Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. "Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore" in books

I was finally going to go once again to Regional Studies. There was some prejudice about the exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the death of the royal family. But then I thought, why not. At the checkout, the employee was very sensible and even convincingly explained what, where and for how much, what you can and where to go. As a result, I bought tickets for everything, and went to the top ....

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I was finally going to go once again to Regional Studies. There was some prejudice about the exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the death of the royal family. But then I thought, why not. At the checkout, the employee was very sensible and even convincingly explained what, where and for how much, what you can and where to go. As a result, I bought tickets for everything, and went to the top.

On the second floor, the employee on duty invited me to see the exhibition first, anniversary Ural folk choir, and the main exhibition, as they are open until 18.00. Well, yes, time is running unnoticed by the choir for 75 years (first photo). It was interesting to look at the photographs reflecting the path of the team. I liked the embroidery that the great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung presented (second photo). He carefully looked at the costumes (third photo), beautiful, of course. What I lacked here was the binding of concert costumes to a certain area - where were they worn? when did you wear it? etc. I ran through the main exhibition - the furniture still looks, causing respect for the work of the masters (photos fourth, fifth, sixth).

The exposition from the Kerch Museum was a surprise. Exhibits for the most part small, the preservation is not very good, rather fragments than whole things. The exception, perhaps, is these amphorae, among which there are those that were made even before our era. (photo seven). An unexpected pleasant effect in the midst of this communication with the antiques was caused by the appearance of a woman with such a familiar face - she greeted everyone who was in the hall at that moment. The mood was good, but then jumped even higher. It turned out that the director of the museum was Natalya Konstantinovna Vetrova. It turned out very homely. Nice.

I liked the small chamber exposition "Livadia" - such bright and calm subjects were chosen: the Park in Livadia (photo eight), the House of the Minister of the Imperial Court, Baron V. B. Frederiks (photo ninth), Morning of the Livadia Palace (photo ten). I highly recommend dropping in and admiring it - very in the mood.

What else? A small exposition about the Kerch bridge and not only about it, of course, and the president in the center. I don’t know how it happened, but about the bridge before going to look about the royal family "The Tragedy of the Family ... The Tragedy of the Motherland." It is really sad, even very sad, in part it is written, and in part it is already possible to independently speculate how the autocrat led the country, society, state, and at the same time own family to so tragic ending. A special mood is created by the film and frames of the chronicle of that time and not only the film, but also paintings, as well as photographs - playing soldiers, reviews, parades, aiguillettes, but the family goes to a prayer service, again soldiers, marches and parades, again sovereign surrounded by clergy. and here he is on a hunt with dead partridges, he also rides his daughters and son on a boat, and so on ad infinitum. And at this time, the hidden crisis of the whole state system grew stronger, the country was already rolling towards a tragic finale. This is the sad aftertaste I have left from the external that is shown in the exposition brought from the Pavlovsk Palace.

I almost forgot that photography is not allowed at this exhibition. And there is something to see. I especially liked the portrait of Empress Maria Feodorovna - the nobility of beauty. But, the portrait of Nicholas II by Vasily Vereshchagin was very unlucky. All the plates, as an employee told me, were sent to the paintings from Pavlovo. They made a double mistake for the portrait in Russian, and even duplicated it in English. It turns out that the painter, who died in the explosion of the battleship Petropavlovsk on the roadstead of Port Arthur in 1904, lived until 1909, and the painting itself is dated for some reason the same year. In general, ay-yay-yay, employees from the Pavlovsk Palace Museum, how are you?

At this critical moment, I will end my short story about what he saw and heard in the museum. It's worth going. I recommend

Sverdlovsk regional local history museum is the largest and oldest museum Ural. It is a large association and includes six branches located in the region. The museum is actively developing, conducting intensive exhibition activities and maintaining partnerships with other cultural organizations in Russia and leading museums in Germany, Israel, the USA, France and many others.

The main exhibition center "House of Poklevsky-Kozell" is located at 46 Malysheva Street. You can get there by trolleybuses No. 3, 7, 17, buses 23, 25, 50, 57, as well as by metro to the Ploshchad 1905 Goda station.

The Museum of the History and Archeology of the Urals is located on Lenin Avenue, 69/10. Transport stop "Hotel Iset". You can get there on routes No. 114, 018, 021.

The Museum of Nature of the Urals is located on Gorky Street, 4 near the bus stop “Pl. Labor". Passing routes No. 018, 50, 54.

Ernst Neizvestny Art Museum - on Dobrolyubov Street, 14. By buses No. 7, 17, 64 you can get to the Malyshev Square public transport stop.

Museum of radio them. Popova is located on R. Luxembourg street, 9/11. The nearest stop is "Belinsky's Library". Passing vehicles: buses No. 030, 2, 077, 067, 19, 035, 05a; trolleybuses No. 1, 6, 11, 15, 5, 20, 9.

The Museum of the History of Horticulture opens its doors on the street October revolution, 40. Stopping the vehicle "Yeltsin". Passing bus routes No. 034, 024, 045, 21. The nearest metro station is Ploshchad 1905 Goda.

All six branches are located in the city center and not far from each other.

History of the Museum

The museum was founded on December 29, 1870 by members of the Ural Society of Natural Science Lovers. The main initiator was the teacher of the men's gymnasium, Onisim Egoroich Kler, who was supported in the creation of the museum by the scientist-encyclopedist Narkiz Konstantinovich Chulin.

The opening of the museum took place in the assembly hall of the Yekaterinburg men's gymnasium. The first exhibits were presented thanks to its founders.

The building in which the museum is located belonged to the Ural businessman Alfons Fomich Poklevsky-Cosell.

The first largest scientific and industrial exhibition was held in 1887 for three months, during which the museum was visited by more than 80 thousand people. The expositions were placed in railway workshops. It is thanks to this exhibition that the museum gained popularity among the Russian and world scientific community.

The construction of the Van Gogh Museum was carried out according to the project of the architect Rietveld and lasted ten years (1863-1873).

In 1901, 10 departments with their own specifics were created in the Yekaterinburg Museum. Talented scientists and people, such as A.I. Gakkel, N.P. Tikhonov, V.V. Golubtsov, Yu.M. Kolosov, E.A. Bruttan, A.A. Egon-Besser, L.P. Sabaneev, M.A. Menzbier, A. Brehm, D.P. Solomirsky. The latter played an important role in replenishing the zoological department.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, this museum turned into Cultural Center area and was the main attraction of the city. The funds comprised more than 28 thousand items presented in 17 departments. The branches were visited by Russian and foreign scientists, government activities, celebrities.

However, in 1917-1920 the museum went through a difficult period, which called into question its existence. But still, it was possible to defend its right to exist, obtain funding and give it a new status.

Since 1990, on the basis of the local history museum, there has been a training center for museum restorers, the only one in the region. The work is carried out according to the programs and methods State Hermitage. In 2013, the Center for Innovative Museum Technologies was established on the basis of the museum.

The main expositions that are presented in the museum, telling about the nature, ethnography and history of the Urals, were opened in 2005-2012.

Museum collection

It's hard to imagine more complete collection museum, which represents the region from different angles. This includes flora and fauna, ancient tools, utensils, books and much more.

natural history the collection includes a herbarium fund, as well as the remains of ancient animals - a cave lion, a woolly rhinoceros, a mammoth and many others. The mineralogical collection is also presented here: minerals and rocks of the region - and collections of bird eggs, various shells, etc.

ethnographic collection and collection of fabrics are items from various materials different peoples the edges. And also items applied arts peoples of the Urals. In addition, here you can see samples of fabrics from ancient egypt, the creativity of its people, clothes and hats.

Photo collection and negatives is newer. Works by well-known photographers such as V. Metenkov, N. Terekhov, Kozlov, in the form of panoramic shots, interiors, photo portraits, urban events, etc.

In collection written monuments and the rare book fund there are various manuscripts, early printed books. In the funds you can find the facts of the life of the development of the region (industry, science, culture, life).

Armory collection is the pride of the museum. Here are samples of various weapons of the 15th-19th centuries, as well as equipment from different times.

Numismatic collection collected from coins, awards, awards and banknotes of different times and nationalities.

In the metal collection we can see tools and various products made of non-ferrous metals, sculptures, figurines, vases, furniture, utensils, etc.

Another one collection - icon and cult monuments- represented by icons of the 18-19 centuries, chased from silver, brass, embroidered with gold threads, decorated with precious stones.

Collection of pictorial monuments combines painting and graphics, industrial drawings. You will see paintings by Ural artists and other surviving collections in this section.

In the archaeological collection you can find various found products made of glass, clay, ceramics, etc. This collection is growing to this day.

In the oriental collection exhibits of Chinese and Japanese origin are presented. These are coins, and religious figurines, swords and much more.

The museum is active. Exist educational programs, such as a museum pass and a museum class, excursions on various topics and interesting events, special divisions of the museum: the center of innovative museum technologies SOCM and the restoration workshop.

The museum also hosts various workshops and projects. Among major international exhibition projects, the most outstanding are "Bonjour, Ural!" (was held in the Year of France in Russia), “Joseph Beyrle – Hero of Two Nations” (USA), “Glueckauf! Four Centuries of Russian-German Cooperation in the Urals” (during the Year of Germany in Russia), “Fates during the Great Patriotic War: letters and memoirs of Jews - soldiers of the Red Army" (Israel). As well as projects carried out jointly with Russian museums: “First Ladies of Russia”, “Romanovs. On the break Russian history"," Masterpieces Russian museums anniversary Sverdlovsk region" and etc.

In addition, you can make virtual tour according to the historical exposition on the Culture portal. RF.

How to get there, tickets, cost, opening hours

Tickets can be purchased at the museum box office. Full ticket - up to 80 rubles, for students - up to 40 rubles, for pensioners - up to 40 rubles, for preschoolers - 20 rubles. Children under 5 years old, disabled people, conscripts, university students have the right to free visit. The entrance fee varies depending on the day of the visit.

The museum is open from 11.00 to 18.00, except for weekends - Monday and Tuesday.

The unique collections contain ancient tools made of wood, bone, stone, metal from the Mesolithic to the early Iron Age, copper utensils early XVIII centuries, the Nevyansk Old Believer icon painting, the world-famous Kasli artistic casting, samples of Ural jasper and prehistoric sea shells.

The largest and oldest surviving wooden sculpture known to mankind, the Big Shigir Idol, which is a monument of world significance, is popular with visitors. She was found in late XIX centuries by gold mine workers on the Shigir peat bog, its age is nine and a half thousand years, it is twice as old as the Egyptian pyramids.

One of the most tragic pages of our history is revealed by the exposition dedicated to the stay of the Romanov family in the Urals. On the night of July 17, 1918, a massacre was carried out in Yekaterinburg against the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, his relatives and close associates. Around the same time, other members of the royal family exiled to Perm and Alapaevsk.

The exposition consists of two parts. The first is dedicated to Nicholas II, his life and reign, marked not only by violent social upheavals, but also by the growth of Russia's power. The second tells about the investigation into the circumstances of the murder of the royal family and the search for the remains of the dead.

The investigation began at the end of July 1918, after Yekaterinburg was occupied by the Whites. Then it could not be completed, but the fact of the murder of Nicholas II and his entire family in the Ipatov house was confirmed. The search for the remains of the royal family resumed only in the 70s of the twentieth century, and enthusiasts were engaged in them. Their work was crowned with success in 1979, but its results did not become public until ten years later. In 1991, an official autopsy of the discovered burial was carried out, which contained the remains of nine people.

Forensic and genetic examinations lasted for several years, leading specialists from Russia, the USA, Great Britain and Ukraine were involved in the work. In 1997, the identity of the remains was established, and a year later royal family found the last shelter in the family tomb of the Romanovs - in the Peter and Paul Cathedral of the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg.

The exposition is unique in that it presents materials on the investigation of the circumstances of the murder and the examination: photographs, documents, material monuments found at the site of the search for the royal remains. There are sculptural portraits of the dead, created by Russian criminologists according to the method of the famous anthropologist Mikhail Gerasimov.

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