Sunglasses for women's wide faces. How to choose sunglasses according to your face shape

Modern women and men perceive this accessory as a tribute to fashion. However, its direct purpose is to protect the eyes from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. When choosing sunglasses, never forget this important fact. A high-quality and well-chosen accessory can serve you for many years, and can also advantageously hide minor flaws in your appearance. But who knows how to choose sunglasses The face shape is correct.

Both contraction and expansion of consciousness are normal and natural processes, and almost everyone knows the phenomenology of such changes in state. Countries induced by psychoanalytic drugs initially developed a properly defined "awareness-raising" experience. Meditation practices such as Transcendental Meditation are clearly intended to create a unified state of consciousness in which the conflicts and dualisms of ordinary consciousness are dissolved or transfigured.

But, on the bright side, this process of transcendence is much more complex. There are at least three different processes associated with transcendence that must be recognized by each other. We must distinguish between genuine transcendence and a kind of pseudo-transcendence or dissociation that we might call "channel changing." Therefore, the focus or fixation of attention and perception are the images that are offered to us. We might define an "attachment mode" of perception.

Even if your accessory is at the height of fashion, but its shape reveals all the flaws in your appearance, such sunglasses will not be of much use. Every time you wonder how to choose sunglasses for your face shape, try to imagine that you are going to change your hairstyle or buy a hat.

"Change channel" is a form of transcendence in the sense that you are no longer looking at the previous program. If you are depressed and somehow you can "change the channel", you have moved beyond depression. Antidepressants can be thought of as “channel-changing” substances; Most psychiatric drugs that can alter mood probably work this way. Some forms of psychotherapy, such as the use of affirmations or other types of interventions and distractions provided by friends, may be interpreted in this way.

It’s better to lose half an hour or an hour of extra time than to regret your purchase later. A few useful rules will help you better understand how sunglasses and face shape are related:

1. You should never choose eyeglass frames that resemble the shape of your face in appearance. As practice shows, narrow sunglasses look awkward on face types with a narrow chin. The same rule applies to all other types, respectively.

You can change the topic of attention by moving away from those stressful and painful things that create anxiety. Returning to the 360-degree model of full potential awareness, "changing channel" means directing attention to a different segment of the circle: from a 60-degree arc to another 60-degree arc. This does not imply an expansion of consciousness, but a simple change in the latter.

However, we do not want to deny the possible therapeutic value of this operation. Using the analogy of “changing the channel”, I think we can better understand the effect of psychoactive drugs that can change the state of mind. They alter consciousness, while psychedelic drugs expand it. Alcohol, for example, only changes the “channel” of consciousness, without expanding it. So, instead of feeling tense or anxious, you are relaxed and euphoric, at least for a while, until the calming effect takes effect on cognitive and sensory-motor functions.

2. You should not choose glasses models that completely cover the eyebrow line with their lenses. The latter must be open completely or partially.

3. It will be ideal if the lower area of ​​the accessory follows the contour of your eye socket. This way you will get a more holistic and complete image.

4. Be sure to pay attention to your skin tone, hair and eye color. For example, blue-eyed beauties are best suited for glasses with blue frames.

The same applies to other depressive drugs: they shift the focus from anxiety to relaxation. Because these drugs quickly and effectively change mood, we have learned that we can "escape" painful internal states, and at this stage the birth of a commit-dependency is very simple.

Stimulant drugs, including cocaine, amphetamines, and even nicotine, alter attention without increasing awareness. Through these medications you often experience feelings of powerlessness, inadequacy and inability, feelings of strength, ability and sexual power. The so-called "fever" of cocaine or the "speed" of amphetamines is the feeling of being on top of the world, full of power and strength, which is felt immediately after taking it. A personal anecdote can help make this point clear.

5. Remember one very important thing: glasses set high on the bridge of your nose will help you visually lengthen your nose, while an accessory placed in the middle of your nose will noticeably shorten its length.

Before you learn how to choose sunglasses for your face shape, you should determine what type you have. It's not that hard to do. To do this, you need to remove your hair and tie it in a ponytail for security.

We alternated with the guide night and day. Then the car broke down and we had to camp overnight, waiting for mechanical help to arrive the next morning. There may also be a difference in personality based on people's attitudes toward depressive medications, or stimulants and activities that produce feelings of power and strength. Even rabid or compulsive violence addiction, which is often, though not always, associated with sexual violence and aggression, can be interpreted as a response, corrected and recognized, with repeated feelings of inadequacy and powerlessness.

Then go to a medium-sized mirror and take a close look at your reflection.

If you cannot immediately determine what face shape you have, we recommend using one in a simple way. Take it cotton swab and soak it in a thick soap solution. Approaching the mirror, close one eye and run a wet cotton swab along the contour of the reflected oval of the face. We open our eyes and look carefully at what happened and compare the result with existing forms faces. Now you can move on to deciding how to choose sunglasses for your face shape.

Aggressive and destructive behavior temporarily diverts the subject's attention and awareness from painful feelings of inadequacy and powerlessness and the fear of even deeper despair. Having learned the “way out” of feelings - extremely painful states, the path to fascinating and compulsive repetition is mocked.

This article analyzes psychological attitude neo-Nazi skinheads. Subjects feel omnipotent and with right side: They represent cleansing energy that restores order. Shopping addiction and gambling may be due to the fact that these actions instantly change attention to feelings of indifference. In this case, personality and self-esteem are closely related to the ownership of material assets and the amount of money spent. Shopping can give an instant illusion of availability more assets and be more important because you can spend more.

Sometimes all these varieties are divided into 2 categories: faces with sharp or soft features. To remove the necessary flaws, you will have to add to your image what it lacks to achieve the ideal/

Sunglasses for round faces

Due to the increased softness of the features and almost equal length and width, this type of face has rounded cheekbones. To at least somehow visually stretch its shape, you should pay attention to sunglasses that have pointed details, namely square and rectangular frames.

Compulsive gamblers, for their part, may enjoy the illusion and the chance to suddenly win large sums. Having material values or simply being around the opportunity to be rich can make us feel important, wealthy, and socially valuable.

This is a compulsive intellectual activity that is also called “thought addiction.” For many people, this is the simplest type of exit, the most direct and least visible dependent form of fixation from the outside. Psychoanalysis calls it a defense mechanism for intellectualization or rationalization.

If you add colored lenses here, the roundness of your face will become less noticeable. The best shape of sunglasses for round face- This is an accessory with frames extended on the sides or, more simply put, “butterfly” glasses. It will be great if your frame is dominated by a dark color.

Sunglasses for oval faces

The best answer to the question of how to choose sunglasses for an oval face shape is complete freedom of action. This type of face is recognized by all designers ideal option. This fact especially pleases fashionistas who love experiments. In appearance, this shape resembles a chicken egg.

Bringing attention to the thought processes in the head is easily reminiscent of the concept of transcendence or “going beyond,” perhaps because the head is placed above the rest of the body. But "channel changing" is probably an inappropriate analogy to describe spiritual addiction or compulsive meditation practice. I once had a client who had previously practiced Transcendental Meditation. She was very tense and anxious unless she meditated, which was twice a day for twenty minutes.

Here you can even afford oval-shaped sunglasses, and they will look just great on you! It’s good if their frame, or rather its upper part, completely coincides with the line of the eyebrows.

Round heart-shaped face shape

Very often this type is compared to an inverted triangle, however, if you look closely at it, you will notice that the heart has smoother and softer lines. There are completely no rough features here. An excellent choice in this case would be butterfly or aviator glasses. Any types of bulky accessories should be excluded, especially if they contain many small parts. It is better to choose an elegant and thin frame.

In this way, the mind can exclude almost all other thoughts. While meditating, my client was not worried; in other circumstances, yes. Thus it was a shift in focus, a change in channel, rather than true transcendence or expansion of consciousness.

The transcendental state involves an earlier, more limited form of attention and moves on. Now you have big picture, so to speak; you know what there is the whole world, and you can choose where to direct your awareness. You do not move away from the previous object of attention: you expand your awareness. True transcendence dissolves fixations and expands perceived forms of perception. “The doors of perception are cleared,” said William James, and this is also the phrase that Aldous Huxley called his book about his experiments with mescaline.

Sunglasses for narrow faces - triangular shape

The main disadvantage of this type is a massive chin. How to choose sunglasses according to your face shape in this case? To correct the flaw, the top of the accessory must be quite wide. You can give preference to geometric models, although aviators will also look good on a triangle-shaped face. As for the frame, it will be good if it does not have a lower rim. In addition to everything, you can highlight the eyebrow line with a dark shade.

Attention meditation can generate true transcendence because it does not try to focus on any object or thing in it. Just look and notice the continuous flow of feelings, sentiments and thoughts. Everything that appears is looking at him. Don't forget to note this. Don't walk away, don't try to give it up, don't try to focus on something else. Also, don't analyze it or interpret it as you would in psychotherapy. Just let it come and go.

All aspects of the experience are included; nothing left. This is why attention meditation produces gradual transcendence, detachment, and a slow and progressive disidentification, which may include previous contents of consciousness as well as elements of the broader one.

Selection of glasses for a trapezoid face

Another name for it is pear-shaped. How to choose sunglasses for such a complex face shape? The main goal is to soften the rough features of the lower part. To do this, you need to choose “cat-like” frames or glasses without frames. You can also consider models in catchy colors. Never buy glasses with small and narrow frames in the form of a square or rectangle.

In addiction care and core Twelve Step teaching, recognizing and acknowledging terrible and painful experiences: suffering, shame, guilt, anxiety, loneliness, abandonment, abuse, humiliation, despair, etc. is very important. This recognition of pain and shame is considered fundamental to freedom from drug addiction. This can be understood by thinking of true transcendence in which everything is included.

A final distinction can be made between transcendence, as “going beyond,” and transformation, as “becoming other.” Transcendence is an altered state of consciousness that is always temporary; here we find all mystical experiences, expansions of consciousness and ecstasies. Transformations are long-term changes in the structure and function of consciousness; i.e. mind, emotions, perception, identity, self-esteem, etc. you can move the center of consciousness or even expand it, but the basic form of awareness remains the same.

Women's sunglasses for square faces

The cheekbone area, as well as the lower and upper parts, have the same dimensions, taking appearance square. For those with this type of face, it is worth purchasing large round sunglasses. As an option, you can choose aviators, as well as frameless accessories. Make sure that the width of your face matches the width of the frame. Narrow and small models are strictly contraindicated.

Psychotherapeutic or systematic work, that is, to go into the deeper levels of the body-mind system and literally remove the samaskura, the karmic patterns that caused you to accept this type of behavior.

William James in his various forms of religious experience posed the problem of this difference in the following way: he asked whether the "experience of conversion" would inevitably lead to "holiness", that is, to better behavior, more moral and human. His answer was not necessarily. Much depends on what the individual was facing and whether changes in behavior and lifestyle were appropriate. For one who is already doing, more or less, his life's work, a mystical or ecstatic experience can only be a confirmation of the journey, without causing radical changes in his life.

Rectangle shaped face glasses

The main feature of this type is considered to be very clear boundaries. The chin has an angular and wide shape. For adjustments, you should choose large and round frames. There are many such models in the catalog of the Polish manufacturer AM GROUP. It is best to avoid small frames/

All spiritual traditions of the world recognize transcendental experience of some kind, and many spiritual practices are believed to induce higher states of consciousness such as clairvoyance, precognition, and telepathy. In yoga they are called "siddhis", but all traditions tend to warn against searching or excessive desire for them. Traditions warn: do not be too greedy of these visions; they are nothing but illusions and they can distract you. Thus, you would be stuck with the means rather than the ends, or so-called “spiritual materialism.”

Practice leading to ecstatic or transcendental experience played central role in all spiritual traditions of the world, including shamanism, many of which are considered the oldest religion and the most ancient healing practice of this Earth. Some of these practices involved the use of hallucinogens, plants capable of producing visions, while others used techniques to induce trance such as drums, movement, fasting, isolation, ordeals, vision quests, chanting, and more.

Glasses for long face shapes

The length of the face noticeably exceeds its width, which means that this flaw must be skillfully hidden by just deciding what shape to choose sunglasses for. in this case. It is important not only to reduce the length, but also to smooth out the angular features of the face. To do this, you should buy large glasses, and it will be great if they have no frames at all. You can also experiment with oval accessories in different colors.

Sunglasses for Diamond or Diamond Face Shapes

The most problematic part here is the cheekbones, while the face itself takes on the appearance of a cone. In this case, it is very difficult to know how to choose sunglasses based on your face shape, but it is still possible. To do this, you need to use frames in the form of an oval or square, but you should always remember that their width should not exceed the width of your cheekbones. And narrow glasses can only do harm here too. Focus on soft and rounded details.

Sunglasses are an essential attribute in summer period. They not only help complete the look, but also protect the delicate skin around the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, we can talk about glasses as a mandatory accessory for different images on a hot sunny day.

Nicole Richie looks

But the correctly selected form of glasses plays a very important role. This can be done by knowing own form faces, as well as several secrets associated with it.

Shield Form

Initial steps

Having determined your face shape, you can choose the right glasses, and also correct shape imperfections, giving you a more pleasant and aesthetic appearance.

The following types of forms are known:

  1. Round.
  2. Oval.
  3. Square or rectangular.
  4. Triangular.
  5. Pear-shaped.
  6. Diamond-shaped.

You can determine your type visually by looking at your face from the front. This method will only work if the shape of your face is clearly defined. If not, then you will have to resort to measurements. We only need 3 of them: forehead, cheekbones and jaw. Using the following ratios, you can identify your type as correctly as possible:

  • 2:3:1. Oval type.
  • The widest line is on the cheekbones; horizontal and vertical are almost equal. Round type.
  • Pronounced forehead and cheekbones, narrow chin. Square type.
  • 3:2:1. Triangular type.
  • Wide jaw and narrow forehead. Pear-shaped type.
  • 1:2:1. Diamond type.

Only after these steps can you start choosing sunglasses.

Determining your face type using the diagram presented above is suitable for both men and women!

Hugh Jackman

Studying the assortment

You won’t be able to choose the right glasses if you are chasing fashion. Forms change, but the laws of style remain the same. Therefore, first of all, you should pay attention to individually suitable options, and only then experiment with fashionable new items.

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