Sagittarius flower according to the horoscope. Indoor plants and flowers of Sagittarius

Plants of the sign zodiac Sagittarius. Each zodiac sign has its own quirks. The main quirk of Sagittarius is his desire to rush into the distance, beyond the horizon, away from the sinful earth, because Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual aspiration to other worlds. Therefore, among its plants there are many that are tall or have their flower stalks stretched upward in an upward movement. Sagittarius is a sign of spiritual life, spiritual thoughts and discoveries, love of philosophy, therefore bonsai, whose appearance evokes a desire to philosophize, is exactly what Sagittarius needs.

Citrus fruits that bear sour or sour fruits also belong to this sign, because sour is the taste of Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius.

Tetrastigma Wuangye (indoor grape); Strelitzia reginas; Schefflera radiata ("umbrella tree", "octopus tree"); Sansevieria three-striped (“mother-in-law’s tongue”, “snake skin”); reed (bamboo) palms; Lachenalia aloeides; hemanthus Katarina; ficus sacred (religious); Eucharis grandiflora; Powell's crinum; clivia cinnabar; citrus: delicate, Tahitian, lemon; indoor bonsais.
A person of any zodiac sign can benefit from keeping Sagittarius plants at home. These plants can bring a lot of benefits to humans, but they have one thing in common, the most striking property. Sagittarius governs the theme of foreign countries, long journeys, so its plants develop in a person the qualities necessary for travel and enhances the attraction to the cultures of other countries.

Indoor bonsais
Many plants, the properties of which in their natural form vary greatly, can become indoor bonsai. But all bonsai, based on the rules of their cultivation and final sizes, have common properties that would seem to contradict the character of Sagittarius, who took bonsai under his wing: this sign is not characterized by self-restraint, but bonsai of dwarf sizes. But by reducing the size of the body, the gardener increases the spiritual meaning of the plant’s life; bonsai are good to have in homes where people are overly sensitive to material wealth and exalt them above other values ​​of life. Bonsai - for materialists who tend to exaggerate the importance of matter and material wealth. Bonsai absorb the energy of any thoughts, words and feelings of people about anything material that enters the atmosphere of the house, freeing up space for thoughts and speeches about the spiritual, about the eternal.

At the same time, bonsai of a symmetrical shape relieve the atmosphere of the energy of such materialists who, counting money and material goods their main support, yet allow the existence of other values. Bonsai with an asymmetrical shape are good for materialists who do not at all allow the existence of any values ​​other than material ones. Bonsai of a cascade or semi-cascade form are capable of clearing the atmosphere of the energy of people who are simply mired in the bustle of the world, looking at whom it seems that they are striving not for the Sun, but for the core of the Earth, somewhere down. But bonsai of absolutely any form will help reduce the energy of people’s dependence on earthly goods in the atmosphere of the house, introducing into it a ringing note of spirituality, thanks to which the atmosphere itself will begin to incline people to thoughts of the imperishable.

This property makes bonsai useful in rooms where sacred, religious ceremonies, where people gather for spiritual conversations - wherever it is necessary to reduce the degree of preoccupation with worldly problems.
By reducing the body size of plants, we have strengthened the spiritual meaning of their existence, so bonsai help us see the spiritual, invisible meaning of any phenomena. Bonsai develop in a person a vision of subtle patterns in the phenomena of life. Thanks to the presence of such plants in the house, people begin to pay attention to the clues sent by life. We can say that bonsai expand the worldview, helping to notice the presence of the subtle, spiritual world in earthly events. Bonsai makes a person's heart wiser and his mind more sensitive, developing the ability to foresee the events of his life. This property makes these plants useful for extremely down-to-earth people who do not recognize any other form of life other than material.

Even if, under the subtle influence of bonsai, a person does not learn to see the manifestations of spirit in matter, he will certainly begin to attach more importance to his feelings and sensations, which will gradually lead to the development of intuition. Bonsai can lead a person to think that all our problems arise from spiritual imperfection, that diseases of the physical body do not come from harmful food, but from harmful thoughts and desires. Materialism melts under the influence of bonsai, opening up new horizons for human consciousness, so bonsai can be an excellent gift for a conservative pragmatist. If you have already begun to feel that in earthly life not everything comes down to matter, plant bonsai trees next to you - and you will begin to see confirmation of your intuitive guesses.

By opening up the spiritual world to a person, bonsai can also help in deciphering dreams. And if you want to develop your ability to understand dreams, plant bonsai trees with straight stems. Such a plant has a direct, perpendicular connection with the subtle world, from where dreams come to us.

It is also good to have bonsai if you dream of accurately determining the characters of the people with whom you communicate. Bonsai teaches not to be deceived by looking at “clothes”, but to read the qualities of another person’s soul in the eyes. Thus, bonsai can be a wonderful gift for a psychologist, doctor, teacher and for anyone who is tired of making mistakes in people.

All bonsai need high air humidity and constantly moist soil. According to astrological correspondences, moisture is associated with the planets of the water element and, above all, with the Moon. The moon is in charge spiritual plan a person, his emotionality, impressionability, therefore bonsai develop lunar qualities in a person. Just as bonsai trees themselves need moisture, so a person in their presence begins to feel the need for emotional contact with the outside world. Some will have a desire to have a heart-to-heart talk with a friend, others will begin to look closely at the looks of animals and try to understand their mood, others will begin to talk tenderly with plants. Bonsai awakens soulfulness and sincerity in a person. Many people begin to feel something moving in their chest when they approach a bonsai. But looking at bonsai, you cannot say that these plants are saturated with moisture, so they will not make a person weaker, overly impressionable and emotional, but will only open up a world of new sensations, a world of not rational, but spiritual communication.

It is impossible to list all the properties of bonsai, but I would like to say one more thing. In the life of a bonsai there is a cycle of two years, because every two years their roots need to be trimmed. Two years is the cycle of Mars, the ruler of the first fire sign of Aries. Sagittarius and Aries are “relatives”, united by one element, but the quality of Sagittarius’ fire is much higher than the fire of Aries. Being the third fire sign, Sagittarius has a subtle fire, similar to the fire of a candle. The fire of Aries is indomitable and violent, like a fire. The two-year cycle of bonsai indicates the presence in the character of these plants of a violent “Aries” conflagration, flaming passions and strong desires, which are difficult to resist, but the plants’ belonging to Sagittarius refines the quality of their fire. Therefore, bonsai, being present in our homes, help us pacify our desires, calm passions, and people who have always acted according to the first desire, without thinking, begin to give up desires, the fulfillment of which can harm others. Bonsai calms the most passionate people, incontinent in words and actions gradually begin to control themselves more and more.

Thanks a lot spiritual meaning, embedded in bonsai, these plants help a person find the causes of his illnesses in his own character, behavior, thoughts and feelings. Bonsai helps a person change himself, his attitude towards the world, which ultimately leads to physical healing; bonsai not only gives you a sense of which people or situations are bad for your health, but can also act directly on the physical body. Having a strong body themselves, (these plants increase immunity and strengthen the human body.

Tetrastigma Voignier (indoor grapes)
Indoor grapes are a giant among indoor plants. In just a year, he can grow two meters! It is precisely the rapid growth that makes this plant similar to Sagittarius - the sign that strives beyond the horizon. Indoor grapes bring sparks of spiritual fire into the atmosphere of the house, ennobling the space. We can say that this plant opens the hood in the house, helping to cleanse the atmosphere and fill it with light, bright energy.

Many people see unusual sparkling sparkles of intangible origin in the air, which come in white, yellow, purple and other colors, and are especially noticeable with a sideways, absent-minded glance. Even those who have long been accustomed to this unusual phenomenon, may not know that these sparkles are a sign of the presence of energy higher powers. But the presence of these energies is possible only in a relatively clean space. Indoor grapes clear the way for the energy of higher powers - the energy of helping a person, coming from his heavenly teachers. If the person himself is ready to accept this help, it will pour on him, and indoor grapes will help the forces of light to pass through the darkness of the earth’s atmosphere. Yes, the effect of indoor grapes on the atmosphere is somewhat unusual, and this is because Sagittarius, to which the plant belongs, is far from worldly vanity, but involved in the higher worlds.

Indoor grapes are not very common due to their size, but having them at home would be very useful for people seeking light. By purifying the atmosphere, this plant promotes contact between the earthly, earthly and heavenly, higher worlds. The presence of indoor grapes can be especially useful for clairaudient people, for those to whom poems and ideas come “out of nowhere”, who feel like invisible helpers are guiding him through life. Of course, absolutely anyone who wants to restore contact with their cosmic brothers can have this plant at home.
Indoor grapes directed upward will help people living without a goal, looking for one, to finally find their star. It is also beneficial to have this plant at home or at work for process people, that is, those who enjoy the process, but do not strive for results. Indoor grapes will help a person find a goal and an incentive to move forward towards the goal. This plant will get the lazy out of bed, instilling in them enthusiasm and a desire to act, will speed up the work process of slow people, but will not inspire a person to move ahead, over the heads of others, to achieve a goal without principles. Grapes are a flexible plant, therefore a person under its influence becomes more careful, begins to avoid obstacles, and avoids unnecessary troubles.

Lanky grapes can not only serve as an incentive for the lazy, but also be a talisman for people who know where to strive and do a lot to achieve their goals. This plant will help them quickly achieve their goals and be flexible strategists in business.
This flexible plant keeps our body flexible, and its large growth gives the grapes the ability to speed up the exit of diseases from the body. Great growth with a flexible stem is associated with the air element, which helps the fire of Sagittarius burn. Being present in the house, indoor grapes stimulate our body to resist diseases; it fans the fire of immunity, directing the flame from bottom to top throughout the body. Under the subtle influence of this plant, overall well-being improves, confidence appears that all illnesses will pass, and without such confidence a person will never be cured.

Sansevieria three-striped ("mother-in-law's tongue", "pike tail")
It’s not for nothing that Sansevieria is called “mother-in-law’s tongue.” Its leaves are really quite similar to a long tongue. Many are even afraid to keep it at home, believing that it encourages people to gossip and slander. Against! "Mother-in-law's tongue" clears space from the energy of evil words and thoughts. Its leaves are not only long, but also very dense. And we know that the leaves are ruled by the planet of thought and words, Mercury, which in dense leaves connects with the earth element. The earthly element gives weight to words, weighs them down, and voices heavy thoughts. In addition, the shape of Sansevieria leaves is xiphoid, that is, its tongue is pointed. Thus, the effect of this plant on the atmosphere consists of three components - talkative Mercury, heavy earthly elements and a pointed tongue.

Sansevieria will serve as a “vacuum cleaner” in a house where people live who are accustomed to speaking rudely or at least having heavy thoughts in their heads who do not disdain a caustic word. This plant absorbs from the atmosphere and processes within itself the energy of heaviness, roughness and harshness, ennobling the space and making the atmosphere more comfortable, conducive to rest, reflection, and creativity.
Houseplant experts say, “If you can’t have houseplants, grow Sansevieria.” She is one of the few who will tolerate any careless attitude towards herself. And maybe that’s why Sansevieria is so unpretentious, so undemanding to living conditions, that many people need it, because it is difficult to find a house in which people would not have a single difficult thought and would not at least occasionally utter rude, harsh words.
The appearance of sansevieria evokes Streltsov’s aspiration up and into the distance, beyond the horizon. Indeed, this plant helps a person to quickly achieve certain goals, inspiring him to move along the path of Mercury, which merged in the leaves of Sansevieria with the earthly element. Mercury manages many topics in life, including learning, and the earth element gives persistence, patience, accuracy, and helps to apply knowledge in practice. It is good to have sansevieria for those who want to receive a serious education in order to then use the acquired knowledge in life. Sansevieria will help you overcome laziness and devote yourself to studying science, and it speeds up the process of learning anything, which makes it useful for slow-witted people and people with “leaky” memories. Sansevieria will always help when there are problems with learning.

Many are tormented by their inability to apply the knowledge acquired through long studies at the institute. And Sansevieria is just for such people. Her Mercury develops resourcefulness and enterprise in a person, allowing him to combine commercial interests with his existing education. And if you have to split between working for money and interesting work, plant sansevieria at home. This plant also has one more property that is very necessary for people living in close quarters. Sansevieria is an extremely unpretentious plant, this gives it the power to help a person get an education in any, the most unfavorable conditions: in cramped home conditions, and among the ridicule of loved ones who do not accept your professional choice, and if you fail to enter an attractive educational institution. Sansevieria protects your nerves and adapts you to any learning difficulties, helping you emerge from them with your head held high.

The sign Sagittarius, which rules this plant, is associated with the theme of teacher and student, so Sansevieria can be a talisman-amulet for both students and teachers. To the latter, this plant gives the strength to confidently lead the student through the jungle of ignorance to the light of science. A teacher who has such a plant at home or at work increases his chances of turning even a poor student into an excellent student. Under the subtle influence of this plant, a teacher can become a real wizard, not imposing knowledge, but inspiring to study, instilling in people the confidence that they are capable of complex sciences, that they are talented students.
Mercury and the earth element, manifested in the leaves, give the plant the ability to stabilize the metabolism in the body (metabolism is controlled by Mercury, and stabilized by the earth element). In addition, the unpretentious nature of sansevieria determines its ability to help the body adapt to new conditions. By increasing adaptive abilities, sansevieria protects us from colds, ailments and general weakness when changing atmospheric pressure, humidity and air temperature.

Lemon is found in many homes, because it is very easy to grow from a seed. Although it is difficult to expect fruit from a lemon grown in this way, its potential energy lives in the plant and affects the atmosphere in our homes. Sour lemon fruit is associated with Jupiter because the sour taste corresponds to this planet. The fruits themselves are under the control of Venus. Thus, in the fruit of the lemon tree, Venus conjoined Jupiter. Venus is in charge of the material plane, gives the desire to improve the financial situation, decorate life, and Jupiter is the planet of expansion, which, connecting with Venus, increases the desire for material comforts and physical beauty. Living in our homes, lemon clears the space from the energy of people’s thoughts associated with the desire to improve their financial situation.

Lemon is good where people, succumbing to the influence of Jupiter, think a lot about earthly goods and want a lot at once. But due to the fact that the energy of the fruits, that is, Venus and Jupiter, in the lemon tree is only potential, this plant frees the atmosphere from streams of thoughts and desires that remain unembodied. How many thoughts about improving life arise in a person! And all of them can hover in the atmosphere next to him, creating an energetic crowd, confusion, preventing other thoughts from being born. But a lemon tree, especially one grown from a seed, that is, one that has little chance of bearing fruit, will clear the atmosphere and give us the opportunity to think freely and reflect on various topics.

Jupiter, whose energies flow in lemon fruits, rules social, social work. He inclines people towards external life, leading them away from domestic worries. Venus helps to act beautifully. Thanks to the potential (not manifested in fruits, as is often the case) energy of Jupiter and Venus, the lemon tree gives rise to the desire to do something for everyone. It is good to have this plant for those who are already passionate about some kind of social activity, because for such people the lemon tree will inspire new beautiful ideas related to work. For avid homebodies who care only about the needs of their family, lemon will help them imagine themselves outside the home, working with the common good in mind. Lemon can give an incentive to find a job for those who have lived their entire lives “at the mercy of their parents” or in the care of their husband. No matter what people a lemon is next to, it will inspire a desire to express yourself more actively in society and do it beautifully, as Venus demands.

The taller the lemon lives in your house, the greater the heights social life he will call you. Lemon is not a shrub or herbaceous plant, this is a tree, and as mentioned earlier, the spirit of conservatism lives in trees. Thanks to this spirit, lemon gives rise to a persistent, strong desire in people to social activities leading to achieving great heights. There is no need to be afraid that the lemon will spoil those people whose purpose is precisely their inner, family life. If a woman is supposed to be a housewife, she will remain one, even if she surrounds herself with a dozen lemon trees. But the beauty of the influence of the lemon tree is that it helps to broaden one’s horizons, and even housewives begin to feel, as sensual Venus commands, the pulse of life, to become interested in world events, as Jupiter demands.
The main effect of lemon on human health lies in the energies of Jupiter and Venus living in the fruits of this plant. Jupiter rules the liver and blood, and Venus acts ennobling. Therefore, lemon trees improve liver health and blood quality.

Clivia cinnabar
Clivia has long been a favorite indoor plant for everyone who wants to get flowers from their pets without having to settle for lush greenery. It was the flowers on a long peduncle that identified this plant under the sign of Sagittarius. Interestingly, even clivia blooms during the Sun's transit through Sagittarius (November-December). At this time of flowering, clivia seems to highlight the theme of Sagittarius, and since flowers are ruled by the best healer of feelings - the Sun, clivia harmonizes the energy of space created by people who have a bad attitude towards Sagittarius themes. This sign is associated with teachings, including religious and philosophical, with the theme of distant wanderings and public life. And if in the house live ardent opponents of some sciences, even mathematicians, people who hate philosophy in general or some of its directions, those who are extremely negatively opposed to religion, imported products, or despise those who have dedicated themselves social activities, clivia will come in very handy. Even if a person is irritated by one of the Sagittarius topics, for example, imports, foreign countries, clivia in the house there will be something to do.

This plant neutralizes the energy of irritation associated with life themes ruled by Sagittarius. This energy flows out of the person along with words and silent feelings, preventing both the person himself and other residents of the house from correctly relating to Sagittarius topics. By purifying the atmosphere in the house, clivia gives us the opportunity to quickly find the right attitude towards sciences, religions and philosophies, towards the cultures of other countries and social activities.
Flowers of any plant warm and calm the heart - this is how the Sun acts, whose energies are contained in them. But if clivia blooms at a time when the Sun emphasizes the theme of Sagittarius, passing through this sign, then this plant is especially useful for those born under Sagittarius to have next to them. On the eve of a birthday and in the first days after it, it can be difficult for a person to cope with the influx of bad mood. About a month before the birthday, a person feels exhausted, weakened, especially vulnerable, and in the first days after this day he is filled with fresh strength, but these forces still need to be absorbed, which will take time. And here clivia will help, protecting Sagittarius in days of weakness, becoming a shield against bad mood.

The sun, living in the flowers of this plant, rules the heart, but the flowers of clivia tend upward, rising above the foliage, and do not glow through the greenery. Therefore, clivia raises the vitality of the heart, maintaining it in a young, vigorous state.

According to astrologers, there is a certain connection between flowers and zodiac signs. Each sign corresponds to a flower. According to the horoscope, the flower that is favorable for Sagittarius is that it helps to develop communication skills and establish communication with other people.

Which flower suits Sagittarius according to the horoscope?

Sagittarius loves to surround himself beautiful plants, get closer to nature. Sagittarius plants help in the development of spiritual life, undertakings, thoughts and discoveries, open love for philosophical reflections and science.

Plants can develop in a person a passion for distant travels, conquering the unknown, increase interest in the cultures of other countries, and protect against negative energy, which prevents Sagittarius from creating. What meaning do Sagittarius flowers carry?

All plants of this strong sign help you find yourself and have a beneficial effect on the aura of your home. Give any such flower to a Sagittarius girl, and good luck will definitely smile on her. The flower will give her vitality, so you can’t go wrong with the gift.

Indoor flowers ideal for Sagittarius

Indoor flowers of Sagittarius - Powell's crinum, lachenalia aloe vernacular, clivia cinnabar: indoor bonsai, bamboo palms, royal strelitzia, sheflera radiata, tetrastigma Vuanye, eucharis grandiflora, ficus sacred, citrus fruits and some other plants.

Like Sagittarius himself, his plants are usually tall, sophisticated and noble. They bloom beautifully and abundantly, and always delight the eye with their unusual charm. If you want to give flowers to a Sagittarius, you will be faced with a difficult choice.

It is best to give preference to elegant purple flowers: a love message can be composed of lavender roses, and purple gladioli can be presented in gratitude for friendship.

When choosing indoor plants, you should also take into account your zodiac sign. After all, when making the right choice they will be able to change their owner’s life for the better, becoming a real talisman.

Here are some indoor plants, suitable for the sign Sagittarius.


These dwarf trees, brought from Japan, make us think about the spiritual side of our lives. In addition, they help to learn self-control, which is especially important for impetuous and impulsive Sagittarius.

They can also protect a person during a long trip - after all, the heavenly patron of Sagittarius - the planet Jupiter - embodies the desire for other worlds, be it distant stars or other countries or cultures.

Indoor grapes

With its rapid growth, it reminds us of Sagittarius’ constant striving upward. This plant helps to renounce the material world, teaches perseverance and flexibility in achieving your goals.


It blooms in November-December, which means its red flowers can decorate Sagittarius's birthday. It is directly related to the zodiac sign of Sagittarius and its desire for science, philosophy and travel. In addition, clivia helps Sagittarius in combating bouts of bad mood, especially in the periods before and after their birthday. At this time, Sagittarians are susceptible to neuroses, which is very important for them.


For ruby-haired Sagittarius, it is very useful to grow citrus fruits, such as lemon, at home. A plant popularly called “mother-in-law’s tongue” is also suitable: it will teach the owner to carefully select expressions.


This is the most spectacular of indoor plants. Its bright flowers will not fade for several weeks. However, Strelitzia blooms only in the fourth year, so its owner will need to learn patience.

Garden flowers optimal for Sagittarius

Sagittarius plants contribute to success and development of spiritual life, develop a love of science. Under their influence, a person’s attraction to other cultures intensifies, and the qualities necessary for long-distance travel develop. Tall flowering plants are designed to protect the energy of the house from negative impact planets such as Saturn and Uranus.

From garden plants For Sagittarius, gladioli, dahlias, clary sage or horminum, lotus, horminum or salvia horminum, clary sage are suitable; to spicy and fruit: anise, gravilat, cornflower, strawberry, oak, strawberry, linden, fig, lemon, lotus, leek, tangerine, nutmeg, dandelion, sea buckthorn, burdock, beet, plum, currant, sugar cane.


A beautiful and lush dahlia clears the living space of Sagittarius from unnecessary laziness, which only interferes with active centaurs. This flower will speed up the work process, strengthen the body's defenses and have a beneficial effect on overall health.


A gladiolus rushing upward reveals to a person spiritual world, helps calm your desires, nerves, calm passions and negative emotions.


Strawberries help to gain wisdom, develop intuition, and increase adaptive abilities during changing weather conditions. Lotus gives Sagittarius harmony and balance, develops the ability to foresee events in their life.


Leek can clear space of negative aura without kind words and thoughts, teaches patience and ambition, improves metabolism in the body. Currants take on the energy of a bad mood and have a beneficial effect on enthusiasm and enterprise.

By the way, Sagittarius representatives are not recommended to grow aloe, ferns, cacti, capsicums, calceolaria, and ivy as indoor plants. These plants take away all the energy from optimistic shooters. vital energy and inspiration.

The cosmic law is the same for all things, which means that the plant world is subject to the same principles as the human world. Therefore, ancient astrological knowledge about plants will help us establish harmony with nature. From this article you will learn which crops belong to the sign of Sagittarius and what their bioenergetic characteristics are.

In the constellation Sagittarius there is the center of our Galaxy (closed from visibility by dense clouds of gas and dust) and the winter solstice point, through which passes Milky Way. There are approximately 115 stars in this constellation, the brightest of which is called Rukbat (in Arabic “Rukbat al Rami” means “knee of the shooter”).

In the constellation Sagittarius, the ancient Greeks saw the mythical centaur Chiron, galloping across the sky with a drawn bow and ready to shoot an arrow at Scorpio, who fatally stung the hunter Orion. Chiron was considered an excellent shooter and patronized sailors. According to legend, to help seafarers (for better orientation in the sea) he invented the Zodiac, dividing the annual path of the Sun (Helios) into 12 parts (constellations of the Zodiac). After the death of the wise centaur Chiron, Zeus turned him into the constellation Sagittarius and left him to shine in the sky as a reward for all his services, including raising the glorious heroes of Greece.

Characteristics of Sagittarius plants. "Faster, higher, stronger"

Sagittarius is the third sign of the element of Fire. It is ruled by Jupiter - the “planet of luck”, as astrologers call it. Therefore, a horseshoe is considered a magical talisman for Sagittarius, bringing good luck. Jupiter activates religious worldview, philosophical thought, wisdom, knowledge, desire for self-improvement and love of travel. Likewise, Sagittarius plants contribute to the achievement of success, fame, honor, spiritual development and prosperity.

Rapid growth and development

Sagittarians are restless and active. They are able to go to the ends of the earth to pursue their dreams, and the energy of plants of this sign helps to materialize this dream. For good luck in business and fulfillment of desires, it is important to have in the house fast-growing, tall crops with strong stems, large leaves, red or orange flowers. For example, reed (bamboo) palms, ficus sacred (religious), balsam, tetrastigma.

Attractiveness and nobility

Sagittarians are very charming and selfless. These are knights with a keen sense of justice, opposing any manifestation of evil. Astrologers attribute these qualities to the carnation (Dianthus). Also in Ancient Rome Carnations were grown in honor of Jupiter, hoping that he would notice his favorite flower on Earth and be merciful to people. The Parisian communards made the scarlet carnation the “flower of the revolution.” Carnations still grow near the Wall of the Communards in Paris.
Today breeders have bred a large number of carnation hybrids. This noble flower, grown with my own hands, brings good luck in business and supports well-being in the home.

Love of life

The most best qualities Sagittarius - love of life and optimism. Sagittarians are mobile, active, active, so it is easy to work with them. They know how to energize those around them good mood. Sagittarians have the most stable psyche, but sometimes they are not confident in themselves. This is the result of a contradiction between dreams and reality. Sagittarians with a shaken psyche need to grow chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum), symbolizing love of life and temperament. Chrysanthemums delight gardeners until late autumn and are not afraid of the first frosts. They easily tolerate replanting even at the peak of flowering, they last for more than 3 weeks when cut, and in terms of the variety of inflorescence shapes and the splendor of colors they simply have no equal. It is better for inexperienced flower growers to first master the cultivation of Korean chrysanthemum, and only then can they cultivate large varieties that bloom in November - December in greenhouses.

Spiritual development

Sagittarius is located towards spiritual development and comprehension of philosophical truths. They need to grow bonsai with cascading and asymmetrical shapes that stimulate the thinking process and expand their worldview. In the East they believe that bonsai makes a person’s mind more sensitive and his heart wiser. The basic requirements for indoor bonsai are high humidity in the room and constant soil moisture in the flower pot.

Another plant of Jupiter - lemon (Citrus limon) - will fit perfectly into the house of Sagittarius. Lemon has enormous potential energy, which encourages active activity, broadening one's horizons and achieving one's goals. This plant brings variety to life and attracts interesting events. A grafted fruit-bearing lemon helps improve the financial situation of the owner.


Sagittarians directly express their opinions, regardless of persons and circumstances. And their words reach their target like a flying arrow. Such straightforwardness is promoted by Sansevieria (Sansevieria), one of the most unpretentious indoor plants with variegated, straight and long leaves. Many are afraid to keep sansevieria (“mother-in-law’s tongue”) at home, believing that it will provoke a quarrel and backbiting. But that's not true. On the contrary, the plant cleanses space from the negative energy of words and thoughts. Sansevieria will help Sagittarius people seeking self-improvement and career growth.

Sagittarius Plants

  • Houseplants: azalea, fuchsia, indoor bonsai, balsam, tetrastigma Voignier (indoor grape), Sansevieria three-striped, chamedorea, eucharis, clivia, clerodendrum, crinum, strelitzia, thunbergia, schefflera, ficus sacred (religious), hemanthus, lemon, radermachera.

  • Garden plants: anise, asparagus, mint, borage, dandelion, rhubarb, sage, strawberries, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, watercress, pepper, nutmeg, grapes, calendula, cinquefoil, lungwort, gladiolus, cloves, chrysanthemum .
    Shrubs: currant, walnut, sea buckthorn.

  • Trees: ash, hornbeam, fig, beech, plum, apricot, elderberry, almond, chestnut, mulberry, reed (bamboo) palms.

Sagittarius are representatives of the fire element. Freedom-loving and open to communication, they are the soul of any company. Having kind heart, they strive to gain the trust of others and are able to selflessly do good deeds. They can work tirelessly for the benefit of themselves, their family, or someone dear to their hearts. For them, any obstacles to life path– this is a good incentive to achieve the goal. At the same time, Sagittarius perceives criticism and coldness of others quite painfully. Women and men of this sign are hurt by the indifference of loved ones.

Important! If among your family, friends or colleagues there is a person born between November 23 and December 22, then you should pay a little more attention to him. It is not necessary to give an expensive gift; it is enough to give flowers for Sagittarius so that the person you care about does not feel deprived and lonely.

Sagittarius flowers according to the horoscope

Despite the fact that Sagittarius is protected by the fire element, representatives of this sign prefer a cool palette of colors - blue, indigo and violet. And if you believe in astrology, then these colors can become a real talisman of good luck for Sagittarius, since they symbolize wealth, prosperity, success and stability for him. However, the love for cool shades only partially extends to living plants. And, according to astrologers, all representatives of this sign should be given the following flowers.

  • Daffodils.
  • Roses.
  • Tulips.
  • Gladioli.
  • Freesia.
  • Orchids.
  • Mimosa.
  • Dahlias.
  • Peonies.
  • Carnations.

Important! Be sure to give chrysanthemums! They are shown to Sagittarius according to the horoscope and are able to bring happiness, love and mutual understanding to their home.

What bouquet to give to Sagittarius

Sagittarians are very kind, optimistic and cheerful people. They not only love to be the center of attention, but also adore everything spectacular - when choosing a bouquet of flowers for Sagittarius, this should be taken into account. Especially if the recipient is a girl whose heart requires a holiday and bright emotions.

For a birthday and other celebrations, it is better for Sagittarius to give not just one flower or a modest bouquet, but a luxurious arrangement. Representatives of this sign love solemnity, so the flowers of the bouquet can be complemented with lush greenery with carved, spectacular leaves. And an indispensable attribute is beautiful packaging or ribbon in Sagittarius’ favorite color.

Flowers for Sagittarius woman

Women born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius are very impulsive, love romance and beautiful signs of attention. They are able to appreciate plants given out of season - in their opinion, this is very touching and generous. And if you choose their favorite flowers, you will win a woman’s heart forever. If any plants of the fair sex are unknown to you, then present flowers according to the advice of the horoscope:

  • crocuses;
  • hyacinths;
  • tulips;
  • daffodils;
  • freesia;
  • mimosa.

Or just a luxurious bouquet of roses, designed in a palette of cool shades. A woman will certainly notice and appreciate the message attached to it, greeting card or a soft toy. After all, all Sagittarius are a little sentimental and strive to find a hidden meaning in every gesture of attention from others.

Flowers for Sagittarius man

It is not difficult for a Sagittarius man to choose a bouquet. The main thing is that the composition should be truly unusual and somewhat extravagant. Perfect for these purposes:

  • orchids;
  • peonies;
  • tulips;
  • carnations.

And, of course, chrysanthemums! And since Sagittarius men are prone to thinking and philosophizing alone, their attention to the bouquet should be attracted by the original decoration of the composition. For this you can and should use natural materials, such as tree bark or rice paper.

Important! Be sure to give a bouquet with wishes of health, achievement of goals and prosperity - Sagittarians love this very much and will appreciate it.

Indoor flowers and plants for Sagittarius

Sagittarius' preferences for flowers that can be grown at home are very contradictory. On the one hand, they like bonsai, the contemplation of which strengthens their faith in the purity of this world and inspires a desire to reflect on life, and on the other hand, they love plants with long peduncles and large flowers. These can be hippeastrum or clivia.

Sagittarius is also partial to fruit-bearing home crops, especially citrus fruits. Both women and men of this sign will enjoy growing lemon, Chinese orange or calamondin. Feeling an inextricable connection with nature and their special purpose, they will be happy to care for citrus fruits, harvest, treat the fruits to everyone who is dear to their hearts, and are proud of their talent as a florist-agronomist.

Important! Choosing home flowers for Sagittarius is not difficult - look at what is growing on their windowsill, and feel free to buy a similar plant, only more luxurious or beautifully decorated.

As you know, the Sagittarius Woman takes her responsibilities at work and in life equally responsibly. She is a valuable employee and a caring wife and mother. For Sagittarius commonplace guardianship over people is considered, and he is always ready to put other people’s responsibilities on his own shoulders if he sees that the person is unable to cope with them. The Sagittarius woman is incredibly passionate and loves to argue, often not paying attention to the fact that she is fundamentally wrong. She will not miss an opportunity to chat with friends and even gossip. She is distinguished by straightforwardness and incredible optimism, which helps her get out of the most difficult situations with brilliance.

Sagittarius is a fire sign. Plants belonging to the signs of Fire bloom beautifully and abundantly, they are tall, slender and full of strength. If we talk about indoor plants, then geranium, begonia or zinnia will help a Sagittarius woman create comfort in her home. Calendula, freesia, hyacinth and gloxinia have a good effect on well-being and even prevent diseases. Women also have great sympathy for violets. Now there are many varieties of these lovely plants. And it doesn’t matter which ones will be given to Sagittarius: a modest bouquet of violets or a violet in a pot. He will like any. The main thing is to present them from the heart.

It is better to collect bouquets for Sagittarius from gladioli, chrysanthemums or carnations. Phlox, marigolds, daisies, asters, mimosa, dahlias and elegant marigolds harmonize very well with this sign of the Zodiac. Roses, daisies and crocuses are not excluded. As a rule, cold plants are most suitable for Sagittarius Women. color range: blue, light blue and purple shades. But sometimes you can give a bouquet mixed from tulips and daffodils. In this case, it is best to choose blood-red tulips. Many girls consider tulips, especially those with unopened buds, to be very sexy flowers, so they will be happy to accept these flowers as a gift. A variety of such flowers is presented on the website

Sagittarians are sparkling people. They love lush bouquets that are associated with their character traits. Flowers collected in a bouquet should seem to be directed upward. You can add a little extravagance. But we must not forget that the Sagittarius Woman loves to philosophize. To emphasize this character trait of the representatives of the sign, florists advise carefully selecting the packaging for the bouquet. Rice paper, jute or tree bark are suitable for this purpose. There is no need to give a Sagittarius Woman a bouquet tied with a ribbon or string, this is not in her style and is unlikely to evoke reciprocal sympathy. Perfect option bouquet - ikebana. Sagittarius will definitely appreciate the imagination of florists and will rejoice at any harmoniously executed composition of plants, objects and flowers: dry and artificial.

There are flowers that it is undesirable to give to a Sagittarius Woman. These include:

  • callas,
  • irises,
  • as well as flowers of light shades: white lilies, lilies of the valley and snowdrops.

In the interior of the house, it is best for a representative of a fire sign not to keep ferns, cacti, aloe and ivy.

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