A short message about Luciano Pavarotti. Luciano Pavarotti biography, photo, personal life, his family and friends. Italian dialects - will we understand each other?

Life story
As a child, Luciano loved most of all to catch frogs and lizards, play football - and, of course, sing. However, in Italy, as you know, everyone sings. Luciano's father brought home records of famous tenors - Gigli, Caruso, Martinelli, and together with his son they listened to them literally to the core. Luciano climbed onto the table in the kitchen and screamed “The Heart of a Beauty” at the top of his lungs. In response to his heart-rending singing, no less heart-rending screams were heard simultaneously from 15 neighboring apartments: “Basta! Shut up, finally!!!”
Later - already at school - Luciano began singing in the church choir. He was 12 years old when tenor Beniamino Gigli came on tour to the local theater. Luciano snuck into the theater during a rehearsal. "I want to become a singer too!" - he blurted out to Gigli, thus trying to express his admiration. Although I really wanted to become a football player. As is known, he did not become a football player. In 1961, Luciano Pavarotti took first place in the vocal competition in Reggio Emilia, and in the same year he made his debut in Puccini's La bohème. And two years later it came true cherished dream young singer: he became the soloist of the world famous opera house"La Scala" and began a triumphal procession across the stages and concert halls peace. At one of his performances at the Metropolitan Opera, Pavarotti brought the audience to a state of complete euphoria, so that the curtain had to be raised 160 times - which was included in the Guinness Book of Records.
Friends call Pavarotti "Big P". "Big" - not in the sense of "great", but in the most literal sense. True, those close to Pavarotti unanimously say that he has 150 kilograms of pure charm and good nature. That is, 150 plus or minus 10. Dietary tests that fall to Pavarotti are regularly circulated in the press and, perhaps, are already in circulation in the category of jokes. Yes, Pavarotti's dimensions are a problem for tailors and a problem for chairs. What is it worth to at least sing the part of Cavaradossi in Puccini’s opera “Tosca”. In the second act, his hero is brought into the office after torture, and he is so exhausted that he can barely stand on his feet and falls into a chair. Already during rehearsals, Pavarotti looked warily at this chair made of carved wood, then he approached the director and quietly, so that no one could hear, said: “I don’t think this chair will support me.” The director assured him that there was nothing to worry about; the chair had been reinforced with metal in advance. The chair really survived the dress rehearsal. The day of the premiere has arrived. Second act. The guards pulled Pavarotti by the arms and sat him on a chair. Hildegard Behrens, who performed the role of Tosca, had to go up to her lover and hug him. But she got into the role so much that she ran across the entire stage and threw herself on his neck. What happened next had never happened on the stage of the Grand Opera: the chair fell apart with a crash, Pavarotti-Cavaradossi fell with it, and Tosca landed on top. "Why do I eat so much?" - Luciano on eternal question correspondents answered. - First of all, I'm Italian. Secondly, I come from Modena - the city of gluttons." What can you do - it’s in his style: put a nutritionist consultant in the house and pay him exorbitant sums for every day, and then, as soon as he crosses the threshold, rush into the kitchen and empty refrigerator. “I’m the heaviest rapper in the world,” so great tenor commented on his performances with pop and rock stars: Zucchero, Sting, Bryan Adams, Irish band"U2". Recordings of the Pavarotti and Friends concerts have sold millions of copies around the world.
Luciano and Adua met as teenagers and were engaged for seven years before they got married. The wedding took place in 1961, when Luciano received his first decent fee and, they say, even tried to paper the bedroom walls with banknotes, but later used them to buy his first car. By the way, it is Adua Pavarotti who owes the fact that he became a singer and not a teacher in public school. At one time, she persuaded him to take vocal lessons. "Few women could reconcile themselves to life opera singer“How was Adua able to do this,” wrote Luciano Pavarotti in his book. She did not complain either that their house was more like a passage yard, or that she saw her husband at most 5 days a month. “For all our time life together“I talked to him more on the phone,” said Adua Pavarotti, “than I saw my husband.” By the way, it was by telephone that he learned about the birth of our daughters.”
She defined the life credo of her now ex-husband as follows: “Spaghetti, spaghetti, then love,” and when asked by a correspondent how she feels about the fact that Pavarotti is surrounded by so many people during his trips beautiful women, Adua responded a few years ago: "It's okay if he looks at a pretty face. He'll still choose pizza." Having seen photographs of 61-year-old Pavarotti and his 27-year-old secretary Nicoletta Mantovani basking in the Caribbean Sea, circulated around the world, Adua doubted this. I can't help but like this Nicoletta. A beautiful face with an irresistible smile, just like her seducer. And at the same time not at all stupid. In Bologna she studied science, became good psychologist. After all, she was the only person who consoled Luciano when the Italian team lost the World Cup match. Isn't this so important? Can anyone doubt her feat when she drove away this terrible snake that had sneaked unnoticed into the room of the divine tenor in Bali?
Who can resist such a powerful Venus? Of course, this is not the first slap in the face inflicted by the soft-bodied hero family peace and well-being. He constantly sang the praises of his legitimate and downright irreplaceable wife, who skillfully ruled the Pavarotti empire. Now before that eternal wanderer a free field of activity opened up.
Adua, who managed the colossal fortune of this good-natured giant, of course, turned a blind eye to all his adventures. Once, the Vatican even forbade Luciano to participate in a solemn mass in New York's Central Park, and his wife pretended to be indifferent to the articles that appeared on this subject in the press. But this time, Adua was enraged by the photographs that filled the press of two lovebirds frolicking in the warm waters off the coast of Barbados. This Nicoletta, doesn’t she repeat at every crossroads that she dreams of giving birth to Pavarotti’s son? Is this not a mockery of her three daughters? In a rage, Adua tore off the Pavarotti nameplate from the door of the house in Saliceta near Modena, where their entire clan lives. Only her last name remained on the door: Adua Veroni. The letter, which further inflamed the scandal, was sent by an angry Juno through her lawyer. It can be considered a masterpiece of diplomacy. “For any creature, this is the immutable law of existence, the path to success becomes increasingly blurred. When dusk falls,” she wrote to her husband with charming caution, “the feeling of end and loneliness, which especially often visits people who have had success in life, can be suppressed by others, deep-rooted feelings that have stood the test of time."
At the same time, Adua is completely disinterested: the Pavarotti couple entered into a marriage on the terms of separate ownership of property, and the question of divorce (in Italian) is in this moment not worth it. Luciano Pavarotti gave an interview to the magazine "Frau im Spigel": "Maestro, psychologists regard your choice of such a young woman as a life partner as an escape from your age. What do you say to this?" "Why not? I had a wonderful childhood with my great-grandmother, grandmother, mother, aunts. I had wonderful Life with my wife and daughters. I have had a fantastic career. Now I've decided to start new life with Nicoletta. I'm sure she will be as beautiful as anyone in my past. Maybe your psychologists have something against human happiness and joy?" "When your love story with the secretary became public knowledge, you were just supposed to sing at the Metropolitan Opera. Weren't you afraid of a negative reaction from the public?" "It was a pure nightmare! Some people do not know how to distinguish personal from professional, they lump everything together and think that if a singer gave his heart to a young woman, this should also affect his creative skills, and for the worse. Gossip and slander in the press and the hostile mood of the public - this was a monstrous burden before the premiere. But I passed this test too."
“You have lost 15 kilograms. Credit to Nicoletta?” "Exactly. She locked me at home for three weeks, alone with a diet plan and the foods that go with it. No spaghetti, no pizza, no alcohol... Just juice, and even watered down." "How is the relationship with yours? ex-wife?" "Peacefully. There are no problems with my daughters either - they are smart girls and love me very much." "Do you and Nicoletta have complete mutual understanding or do you still have any disagreements?" "About food - all the time. Her cooking skills are a complete disaster. One day she was going to make me tortellini. To do this, she needed to call her mother in Bologna from New York, where we were, to find out the recipe. They talked for almost an hour. Very nice of her, of course, but it would be much cheaper to fly to Italy." "Aren't you going to have a child?" "Definitely. I would really like a boy, because all my life I have been surrounded by only women. But we'll wait a couple more years: on April 29, 2001, I'll celebrate my 40th birthday. creative activity and when I “retire” I will teach vocals. It's time to become a father again."

Together with his father, Luciano sang in the city choir of Modena.

At the request of his parents, after school Luciano went to work as a teacher. primary classes. After Pavarotti's father and son line-up amateur group took part in choir festival in Langollen (Wales, UK) and were awarded the highest award, Luciano decided to become a singer and began to improve vocal technique under the direction of professional bel canto Arrigo Paul, who lived in Modena. Then he studied vocals in Mantua with the famous teacher Ettore Campogallani.

Creative career Pavarotti's career began with winning the International Vocal Competition in Reggio Emilia in 1961. In the same year, he made his debut as Rodolfo in the opera La bohème by Giacomo Puccini (Teatro Reggio Emilia). This role determined successful career young singer, opening the doors of the world's leading theaters for him.

In 1966, Pavarotti made his debut at Milan's La Scala theater (the role of Tybalt in Vincenzo Bellini's Capulet and the Montagues).

The role of Tonio in Gaetano Donizetti's Daughter of the Regiment, performed first at London's Covent Garden Theater in 1966 and then, in 1972, at the New York Metropolitan Opera, brought Pavarotti international fame and the title of "King upper to". He became the first tenor in opera history to sing all nine high Cs in the aria Quel destin.

In the Montale Rangone cemetery near Modena, in the family crypt.

Luciano Pavarotti was married twice. He met his first wife, Adua Veroni, while still a teenager. They were engaged for seven years and married in 1961. The marriage produced three daughters - Lorenza, Christina and Juliana.

The singer's second wife in 2003 was Nicoletta Mantovani, who worked as his secretary. She was 34 years younger than Pavarotti. In this marriage, a daughter, Aliche, was born.

In 2015, two Pavarotti museums opened in Italy. One of them is located in Modena, in a house built by “Big Luciano” a few years before his death. Visitors have access to 12 halls located on four floors. In Milan, on the fourth floor of the famous Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a “Restaurant Museum” dedicated to Pavarotti was opened.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

A country Profession Singing voice http://www.lucianopavarotti.com

Pavarotti began his career with minor appearances, appearing in opera houses throughout Europe. The situation changed when Joan Sutherland invited him to perform together on a world tour. By 1977, Pavarotti had become a household name throughout the world, renowned for his strength and lightness in his upper register. His "upper C" became business card throughout your career.

Luciano Pavarotti entered pop culture after performing Nessun Dorma at the opening ceremony of the world cup FIFA in 1990 in Italy. The first of the concerts of the famous “Three Tenors” took place on the eve of the last match of the tournament. In the concert, Pavarotti sang with his tenor friends Placido Domingo and José Carreras. During these concerts, Pavarotti brought works previously limited to the opera house to a much wider audience. Subsequently, the singer performed songs at concerts with famous pop stars. Unlike other performers who crossed over into the pop music movement, Pavarotti constantly maintained his status as the supreme master in the world of opera.

early years

Luciano Pavarotti was born on the outskirts of the city of Modena in northern Italy, the son of Fernando Pavarotti - a baker and singer, and Adele Venturi - working factory for the production of cigars. Despite the fact that the family had little money, the singer always spoke fondly of his childhood. Four family members lived in a two-room dwelling. As the singer said, his father had a beautiful tenor voice, but was incapable of a singing career due to nervousness. World War II forced the family to leave the city in 1943. Over the next year, they rented one room on a farm in a nearby village, where Pavarotti became interested in farming.

Pavarotti's early musical tastes lay in his father's recordings, most of which included the popular tenors of the day - Beniamino Gigli, Giovanni Martinelli, Tito Schipa and Enrico Caruso. When Luciano was about nine years old, he began singing with his father in a small local church choir. Also during his youth, he taught several lessons with Professor Dondi and his wife, but did not attach much importance to them.

After what could be called an ordinary childhood with ordinary interests in sports - in Pavarotti's case it was primarily football - he graduated from the Schola Magistrale school and was faced with a dilemma about choosing a future profession. Pavarotti was interested in pursuing a career as a professional goalkeeper, but his mother convinced him to become a teacher. Subsequently he taught at primary school two years, but in the end my interest in music took over. Aware of the risk, the father reluctantly agreed that Luciano would receive free room and board until he was 30, after which, if he was unlucky with a singing career, he would earn his own food in any way he could.

Pavarotti started serious training in 1954 at the age of 19 with Arrigo Pola, a respected teacher and professional tenor in Modena who, aware of the family's poverty, offered to give lessons without payment. Only then did Pavarotti find out that he had absolute pitch. Around this time, Pavarotti met Adua Veroni, who was also opera singer. Luciano and Adua married in 1961. When Pola left for Japan two and a half years later, Pavarotti became a student of Ettori Campogalliani, who also taught Pavarotti's childhood friend, now famous singer, soprano Mirella Freni. During his studies, Pavarotti took part-time jobs - first as a primary school teacher and then, when he failed at this, as an insurance agent.

The first six years of training did not lead to anything more than a few solo concerts in small towns without payment. When a thickening (fold) developed on the vocal cords, which caused a “terrible” concert in Ferrara, Pavarotti decided to give up singing. Subsequently, however, the thickening not only disappeared, but, as the singer said in his autobiography, “everything I learned came with my natural voice to make the sound I had worked so hard to achieve.”



Pavarotti's creative career began with a victory at the International Vocal Competition. In the same year he made his debut at the Teatro Reggio Emilia, performing the role of Rodolfo in La bohème by G. Puccini. He performed the same role at the Vienna Opera and London's Covent Garden.

Pavarotti's American debut took place at the Miami Opera in February 1965, when he sang in Gaetano Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor alongside Sutherland. The tenor who was supposed to sing that evening was ill and did not have an understudy. Since Sutherland was on tour with him, she recommended the young Pavarotti because he was familiar with the role.

The singer has it all creative biography a serious classical vocalist and a performer of songs of the light pop genre competed. And it's hard to say what won. Perhaps this was of more interest to listeners and admirers of his talent.

  • Article "PAVAROTTI LEAVES THE OPERA STAGE." Based on the book: Victor Korshikov. Do you want me to teach you to love opera? About music and more. Moscow: Studio YAT, 2007:

    Following the example of his young colleagues Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras, Pavarotti became involved in charitable activities, giving a series of concerts called “Pavarotti and Friends”, where he sang many popular songs with pop singers, who, in turn, performed opera arias. Many fans criticized Pavarotti for such experiments, which force people to perceive serious music as entertainment, and in many major theaters There was an expression: “The opera was ruined by three people and all three were tenors.” The “3 Tenors” project can, of course, be treated differently, but we should not forget that it was a charity event dedicated to the recovery of Jose Carreras, and it was thanks to the “three tenors” of Pavarotti and Domingo that long-time enemies reconciled and began performing together in serious “real” performances, such as Puccini’s “The Cape” and Leoncavallo’s “Pagliacci” at the Metropolitan Opera on the same evening. Luciano Pavarotti is a legend. He made an opera revolution, and even his most implacable critics will not argue that his name will forever remain synonymous with the beauty of the human voice. (“Russian Bazaar”, No. 16 (312), 2002)


  • Luciano Pavarotti: about family, career and farewell to the great tenor.


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See what “Luciano Pavarotti” is in other dictionaries:

    Luciano Pavarotti- Biography of Luciano Pavarotti The world famous Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti was born on October 12, 1935 in the city of Modena in northern Italy in the family of a baker. Luciano's love for music was instilled in him by his father Fernando Pavarotti. Together with … Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Pavarotti Luciano

Biography of Pavarotti - early years
Luciano Pavarotti was born on October 12, 1935 in Italian city Modena, Italy.
As a child, Luciano loved most of all to catch frogs and lizards, play football - and, of course, sing. However, in Italy, as you know, everyone sings. Luciano's father brought home records of famous tenors - Gigli, Caruso, Martinelli, and together with his son they listened to them literally to the core. Luciano climbed onto the table in the kitchen and screamed “The Heart of a Beauty” at the top of his lungs. In response to his heart-rending singing, no less heart-rending screams were heard simultaneously from 15 neighboring apartments: “Basta! Shut up, finally!!!”
Later - already at school - Luciano began singing in the church choir. He was 12 years old when tenor Beniamino Gigli came on tour to the local theater. Luciano snuck into the theater during a rehearsal. "I want to become a singer too!" - he blurted out to Gigli, thus trying to express his admiration. Although I really wanted to become a football player.
After graduating from school, he began studying vocals in Mantua with E. Campogagliani. The greatest influence on him as a singer was the work of Caruso.
Biography of creativity.
Pavarotti's creative career began with a victory at the International Vocal Competition in 1961. The same year he made his debut at the Teatro Reggio Emilia, performing the role of Rodolfo in La bohème by Giacomo Puccini. He performed the same part in 1963 in Vienna Opera and Covent Garden /Opera House in London/.
In subsequent years, he sang at Covent Garden the roles of Elvino in Vincenzo Bellini's La Sonnambula, Alfredo in Giuseppe Verdi's La Traviata, and the Duke of Mantua in Verdi's Rigoletto. The role of Tonio in Gaetano Donizetti's Daughters of the Regiment, sung in 1966, brought Pavarotti international fame: he became the first tenor in the world to sing all nine high Cs in the aria "Quel destin". After that, he began to be called “the king of upper C.” In the same year, Pavarotti made his debut at Milan's La Scala, where he performed the role of Tybalt in Vincenzo Bellini's Capulet and the Montagues. Over time, the singer began to turn to dramatic roles: Cavaradossi in Puccini's Tosca, Riccardo in Un ballo in maschera, Manrico in Il Trovatore, Radamès in Verdi's Aida.
Biography facts:
Also known fact in Luciana's biography: At one of the performances at the Metropolitan Opera, Pavarotti had to raise the curtain 160 times because the audience was completely delighted - which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Another interesting point from Pavarotti's biography: friends call him "Big P". "Big" - not in the sense of "great", but in the most literal sense. True, those close to Pavarotti unanimously say that he has 150 kilograms of pure charm and good nature. That is, 150 plus or minus 10. Dietary tests that fall to Pavarotti are regularly circulated in the press and, perhaps, are already in circulation in the category of jokes. Yes, Pavarotti's dimensions are a problem for tailors and a problem for chairs. What is it worth to at least sing the part of Cavaradossi in Puccini’s opera “Tosca”. In the second act, his hero is brought into the office after torture, and he is so exhausted that he can barely stand on his feet and falls into a chair. Already during rehearsals, Pavarotti looked warily at this chair made of carved wood, then he approached the director and quietly, so that no one could hear, said: “I don’t think this chair will support me.” The director assured him that there was nothing to worry about; the chair had been reinforced with metal in advance. The chair really survived the dress rehearsal. The day of the premiere has arrived. Second act. The guards pulled Pavarotti by the arms and sat him on a chair. Hildegard Behrens, who performed the role of Tosca, had to go up to her lover and hug him. But she got into the role so much that she ran across the entire stage and threw herself on his neck. What happened next had never happened on the stage of the Grand Opera: the chair fell apart with a crash, Pavarotti-Cavaradossi fell with it, and Tosca landed on top. "Why do I eat so much?" - Luciano answered the eternal question of correspondents. - First of all, I'm Italian. Secondly, I come from Modena - the city of gluttons." What can you do - it’s in his style: put a nutritionist consultant in the house and pay him exorbitant sums for every day, and then, as soon as he crosses the threshold, rush into the kitchen and empty refrigerator. “I am the heaviest rapper in the world,” - this is how the great tenor commented on his performances together with pop and rock stars: Zucchero, Sting, Bryan Adams, the Irish group U2. Recordings of the Pavarotti and Friends concerts were sold all over to the world.

Biography of Pavarotti - mature years
Second World War forced the family to leave the city in 1943. Over the next year, they rented one room on a farm in a nearby village, where Pavarotti became interested in farming. He began serious training in 1954 at the age of 19 with Arrigo Pola, a respected teacher and professional tenor in Modena.
In 1961 he married Auda, he also won the international competition young singers at the Teatro Reggio Emilia and in the same year made his debut as Rodolfo in La bohème by Giacomo Puccini.
1966 - debut at Milan's La Scala theater (the role of Tybalt in Capulet and Bellini's Montague).
1966; 1972 - the role of Tonio in Donizetti's Daughter of the Regiment (Covent Garden Theater, then on the stage of the New York Metropolitan Opera) brought international fame and the title of King of Upper C.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Pavarotti often appeared on television, gave recitals and performed in mixed concerts, attracting hundreds of thousands of listeners to stadiums and parks. On his 70th birthday, the maestro made a farewell tour of 40 cities around the world, which included St. Petersburg, where Ice Palace he gave a concert A night to remember.
In 2006, he underwent surgery to remove a malignant pancreatic tumor. On August 8, 2007, he was hospitalized in a Modena clinic with suspected pneumonia and spent two weeks there.
On September 6, 2007, Luciano Pavarotti died at his home in Modena.

Look all portraits

© Biography of Luciano Pavarotti. Biography of Lucian Pavaroti. Biography of the king of opera - Pavarotti. Biography of the great Italian singer- Pavarotti.

Later - already at school - Luciano began singing in the church choir. He was 12 years old when tenor Beniamino Gigli came on tour to the local theater. Luciano snuck into the theater during a rehearsal. "I want to become a singer too!" - he blurted out to Gigli, thus trying to express his admiration. Although I really wanted to become a football player. As is known, he did not become a football player. In 1961, Luciano Pavarotti took first place in the vocal competition in Reggio Emilia, and in the same year he made his debut in Puccini's La bohème. And two years later, the young singer’s cherished dream came true: he became a soloist at the world-famous La Scala opera house and began a triumphal march through the stages and concert halls of the world. At one of his performances at the Metropolitan Opera, Pavarotti brought the audience to a state of complete euphoria, so that the curtain had to be raised 160 times - which was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Friends call Pavarotti "Big P". "Big" - not in the sense of "great", but in the most literal sense. True, those close to Pavarotti unanimously say that he has 150 kilograms of pure charm and good nature. That is, 150 plus or minus 10. Dietary tests that fall to Pavarotti are regularly circulated in the press and, perhaps, are already in circulation in the category of jokes. Yes, Pavarotti's dimensions are a problem for tailors and a problem for chairs. What is it worth to at least sing the part of Cavaradossi in Puccini’s opera “Tosca”. In the second act, his hero is brought into the office after torture, and he is so exhausted that he can barely stand on his feet and falls into a chair. Already during rehearsals, Pavarotti looked warily at this chair made of carved wood, then he approached the director and quietly, so that no one could hear, said: “I don’t think this chair will support me.” The director assured him that there was nothing to worry about; the chair had been reinforced with metal in advance. The chair really survived the dress rehearsal. The day of the premiere has arrived. Second act. The guards pulled Pavarotti by the arms and sat him on a chair. Hildegard Behrens, who performed the role of Tosca, had to go up to her lover and hug him. But she got into the role so much that she ran across the entire stage and threw herself on his neck. What happened next had never happened on the stage of the Grand Opera: the chair fell apart with a crash, Pavarotti-Cavaradossi fell with it, and Tosca landed on top. "Why do I eat so much?" - Luciano answered the eternal question of correspondents. - First of all, I'm Italian. Secondly, I come from Modena - the city of gluttons." What can you do - it’s in his style: put a nutritionist consultant in the house and pay him exorbitant sums for every day, and then, as soon as he crosses the threshold, rush into the kitchen and empty refrigerator. “I am the heaviest rapper in the world,” - this is how the great tenor commented on his performances together with pop and rock stars: Zucchero, Sting, Bryan Adams, the Irish group U2. Recordings of the Pavarotti and Friends concerts sold millions of copies Worldwide.

Luciano and Adua met as teenagers and were engaged for seven years before they got married. The wedding took place in 1961, when Luciano received his first decent fee and, they say, even tried to paper the bedroom walls with banknotes, but later used them to buy his first car. By the way, it is Adua Pavarotti who owes the fact that he became a singer, and not a teacher at a public school. At one time, she persuaded him to take vocal lessons. “Few women could come to terms with the life of an opera singer as Adua could,” wrote Luciano Pavarotti in his book. She did not complain either that their house was more like a passage yard, or that she saw her husband at most 5 days a month. “During the entire time of our life together, I talked to him more on the phone,” said Adua Pavarotti, “than I saw with my husband. By the way, it was on the phone that he learned about the birth of our daughters.”

She defined the life credo of her now ex-husband as follows: “Spaghetti, spaghetti, then love,” and when asked by a correspondent how she felt about the fact that Pavarotti is surrounded by so many beautiful women during his trips, Adua answered several years ago: “Nothing.” "It's scary if he looks at a pretty face. He'll still choose pizza." Having seen photographs of 61-year-old Pavarotti and his 27-year-old secretary Nicoletta Mantovani basking in the Caribbean Sea, circulated around the world, Adua doubted this. I can't help but like this Nicoletta. A beautiful face with an irresistible smile, just like her seducer. And at the same time not at all stupid. In Bologna she studied science and became a good psychologist. After all, she was the only person who consoled Luciano when the Italian team lost the World Cup match. Isn't this so important? Can anyone doubt her feat when she drove away this terrible snake that had sneaked unnoticed into the room of the divine tenor in Bali?

Who can resist such a powerful Venus? Of course, this is not the first slap in the face inflicted by the soft-bodied hero on family peace and well-being. He constantly sang the praises of his legitimate and downright irreplaceable wife, who skillfully ruled the Pavarotti empire. Now a free field of activity has opened up for this eternal wanderer.

Adua, who managed the colossal fortune of this good-natured giant, of course, turned a blind eye to all his adventures. Once, the Vatican even forbade Luciano to participate in a solemn mass in New York's Central Park, and his wife pretended to be indifferent to the articles that appeared on this subject in the press. But this time, Adua was enraged by the photographs that filled the press of two lovebirds frolicking in the warm waters off the coast of Barbados. This Nicoletta, doesn’t she repeat at every crossroads that she dreams of giving birth to Pavarotti’s son? Is this not a mockery of her three daughters? In a rage, Adua tore off the Pavarotti nameplate from the door of the house in Saliceta near Modena, where their entire clan lives. Only her last name remained on the door: Adua Veroni. The letter, which further inflamed the scandal, was sent by an angry Juno through her lawyer. It can be considered a masterpiece of diplomacy. “For any creature, this is the immutable law of existence, the path to success becomes increasingly blurred. When dusk falls,” she wrote to her husband with charming caution, “the feeling of end and loneliness, which especially often visits people who have had success in life, can be suppressed by others, deep-rooted feelings that have stood the test of time."

At the same time, Adua is completely disinterested: the Pavarotti couple entered into a marriage on the terms of separate ownership of property, and the question of divorce (in Italian) is not at the moment. Luciano Pavarotti gave an interview to the magazine "Frau im Spigel": "Maestro, psychologists regard your choice of such a young woman as a life partner as an escape from your age. What do you say to this?" "Why not? I had a wonderful childhood with my great-grandmother, grandmother, mother, aunts. I had a wonderful life with my wife and daughters. I managed to have a fantastic career. Now I have decided to start a new life with Nicoletta. I am sure "She will be as beautiful as everyone in my past. Maybe your psychologists have something against human happiness and joy?" “When your love story with your secretary became public, you were just supposed to sing at the Metropolitan Opera. Weren’t you afraid of a negative reaction from the public?” “It was a pure nightmare! Some people do not know how to distinguish personal from professional, they lump everything together and think that if the singer gave his heart to a young woman, this should also affect his creative skills, and for the worse. Gossip and slander in the press and the hostile mood of the public - it was a monstrous load before the premiere. But I passed this test too."

“You have lost 15 kilograms. Credit to Nicoletta?” "Exactly. She locked me at home for three weeks, alone with a diet plan and the foods that go with it. No spaghetti, no pizza, no alcohol... Just juice, and even watered down." “How is your relationship with your ex-wife?” “Peacefully. There are no problems with my daughters either - they are smart girls and love me very much.” “Do you and Nicoletta have a complete understanding or are there still any disagreements?” “About food - constantly. Her culinary skills are a complete disaster. Once she was going to cook me tortellini. To do this, she had to call her mother in Bologna from New York, where we were, to find out the recipe. They talked for almost an hour "Very nice of her, of course, but it would be much cheaper to fly to Italy." "Aren't you going to have a child?" “Absolutely. I would really like a boy, because all my life I have been surrounded only by women. But we will wait a couple more years: on April 29, 2001, I will celebrate the 40th anniversary of my creative activity and will “retire” - I will teach vocals. It’s time to become a father again."

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