Travel news of the Samara region. How does the Grushinsky festival take place? When does the Grushinsky festival take place in a year?

The Grushinsky Festival is wonderful because it takes place every year. And every year we spend the first month of summer where smoke from fires spreads across the water, and music, like gas, fills the provided volume.

The music begins at the distant approaches to the festival clearing. Played by misanthropes who do not accept the obligatory festival crowds in their immediate vicinity and set up camp further away. The farthest stage of the festival is playing - the Kola Hillock. People with jew's harps and pipes of unprecedented shapes are playing as they pass through the festival.

In general, as Galina aptly noted, Pear is a large music box. You fall into it and even seem to fall, like into a rabbit hole, and you never know what “dreams and songs” (c) the air will be filled with in ten steps. Here the Beatles are singing, there is CHIZHA, and now “Atlantes hold the sky on stone hands” (c), Leps is heard from around the corner, but thank you, it’s not Tanya Bulanova, although maybe they sing her somewhere too. It's great that we are with Galina Garshenina devirtualized!

Groups of people gather randomly on musical grounds, and strangers sing with each other, sorting songs by voice.

And all this musical diversity happens every year, continuing as if in the same place where it ended last time. Sometimes I get the feeling that Pear never really ends. This is such a Grushin space-time continuum, emerging from a parallel universe on the first weekend of July in the same place and bringing with it the same time due to some physical incident.

And the Pear certainly appears with the rain, which only confirms the theory. But if we hardly noticed any rain, this festival is one of the most “precipitated” in my memory. And it started to rain musical accompaniment, incessant percussion punctuated by jangling strings, harmonica and a long, gentle trumpet roulade in the style of Chat Baker. This trumpeter made my Saturday morning, the rain beats rhythmically on the tightly stretched awning of the tent, without losing its rhythm. And then the pipe comes in...

Traditional night concert just like 5 and 10 years ago, it imperceptibly materializes on the lake. This time, even he could not do without rain and the night tree-mountain attracts photographers and listeners, like a lamp attracts moths.

And when the rain finally stops, at dawn on Sunday, the rising sun and rising fog are ready to lift the spell of witchcraft from the clearing, when time is ready to make its usual loop and turn the festival back into a simple one. forest clearing Pear is the most beautiful. And you can watch her from the stairs for a long time, trying to catch the moment when everything disappears. But you won't catch it.

Everything disappears without you. The pear turns into a memory, like Santa Claus into gifts under the tree and a slightly open window. "Personal New Year"(c) met. Looking forward to the next one.

Grusha, Grushinka, Grushinsky Festival - all this is the name of one festival that gathers a thousand people in its clearing. After the end of the “wars” between the organizers, the festival is gaining momentum again, and more and more people come to it more people. But many only dream of getting there, postponing the trip until next year. What stops people? Read about it below.

The journey begins...

As they say, fear has big eyes. Therefore, many naively believe that the Grushinsky Festival is a real hike with a heavy backpack on your shoulders, which you will have to drag several kilometers along steep slopes. And upon arrival at the place you will have to eat only pasta and stew, look for a toilet in the bushes, fight off mosquitoes and itch from the dirt. But no. You won't get such pleasure. Pear has long turned into a civilized town where you can buy everything your heart desires. From delicious garden berries to barbecue, from a tent to batteries for a flashlight, from bread to Tula gingerbread.

The black canvas toilets are long gone, and modern composting toilets have taken their place. This year there were 60 of them. But not everyone survived. By official information, some of them were stolen and placed in frequent camps. As they say, everything goes to the house. But the organizers have no time for jokes. At the final press conference, they promised to find and punish the culprits.

If before people washed in the Volga, now they can enjoy a steam bath. This whole civilization has apparently driven out the mosquitoes. Therefore, only a few are found in the clearing during the entire festival. But don’t think that Grushinka is paradise, and all this is free. As a rule, prices on the market are inflated, the bathhouse (1,500 rubles for ten people per hour) and entry by car is paid (this year they charged a thousand rubles for a one-time pass). However, in 2016, festival guests were pleased with the price of bread. It was only a few rubles higher than the city price. There are also advantages to Grushinsky trade relations. So, for example, I had a chance to hear from a tent seller: “If you put up a tent yourself to check if everything is intact, I’ll give you 500 rubles.” Tempting offer, which you won’t hear in the city. And all because Grusha has a special atmosphere. No aggression from other people, smiles and jokes everywhere.

It’s great that we are all here today!

The second reason why people are afraid to go to the festival is a large crowd of people. According to official data, this year the festival was attended by 30 thousand people, many of whom were from Ulyanovsk. And this is ten thousand more than last year. A frightening figure, isn't it? Especially if you’ve seen enough news before that they talk about constant tragedies. But it is almost impossible to meet everyone in one place. The huge territory and varied leisure activities allow people not to collide with each other. This year there were 18 venues where you could listen to performers and authors. By the way, our countrywoman Tatyana Galushkina was traditionally responsible for the children's stage.

But people don't just go to concerts. One of the most favorite places is the market, which is replete with various products of craftsmen. This is a kind of exhibition of various creative works. What's missing here! Wooden jewelry, clay whistles, linen outfits, designer items, and so on. My eyes are wide open from such diversity.

Fans of an active lifestyle were not left without attention. The clearing has places for charging and sports games. There is also a special playground where parents can even leave their children for a while to relax a little. So, for example, for 150 rubles you could buy an hour on a trampoline. The young man wrote down his parents' name and phone number and called them if necessary.

Sing, my guitar, sing...

Another reason why tourists bypass the Grushinsky Festival is the bards themselves. Many have a negative attitude towards this music and believe that it is not to their taste. We must admit that some people come to the festival just to relax, but they don’t care about the performers. But there are few such people. And it pleases.

You can hear original songs at the festival various styles and directions. People with bated breath sing along with Alexander Gorodnitsky, Vadim Egorov, Oleg Mityaev, Vadim and Valery Mishchuk, Natalya Kucher. They dance to the fiery songs of Timur Vedernikov and the Romario group. They sincerely laugh at the performance and lyrics of Vasily Urievsky. And this is not the entire list of musicians.

Pavel Pikovsky became the discovery for this Grushinsky. I came for the first time and immediately became a laureate of the festival. Powerful voice, good texts and a sincere smile that can’t help but infect you with optimism.

Particular attention is paid to poetry at the festival. This is not the first time he has come to the festival famous poet— Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko. This year there were several meetings with him, at which he read poems, told stories and answered questions from journalists. There was also a poetry workshop “Space of Words”.

Unusual venues were also organized. One of these is “Author”. It appealed to those people who love something unusual. There were singing massages Tibetan bowls, shamanic trance, Latin American dances, Altai yoga, master class on playing the guitar, gusli and so on.

One two Three. Mountain, burn!

The culmination of the festival every year is Grushinskaya Mountain. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, freshly minted laureates and masters of bard song take to the huge floating guitar. But sometimes it’s nice not just to sit in the rows of spectators, but to be on the other side to see the mountain. After all, only on this night does it really burn from the many lit lanterns. This is how the audience expresses their approval of what is happening on the guitar.

This is how fast and fun one festival goes by after another. And every year it attracts many people who happily return and take their loved ones with them. And this is not surprising, because, according to organizer Boris Keilman, the Grushinsky Festival is a special space where friends gather, where it is cozy, fun and calm. This is exactly what they go to the clearing for.

Finally, we'll let you know important information. In 2017 there will be the last Grushinsky festival before the break. There will be no Grusha in 2018 due to the FIFA World Cup.

Grushinsky Festival Photo: Pavel Lysenkov, June 29 (date for 2017) Grushinsky Festival – All-Russian festival author's song named after Valery Grushin. It takes place annually at the end of June or beginning of July near Samara. Thousands of bard song lovers not only from Russia, but also from other countries of the world gather here. The festival is held not only to bring together lovers of art songs in beautiful place, but also for the purpose of introducing young people to music, poetry, tourism and sports, preserving and developing original songs, identifying talented authors and performers, promoting healthy image life. The festival dates back to 1968. At the end of the 1960s, when interest in art songs (which were then called tourist songs) in our country increased sharply, the idea of ​​​​creating such a festival was literally in the air. And in the summer of 1967, a tragedy occurred - during a hike on the Uda River (Siberia), saving drowning children, Valery Grushin, a student at the Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, who was a tourism fanatic and one of the active promoters of the tourist song, died. The initiative group proposed organizing a festival in memory of their friend; this idea was supported by many tourists in the city. The first tourist song festival named after Valery Grushin was held on September 29, 1968 in Zhiguli in the Stone Bowl. About 600 people attended. The second festival was held in early July, and since then the date has not changed. He has already gathered about 2.5 thousand people. The festival badge appeared and was released for the first time. Starting from this festival, the stage became a raft on water. In the first years of its existence, the festival attracted mainly tourists and art song lovers from the Samara region. But soon modest song meetings in memory of Grushin grew into a large-scale event, which even became a cult event for several generations of singing poets. It was especially popular in the late 1970s, when about 100 thousand people visited it, and in the late 1990s - 210 thousand participants. The festival was interrupted in the 1980s when officials closed it, and for several years the festival was not held, but was revived again in 1986. Since 2007, for a number of reasons, it was held at two sites in the Samara region - on the territory of the Mastryukovsky Lakes and on the Fedorovsky Meadows. Today, the Grushinsky Festival takes place on the territory of the Mastryukov Lakes, being the most prestigious event of its kind in Russia, and also brings together tens of thousands of art song lovers not only from all over Russia, but also from countries near and far abroad. The festival is held in a tourist tent camp. Art song clubs, individual performers, authors and creative teams, tourist clubs. The organizers of the event are the Samara Regional Art Song Club named after Valery Grushin, the Government of the Samara Region and the Foundation named after. V. Grushina, Togliatti. Traditionally, during the festival days there are several creative stages, where competitive program. Concerts take place here day and night, and friends gather around festival bonfires day and night. True “Grushinians” will never drive away a random traveler at night from the fire, and therefore “night gatherings” around the fires can bring a lot of pleasant acquaintances. The festival is held in the conditions of a tourist tent camp. But the most important thing at the festival is still the bard song, the discovery of new authors and performers. Among the laureates of the Grushinsky Festival different years such famous bards as: A. Dolsky, V. Lanzberg, A. Sukhanov, A. Lemysh, E. Shchibrikova, L. Sergeev, V. Egorov, G. Khomchik, N. Vysotsky, A. Maysyuk, V. Trofimov, ensembles " White Guard», « Green lamp", "Almanac", "Rare Bird" and many others. The festival is “ours” for such famous performers, like Alexander Gorodnitsky, Viktor Berkovsky, Boris Vakhnyuk, Sergey Nikitin, Yuri Vizbor, Oleg Mityaev, the Mishchuk brothers. In addition to music, the festival program includes a lot of sporting events. Everyone can take part in competitions in volleyball, cross-country, sailing techniques, mountaineering, and in children's competitions “Mom, Dad, I am a tourist family”... One of the most spectacular sporting events is the traditional Soccer game between the Samara Team and the World Team. The organizers and “honored bards” of the Grushinsky festival demonstrate their excellent physical fitness. Football in Grusha is not so much a sport as unforgettable show. And yet, the Grushinsky Festival is an event for true romantics, tourists, lovers of good original songs, for whom the main thing is the beauty of the world around us and simple human communication. After all, the Grushinsky Festival always means new meetings, new songs and new discoveries.

I’ll tell you about my personal impressions from the Valery Grushin Bard Song Festival.

This year it took place on the Mastryukov Lakes for the 44th time. I can say from myself that even in the fifth decade of its history, the festival is still wonderful. It has retained its original impulse, its traditions, special atmosphere, charm and maybe even blossomed a little. The festival began to feel more culture, or something. Fewer random people come here, as was the case in previous years. It has become calmer at Grusha, which, of course, benefits the creative part of the festival.

There were quite a lot of visitors in the clearing this time. This year the organizers counted 20 thousand people. This, of course, is less than in the “record” years of the early 2000s, when the festival was attended by up to 130 thousand people. Back then, in the clearing, people often felt like they were on a crowded bus; there was more nervousness and fuss. But now, when, as they say, with the decrease in people there is more oxygen, the consciousness of festival guests is more focused on concert programs. That is, the essence of the event. Various little things in life and everyday life, such as standing in line for water or going to the toilet, have faded into the tenth place. I personally did not encounter any queues for water, and they were minimal for the toilet, and only in the center of the clearing. And if you move a little closer to the forest, there were toilets with no queues at all.

Those who came to Grusha for the first time were somewhat saddened by the rain. But regulars know: rain at the Grushinsky festival, especially on weekends, is an indispensable tradition.

According to the curator of the Valery Grushin Museum, Tamara Muravyova, in 1967, when Valery died, there was heavy rain for three days in a row. So the rains are taken for granted by the old-timers of the festival and do not scare anyone here.

Experienced visitors to “Pear” were visible on the approaches - they immediately stomped into the clearing in rubber boots. The rest were kneading road mud in sneakers, flip-flops, and so on. Most of the first-time tourists were thoroughly dirty, and also suffered from cold, dampness and mosquitoes. If you have never been to Grusha, know that all these usual nuances for outings must be taken into account. Then nothing will distract you from concerts and spiritual communication with interesting people. And there are a lot of them here.

Almost every second or third visitor to Grushinsky can take out a guitar and sing something. In general, “Pear” captivates because you can go up to any fire or tent and easily start talking to any person on any topic, become their guest. And be prepared for the fact that they may also hand you a guitar and ask you to play and sing something.

Small concerts are everywhere here, especially in the evening and at night. People play as best they can, sometimes not really hitting the notes or words, but from the heart. When I first arrived at the festival, I called a friend and asked where he was. The guy replied that where there are a lot of police and they sing loudly with an out-of-tune guitar. I replied that there are a lot of police everywhere and everywhere they sing to an out-of-tune guitar. But, oddly enough, I still managed to find it.

Speaking of the police. There really was a lot of it. Everywhere you go, there are at least a couple of employees standing there. I am sure that the presence of so many law enforcement officers only enhanced the atmosphere of calm and creative celebration.

And of course, one cannot ignore the main event of the festival - the final concert on a floating stage in the shape of a guitar with listeners sitting in front of a river on the mountainside. The performers, the songs, the stage, the sound - everything was simply magical. This year, by the way, there were many new laureates at the Grushinsky Festival. And this suggests that the tradition is alive and will continue to live. See you at the Mastryukov Lakes next year, 2018! And by the way, this year will be an anniversary, the festival will be 45 years old!

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