The location of the buttonholes. How to find out the place and distance at which chevrons should be sewn

In the fall of 2013, the Department of Defense decided to select new emblems to be featured on the patches. 13 options were presented, including those from venerable artists and designers. However, the public did not like the proposed emblems so much that the choice was postponed until better ideas appeared. Official order for the approval of emblems on this moment No, which makes it difficult to find reliable information on the issue.

The location of the stripes on the form

The sleeve insignia are located at a distance of 8 cm from the shoulder seam to the upper edge of the patch. The location of the chevrons on the military uniform is subordinate special rules. Here are the main ones.

Patches with the following symbols are sewn on the left sleeve:

  • defense Department
  • General Staff of the Armed Forces
  • Types and types of troops of the Armed Forces
  • Rear of the Armed Forces
  • Railway Troops
  • Troops not included in the types and branches of the Armed Forces

Patches with the following symbols are sewn onto the right sleeve:

  • Specific military formations
  • Nationality - for military representatives in foreign countries

Please note: in PMO 1500, a typo was made on this score, which is why many sites wander incorrect information, where it is confused which signs are attached to which sleeve. If in doubt - look at any photo with the Minister of Defense and make sure!

Sleeve chevrons are placed on woolen coats, pea coats, tunics, jackets, jackets (except for summer), demi-season jackets (except senior officers), dresses, flannels.

There is reason to believe that the newest military patches are those that are called "tulips" in their shape. They are also called "Yudashkin" because they appeared at the same time as the uniform for the army developed by Valentin Yudashkin. Now these patches are most common. These can be seen in Sergei Shoigu himself, which rightfully competes with the official website. Let's talk more about these chevrons on new form.

The wearing of these signs is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of September 3, 2011 N 1500 "On the Rules for wearing military uniforms and insignia of military personnel of the Armed Forces Russian Federation, departmental insignia and other heraldic signs and a special ceremonial full dress military uniform of the servicemen of the guard of honor of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The end of 2013 pleased us with a new office uniform for the military. Therefore, the issue of patches on office uniforms is more relevant than ever. Let's see what this costume looks like first:

At the moment, there is a temporary regulation for wearing it, established by the order of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army D.V. Bulgakov dated September 28, 2013 No. 256/41/3101.

Here's what it says about chevrons for the office military uniform.

  • On the flap of the left breast pocket there is a uniform patch with the surname and initials
  • On the flap of the right chest pocket - a patch with the inscription " Military establishment Russia" - pay attention, not the Russian Federation, as before, but Russia!
  • On the left sleeve - a patch about belonging to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the military branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the railway troops; above it is the flag of the Russian Federation in the form of a semicircle
  • On the right sleeve - stripes on military uniforms about belonging to specific military formations
  • Above the flap of the left breast pocket - straps of ribbons of orders and medals; the lower edge of the strap is at the level of the upper edge of the pocket flap
  • Above the flap of the right chest pocket - a sign of graduation from an educational institution, state awards without shoes, 10 mm above the flap of the pocket

The chevron patch on the uniform is also of interest to those who put on the field uniform. There are as many stripes as on the office. By the way, the field chevrons are khaki with a plain pattern.

Patches on the field uniform are sewn as follows: sleeves - in the center of the pocket, the flag of Russia - on the lapel of the left sleeve pocket, a patch with a blood type - above the left breast pocket.

Chevrons on the new uniform of civil servants of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

As for the federal state civil servants of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, here is how the patches are placed on the uniform for them. Essentially, just like office uniform, only sewing is silver, not gold.

We also invite you to familiarize yourself with official information located on the website of the Ministry of Defense. Perhaps you are not switching to a new uniform yet, and round emblems are relevant for you.

So, what kind of stripes on military uniforms are there?

1. Patches on the sleeve

Among them: stripes about belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, stripes about belonging to the types of the Armed Forces, stripes about belonging to certain troops, stripes about belonging to schools. By the way, take a closer look at the emblems Russian Army. Diameter 84 mm, edge width 2 mm

2. Stripes on the chest

Lapel insignia of the types and branches of the troops of the Russian Federation, special troops and services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, badges of military prowess and skill.

3. Cockades and emblems on headgear

They express belonging to the Ministry of Defense in general or to a specific branch of the military in particular.

Sewn on the left side of the chest army patches, denoting specific military formations. They can be of two types
  • The big emblem is the coat of arms. Has a stylized wreath. Wreath height - 45 mm, width - 35 mm. Shield height - 28 mm, width - 25 mm.
  • Medium emblem. Has a leather lining. Lining height - 75 mm, width - 35 mm. The height of the heraldic shield is 28 mm, the width is 25 mm.

The order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2007 No. 211 “On approval of the description of uniform items for employees of institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system and the rules for wearing it” will tell.

Right sleeve- sleeve insignia of employees of the penitentiary system.

Left sleeve- sleeve insignia of employees of the central office of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, sleeve insignia of employees territorial bodies UIS, sleeve insignia of employees of UIS institutions. The patches on the uniform of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the location of which was not specified above, are also worn on the left sleeve.

Honorary and badges of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the Federal Penitentiary Service are worn on the right side chest after graduation badge educational institutions vocational education.

On the tunic and jacket, the badges are placed so that the upper edge of the badge is 70 mm below the level of the lapel corner, and in the presence of orders (medals) or a badge of class - 10 mm below them. Chevrons of the Federal Penitentiary Service: the distance from the shoulder louse to the upper edge of the patch is 8 cm.

The chevron on the form of the UIS is an oval-shaped shield measuring 95 mm in height and 80 mm in width. In the center of the emblem is double-headed eagle with raised wings, with a sword and a lictor bundle. On the chest of the eagle is a shield with the "Pillar of the Law".

Chevrons on the form of the Federal Penitentiary Service is an oval-shaped shield measuring 95 mm in height and 80 mm in width. The shield depicts a crossed mast-head, a lictor bundle and a sword and a wreath of laurel and oak branches.

How to sew on an FSB chevron?

The Cossack uniform is more free to use insignia. Often, Cossacks get by with a single chevron, indicating belonging to a particular Cossack army. This chevron is worn on the left sleeve, 8 cm below the shoulder seam. Above it is worn an arc patch with the decoding of the name of the troops.

If your Cossack army is large and has several units, you can sew a common chevron on the left shoulder, and a private one on the right.

Some Cossacks use square chevrons. They are worn on the right or left sleeve, below the main chevron, angle down. Such a chevron, made in the colors of the tricolor, speaks of belonging to the Russian Cossacks. Chevrons of other colors may be traditional symbols of a particular army.

On the field uniform sometimes a blood type patch is worn.

Answers to frequently asked questions on the topic of how to attach a chevron.

Which side is the chevron?

On the left is a general sign, on the right is a specific unit.

When it comes to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the general chevron is on the left sleeve, a specific unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Emergency Situations is on the right.

At what distance is the chevron sewn on?

The sleeve chevron is traditionally sewn at a distance of 8 cm from the shoulder seam to the top of the chevron.

How to sew a chevron?

It is best to use a "hidden" seam. So you can sew a chevron beautifully so that the threads do not stick out and do not spoil general form forms.

Chevrons: where to sew?

There are sleeve chevrons: in the center of the sleeve pocket or 8 cm from the shoulder seam. There are chest chevrons: in the center of the pocket.

Which sleeve has a chevron?

The chevron of the military branch is on the left, the chevron of the unit is on the right.

Are chevrons sewn onto dresses?

Yes, chevrons are sewn on both dresses with long and short sleeves.

Police chevrons: which side?

The main chevron of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is on the left, the chevron of your unit is on the right.

>> 14.11.2015

Military chevrons should be located in strictly designated areas. The distance of the chevrons from the shoulder seam or between the chevrons is strictly regulated by certain documents. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them in order to sew insignia correctly on clothes, because otherwise you can get a reprimand and not quite good reputation at colleagues. The rules for wearing insignia on the uniform are established by special orders, depending on the structure and unit. From time to time, minor adjustments are made to these orders, which may affect not only the location of the patch, but also affect appearance emblems. Therefore, always stay tuned for updates in orders regarding insignia specific to your unit.

The distance of the chevron (patch) "Russia Ministry of Internal Affairs", which is placed on the left sleeve, should be 8 cm from the top of the shoulder seam of the sleeve to the top point of the patch. If you don't quite understand what in question, then we advise you to look at photographic materials on this topic, which are plentiful on the relevant thematic sites. Do not forget that the sleeve insignia of belonging to services or units are on several variants of the form, for example, on the field uniform on the right sleeve in the center of the sleeve pocket, and on other types uniform- at the same distance on the right sleeve.

How to correctly measure the distance of the chevron from the shoulder.

Before sewing patches on the uniform, you should correctly measure the distance of the chevron from the shoulder. For this once again it is worth studying the regulatory documents in order to correctly determine the location of the emblem. Then you should use the ruler. Using a ruler, correctly measure the distance at which the chevron should be. After that, it is worth highlighting the place where the sign is attached. To do this, you will need chalk, dry soap or a pin.

Secure the top edge of the sign with a pin. Then make sure that the product lies on the form strictly vertically. If so, then it is worth fixing the bottom edge of the emblem. Now you can sew. Do not forget after the end of the sewing process to make sure that the work is done neatly.

Why is it necessary to observe the distance of stripes on the form.

The distance of the stripes on the form, as noted above, is strictly regulated by certain documents. A soldier does not have the right to spontaneously change the signs in the order that he wants. Even cadets wear rectangular sleeve patches, which are called "kursovki". They are sewn on the left sleeve at a distance of 20 centimeters from the top of the patch to the top edge of the sleeve. As a rule, sleeve insignia are placed on many uniform items, namely:
  • woolen jackets,

  • demi-season jackets, with the exception of demi-season jackets for senior officers,

  • on winter woolen jackets,

  • wool jackets,

  • winter jackets,

  • everyday demi-season jackets,

  • field patches.
The patches on the uniform must be sewn evenly and neatly. If you do not have talents for needlework or do not have basic needle skills, then you should seek help from an atelier. Experts quickly and accurately with the help of modern equipment will attach the sign to your form.
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