Portal "marvelous diveevo". The vision of the last judgment of christ, former to gregory, disciple of the monk basil the new

In the text of the Bible, we will not find the phrase "The Last Judgment". Nevertheless, in the church tradition, such a judgment is traditionally called the Second Coming of Christ, foreshadowing the end of the world. Scripture calls the Second Coming “the day of judgment” (Matthew 11:22), the day of the Lord ”(2 Pet. 3:10). The theme of the Second Coming is an integral part of the Orthodox teaching. In the Symbol of Faith, formulated back in the IV century from the Nativity of Christ, pronounced by believers before accepting Baptism and read by the whole church at each Liturgy, faith in the Second Coming of Christ and the Judgment performed by Him is explicitly confessed: “I believe ... And packs (again) coming with glory judge the living and the dead, but His (whose) kingdom will have no end. " This is the seventh member of the Creed, the central dogmatic document of the Orthodox Church.
The Last Judgment is the final, universal and righteous judgment. According to the Orthodox doctrine, all the dead will be resurrected in order to come to this judgment. There God will not try to condemn the sinner, but to justify. As St. Theophan the Recluse writes: “The Lord, even at the Last Judgment, will not seek, how to condemn, but how to justify everyone. And he will justify everyone, if only there is even a small opportunity. " According to St. Isaac the Syrian God judges us "not according to the laws of justice, but according to the laws of mercy." The righteous man has already been justified at a “private trial,” he is already anticipating eternal bliss with God. The fate of the sinner throughout the earthly history from the moment of his death can still change. It is for this that there is a commemoration of the departed.
But this is not a reason to relax and presumptuously hope for a successful outcome, because “they will forgive everyone” and “they will all be prayed for”. The question is not in God's forgiveness of man, but in man's ability to coexist with God. The soul of the deceased can receive help only if it itself has a sincere desire to be with the Lord.

What is the image of the Second Coming and Judgment?
Jesus Christ warns that many deceivers will come under His name: “Take heed lest anyone deceive you, for many will come under My name and say that it is I; and they will deceive many ”(Mark 13: 5,6). The real, the Second Coming will happen explicitly. Not figurative, as some religious movements believe, not spiritual, but physical and literal: “the sun will darken, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with much power and glory ”(Mark 13: 24-26). In another place: “as lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man” (Matt. 24:27).
The Holy Scripture presents us with the image of the Last Judgment in the 25th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, this fragment is read at services in churches in the week "On the Last Judgment", preparatory before Great Lent:
“When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy Angels are with Him, then he will sit on the throne of His glory, and all nations will be gathered before Him; and he will separate one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; And he will put the sheep on his right hand, and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on His right side: Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry, and you gave Me food; thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to me. Then the righteous will answer Him: Lord! when did we see you hungry and feed you? or thirsty, and made drunk? when did we see you a stranger and welcome you in? or naked and clothed? when did we see you sick, or in prison, and come to you? And the King will answer them: Truly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me. Then he will say to those on the left side: Depart from Me, cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was hungry, and you did not give Me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink; I was a stranger and did not receive me; I was naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick and in prison, and they did not visit me. Then they will say to Him in response: Lord! when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not serve you? Then he will answer them: Truly, I say to you, since you did not do this to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me. And these will go into eternal torment, but the righteous into eternal life. " (Matthew 25, 31-46).
We see in this fragment an image of the separation of sinners and righteous people, after which the Lord tests people for their love of man and attitude towards each other. This is a very important point: it is not enough to be formally a Christian, go to church, read prayers. A necessary condition for true communion with God and salvation is a brotherly attitude towards those in need, serving people with the gifts that we have. Therefore, since ancient times, the Church has been equipping almshouses, charitable canteens, organizing sisterhoods serving at hospitals. Thus, Christians get the opportunity to participate in these good deeds and fulfill the commandments of God. But it is not enough to visit a sick person and give money to a beggar. What is important here is the disposition of the giver's heart, his attitude towards these people. It should be natural for a Christian to help those in need (of course, this does not mean the need to succumb to various manipulations).
When is the Second Coming coming? Scripture speaks about this quite specifically: “The day of the Lord will come, like a thief in the night,” (2 Pet. 3:10), as well “About that day and hour, no one knows, not the Angels of heaven, but only My Father "(Matthew 24:36). In other words, no one except God knows about the time of the end of the world. This information is hidden from people for our own benefit: “stay awake, for you do not know at what hour your Lord will come” (Matthew 24:42). At all times of the existence of Christianity, there were groups of people who were waiting for the end of the world, waiting for the Antichrist (and, for some reason, not Christ) and as a result fell into mass hysteria. It would be much more prudent to calmly prepare for your own death, and not expect the end of the world on some specific date, in a year or ten years, because a person is suddenly mortal: “Mad! This night they will take your soul from you ”(Luke 12:19), it was said about a rich man who decided that he had a long life ahead, during which he was going to“ eat, drink and be merry ”. He decided that he could measure the term of his life himself - and he was mistaken.
Of course, you should not abandon your business, family and study, because there is a possibility of dying at any moment, no. All of this is important and is often given to us as obedience and service for our salvation. You just need to remember that life is given to us as a test, as a path of gradual spiritual growth, on which we have no right to give ourselves a “spiritual respite” and indulge in sins. All your life must be built according to a hierarchy, the apex of which is God and salvation. There is a place in it for work, study and family and rest, the social life of a person is not inherently sinful, if it does not conflict with the commandments.
Thus, we do not know the exact time of the Second Coming, but Scripture gives us general signs preceding that event:
First, the preaching of Christianity throughout the whole earth, throughout the world: And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come (Matt. 24:14).
Second, the general weakening of Christian faith "Will the Son of Man come to find faith on earth?" (Luke 18: 8). And the bitterness of the people: “In the last days perilous times will come. For people will be proud, revolting, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, ungodly, unfriendly, irreconcilable, slanderers, intemperate, cruel, not loving good, ... . 3: 1-5)
Third, the coming of the Antichrist. A person (namely a person) posing as Christ. The coming of the Antichrist will precede the coming of Christ: “Let no one deceive you: for that day will not come until the apostasy first comes and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, resisting and exalted above all that is called God or holiness, so that in the temple of God he will sit like God, posing as God ”(2 Thess. 2: 3,4). The Antichrist will be defeated by Christ, who “will kill His mouth with the spirit and destroy with the manifestation of His coming, the one whose coming, according to the action of Satan, will be with all power and signs, and false miracles, and with all unrighteous deception of those who perish because they did not receive love of truth for your own salvation ”(2 Thess. 2: 8). And in our time there are many people who have declared themselves the second incarnation of Christ, but all these people are more likely crazy or swindlers, and not harbingers of the Second Coming. In the book "Revelation" St. John the Theologian describes the appearance of two elders, denouncing the Antichrist and proclaiming the truth of God (according to Tradition, these are Enoch and Elijah, taken to Heaven without death). After their testimony, they will be killed, but after three days they will be resurrected and ascended into Heaven. These are the signs heralding the end of the world and the Last Judgment.
For people little familiar with the Christian faith, the theme of the Last Judgment and the End of the World is the most attractive. On the one hand, it fascinates with its grandeur and importance, but on the other, it seems distant, we do not personally concern. This is the mistake of many people who are looking for the meaning of life and worried about the fate of the world: maybe they will not catch the Second Coming during their life - but death still awaits everyone. Yes, personal death does not seem to be such a grandiose and large-scale event, but this is the main result of our entire life, specifically ours. Therefore, it is wiser to worry about your own demise than about the end of the world. For those who justify their excessive interest in the end of the world by worrying about the fate of people, let us recall the instruction of St. Seraphim of Sarov: “My joy! Acquire (acquire) a peaceful spirit, and thousands will be saved around you. "

“Blessed ones, my beloved. Let no one remain in disbelief, as if what was said about the Judgment were just empty words. On the contrary, exactly and undoubtedly, let us all believe in the Lord, according to the Divine Scriptures, that there is the Resurrection of the dead, and Judgment, and reward for good and bad deeds. Despising everything temporary and neglecting it, let us worry about how to appear and give an answer before the terrible Judgment at this terrible and trembling hour; for this hour is many tears, many painful, mournful, evaluating a whole life.

This terrible day and hour was foretold by the holy prophets and apostles; about this day and hour, the Divine Scripture, from the ends to the ends of the universe, in churches and in every place cries out, and testifies to everyone, and begs everyone, saying: look, brethren, listen, be sober, have mercy, be ready - as if you don’t know the day hours, in onzhe the Son of Man will come ”(Matthew 25,13).
ST. Ephraim the Syrian

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Once, when I was sitting in my cell and lamenting about my sins, a thought came to me and strongly began to occupy my mind. I thought that the faith of the Jews is deep and sincere, since Abraham is called the friend of God in Scripture, and Isaac is righteous before God, Jacob is the father of the twelve patriarchs, and Moses is the great saint of God. He struck the Egyptians with signs and wonders. How is it that the faith of the Jews is not sincere, if they received the Law of God on Mount Sinai in ten words, learned to separate good and evil, if God through Moses divided the Red Sea to the Israelites and brought them out of Egyptian slavery, fed them with manna in the wilderness?

I read other books of the Old Testament and, having fought with these thoughts for a long time, finally came to my senses. Why indulge in vain thoughts, because I have a spiritual father, full of spiritual talent. I will go and open my thought to him, and he will judge this. After all, I well know that he who confesses his thoughts to his spiritual father receives relief from his struggling thoughts. And whoever hides thoughts in his heart, he harbors a serpent and not Christ, but antichrists.

I got up and went to my father Vasily.

On that day, a horse race was appointed, and on this occasion people from all over the city gathered at the hippodrome. And for many years I have not gone to this entertainment, remembering the formidable word of John Chrysostom. And so, when I approached the assembled people at the place of Dioptim, the thought came to me to see if there was the first race of horses. Carried away by this thought, I stopped and looked at the running horses.

When he came to our Venerable Father Basil, he found him in a silent cell, standing in prayer. I went in to him making the usual bow. He blessed me, and after praying with me, sternly said to me: “Behold, a man came to me who, having read the books of the Old Testament, began to praise the Jews, saying - the faith of the Jews is deep and sincere; not understanding Scripture - its true meaning. He left crying about sins and thinking about death, and the Last Judgment of Christ. And not only this, but also went to the hippodrome, where foolish people, with their frivolity, bring joy to the devil. Therefore, the devil instilled such thoughts in you and deposed you twice! "

Hearing such a reproof to myself from the wise old man Vasily, I mentally vowed never to attend this devil's spectacle.

The saint continued: "Tell me, why do you think that the faith of the Jews is good and true?"

I found it difficult to give an appropriate answer. And Saint Basil also told me what the words spoken by the Lord in the Holy Gospel mean: whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him either.

“You see from these words that there is no benefit to those who believe in the Father, but to those who have rejected the Son.

And the Lord also said to the Jews: They have not known the Father or Me. If they saw Him in the hosts teaching them and performing numerous miracles and did not recognize Him as the Son of God, and the Heavenly Father, but they never saw Him, how can they know well?

Jesus said to the Jews: I came in my Father's name, and you do not receive me; but if another comes in his own name, you will receive him. And he also said: Behold, your house is being left empty.

You see that God finally rejected them and scattered them throughout the whole earth, among all peoples, and made their very name hateful among the peoples of the universe.

And again the Lord said: If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin ... but now they have seen and hated both Me and My Father.

Likewise, the Lord spoke about the fig tree in the Holy Gospel, when he was hungry and came up to it and did not find fruit on it, giving it to a curse, said: May there be no fruit from you forever. By the fig tree is meant the Jewish people.

The Son of God came, hungering for righteousness, and did not find the fruit of righteousness among the Jewish people. Although this people was covered by the Law of God given through Moses, they did not bear the fruits of righteousness, for which they were subjected to damnation and rejection. Before the coming of Christ, the faith of the Jews was really right and good, and the Law is holy. When Christ, the Son of God, came into the world, whom the Jews did not accept and illegally crucified on the Cross, their faith in God was rejected, and the people were condemned.

Instead of the Old Testament, God made a New Testament, not with the Jews, as before, but in the person of believers in the Son of God with all the tribes of the earth.

The Jews, who did not receive the Son of God, expect a false messiah - the Antichrist. As a proof of this, before the death of the prophet Moses, God said: Behold, you will sleep with your fathers, and this people will go prodigally after foreign gods ... and will forsake Me, and break My Covenant, which I have established with them; and my anger will kindle against him ... and I will leave them and hide my face from them, and he will be destroyed, and many calamities and sorrows will overtake him.

Through the prophet Isaiah, God said: I will cast away my great rod, that is

The law given to the Jews through Moses, and I will destroy them with great ruin, I will reject them to the end and will not turn to them.

You see, child Gregory, how they are rejected from God, and their Law no longer has any meaning before God. After the coming of Christ, the Jews did not have a single prophet or righteous man. Prophet David said: Rejected, they will no longer rebel. And he also said: May God rise and scatter him against him.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, was resurrected on the third day from the dead, and after forty days ascended into Heaven and sat as a human being at the right hand of God the Father. On the Fiftieth day after His Resurrection, He sent down the Holy Spirit on His disciples and Apostles; when they dispersed throughout the entire Universe to preach the word of God, the righteous Judgment of God comprehended the Jews. Jerusalem was destroyed to the ground, then all the Jews were dispersed throughout the countries of the Universe. And all peoples hate this outcast Jewish race, the deicide.

St. John the Theologian in Revelation says about them that the Jews are no longer a host of Israel and the sons of God, and not a holy people, but a cursed people, and an indecent, and rejected - a satanic host. When they gather in the synagogue on Saturday, the Lord is not among them, but Satan among them rejoices and rejoices over their death, that they rejected the Son of God. Made themselves the culprit in the shedding of the blood of the Son of God; branded themselves with the most shameful name of the deicide. Satan took them as his inheritance and sealed them with his vile name. They are the sons of the devil, and the lot of false and vile activities of his, and part of the antichrist. Before they rejected the Son of God, they were the sons of the Kingdom. Now they have been driven out of the helipad of Christ, and in their place have been brought in all the peoples who believe in the Holy Trinity. New Israel is a Christian people, sons of the New Testament and heirs of future, eternal heavenly blessings.

Know so, child Gregory, if someone does not believe that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God, who came into the world, into the world - to save sinners, that person is cursed. If anyone believes in the Holy Trinity, and does not confess that Christ was incarnate from the Most Holy Virgin Mary, and was a perfect God and a perfect man, and gave us life, Resurrection, and salvation, and reconciliation, and justice of the Heavenly Father by His Cross, loses the favor of God, is exposed to condemnation, damnation, eternal torment together with the Jews and the atheists, ”he said and fell silent.

I began to beg him, saying: "I beg you, Saint Basil, pray to the Lord for me, that He will send me some sign and thereby confirm my lack of faith."

He said: “You, child Grigorie, ask a lot from me. Know that the Lord does not want the death of the sinner, but wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. If you ask in faith, he will fulfill everything for you. " - And he let me go in peace.

On the first night after my return from blessed Basil, when I rested on my bed after a long and fervent prayer, I see Saint Basil comes in, takes my hand and says: “Did I not tell you that the Jews are cursed by God? Come with me now, and I will show you the faith of every nation and what value it has before God. "

And he took me, and went to the East, and a bright cloud enveloped us and lifted us to the height of heaven. And so I saw a wonderful, wonderful world. I saw a lot and was surprised at his beauty. Suddenly a cloud dropped us, and we found ourselves on a kind of vast and wondrous, unearthly beauty field. The ground of this field was as light as glass or crystal, pure and transparent. And all the ends of the Universe were visible from this field. Soaring across this field were shelves of bright and beautiful fire-like youths, sweetly singing Divine songs and glorifying the Trinity of the One God.

Then we came to some terrible place, glowing with a fiery light, and it seemed to me that they had brought me to burn. But it was not fire, but light like fire. Among this light are many winged youths dressed in snow-white clothes. They walked and burned the immaterial altar of God.

Suddenly we found ourselves at a high mountain, which we climbed with great difficulty, and Saint Basil ordered me to look to the East, and I saw another field, very great and shining like gold in the sun. When I saw this field, my heart was filled with inexpressible joy. Still looking to the East, I saw a wonderful city, unspeakable beauty and very great. I admired for many hours and stood in amazement, then I asked the one who was driving me: "My Lord, tell me what this wonderful city is?" He told me: “This is Heavenly Jerusalem - the city of the Heavenly King. Not made by hands, as vast as the circle of heaven is built. " And I asked: "Who owns this city and who lives in it?" He said: “This is the city of the great King, about which David miraculously predicted; Our Lord Jesus Christ created it at the end of His earthly life and after His miraculous Resurrection, and after His Ascension into Heaven to God, His Father, He prepared it for His holy disciples, and the Apostles, and those who, through their preaching, believed in Him, as The Lord Himself said in His Gospel: In the house of My Father there are many abodes. Then a wonderful young man appeared, descended from the heights of heaven to a hill in the midst of this wondrous city, saying: "Behold, the Judgment and Resurrection of the dead will be and reward to each from the righteous Judge will come."

And after the words of this young man, a pillar of fire came down from the heights of heaven, and a terrible voice was heard, like a thousand thousand thunders. This is the competent and omnipotent power of God that will gather all creation. And came down after that

Human bones began to gather throughout the Universe, and the whole earth was one whole cemetery, filled with dry human skeletons.

After that, a young man descended from a height of heavenly wondrous beauty, holding a golden trumpet in his hand, and twelve young men with him. Each had a golden pipe. When they came down to earth, their glorious Voivode sounded before them menacingly, and terribly, and mighty. The voice of his trumpet was heard throughout the entire universe, and the whole earth, like a leaf on a tree, shook. And now the dry bones were clothed with flesh, but life was not in them, and the glorious and majestic Voivode and twelve youths sounded a second time. The earth trembled and trembled greatly.

And at the same hour the numerous armies of Angels descended like the sand of the sea. And each Angel led the soul of a deceased person, whom he guarded during his temporary life, and each soul was directed to its own body. All the Angels sounded their trumpets for the third time, and Heaven and earth were horrified, and everything trembled like a leaf on a tree trembles from a strong wind. And all the dead were resurrected, souls were united with bodies. All were of the same age, both elders and babies. The forefather Adam and Eve arose from the dead, all the patriarchs, prophets, ancestors with all tribes and tribes stood all over the face of the earth in close quarters.

Many who disbelieved the mystery of the Resurrection were greatly amazed and horrified: how dust and ashes rose again, all the sons of Adam whole and alive after long dust and decay.

Those who did not believe in the Son of God were horrified and trembled, seeing the faces of the righteous, shining like the stars of heaven, in accordance with their holiness and degree of perfection. According to the word of the Apostle Paul, star differs from star in glory. For some of the righteous, their faces shone like the sun at noon, for others, like the moon in the dark of the night, and for others, like the light of day. All the righteous have books in the hands of lightning light. There are written all their virtues, labors and deeds, incurred to cleanse the heart from passions, and an inscription on the forehead of every righteous person, testifying to the glory of each. Some have it written: "prophet of the Lord", "Apostle of Christ", "preacher of God", "martyr of Christ", "Evangelist-confessor", "poor in spirit", "pleasing repentance", "merciful", "generous", "pure heart "," expelled for the sake of righteousness "," the host of the Lord "," suffering poverty and illness "," presbyter "," virgin "," laid down his life for his friend ", and other many different virtues.

In the same way there was a sign on the faces of sinners. Some of them had faces as gloomy as the dark night, others like soot, others like rotting scabs, some like stinking ooze. Others have faces covered with pus and teeming with disgusting worms, their eyes burning with evil lights.

Sinners, seeing the glory of the righteous and their lewdness and curse, in horror and fear, said to each other:

“Woe to us, fierce, here has come the last day of the Second Coming of the Lord, about which we heard a lot from the righteous and evangelists before our death. But we, out of frivolity, did not believe and with all our hearts indulged in voluptuousness, covetousness and worldly pride, laughed, mocked the righteous of the Holy Gospel. Oh, woe to us insane. For a minute of the sweetness of sin, the fleeting pleasures of the flesh, we have lost the Glory of God. Clothed themselves with eternal fear, shame. Oh, fierce woe to us, sinful, unhappy and darkened. The Lord will betray us to eternal unbearable torment. Oh, woe to us, the unfortunate, only now did we recognize our shame and our nakedness, open before Heaven and earth and before the face of all earthly ones. The hour has come - the hour of the true assessment of virtue and vice in temporary life. We knew how to lie, covering up gross vices with the mask of righteousness, loudly trumpeting before us about those virtues and perfections that we did not have in our souls. Tormented by a thirst for voluptuousness and ambition, we in all kinds of deceitful ways strove to satisfy insatiable lust and ambition and did not stop at any atrocities and crimes. Openly and secretly shed streams of innocent human blood. And despite all the horrors and crimes committed, they considered themselves beneficent.

On this terrible day of the Judgment of God, which we boldly and shamelessly and fearlessly rejected and denied, our criminality and hypocrisy will be revealed. Oh, how many innocent children's souls we have ruined, poisoning them with the poison of unbelief and godlessness. We have been leaders and apostates and diligent servants of Satan.

Oh, woe to us, the unfortunate proud, who dreamed of knowing everything with their own mind and madly rejecting the highest mind of God. Oh, how we were cruelly mistaken, mocking and laughing at the faith of God-loving followers of Christ. We blindly served the devil, pleasing the lusts of the flesh.

And the servants of Christ suffered bitterly, exhausting their flesh with feats of piety. They shine here like the sun, and we burn out from eternal shame and nakedness. Oh woe, woe to us, cursed and unfortunate. Oh, woe to us, eternal woe to the heirs of hell. "

Many other words were spoken by atheists, heretics, free-thinkers, apostates, unrepentant sinners, reproaching themselves and cursing the day and hour of their birth, awaiting a strict and just judgment from the righteous Judge, looking at each other in horror. They all saw the inscriptions on their foreheads: "murderer", "adulterer", "fornicator", "filthyr", "thief", "sorcerer", "drunkard", "rebel", "blasphemer", "blasphemer", "predator "," Sodomist "," cattle lover "," child-mouth "," murderer "," corrupter "," vindictive "," envious "," perjurer "," buffoon "," laughter "," harsh "," angry ", "Unmerciful", "money-lover", "covetous man", "who irrepressibly committed every sin and lawlessness", "arrogant denier of the Resurrection and the future life", "heretic", "Arian", "Macedonian" - and all who were not baptized into the Holy Trinity and after baptism those who sinned and did not bring true repentance, and departed from temporary life morally uncorrected into eternity.

All of them looked at each other in terrible horror and moaned bitterly, beat their faces and in their madness tore the hairs on their heads, uttering a terrible groan and curses. The Jews before the Court stood as insane and devoid of reason, many said: “Who is God, who is Christ? .. We do not know. We have served many gods, and if they are resurrected, it will be good for us, since we tried to please the good in our temporary life. Therefore, they must honor us. "

Afterwards, I saw how the ranks of the Heavenly Forces descended from the heights of heaven and sang a sweetly wonderful heavenly song, carrying in the midst of them a wooden Cross, shining with the light of heavenly glory more than the rays of the sun. And when they brought it, they set it on the Throne prepared for the Righteous Judgment.

And this Cross of the whole Universe was visible, and all peoples were greatly amazed at the extraordinary beauty of the Cross of the Lord.

The Jews saw, were horrified and trembled with great fear and horror, in vain the sign of Christ Crucified by them. In despair, they began to pull their hair out and beat themselves on the faces, saying: “Oh, woe to us and great misfortune, they saw not a good sign. Oh, woe to us accursed. This is the sign of Christ Crucified by us. If He comes to judge, then woe to us. We have caused Him much harm, not only to Himself, but also to those who believe in Him. " Thus the Jews spoke and wept.



Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, 2001

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia

Icon of the Second Coming of Christ and the Last Judgment of God In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Once, when I was sitting in my cell and lamenting about my sins, a thought came to me and strongly began to occupy my mind. I thought that the faith of the Jews is deep and sincere, since Abraham is called the friend of God in the Scriptures, and Isaac is righteous before God, Jacob is the father of the twelve patriarchs, and Moses is the great saint of God. He struck the Egyptians with signs and wonders. How is it that the faith of the Jews is not sincere, if they received the Law of God on Mount Sinai in ten words, learned to separate good and evil, if God through Moses divided the Red Sea to the Israelites and brought them out of Egyptian slavery, fed them with manna in the wilderness? I read the other books of the Old Testament and, having fought with these thoughts for a long time, finally came to my senses. Why indulge in vain thoughts, because I have a spiritual father, full of spiritual talent. I will go and open my thought to him, and he will judge this. After all, I well know that he who confesses his thoughts to his spiritual father receives relief from his struggling thoughts. And whoever hides thoughts in his heart, he harbors a serpent and not Christ, but antichrists. I got up and went to my father Vasily. On that day, a horse race was appointed, and on this occasion people from all over the city gathered at the hippodrome. And for many years I have not gone to this entertainment, having forgotten the formidable word of John Chrysostom. And so, when I approached the assembled people at the place of Dioptim, the thought came to me to see if there was the first race of horses. Carried away by this thought, I stopped and looked at the running horses. When he came to our Venerable Father Basil, he found him in a silent cell, standing in prayer. I went in to him, making the usual bow. He blessed me, and after praying with me, sternly said to me: “Behold, a man came to me who, having read the books of the Old Testament, began to praise the Jews, saying - the faith of the Jews is deep and sincere, not understanding the Scripture - its true meaning. crying about sins and thinking about death, and about the Last Judgment of Christ. And not only that, but also went to the hippodrome, where foolish people, with their frivolity, bring joy to the devil. Therefore, the devil instilled such thoughts in you and deposed you twice! " Hearing such a reproof to myself from the wise old man Vasily, I mentally vowed never to attend this devil's spectacle. The saint continued: "Tell me why do you think that the faith of the Jews is good and true?" I found it difficult to give an appropriate answer. And Saint Basil also told me what the words spoken by the Lord in the Holy Gospel mean: He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him. - "You see from these words that there is no benefit to those who believe in the Father, but to those who have rejected the Son. And the Lord also said to the Jews: Cognized neither the Father nor Me... If they saw Him in the hosts teaching them and performing numerous miracles and did not recognize Him as the Son of God, and the Heavenly Father, but they never saw Him, how can they know well? Jesus spoke to the Jews: I have come in the name of My Father, and you do not receive Me; and if another comes in his own name, accept him... And he also said: Behold, your house is left empty. You see that God finally rejected them and scattered them throughout the whole earth, among all peoples, and made their very name hateful among the peoples of the universe. And again the Lord said: If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have had sin ... but now they have seen and hated both Me and My Father. Likewise, the Lord spoke about the fig tree in the Holy Gospel, when he was hungry and came up to it and did not find fruit on it, giving it to a curse: May there be no fruit from you in the future. By the fig tree is meant the Jewish people. The Son of God came, hungering for righteousness, and did not find the fruit of righteousness among the Jewish people. Although this people was covered by the Law of God given through Moses, they did not bear the fruits of righteousness, for which they were subjected to damnation and rejection. Before the coming of Christ, the faith of the Jews was really right and good, and the Law is holy. When Christ, the Son of God, came into the world, whom the Jews did not accept and illegally crucified on the Cross, their faith in God was rejected, and the people were condemned. Instead of the Old Testament, God made a New Testament, not with the Jews, as before, but in the person of believers in the Son of God with all the tribes of the earth. The Jews, who did not receive the Son of God, expect a false messiah - the Antichrist. To prove this, before the death of the prophet Moses, God said: Behold, you will sleep with your fathers, and this people will become prodigal to walk after foreign gods ... and will forsake Me, and break My Covenant, which I have established with them; and my anger will be kindled against him .. and I will leave them and hide my face from them, and he will be destroyed, and many calamities and sorrows will overtake him. Through the prophet Isaiah, God said: I will cast away my great rod, that is, the Law given to the Jews through Moses, and I will destroy them with great ruin, I will reject them to the end and will not turn to them. You see, child Gregory, how they are rejected from God, and their Law no longer has any meaning before God. After the coming of Christ, the Jews did not have a single prophet or righteous man. Prophet David said: Rejected, they will no longer rise. And he also said: May God rise and scatter against Him. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, was resurrected on the third day from the dead, and after forty days ascended into Heaven and sat as a human being at the right hand of God the Father. On the Fiftieth day after His Resurrection, He sent down the Holy Spirit on His disciples and Apostles; when they dispersed throughout the entire Universe to preach the word of God, the righteous Judgment of God comprehended the Jews. Jerusalem was destroyed to the ground, then all the Jews were dispersed throughout the countries of the Universe. And all peoples hate this rejected Jewish race, the deicide. St. John the Theologian in Revelation says about them that the Jews are no longer a host of Israel and the sons of God, and not a holy people, but a cursed and obscene people, and a rejected one - a satanic host. When they gather in the synagogue on Saturday, there is no Lord among them, but Satan among them rejoices and rejoices over their destruction, that they rejected the Son of God; branded themselves with the most shameful name of the deicide. Satan took them as his inheritance and sealed them with his vile name. They are the sons of the devil, and the lot of false and vile activities of his, and part of the antichrist. Before they rejected the Son of God, they were the sons of the Kingdom. Now they have been driven out of the helipad of Christ, and in their place have been brought in all the peoples who believe in the Holy Trinity. New Israel is a Christian people, sons of the New Testament and heirs of future, eternal heavenly blessings. Know so, child Gregory, if someone does not believe that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God, who came to save sinners in the world, that person is cursed. If anyone believes in the Holy Trinity, and does not confess that Christ was incarnate from the Most Holy Virgin Mary, and was a perfect God and a perfect man, and gave us life, Resurrection, and salvation, and reconciliation, and justice of the Heavenly Father by His Cross, loses the favor of God, is subjected to condemnation, damnation, eternal torment together with the Jews and the atheists ", - said this and fell silent. I began to beg him, saying:" I beg you, Saint Basil, pray to the Lord for me, may He send me some- some sign and this will confirm my lack of faith. ”He said:“ You, child Gregory, ask a lot from me. Know that the Lord does not want the death of the sinner, but wants everyone to be saved and understand the truth. If you ask in faith, he will fulfill everything for you. ”- And he sent me away in peace.


On the first night after my return from blessed Basil, when I rested on my bed after a long and fervent prayer, I see Saint Basil comes in, takes my hand and says: “Didn't I tell you that the Jews are cursed by God? by me, and I will show you the faith of every nation and what value it has before God. " And he took me, and went to the East, and a bright cloud enveloped us and lifted us to the height of heaven. And so I saw a wonderful, wonderful world. I saw a lot and was surprised at his beauty. Suddenly a cloud dropped us, and we found ourselves on a kind of vast and wondrous, unearthly beauty field. The ground of this field was as light as glass or crystal, pure and transparent. And all the ends of the Universe were visible from this field. Soaring across this field were shelves of bright and beautiful fire-like youths, sweetly singing Divine songs and glorifying the Trinity of the One God. Then we came to some terrible place, glowing with a fiery light, and it seemed to me that they had brought me to burn. But it was not fire, but light like fire. Among this light are many winged youths dressed in snow-white clothes. They walked and burned the immaterial altar of God. Suddenly we found ourselves at a high mountain, which we climbed with great difficulty, and Saint Basil ordered me to look to the East, and I saw another field, very great and shining like gold in the sun. When I saw this field, my heart was filled with inexpressible joy. Still looking to the East, I saw a wonderful city, unspeakable beauty and very great. I admired for many hours and stood in amazement, then I asked the one who was driving me: "My lord, tell me what this wonderful city is?" He told me: "This is Heavenly Jerusalem - the city of the Heavenly King. Not made by hands, as vast as the circle of heaven is built." And I asked: "Who owns this city and who lives in it?" He said: "This is the city of the great King, about which David miraculously predicted; our Lord Jesus Christ created it at the end of His earthly life and after His miraculous Resurrection, and after His Ascension into Heaven to God, His Father, He prepared it for His holy disciples and To the Apostles, and to those who believed in Him through their preaching, as the Lord Himself said in His Gospel: In my Father's house there are many ... Then a wonderful young man appeared, descended from the heights of heaven to a hill in the midst of this wondrous city, saying: "Behold, the Judgment and Resurrection of the dead will be and reward to each from the righteous Judge will come." And after the words of this young man, a pillar of fire came down from the heights of heaven, and a terrible voice was heard, like a thousand thousand thunders. This is the competent and omnipotent power of God that will gather all creation. And after this a powerful voice descended on all human bones, so that bone to bone, joint to joint, member to member, came together, obeying this divine Power. Human bones began to gather throughout the Universe, and the whole earth was one whole cemetery, filled with dry human skeletons. After that, a young man descended from a height of heavenly wondrous beauty, holding a golden trumpet in his hand, and twelve young men with him. Each had a golden pipe. When they came down to earth, their glorious Voivode sounded before them menacingly, and terribly, and mighty. The voice of his trumpet was heard throughout the entire universe, and the whole earth, like a leaf on a tree, shook. And now the dry bones were clothed with flesh, but there was no life in them, and the glorious and majestic Voivode and twelve youths sounded a second time. The earth trembled and trembled greatly. And at the same hour the numerous armies of Angels descended like the sand of the sea. And each Angel led the soul of a deceased person, whom he guarded during his temporary life, and each soul was directed to its own body. All the Angels sounded their trumpets for the third time, and Heaven and earth were horrified, and everything trembled like a leaf on a tree trembles from a strong wind. And all the dead were resurrected, souls were united with bodies. All were of the same age, both elders and babies. The forefather Adam and Eve arose from the dead, all the patriarchs, prophets, ancestors with all tribes and tribes stood all over the face of the earth in close quarters. Many who disbelieved the mystery of the Resurrection were greatly amazed and horrified: how dust and ashes rose again, all the sons of Adam whole and alive after long dust and decay. Those who did not believe in the Son of God were horrified and trembled, seeing the faces of the righteous, shining like the stars of heaven, in accordance with their holiness and degree of perfection. According to the word of the Apostle Paul, star differs from star in glory. Some of the righteous had their faces shining like the sun at noon, others like the moon in the dark of the night, and others like the light of day. All the righteous have books in the hands of lightning light. There are written all their Virtues, labors and deeds, incurred to cleanse the heart from passions, and an inscription on the forehead of each righteous man, testifying to the glory of each. Some have it written: "prophet of the Lord", "Apostle of Christ", "preacher of God", "martyr of Christ", "Evangelist-confessor", "poor in spirit", "pleasing repentance", "merciful", "generous", "pure heart "," expelled for the sake of righteousness "," the host of the Lord "," suffering poverty and illness "," presbyter "," virgin "," laid down his life for his friend ", and other numerous virtues. In the same way there was a sign on the faces of sinners. Some of them had faces as grim as the dark night, some like soot, others like rotting scabs, some like stinking ooze. Others have faces covered with pus and teeming with disgusting worms, their eyes burning with evil lights. Sinners, seeing the glory of the righteous and their indecency and repentance, in horror and fear said to each other: "Woe to us fiercely, here has come the last day of the Second Coming of the Lord, about which we heard a lot from the righteous and evangelists before our death. But we are frivolous. They did not believe and with all their hearts indulged in voluptuousness, covetousness and pride of life, laughed, mocked the righteous of the Holy Gospel. woe to us, sinners, unhappy and darkened. The Lord will give us up to eternal unbearable torment. We knew how to lie, covering up the gross vices of personal righteousness, loudly trumpeting before us about those virtues and perfections that did not have. Tormented by a thirst for voluptuousness and ambition, we in all kinds of deceitful ways strove to satisfy insatiable lust and ambition and did not stop at any atrocities and crimes. Openly and secretly shed streams of innocent human blood. And despite all the horrors and crimes committed, they considered themselves beneficent. On this terrible day of the Judgment of God, which we boldly and shamelessly and fearlessly rejected and denied, our criminality and hypocrisy will be revealed. Oh, how many innocent children's souls we have ruined, poisoning them with the poison of unbelief and godlessness. We have been leaders and apostates and diligent servants of Satan. Oh, woe to us, the unfortunate proud, who dreamed of knowing everything with their own mind and madly rejecting the highest mind of God. Oh, how we were cruelly mistaken, mocking and laughing at the faith of God-loving followers of Christ. We blindly served the devil, pleasing the lusts of the flesh. And the servants of Christ suffered bitterly, exhausting their flesh with feats of piety. They shine here like the sun, and we burn out from eternal shame and nakedness. Oh woe, woe to us, cursed and unfortunate. Oh, woe to us, eternal woe to the heirs of hell. ”Many other words were spoken by atheists, heretics, free-thinkers, apostates, unrepentant sinners, reproaching themselves and cursing the day and hour of their birth, awaiting a strict and just judgment from the righteous Judge, looking in horror at each They all saw the inscriptions on their foreheads: "murderer", "adulterer", "fornicator", "defiler", "thief", "sorcerer", "drunkard", "rebel", "blasphemer", "blasphemer", "predator", "sodomist", "cattle-lover", "child-mouth", "murderer", "corrupter", "vindictive", "envious", "perjurer", "buffoon", "laughter", "harsh", angry " , "unmerciful", "money-lover", "covetous man", "who irresistibly committed every sin and iniquity", "arrogant denier of the Resurrection and the future life", "heretic", "Arian", "Macedonian" - and all who were not baptized into the Holy Trinity and after baptism sinned and did not bring true repentance, and from temporary life departed into eternity morally uncorrected. All of them gazed at each other in terrible horror and moaned bitterly, beat themselves on the faces and in their madness tore the hair on their heads, uttering a terrible groan and curses. The Jews before the Court stood as insane and devoid of reason, many said: "Who is God, who is Christ? .. We do not know. We served many gods, and if they are resurrected, it will be good for us, since we tried to please goodness in our temporary life. . And therefore they should honor us. " Afterwards, I saw how the ranks of the Heavenly Forces descended from the heights and sang a sweetly wonderful song, carrying a wooden Cross in their midst, shining with the light of heavenly glory more than the rays of the sun. And when they brought it, they set it on the Throne prepared for the Righteous Judgment. And this Cross of the whole Universe was visible, and all peoples were greatly amazed at the extraordinary beauty of the Cross of the Lord. The Jews saw, were horrified and trembled with great fear and horror, in vain the sign of Christ Crucified by them. In despair, they began to tear their hair and beat themselves on their faces, saying: "Oh, woe to us and great misfortune, they did not see a good sign. Oh, woe to us, the accursed. This is the sign of Christ Crucified by us. If He comes to judge, then woe to us. Much we have done him harm, and not only ourselves, but also those who believe in him. " Thus the Jews spoke and wept. The Angel who was leading me said: “Look how they began to tremble when they saw the Honorable Cross of the Lord! "We stood on an elevated place, and the whole Universe was visible to me, and conversations were heard, and I even saw all the people filling the earth. After that I heard the many-voiced noise of those who spoke, and the countless Heavenly Forces began to appear. Beginnings, Power, Powers , Dominions, Angels, Archangels, ceremoniously and harmoniously in great regiments began to descend to the place of the Judgment Seat of Christ. Seeing this, I was greatly horrified and trembled, but the Angel who led me encouraged me, saying: "Do not be afraid, but carefully look and remember what you saw. These are my friends and co-workers at the Throne of the King, "- and fear receded from me. Soon lightning flashed, loud trumpets and numerous thunderclaps were heard, from which the whole earth shook. The righteous with bright faces rejoiced and rejoiced. They were horrified and trembled with fear. And now - the great Heavenly Forces descended from the heights of heaven, and a wonderful light emanated from them, like a fiery flame. They descended and stood decorously around the place prepared for the Righteous Judge. The beauty of the shining faces cannot be described by any human language. From the vision of their mind my mind darkened, and my tongue refused to speak. The righteous from Adam to the last earthly man rejoiced with great joy, expecting a righteous reward from the ineffable mercy of God. And sinners, idolaters, atheists and apostates began to be horrified and tremble like a leaf on an aspen. time a light cloud with lightning appeared and, having overshadowed the Divine Cross, remained on it for a long time; as soon as it rose to the same place from whence it descended, around the Cross was entwined with a wonderful crown, indescribable beauty, shining more than the rays of the sun. The terrible Throne of Glory was not on the ground, but in the air. And so one regiment of Angels stood on the east side, another on the south, the third on the west and the fourth on the north. A terrible and wondrous sight presented itself. The air was filled with the Forces of Heaven, and the earth was filled with the sons of the human race. Then the fiery chariot descended from the heights of heaven. Around her there are countless six-winged Cherubims and many-erected Seraphims loudly, triumphantly and triumphantly crying: "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts, fill heaven and earth with Thy glory." And so all the Powers of Heaven exclaimed: "Bless the Almighty Father ... Blessed is the One Coming in the Name of the Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ the Only Begotten Son of God, the Word of the Father."



Suddenly a trumpet-sound was heard, terrible and great, and everything that lives in heaven and on earth trembled. Even the Heavenly Powers shuddered and were afraid. This trumpet sound heralded the imminence of the Coming of the Most Righteous Judge. Then the sounds of trumpets thundered again, and again began to descend numerous regiments of the glorious Forces of Heaven, carrying the banners and the royal scepter. Then a cloud began to descend, light and white as snow, carried by four animals. In the middle of the cloud, the Only Begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ !!! Around the cloud there are numerous incorporeal servants of God, with many fear and trembling and great reverence, who do not dare to approach the cloud. A thousand times stronger than the sun, the world was illuminated from the Splendor of the Glory of God. When the cloud began to descend over the place where the Throne of Glory stood, immediately all the Powers of Heaven exclaimed with a great voice: "Blessed is the One Coming in the Name of the Lord! God the Lord came to judge the living and the dead - the whole human race." And the angelic world bowed down to the Most Righteous Judge with fear and trembling. After this, the Only Begotten Son of God descended from the cloud and sat on the Throne of His Majesty of His Glory. Heaven and earth trembled with fear and horror. The human race was horrified by great fear. Archangels, Angels, Dominions, Beginnings, Powers, Authorities, Thrones, Seraphim and Cherubim loudly exclaimed in triumphant solemnity, like numerous thunders: "You are Christ - the Son of God - the Son of the Living God, Whom the all-evil and maddened with envy crucified the Jews. God the Supreme Word, Whom the Father gave birth to before all ages. Especially by nature, and by will, and will. There is only one Lord Jesus Christ. Christ, who took human flesh, did not change the Divine Deity. He borrowed flesh from the Most Immaculate and Most Pure Virgin Mary. He lived in the world. , showed the sons of Adam the way of righteousness and salvation. He conquered death, destroyed hell, bestowed salvation, freedom to the prisoners of hell, destroying all the power and might of Satan. And victoriously resurrected from the grave, bestowed life and Resurrection to all the dead. You are our God, with the Father and By the Holy Spirit, and there is no other God but You. Amen. " And now the All-Righteous Judge looked at the sky - and it rolled up like a scroll. The Lord looked at the earth - and it fled from His presence, being defiled by human deeds. And all the sons of Adam, that is, the human race, stood in the air. The Lord looked at the sky again - and a new heaven appeared, looked at the immeasurable depth - and a new earth appeared - pure, shining, like the flowers of the field, decorated with unearthly beauty, as the perishable life stopped and the imperishable life began. Time is up. Eternity has begun! The Axis endless day has come! In the firmament of heaven there was no longer the sun, no moon, no stars, because instead of them the Righteous Sun, Christ our God, shone! An indispensable light that enlightens the entire Universe. And the Lord looked at the collected waters in the heavenly realm - and the water turned into a fiery flame, bubbling and seething, leading to sinners and apostates indescribable fear and awe; the fire consumed and scorched everything that was unclean and unclean. Then the Lord looked at the unbelievers, apostates and idolaters. And now the formidable regiments of Angels began to plunge the wicked into the sea of ​​fire, some were left. I asked about what was happening, the holy Angel who led me, he replied: "Those who were cast down into the sea of ​​fire are people who have sinned before the Law and have gone astray from the way of God, from Cain to the legislation of Sinai. Those who insulted, angered God with unbelief, idolatry and other iniquity. Those who remain are those who remain. those of the Jews who believed in Divine Providence and did not worship idols. " And so the Lord looked to the East - and the Angels sounded their thunderous trumpets, heaven and earth shook from their sound, and the place at the right hand of the Judgment Seat of God was cleansed. And the regiments of Angels, who were on the eastern side of the Judgment Seat, dispersed to the whole Universe like fast lightning bolts, and looking at the sons of Adam, wherever they met bright, beautiful faces, they kissed them with great joy and represented the right hand of the Righteous Judge. Thus, the righteous were separated from the sinners. Then the Lord looked to the North and South - and so four regiments of God's fearsome Angels dispersed throughout the Universe, and gathered all sinners, and set up the Judgment Seat of God. They turned out to be countless, like the sand of the earth. All of them are distorted with anger, fear and hatred for each other. Darkened, defiled by all sinful impurity. Those who stood on the right side had faces shining with the light of heavenly joy and joy, in anticipation of eternal bliss. With a merciful gaze the Lord looked at those who stood at the right hand of the Judgment Seat and spoke with love: "Come, blessed of My Father, and inherit the kingdom of heaven prepared for you from the folding of the world. Hungry - and gave Me something to eat, thirsty - and gave Me something to drink, in sorrow and misfortune was - comforted Me". And the righteous, filled with the deepest humility of mind, answered: "Master, Lord, we have done nothing, no good to You" ... The Lord answered them: "You have done this one and only these My least brethren, I have done." Then the Lord looked menacingly at the sinners on the left side and said: "Depart from Me, you damned, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and all his servants. For you have not done anything good for me in the person of my poor brothers. Get out, you accursed and wicked, who have defiled themselves with an unclean sinful life. They did a lot of evil, and did not bring repentance, and in delusion and in vanity they ruined temporary life. Depart from Me, I do not know you ... In temporary life, I daily, hourly called you to Heaven, but you voluntarily chose hell, branded yourself with the seal of rejection through shameful and vile deeds, words, thoughts and desires. Depart, the damned, who have offended Me much, who have imputed My commandments and commands for nothing. In your madness, you loved the delight and the momentary delight of the flesh, and the pride of Satan, and through this bad life you zealously served the devil. Inherit the eternal torment prepared for him. You rejected Me and combined with the devil through a shameful life. Enjoy the darkness of fire and the worm that never sleeps. "Hearing such a formidable verdict of the Righteous Judge, the sinners wept bitterly and wept, asking for mercy. The same hour, the formidable Angels began to plunge them into the fiery sea, wildly seething. , in insane horror cried out: "Woe to us, alas, alas!" The Lord again looked at the new earth - and it was adorned with many different indescribable beauty gardens, groves. And I, amazed at these beauties, asked the holy Angel who led me: "What will the Kingdom be like God, about whom I heard from the Holy Scriptures? "He answered me:" This is the land of the meek, about which Christ in the Holy Gospel said: "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." But the Heavenly Kingdom in Heaven is ineffable and indescribable. "Yeshe Lord looked at the earth - and the earth was covered with many different flowers, and two rivers flowed: honey and milk, to feed on the gardens of paradise with moisture. And many birds of heaven, of wonderful beauty, flew away, and they began it is easy to flutter in the gardens of God and glorify God with sweet-voiced singing.Then the Lord looked at the height of heaven - and the heavenly armies descended, which carried the wondrous city not made by hands - Heavenly Jerusalem, glorifying the One God in the Trinity. This wonderful city, unearthly beauty and very vast. It is called the highest Jerusalem not made by hands, its gates shine like the sun. And the angels sounded sweet-sounding trumpets, and all creation began to praise the Lord and everything in heaven and on earth. And the Lord called to sinners. , I shake Him, and said to them: "Look how many blessings you have been deprived of and what a painful fate you will receive. .. "Having said this, the Lord rose up from His glorious Throne and went to those who stood on the right side, saying to them in a meek voice:" Come, blessed of My Father, and enter into the joy of the Lord your God. " , looked at everything that was happening and cursed the sweetness of a temporary vain life.


When the Lord sat at the gates of the Heavenly Jerusalem, the first Mother of God, the Most Pure Virgin Mary, came up, shining with unspeakable glory. Approaching, she bowed to the Lord. The Lord, seeing Her, will accept Her with joy, and, bowing His most pure head, said to Her: "Come, My Mother, into the joy of His Lord, since everything belongs to You. This is Your inheritance!" She bowed down, kissed His hands, and in joy entered the holy city. And all the Heavenly Powers and the righteous sang, glorifying Her as the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven.


Then the Twelve men separated from the right hand and with them John the Forerunner of the Lord, approached the gates of the heavenly city, clothed with glory and with cheerful, bright faces. The Lord joyfully accepted them and kissed them, mercifully said to them: "Enter, my friends, into the joy of His Lord!" They entered the holy city with joy.


Then the Lord called seventy men from the right hand to the gates of the holy city. Their faces shone with heavenly glory, like the moon shining in the darkness of the night. Clothes of their lightning beauty. The Lord graciously accepted them, saying: "Enter, my faithful friends, into the joy of His Lord and rest from the labors you have suffered in preaching My Holy Gospel ...". Having worshiped the Lord, they entered the holy city with joy, and all the saints glorified God. Seeing all this, the sinners who stood on the left side wept bitterly, tormented the hair of their heads and, cursing, condemning themselves, recalled their evil will in temporary life: bliss and happiness. Alas! woe, woe to us. "


After this, by the command of God, the regiment separated itself from the right-hand sides, the great zelo, the faces of the righteous shone like the sun. They were dressed in scarlet vestments, shining with unearthly beauty. These were the martyrs of the last days of the militant Church of Christ, who received the martyr's crown from the Antichrist and his servants. The Lord graciously accepted them.


Then, at the behest of God, a regiment of holy men and women, shining with heavenly glory, approached - these are the confessors of Christ. The Lord caressed them with a merciful gaze, and they entered the holy city with joy.


Then the great regiment approached the gates with joy and gaiety. Their clothes shone like gold. The Lord graciously accepted them, saying: "Good servants and faithful, enter into the joy of His Lord."


After this, the great regiment came to the gates of the holy city. Their faces shone like the sun, their clothes were white as snow. They had omophores on their shoulders. These are the bishops of God who kindly fed the flock of Christ. The Lord graciously accepted them, saying: "Enter into the joy of His Lord, reap the pleasure of your labors, raised in your temporary life in the field of Christ" .... Angels and righteous people sang God Almighty.


Then a great regiment approached the Lord, and with cheerful faces they bowed to Him. He graciously commanded them to enter into the joy of His Lord. These were abstainers and fasting, and monks, purified by true repentance. All the Angels and the righteous glorified God about them.

Martyr's wife

The regiment also separated from the right-hand sides, with faces bright as the sun, in the tsar's purple robe. These are the holy martyrs who shed their blood for Christ. The Lord graciously, in a quiet voice to them said: "Enter, my dear brides, into the Chamber of Your Bridegroom. Enter the marriage of the Lamb of God, we will drink the wine of eternal joy and celebrate the eternal Easter. Triumph for eternal victory over the defeated Satan, his servants and corrupted people." ... The Heavenly Powers and the righteous glorified God - the Conqueror of death and hell - Christ the Son of God, who redeemed the world from Satan's delusion by His Cross.


Then, at the command of God, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and twelve patriarchs in white robes shining with heavenly glory came to the Lord. The Lord graciously said to them: "Enter, my friends, into the rest prepared for you - eternal joy." Angels and holy men glorified God in the glorified Trinity.


Then a multitude of people of the same height and shape came to the Lord, their faces shone seven times brighter than the sun. The Lord commended them greatly for their purity. These were the firstborn of the Lamb of God, redeemed by His blood. These are virgin virgins - Christian babies. About them, the Angels and the saints of God greatly glorified God. Then they came in great regiments: prophets, just judges, peacemakers, merciful, beggar-lovers. All shone with heavenly glory, and the merciful Lord commanded them to enter the bright city and enjoy food and drink incorruptible


Then a small cathedral came to the Lord, shining with the extraordinary glory of heaven. At the command of the Lord, he entered the holy city with boldness to many - these are holy fools for Christ's sake.


Then Moses, Aaron and his son Eleazar, Joshua, seventy prophets, who received this gift under Moses, and all the righteous Judges of Israel from Athohniel to the prophet Samuel, King David and all the pious kings of Israel, and all the sons of Israel from the twelve, came up from the right hand. tribes of Israel, strictly observing the Law of Moses before the coming of Christ. All of them were graciously received by the Lord and entered the holy city.


After this, the Lord called our forefathers Adam, Abel, Seth, Enos, Enoch, Melchizedek, Noah and other holy men and women who pleased God before the flood and the Law of Sinai. The Lord commanded His servants to give them a worthy reward for their deeds and labors.


The small council also came from the right hand in joy and in heavenly joy, with shining faces - these are other holy men and wives of all clans and tribes, who fulfilled the Law, not knowing it, and who honored the One God, pleasing God with chastity and mercy. The Lord gave them unspeakable heavenly joy.

Banished for the truth

Then the Lord called from the right hand a very great regiment, with bright and joyful faces, all adorned with honor and great glory. The Lord mercifully and meekly said to them: "Come, my faithful followers and disciples, inherit eternal rest for your tireless zeal for the truth of God. The wicked and adulterous world hated you, persecuted and persecuted you innocently, for Me you were reviled and ridiculed, dishonored, vilified your good name, and all because you have confessed fearlessly My name, despising man-pleasing, cunning and flattery. Rejoice, friends, and rejoice, rest from the sufferings of your temporary life in the eternal joy of tranquility. "


Finally, the Lord called the last regiment, very beautiful, the faces were like the color of a rose, the clothes were like snow from beautiful flowers. The Lord graciously accepted them and praised them for their faithfulness to His holy commandments. These are husbands and wives who honestly lived in marriage. They diligently visited the temples of God, fervently prayed to God and did deeds of mercy. They decorated the temples of God with holy icons, lit candles, oil and incense. They zealously glorified the name of God in spiritual psalms. The Lord graciously received them; kindly, saying: "Come, my beloved, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the folding of the world." Angels and holy men glorified the Trinity and the One God with great voices. The condemned sinners, idolaters, who did not believe in the Son of God, who stood on the left side, wept bitterly and tormented from the fear of God. Then I saw how the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord rose from the place on which it stood, and, carried invisibly by the Angels, was placed at the gates of Heavenly Jerusalem, where our Lord Jesus Christ dwelt, calling His saints by name and order, and by merit - depending on who how much has succeeded in Christian perfection and love, Giving them with His mercies, leading them to Heavenly Jerusalem to celebrate eternal Easter in the non-evening day of His Kingdom.


Many a multitude of sinners stood throughout the earth, like the sand of the sea, from the time of Adam to the last day of the Coming of Christ, from every nation and tribe. All of them stood with gloomy, spiteful faces, branded with the seal of outcasts. Trembled with fear, like a leaf on a tree, terrified of eternal suffering and torment. Many of the Orthodox Christians will go into the abyss of inextinguishable fire because they were Christians only in name, but did not do Christian deeds and blasphemed the Name of God with their vicious life - they denigrated the Christian title. They inherit a deep torment for their apostasy. The Lord looked at them menacingly, showing them the abodes and the blessedness of the saints, and telling them: "Cursed, crafty, lazy, nasty people. , served, pleasing day and night. You fed yourself up, as it were, for tempering, and, having fed your flesh like a fierce boar, you defiled yourself with the filth of bestial lusts of the flesh, fornication. They ridiculed and mercilessly killed the true preachers of the Gospel. They laughed at My holy law. Despised Heaven and loved the dust of the earth. You did not adorn yourself with radiant clothes and voluntarily put on the foul rags of the prophets. Accept worthy retribution for your deeds. Jerusalem is the Zion Not Made by Hands. But you madly, voluntarily renounced eternal joy. How many times have I called to repentance, every day knocked on your doors my heart, I wanted to give you eternal bliss for free - if only you could bring repentance and humility alone. But you have driven Me out of your doors. So, go, damned, into the eternal fire prepared for Satan. Receive from him a worthy reward for your zeal towards him ... "The Lord stretched out his rod against sinners, and sinners were divided according to nationalities, tribes and clans, beliefs, heresies and schisms. Those who sinned before the Law and after the Law, serving idols and Jews, did not Those who believed in the Coming of Christ, the Lord looked menacingly at the West - and numerous regiments of Angels came, fieryly formidable warriors led by the Archangel Michael.


At the command of God, Satan and all his gloomy dark armies were seized and brought before the Judgment Seat of Christ; as a dark night comes and covers everything with its veil, plunging into darkness, so the dark army of Satan: the darkness of sin, abomination, vices, anger, hatred, envy, blasphemy covered everything around - it became dark over the Universe. God's original enemy and adversary - Satan, bound by the unsolvable bonds of darkness, appeared before the Judgment Seat of Christ in all his disgusting ugliness. Branded with all sorts of vices of sins, eternal iniquity, a curse, trembling and trembling like a leaf on a tree, from great horror and eternal punishment. Wriggling and creeping like a serpent, hissing and whistling with malice. The entire satanic army also stood in terrible terror and anguish, awaiting their final judgment. The Almighty sternly pronounced a formidable verdict to the evil leader Satan and his entire gloomy army: "O maddest and most cursed leader of all evil, the spirit of malice, insignificance of nonentities! How could you forget such great blessings with which you were showered from Me - the culprit of everything that exists in the world, the culprit of eternal happiness and joy, the blessedness of creatures, to whom I, by My grace, bestowed being and eternal life. How you, the most despicable spirit of malice, forgot that you were created by Me and according to My great goodness. You, like the Day of Day, surpassed everyone in glory and power You should have glorified more than all the heavenly inhabitants, thank your Creator for the fact that he was most gifted with eternal joys, happiness and bliss. I, in my goodness, awaited your conversion and repentance until you seduced other celestials who served Me, tearing them away from the glorification of Pre my holy name, and they indulged in criminal reverie. You, insignificance, in your madness dreamed of being God, pride has engendered in you contempt and irreconcilable enmity against Me, your Creator and Greatest Benefactor. You, the most insignificant madman, dared to enter into open battle with the faithful and loyal to Me the inhabitants of heaven. But like lightning he was thrown from the heights of heaven into the abyss of darkness. And this manifested My mercy and love for you. Having deprived you of heavenly joy and plunging you into the land of darkness and despair, I hereby wanted to bring you to repentance. But you, the most insignificant one, despising My good deed, persisted in your madness, relying on pride and anger against My goodness, in your madness armed yourself to fight against your Creator. You, cast down into the abyss of darkness, deprived of the light of heaven, all surrendered to sin and disfigured by crimes, did not stop dreaming of yourself as a Divine. And he did not abandon his criminal plans to capture My Most Holy Tabernacle and My Highest and Most Magnificent Throne. And so I, according to My goodness, created the visible world and, as the crown of the visible, material creation, finally created man from the earth, breathed into him the breath of life, that is, I decorated him with My Image and Immortal Soul. In the new creation of man, I combined two worlds - the spiritual and the material. That is, his body is from the earth - matter from matter. And the Soul is Angelic and immortal. I created man for eternal joy, happiness and bliss, the primary source of which I, his Soul, assigned to Myself in the Tabernacle and the Throne of the Divine in My heart. My primordial child Adam and his sister Eve brought me a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving hourly, every minute. But you, the most malignant insignificance, envious and murderer, in malice and impenitence, having learned by your slyness about the newly created rational beings, tormented by malice and envy of these innocent My creations, worthy of My rich mercies, destined for the Highest bliss, whom you, for, he lost his madness, and called by My goodness to repentance - did not return, due to his bitterness and stubbornness - you, despicable, conceived to destroy them. You, in your madness, were not afraid to commit another terrible crime. You, irrepressible enmity and malice, the father of lies and the culprit of every crime and sin, flatteringly deprived them of My fellowship, poisoning them with the poison of sin. He took off them the ornate garments of innocence and purity. He dressed them with a nasty and gloomy rag of passions and vices. Oh, the most disgusting spirit of anger and enmity! You have criminally occupied My Tabernacle and Throne - the Sanctuary of the heart of the newly created man; you were overthrown from Heaven, where you became a criminal goal to seize the Throne of the Most High. You have committed your criminal plan on earth, where the weak will of the newly created person helped you. Oh, the most criminal and despicable enemy of good and truth, the father of lies, the head of darkness! You, like a cruel tyrant, dwelt in the heart of My fallen creatures and became a formidable ruler and tyrant over them. You darkened their luminous mind, and they became obedient slaves to you. Having rejected the truth, they obeyed lies and deceit, for which they were punished worthily, and for their delusion they lost My favor. Oh, the criminal enemy of beauty and eternal happiness! You brought death and devastation to all creatures on earth. All creature, visible and invisible, rebelled and wept as it saw your crime - homicide. The sun was darkened, the moon disappeared, the stars began to move. All creation wept for the death of its king, kind and radiant, seeing how the most despicable and bloodthirsty tyrant and tormentor reigned. But I, by My boundless goodness, did not leave the fallen creatures without hope of salvation. I gave them the promise of a Redeemer and Savior of the World, so that they might live with faith in the Coming Redeemer and bring repentance, mourning their fall. But you never ceased to darken their minds with oblivion and ignorance. And so, their firstborn, Cain, taught fratricide, the descendants of the righteous Seth caught the nets of feminine beauty and corrupted the entire human race, which began to reject My existence, uncontrollably indulging in the deeds of the flesh, drunkenness, gluttony, luxury, effeminacy, fleshly impurity, pride, blasphemy envy. By my righteous Judgment, I cast them down with the waters of the flood, except for Noah the righteous with his family. But you, inveterate malice, among the growing pure wheat - the sons of Noah - were not afraid to sow the seeds of wickedness. First taught the sons of Ham disobedience, irreverence, self-will, freethinking, false wisdom ... And you taught them to reject My existence. But the monuments of destruction were not allowed to this crime. People remembered the legend of righteous Noah, that for the denial of My existence, the first world was punished by a flood, as evidenced by the ruins, the remains of the ancient world. You have darkened their minds with idolatry, and in the person of idols they brought you abundant sacrifices of sons and daughters. The most malignant and most man-hating leader of the peoples, you taught insatiable passion, covetousness, ambition, voluptuousness to peoples and kingdoms. Driven by their passions, they raised countless bloody wars, and you covered the earth with blood. And rejoicing at this brokicide, he enjoyed suffering, like an inhuman and bloodthirsty tyrant. You, despicable tormentor of the sons of the fallen Adam, did not think to seduce my firstborn Israel into idolatry and deeds of the flesh, distracting him from faithfulness to My Law and promises. Thou hast aroused the hatred of My people towards My prophets, who denounced the vile deeds of the flesh and taught My people Israel the true worship of God. With the hands of this cruel and cruel people, you, a hater of good, killed My prophets. But now the hour has come, and I, fulfilling My promise, came into the world to save lost humanity from your tyranny. And now I just perceived human flesh in Bethlehem from the Holy Virgin Mary, and you managed to restore all Jerusalem and especially ambitious Herod against your Redeemer and Savior. I had to flee to Egypt out of rage and ambition, not because I was powerless against your rage - no! - desiring to teach My followers to guard their lives from premature danger, to give no place for anger. How many times have you taught the scribes and Pharisees to stone Me with stones because I showed people the way of truth and exposed your deceitful deceptions, by means of which you entangled the world with networks of temptations, trapping the sons of Adam into destruction. But I, laughing at your tricks, passed by and was unharmed, proving your madness against the truth. Oh, the primordial enemy of mankind, you kindled envy, hatred of the scribes and Pharisees, and after many of your defeats, you found an ally of your criminal plans among my chosen disciples and Apostles. You infected the heart of Judas with the passion of avarice - this is the root of all iniquity. He betrayed Me to be crucified. But your anger did not rejoice for long. Having accomplished the work of redemption, I, as the Conqueror of death and hell, inflicted a terrible defeat on you and an incurable wound with My Cross. I victoriously destroyed your dark kingdom on earth, and breaking the bonds of hell, bestowed Freedom. And you, the evil leader, have tied the bonds of darkness, watching for the day of condemnation. But you did not stop acting evil and being bound, through your servants raised fierce persecutions against My disciples and followers, trying to wipe out the truth from the face of the earth. The shed blood of the martyrs, like a seed, gave birth to numerous regiments of martyrs. Christians have remained the winners of your contrivances. Even children and young women and Christian youths have conquered you, despicable and rejected, despising your deceptions. They gladly went to death, as to a wedding feast. But you, struck in the head, in your madness again prepared for battle with the celestials, arrogant and exalted with your omnipotence, like a dry, rotten tree, and especially when I gave you freedom for three and a half years. So that you, being exalted and completely distraught from the successes of popular corruption and worldwide service to you, with the exception of My chosen ones, again entered into battle in the person of the Antichrist and his servants, who, like you, mad with corruption, persecuted and killed My followers. In madness, considering themselves self-gods, rejecting My power and omnipotence. But My Holy Church - the beloved Bride - triumphed over your servants and remained the victor. Your chosen vessel and the son of destruction, the Antichrist and his false prophets have been thrown into the abyss of hell, where they experience terrible torment, which will never end. The end of your villainy and gloomy dominion on earth has come, the hour of due retribution has come to you, the most repentant and all-wise and most disgusting father of lies and deception - Satan. "The Lord looked at the enemy of the human race - and the Lord commanded Michael the Archangel to defeat him. with the sword of the serpent of the ancient Satan and his godly head. And his example was followed by the regiments of the Forces of Heaven. Like lightning, the entire satanic army plunged into the abyss of seething hell with terrible noise and cries, in impotent anger.


The Lord looked menacingly at the left side - and they seized the formidable Angels of blasphemers, apostates, persecutors of the human race, forerunners of the Antichrist, who prepared for him the path of impiety and blasphemy, unconfirmed Christians, brought by them to apostasy, persecutors of the first Christian times. The Lord pronounced a terrible judgment upon them, and the Angels cast them into the abyss of fire.

Robbers and robbers

Then the Angels separated a great regiment with gloomy faces - apostates, robbers and robbers. Their faces are distorted with infernal malice, their hands and clothes are stained with blood, and having beaten them unmercifully, they plunged them into the sea of ​​fire. With a cry and a groan, tearing the soul apart, they plunged into the abyss of hell.


Again the Angels separated the horde of husbands and wives with terrible and disgusting faces, festering, stinking worms teeming with, disgusting snakes gnawed at their hearts, wrapping around their nasty bodies. At the word of the Lord, the Angels pierced them with swords of fire, casting them into the abyss of fire.


The terrible angels seized and attracted another very great horde, with satanic faces, a stench emanated from them, and worms gnawed their vile bodies, and the fiery snakes gnawed and lived them. The Lord threateningly pronounced his righteous sentence to them: "Oh, unfortunate and insane voluptuous and libertines, you despised the joy of Paradise, which I promised you through My messengers in the Holy Gospel, you madly indulge in the delight of filth and vile flesh. May you reap your bribe in the abyss. fiery ". The holy angels beat them with rods of fire and cast them into the abyss.


At the behest of the Lord, formidable Angels seized sinners from the left side and drew them before the Judgment Seat of Christ, their faces were gloomy and distorted. Disgusting flies hung on the bodies - these are people who delighted in unclean and vicious thoughts, evil seductive conversations and lustful looks and touches. The Holy Angels bound them with heavy iron chains and cast them into the abyss of fire. They cried bitterly: "Oh, woe, woe to us, unrepentant sinners!"


Then the Angels seized and attracted many sinners, their faces are covered with pus and stench, the skin of beastly. These are cattlemen. The Lord turned away His Most Pure Face from them, and the formidable Angels pierced them with a fiery sword and cast them into the abyss.


Then the Angels seized the regiment in clothes caked with blood, and the nails dug into their bodies. Disgusting pus emanated from his lips, and his legs were twisted. The Lord looked at them, and the holy Angels cast them into the abyss of hell. They are suicides and strangled people, and in other ways have deprived themselves of their lives, and by their despair, they insulted and cursed.

Thieves and robbers

The Lord also looked menacingly at the left side of the Judgment Seat. The formidable Angels seized and attracted many sinners with gloomy and dark faces, distorted by malice and hatred; clothes are torn, dirty, stained with blood, goatskin on the legs. The Lord looked at them menacingly - and the Angels, having bound them, plunged them into the abyss of hell. They are thieves and robbers.


Then the Angels seized and attracted a regiment of great sinners, from whose lips disgusting worms and stench emanated. Snakes coiled around their heads and stung them. They are liars and perjurers. At the command of God, the Angels cast them into a raging sea of ​​fire, beating with fiery sticks on their foul lips.

Angry, Irritable, and Malicious

At the word of the Lord, the Angels seized a regiment of great sinners. Their dark and gloomy faces were contorted with intense malice and hatred, as if Satan himself. They gnashed their teeth, tongues fell out of their mouths like snakes, their eyes burned, emitting sparks. They are angry, vindictive, envious, malicious, malicious, mockers, mockers of the weak and defenseless. According to the word of the Lord, the Angels brutally beat them with rods of fire, cast them into the abyss, where there were gnashing of teeth and a worm that never slept. They sobbed bitterly, inconsolably, bloody ones shed tears. But there is no mercy.


Then the Lord looked to the left side - and the formidable Angels seized a great horde. Their faces, nasty and gloomy, are defiled with stinking blood like soot, their legs are covered with sores - these are unrepentant, who have not washed their sins with tears and repentance, mercy to the poor and forgiveness of offenses. Not appeasing God, they were irreconcilably enmity with each other, flattering each other. The Angel who was leading me said that by forgiving the wrongs inflicted on us, the Merciful God bows down to us and forgives our sins. For it is said in the Holy Gospel: forgive the sins of people, and the Lord will forgive you your sins. Fulfill all the commandments of God - and you will find many benefits at the Last Judgment of God. Oh, how insane and unhappy are those people who do not want virtue, that is, to forgive everything and by forgiving offenses to acquire the Kingdom of Heaven; pride and rancor do not allow this saving virtue. Any person who takes revenge on his offender and enemy is destroying himself and his own implacable enemy. The Lord looked menacingly at the offenders, avengers, revilers, drunkards and gluttons - and the holy Angels cast them into the abyss of a raging flame.


Then the holy angels seized a great horde of sinners, among them were bishops, priests, deacons, and the clergy of the church, and other people, men and women, youths and young women. Their faces were stained with pus, worms swarmed from their nostrils, and small snakes curled in their hair. From feet to neck, snakes gnawed at them of a terrible size, engulfing their entire body with their terrible snake body. From their bodies and hands vile filth appeared, purulent foam emanated from their eyes, disgusting worms hung and sharpened their vile flesh. The Lord looked at them menacingly and said: "Oh, a perverse and adulterous race, you have been deceived by the momentary pleasures of the flesh, you have despised heavenly bliss, and for this momentary pleasure you will eternally drink the cup of sorrow among the flames of hell. On earth you kindled the lust of the flesh, you will be here forever burned with the ferocity of the fire of hell and the gnawing of an unrelenting worm. Depart from Me, you accursed, damned, unclean, into eternal torment. If you would repent and wash your foul lusts with tears, having lived in chastity and purity, you could receive forgiveness and mercy. But now there is no time for repentance, the hour of righteous recompense has come to each according to his deeds. " Angels, scourging them with fiery rods, cast them into the abyss of inextinguishable fire. With terrible screams and curses, they plunged into the sea of ​​fire. They cried out: "Cursed be the hour and the day when we were deceived by the abomination of the prodigal. Oh, woe, woe to us, the unfortunate."


Then the Angels seized a very large regiment in monastic clothing and drew it before the Judgment Seat of Christ. Their faces are as dark as soot. Their lamps were extinguished and emitted a stinking smoke. But their necks showed laziness and negligence in the form of birds - owls. Above them hung thoughtfulness and slovenliness like snakes, and recalcitrance like heavy iron clasped their backs. The Lord sternly, reproachfully looked at them for having overcome their passions and defilement. They did not fulfill the second consecration, they did not destroy the passions and lusts of the flesh. The Lord told them: "Depart from Me, ministers of passions and lovers of carnal lust. Depart into eternal torment. For the sake of your negligence, you have lost eternal joy and happiness; for the sake of gluttony, carnality, you voluntarily renounced Me in temporary life. Reap the fruits of your hands - worthy reward for your neglect in the work of salvation. " When they heard this, they began to pray to the Lord with tears: "Have mercy on us. We knew the One. You were served day and night, and they drove out demons in your name, and created many signs in your name." And like thunder, the menacing voice of the Most Righteous Judge was heard: "Depart, you damned, into the eternal fire, for you have not obeyed My voice, and I will not listen to you." And the Angels plunged them into the abyss of hell. The Angel who led me said: "Before the end of the century, the monastic rank will almost completely go to ruin, because there are few who are saved, who love labor, malice and humility. by cunning; Satan will attract many to himself, especially those who for God's sake did not love poverty, misery, humility, crying, and therefore easily believe the charms of the Antichrist, rejecting Christ, will perish forever. "


Then the formidable Angels seized and drew a regiment of monks and simple Christians to the Judgment Seat of Christ. Their clothes were as gloomy as the darkness of the night. at times their faces darkened, at times they were enlightened, pure milk dripped from their right hands, and a stinking resin from their left. The Lord looked at them, turned His face away from them. The fearsome angels led them to eternal torment. They often turned to the Judgment Seat of Christ, crying out plaintively: "Have mercy on us, Merciful Lord God!" The Lord had mercy on them and, in His righteousness, was strict with them. And then suddenly the Youth came down from the heights of heaven. Indescribable beauty, Glorified by the glory of heaven. And many Angels served Her. Approaching, she began to ask the Lord for those who were taken to the torment. The Lord heeded Her petition and granted pardon for the sake of Her petition. She instantly overtook the formidable Angels and said to them: "The Heavenly Father is merciful and His Only Begotten Son and the Holy Spirit, therefore the regiment of these merciful will not be tormented, since for the sake of My intercession they have mercy." The angels answered: "We know who You are - beloved by God, the Most Merciful. No one else has boldness before the Righteous Judge except You," and they returned the entire regiment to the Judgment Seat of Christ. They awaited their righteous judgment with trembling and fear, trembling like a leaf on a tree. And the Judge said to them mercifully and compassionately: "For the sake of your alms, eternal fire I will deliver you, but for the sake of fornication and other filthiness and passions - you will not see my kingdom and you will not inherit my eternal blessedness, you will not see the joy of my saints, since you have no clothes. They have defiled the garment of innocence, holiness and purity received in Holy Baptism. And they don't come to marriage in unclean clothes, they don't defile the joys of the saints. " He ordered to give them a place in the North.


Then the Lord commanded to separate from the left side the blind who did not walk at the behest of God. They had neither the seal of evil nor the seal of good. The Lord looked at them, took pity with meekness. He drew attention to their menacing parents, condemning them that they did not try to enlighten them with Holy Baptism. And the Lord commanded His holy angels to grant them a place of rest at midday, in the West, and a little part of the enjoyment of eternal life, but so that they would not see the face of God. They glorified God in a glorious manner: "All-merciful Master, who owns life and death, you are blessed and good, and merciful, because the Lord of life and death has deprived us of our temporary life with Your inscrutable destinies, and therefore we only ask You:" Have mercy on us, Lord. " "And the Lord gave me a little consolation. They were unbaptized babies. They were all the same age. They glorified the goodness of God for His mercy and entered the rest prepared for them by the Lord."


Then the formidable Angels seized and brought before the Judgment Seat of Christ a regiment of sinners, their faces, like those of Satan himself, their heads were serpentine, and malignant worms emanated from their mouths. The Lord looked menacingly at them, especially at the deceiver Arius, who seduced many into his false teaching, teaching that the Son of God is a creature and not Consubstantial, not one being with God the Father. And the Lord ordered the formidable Angels to bring them down into the fiercest torment, where Satan himself, and the demons, and the Antichrist, and Judas the traitor are tormented, and all the wicked assembly of Satan. With terrible cries, curses, they plunged into a fiery abyss, boiling with pitch and sulfur.


And also the formidable Angels seized and drew to the Judgment Seat of Christ the wicked assembly of the heretic Macedonia. Their faces are wild and fierce, like those of angry tigers. A stench and stench emanated from his lips, his eyes sparkled with satanic malice. Turning to their false teacher Macedonia, the Lord said: "I will not reprove you, but the Holy Spirit, blasphemed by you, will come and shame, since He is the True God." And suddenly all the Forces of Heaven and the holy men of God solemnly and triumphantly sang the Divine song, glorifying the Holy Spirit: us from all defilement, and save our souls, O Belove one. Come and appear, may the all-profane false teacher Macedonius be afraid of You. " And at the end of the chants, a great light shone, a fiery illumination, and terrible lightning flashed; and an emerald-shaped Throne appeared, on which the Holy Spirit Comforter in the form of a fiery dove hovered over the Throne of the Righteous Judge of the Only Begotten Son of God. Angels and the council of the righteous of God glorified the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit - the Consubstantial and Inseparable Trinity. And the heresy was put to shame, the chief of Macedon with his like-minded people. The holy angels, beating them mercilessly with chains, threw them into the abyss of hell, where Satan himself is tormented. They sobbed terribly and cursed their false teacher, plunging into the sea of ​​fire.


And the menacing Angels seized them, and brought before the Judgment Seat of Christ the cathedral of the wicked heresy of the ruler Nestorius. Their faces were gloomy and disgusting, their heads were serpentine. The Lord looked at them menacingly, saying: "Oh, a nasty and insane false teacher and perverter of many souls, which you have rejected from the unity of My Holy Universal Church. I am One Holy, One Lord Jesus Christ, in two nature and in one person worshiped and glorified from all the creatures. " The heretics were ashamed and were unrequitedly silent. Then came the Lady of the Theotokos with the host of Saints and with all the Powers of Heavenly Jerusalem to her Son and our God, shining with ineffable light and adorned with magnificent glory. And all the Angels and holy men sang to Her the singing of praise: "Rejoice, the Matter of Christ God, who has been honored to be." Hearing this, the wicked trembled and were put to shame. Holy Angels, tying them with chains, beating them with clubs of fire, plunged into the abyss of hell. The Queen of Heaven again departed to Heavenly Jerusalem, glorified by the heavenly inhabitants.


Even formidable Angels seized and attracted a large regiment of heretics, who taught that in Christ is one nature, that torment is not eternal, but temporary. The Lord looked menacingly and said menacingly: "Oh, senseless and insane perverters, I am the Lord, the Son of God in two nature - God in nature and man in nature, as the Holy Fathers of the Ecumenical Councils taught and confirmed by My Holy Spirit. You were mistaken in your pride and they were deceived from the devil by their false teaching. Depart from Me, you cursed into eternal torment. " The menacing angels seized them and threw them into the abyss. They wept bitterly, cursing their false teachers and plunging into a fiery abyss.


Then the holy Angels from the left side seized a great regiment and drew to the Judgment Seat: heretics, iconoclasts and others like them, who worshiped soulless and wild idols. Like dogs, they gnawed at each other. They taught lies that the Lord the Son of God brought flesh from heaven, and did not borrow it from the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. The iconoclasts destroyed the most pure image of the Mother of God and the saints, and the Angels of God. The Lord looked at them menacingly and denounced them for their delusions, saying: "Satan himself taught you to destroy and trample upon My holy images. You fools, could you not understand that the honor given to My image is accepted by Me as being shown to Me. I am myself. I myself favored even during My earthly life that honor was given to My image. And therefore I sent My image not made by hands to Prince Avgar. From him and from the images of My Most Pure Mother countless miracles were performed. Mad, you honor the images of your earthly rulers and give them worthy honor. And My image was destroyed and dishonored. Go to eternal torment to your teacher Satan. " And the Angels began to plunge them into the abyss of fire. They sobbed bitterly and tore the hairs on their heads, cursing their delusion and, like tin, plunged into a blazing flame.

ABOUT THE JEWS who crucified Christ

After that, the Lord ordered to present the great regiment, countless multitudes, covered with heavy darkness. Their faces were covered with purulent blood and large thorns in their eyes, their ears were anointed with pitch, and in their hands they held ponytails, their legs were twisted and shod in donkey skins. They looked at each other and wondered at themselves and said in a whisper: "Oh, woe to us: He, Whom Anna and Caiaphas crucified on the Cross with the Pontic Pilate, now wants to judge the living and the dead. Oh, evil seducers and seducers through whom we were deceived and did not believe in Him, but now they fell into His hands, and there is no one who has mercy on us. We are unrequited before Him. How much harm we did to Him and His disciples. If we would believe in Him and be baptized, as many of our others did, whom we now see going into the Kingdom of Heaven, He would take us there too. " When they were saying this, the Lord spoke to them with an angelic trumpet: "Am I not the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Father, bowing the heavens, came down and was born of the Holy Spirit and of the Holy Virgin Mary? At your meetings he taught you and said:" I and the Father is one; and if you don’t believe me, believe my works; you have seen my deeds - resurrected the dead, enlightened the blind, the lame began to walk, the lepers were cleansed, the relaxed recovered, the demons drove out and healed every disease and disease. You saw it all, but you were blinded by your mind. They did not want to listen to me, and therefore you cannot be saved, live forever and reign; but I will say even more: for all that you have done good for you, you crucified Me on the Cross and drove a spear into my rib. You see, now my hands and ribs are covered with wounds, and they undoubtedly reveal the ferocity that you have shown to me. But I will not judge you for this, but because you did not listen to my chosen disciples, who were sent to convert you to repentance; you did not want to be converted, but chose to die in sins. Hearing this, they began to cry; some beat their breasts, while others rubbed their faces, saying: "Moses, Moses, it's hard for us! Where are you now? Come, if you deserve mercy from God, and now deliver us." The Lord again said to them: "Because of your disbelief in Me, let Moses, whom you call for a judgment call, find the innocent; he will convict you." At these words, Moses appeared before them in great glory. They saw him, immediately recognized him and shouted: "Oh, Moses, you gave us the Law. We kept the Law given to us by you, as you commanded us, and not only did not accept the present Judge, but crucified and killed Him. Tell us now: "Who is This, and why did you not say about Him in your Law?" Tell us about this and deliver us from His hand, because we see that we are all in His power, and something that we did not expect has overtaken us. He wants to judge us, and there is no one who would deliver us; now help us in such distress. "


Moses answered them: "Oh, senseless and hard-hearted, sons of not Abraham, but of the devil. Did I not write to you in the Law like this: The Lord God of your brethren will raise up a prophet for you, whom you must listen to, like me, no matter what they say And every soul that will not listen to that Prophet will be expelled from among them. is being done, and this is the expectation of the peoples. And he predicted many other things that were read by you on Saturdays in your meetings. inherited from the Gentiles. " They answered: "How could we believe in Him, who called Himself the Son of God, when nothing was written about it in your Law, and the prophets did not speak about it?" Moses said: "I called Him a Prophet, like myself, since He became human: God is perfect and man is perfect - in these two natures He was perfect, but your envy, malice and pride did not allow you to believe in Him and, as a result, an eternal flame awaits you in the future. " Having said this, Moses departed from them.


At the command of God, the formidable Angels seized and attracted an impious gathering with faces gloomy more than all sinners, their eyes are dark and darkened, on their foreheads there are inscriptions: "Satan, - and in their right hands there are tablets: on them it is written:" Outcast. "And to them he said The Lord threatenedly, like thunder, struck the words of His wicked. The Lord said to them: "O cursed and wicked, you madly, for the sake of earthly delights of sin, denied Me and defiled the Holy Baptism, and worshiped the Antichrist, and served that wicked flatterer and deceiver." Terrible angels seized them and beat them with iron clubs of fire, and plunged them into the abyss of fire, where Satan himself and the Antichrist are tormented.From there emanated terrible cries and groans, violent sobs and curses. Hearing their cries, I was horrified.


Then the Angels seized and attracted a bunch of wicked, learned people who, by their pride, studying the wisdom of this world, rejected the existence of God and destroyed a multitude of people with their godless writings, corrupting the people and encouraging evil in the world, especially debauchery and freethinking. They roared like lions, and gnashed their teeth, and shouted furiously: "Oh, fierce grief for us. Oh, Crucified and Hidden God and Humanitarian, we were not the only ones who rejected You and did not believe Your Holy Scripture, did not even want to hear about Your name, God". At the same time, tongues hung from their lips, like those of rabid dogs. A purulent and disgusting stench emanated from the larynx, disgusting worms swarmed on their faces, small bloodthirsty snakes wriggled around their heads, and large snakes gnawing at their hearts around their bodies. They suffered terribly, and tore the hair on their heads, and bit their tongues. And on their foreheads were the inscriptions: "Seducers and perverters." - "Oh, Crucified God, spare us, only now we have seen Your Glory, we believe in You as the Son of God. We were Your enemies and persecutors. and to perverters like us. Oh, death is our benefactor, come to us and deliver us from our bitter lot. Hearing about eternal torment, we laughed. But the preachers of the Word of God were mocked and mocked. wickedness and corruption. " The holy angels beat them with clubs of fire and cast them into the abyss of hell, where Satan himself dwells and, screaming terribly and grinding his teeth, they plunged into the depths of a raging, seething flame; from the abyss of fiery furious screams were heard, tearing the soul, and groans, and insane sobs, screams and gnashing of teeth, and curses. Sinners cursed and hated one another, and in their pride they considered their neighbors to be responsible for their destruction. The son cursed his father for not teaching him to do the will of God; daughter cursed her mother: "Why did you give birth to me, so that I may suffer in this flame forever." O! A terrible sight and very terrible in all the horrors of hell. No language can fully express, not only human, but also Angelic.


Suddenly I heard a voice like the roar of a lion, screaming and moaning: someone, grinding his teeth, shouted: "Oh, horror, oh horror! Oh, Crucified God, I am not alone, but together with others I did not understand Your incarnation and You, not wanting to hear even Your name ... And now I see that You are the Supreme Lord Jesus Christ. Here, being in captivity, I, Your former enemy, confess You the Lord and God ... Oh, woe to the one who He did not love You, and did not accept Your coming to earth! Oh, woe to those who did not know You, the true God, did not believe in You and were not baptized! Oh, woe to those who did not know You and did not fulfill Your commandments! , woe to me, for I too am perishing in this terrible flame, which tormented me to the end! Oh, benefactor death! Where are you? -or something like that? Alas, alas, how grievous this torment is! " I listened as attentively to these cries as to all the previously described heavy sighs and bitter moans. And I asked the Angel who was leading me: "Who is it undergoing such terrible tortures?" The angel replied: "This is Diocletian - the Christian tormentor."


And at that hour the Judgment Seat of God ceased, since all the wicked were cast into the abyss of hell. And mother earth closed her mouth, and the gates of hell were closed forever ...

And suddenly an inexpressible angelic singing was heard, giving glory to the justice of the Son of God. And the Lord entered with the angels into the holy city of Heavenly Jerusalem, and the gates of this great city were closed. And the Son of God sat on a high and exalted throne in His glory. And the Lord commanded to bring all the heavenly spiritual treasures, and the Lord meekly and very mercifully began to bestow all the saints according to the number of their virtues, who could contain as many of these virtues - gifts, depending on the degree of righteous perfection.


The Mother of God was the first to approach the magnificent Throne of Her beloved Son. Christ greeted Her with joy and took off the crown of a wonderful and unspeakable beauty, shining with glory more than the rays of the sun, from His Most Pure Head and placed it on the head of His Most Pure Mother, and said meekly and very mercifully: “Oh, Mother, My, accept this glory, which My Father gave Me, the victory over the devil and death, the victory that I accomplished by accepting flesh from You.Oh, My dear Mother, before You are all spiritual treasures. that there is in My Kingdom, enjoy, my dear Mother, - the spiritual gifts of Thy Son for the great sorrows and sufferings that You endured in temporary life. crucified in her heart under the Cross, just as I did on the Cross. The marriage of Thy Son has come, and My beautiful Bride Church prepared herself for this triumph, like Me, with many sorrows. And in My Blood she washed her clothes. celebration, and the noise of the voices of an incessant holiday is heard. " Then the Lord gave the Mother of God the first scarlet robe, in which He Himself dressed as a God-man. The Queen of Heaven kissed the right hand of His beloved Son, and all the Forces of Heaven and the saints sang a wonderful song, glorifying the Mother of God ... And presented to the Queen at your right hand, in golden robes, covered and adorned. Glory shone on Her, as if a thousand suns shone in an instant. This is how the Mother of God was glorified when the spiritual gifts of Her Son were poured out on Her. And at the behest of Her Son, She entered the Hall of beauty, splendor, surpassing the beauty of the Heavenly Jerusalem. No language can express the beauty of this Hall, not only human, but also Angelic.


Then the Lord mercifully and meekly called His Forerunner John and His Twelve Apostles to Himself. On their heads were wreaths of paradise flowers of wonderful beauty, and the Lord placed on their heads many-value crowns of wonderful heavenly beauty, shining with glory like the sun, and gave them royal garments, and crowned them as kings, and gave them numerous heavenly gifts. Then he commanded them to sit on twelve magnificent thrones of fire and named the twelve tribes of Israel as their judges, that is, he set them elders as Lords over all the saints, to evaluate the labors and deeds performed in temporary life, and according to the degree of perfection to give them heavenly spiritual gifts. Addressing the Twelve Apostles, the Lord, with meekness and love, told them: "My friends, beloved, come and enjoy the eternal blessings prepared for you from the folding of the world. Ease yourselves from your many deeds that you have endured for the sake of preaching the Gospel. Take comfort from the many different sorrows and sufferings you have suffered. you for the sake of Me and the Gospel. Rejoice, My friends, and rejoice in eternal joy for the short-term hardships that you suffered for Me in sorrow. This is the joy that I told you about not at the Last Supper before My sufferings. The world will rejoice, and you will be sad, but dare, your sorrow will turn into joy. " The Lord spoke many other words of praise and thanksgiving to them. They bowed down with humility and kissed His most pure feet, saying: "We are indecent servants, insignificant, who have done no good before You. Glory to Your riches, kindness and mercy!" And at the same hour the Apostles sat on thrones around their Lord, enlightened and enjoying the glory of seeing the Lord. The powers of Heaven and all the saints have glorified the goodness of God.


After this, the Lord graciously and meekly called the seventy Apostles, saying to them: "Come, my neighbors, come, you who have loved Me with all their hearts, who labored much for the preaching of My Holy Gospel. Come and receive a worthy reward for the labors and deeds of the Apostleship." And he put crowns on their heads, clean of stones, shining with beauty and unspeakable glory, and bestowed upon them spiritual gifts according to the number of their virtues. And all the Heavenly Powers and the saints glorified the goodness and mercy of God. And their praise was heard, sounding like thunderclaps. From the sweetness of this praise, my heart melted. And all the Forces of Heaven were enlightened by the great glory of heaven from the splendid glory of our Lord Jesus Christ sitting on the Throne of Glory! Then the Lord meekly and quietly called the men of the Apostles, that is, their successors: the Bishops of the Christian Church. Among them were the holy martyrs and other men of the Apostles. The Lord praised them for their selfless labors and deeds and crowned them with crowns of indescribable beauty, and endowed them with numerous spiritual gifts. And they were glorified by the ineffable glory of heaven, like the sun in the middle of a dark night ... Holy Angels and God's men glorified God's mercy and immeasurable goodness ... Thus, the entire council of saints called by the Lord approached the Throne of God's Glory: prophets, saints, martyrs , preachers, evangelists, saints, forefathers, fathers, patriarchs, abstainers, virgins, merciful, meek, exiled for the sake of righteousness, gentle and all saints of every rank and title. And all of them the Lord graciously endowed with heavenly spiritual gifts, and, accepting them, they were enlightened seven times in heavenly glory, shining with heavenly light and shining with all virtue. Having finished the distribution of spiritual gifts, the Lord turned to the entire Council of His Saints and the beautiful Bride of His Church and mercifully said to them with meekness and love: "My dear friends and my neighbors are the children of My Heavenly Father, New Israel, the firstborn and elect from all nations and languages. , royal priesthood, holy people, kings and priests of the Most High God! You, living in temporary life, knew weeping and sobbing, in the country of exile you were not deceived by the vanity of the world and the vile sweets of sinful pleasures of the flesh. According to the words of the royal psalmist, you brought yourself, that is thoughts, intentions, words, deeds as a burnt offering.You could say with boldness to me - for your sake we are killed all day and are credited, like a sheep to be slaughtered. And you, having loved Me with all your heart, spent your time in chastity, virginity, fasting and strict abstinence. And they were seduced by the pleasures of the flesh and gluttony and drunkenness. And you, who have loved Me, did not eat bread or drink water until your thirst was completely quenched. The wicked were attached with all their hearts to earthly enrichment and for the sake of their enrichment they hurt and killed each other. But you, my faithful friends, have renounced everything earthly and despised all riches on earth; gold you considered rubbish, according to the word of my Supreme Apostle Paul: All the utterances on the menu so I will acquire Christ... But you that you had from Me, as My gift to you, have given out for Me to the needy. The wicked, possessed by covetousness and pride, being offended, indulged in anger, memory malice and inhuman revenge. And you, my chosen ones, according to my word, imitating me, rewarded good for evil and love from the heart for hatred and persecution. And the wicked indulged in laziness, luxury, and the repose of the flesh. And you, my dear brethren, were in incessant labors and exploits, and in ceaseless prayer, and all-night vigils, and in countless knees in My holy temples, glorified My holy name not with laziness, but with ardent zeal and joy. You have exhausted your corruptible flesh, and by your exploits of piety you have adorned your souls with the garment of holiness and purity and integrity. The wicked indulged in sinful sorrow, excessive cares, suffering under the yoke of the passions of voluptuousness, covetousness and popularity, from which all evil in the world is born. And you, My righteous ones, despising everything earthly and becoming above the passions, spent time in sorrow even for Bose, crying about one thing: how not to lose your heavenly fatherland, begging My goodness for the sins of your youth and your ignorance. The wicked chased after the vain ghosts of the vain glory of their earthly and for her sake indulged in all kinds of crimes, seeking to achieve this sign of vanity. And you, my chosen ones, abhorred the vain glory of man, and in humility of heart considered yourself to be earth and ashes, and wept over your unworthiness. The wicked, mired in the vanity and passions of the flesh, in pride and madness, rejected My power and might. My eternal existence, not wanting to repent and turn to Me with repentance. But, like Satan, they were incorrigibly corrupted and hardened to the point of utter madness. And you, being at the height of moral perfection, have always been well pleased with Me and have remained in Me the fear of God. The wicked, mired in fleshly filth, wallowing in sinful mud, tried to corrupt all people by the example of their vicious life, doing a satanic god-loathing deed. And you, My chosen ones, preaching My Holy Gospel, enlightened the whole world sitting in the darkness and shadow of the mortal with the Light of My teachings, made numerous journeys throughout the Universe, preaching liberation to captives, resurrection by dead sin, according to the words of the royal psalmist: to the whole earth, send out their broadcasting and to the ends of the Universe their verbs- have endured countless insults, torture, cruel torment, persecution. But all of you, loving Me, like Me, prayed to My Heavenly Father, and many tormentors became My faithful servants and preachers of the Truth. So, my dear friends, my chosen firstborn of nations and tongues, whoever sows what will reap. The wicked sowed into the flesh; from the flesh they will reap destruction. And those who sow the spirit will reap eternal life from the spirit. That is, the wicked, like tares, were cast into the abyss of hell. And you, the elect, - the wheat - are gathered into the heavenly granary. The wicked, for the short-term pleasure and delights of sin, will forever suffer and torment in the flame of an inextinguishable fire. And you, my chosen ones, enjoy my eternal blessings for short-term labors and deeds, and suffering. My chosen ones, enjoy my spiritual meal; drink My spiritual drink, you who hunger and thirst for My righteousness. Come, blessed of My Father, and enjoy. The Kingdom of Heaven is prepared for you from the folding of the world. ”Like numerous thunders, the song of praise and thanksgiving of the many lips of the Heavenly Forces and all the saints rang out sweetly:“ Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, salvation and glory, honor, strength to our Lord, for His Judgment is true and righteous ... He justly condemned the wicked, who corrupted the earth with their wickedness. Praise our God, all servants, small and great: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. The Lord God Almighty reigns, let us rejoice and be glad, and give glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb and the endless peace of faith has come: the endless Passover has come. And the proud mental Pharaoh and Satan with horses and horsemen, with their cunning and deception drowned in the sea of ​​fire. Let us rejoice and rejoice, exclaim a victory song, slano, God became glorified: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. "From this sweet-sounding and victorious praise heaven and earth trembled with joy. " And fast my heart like wax, melts in the middle of my womb... And no language, not only human, but also Angelic, is unable to convey the joy that the saints were saturated with, singing a song of praise, praising and glorifying God.


At the behest of the Lord, the Church of God suddenly appeared. Magnificent and wonderful zelo, indescribable beauty. The church platform shone with pure gold, very beautiful young men, in the deacon's rank, walked on this platform, and they prepared everything for the Divine service. Solemnly, loudly, like strong thunderclaps, exclamations were heard: "Bless, Master!" The only begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, sat on the magnificent Throne of His Glory and the Twelve Apostles on the thrones of their wonderful and wondrous beauty of heaven. The Lord said to the deacons: "Call here all my elect." And at the same hour the deacons sounded golden trumpets, and like a thunder there was a trumpet sound: "Come, blessed of My Father, into the Church of My saints, let us make a new sacrifice of joy ..." And immediately all the saints entered with joy and spiritual joy. temple of God Almighty. Then our Most Pure Lady the Theotokos came out of Her Hall. Inexpressible beauty, filled with incredible glory. I entered the temple of the Lord with great honor and triumph, and with the sweet singing of Angels and all the saints who chant: "It is worthy to be truly blessed, the Mother of God ..." ... The Lord descended from the Throne of His Glory, and the Apostles followed His example. When the Mother of God received the blessing from her beloved Son, the holy Apostles worshiped Her reverently. Our Most Holy Lady was standing in wondrous garments, and on Her head was the crown bestowed by the Lord, as the Scripture says: She is presented to the Queen at your right hand, in robes of gilded robes and adorned. Then the seventy Apostles came to receive the blessing from our Lord Jesus Christ in great glory and shining with inexpressible light. Then came the men of the Apostles, the holy martyrs, prophets, martyrs, forefathers, patriarchs, reverend fathers and mothers. Each face departed from the Lord and rose in its place. When all the righteous stood in their places, at that hour an ineffable light shone in their hearts from much joy and delight. The peace of God anointed their hearts with the sweetness of the Divine. Divine love inflamed their hearts with a desire to ceaselessly sing thanksgiving chants, full of Divine joy of victorious triumph! And there came an eternal triumph over Satan and death. The Kingdom of Glory and Eternal Bliss has arrived - the Eternal Easter has arrived - Axial Endless Day! The Kingdom of the Son of God and all His holy first-borns, whom He chose from the tongues and peoples of the earth, from all tribes, has come. They, unable to refrain from the rapture that gripped them, began to sing a song of praise: "We praise God to you. We confess the Lord to you. The whole earth magnifies the Eternal Father. All the angels are for you, heaven and all power for you. Cherubims and Seraphims cry out to you incessant voices : Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of hosts, the heavens and the land of the majesty of Thy glory are full of essence! " From their voice heaven and earth trembled joyfully, sharing joy and victorious praises. And so the Great High Priest and Bishop of the good things to come, the Only Begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ descended from the magnificent Throne of His Glory to celebrate the Divine Liturgy. He was clothed in all the high priestly garments. An omophorion is laid on top of the sakkos, on the head of a miter, of wonderful and indescribable beauty. From all the garments and the Most Pure Face of the Son of God, God's radiance emanated and delighted the hearts of all the saints, and filled them with rapture and Divine rapture. Cherubim and Seraphim soared with fear and trembling around those serving Him, solemnly and sweetly singing the Trisagion. When the time for Communion came, the Lord Himself took communion from the spiritual manna of His belly. Then the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, took communion from the pure hands of Her beloved Son. And then the Twelve Apostles and the Forerunner of the Lord John, and seventy Apostles, the prophets and all the saints in order approached the Great High Priest, the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and everyone took part in heavenly bread and drank new wine of spiritual joy in the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father, and were drunk with sweetness Divine, and rejoiced and praised God. Then the Lord revealed the terrible secrets of His Present to all His elect. Immediately everyone understood all the hidden wisdom of the incomprehensible teaching. And the voice of praise and thanksgiving never ceased, poured out from the lips of the heavenly inhabitants, drunk with the sweetness and wisdom of God's love. And the daughters of New Zion, the Heavenly Jerusalem, went out, glorifying the mercy of God and praising the deeds of the saints and the victory over the devil. A wonderful meal, prepared with incorporeal drinks, which are innumerable, awaited the righteous. The Lord mercifully spoke to His elect: "Citizens of New Jerusalem, daughters of Zion, priests of the Most High God, my brothers and friends, sons and all who have loved and pleased My Heavenly Father and Me, eat and be satisfied with My eternal blessings." Having heard this, they rejoiced and rejoiced, were saturated with the sight of the glory of God and, abundantly feeding on His immaterial blessings, drank the wine of eternal joy. The angelic guards stood with fear and trembling before the Lord, the Cherubim and Seraphim sang wonderful heavenly chants and shouted one by one. And everyone was filled with heavenly joy and the sweetness of the spiritual triumph


When the elect were satisfied in the abundance of spiritual heavenly food, then the Lord arose from the Divine meal, and all His elect followed Him, heading towards the East. With the exclamation of the songs of the Divine, rejoicing and triumphant, they entered the wonderful helipad. This is Paradise of Eden, from which the forefather Adam was expelled for violating the commandment of God. When the chosen friends of God entered this wonderful helicopter, they fell into oblivion from admiration and amazement, marveling at the beauties of Eden, rejoicing and admiring the God-planted Paradise! And everyone rejoiced and rejoiced, abundantly enjoying the wonder of God, looking at the wonderful trees and flowers of paradise and eating from the sweetness of the fruits of paradise. The Heavenly Powers praised the goodness of God, singing a wonderful song: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. Seeing this, from joy and from the rapture that seized me, I fell into complete oblivion. For a long time the saints considered the beauty of paradise, the boundless breadth of God's helipad. And, having examined the God-created dwelling place of our forefathers and the promised fatherland to the saints, the Son of God, with similar exclamations and praises of the Heavenly Powers and His elect, returned to Heavenly Jerusalem. Cherubim and Seraphim, guarding the gates of the holy city, triumphantly exclaimed: "This is the gates of the Lord, and the righteous will enter into them. Confess the Lord in the voice of the noise of those celebrating." Our trembling Redeemer, the all-merciful Savior, the Only Begotten Son of God, sat on the immaterial Cherubim Throne of His Glory. And the Lord stretched out His omnipotent right hand, and blessed in a cruciform manner to the East, West, South and North, and said: "Come from the heights of My saints the blessings of My villages, which I have prepared for My saints chosen." And at that hour all the earth and all the air on it kindled with a snow-like flame, and this miracle continued for a long time, and this snow-like flame rose to the height of heaven, and an innumerable multitude of villages of God of wonderful beauty descended from the heights of heaven, with temples of God, and chambers, and palaces, and helicopters. In the helicopters there were trees that bore fruits incomprehensible to man every day, which smelled of divine aromas. All the heavenly host and the chosen saints exclaimed a song of praise, marveling at the grace of God. The Lord distributed these palaces and temples to His saints in accordance with the spiritual perfection of each. They praised God with Heavenly Powers in holy temples. And the incessant voice of the noise of those celebrating was heard, the voice of incessant spiritual joy. There is endless peace, inexhaustible joy, eternal triumph, eternal holiday - Eternal Pascha, Imperishable! Perishable and temporary life is over - endless eternity has begun. The old was destroyed, and a new earth and a new Heaven appeared, and a new man. According to the word of the Apostle, all creation is about Christ. The week of temporary life is over. Endless eternal peace, peace and joy, and a life in which there is neither sorrow nor sorrow has come. There are no carnal and earthly desires, envy, guile, malice and other vile qualities of the soul. All this has been cast down and shut up in the abyss of hell in the interior of the earth. And all who have been vouchsafed an incorruptible life do not need to work, but they eternally rest and rejoice, praising God, wondrous in His Saints. They are no longer afraid of the murderer of the devil, who in temporary life gnashed his teeth at them like a lion, tormented by envy and hatred towards them, trying to deceive them at every step and deprive them of the eternal blessings. The fierce fighting has ceased - the cruel enemy is weakened. The eternal triumph of victory has come, no one will darken the eternal triumph of the victors! Angels of God bestowed upon the holy chosen ones of God with tabernacles, palaces, heliports - at the command of God; to each according to merit, according to the degree of perfection. Some on the new earth, others on the air, some of them walking on the ground. while others had wings of fire and soared with joy in the air. And everyone rejoiced spiritually and rejoiced, greeting each other with a holy kiss. And I saw all this, and I was in spiritual rapture and joyful rapture. The great righteous, like the Seraphim, had wings of fire. And suddenly the Archangels sounded the trumpet of God majestically and solemnly so that heaven and earth trembled and joyfully and the wonderful and wondrous gates opened at the height of heaven. Around them stood a multitude of Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Archangels, the Forces of the Lord, and everyone exclaimed a victory song to the Redeemer of the World - the Great High Priest and the eternal Bishop Son of God, glorifying His victory over Satan, hell and death. The Mother of God ascended at the right hand of Her Son, beaming with beauty and majesty. Those who entered the gates of heaven, with solemn exclamations, became invisible to me. I asked the Angel who was leading me: "Where did the Lord ascend?" He said: "To the Heavenly Kingdom, to His Heavenly Tabernacle. And others remained on earth. These are the great chosen ones of God, who, through abstinence of feelings, sobriety and unceasing prayer, have achieved equal purity and the highest degree of perfection. They despised everything earthly and killed passions in themselves, all completely left on earth. Those who in worldly life lived according to the commandments of Christ and stayed in purity in matrimony, by alms and many prayers, and having cleansed themselves with true repentance, with a good word, and good thoughts, and died in repentance. All of them settled in the suburbs of Heavenly Jerusalem, in the villages and heliports prepared for them, and in Zion not made with hands they were vouchsafed to live forever, enjoying the paradise beauties of Eden! "


Then I saw again the Lord coming out of the gates of heaven with all the army. And the Lord sat on the Throne of His Glory, and all the great righteous, and the Queen of Heaven, and the Forerunner John, and the Apostles, and everything shone with heavenly glory, unspeakable beauty, singing a victory song: "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts, fill heaven and the land of Thy glory. Hosanna in the Highest; Blessed is He Coming in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the Highest! " The Lord looked at me with a merciful gaze and quietly said to me: "Gregory, come to the Throne of My Glory!" And we went down with the Angel leading me from a high hill, on which we stood and watched this wonderful, truly praiseworthy vision of the glorious works of God taking place. With fear and trembling they approached the Lord, and, prostrating themselves, bowed down to His most pure feet and begged for His goodness. And the King of Glory, the Lord, said to us in a quiet and meek Divine voice: "Behold, Gregory, through the prayers and requests of my great saint Vasily, I showed you what will happen after the end of the world of temporary life. You, Gregory, declare this vision to the whole world, for the benefit of spiritual salvation from the delusion of sin. Especially for you this admonition may serve you wrongly reasoning about the Jews that they keep the faith well, the Law of Moses, and you have seen what condemnation befell them. And I also tell you who will not follow the Holy Gospel, he will not be a participant in eternal life: he is an abomination and will be hated by My Father and Me, whoever wrongly believes and separates from the founded Holy Church, he at least performed superhuman deeds and fasts, alms, exhaustion of the flesh, and does not enter the doors of My Holy Church - that thief And the robber. You, Gregory, try to multiply the talent entrusted to you. Strive to save your soul and for the benefit of the souls of many: fulfill and do not hide in the ground your heart - My spiritual silver , but convey to the saints of My Churches, for many, having heard this, will repent and turn to Me with all their hearts, and will love virtue, and will glorify Me for My goodness and immeasurable mercy to the fallen human race. The world and everything in the world - the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life will truly hate. And they will fulfill My commandments, they will desire with all their hearts and, fearing eternal torment and suffering, they will attain eternal bliss and happiness, and peace, and unceasing joy. And they will desire with all their hearts, and, having straightened out all sinful temptations, they will be perfected in all virtue. And if they hear you do not believe and do not repent, then you will not be guilty of their destruction. And they will be condemned for unbelief and laziness about their salvation according to their works. And if you are too lazy or afraid to open this vision to My Churches and all the people, then the lost souls of the whole world will be required of you ... "I said:" Lord Lord, how can I accommodate such spiritual wealth and treasure in my impure soul and in my filth my heart, and in my darkened mind, and how can I tell the whole world these ineffable mysteries incomprehensible to the mind, if not the cherubic mouth and the seraphim mind you grant, Lord, to me unworthy of these secrets. What I saw, neither the angelic mind can comprehend, and it is impossible to explain them to humans. "Saying this, I was possessed by awe and awe. The Lord, seeing my humility, said to me mercifully:" I know that this is impossible for you, if you of My grace, which, having dwelling in your heart, will inflame it with Divine Love for Me and give strength and memory to describe in detail everything you have seen - for the benefit of My Churches, languages ​​and tribes, whom I call all to salvation and eternal life. By My immeasurable goodness and mercy, I want the entire human race to be saved from eternal destruction and endless hellish torments. Happy is the person who, with an ingenuous mind and a righteous heart, hears this revelation and tries to cleanse his soul from all sinful filth, and adorn it with every virtue in order to inherit eternal life and avoid eternal hellish torment. But eternal grief will be to those who will not believe this revelation and will not believe in My Coming, and will not be a worthy member of My Holy Church, and will not rejoice in their salvation, and will not try to cleanse their hearts of passions, they will perish forever and will not see the Heavens Easter. Do not allow a shadow of doubt about the veracity of this revelation. Remember, where God desires, there the rank of nature is conquered. Remember every Word of the Son of God: "Whoever does not believe, will be condemned ..." Through this revelation of Mine, My boundless love for the human race is manifested. And if anyone stumbles on a stone of unbelief, then he will be unrequited at My Last Judgment. But whoever honors the Son of God is the heir of my kingdom. Whose names are written in the book of life, they will happily believe this revelation in the simplicity of their hearts. They will try to copy it, read it carefully, diligently and try to correct their life, and enrich themselves with every virtue, and they will teach others the path of virtue by their example and word of edification. But those who with all their hearts to the vanity of the earth, whose mind and heart are darkened by sinful thoughts, they have in their hearts the fleshly lust of the eyes and the pride of life, those who have completely extinguished the lamps of faith, the words of this revelation will seem incredible. And not only will they not believe, but they will laugh at this revelation. Who would dare to slander God so much, being himself an eyewitness of such a revelation, which none of the saints have seen and conveyed in the scriptures that I have revealed to you, Gregory, at the intercession of Basil, My great saint, for the sake of the multitude of My mercy and goodness. But the peace lovers will tell you: are you really more than Peter or Paul, Moses, Daniel, David and all the other holy prophets, glorious and in new grace, shining forth holy God-bearing Fathers and universal teachers, if they were not honored to see such secrets that are known to the One God. And in another way they will humiliate and reproach you and the vision you have written and said. They'll call them old fables, but don't pay attention to them. Know that through them the father of lies - Satan - will oppose the revealed truth. You try to tell each and every one of this revelation and write it down in a book in precise detail. Pass on to all My holy Churches and believers in My Second Coming. Tell the patriarchs, bishops, priests of My Churches that I will come soon, and My reward is with Me. You will be happy if you adorn your souls with virtue, as a bride adorns herself on the day of her marriage to her bridegroom. Here I will open to you My Heavenly Palace, and there will come a feast of faith and the marriage of the Lamb - the Son of God - with the beloved Immaculate and Holy Church, which I redeemed from nations, tribes and tongues. But grief, eternal grief, who does not feed the flock entrusted to him. Behold, I remind you by this revelation, but not for the sake of ignorance, but for the sacrament hidden from the age. But whoever neglects his salvation and the flock entrusted will be subject to eternal condemnation. If someone does not exert all zeal and care for the salvation of his soul, but is deceived by the earthly delights of wealth, the honors of the world and the enjoyment of the flesh and the vanity of the soon-passing, human glory, I will seek lost souls at their hands and will especially subject them to condemnation and execution. Say this to those who live in monasteries. Here I am, by My mercy I do not want the death of sinners, but I am waiting for their conversion and repentance with confession. I also say to you, if anyone comes clean and blameless, true, will be corrected by repentance for the coming My Second Coming, I will receive them into My eternal Kingdom. Here it is prepared. I wait, and all My blessings are prepared for the essence. My palaces are created, and my city Jerusalem can freely accommodate all the sons of Adam. Paradise of Eden is open, I await those who come in - all of you go and hurry. Each according to your strength, decorate the clothes of the soul, for a worthy stay in My heavenly Halls. Take on labors and deeds that are temporary and insignificant in comparison with eternal ones. And inherit eternal rest for short-term hunger and thirst, eternal saturation with My immaterial goods. Tears of repentance - eternal consolation, for poverty and non-possession - eternal wealth and honor, for short-term sorrows for Bose - eternal joy. And the noise of the voice of those celebrating, and the noise of eternal triumph, the victory of the Lamb over the ancient serpent-destroyer. But no one will be lazy, but no one is desperate! Hurry, hurry quickly, until the gates of Heavenly Jerusalem and My palaces are closed. Paradise and My Kingdom are open. Do not harden your hearts by being deceived by the vanity of the world and the voluptuousness of carnal pleasures. Run away from evil, do good, leave earthly and deceptive benefits. Embrace true good, inalienable and permanent. Everything is prepared for you - I am waiting for you all with open arms. I am the Lord - ready to forgive you everything, everything with which you have offended and dishonored Me, but just wash yourself with tears of repentance and wipe away the sinful impurity with contrition of your heart. And I will shower you with heavenly gifts. I am the Only Begotten of God, the Great High Priest, who sanctified people with His Blood: the Bishop of the good things to come. The ruler of life - eternal life, the co-present Word of the Father. Under Pontius Pilate Crucified for the sins of the whole world, fallen mankind. Who redeemed you with His Honest Blood from satanic slavery and from just curse and eternal death, for breaking the most holy commandments of My Heavenly Father. You, according to the just judgment of God, would be subjected to eternal execution. But I, loving you, accepted the execution on the Cross for you with My Most Pure Flesh and brought the atoning Sacrifice on the world altar - the Life-Giving Cross of Calvary - to My Heavenly Father. And He returned His favor to you and, as His beloved sons, He made My good things heirs! I opened the way for you to the Tree of Life and opened the prisoners of the gates of heaven, with My Cross I crushed the power and might of hell. He gave freedom to the prisoners of hell. And Satan imprisoned the evil leader with the unsolvable bonds of darkness, struck with My Cross his evil head, inflicting an incurable wound. In the seated darkness - he enlightened with the light of My Gospel; who have gone astray from the truth, he has guided them on a path that steadily leads to eternal joy and bliss. Those killed by sin - he raised them up, those with lepers with ulcers of the passions - he cleansed; blinded by the mind - enlightened; relaxed from the unbearable burden of sins - he raised up and bestowed power; defiled with sinful abomination - sanctified; and acquitted those guilty of countless crimes. Remember and do not forget My great blessings, and be grateful to Me. Stop crucifying and dishonoring and reviling Me again with your vicious deeds, words, thoughts, desires and intentions. Why do you repay me with evil for my good? For my love for you - with hatred? Think about it !!! And sober yourself from the intoxication of the sinful. Stop drinking iniquity like water, give up cunning and learn to do good and love Me with all your heart. You were my bitter enemies, but I loved you immeasurably and shed My most pure blood for your salvation on the Cross amidst intolerable grievous torment. Wash your sins and vices with tears of repentance, clothe, adorn your souls with the shining garment of virtue, adorn your mind with heavenly wisdom, despise the world and everything in the world, and I will clothe you in My Second Coming with royal purples, and crown your heads with unfading crowns of glory heavenly; you will be kings and priests of the Most High God, and citizens of Heavenly Jerusalem, fellow citizens of My holy prophets and Apostles, saints, martyrs, hermits, virgins and all my chosen saints, you will be friends of the Heavenly Powers: and with one mouth you will sing a song in My Zion not made by hands: and I will shower you with all My mercies, and I will give you ineffable blessings and unspeakable joy I will fill your hearts. Rise from the stinking swamp of your passions, so that death will not overtake you unprepared, without true repentance. Then faith in Me will be of no use to you. Here I am, the Lord your God, loving righteousness and pouring out mercy and philanthropy on truly repentant sinners. My grace is open to my creation. Especially those who believe in My Name. For their sake I endured the Crucifixion and suffered much from the rebellious Jews. But I am merciful to those who truly repent and forgive their sins. But after death there is no longer any place for repentance, and there is no benefit from the tears and sighs of the heart. Then there is no place for My mercy, but the time of justice - reward or condemnation: unrepentant sinners will befall my just and Terrible Judgment. And so I tell you first, and to you, Gregory, I showed and revealed everything that will be at My Judgment. Then I will not convict you of your sins, you will then condemn yourself, seeing your vileness and lewdness. I have not hidden anything from you that can bring you spiritual benefit. Choose what you want for yourself - eternal life, the Kingdom of Heaven, eternal rest, eternal joy, eternal pleasure, or eternal death, eternal torment in the flame of hell with Satan and evil demons, eternal stench and stench, eternal hunger and scorching thirst, eternal incompatible darkness and unbearable tightness, and eternal suffering, and unbearable diseases - a collection of all evils, troubles and misfortunes above your heads. Here I am, the Son of God Jesus Christ, abiding with My Father and the Holy Spirit, I have said all this before. My prophets, Apostles and church teachers, who were taught by Me, stated this in the scriptures and left you after themselves, so that you, being guided by these scriptures and instructions, might be saved, avoiding heretical delusions and demonic temptations. We would jealously fight against our flesh, curbing its lusts and crimes. By abstinence, they would triumphantly reflect the evil, passionate thoughts inspired by the demons, beat them mercilessly, constantly gazing with their minds at the gates of eternity, that is, death. Looking at and remembering their sins, they would shed tears of repentance and be cleansed of the stench of sin. Having put on the garment of purity and integrity! "And our Lord added:" This I said to you that heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. He told you the immutable truth, "- and the Lord finished our conversation to me, unworthy. And the holy Angels and all His chosen ones praised His mercy with great and sweet-sounding songs, and the Vladyka said:" Gregory, get up and do as I commanded you. .. "And I, having already grown up from the ground on which I lay before the Lord, wanted to enter through the gates behind our Lord, and asked the holy Angel who led me for this. And he did not allow me, saying:" It is impossible for him who is in the body to enter there. " And I thought that the world had really changed, and eternal imperishable life had come. And in that tea I woke up, shuddering from a terrible and wonderful vision of this! I wondered to myself what this terrible and wondrous vision meant. A strong fear gripped me, and I was in bewilderment for many days. For seven days I was hopelessly in my cell, remembering everything I had seen, and thinking to write all this in a book, so as not to forget in time. I earnestly prayed to my Lord to send His grace to me and enlightenment uma mo him in order to fulfill His commandment to me exactly. After some days, the vision I saw came to my mind in detail, what I saw and what I heard, and I hastily began to write down everything in detail. Not shining with eloquence and not philosophizing wisdom, but what he saw and what he heard in a vision, and what the Lord revealed to me, unworthy, through the prayers of my spiritual father Vasily and through His rich mercy to us sinners, wishing we all be saved. I wrote everything down in order, instructed and taught by God. I implore all fathers and brothers and sisters, but no one disbelieves from you, and no one will be tempted, but no one will doubt, reading this wonderful revelation, thinking that these hidden secrets cannot be revealed to a sinful person and unworthy husband, which from the beginning of the world no one from the great saints was worthy to see. But remember, many of them of other heavenly gifts were vouchsafed from God to see to whom what God wills, according to His grace-filled Grace and according to the degree of perfection of each. Amen.

It is believed that every bad deed of a person is taken into account and he will certainly be punished for it. Believers believe that only a righteous life will help to avoid punishment and end up in Paradise. The fate of people will be decided at the Last Judgment, but when it will be is unknown.

What does the Last Judgment mean?

The judgment that touches all people (living and dead) is called "terrible". It will take place before Jesus Christ comes to earth for the second time. It is believed that dead souls will be resurrected and the living ones will be changed. Each person will receive an eternal fate for their deeds, and sins at the Last Judgment will come to the fore. Many people mistakenly believe that the soul appears before the Lord on the fortieth day after its death, when a decision is made where it will go to. This is not a judgment, but simply the distribution of the dead who will await "time x".

The Last Judgment in Christianity

In the Old Testament, the idea of ​​the Last Judgment is presented as “the day of Yahweh” (one of the names of God in Judaism and Christianity). On this day, there will be a celebration of victory over earthly enemies. After the belief that the dead could be resurrected began to spread, the "day of Yahweh" began to be perceived as the Last Judgment. The New Testament indicates that the Last Judgment is an event when the Son of God descends to earth, sits on the throne and all nations appear before him. All people will be divided, and the justified will stand on the right hand, and the condemned on the left.

  1. Jesus will entrust some of his powers to the righteous, such as the apostles.
  2. People will be judged not only for good and evil deeds, but also for any idle word.
  3. The Holy Fathers said about the Last Judgment that there is a “memory of the heart” in which all life is imprinted, and not only external, but also internal.

Why do Christians call God's judgment “terrible”?

There are several names for this event, for example, the great Lord's day or the day of God's wrath. The last judgment after death is called so not because God will appear before people in a terrifying guise, he, on the contrary, will be surrounded by the brilliance of his glory and greatness, which will cause fear in many.

  1. The name "terrible" is associated with the fact that on this day sinners will tremble because all their sins will be made public and will have to be answered for them.
  2. It is also scary that everyone will be judged publicly in front of the whole world, so it will not work to evade the truth.
  3. Fear also arises due to the fact that the sinner will receive his punishment not for some time, but forever.

Where are the souls of the dead before the Last Judgment?

Since no one has yet managed to return from the afterlife, all information regarding the afterlife is speculation. Posthumous ordeals of the soul, and the Last Judgment of God are presented in many church writings. It is believed that within 40 days after death, the soul is on earth, living through different periods, thereby preparing for the meeting with the Lord. Finding out where the souls are before the Last Judgment, it is worth saying that God, looking through the lived life of every deceased person, determines where he will be in Paradise or in Hell.

What does the Last Judgment look like?

The saints who wrote the holy books from the words of the Lord were not given detailed information about the Last Judgment. The Almighty showed only the essence of what will happen. A description of the Last Judgment can be obtained from the icon of the same name. The image was formed in Byzantium in the eighth century and was recognized as canonical. The plot was taken from the Gospel, the Apocalypse and various ancient books. The revelations of John the Theologian and the prophet Daniel were of great importance. The Last Judgment icon has three registers and each has its own place.

  1. Traditionally, in the upper part of the image, Jesus is represented, who is surrounded on both sides by the apostles and they are directly involved in the process.
  2. Below it is the throne - the judicial throne, on which is the spear, cane, sponge and the Gospel.
  3. Below are the trumpeting angels who call everyone to the event.
  4. The lower part of the icon shows what will happen to people who were righteous and sinners.
  5. On the right side there are people who have done good deeds and they will go to Paradise, as well as the Mother of God, angels and Paradise.
  6. On the other hand, Hell is represented with sinners, demons, etc.

Various sources describe other details of the Last Judgment. Each person will see his life in the smallest detail, and not only from his own side, but also through the eyes of the people around him. He will understand which actions were good and which were bad. The assessment will be carried out with the help of scales, so good deeds will be put on one scale, and evil on the other.

Who is attending the Last Judgment?

At the time of making a decision, a person will not be alone with the Lord, since the action will be open and global. The Last Judgment will be carried out by the entire Holy Trinity, but it will be deployed only in the hypostasis of the Son of God in the person of Christ. As for the Father and the Holy Spirit, but they will take part in the process, but from the passive side. When the day of the Last Judgment of God comes, everyone will bear responsibility together with their own and close ones, dead and living relatives.

What will happen to sinners after the Last Judgment?

The Word of God depicts several types of torment that will be subjected to people who lead a sinful life.

  1. Sinners will be removed from the Lord and cursed by him, which will be a terrible punishment. As a result, they will suffer from the thirst of their souls to draw closer to God.
  2. Finding out what awaits people after the Last Judgment, it is worth pointing out that sinners will be deprived of all the blessings of the kingdom of heaven.
  3. People who have done bad deeds will be sent to the abyss - a place that demons fear.
  4. Sinners will constantly be tormented by the memories of their lives, which they have destroyed with their own words. They will be tormented by conscience and regret that nothing can be changed.
  5. In the Holy Scripture, descriptions of external torments are presented in the form of a worm that does not die, and an unquenchable fire. Crying, gnashing of teeth and despair await sinners.

Parable of the Last Judgment

Jesus Christ spoke to believers about the Last Judgment so that they would know what awaits them if they deviate from the righteous path.

  1. When God's Son comes to earth with holy angels, he will sit on the throne of his own glory. All nations will gather before him and Jesus will lead the separation of good people from bad.
  2. On the night of the Last Judgment, the Son of God will ask for each deed, claiming that all the bad actions committed in relation to other people were done to him.
  3. After that, the judge will ask why they did not help those in need when they demanded support, and sinners will be punished.
  4. Good people who have led a righteous life will be sent to Paradise.

About His last, terrible judgment on all people, at His second coming, Jesus Christ taught as follows:

When the Son of Man comes in His glory and all the holy angels are with Him, then He, as King, will sit on the throne of His glory. And all nations will gather before Him, and He will separate some people from others (the faithful and the good from the ungodly and the wicked), just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; And he will set the sheep (righteous) on His right hand, and the goats (sinners) on His left.

Then the King will say to those standing on His right side: "Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry (I was hungry), and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you received Me; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me. "

Then the righteous will ask Him with humility: "Lord, when did we see you hungry, and fed you? Or thirsty, and gave you drink? When did we see you a stranger, and took you in? Or naked, and clothed you? When did we see you sick, or in prison and have come to you? "

The king will answer them: "Truly I say to you, since you did it to one of the least of these My brothers (that is, for people in need), you did it to Me."

Then the King will say to those on the left: "Depart from Me, cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his aggels. For I was hungry, and you did not give Me food; I was thirsty, and you did not give Me something to drink; I was a stranger. And they did not receive Me; I was naked and did not clothe Me; I was sick and in prison, and they did not visit Me. "

Then they will answer Him in response: "Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not serve You?"

But the King will say to them: "Truly I say to you, because you did not do this to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me."

And they will go into eternal torment, and the righteous into eternal life.

This day will be great and terrible for each of us. Therefore, this judgment is also called the Terrible, since our deeds, words, and the most secret thoughts and desires will be open to everyone. Then we will have no one to hope for, for God's judgment is righteous, and everyone will receive according to his deeds.

(Matthew 25, 31-46)

The parable that we have read today is so well known to everyone that, it would seem, there is nothing to say about it; and at the same time there are several features in it that I would like to draw your attention to.

The first is that when the accused - that is, all of us - stood before the judgment of God, the Lord did not ask about anything related to faith, worldview, but asked them only about one thing, and directly: Were you human on earth ? When grief stood in front of you - did you think about how to console? When there was hunger, and cold, and longing, and abandonment, and imprisonment in prison, and captivity of illness - what did you do: did you regret it or not ?.

And those who were sorry, the Lord accepted, without asking about anything else, because these people were able to love on earth - with earthly, real love, and therefore were open to accommodate the Divine love of the century to come. But these people, who performed deeds of love, were perplexed about what the Lord saw in them. How does the Lord relate to Himself what they have done to others? It was so natural for them to act out of love that they did so without hesitation ... We will not be saved by the fact that with a strain of the heart, painfully forcing ourselves, remembering the Lord's commandments, we will do them; they must enter into our flesh and blood so deeply, so perfect, that they are a natural movement of the soul, and not a simple obedience to the law that is given to us from outside. And therefore, if any of us thinks that he is acting mercifully, taking care of the sick, visiting prison inmates, feeding the hungry, dressing the cold, let him ask himself the question: does he come from his heart or because he feels that this is his duty. and that he will answer for his actions? And if only by duty, then, God, how far we are from being children of the Heavenly Kingdom !.

But pay attention also to those who have not done any of these deeds of human love. When Christ asks them this question, they do not even understand it: Where have we seen You, Lord? When did we not visit You in a hospital or prison? When did you not clothe you cold, did you not feed the hungry? When was it not comforted in grief? They never noticed anyone around them, otherwise they would not have raised the question of whether it is necessary or not. Will God receive, as if indirectly, the gift of our love, or only this person ... They have lived their whole lives only for themselves, prudently, reasonably, that is, in the end, completely insane ...

And now we have the same question: how do we act in relation to our neighbor? People often say: I don’t know how to love God, I’m looking for Him in the dark, I cannot get to Him !. - Very simple: through a person !. The Apostle John said: If someone says that he loves God, but does not love his neighbor with real and creative love, he is lying, because no one can love the invisible God, if he has not previously learned to love a concrete, living, living person before him .. And therefore, before raising the question of how to attain God, let us ask ourselves: how do we relate to our neighbor? If our heart is closed, cold, closed, if it is frightened at the mere thought that our neighbor may demand from us our heart and our life, there is nothing to talk about, there is nothing to seek God's nearness: we must first learn to have a warm heart, a living heart, an attentive heart. to your neighbor, and then it will open and, like a pure heart, will see God. Amen.

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