Dream Interpretation - car: why dream of driving, sitting, hitting a person with a car, getting hit by a car? Why dream of seeing a man in a car, a child, people who have died? Hit by a car: what does this dream promise?

Why do you dream about being hit by a car? Such a dream is very unpleasant, after it they usually wake up in a bad and anxious mood. But is it worth worrying? Let's try to figure out how favorable or unfavorable the meaning of such a dream is.

Why do you dream that you are hit by a car?

Most often, such a dream predicts events related to work, career growth. But interpretations can be different: it all depends on the details of the plot, the events that happened in the dream.

We have collected the most popular predictions, look for the right one in our list:

  1. I dreamed that you were hit by a car. This means that in real life It's worth expecting difficulties. Obstacles will affect work matters: something will interfere with completing the started project. But it’s not you who will be to blame, but external circumstances.
  2. According to the Modern Dream Book, a traffic accident with human casualties is dreamed of good news from old friends or distant relatives. Expect good news - you will like it
  3. If you dream that you almost fell under the wheels of a car, but dodged at the last moment, this is a favorable sign. Yours future life will proceed calmly and safely, and in the near future a series of joyful events will occur
  4. The authors of some dream books believe that if you are hit by a car in a dream, it is better to refrain from active activities. Try not to leave your house in the coming days - there is a risk to your life. This is especially true for people who regularly exercise active species sports and recreation
  5. There is also an opinion that such a dream symbolizes a certain disease that the dreamer will become infected with. You will catch some kind of disease that will have to be treated long and hard, but in the end everything will end well - you will recover and be able to return to business
  6. Do you dream that a car hits not you, but another person you know well in real life? This means that this person lacks your attention. Try to surround him with care, take an interest in his affairs and offer your help

These are the most common predictions, but there are others.

Being hit by a car in a dream: what does it mean?

Here are other interpretations. Choose the ones that suit you:

  1. IN women's dream book it is indicated that if you are hit by a car in a dream, it means that in real life you experience subconscious anxiety for your loved ones. Children are especially worried. But if in the dream the accident ends without loss of life, there is no cause for concern, you can rest assured
  2. According to erotic dream book, car accident may be interpreted differently. If you were driving and hit a person, then in the near future you will meet a pleasant man with whom you will start a relationship. romantic relationship. And this will be what is called love at first sight
  3. If a car hits you in a dream, but you remain unharmed, this also portends a passionate love story in future. You will meet your soulmate, and the relationship with this person will be filled with intense emotions and passion
  4. Psychologists believe that a dream in which you are hit by a car indicates a premonition of some danger. You suspect that something bad might happen to you. There may be reasons for this, so be vigilant, careful and attentive

Watch the video to see what else traffic accidents can cause in your dreams:

Other predictions

We looked at the most popular interpretations, which are set out in most dream books. But there are also lesser-known predictions that are also reliable. For example:

  1. If a woman was driving the car at the time of the accident, and a man has a dream, then the dreamer will have a pleasant acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex. Perhaps a relationship will begin, but you will have to try to achieve the favor of your chosen one
  2. If in a dream you are hit by a car and you attack the driver with your fists, then in real life expect a lot of tedious troubles. Some problem will arise that will have to be solved at the cost of incredible efforts
  3. If you dream that a man was driving a car, this indicates that in real life someone is plotting against the dreamer. There is some ill-wisher who is trying to ruin your life. Take a closer look at those around you and try to understand who doesn’t love you so much and why
  4. The meaning of sleep also depends on the time of day at which the traffic accident occurred:
  5. If in a dream a car hits you at night or late in the evening, while the culprit of the accident drives away and you do not have time to see his face, this is a favorable sign. The dream suggests that in real life there is a person secretly in love with you who cannot wait for your reciprocity
  6. If an accident in the kingdom of Morpheus occurs during the day or early morning, expect a serious conflict in the near future. You will have a big quarrel with a loved one, which will leave a very unpleasant aftertaste in your soul. Try to avoid scandals and showdowns
  7. If you dream that a car hits another person before your eyes, try to remember who the victim was. If this is your acquaintance from real life, then a strong and sincere friendship will soon begin between you
  8. If in a dream you feel severe pain after an accident, and there is a lot of blood around you, this is an unfavorable sign. It’s worth going to the doctor - your health is at risk. Perhaps the subconscious is signaling through sleep that a serious illness has arisen in your body
  9. If in a dream you, while driving a car, hit close friend or a relative, then in real life this person needs your help. Perhaps he will ask a large sum borrow money

The dreamer who sees such a dream should not ignore this warning from fate. As a rule, dreams in which a person’s life is in danger signal that in reality the dreamer needs to be as careful and attentive as possible.

What if you dream about being hit by a car?

The interpretation of a dream in which a person is hit by a car depends on many details. The more clearly a person remembers his dream, the more he will know what to watch out for in real life.

So why dream that a person was hit by a car. If the driver driving a car is of the same gender as the dreamer, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the size of the car. How bigger car, the more powerful the dreamer’s ill-wisher. This dream warns that the person who saw it has stood in someone’s way.

Perhaps the problem affects the professional sphere and the dreamer should prepare for the machinations of competitors or enviable colleagues who dream of removing the obstacle from the road.

If the car is red and when hit, the dreamer is thrown up - this means health problems. If at the time of the accident the dreamer experiences very severe pain and sees blood, it is possible that immediate relatives will get sick. And this disease will be a blow to the person who saw the dream.

For those who are lonely, this dream promises a change in their personal life. If suddenly the dreamer is hit by a car driven by a person of the opposite sex, then this is a dream of a romantic acquaintance in reality. The more surprised the person who saw the dream is, the more likely the chance of meeting his soul mate.

Another unusual interpretation of this dream is that if a person is hit at night and he does not see the driver, then this is a secret admirer. The fan in reality will greatly surprise the dreamer with something. By the way, meeting and communicating with a fan or admirer will only benefit the person who saw the dream.

If the accident happened on a sunny day and there were people around, it means that the dreamer will face public proceedings or a conflict. By the way, after this dream it is better not to swear or conflict with other people; the dreamer may receive rebuff and disgrace himself.

If the dreamer dreamed that a friend or relative of a person was shot down before his eyes, this means worries and worries about this person. It is possible that in real life the dreamer will have to solve the problems of a person who was shot down in a dream. One way or another, this dream does not predict any threat to health and well-being.

What does it portend?

Modern interpretation a dream in which a person was hit by a car is not so cloudless and safe. It warns the dreamer of possible injuries and mutilations.

If a person saw in a dream that he was being knocked down, then he should be careful at work, especially if he is dealing with equipment, machines or other dangerous units. If in a dream a person witnesses an accident, then this is a warning that he needs to be careful when driving.

Even if the dreamer does not become a participant in the accident, he can provoke it. If in a dream several people are knocked down at once or a car crashes into a crowd at high speed, it means that the dreamer will have to participate in a crowded meeting at which he will learn unpleasant information. After this dream, it is better not to participate in protests or other public events.

Those dreams in which the dreamer himself is the driver vehicle and runs into someone, signal the appearance of a new acquaintance with whom you will have to spend quite a while for a long time. If a hit-and-run occurred on a friend, it means that in reality this person will ask for a loan of money.

If you had a scary or unpleasant dream, then don’t be upset. Not all dreams are prophetic. Some are inspired by what a person saw before going to bed. But if the dream is repeated several times, it is advisable to still look in the dream book.

After waking up, any dreamer will think about what his night dreams could mean. Particularly interested in the interpretation are those people who have dreamed emergency or disaster. You should not always assume that dreams in which you are faced with danger can lead to troubles in real life. Let's figure out why you dream that you or another person was hit by a car.


To correctly interpret such a dream, you should remember its details. First of all, pay attention to the driver. If a representative of the fair sex was driving the car, then your personal life will soon change. Perhaps we'll meet on the way beautiful woman, which will turn your destiny in the other direction. Subsequent communication with the offender is also important. If the dreamer attacked her with fists and threats, then this person will bring a lot of trouble in real life. Why do you dream that you were hit by a car driven by a man? In this case, you can talk about an ill-wisher in your environment. Do not trust dubious individuals and do not be frank in vain.

Night or day time

If you were hit by a car at night, and you didn’t have the opportunity to see the culprit, be sure that in real life you have a secret admirer or admirer. Meeting this person will only benefit the dreamer. Why dream of being hit by a car during the daytime? If the incident happened in a crowded place, then an unpleasant experience awaits you. conflict situation. Try not to quarrel or provoke your interlocutors, otherwise there is a chance that you will come out of this situation as a loser.

Did a car hit another person?

Why dream that a car hit strangers or stranger? This means that the dreamer will help to a good person and soon a friendship begins between them. If a car hits a friend or relative, this means that the dreamer will be subject to strong emotions. Perhaps you can help resolve the victim’s problems. One way or another, there is no threat to the health or life of the person seen in the dream.

Bad interpretation

If, after waking up, you are wondering why you dream that a car hit me, read the information below. So, if the dreamer actually works in a dangerous industry with machines, equipment or other life-threatening units, then in this case the dreams may indicate the possibility of an accident at work. Such a dream warns you of caution and special attentiveness. The same applies to people who often drive. Such a dream can predict an accident, so you should be extremely careful and not speed on the roads.

Why do you dream about being hit by a car? Many dream books interpret such dreams somewhat differently. So, the dreamer does not even suspect that danger is looming over him. Moreover, this may concern not only him, but also his family. There is a way out of the situation, you just need to listen to your intuition, your inner voice. Try to anticipate all the moves of your opponent, and then trouble will bypass you. What if the dreamer is hit by a brightly colored car? This means that the public will know about your problems.

After a collision with a car, you were thrown back, felt severe pain and saw a sea of ​​​​blood around you? This is a bad sign and promises health problems. Such a dream can also mean danger for your relatives. The dream book advises talking to loved ones and warning them about a possible health threat. Your family may have to make a choice that will later prove life-changing.

What if the dreamer hit a person?

If the dreamer was driving the ill-fated car, then this dream predicts a good acquaintance. If the victim turns out to be a friend or relative, then perhaps he will ask you to lend money. In any case, remember: if you dreamed bad dream, after which unpleasant emotions remain in your soul, don’t worry. Do the following. Before dawn, get out of bed and go to the window, close your eyes and mentally say 3 times: “Where night goes, sleep comes!” And forget about terrible vision forever. Sweet dreams!

If in a dream you were the victim of a car collision, then this is a clear harbinger of significant changes related to your career or business. It is quite possible that your source of income will weaken somewhat, and the work itself will take a lot of time and moral strength. But if you turn to modern dream book, then this event in a dream symbolizes imminent good news, as well as a meeting with a close friend or relative. If you miraculously manage to avoid a collision in a car, this means impending good luck and prosperity in financial matters.

According to the interpretation of the popular women's dream book: hit by a car - a warning that someone in your family is in danger. There may well be a health hazard. Seeing blood in this dream means material losses and useless troubles.

Turning to an erotic interpreter, we find a completely different interpretation, according to which becoming the culprit of a collision with a person of the opposite sex means quick love and passion.

The psychological dream book indicates that this dream may be associated with internal experiences about someone close to you. Sometimes such a dream can be a signal for a break from work or pressing problems. Try to take a vacation and relax calmly from the hustle and bustle and stress.

Why do you dream when a car hits another person?

The interpretation of such dreams depends primarily on the plot seen: who was the victim for you, how severe the accident was, whether death? So, for example, seeing a corpse (whether a person you know or not) means for you imminent difficulties with money, heart or vascular disease. Seeing the corpse of a relative means that this person will face serious health problems.

When you dream that a child is hit by a car, this indicates deception on the part of loved one. Most likely, the person you trust the most will be the deceiver. Seeing a dead child means that you have become the culprit of someone else's grief and tears. Usually girls who date married men have such dreams.

A dream in which a friend was hit by a car means that this woman is secretly jealous of you and suffers greatly from this. It may well be that envy is caused by your boasting and her unsettled life.

But remember, when asking yourself the question “why do you dream of being hit by a car?”, be sure to analyze your fears and experienced situations. It may well be that this is just a figment of your imagination, haunting you even during a night’s rest. So, watch your thoughts and have pleasant dreams!

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