with whom I spent most of his life Vitaly Solomin. His wife and children, whose photos can be seen above, rarely saw the actor constantly filming and playing in the theater, but he loved his family very much. Maria is a fashion designer by profession and has starred in several films, including “Silva” and “City Romance”.

Children, grandchildren

Solomin's daughters Anastasia and Elizaveta were born in his marriage to Maria. Anastasia also chose for herself creative profession, joined the ensemble of Igor Moiseev, Elizaveta chose to become a housewife. Actor in last years In his life he spent a lot of time with his beloved grandson Kirill, working with him at the dacha, trying to instill in the boy a love of the land.

The household members of “Dr. Watson” remember him as a quick-tempered, stubborn and at the same time very kind person, always ready to help those who need it. If you believe their words, Vitaly Solomin knew how to enjoy every moment of life and loved holidays. The wife and children, whose photos can be seen in the article, remember with pleasure large-scale holiday events which he staged in his theater. His colleagues also liked to attend the parties he organized.


Vitaly is an actor whose life was spent on stage, it is not surprising that he practically died on it. In April 2002, Solomin, who played one of the main roles in the play, had a stroke right on stage, after which he fought for life for a month. The efforts of the doctors were in vain; the Soviet cinema star died at the end of May 2002. Bright, interesting life Vitaly Solomin lived. Biography, personal life, photo of “Dr. Watson” - all this information is given in the article.

In Italy, Methodyevich Solomin was bright, sunny man, a wonderful actor, a good director, an intelligent teacher (he took that unfortunate course at VGIK, which Anatoly Romashin took shortly before his death). This is how he remained in the memory of those who knew him.

“I think every person remembers his childhood as a happy time of life. After all, all people live with childhood memories and draw the best from them. Difficulties are forgotten... I was born in 1941 in the city of Chita. The war, then the difficult post-war period. We lived from hand to mouth and planted potatoes everywhere. Even the streets and vacant lots were planted. In summer - fishing, swimming, sun. In winter - sleds. There was nothing except radio then, and I listened to radio shows. We lived in the same room. In order not to disturb anyone, I put the radio to my ear like an earphone, sat on the piano and listened for hours.”

Vitaly Solomin

At school, the future actor studied mathematics seriously and was going to continue to do it in the future, but life decreed otherwise. A commission from the Moscow Theater School came to Chita to recruit students. I entered and left for the capital. Moreover, his older brother Yuri, who also became an actor, was already there.

After college - the Maly Theater, where Solomin showed himself not only as an actor, but also staged plays himself. Unfortunately, now they are no longer performed on the Maly stage, but these were indeed very worthy productions - “My Favorite Clown”, “The Living Corpse”, “Savage”, “Krechinsky’s Wedding”, “Ivanov”.

Of course, the overwhelming majority of viewers know Vitaly Methodievich from his film works. The most famous, perhaps, is Dr. Watson from the films directed by Igor Maslennikov about Sherlock Holmes. “It’s not the role that is being played, but the theme,” said the actor. - Watson also has a certain theme, not a detective one, which holds all readers and viewers. It's not such a twisted detective story, but everyone reads it and rereads it. There is a mystery in Holmes that is impossible without Watson." The audience also loves the hero Solomin from “Winter Cherry” by the same Igor Maslennikov.

Speaking about Vitaly Solomin, it is impossible to do without such words as generosity and attentiveness to people. People approached him with various requests: to get medicine, help with doctors, buy train tickets. He didn't refuse anyone. When his classmate, actor Oleg Dal, died, Solomin got him a place at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Vitaly Methodievich was very fond of holidays and cheerful friendly feasts. After the prime minister, he always organized banquets with his own money and brought cucumbers and tomatoes he had pickled with his own hands. If there weren’t enough holidays, he invented them: once in the spring he organized a New Year’s Eve for the actors!

Probably, the definition of a holiday person is quite suitable for him. But besides the holidays, there was also work. There was a lot of it. Filming (your own) last role he played in Igor Ugolnikov’s film “Casus Belli”), teaching at VGIK, theater. In recent years he has staged entreprise performances, and this is constant touring. And on the Maly stage he worked on a production of Chekhov’s “Ivanov”.

On a spring evening in 2002, the play “Krechinsky’s Wedding” was staged on the stage of the Maly Theater. Directed by Vitaly Solomin, he also stars. The blow happened to him right on stage. He found the courage and strength to finish the first act. He never returned to the stage. After 34 days he was gone.

“The life of an actor is very difficult, the cross of talent is not easy. And the greater the talent, the more difficult I think it is to live. In general, the most difficult thing is to remain yourself. It is very important".

Vitaly Solomin

At the memorial service for Vitaly Solomin, which took place at the Maly Theater, actor Valery Barinov said: “Our kingdom has lost a prince... When the king dies - “The king is dead, long live the king!” But when a prince dies, no one can replace him.”

Bitter and true words. But, fortunately, after a person leaves, memories remain. And as long as they remember him, as long as they think about him, he is alive.

Vitaly Methodievich Solomin. Born on December 12, 1941 in Chita - died on May 27, 2002 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1992).

Vitaly Solomin was born in Chita into the family of music teachers Zinaida Ananyevna Ryabtseva (1910-1992) and Methodius Viktorovich Solomin (1905-1960).

Since childhood, he was fond of music and studied piano under the guidance of his parents.

After graduating from the Chita school in 1959, he went to Moscow and entered the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin, which by that time Vitaly’s older brother, Yuri Solomin, had already graduated from.

In Nikolai Annenkov’s class, Vitaly’s teacher for a number of years was B. M. Kazansky, and Oleg Dal, Mikhail Kononov and Viktor Pavlov studied in the same course with him.

Already from his second year, Solomin participated in performances of the Maly Theater, including G. Mdivani’s play “Your Uncle Misha.” After graduating from college, he was accepted into the troupe of this theater. Among the roles played by the actor are Chatsky in “Woe from Wit”, Khlestakov, Protasov in “The Living Corpse”, Astrov in “Uncle Vanya”.

Since the 70s, Solomin has been directing, directing, in particular, “The Living Corpse” by L. Tolstoy and the play “My Favorite Clown” based on the story by Vasily Livanov.

In September 1986, the actor briefly moved to the Mossovet Theater, where he played in a play based on V. Astafiev’s play “ Sad detective».

In December 1988, he returned to the Maly Theater, staged “The Savage” by A. N. Ostrovsky (1991), playing Ashmetyev in it, the musical by A. Kolker based on the comedy by A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin “Krechinsky’s Wedding” (1997) and Chekhov's "Ivanov", in which he played the title role.

Vitaly Solomin made his film debut in 1963, starring in a small episode in the film “Newton Street, Building 1.” The actor's role as Zhenya in popular film Pavel Lyubimov "Women".

Vitaly Solomin in the film "Women"

The fate of the roles played by Solomin in the films of director Igor Maslennikov was especially successful. And the most famous of these works was Dr. Watson in the Sherlock Holmes series (1979-1986). The film also received recognition in A. Conan Doyle’s homeland.

On April 27, 2007, in Moscow, on Smolenskaya Embankment, opposite the British Embassy, ​​a monument to Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, and in fact to the heroes of Maslennikov’s film, played by Vasily Livanov and Vitaly Solomin, was unveiled.

Vitaly Solomin in the film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson"

He played Tomsky in Maslennikov's The Queen of Spades.

The actor’s work in the film “Winter Cherry” was also successful.

Vitaly Solomin in the film "Siberiada"

Vitaly Solomin in the film "Winter Cherry"

One of Solomin’s last acting works was Lech Krzyzanowski in the serial film “Sink or Lost.” Participated in the filming of the TV show “Marquise”.

Illness and death of Vitaly Solomin

Vitaly Solomin suffered from hypertension. On April 24, 2002, he played in the play “Krechinsky’s Wedding.” Despite feeling unwell, the actor went on stage. He was only able to play the first act; he was carried off the stage in their arms. Solomin was taken to the hospital, where doctors diagnosed a stroke. The actor was in the hospital for about a month, for a long time was in a coma, sometimes coming out of it.

He was buried in Moscow, at the Vagankovskoye cemetery (site No. 24).

Vitaly Solomin's height: 182 centimeters.

Personal life of Vitaly Solomin:

The first wife was an actress. The marriage soon broke up.

Natalya Rudnaya - the first wife of Vitaly Solomin

The second wife was an actress (nee Leonidova).

He met her when Maria Leonidova was a student at the textile institute. Director Todorovsky’s assistant noticed her on the street and offered to participate in auditions for a role in the film “City Romance.” Solomin also took part in these auditions, and that’s how they met.

On October 28, 1970, their wedding took place. In 1974, they had a daughter, Anastasia, and in May 1984, a daughter, she is an actress, producer, wife of director Gleb Orlov.

Filmography of Vitaly Solomin:

1963 - Newton Street, building 1 - Boyartsev, philology student
1964 - Chairman - Valezhin
1965 - Beloved - Volodya Levadov
1966 - Women - Zhenya
1966 - Older sister - Kirill
1967 - Die Hard - Lieutenant Ivan Rodionovich Groznykh
1967 - Indian Kingdom - Kostya Lubentsov
1967 - An incident that no one noticed - Tolya
1968 - Pacer's Run
1970 - Salute, Maria! - Seva Chudreev
1970 - The Day Ahead - Valya
1971 - Dauria - Roman Ulybin
1971 - Tell me about yourself
1972 - The Last Days of Pompeii - Arkady Stepanov
1972 - At our factory
1973 - Discovery (Manuscript of Academician Yuryshev) - son of Yuryshev
1973 - Here is my village - Dmitry Nikolaevich, school director
1978 - Apartment for rent with a child - Rybakov, horn player
1978 - Jump from the roof - Kirill
1978 - Sibiriada - Nikolai Ustyuzhanin
1979 - Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson - Doctor Watson
1979 - The Bat - Falk
1980 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson - Doctor Watson
1980 - Who will pay for luck? - Sergei Kuskov, red sailor
1981 - Silva - Boni
1981 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles - Doctor Watson
1981 - Hot streak
1982 - Queen of Spades- Tomsk
1982 - The Man Who Closed the City - Mole
1982 - The limit of desires
1982 - Fight at the crossroads - a guest in Vilyegorsky’s house, who performs a romance" (episode)
1983 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: The Treasures of Agra - Doctor Watson
1983 - Hot streak
1983 - Return from orbit - cosmonaut Vyacheslav Mukhin
1984 - The Limit of the Possible - Ignat Remez
1985 - Sincerely yours... - Pasha Dobrynin
1985 - Winter Cherry - Vadim Dashkov
1986 - He, she and children - Vyacheslav Mikhailovich
1986 - 55 degrees below zero - Semyon Mikhailovich Konovalov, head of the transport department
1986 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: The Twentieth Century Begins - Doctor Watson
1988 - Civil suit - Cherebets
1989 - Svetik
1990 - Winter Cherry 2 - Vadim Dashkov
1991 - Cuckold
1992 - Black Square - Konstantin Dmitrievich Merkulov
1992 - Dreams about Russia - Shelekhov, Irkutsk nobleman
1993 - Prisoners of Fortune
1995 - Interview with Hitler
1995 - Winter Cherry 3 - Vadim Dashkov
1996 - Tests for real men - Alexey's friend
2001 - Stop on demand - Investigator Itsenko
2001 - Happy new happiness! 2. Kiss in the cold - Konstantin Kuropatov, scientist, Lenochka’s father
2002 - Casus Belli - Mikhail, the main role
2003 - Pan or Disappeared - Lech Krzyzanowski

The beginning of the career of Vitaly Solomin

Vitaly Methodievich Solomin was born in the city of Chita. His parents Zinaida Ananyevna and Methodius Viktorovich were professional musicians. Vitaly had an older brother, Yuri. The Solomin family lived in a wooden house. Since childhood, Vitaly Solomin was fond of reading; his favorite writer was Conan Doyle. In the evenings, Vitaly liked to sit with a book and a mug of tea near the hot stove, resting his feet on it.

His parents dreamed of seeing their son as a pianist; under their guidance, he studied piano for five years. He himself could not stand it, dreaming that this hated instrument would fall apart as soon as possible. One day, in severe frost, the boy went to music school, and when he approached the door, he could not open it. The door jammed due to the cold.

Vitaly Solomin - Song about friendship

Happy Vitaly returned home and told his parents that the school was closed. The parents realized that their son would not make a musician and allowed him to do whatever he wanted. He decided to go in for sports and began to attend all sports clubs, which were just in Chita. Vitaly was involved in volleyball and basketball sections, athletics, gymnastics, and boxing at the same time.

In 1959, Solomin graduated from school, and in the same year a commission from the M. S. Shchepkin Theater School came to Chita with the aim of recruiting a course from Siberian youth. Vitaly decided to go for an interview and made a good impression on the commission. As a result, he decided to go to Moscow to enter school, which by that time his older brother, Yuri, had already graduated from. His father supported his decision.

Upon arrival in Moscow, Solomin entered the school in the group of People's Artist of the USSR N.A. Annenkov.

Maly Theater

Starting from his second year, Vitaly Solomin began to be invited to rehearse and play roles in productions of the Maly Theater. After graduating from college in 1963, he began working as an actor at the Maly Theater. On the stage of the theater Solomin performed a large number of roles, including the role of Boris Ermakov in the play “Your Uncle Misha” by G. Mdivani, Ippolita in Alexander Ostrovsky’s play “Maslenitsa is not everything for the cat”, Chatsky in Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”, Fiesco in “Fiesco’s Conspiracy in Genoa”, Khlestakov in Gogol's The Inspector General, Protasov in Leo Tolstoy's play The Living Corpse.

In 1987, due to disagreements with the management, Solomin decided to go to the Mossovet Theater. In which he managed to play in the play “Sad Detective” based on the play by V. Astafiev. In 1989, the management of the Maly Theater changed, artistic director became Yuri Methodievich Solomin. Vitaly, following the persuasion of his older brother, returned to the Maly Theater. Upon his return, he staged the play “Savage” based on the play by A. N. Ostrovsky, in which he himself played the role of Ashmetyev. Later there were the roles of Astrov in Chekhov’s “Uncle Vanya” and Krechinsky in the musical “Krechinsky’s Wedding” by A. Kolker.

Roles of Vitaly Solomin in films

Since 1963, Vitaly Solomin began acting in films. His debut was the role of Boyartsev in the film “Newton Street, Building 1”. This was followed by the roles of Velezhin in the film “Chairman”, Levadov in the film Beloved, the main role in Zhenya in the film “Women”, Kirill in the film “Big Sister”.

The actor’s favorite role was the role of Doctor Watson in the series about Sherlock Holmes, which brought him real popularity. Also very successful was his role in the film “Winter Cherry,” where Solomin played Vadim Dashkov. Vitaly Solomin's filmography includes more than fifty films, which brought him great popularity and audience love. With great pleasure he took part in musical films"Bat" and "Silva".

In 1995, Vitaly Methodievich decided to try himself as a film director, directed feature film“The Hunt” based on the story “The Krutoyarskaya Princess” by E. Salias de Tournemire.

One of Solomin’s last acting jobs was the role of Krzyzhanovsky in the serial film “Sink or Lost.” For this role he received the TEFI prize for the best male role.

Personal life of Vitaly Solomin

Vitaly Solomin's first wife was actress Natalya Vladimirovna Rudnaya. Their marriage did not last long. The future second wife Maria Leonidova was a student at the textile institute. Director Todorovsky’s assistant noticed her on the street and offered to participate in auditions for a role in the film “City Romance.” Solomin also took part in these auditions, and that’s how they met.

Interview with Vitaly Solomin

After an unsuccessful first marriage, Vitaly Methodievich did not intend to marry in the next ten years. But he liked Maria so much that he decided he couldn’t let her go; he would never meet such a woman again. Solomin courted Leonidova for a long time and on a grand scale, gave flowers, invited her to restaurants and the theater. On October 28, 1970, their wedding took place. In 1974, their daughter Anastasia was born, and in May 1984, their daughter Elizabeth. After graduating from the Textile Institute, Maria Leonidova worked as an artist-fashion designer at the House of Models and participated in the production of fashion magazines.

Vitaly Solomin's last performance

On April 24, 2002, Vitaly Methodievich was supposed to play in the play “Krechinsky’s Wedding.” That day the actor felt unwell, but still decided to go on stage. He was only able to perform the first act of the play, then his health deteriorated greatly. He was carried off the stage in his arms. Vitaly was urgently taken to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a stroke. He was then transferred to the intensive care unit with a diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage. The actor was in the hospital for about a month; he was unconscious for a long time, sometimes coming to his senses. And on May 27, 18:30, he died.

Farewell to actor Vitaly Solomin took place on May 31 in the Maly Theater building. On the same day he was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow, at plot No. 24.

Prizes and awards of Vitaly Solomin

Vitaly Solomin received various awards and titles during his life. Honored Artist of the RSFSR 1974, National artist RSFSR 1992. In 1977, for his role in the play “Lyubov Yarovaya,” Vitaly Solomin was awarded the A.D. Gold Medal. Popova. On October 25, 1999, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree. He won the TEFI prize for best actor in the film Pan or Lost.
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