Spontaneity: the most underrated psychological health resource. What is spontaneity

Spontaneity is a concept that in psychology means the ability to act not under the influence of external frameworks, but in accordance with the internal content, the state of a person. Psychological spontaneity is essentially a very ancient subject of study of spiritual practices, in which it is close to the concept of non-action. Confessors striving for enlightenment practiced this state when, actively living, performing ordinary actions, they tried to experience life in its fullness, as it is, without distortion through the frames of the mind. They sought to correlate all their thoughts, feelings, and actions with the general world order, the state of flow.

In Christianity, the phenomenon of spontaneity is also present and revealed in the saying of Christ “not my will, but Thine be done,” which means bringing one’s will, one’s desires into conformity with a certain world will.

When such a merger with the general flow occurs, a person reaches with his mind, individual soul the mind and soul of the world: “Everything is Brahman, and Brahman is Atman.” A person who is not spontaneous does not feel his belonging, unity, flow. When he lets go of himself and a merger occurs, he enters into inaction.

He does not become like a mummy, becoming neither alive nor dead, and does not cease to actively act, to have desires and needs. He continues to be in the fullness of life, but this coincides with world harmony. The state of his mind is not clouded by false desires, attitudes that cause inertia of perception and do not allow him to be in the fullness of reality here and now. In spiritual practices, this consciousness is compared to a crystal; it is unshakable and indestructible, not disturbed by vanity.

This is how a person subordinates his will without forcing himself, without strict prohibitions and restrictions on his desires, because if behavior were blocked, desires would still be played out in the mind, in the language of psychology - they would, for example, be repressed under the influence of psychological defenses.

Spontaneity in psychology

Spontaneity is a developed skill of a person to react as effectively as possible in a situation with a high degree of uncertainty, when a person may not have the opportunity to prepare a model of behavior in advance or act in a stereotyped manner.

Spontaneity allows you to show role flexibility and use a large repertoire of roles. In everyday life, we get used to several roles of son, mother, father, head of a company, student, saleswoman, but in reality this resource of roles could be much wider and is not used by us in full. Developed spontaneity allows you to interact more effectively within complex communications, such as those found, for example, in a management environment.

Spontaneity is also required in relationships, both at the stage of attracting a partner’s interest, and for retention in a long-term relationship, which allows you to “keep without holding.”

The result of the development of spontaneity is suddenly the beginning of progress along career path, when others begin to listen to a person, perceive him with the seriousness that the spontaneous person himself chose. By mastering as many roles as possible through spontaneity, we become more convincing, since we can create the desired role and live it, play it to the fullest.

The opportunity to act spontaneously and unconventionally in a narrow area that requires in-depth, special knowledge comes to many only after a time when they can move away from the system. Stereotypes are reassuring; it seems that lengthy preparation or correctness and adherence to instructions will save you from miscalculations and lead to results. A person tends to save energy by resorting to attitudes, but they lead to mistakes as soon as the situation has changed. Since the world is dynamic in all areas, the ability to be spontaneous comes with high efficiency. The peak of life is creativity, and it is spontaneous in nature. The most powerful effect comes precisely from spontaneous action, creative coordination with the environment. However, spontaneity is not the ideal of unlimited freedom.

Spontaneity does not mean that any desire must necessarily be satisfied, because then a person should relieve himself immediately, only when he feels the need. Criticism of spontaneity also concerns excessive immersion in childishness, regressive abdication of responsibility, and the false idea that there is no need to make systematic efforts to achieve what you want or to reflect and soberly evaluate oneself.

Nothing excessive is harmonious, and freedom must also be balanced with certain restrictions. The only difference is that a truly spontaneous personality can voluntarily enter the framework if necessary and just as easily leave it if it has become outdated and does not correspond to reality. Freedom implies responsibility as a willingness to face the consequences of one's decisions and behavior. Freedom without responsibility is the path to shamelessness and...

Spontaneity of behavior

At first it may seem that clarity of organization and planned actions make a lot of sense. However, over time, stereotypes about the correctness and routine of life often collapse, causing stress, exhaustion, a feeling of meaninglessness, etc. Can you call a friend and go somewhere today just because you want to, without thinking about the things you need to do? Do you buy gifts for no reason, even for yourself, even small ones, just to make you happy? Have you hugged your friends tightly for no reason without saying a word? Have you tried something new without dooming yourself in advance to a negative result, convincing yourself that it won’t work? Have you ever engaged in creativity simply because of a random thought?

How often can you allow yourself to be spontaneous? We often like to control our lives and those of our loved ones; we are used to controlling our thoughts and actions, which is why we are often in a constrained state. There may be some impulse, but it was once devalued or prohibited within you. For example, when a child tries to do something that is inconsistent with etiquette or the ideas of his parents, he gets slapped, his hands become increasingly pinched and constrained, and along with them his movements and thoughts.

Hidden in everyone inner child, essentially a creator who seeks to express himself. You don’t need to suddenly become a child, regress and always be just a child - no, spontaneity is just a sign of naturalness, discover in yourself children's trust to a world that will help you accept situations that you cannot control. You shouldn’t control or fight them, but just accept them, even surrender to chance.

Spontaneity is a sign creative personality, when spontaneity develops, life breaks through in you. Haven’t you painted or danced for a long time? Haven’t you come up with fresh ideas for a long time? Engage in developing spontaneity, which can give you amazing, almost magical results. Spontaneity is also needed when you just need to stop and then start moving again without hesitation.

The development of spontaneity is especially required for people who are accustomed to comprehending, controlling, and deciding everything, avoiding new paths and anything new at all. They often want to try new way actions, gain greater freedom, moreover, they experience great freedom from the framework.

Developing Spontaneity

Effective for developing spontaneity next technique. Stand comfortably, close your eyes, relax and breathe deeply, focus on your breathing. Imagine your breath rising from your toes to your chest, with each exhalation it falls again, then returning to your hands. Then, as you inhale, feel how it rises higher, towards your neck. On the next inhalation, move to the nose and then to the top of the head. Breathe fully, as if inhaling through your legs, through your entire body. As you exhale, let all the garbage go away along with your breath - all the problems, unnecessary thoughts that limit you. This will help you relieve excess stress so that nothing bothers you.

Now try to breathe very differently, sometimes it is hard and arrhythmic breathing, then deep and heavy. Look at your hand, imagining that this is a separate character who lives his own life, who has come to tell you something. Allow yourself, as if to separate your hand, allowing your hand to move as it wants, because the body really has its own stories, its own content, which we squeeze. Observe her actions, what happens to your hand. Perhaps the hand has its own name, it will want to get to know you, do something, touch objects.

Watch yours here. Maybe this will cause irritation, devaluation is normal if you are used to controlling everything. Maybe, on the contrary, you are interested, you feel delighted inside.

Now wake up your other hand as a different character. Let her move as she wants. Observe what her movements are similar to, perhaps these will be some kind of metaphors, associations. Don't control her, let her be free.

Next, connect the first hand, let them move together, but try not to synchronize them. Then engage your body, head, and legs in movement. Work with your right and left legs separately, as with your arms. Allow what is happening to you to manifest itself. You will have something unprepared, spontaneous movement. Familiar movements are possible - but allow new things to happen, try to release your whole body, change speed, direction. Try this new rhythm, the movement that reveals you, the inner child who rejoices in novelty and freedom.

Pay attention to the feeling and well-being that arises. Now try to draw it. Maybe it will just be an explosion, a scribble - this indicates that you have let yourself go. Then open up the spontaneity of speech, giving yourself the opportunity to pronounce any sounds and words. Spontaneity of speech will allow you to say that you danced and drew. Explore what this spontaneity means to you? Apply elements of this technique in life, for example, by preparing a new dish without a recipe, add new ingredients, and get creative.

This technique works great with children or creative teams. Even artists often complain about being overcrowded and lacking creativity. If you work in a rigid structure, allow yourself new sensations, even through such a game, this manifests itself best through the body. The result will not be a loss of control, but an increase in confidence in life, an increasing spontaneity of the individual. How much of our tension and strength is spent on fighting windmills, when we can, on the contrary, save ourselves, our energy, using even a problem or an opponent in a positive way, as a resource previously hidden from a “blindfolded” view. The spontaneity of personality here is like a storm that will bring you to the right place, there is no need to fight it.

Spontaneity as a personality quality is the ability to actively, spontaneously act under direct influence internal reasons, own motives, without outside influence.

One famous master there were many wrestling students. The eldest of them studied long years, and trained diligently. One day he turned to the master: “Tell me, is there anything else that you haven’t taught me?” - I taught you everything I knew. You have mastered all the fighting techniques known to me. From these words, the young wrestler was filled with pride and announced to everyone and everywhere that he was now the best wrestler in the country and could even defeat his famous teacher. Hundreds of people came to watch this fight. After an even and calm struggle, the master suddenly, with an unexpected move, put the student on both shoulder blades. “It’s strange,” said the defeated man, catching his breath, “I learned everything you knew, but you defeated me with an unknown technique.” “My friend, I really taught you everything I knew,” the master answered, “but this technique was born only now, in the process of struggle, spontaneously.” But you didn’t teach me this,” said the student. - I can’t teach you spontaneity, you have to learn it yourself.

Genuine spontaneity is the result a lot of work. Can someone spontaneously play Beethoven's Appassionata on the piano if they have never learned to play? Certainly not. You need to work hard and acquire the appropriate skills. First mechanical work coupled with patience and only then spontaneity. Philosopher Vyacheslav Ruzov recalls: “Unfortunately, mechanics comes first. You can never go for free behavior first, always mechanics first. Culture is mechanics. We must endure. Enduring is a mechanic, but it makes us strong and spiritual, so first the mechanics, then the spontaneity. Spontaneity never comes first. Let me explain. I am a musician, I learned to play the piano for a long time, and spontaneity appeared in my 7th year of study. I could calmly play whatever I wanted with my eyes closed without light. Absolutely spontaneously sight read, improvise as you please. Everyone has their own art, but first what? Gammas from dawn to dusk, gammas, gammas, gammas. If your neighbors have a child who plays scales, you know this. From dawn to dusk for many years. Also, culture means behaving correctly for many years from dawn to dusk, and then spontaneity and naturalness appear.”

Good deeds done spontaneously are more valuable than those done intentionally, the Master once said. This caused a flurry of questions, but the Master deftly dodged. He did this when he believed that the time had not yet come to answer them. One day everyone went to a concert worldwide famous pianist. The master whispered to the student sitting next to him: “The movements of this woman’s fingers on the keyboard are spontaneous, they cannot be intentional.” Work of this quality is the work of the subconscious.

What has been brought to the point of automaticity, what does not require long thinking, the spontaneous mind decides in a matter of seconds. A professional spontaneously, that is, spontaneously, does his job. He is used to consistently and positively solving his problem. Spontaneity is the daughter of stability. The professional mind generates spontaneous, spontaneous actions. This ignoramus stands at a loss about what and how to do. His mind is incapable of spontaneity.

An ignoramus, due to the fact that he is a person, can solve problems that arise in a stereotypical, formulaic way. Stamps of consciousness inspired psychological attitudes, limiting beliefs embedded in the subconscious will, to some extent, allow him to somehow get out of the situations that have arisen. But this is false spontaneity, because it is not based on knowledge that has become part of life experience. That is, in the spontaneous actions of an ignoramus there is no wisdom inherent in true spontaneity.

A sage, when asked for advice, can amaze everyone with a spontaneous answer. Why is this happening? Maybe he thinks frivolously and frivolously? Maybe he answers quickly because of his superficiality? No. The sage is personified realized knowledge. The sage says only what he has personally experienced in practice. Wisdom holds in memory only realized knowledge. When a student asks the Sage a question that he has tested in practice, a spontaneous answer will follow.

A woman and a boy once came to the sage and said: “I have already tried all the ways, but the child does not listen to me.” He eats a lot of sugar. Please tell him that this is not good. He will listen because he respects you very much. The sage looked at the child, at the trust in his eyes, and said: - Come in three weeks. The woman and child obediently returned three weeks later. The sage said: “Come back in three more weeks.” When they came for the third time, the Sage said to the boy: “Son, listen to my advice, don’t eat a lot of sugar, it’s bad for your health.” “Since you advise me, I won’t do this anymore,” the boy answered.

The woman asked the sage why he didn’t say this spontaneously the first time, because it was so simple? The sage admitted to her that he himself loved to eat sugar, and before giving spontaneous advice, he had to get rid of this weakness himself. At first he decided that three weeks would be enough, but he was wrong...

Psychologist Inessa writes: “The scales in psychology continued to pull spontaneity in one direction or the other. Some argued that a spontaneous person is a dangerous and unreliable person, because he does not know how and does not want to control himself, while others praised individualism and the ability to be oneself. This protracted discussion was put to an end by the teachings of Moreno, Jung and Fromm, who boldly stated that the phenomenon we are considering is one of the driving energies of human existence, and the ability to show spontaneity is a sign real personality. According to their concept, this personality quality is considered enormous power, pushing a person towards self-realization and freedom of expression. The spontaneity in their mouths became a challenge to established foundations and stereotypical behavior. It has become fashionable to “be yourself”, “decide to take your own path” instead of the usual “everyone does this, so I should too”, “be like the rest”. Spontaneity was finally established on the pedestal and was proclaimed “the road to self-development.” Years have passed, the masters have sunk into oblivion psychological sciences, who managed to restore spontaneity’s good name. And again she fell out of favor with the people, they attributed to her such negative qualities as lack of control, impulsiveness and unpredictability. IN modern world a spontaneous person is an infantile, irresponsible and immature person, unable to keep his irrepressible self in check. To be spontaneous - alas! “Only children can.”

The social color of spontaneity directly depends on the influence of what energy a person is under. In other words, there is a blissful, passionate and ignorant spontaneity. That is, in some cases spontaneity will be positive quality personality, in others - some kind of arithmetic mean between virtue and vice, and in others - outright vice.

Thus, an ignorant person exhibits spontaneity in the context of haste, irresponsibility, lack of control, impetuosity, impulsiveness, arrogance and unpredictability. What reaction will others have to the spontaneity of an alcoholic or drug addict? Suspicion, mistrust, condescending, frivolous attitude. People know that such a spontaneous person can at any moment throw out some obscenity and put everyone in an awkward position. You cannot rely on such reckless spontaneity, because it certainly does not suffer from reliability.

Children, of course, will always be the generals of spontaneity. But where can adults go without spontaneity? love relationships? Is it possible to plan spontaneity, post a schedule of lovemaking? Spontaneity in passion does not tolerate any schedules or plans. It is subject only to passion.

Blessed spontaneity is responsible, aware and courageous. A person acts as his heart and accumulated life experience. He acts according to his inner impulses, ignoring shouts from the outside. Blessed spontaneity is the quality of a truly mature, harmonious personality. Spontaneity in goodness is the road to self-awareness and improvement.

It is inappropriate and absurd to blame spontaneity for sins that it did not commit. You just need to understand what kind of person manifests it. If this is an infantile, irresponsible and immature person, then his spontaneity will be just as viciously immature.

Petr Kovalev 2015

Spontaneity, which will be discussed in this article, is a meditative experience of the nature of one’s own mind in its true light. Thousands of experiences without any meaning or reason spontaneously appear and dissolve. An attempt to hold on to something, or to get rid of something, creates tension, limits perception, and chains one to the object of duality. All so-called events are illusions, because... are in fact unstable, elusive, spontaneous thoughts and images in the mind. Simply by leaving everything as it is, without turning leaving into movement or tension, you free yourself from the all-encompassing immersion in experiences and discover the great spontaneity of what is happening. This is the practice of not choosing, of not doing. It is difficult to find a solution to all problems and concerns. It is easy to make a subtle discernment that allows in a flow that washes away all concepts of problems and leads to an awareness of the spontaneity of all things.

At first, “not choosing” may appear as subtle choice, and non-action as subtle action. This residual tension is the thought that says, “I am practicing.” At this time, we can clearly see the paradox of what is happening. It would seem that we are simply here and now, but something still acts, and acts in spontaneity, against our will. It turns out that there is a “I” that simply exists, and a separate “I” that acts. Is there a difference between them? Where is this invisible transition from one “I” to another? It is impossible to understand this, because... this is the boundary of the mind and that which is beyond mental understanding.

And when we simply continue to be in such a suspended, relaxed state, without limiting ourselves to private understanding, without making noise with a rough analyzing mind, we begin to gradually see more and more clearly what is truly here and now. The mind is revealed to an incomprehensible secret about its own nature - the mind has no basis, it has no essence of its own, it is not even alive. All these are conventions. We see as it is, that the mind still reflects, makes calculations, creates its characteristic tension, analyzes something, tries to drive insights into new system, produces differences, builds formulas. And all this happens spontaneously, by itself, without our participation, simply due to the nature of the intellect - due to its charge.

Identification with the mind, or disidentification from it, is just a thought, another duality. When there are no divisions and preferences, then there is what is - being, always new reality of the present moment, grandiose spontaneity. This is possible only thanks to relaxed non-interference in the very presence that is already happening beyond any efforts.

Why, if reality and enlightenment are so natural, does a person remain in intense duality and caught in thoughts? Nobody can do otherwise. The paradox is that our usual state is natural and spontaneous, although it looks like something based on doubt and planning. It just happens, like everything in this reality. Man is in the illusion of creation, in the illusion that there are actions, and these actions are not just random movement, but movement endowed life meaning. We do not do actions that do not make sense. Every situation on different levels, every moment for us is a deal and a compromise.

There is an action - there is a result. When the result is not obvious, there is a feeling of dissatisfaction, injustice and deception. A painful emptiness, like a small gap through which one feels the meaninglessness of all this mechanical confusion, prompts us for the first time in for a long time sleep think about own life. And then the feeling arises that “you don’t want anything, everything is boring, everything is meaningless.” Although this feeling reflects reality to some extent, this reflection still occurs at the level of the mind, and is just another illusion, a thought. When this gap becomes wider during the practice of mindfulness, all experiences are temporarily intensified. A process of purification begins, during which meaninglessness and emptiness suddenly manifest themselves as freedom, clarity and purity.

If we take the plane of tension and relaxation for consideration, it turns out that we are almost always in such a suspended state. Neither total tension nor total openness is typical for us. We maneuver from one small tension to another, calling a series of these moments life. Our whole life is a continuous immersion in hundreds of mechanical (spontaneous) choices dictated by myriads of unconscious impulses.

We do not feel how this is happening; our attention slides over the consequences of unconscious causes that flow into our usual life, which we take for granted. The manifested thought is to some extent realized, but the mechanical nature of the choice is not. Spontaneity is the nature of all phenomena. When viewed with the mind, spontaneity can appear to be limiting. However, in the realm of the soul it is freedom. If choice always proceeds mechanically, then the very concept of choice is an illusion. The mind is always limited, that is its nature. However, consciousness is free from choice and doubt, it is itself spontaneity, consciousness simply exists, as an eternal spectator of this action on the boundless stage of the ocean of life.

Excessive effort spontaneously leads to fatigue and relaxation. Perhaps for this reason the experience of concentration is inevitable. Fed up with being immersed in doubt, the wise mind chooses. When attention, tempered by practice, becomes sharp, we no longer need effort to relax. We are aware ordinary life like a bundle of stresses and work with them without creating unnecessary excitement. This happens without mental effort - intuitively.

Everyone knows how to physically tense the body and then release it. Something similar happens at subtle, causal levels. We bring awareness into our own mind, without prompting, just looking at what we can see. There is no need to look for finer edges. Our work is our level. What is happening now is much more important than that, which, as it often seems to the mind, could happen. The true middle path is an intuitive trust in the reality of the present. Then relaxation becomes natural. What is is much simpler and brighter than what it seems. Spontaneity is the natural course of all things in the universe.

Feb 18

When a person acts strictly within the bounds of etiquette, he is definitely not charismatic.Charismatics are characterized by unpredictability of behavior. He acts spontaneously, without thinking, without looking at the opinions of others, but he is still forgiven for lapses in behavior.

Imagine two men who need to get away from a big noisy friendly company. One of them explains: “I have important meeting. I’m very pleased with you, but unfortunately I have to go.” They answer him: “Well, go ahead!” and look at him with hostility or as if he were an idiot. The second one looks around at everyone and says: “Damn it, such a beautiful girl is waiting for me, and I’m sitting here and looking at your smart faces. That’s it, I “drove.” Everyone laughs and remains happy, despite the fact that he still leaves.

So, the first sign of charismatic behavior is spontaneity, that is, the ability to act without thinking about your actions.

Many people have probably noticed that in a state of slight alcoholic intoxication they communicate much more easily and freely with people. It is commonly believed that “the brakes are released,” but in fact, to achieve a similar effect, you need to drink about a liter of strong alcohol. So in most cases, this is just an “excuse”, an opportunity to justify one’s unworthy behavior by saying “sorry, I abused it.”

Since the vast majority of people alcohol is needed only to have an excuse for one’s behavior, then you don’t have to drink it at all. It is quite enough to use perfume with the smell of alcohol or moisten your hand with alcohol and rub it over your face. After this, the fragrant person can behave as she pleases.

It is known that a person who is deeply intoxicated can fall from a height or take part in a physical conflict and not receive any serious injury. A sober, collected, focused person, walking down the street, can trip and break his leg, while a drunk “in the trash” can fall out of a third-floor window, get up and calmly move on.

A drunk person has no fear because spontaneous behavior his body is relaxed.

The lack of fear is reflected in behavior. The charismatic does not think for a second and is not afraid of the reactions of others- so it’s much easier for him than to an ordinary person, you manage to get to know someone, and be rude to someone, and charm someone.

Examples of spontaneous behavior

Some guy burst into one man’s apartment. He held one in his hand firearms and shouted that, according to his information, the owner of the apartment slept with his wife.

In such an extreme situation, most people would begin to make excuses, and it would end sadly: the attacker was “on edge” and could well shoot.

The owner of the apartment looked this guy in the eyes, spread his hands and said: “Who didn’t sleep with her?!” The attacker fell into a stupor, dropped the gun and began to rub tears down his cheeks. The owner picked up the pistol, hid it and began to console his “guest”, explaining that everything was not so scary, that they were comrades in misfortune, and so on... In the end jealous husband calmed down and left. Who was the woman in question, whether there was betrayal on her part, and if so, with this man or with another - remained behind the scenes.

The owner of the apartment was saved by his immediate reaction and spontaneous behavior. The guy who burst into him could shoot in response to any remark - only the Control Program of the Universal Matrix knows whether he would have shot or not. But it was precisely one phrase spoken that changed the situation, turned out to be key for him - he dropped the gun and burst into tears.

A person with a normal head cannot find such an answer in a split second. To do this, you need to do a re-flashing in your head.

* * *

In the center of St. Petersburg, a man fills up his car. Suddenly a luxury car pulls up, where four men are sitting - each of them has a full face. Windshield. One “person” lowers the window and declares that it is much more important for them to quickly refuel. And that this man must drive away quickly, otherwise they will come out and do him plastic surgery without anesthesia. The man turns, takes the hose and starts pouring gasoline onto the roof of this luxury car - a decent amount is poured out until the dispatcher finally realizes that it needs to be turned off. He then takes out a Zipo lighter, which won't go out in the wind, and strikes a fire. And he asks the question: “Well, have you left, dead people?” Four men sit in a luxury car, sweat rolling down their pale faces. Fifteen liters of gasoline had already been filled into the car. At the gas station there are fifty tons of gasoline. And a man stands with a lighter in his hand. The man laughs, puts away his lighter, gets into his car and drives away.

Years pass. Not long ago, a man completely by chance meets those characters in a sports club. They say hello, and then he asks why they didn’t find him using his car number and didn’t show him anything. One of the characters says: " What can you charge a person waving a lighter in front of a puddle of gasoline at a gas station!? You can kill him, but, firstly, no one will pay for it, and secondly, this is a completely pointless activity.”

How to learn to behave spontaneously?

A person in a normal state will not come up with such a model of behavior and will not implement it. This behavior is spontaneous and requires a special state of reality and a special state of consciousness - a state of light trance. To enter a spontaneous state, to learn to behave spontaneously, you need to block thoughts. Mentally set yourself a rhythm - imagine a drum in your head - bom-bom, bom-bom, bom-bom! In a state of spontaneity, you can say anything! Act as you please! This means that a person in a state of spontaneous behavior is truly capable of working miracles.


The main way to enter a spontaneous state is as follows: Unfocus your gaze. Mentally create a drumbeat in your head - bom-bo-bo-bom, bom-bo-bo-bom, bom-bo-bo-bom. Make a mental drumbeat in your head. Imagine hammers that help - they tap. You need to train so that you can walk, move, talk, think in this state.

In many sports and wrestling - be it tennis, boxing or whatever - punching is built on automaticity. On the basis of automaticity, when a person performs actions without thinking.

What is the difference between a driver and a person who simply knows how to change gears? The driver changes gears, depresses the clutch, and turns the steering wheel without thinking. He looks at road signs, on the markings, on the speedometer - and drives the car. A good driver doesn’t look anywhere at all, but sees everything. That is, the deeper the trans, the better the driver.

And this applies to any business you take up. The deeper you go into trance, the better you will do this.

© Vadim Shlakhter

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