The strip is more than just a dance. Is it necessary to exercise in high heels? Other positive factors

Around this view dance art there are many prejudices, but currently strip dancing is one of the most popular trends modern dance. What exactly is strip plastic surgery and is it worth doing?

If your first association with strip plastic is striptease, then you are mistaken. Despite common origin words (“strip” in English - to undress), these are radically different directions and strip plastic does not imply direct undressing. And we’ll talk further about what it really is.

There is no exact date for the origin of strip dancing, but it is believed that even in ancient times, priestesses performed special dances to please the eyes of their gods. In the process of the evolution of strip plastic, there was indeed a period during which it existed exclusively in the form of striptease. But in our time, strip plastic is, neither more nor less, a type of sports aerobics.

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Strip dance classes or private dances in the Studio...

The performance shown to the viewer is based on natural sensuality and liberation, and does not have to be accompanied by undressing. Learning modern strip dance is a process of awakening her in a woman. natural beauty and plasticity with her subsequent transformation into a charming and attention-grabbing goddess.

A woman who masters strip plastic attracts attention with any of her movements - every step and gesture. Smoothness and natural sexuality are what sets her apart from the rest. At the same time, attracting attention occurs unconsciously both for the woman herself and for those around her, the result seems so fascinating.

How to learn strip plastic and who benefits from it

Every woman wants to be beautiful and sexy. But not everyone who wants to achieve this is ready to spend time on it. You should not treat strip plastic as something simple and labor-intensive. Quite the contrary.

As mentioned above, strip dancing is a type of sports aerobics, which implies intensity and regularity of exercise to achieve noticeable results. The entire learning process is aimed at developing the flexibility and plasticity of your body. To achieve the desired goal, you can find strip plastic lessons on the Internet and practice on your own, but more effective and efficient classes still take place under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

It is worth remembering that there are no women unsuitable for strip plastic surgery. Every representative of the fair sex is a goddess of sensuality by definition, but too many hide their true essence deep inside. Once you start doing strip plastic, you will be able to open up and show everyone around who you really are - beautiful, bewitching, charming, sexy...

if you have excess weight or your figure is far from ideal - this is not a reason to refuse strip plastic surgery, rather, on the contrary - this is a reason to do it! For example, the basic movement of strip dancing is that you need to gracefully lower yourself to the floor, and then just as smoothly and gracefully return to a vertical position.

Do you think it's very simple? You will change your mind when you are required to repeat this movement several times during one lesson. And this is not the only exercise that gives a noticeable load to the muscles of the whole body. As mentioned above, due to the individuality of each organism, it is worth starting your journey in strip plastic under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Is strip plastic surgery worth it?

Due to popularity this direction Nowadays, strip dancing classes are not cheap. However, you can sign up for discounted dance lessons. Thus, you will not only save money and get a great opportunity to get rid of excess weight, as well as get a slim and toned figure, but also to reveal the true feminine beauty and charm in yourself.

So, as a result, it’s worth saying that ideally any woman should learn strip plastic surgery. How many smart and beautiful women can you meet on the street, making a positive impression at first glance, but completely destroying it later with one awkward, sharp, convulsive movement. Flexibility and plasticity of movements will add charm to any woman, even in cases where her appearance far from the ideals of glossy magazines.

If in the future you plan to engage in other types of dances, mastering strip plastic can help you significantly. Thanks to the ability to move gracefully, you have a significant advantage - natural grace, so any step you perform will look just perfect.

Mastery of strip movements provides you with a universal tool for keeping your body toned and in excellent shape, because at home you can dance as much as you like. In addition, you can dance not only for yourself, but also for your loved one. Still, the striptease mentioned at the very beginning is not synonymous with strip plastic, but nevertheless belongs to one of its directions. Be beautiful and seductive!

It’s worth attending a step-plasty lesson, if only to become better acquainted with the capabilities of your body. A regular classes will help you become more flexible and graceful, develop sexuality and strengthen the muscles of the whole body.

There are several types of strip plasticity: dance in space (movements that are performed without any support); chair dance; dance with props (using a hat, fan, ribbon, etc.); dance on the ground (movements on the floor). The last variety is considered one of the most interesting, since it contains variants of somersaults, rolls and other acrobatic elements.

Is it possible to do strip plastic if I don’t know how to dance and don’t train?

Can. Almost all stir-plasty lessons include a warm-up and set basic exercises, which helps strengthen major muscle groups. “If you have good endurance, this will be a plus for you, if not, it’s okay, regular strip training will help develop it,” comments Anastasia Yurasova, choreographer dance shows, including the show Europa Plus LIVE 2013, teacher of presenters dance studios Moscow with 11 years of experience, organizer of the largest Moscow festival of strip plastic and Go-Go Frame Up. The main thing in this matter is desire and perseverance.

Can I do strip lifting if I have poor stretching and flexibility?

Yes, this is not an obstacle to studying. “Strip plasticity is not acrobatics, but dancing. Therefore, even if a person does not have stretching and cannot do the splits, he can nevertheless learn to dance. It’s just that at first there won’t be any splits in his choreography, but that’s not scary,” says Anastasia Yurasova.

Is it necessary to exercise in heels?

Not required, but recommended. “You can exercise barefoot, but wearing stiletto heels is more beautiful and the sensations are different,” says Anastasia Yurasova. “If, say, you practice elements at home without the appropriate shoes, with heels, many of them will have to be honed all over again.” Some movements on the ground without heels are completely impossible to master - by the way, we’ll show you one of these today. Therefore, the best option is to immediately start training in appropriate shoes with stiletto heels or low heels.

What are the restrictions for practicing strip plastic?

There are few of them: pregnancy, serious diseases of the joints and spine, “fresh” leg injuries. However, if for some reason you may, in principle, have a “medical diversion”, before starting strip-plasty training, you should visit a doctor and get permission to train.

What activities will help speed up progress in strip plastic?

This is, first of all, yoga, stretching and Pilates - stretching, mobility of the spine. In total, this will help make the muscles more elastic and movements smoother, “cat-like.”

If you haven't danced before, it might be helpful to try Zumba. This way you can develop coordination and endurance.

We suggest you master some strip movements on the ground - try it to see if this direction is right for you.

Get down on your knees. Push your pelvis back and sit on your heels. Bend your arms slightly and place your hands in the pelvic area. Then push your pelvis forward, rising back up to your knees. Slightly spreading them, gently lower your back to the floor. Tilt your head back, stretch your arms behind your head. First touch the floor with the backs of your hands, then with your shoulder blades. Slide your hands through the sides towards the pelvis. When they are approximately at the level of the navel, turn your hands so that your palms and forearm touch the floor. Push with your palms and straighten your arms, lift your body and return to the starting position.

Sit in mermaid pose on your right side. Lean on right hand, place the straight left one on your left leg. Open the fingers of your left hand and slide it up your leg, then to your chest and face, lifting your chin. Gently push your head with your hand, tilt it to the right and lower your body down slightly. Bend over and make a movement as if diving under a wave. Place your palm on the floor and lower yourself towards the floor.

FrameU.P., which will take place next Sunday, April 16, at the MAI Palace of Culture.

The comrades took Ilyich to the royal chambers, where Chkheidze and Skobelev were. When Ilyich stepped onto the platform, the captain approached him and, standing up, reported something. Ilyich, a little embarrassed from surprise, held up his visor. stood on the platform guard of honor, past which Ilyich and all our emigrant brethren were led, then we were put into cars, and Ilyich was put on an armored car and driven to Kshesinskaya’s house. “Long live the socialist world revolution!” - Ilyich threw into the surrounding crowd of thousands.

What woman doesn't want to be desired? Perhaps such people do not exist. And modern ladies have a powerful cosmetics industry and a variety of fitness programs at their disposal. In the last few years, stripplasty has become especially popular. What is this discipline and is it suitable for everyone?


Of course, this discipline has common roots with striptease. But the goals differ greatly - if the progenitor’s goal is rather exclusively seduction, then in the sports variety we're talking about primarily about maintaining muscle tone, self-expression, developing flexibility, and self-confidence. Later, the goal may be seduction, but the initial goal is physical activity and pleasure, and stripplasty provides them in full. The movements in it, despite its apparent simplicity, are comparable to a full workout.

Perhaps the ancestor of the sporting direction of striptease, also known as strip dancing, can be considered the widely known Back in the early 2000s, she released a series of educational videos dedicated to training with elements of aerobics and sensual dancing. Moreover, the programs were suitable even for people with minimal sports training, so they quickly became popular. Later, other varieties and movements appeared that combined sports and dance, and as a result, what appeared today is strip plastic. What is this discipline? There are still ongoing debates about whether this is considered a dance or a sport. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.


Previously, this trend was clearly associated with clubs for men’s leisure, but now everything is different, and even housewives and mothers of families are mastering it. Unlike any other, strip plastic has a clearly defined emotional component; it is not a mechanical repetition of seductive movements after the instructor, a certain theatricality and expression, a slightly exaggerated and correctly presented desire to please the viewer. In a word, you can’t do without acting talent and expression.

In addition, there is also a physical component, that is, the movements themselves. Here, too, freedom of action can be attractive: you can choose the pace and style to your liking. In a word, stripplasty is an extremely democratic discipline, but one should not forget about the correct technique, because expression alone will not get you far.

Varieties and directions

The use of various improvised objects and other props is not uncommon in various dance disciplines. Stripplasty is no exception. What, besides your own body, can be used in this dance?

First of all, of course, the pole is a very popular and spectacular activity, but it requires really good physical preparation. Quite often, ordinary chairs are used in dancing. Part of the costume may include canes and hats, as well as more exotic elements such as fans, ribbons, and intricate headdresses. But this applies not to the directions, but to the style of each specific dance. In a word, everything depends solely on the imagination of the instructor and the capabilities of the students.

Essential elements

Stripplasty has absorbed all the best, sexy and feminine, and a variety of dance styles - classical ballet, tango, flamenco, modern jazz, acrobatics, etc. Its base includes hip swaying, straight and cross steps, so-called figure eights, waves, squats and lifts, as well as hair swings and other movements, including on the floor . Moreover, all elements of strip plastic, regardless of their origin, in this case are performed exaggeratedly softly, smoothly, and plastically. All this, coupled with a certain energy emitted by a woman, becomes the quintessence of sensuality and seductiveness.

About classes

Of course, no one will force you to undress - this does not meet the goals of the dance at all. However, taking care of comfortable clothes is absolutely necessary. What exactly will be comfortable depends on the specific variety chosen. If this is a sports uniform, it should be as open as possible in order to perform elements without slipping at the most inopportune moments. And it is better that the initial training period occurs during the cold season, because it is unlikely that bruises will be avoided.

As for other areas, the openness of the costume is not necessary, but a woman, while working out and looking at herself in the mirror, should feel attractive, so when thinking about convenience, in this case we should not forget about the beauty and grace that strip plastic surgery implies.

Benefits for the body

Like any sports activity, doing stripplasty increases the overall vitality and endurance of the body. In addition, dexterity and flexibility develop perfectly, posture and figure improve, changes in better side gait. First of all, the condition of the muscles in the upper half of the body changes, although the legs also actively work during the exercise. Plus, this is an excellent cardio workout, alternating levels of load and strengthening the cardiovascular system and effectively burning excess fat, and almost imperceptibly, since fatigue does not occur quickly.

In addition to learning how to control their muscles, dancers develop stretching by doing the splits and performing other elements. All this improves significantly physical state body and form as a whole. But there are other benefits that stripplasty provides. Reviews from hundreds and thousands of girls around the world leave no doubt about this.

Other positive factors

First of all, we can say that self-esteem increases significantly. Even the most repressed and shy woman after some time begins to “open up” and literally radiate sensuality and self-confidence. This undoubtedly affects how she behaves in various life situations. Moreover, this applies not only to women with an ideal and close to this figure, but also to ladies with curves - in their performance the dance will look no less, and sometimes even much more seductive.

In addition to the fact that classes can indirectly help improve your personal life, with the help of what you learn in the lessons you can completely refresh your family life. In addition, it allows you to make a good impression on people, so that after developing a new hobby, you can quite succeed at work. Finally, good mood dancing will simply make your outlook on the world more optimistic and joyful, which will undoubtedly affect the attitude of others. And since all this has nothing but advantages, you shouldn’t think long about the topic “Stripplasty - what it is and what it involves,” you just need to take your friends and go learn to dance.

Where to study?

Unfortunately, this is not a type of fitness that you can do without any equipment or at home. This is especially true when it comes to stripplasty on a pole. No homemade sports equipment can compare with a specially equipped room with everything you need. Choosing a suitable room can be difficult, but it is worth paying attention to how well it is lit, whether there are enough mirrors and whether the ventilation works properly. Of course, it’s worth getting to know the instructors.

Stripplasty classes, especially at first, should be carried out under the strict guidance of trainers in order to prevent possible injuries and teach how to perform basic elements correctly. Group classes may seem unsuitable for some shy and overly modest girls, but, fortunately, there are also studios with an individual approach, where each student is assigned a personal instructor, however, this pleasure will require you to spend a little more.


Although there are not so many contraindications to strip plastic, some, for various reasons, will want to find something else, similar in effect, but different in essence. Perhaps, in terms of its effect on the body, this discipline can be compared with abdominal, Zumba, acrobatics and aerial yoga. All these activities are interesting and useful in their own way, although they probably won’t provide such a complex of sensations and impressions. However, who knows what else fitness trainers will come up with? Every year, dozens of their new inventions appear, striving to gain the popularity of a wide audience, the same as stripplasty has. What it will be like is unknown, but for now the dance, exalting femininity and sensuality, remains unrivaled.

Today in the world there are many different dance styles: from eternal fashionable classics to modern innovative dances. Dancing is now fashionable, and dancing has become not only a way of self-expression, but also a means of keeping oneself in good shape.

Strip plastic is a modern dance style that is now very popular in Russia and all over the world. Strip plastic is freedom of expression, a way to show your individuality. In general, strip plastic is essentially a type of aerobics that imitates erotic dance, filled with sensuality and plasticity. Many people confuse strip plastic with striptease, but striptease is the art of undressing beautifully, while for strip plastic it is absolutely not necessary to undress.

There are many different directions of strip plastic surgery, so every woman can choose for herself the direction that suits her life priorities, character and personality - after all, only falling in love with this dance will make it truly special. In general, strip plastic is essentially a type of aerobics that imitates erotic dance, filled with sensuality and plasticity.

Strip dance choreography teaches women to be more feminine and sexy. In general, there is a lot of flirting in strip dance, but the dance never goes beyond the bounds of decency. Strip plastic combines various styles and trends: Latin American and Eastern dance, classical ballet, modern jazz and contemporary choreography.

Strip plastic classes

There are many different directions of strip dance, so every woman can choose for herself the direction that matches her life priorities, character and personality - after all, only falling in love with this dance will make it truly special.

Today in many major cities our country is open dance schools, where they teach the art of strip plastic. This dance, like any other, requires enormous physical effort, some effort and patience - because the results will appear only after regular and long-term training.

Each strip plastic teacher and each school differs in some special teaching methods and techniques, since strip plastic is very multifaceted. In some places the emphasis is on technique and choreography, in others on stretching, etc.

To achieve results, you must practice with desire - you must love dance and give yourself completely to it in every lesson.

Lesson structure:

  • Warm up. At this stage you need to warm up all the muscles. As a rule, elements of aerobics are used.
  • Stretching. During strip plastic classes, much attention is paid to stretching and posture, without which it is impossible to perform dance elements well.
  • The main part is working out the movements to the music. Music for strip dance is usually sensual and rhythmic, allowing you to demonstrate all the advantages of this dance.
  • Hitch. At the final stage, elements of Pilates and yoga are used.

A typical lesson begins with a warm-up, continues with stretching, after which the main part begins - working out movements to music. Music for strip dance is usually sensual and rhythmic, allowing you to demonstrate all the advantages of this dance.

The benefits of strip plastic surgery

In strip plastic, the pleasant and the useful are successfully combined. Firstly, strip plastic helps to overcome one’s inhibitions and liberate oneself, removing psychological barriers. In addition, with the help of rip-plasty, you can both lose weight and keep your body in excellent condition. physical fitness– Diets and grueling workouts are not at all necessary. During strip plastic classes, the body actually gets rid of excess weight, and the figure gradually acquires feminine contours.

Strip plastic remarkably strengthens both the muscles of the body and the overall health of the body. The gait becomes easy, and movements become much more relaxed.

With the help of strip plastic surgery, a woman can look at the advantages of her body in a new way, gain confidence in her sexuality and attractiveness. It is important that during the training almost all muscle groups are worked out, so that not only psychological, but also physical beauty comes.

During strip plastic classes, a lot of attention is paid to stretching and posture, without which it is impossible to perform dance elements efficiently, and posture and stretching are important elements of health and beauty.

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What is strip plastic

Today in the world there is a huge number of different dance styles: from the classics, which are always in fashion, to the most modern and innovative. Nowadays, dancing is fashionable here.
Strip plastic is one of the modern trends, which enjoys stable popularity in our country. Styplasty implies freedom of expression and allows you to show your individuality. Strip plastic is a type of aerobics that imitates erotic dance. It is filled with extraordinary plasticity and sensuality. It is impossible to imagine this dance style without passion and emancipation. Without a doubt, this spectacle simply fascinates spectators, especially men. It should be noted that many people confuse this dance style with striptease. However, it is not. Striptease is the art of undressing beautifully. It is only one of the areas of strip plastic surgery.

Strip plastic surgery does not require exposure. Distinctive features This dance can be called softness, plasticity and sexuality. Her special choreography teaches a woman to be more feminine. There is flirtation in strip plastic, there is a hint, but it never crosses the line of decency. This dance teaches you to improvise and transform into different images, try on new roles that are impossible in real life.

Striplastic dance is based on mixing various styles and directions. It includes elements of modern jazz, classical ballet, oriental and latin dance, as well as modern choreography. The movements of this dance, of course, have a touch of eroticism, but there is no vulgarity in them. The secret is to seduce without taking your clothes off.

Strip plastic classes and lessons

Strip dance styles are very diverse, and each person chooses the direction that suits his personality, character and life priorities. After all, only true love for your job allows you to do it as well as possible.

Today, throughout the country, and especially in large cities, there are dance schools where you can learn the art of strip dancing. Like any other dance, it requires effort and great physical effort. You need to be patient, because it is impossible to learn to dance right away; this requires time and regular training. If you take dancing seriously, you can achieve excellent results. Regular training is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to mentally prepare for the fact that you will have to work hard.

Each school and each teacher has its own teaching methods and characteristics. Strip plastic is a rather multifaceted concept. Some people pay more attention to stretching during classes, while others pay more attention to choreography and technique.

But for everything to work out, you need to practice with desire, otherwise you won’t be able to achieve the desired result. You need to love dance and practice patiently in every lesson. After all, not everyone can naturally boast of excellent stretching and good coordination of movements. In the first lessons it is not at all easy to repeat even the simplest dance moves. Of course, good experienced teachers who know how to find an individual approach to each student are also important. Classes necessarily include warming up, stretching and practicing movements to music. The music for strip plastic is selected specially - rhythmic and sensual.

What are the benefits of strip plastic surgery?

This dance combines the pleasant with the useful. It helps you to relax and overcome your inhibitions more easily. In addition, its movements allow you to lose weight and keep your body in excellent physical shape. To look good, you don’t have to exhaust yourself with various diets. You can just take up dancing, for example, strip dance. You will feel how excess weight begins to disappear, and your body becomes more graceful and flexible. The figure takes on more feminine contours. Classes in this dance style bring a lot of fun. It's much more enjoyable than regular gym sessions. It is important to approach this matter with love, and then everything will work out.

Strip plastic perfectly strengthens not only all the muscles of the body, but also the health of the entire body.. The girl begins to look better, becomes more confident and sexier. Her movements become relaxed and her gait becomes easy.

During this dance, a woman seems to be reincarnated; in it she can reveal all her sensuality and tell about her secret desires.

The main secret of strip plastic surgery is that any woman gets the opportunity to relax psychologically and feel desired. And all this regardless of her weight, height, external data and age. In that dance direction You don't have to have a perfect figure. Elements of strip plasticity allow the dancer, while hiding her shortcomings, to show her best sides.

Strip plastic gives viewers the opportunity to admire natural beauty human body . Allows you to express your emotions through sexual plasticity. A girl who masters this art always knows how to attract a man and arouse his interest. The combination of smooth and sharp movements looks very impressive.

Stripplasty gives a woman the opportunity to see her body and its advantages in a new way. She gains confidence in her own attractiveness and sexuality, which means that everyone around her begins to perceive her the same way. It is very important that many muscle groups are involved during training: arms, chest, abs, buttocks. Therefore, such exercises help you lose excess weight, get rid of cellulite and make your figure slimmer and more toned.

When teaching this style, much attention is also paid to posture and stretching, without which high-quality performance of dance elements is impossible. A woman learns to conquer men with just a few moves. Not each of us knows what she is capable of. And strip plastic allows you to learn something new about yourself.

Stripplasty gives great opportunities for self-expression. Dance changes a lot in a woman's life. Her environment changes, and she herself also changes. Life is filled with new emotions and colors. The passion for dancing can be very powerful and bring a lot of joy. Any dance in the style of strip plastic is a real mini-performance, which involves the creation of an image. This requires not only dancing skills, but also artistic skills, you need to be able to play with your face, express emotions using facial expressions, gaze and body. All this is achieved not immediately, but through regular training.

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