Participants in the show Bachelor (season 6) with Yegor Creed. Who will become the next bachelor in the sixth season on TNT A new bachelor is coming out

TNT channel revealed the secret of who will be the main character romantic show“Bachelor 6.”

On March 11, 2018 at eight pm, Moscow time, viewers will see the premiere episode of the new season.

25 gorgeous girls and the most desirable groom in the country.

Bachelor 2018 who will be on TNT, release date: the youngest hero of the program

Egor Creed talented singer, the idol of millions. He is one of the top ten most popular celebrities according to Forbes magazine. Many girls in the country dream of becoming his bride.

Many famous men applied for the role of the main bachelor of the show. It was quite difficult for the organizers to decide on the choice of the main character. Creed's young age in this case was not a singer's advantage. But after Yegor’s conversation with the producers, it became clear that he should become the sixth bachelor of the project. The 23-year-old artist impressed them with his completely mature outlook on life.

Bachelor 2018 who will be on TNT, release date: filming of the project

Viewers will see updated version, a show already so beloved by many. Twenty-five ladies will plunge into the enchanting world of romance. The dates will take place in the most exotic corners of the world. The main part of romantic evenings will be held the most beautiful cities: Barcelona and Dubai. The viewer, experienced by previous seasons, will be delighted by the abundance of places that enchant the eye.

A delightful flight over Garrotxa, a volcanic park. In the very crater of a dormant volcano there will be an extreme stop for young people. An interesting “walk” along the famous King Del Rey trail. Confession in the church will enchant you with its sincerity.

Bachelor 2018 who will be on TNT, release date: intrigues on the project

The fight for a man's heart will be fought by some of the country's most prominent beauties. All the ladies are determined to win.

As it turned out, it was not possible to keep the name of the sixth bachelor a secret. The artist is too popular, his life is carefully monitored by both fans and journalists.

Marina Nikolskaya, producer of the reality show, said that even the project participants were unable to keep the secret of the name of the man they would have to fight for love.

Many girls not only know the singer, but are also friends and colleagues on stage with the artist. One of the girls, two days before the start of filming, worked with Crete at a photo shoot. Also among the rivals there are avid fans of Yegor. Girls are very different.

The season promises to be “hot” and full of emotions for both the brides and the bachelor himself.

On June 3, the 6th season of “The Bachelor” took place, in which its star, the singer, chose his bride and part-time winner of the show. Creed gave wedding ring 23-year-old, who tried her luck for the second time on “The Bachelor.”

In 2017, the winner of “The Bachelor” competed for attention Russian actor, however, the relationship between them was limited to sympathy. Today, Klyukina still doesn’t know how Glinnikov reacted to her return to “The Bachelor.”

In the near future, Klyukina intends to start working with popular brands, from some of which she has already received offers of cooperation.

The next season of “The Bachelor” starts in 2019, but fans of the show are already putting forward their versions of which man will be the next bachelor. Many users agree that he will be the star of the TNT channel on which the show is broadcast.

The editors of the publication will speculate on who will become a bachelor in the 7th season of the show. We present eight candidates for the role of the new hero of “The Bachelor.”

Ruslan Bely

Former member Comedy Club and a stand-up comedian devotes almost all his time to work. Since 2013, he has been running one of the most famous Russian TV shows, Stand Up, and in 2017, Bely judged the battle between the rapper (real name Miron Fedorov) and (Vyacheslav Karelin).

According to him, he does not have enough time to build relationships. Several years ago, Bely’s fans attributed him with an affair with another Star Stand Up. Later, the comedians disowned the rumors: they admitted that they were connected only by friendship.

Today, reporters know nothing about Bely’s other novels. Fans of Ruslan are sure that in the 7th season of “The Bachelor” he will be his hero.

Amiran Sardarov

The host of the YouTube channel “Khach’s Diary” has been trying to find love for a year. An eligible bachelor does not believe women who, he believes, want money and fame from him: they do not intend to build relationships with him.

Until the summer of 2017, the 31-year-old video blogger was in a relationship with fashion model Anastasia Tukmacheva, also known as “Nastya Tuki-knock.” The girl was outraged by the boorish attitude of Sardarov’s friends towards her, which pushed Anastasia to break up with her lover.

After the separation, Sardarov began to regularly complain about the absence of a partner on his YouTube channel. Behind Last year Amiran was able to make friends with many stars of the TNT channel, in particular with members of Comedy Club, so he may be invited to film season 7 of The Bachelor.

Emin Agalarov

The singer is the main candidate for the role of the new bachelor. National artist In the spring of 2015, Azerbaijan announced a divorce from the president’s daughter. Agalarov and Aliyeva decided to break off relations but remain friends. Today they are raising children together and supporting each other: their relationship has become warmer than it was during the years of marriage.

Later, in 2016, the paparazzi caught Agalarov in the company of Miss Mordovia 2004. 38-year-old Emin also published joint photo with a girl, but nothing more is known about their romance. Agalarov’s fans are sure that his relationship with Gavrilova has not progressed, so he can participate in the 7th season of “The Bachelor.”

Sergey Lazarev

Journalists rightfully consider the Russian singer one of the most eligible bachelors last decade. There are a lot of rumors surrounding the artist’s personal life: in the fall of 2015, Lazarev admitted that he was dating a girl from the “near-musical environment.” Later, in the winter of 2016, Sergei announced that he had been raising his son for two years.

The press knows about only one novel by Lazarev - with a TV presenter, with whom he dated from 2008 to 2012.

Today, the Eurovision 2016 star does not talk about his personal life, and his fans hope that he will be a bachelor in the 7th season of the show.

Dima Bilan

IN Lately journalists say nothing about the personal life of the Russian singer. In 2008, the artist promised to marry the model if he won Eurovision. Bilan became the first Russian winner European song competition, but he never kept his promise, and later broke up with Kuletskaya.

Today, nothing is known about Bilan’s relationship, but some fans of the singer attribute to him an affair with his backing vocalist Julia Lima. Recently, Bilan has become very withdrawn into himself: he often shares sad thoughts on Instagram. His subscribers hope that he will be able to try his luck to find his beloved in the 7th season of “The Bachelor.”

Oleg Miami

Scandalous star"House-2" and Russian singer(Oleg Krivikov) is known for his numerous novels, each of which ended in a difficult break. Among Oleg’s girls there were mainly participants of “House-2”: Varya Tretyakova.

Outside the project, Oleg Miami tried to build a relationship with the host of “,” but they also ended in a break. For some time, the artist was credited with an affair with the lead singer of the group. However, they later disowned these rumors.

Fans of the 27-year-old singer hope that he will participate in Season 7 of The Bachelor. However, Oleg is still keeping silent about his possible participation in the project.

Maxim Averin

There were many novels in the life of the Russian actor. The 42-year-old star of the series “Capercaillie” never tied the knot of marriage. In the 2000s, Averin was credited with an affair with an actress, but, according to Maxim, his relationship with her did not go beyond flirting.

Later, rumors appeared about the actor’s affair with, with whom he was familiar back in theater institute. After Kulikova’s divorce from her husband in 2015, reporters began to talk more actively about her secret romantic relationships with Averin.

The actor recently told reporters that everything is fine in his personal life: he is dating a girl named Tatyana, who is not related to acting. However, Averin’s fans are sure that with such statements he is trying to fight off the annoying paparazzi. Fans of the actor hope that he will become the next bachelor.

Anton Shastun

The Russian comedian and participant in the show “Improvisation” in a short time became one of the most popular stars TNT. A native of Voronezh devotes almost all his time to work, but he does not have enough time for his personal life.

Shastun only posts on Instagram behind the scenes photos, so nothing is known yet about his relationships with girls in his free time from work. Some time ago, Shastun’s fans attributed him with an affair with Irina Kuznetsova, but these rumors remained rumors. In 2019, Anton may become the next bachelor.

The project, where girls try to win the heart of a handsome man, simply could not go unnoticed by the audience. Every year, fans of the program look forward to new episodes with pleasure to see how real beauties fight for the love of the main character. Filming of interesting episodes with the participation of another prominent guy has already been completed and the creators decided to announce the release date of the show The Bachelor in 2018. The employees of the TNT channel decided not to change the rules and invite participants to the project who are capable of crazy things in order to get into the arms of an enviable groom.

Unlike other programs, the organizers were unable to maintain the main intrigue and not reveal the name of the man for whom the ladies would fight. The revelation of the secret still did not diminish interest in the program and fans were constantly trying to find out when the release date of season 6 of The Bachelor would take place. Everyone is eager to appreciate the beauty and elegance of the new participants, and also to find out whether any of them will be able to impress the bachelor.

Who will participate

The authors of the show The Bachelor, whose release date will be March 11, 2018, also decided to talk not so much about the hero of the project himself, but also about some of the participants in the program. Among the contenders will be: models, bloggers, restaurateurs, dancers, business women and even young mothers . All girls deserve to win, but who can win the heart of the handsome man will become clear after a while.

Will play Bachelor in 2018 famous singer Egor Creed. It is the real womanizer, who has been credited with many novels, who will have to try to find his one and only one among the contenders for his heart.

  • casting for the program began in August 2017, and the filming process began in November;
  • the main filming process took place in Dubai and Barcelona;
  • 25 participants will compete for the heart of the bachelor.

Fans of the program are eagerly awaiting the release of the first episode to get the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the girls. I would like to know what dates I have in store famous bachelor, what he will make the ladies go through to prove the sincerity of his intentions and whether someone will be able to beat the hero’s heart faster.

The filming process is already a thing of the past; the authors have fully prepared the episodes for screening. Fans are excited about the premiere, because now that the release date has been announced, all that remains is to wait for the premiere and independently evaluate how incredible the releases are.

Let's find out who will be the hero of the 7th season of the show "The Bachelor".

The show “The Bachelor” has long become one of the favorite TV shows on TNT. Many are waiting for the new, seventh season, although the release date is only set for spring 2019. Everyone is worried about who will become the groom for whom Strange will worry. The TNT channel will surprise fans of the show “The Bachelor.

Who will be the new bachelor on TNT in 2019: Who will be the new bachelor candidate?

Back in the spring of 2018, debates began among TV viewers. After all, many people want to see their idol in the project, so that he can have a personal life. Many watched the previous seasons and were worried about how the relationships of the participants developed after the end of the program. Almost no one managed to build strong family, some broke up immediately after the end of the show, some continued exclusively business relationship, and only the first participant in the show “reached” the victorious end. Evgeny Levchenko got married to his chosen one, but their marriage could not last long, and they broke up.

The organizers do not hide the candidates for the role, the bachelor, in the seventh season of the show. They provided a list of 18 applicants, including artists, athletes, and politicians. There are so many famous but lonely guys in the country. In 2019, fans of the show “The Bachelor” will meet the country’s “eligible bachelor.” Perhaps the directors of the project will dilute the participants, and in 2019 fans will see one of the athletes. For example, former tennis player Marat Safin or the young and modest Sergei Ustyugov are still single.

Among the pop stars there are also bachelors. In the sixth season, Yegor Creed's heart was at gunpoint; perhaps Dima Bilan, or Sergei Lazarev, will also want to open up to TV viewers. There are also a lot of lonely guys on the TNT channel. The stars of TNT projects, comedian Ruslan Bely, Anton Shastun, choreographer Miguel, can lay claim to the role of the hero of the show “The Bachelor”.

Who will be the new bachelor on TNT in 2019: Five secrets of the show “Bachelor”

The first secret. What kind of girls go to such projects?

On the screen we usually see beauties in chic dresses, with updos and high heels. These are all girls of ideal appearance, and even if they are not, there is probably some bright detail in their image that attracts attention. But are the contenders so beautiful and are their intentions so pure? "Here we're talking about It's not about looking for love on television. Rather, this is a story about finding yourself on television,” says Anetta Orlova. “Participation in such projects is self-presentation.” The psychologist is sure that the participants carefully calculate the image with which they go out to the general public. Someone, like Natalya Dolgopolova from the second season, is constantly being smart and giving advice. “It’s presenting yourself through the position of an expert. Such a girl seems to say: “I’m smart,” “I know a lot.” The win-win way is to show beauty and bet on it. “Such a girl will say: “Notice how handsome I am.” Such people, as a rule, are eager to participate in various beauty contests, these can be model self-presentations, these can be various shows where appearance is a key factor,” comments Anetta. Indeed, in the third season, two finalists of such competitions are expected to appear at once. Finally, there is the “I am a victim” position. Not the best. By the way, the losing one is partly what helped Maria Drigola to victory, whom at first all the participants simply spread rot on, and the bachelor felt sorry for her.

Just last weekend they showed the finale of the sixth season of the most romantic program in Russia, and fans are already wondering who he is - the next Bachelor 7 on TNT in 2019. This interest is caused by several factors: firstly, many viewers did not like Bulatkin in leading role, some even wrote that they wasted their time watching and therefore were waiting for new episodes with a different groom. Also, fans of the show are sure that Creed will not marry at 23, and, in general, most likely, he has long broken up with the reality winner. Secondly, the program has already been six years old, and fans really want to see the wedding of their favorite characters.

So, in our article we will tell you about the most eligible bachelors in Russia, and perhaps some of them will soon try their luck in the next season of “The Bachelor”.

Pavel Durov

A 32-year-old businessman and programmer who gave us the popular VKontakte and Telegram networks. For several years, fans have been following Pavel’s life, but they haven’t been able to find out anything at all about Durov’s relationship with the fair sex, because the man doesn’t like to talk about it. There were rumors that he had an affair with ex-girlfriend Yegor Creed - Victoria Odintsova and with Timati's ex-lover - Alena Shishkova, but there is no confirmation of this information.

Ruslan Bely

Comedy Club star, 38-year-old comedian Ruslan has long had his own army of fans. The artist has many achievements: this and “ Comedy Battle", and "KVN", with which he began his humorous career, and own project– “Stand Up”, as well as the new show “Comedian in the City”. But fans know nothing at all about Ruslan’s personal life, as the man himself assures, there is nothing to tell him, because he simply does not have time for a serious and long-term relationship. The only girl Bely is often seen with is his colleague Yulia Akhmedova, but, according to both, they just work together and communicate well.

Yuri Kolokolnikov

Kolokolnikov Yuri

A famous actor not only in Russia, but also abroad, because Yura took part in the filming fourth season American TV series "Game of Thrones". By the age of 37, Kolokolnikov has two daughters from different common-law wives.

Milos Bikovich

Bikovich and Luss

The 30-year-old Serbian actor has long fallen into the hearts of Russian viewers. The young man starred in many films, such as “Dyxless 2”, “Hotel Eleon”, “Ice”, “Beyond Reality”, which earned him the title of one of the most sought-after actors.

Bikovich has several affairs with famous divas. In 2015, Milos dated top model Sasha Luss, and in 2016, according to rumors, with actress Aglaya Tarasova. In April 2018, Bikovich became single again, which he announced on his social networks.

Fedor and Victoria

Fedor Smolov

28-year-old athlete, forward of the Krasnodar club and the Russian national football team. By his age, he is already among the top 10 highest paid football players in our country. Fedor's annual income is about 2.9 million euros. Smolov was married to the famous presenter and model, as well as Miss Russia 2003, Victoria Lopyreva, and after the divorce, he became involved in a relationship with another Miss Russia 2015, Sofia Nikitchuk. The man’s last relationship with another model, Yulia Levchenko, ended at the beginning of 2018. By the way, Fedya is subscribed to many exes on social networks, perhaps the footballer even watched a TV project, and if he is invited to participate there, he roughly knows that is waiting for him.

Anton Miranchuk

Midfielder of Lokomotiv and the Russian national team, 22-year-old football player Anton often visits social gatherings, is friends with a colleague in the workshop - Dmitry Tarasov. The man has a twin brother who also plays football with him in the same club. Almost nothing is known about Miranchuk’s relationship. For some time he dated a certain Arina, who constantly attended his matches. But now, judging by social networks guy, he has no lover and his heart is free.

Miranchuk and Tarasov

Oleg Miami

A young singer, 27 years old, member of the music label MALFA. It is known that the artist was already in one reality show “Dom-2”, where the guy had many affairs, as well as after filming the program. Among the celebrities, Oleg met with blogger Anastasia Ivleva and the presenter and socialite Katya Zhuzhey, Miami was also credited with a relationship with singer Olga Seryabkina. Currently, the man has devoted himself entirely to his career, often tours, appears in videos and records fresh tracks, and his heart is free and waiting for new love.

Miami and Seryabkina

Kirill Kaprizov

The 21-year-old hockey player, forward for the CSKA club and the Russian national team, became a real folk hero, after scoring the winning goal in the 2018 final at Olympic Games, and thus brought gold medal our country. There were rumors about his affair with Russian champion Alina Zagitova, but, according to both, they are just friends and nothing more.

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