Emergency rescue center and its main function. Monopoly revenue. The Ministry of Emergency Situations banned the private rescue service in Yekaterinburg

Search and Rescue (SAR)) - organizations that search for people in danger and rescue them. The geography of search and rescue is aimed at hard-to-reach places, rescue on water and in the air.

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    Search and rescue work in emergency situations


Types of rescue services

  • military PSS
  • air PSS
  • parachute rescue service
  • canine PSS
  • maritime MSS
  • ground-based MSS
  • mountain PSS
  • PSS in deserts


Organization of service in different countries of the world


In 1923, the Special Purpose Underwater Expedition (EPRON) was created in the USSR. Until 1931 it was under the jurisdiction of the OGPU, in 1931 it was transferred to the NKPS, in 1936 - to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport, in 1939 - to the People's Commissariat navy. EPRON has become a powerful specialized monopoly organization for carrying out rescue, ship-lifting and diving operations. He had his services in the Black, Baltic, Barents, White and Caspian seas, as well as in Vladivostok. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War EPRON was transformed into the Emergency Rescue Service (ARS) of the Navy.

By Order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 23, 1956 No. 5128-r, the implementation of ship-lifting and underwater technical work for national economic purposes for all civil departments was transferred to the Ministry of the Navy of the USSR. These functions were to be performed by the Main Directorate of Sea Routes, Ship-Lifting and Underwater Technical Works (Glavmorput MMF), which began to create on January 1, 1957 the corresponding units in all sea basins as part of the basin organizations of sea routes. Auxiliary watercraft and diving equipment were transferred from the Navy ACC to the Main Sea Route.

Then, in the Black Sea, Baltic, Murmansk, Northern, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Far Eastern and Caspian shipping companies, teams of emergency rescue, ship lifting and underwater technical work (EO ASPTR) were created, operating on an economic basis, which were assigned by order the functions of emergency rescue work and responsibility for rescuing people at sea. In 1972, the All-Union Association “Sovsudopodjem” was created in the Ministry of Marine Fleet, to which all ASPTR detachments were functionally subordinated. In 1982, the VO "Sovsudopodjem" was abolished with the distribution of its functions between the VO "Moreplavaniye" and VO "Morstroyzagranpostavka". In 1988, the State Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (SMRCC) and corresponding centers and subcenters in the country’s sea basins were established under the Ministry of Maritime Fleet. In 1991, the USSR State Marine Rescue Service was created with the basin emergency rescue departments subordinate to it. After the collapse of the USSR, this structure became the basis of the State Marine Rescue Service of Russia, which in 1992 became part of the system of organizations of the Ministry of Transport of Russia.


Maritime Search and Rescue Service (Polish) Morska Służba Poszukiwania i Ratownictwa ) was created in Poland on December 24, 2001 by the Order of the Minister of Infrastructure “On the activities of the Maritime Search and Rescue Service” in accordance with the Law of November 9, 2000 “On Safety at Sea”.

25.09.2006 Yekaterinburg lost its own rescue service. The Sverdlovsk Regional Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations prohibited employees of the SOVA company from engaging in life saving activities. For a city with a population of one million, what happened is a real sensation, because this particular service was perceived by the majority of Yekaterinburg residents as a direct analogue of the American “911”. Even her phone number was like that. Over ten years, "Owl" saved more than seven thousand people. The recognition of the townspeople also contributed to official recognition - recently the commercial structure received its own line in the budget of Yekaterinburg. But now service dispatchers will be forced to refuse all requests for help and refer those who apply to government agencies.
Certification of rescue services is carried out every three years. For Sova, the time to take the exam came in August 2006. Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Sverdlovsk region Sergey Kucherov explains that certification should ensure the safety of victims and avoid cases of harm during rescue. The procedure consists of two parts: checking the level of personnel training and technical equipment. “Sova” was unable to pass the exam because previously identified violations were not eliminated.
The Ministry of Emergency Situations does not hide the fact that they have been dissatisfied with the activities of “Sova” for a long time: in the spring, when a house collapsed in Kollektivny Lane, civil service employees were surprised to discover that “Sova” was also working on the ruins. This was a direct violation of the terms of the license - a private structure is prohibited from carrying out such work. Her powers are limited to attending road accidents, evacuating victims and providing first aid medical care. At the same time, the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees are not at all embarrassed by the fact that the Owl arrived at the site of the house collapse earlier than public services. Here we are convinced that at that moment the risk was unjustified, since there was a threat to the lives of the Sova employees themselves.
In “Sova” itself, the statement from the leadership of the regional administration was heard with surprise. Sova deputy director Oleg Pechersky says the law allows the service to operate if more than half of its employees have been certified. In the case of “Owl”, the required proportion was met, but for some unknown reason, the Ministry of Emergency Situations decided to conduct a general certification of the detachment, as a result of which the service employees turned out to be unsuitable for professional work. “Sova” was also surprised by the timing of the inspection - they are just preparing documents for certification. “We sent a letter to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but have not yet received a response, so we cannot say that our license was taken away,” the service’s press secretary, Evgeny Ilyubaev, comments on the situation.
He claims that Sova continues to operate as before. The Ministry of Emergency Situations warns: if violations are registered, the company’s management will have to answer for this in court. At the same time, state rescuers claim that they are ready for working together and, once a private company has corrected all violations, no one will prevent it from applying for a new certificate. It is difficult to say whether it will be issued: there is too much unofficial information about difficult relationship Ministry of Emergency Situations and "Owls". It is known that representatives of the ministry, although they pay tribute to the efficiency of their colleagues from private company, but are dissatisfied with the way Sova treats the qualifications of its employees. At a meeting of the relevant committee of the City Duma, deputies were informed that often “Sova” not only saved, but also promoted its main product - radio security systems. Parliamentarians immediately demanded to check how money from the budget was spent. However, the city administration itself hopes for a speedy end to the conflict./vremya.ru/

Like any other organization, the emergency rescue center of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations has a number of services provided to the population. Most often, enterprises with increased danger are contacted, since for them it is most critical how quickly the fire and emergency rescue squad arrives on site. The rescue center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations must respond as quickly as possible to avoid loss of life or escalation of the scale of the emergency. In order to distribute the load on the emergency rescue center, there are several divisions. The main ones:

  1. Fire and Rescue Center. Takes part in extinguishing fires and maintaining appropriate equipment in order.
  2. Search and rescue center. Most often, it is necessary in cases of a collapse or disappearance of a person in difficult areas.

It is important to note that sometimes emergency incidents affect not only issues of human health and life, but also the preservation of the environmental situation. That is why the center for emergency rescue and environmental operations is actively engaged not only in eliminating the incident itself, but also its consequences, including for environment. For example, an oil spill can cause irreparable damage if it is not promptly addressed and the affected areas are not treated.

What functions does the rescue center of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations perform?

The asset also has an expeditionary squad to carry out emergency rescue operations, which is engaged in the study of territories and analysis of their conditions. Such a rescue team can also conduct searches for missing people, which is especially important if the incident was accompanied by landslides or major damage, which could cause people to be trapped. hopeless situation. A timely search can save a person’s life. No matter how reliable, modern and multifunctional the equipment is, the emergency rescue team plays a huge role in the entire range of measures taken. The effectiveness of the work carried out, as well as the speed of eliminating a dangerous situation, depends on the professionalism of rescuers. That is why you should choose an emergency rescue center with special care. It depends on him:

  • proper training of personnel;
  • clear coordination of actions;
  • field condition of the technical park;
  • state of auxiliary equipment.

What is an emergency operations center?

An ASC of this type is an operational-tactical association that solves the problems of state security, as well as the protection of people and territories in cases of natural or man-made emergencies. The center, among other things, deals with the supply of humanitarian cargo, provision of first aid and disinfection of premises and territories. The rescue team itself must always pursue the principles of humanism, mercy, as well as justified risk, since, first of all, it is aimed at preserving lives, not material values.

Rescue Service Center: Guaranteed Reliability

Our rescue service center - the Center for Emergency Assistance in Emergency Situations - was created on the basis of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations within the framework of special program. That's why we can offer Better conditions for clients. An impressive fleet of modern emergency equipment rescue equipment will allow you to quickly and efficiently solve any problem that arises. Each piece of equipment fully complies with its specifications, and our technicians ensure that any malfunction is immediately corrected. Due to this, the equipment is always ready for departures and is in readiness, which saves valuable time in cases of emergency. Since our Emergency Operations Center (ERC) always closely coordinates the team's actions, the emergency response team can perform its functions with maximum efficiency. The high professionalism of the team, combined with competent management of the rescue center, allows us to eliminate any incident, as well as significantly reduce its consequences.

Our rescue service center has repeatedly received calls about various emergencies in production, forestry, as well as about oil spills and other equally dangerous situations. By contacting us, our clients are guaranteed to receive:

  • quality service;
  • services of a team of professionals with extensive experience;
  • a fleet of modern emergency rescue equipment;
  • timely arrival of the rescue team;
  • an integrated approach to solving the problem;
  • elimination of environmental consequences.

In the list of cities in which our fire and rescue center operates, Moscow is far from the only one locality. We undertake all types of emergency rescue work throughout the country.

The Search and Rescue Service (SRS) of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations was created in accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation dated July 28, 1992 No. 528 on the basis of tourist and mountaineering rescue services, points and centers that were previously under the jurisdiction of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia. PSS EMERCOM of Russia is a set of control bodies, forces and means designed to carry out search and rescue operations in conditions emergency situations natural and man-made. PSS EMERCOM of Russia is part of the permanent readiness forces at the federal level RSChS.

The search and rescue service of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations includes:

8 regional search and rescue teams (RPSO), including 35 search and rescue teams (RPSO) - branches of the RPSO, 11 of which carry out search and rescue of people on water bodies;

Baikal PSO of central subordination;

Federal government agency“State Central Airmobile Rescue Squad “Tsentrospas” (Tsentrospas branch in Tuapse and search and rescue unit in Moscow);

Federal State Institution "Emergency Rescue Service for Special Purpose Underwater Work" (GOSAKVASPAS) with branches at Pacific Ocean(Nakhodka), Baltic (Baltiysk), White (Arkhangelsk), and Black (Gelendzhik) seas.

PSFs carry out their activities under the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia through the regional centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in cooperation with the main departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the constituent entities. The composition and structure of the PSF PSS EMERCOM of Russia is determined by the EMERCOM of Russia and regional centers of the EMERCOM of Russia within the scope of their competence.

The main tasks of the PSF PSS EMERCOM of Russia are:

maintaining the constant readiness of management bodies, forces and means of the PSF to perform tasks as intended;

control over the readiness of serviced facilities and territories for emergency response work;

organization and conduct of search and rescue operations in emergency situations of natural and man-made nature.

In order to solve these problems, PSF PSS EMERCOM of Russia: create the necessary material and technical base; develop operational documents on the organization and conduct of search and rescue operations in accordance with their purpose; carry out training, retraining, and advanced training of staff members of the PSF PSS EMERCOM of Russia; prepare rescuers and emergency personnel for certification to carry out emergency rescue operations; carry out measures for the rehabilitation, social and legal protection of workers of the PSF PSS EMERCOM of Russia and members of their families; exchange experience with others, including international rescue services and units; participate in the development of bodies executive power subjects of the Russian Federation plans for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, in the training of rescuers of public emergency rescue teams (public rescuers), in preparing the population for actions in emergency situations.

The main formation of the search and rescue service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is the Regional Search and Rescue Team (RPSO). The number of RPSOs mainly depends on the number of subordinate branches and ranges from 200 to 900 people. Depending on the location and purpose, the structure of the RPSO may change. For example, the basic Far Eastern RPSO consists of 5 search and rescue units of 17 people each, as well as parachute, diving, canine, pyrotechnic, and emergency chemical units. In addition, this RPSO has 8 branches, with a total number of about 500 people.

The main types of work carried out by the RPSO are: landing rescuers in an emergency zone using parachutes and rescue devices;

radiation and chemical control in emergency areas; unblocking victims under the rubble of building structures, providing them with first aid; gas rescue work;

work to eliminate emergency situations in mountain and forest areas, on road, rail and air transport;

elimination of emergency situations associated with the release of explosive and toxic substances into the environment;

carrying out emergency rescue operations in water areas, including eliminating the consequences of oil spills and other hazardous substances; emergency rescue operations in areas of avalanches and mudflows; underwater technical (diving) work; localization and extinguishing of forest fires; blasting in an emergency zone, etc.

In search and rescue operations, the PSS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia widely uses specially trained dogs available in canine teams as part of search and rescue teams, including search and rescue canine teams, mine-detecting, security and guard dogs.

These calculations successfully worked in eliminating the consequences of explosions of residential buildings in Moscow, earthquakes in Neftegorsk, Colombia, Turkey, India, Indonesia, the tsunami in Sri Lanka and in many other emergency situations.

Rescue teams are equipped with modern technical means that allow them to carry out rescue operations in difficult conditions, such as:

hydraulic rescue tools - “Octopus”, “Krug”, “Bear” and “Ermak” (static action tool), “Bison” and “Beaver” (hydrodynamic action tool);

victim search devices - acoustic devices (“Peleng-1”, TA-1), television systems (“System-1K”, “Sistema-IP”), thermal imagers (PPT, TN-3, “Spasatel”), night vision devices (ONV-3, NNM, MNV-5, NB-3M), radar detector "Radar-1";

individual and group sets of mountaineering and speleological equipment;

closed-type diving equipment and for working in aggressive environments, oxygen and helium compressors, Omega, MSA, AUER breathing apparatus;

remote-controlled underwater vehicles “SeaLion”, “Gnome”, “FALCON”, autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicles “Harpsichord-1R”;

watercraft - motorboat “Stringer-550”, glider (aerobot), hovercraft “Khivus-10”, “Argo”, boats “Mongoose”, “Kalmar”, “Sportis-7500”, KS-701;

search and rescue vehicles "Beaver", tracked snow and swamp-going vehicles "Los", emergency rescue vehicles ASM-3308 "Sadko" in diving configuration, resuscitation vehicles, etc.;

multifunctional airmobile complexes for providing emergency rescue operations, lighting complexes “Light Tower”;

aerial robotic complexes of helicopter type, robotic unmanned aerial vehicles aircrafts"Irkut-2M";

Il-76, Il-62M, An-74, Yak-42D aircraft, Be-200ChS multifunctional amphibious aircraft, Mi-26, Mi-8, Ka-32A, Bo-105, Bk-117 helicopters.

Currently, the Rescue Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia has 7 rescue training centers. During the period of operation of the centers, about 15 thousand people received professional training.

PSS EMERCOM of Russia has a large training base. On May 7, 1996, it was opened in Noginsk, Moscow region International Center training of rescuers. It was created under the auspices of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and the United Nations (UN) and became the head educational institution on training, retraining and advanced training of rescuers.

The first group of rescuers from the Far Eastern, Transbaikal, West Siberian and Ural regions regional centers The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations began studying at the Center on October 1, 1996.

In 1998, the International Rescue Training Center became part of the 179th Rescue Center as the 40th Russian center training of rescuers (RCPS).

Baikal PSO base (Nikola village)

The Rescuer Training Center is the basic educational institution of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for training, retraining and advanced training of rescuers of all classes working in the response to natural and man-made emergencies.

In 2004, a rescue training center “Baikal” was created on the basis of the Baikal PSO. In the list of training of rescue specialists, its priorities include the training of professional rescuers and divers of various classes, and specialists in emergency rescue work.

In addition, ski and speleological training, training for drivers of small boats and even GIMS inspectors are provided. For this purpose, special classes are equipped, and special equipment and equipment of the detachment are used.

Rescue training center "Krasnaya Polyana"

In December 2005, the opening of the Rescue Training Center “Krasnaya Polyana” of the Southern Regional Search and Rescue Team of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia took place. The center provides mountain, speleological, skiing

training of rescuers, prepares divers, rescue dog handlers, climbers, industrial climbers, navigators of small vessels, rescue sailors, etc.

Training and rescue center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia "Vytegra"

In May 2009, Russia’s largest scientific training and rescue center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “Vytegra” was opened, located near Lake Onega in the Vytegorsky district Vologda region. This center was built taking into account the fact that fertilizers and oil products are transported along the Volga-Baltic and White Sea-Baltic routes, which have a beneficial effect on Negative influence on the environment. To assess the state of the environment, the Center has created a laboratory to monitor the state of the environment. The center is equipped with the most modern rescue equipment - hovercraft, means for extinguishing fires and neutralizing hydrocarbon spills.

In October 2011, the Ergaki Rescue Training and Rehabilitation Center began its work, located in the central part of the Western Sayan Mountains, on the territory Krasnoyarsk Territory. The center is designed for education and practical training of rescuers from different regions- from the Urals to Far East. In addition, its tasks include carrying out work to prevent and eliminate various emergency situations in the region, ensuring fire safety on the territory of the Ergaki natural park and adjacent areas.

In addition to the Center's full-time rescuers, trainees are also involved in practical search and rescue operations in the event of emergencies in the service area, which significantly increases the Center's capabilities and contributes to the instilling of practical skills in trainees under the guidance of experienced instructors.

The rescue training center is successfully operating as part of the Far Eastern RPSO of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, and in November 2012, the “Center for Diving Training and Deep-sea Diving Works” of the Centrospas detachment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia began its work in the village of Agoy on the outskirts of Tuapse.

Based Federal Law dated 08.22.1995 No. 151 “On emergency rescue services and the status of rescuers” PSF PSS EMERCOM of Russia have the right to: make proposals to the relevant government bodies for emergency situations on carrying out urgent measures necessary to ensure the safety of the population; acquire, store and transport in the prescribed manner means of signaling during search and rescue, transportation, preventive work and training activities; carry out its activities to service facilities 160

and territories on a contractual basis; receive complete and reliable information about emergency situations necessary for organizing work to eliminate them; to carry out unhindered passage, priority provision of fuel and lubricants, as well as priority carrying out repair work at service stations when traveling to the place of emergency response work; for reimbursement of expenses for liquidation of emergency situations; carry out other activities in accordance with other acts of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

PSS forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia take an active part in the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of various types. During the period from 1992 to 2012, the RSF of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia participated in the elimination of 27,617 natural and man-made emergencies, including 412 humanitarian rescue operations abroad. 1,019,304 human lives saved.

Among the most large-scale works carried out with the participation of the PSF of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, we can note, for example, the work to eliminate the consequences of the earthquake in Neftegorsk, which occurred on May 27, 1995. 1,642 people were involved in emergency rescue operations; the core of the group was 685 (42%) professional rescuers from Irkutsk, Chita, Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk, and Moscow. At first, search and rescue operations were carried out on “living” people, without the use of ground equipment, since complete dismantling of rubble was unacceptable under the current conditions. This required a selective approach to tactics and methods of searching and rescuing victims. In the first 24 hours, 258 people were rescued from the rubble.

After 3 days, for the purpose of additional reconnaissance and identification of living people in the rubble, for the first time in the practice of search and rescue operations, Operation Silence began to be carried out, lasting about an hour and periodically up to 4 times a day. Experienced rescuers listened to the rubble, including using Peleng-1 devices and stethoscopes. The work of search dogs turned out to be effective; dowsing methods for detecting victims gave good results.

Surprisingly, the last living person was found and pulled out from under the ruins on the 7th day after the tragedy, when no one was counting on a miracle. Thanks to the dog of rescuer V. Legoshin, Lena owes his life to the last found resident of Neftegorsk. The idea of ​​using dogs in search arose back in 1988 during work after the earthquake in Armenia, where animals sometimes worked better than instruments. After Neftegorsk, a canine unit was created in Tsentrospas.

Search and evacuation of victims

Surprisingly, the last living person was found and pulled out from under the ruins on the 7th day after the tragedy, when no one was counting on a miracle. Thanks to the dog of rescuer V. Legoshin, the last found resident of Neftegorsk owes his life to Loy. The idea of ​​using dogs in search arose back in 1988 during work after the earthquake in Armenia, where animals sometimes worked better than instruments. After work in Neftegorsk, a canine unit was created at the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

In total, 2,247 people (including 308 children) were rescued from the rubble in Neftegorsk, largely by rescuers, of which: alive - 406 people, including 40 children; 1841 people died.

Russian rescuers often participate in emergency rescue operations abroad. So in August 1999, as a result of a catastrophic earthquake in Turkey, about 20 thousand people died, the number of victims was about 50 thousand people. At the request for help from the Turkish crisis center, one of the first to arrive at the scene of the tragedy was a rescue team from Russia consisting of 47 people, including dog handlers with 3 dogs, a management group of 14 people, the mobile hospital of the All-Russian Central Medical Center "Zashchita" with personnel in the amount of 14 people, as well as 3 units of special equipment, equipment, life support, water and food supplies based on the ten-day autonomous stay of the detachment.

As a result of rescue operations carried out by Russian rescuers, 136 people were rescued from the rubble in the first day and a half after the earthquake in the city of Geljuk, 72 of them alive. This accounted for half of the living people rescued from the rubble by all rescuers (according to the UN, the total number of living people recovered was 147).

Doctors of the mobile hospital VCMK "Zashchita" provided assistance to 437 victims, including 302 adults, 77 children, 58 rescuers and emergency rescue personnel.

One of the most effective forces of the Rescue Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is the State Central Airmobile Rescue Squad "Tsentrospas". It was formed by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 13, 1992 No. 154 and is intended for emergency response to various emergency situations, including search and rescue and rescue operations during earthquakes, floods, man-made disasters.

From the beginning of the creation of the detachment, the core of Tsentrospas were rescuers who were already in to a large extent prepared and familiar with each other from joint rescue actions in various parts of the country, where they went as volunteers. Some served in fire departments or other units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, worked in ambulances, and in Red Cross organizations. Engineering and technical specialists came from scientific institutions and experimental design bureaus. At the time of the creation of the detachment, there were practically no instruments and equipment for rescue work in Russia. It was necessary to use mainly a crowbar, a sledgehammer and a shovel. However, thanks to the high technical qualifications of the employees who formed the basis of the engineering service, creative connections were established with designers and production workers in a number of industries. As a result, after 57 years, equipment appeared in Russia that could compete with the best foreign models.

Initially, the detachment had only about 60 people and 5 services: search rescue, engineering, logistics, motor transport, communications and information. The detachment was headed by Mikhail Ivanovich Faleev, through whose efforts a favorable moral and psychological climate was created, traditions, a spirit of collectivism and high responsibility for the assigned work were formed.

Currently, the detachment is a permanent readiness formation; readiness to travel to an emergency zone ranges from 3 minutes (in emergency travel mode) to 3 hours (for federal and international emergencies).

The detachment consists of the following services: search and rescue, dog training, medical, airmobile rescue technologies, communications, engineering, motor transport, software and information and logistics support, internship and advanced training, as well as an airmobile hospital.

In 1998, a diving service was created, and on April 1, 2003, a branch of the Centrospas detachment was created in Tuapse. In Tuapse, divers of all classes and specializations study for rescue teams of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. The detachment has created a special group of submariners capable of working at depths of up to 100 meters using breathing apparatus. gas mixtures of different composition.

The total number of the detachment is 646 people, including 227 rescuers, of which 37 are qualified as “International Class Rescuers”, 94 are qualified as “1st Class Rescuers”, 12 were awarded the honorary title “Honored Rescuer of the Russian Federation”. Each of the squad's rescuers has 6-15 specialties: scuba diver, climber, parachutist, paramedic, explosives technician, signalman, etc. - and can work in any geographical location globe, in the most difficult climatic conditions.

Centrospas is equipped with the most modern special equipment and equipment, which allows rescuers to perform a wide range of rescue operations in various emergency situations.

From 1992 to 2012, Tsentrospas traveled to eliminate the consequences of various emergency situations 41.5 thousand times, of which more than 200 were at the international and federal level. More than 25 thousand lives were saved, and emergency assistance was provided to victims in more than 40 thousand cases.

Tsentrospas participated in many humanitarian actions: the delivery of humanitarian aid in 1993 to the city of Tkvarcheli; in 1993-1994 to the former Yugoslavia; in 2000 to the Chechen Republic; in 2001-2002 to Afghanistan; in 2008 to the PRC, to South Ossetia. In 1995, the detachment participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the earthquake in Neftegorsk, in 2000 in the liquidation of the consequences of the fire at the Ostankino TV tower in Moscow, in 2004 in the search and rescue operation to eliminate the consequences of the collapse of the Transvaal Park dome in the city. Moscow and in the rescue operation in Beslan (North Ossetia), in 2005 in the liquidation of the consequences of the earthquake in South-East Asia, in 2006 in the aftermath of the earthquake in China, in 2009 in the search and rescue operation at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station. In 2010, Tsentrospas rescuers took part in eliminating the consequences of terrorist attacks at the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations in Moscow, an explosion at the Raspadskaya mine in the Kemerovo region, and the consequences of a powerful flood in the Tuapse region Krasnodar region and etc.

The detachment's specialists are directly involved in the development, mastery and implementation of new technologies for conducting search and rescue operations. They mastered the technology of landing an airmobile hospital, rescue equipment, large cargo, and special automotive equipment using multi-dome parachute systems into an emergency zone.

Most a shining example is to create an airmobile hospital with the ability to operate autonomously for 14 days, with a modular system that allows it to be transported by helicopter or airplane

profile of the hospital that is needed in this moment, including the resuscitation module.

In the event of a hospital landing, doctors can begin providing assistance to the victims within 40 minutes, and after 1.5 hours, seven departments of the hospital are completely ready for work. Designed for 50 beds, the hospital is capable of handling from 300 to 500 patients per day.

Since 2008, mobile medical modules have been used to evacuate seriously ill patients on the basis of the Il-76 aircraft and the Mi-8 helicopter. The modules were developed with active participation specialists of the detachment and have no analogues in the world. During the flight, doctors from the Centrospas squad can provide the victim with a full range of resuscitation measures. Over the years of using this aviation rescue technology, 225 victims of disasters and fires have been evacuated.

The development of the detachment is carried out towards its further integration with international assistance systems, improvement of rescue technologies, including response to emerging chemical accidents.

Centrospas has long earned well-deserved recognition among search and rescue units around the world. In June 2011, the detachment passed international certification according to INSARAG (international advisory group search and rescue). Known as one of the best search and rescue units, the unit has now received official recognition at the international level within the UN. There are currently only 15 so-called “heavy” rescue teams in the world, well-equipped and capable of working in the most difficult conditions. Tsentrospas became sixteenth.

The rescue methods used by Russian rescuers, unlike their foreign colleagues, whose actions are strictly regulated, are characterized not so much by technology or equipment, but by dedication and dedication, willingness to work on the brink of risk, sometimes to the detriment of their own safety.

During its existence, the detachment lost several of its specialists. On April 22, 1998, while diving into the waters of the Arctic Ocean while testing rescue diving equipment, one of the founders of the detachment, Andrei Rozhkov, died. Rescuers Lev Samsonov, Vyacheslav Martynenko, Sergei Sergeev, Alexander Samorukov, and deputy head of the detachment Igor Prokopchik were killed.

In 2004, during a rescue operation in Beslan to rescue schoolchildren captured by terrorists, rescuers Valery Zamaraev and Dmitry Kormilin died. Two more rescuers A. Kopeikin, P. Dronov and doctor A. Skorobulatov were injured. Thanks to their feat, hundreds of children survived.

For courage, heroism and highly professional actions shown in carrying out tasks to ensure the safety of citizens, development modern technologies During the rescue operations, three rescuers of the detachment were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation - rescuers Andrei Nikolaevich Rozhkov (posthumously), Vladimir Danatovich Legoshin, Valery Valentinovich Zamaraev (posthumously). More than 350 rescuers from Tsentrospas EMERCOM of Russia were awarded orders and medals of the Russian Federation.

Scientific and technological progress, which not only helps to increase productivity and improve working conditions, increase the material well-being and intellectual potential of society, but also leads to an increased risk of accidents in production, transport, infrastructure, and the residential sector, causes a change in the functions of systems for protecting the population and territories. Over time, the nature of threats, living conditions of society, and the real economic capabilities of the state change, which accordingly leads to changes in systems for ensuring security and human protection. As a result, today there is a trend of transition from search and rescue to emergency rescue services and formations. The function of searching for victims, which was established when the search and rescue service was formed, of course remains, but in to a lesser extent. Of course, in the mountains North Caucasus, the Urals, in Siberia, and in tourist areas, search and rescue teams will remain. In industrial areas, the nature of accidents and emergencies that arise is completely different, which leads to the need to create emergency services and rescue teams.

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Mechanical period Arithmometer - a calculating machine that performs all 4 arithmetic operations (1874, Odner) Analytical engine -...
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In 1943, Karachais were illegally deported from their native places. Overnight they lost everything - their home, their native land and...
When talking about the Mari and Vyatka regions on our website, we often mentioned and. Its origin is mysterious; moreover, the Mari (themselves...