Participant of the “New Star Factory” Danya Danilevsky: “I had a hard time breaking up with my girlfriend. Biography of Daniil Danilevsky from Star Factory Singer Daniil Danilevsky, biography

The relaunch of the most popular Russian vocal reality show “New Star Factory” has aroused increased interest in this project. After six whole years, the Muz-TV channel again launched a television project that has long been loved by viewers, which helps young talents loudly announce themselves throughout the country and reach the public for the first time. big stage. Among brightest participants This season, 19-year-old handsome Daniil Danilevsky, whose Instagram now has almost 30 thousand followers, especially stands out. Of course, this young man is most popular among the female audience. The sweet-voiced young man, a crowd favorite, was on the verge of ending his participation in the competition this week, however, it was the audience that saved him from being eliminated from the project. Based on the voting results, he was able to remain among the participants and will continue to fight for victory. Read more about his biography and creative path we will tell you in our article today.

Singer Daniil Danilevsky, biography

Daniil Danilevsky, whose hometown is Korolev, was born in 1998, on August 23rd. Almost all of my childhood was spent there, in a city near Moscow. young man. He is the eldest child in the family, the singer has a younger sister who supports him in all his endeavors and sincerely believes in his brother’s victory on the television project. Little is known about the family and parents of the aspiring musician, but they doted on their heir, and with early years took care of him comprehensive development, sparing no effort, no money, no time. Surprisingly, the boy did not object or resist, but on the contrary, he willingly took on every new task and acquired knowledge that was new to him. He always characterized himself as a person who was easily carried away by everything in the world. It was thanks to such openness and ease of learning that even as a teenager the boy was able to acquire a lot of useful skills and abilities. Daniil Danilevsky, whose songs are now very popular, is fluent in three foreign languages: English, French, and also Spanish, and can perform famous world hits in them. In addition to music and studying languages, the young man was seriously involved in sports since childhood; in particular, he excelled in gymnastics and even became a candidate for master of sports. If we consider the pages of Daniel in in social networks, then you can see how many different hobbies and interests he has. The guy enjoys snowboarding, playing hockey, is an excellent horseman, and has even mastered fencing. However, after finishing secondary school, when the young man was faced with a choice about what to do next, he did not hesitate to give preference to music.

On his first try he entered a prestigious metropolitan school pop-jazz art, choosing the faculty of “pop singing”. In parallel with vocal lessons, the young student also diligently masters acting and choreography, which are taught at his educational institution. The young participant in a top-rated musical television project has already tried his hand at cinema. In particular, he has behind him cameo roles In the now popular television series on channels such as TNT and STS, he starred in the sitcom Fizruk and the comedy-drama series The Eighties. In addition, Daniil was awarded a prize at the end of last year audience choice and 60 thousand rubles in acting studio AMEDIA Production is a large-scale project that was created as a launching pad for potential future stars of domestic show business.

Daniil Danilevsky, “Star Factory”

Main love and passion young singer There has been music since childhood. He has already mastered the art of playing the piano and guitar, and in one of his interviews he even stated that he is one with his guitar. He is even called a promising young composer, because he not only plays, but also writes music. Daniil also writes lyrics and tries his hand at pop music with an emphasis on jazz style, sound engineering, and also teaching some musical disciplines. The young man himself considers himself a fan of the cult rock band’s work “ The Beatles" Somewhat cute, handsome and with a slight burr, the young boy immediately fell in love with the large audience of the new “Star Factory” from the very first broadcast. Let us note that at the opening of the television project, Danilevsky demonstrated to the public his strong vocal abilities, singing a duet with the inimitable Irina Dubtsova, they performed a sensual composition entitled “Who? For what?".

During the second reporting concert, the aspiring singer simply amazed the audience with his solo performance with musical composition“Only the stars are higher”, strengthening their position on the show. For the third time, a romantic young man appeared on stage paired with a sex bomb Russian stage– busty beauty Anna Semenovich, together with whom they performed the passionate and expressive composition “To the Seas”. We can safely say that they love Daniil not only for his charming, pretty appearance, but also for his obvious and undeniable talent. Fans watch with genuine interest how he expresses himself and reveals himself on stage in each new performance.
Daniil Danilevsky, whose personal life now excites the hearts of tens of thousands of his fans, is not married and has heirs, due to the fact that young age, I didn’t have time to get one either. At the same time, the young man does not really like to touch on personal topics in interviews and begins to become noticeably embarrassed when he is asked questions of this kind.

Not even the slightest hint of romantic connections can be found in his profiles on social networks. In all the photographs he poses either in splendid isolation or with his colleagues on stage, but, nevertheless, the vast majority of the photographs are devoted to music, rehearsals and performances. So, it is not known for certain whether young musician his beloved girl, and whether his heart is free. The guy is building big plans for the future, dreams of winning the project, performing at big stage on a par with stars of the first magnitude, as well as sing in musicals and record your solo album. Let us add that Daniil promised his younger sister that one day he would sing a duet with her idol, world-famous performer Justin Bieber, and hopes that he will be able to fulfill his promise in the near future. In addition, he continues to take acting lessons and dreams of eventually starting an acting career, so he is open to offers from directors. In his free time, Danilevsky likes to travel and spend time with friends.

19-year-old Daniil Danilevsky was born in Korolev, near Moscow. The future participant in the “New Star Factory” on the MUZ-TV channel has been interested in music since childhood. In 2015, the aspiring artist entered the school of pop and jazz art. Daniel writes the lyrics himself. It is also known that the young man is interested in the work of The Beatles and considers himself a romantic. As part of the television project, the “manufacturer” performed with Jasmine, Anna Semenovich, Irina Dubtsova and the Pizza group. “StarHit” learned from Danilevsky about how he prepared for duets with stars, parental support and relationships with girls.

Danya, hello! Already behind most of project " New Factory stars." There are fewer and fewer guys, and the finale is getting closer. Are you worried?

Rather, the excitement subsides every day; the change in situation makes it warmer and easier. Throughout my participation in the project, I experienced a lot of positive emotions.

Were there any difficulties you encountered when getting used to the new environment?

It wasn't easy for me to find mutual language with the rest of the participants - despite the fact that some managed to get along right away, most of the guys took a long time to get used to each other, and a tense atmosphere reigned. Only half a month ago I felt that when returning from a concert to the Star House, I was really going to my home, where friends and like-minded people were waiting for me.

Do you communicate with retired “manufacturers”?

Yes, most of all with Vladimir Idiatullin, we actually thought about creating our own group. He attends our concerts, we make plans about how our music career after the project. Samvel Vardanyan also comes very often, but he, of course, prefers to spend time with his girlfriend Ulyana Sinetskaya. And we all constantly imagine how we will travel to different cities and delight the audience.

Which of the duets with stars left the strongest impression on you?

The most vivid impression I had was duet with Irina Dubtsova at the opening. She probably still remembers how much I worried. I also always wanted to sing with the Pizza group, and my dream came true on the project. When I rewatch our performances, this will be the first concert I watch. In addition, I remember the number with the group “Roots”, it showed that I was developing and moving in in the right direction. We all change on stage, and for me this kind of work is a huge job of transformation.

Who else would you like to perform with?

Tell me, what else do you listen to?

I am a convinced Beatlemaniac, this has been my love since childhood. My passion for music began with Elvis Presley and all his contemporaries, including Jerry Lee Lewis. Then I slowly moved on to other classics and discovered the names of Ray Charles, James Brown, and then The Beatles. Nowadays I often play Charlie Puth in the car. For some reason, no one knows him by name, but everyone knows his songs. It was Put who sang a song dedicated to memory deceased actor Paul Walker in the seventh installment of Fast and Furious. When I heard it, I realized that his style was close to me.

Enough unusual choice for a young man your age. Is this the influence of parents?

Of course, everything comes from upbringing. At school, many said that I was born at the wrong time. The musical values ​​that young people now choose are not very close to me. I admit, I am not familiar with the works of Scryptonite and Pharaoh, I only know their names. I am also very far from understanding our modern stage, even came to Max Korzh and Yegor Creed for a very long time, although now I am impressed by their work.

How did your family react to your participation in the project?

My parents will accept my profession when they understand where I will go with it tomorrow. We are three children in the family, and I am the only one who took up creativity; my dad’s friends greatly influenced this. They are accomplished musicians, and as a child I admired their work. The path to music was very difficult for me, my father always took me weakly. I remember that I threw it very quickly different activities, including guitar and piano lessons. So when I said I wanted to go to School of Music, dad said: “What, again?” And then he advised me to look for jazz studios. As a result, I entered the educational institution on Ordynka is the only place that the family supported, and then only on geographical grounds. I had to take five classes in a year music school. Only after this did my father accept my choice. My parents didn’t think that I was serious about going to the New Star Factory. They believed me when I left the house with a suitcase.

Are your loved ones very worried about you?

It's very difficult to judge. I was at home when I won the People's Choice Award, but I couldn't discuss all my experiences with my parents. They come to concerts and I hear brief assessment my behavior in the diaries and comments about what could be improved in the performance. However, there is very little time left for communication, and for me it is important to receive objective criticism.

It's no secret that you are one of the most popular participants in the project and have received the audience award many times. How do your fans support you?

I constantly feel unrealistic feedback from the audience. I understand that this is a team that constantly gets together and comes up with something. I remember there was a very original post in which something like: “Only special forces are above, we are always behind Dana’s back.” They also often create videos, memes, comics, and fan fiction. This inspires me and gives me strength to move on. Moreover, I think that I can learn a lot from the fans, they are all very creative and friendly guys.

Russian musician, singer, actor.

Daniil Danilevsky. Biography and creative path

Daniil Danilevsky born in Korolev, Moscow Region, on August 23, 1998. Since childhood I became interested in music and studied gymnastics, in which he achieved the title of candidate master. Daniil is a participant in various vocal and theater competitions and festivals. He performed as part of a group for some time.

In 2015, Danilevsky became a student at the State Music School of Pop and Jazz Art.

In December 2016, he received the Audience Award from "AMEDIA Production" as part of the New Year's Actors' Laboratory, invented in 2011 as a launching pad for potential stars of the future. The project jury included the head of Access Industries Leonard Blavatnik, general producer of MEDIA Production Nelly Yaralova, CEO companies Marina Sidorova, founder of AMEDIA Alexander Akopov, producer "AMEDIA Production" Maria Shukhnina, program director of the Kinotavr festival Sitora Alieva, actress

Daniil Danilevsky joined the ranks of participants in the “New Star Factory” in the fall of 2017. Six years later, the Muz-TV channel again launched a television project beloved by viewers, helping young talents express themselves and reach the big stage. Among the school’s graduates are stars who shine confidently and brightly in the firmament of show business:, and many others.

Throughout the summer, the organizers held castings and auditions. By September, out of thousands of applicants, the best of the best were determined - 16 young people from different parts of the country. Now Daniil, together with other aspiring performers, lives in a luxurious villa in the Moscow region, under the constant surveillance of video cameras. Every day is filled with impressions and new discoveries - pop gurus conduct master classes on vocals, stage speech, and dancing.

Childhood and youth

Daniil was born and raised in the town of Korolev near Moscow; on August 23, the young man turned 19 years old. Parents took up the diversified development of their child with kindergarten, however, he did not resist - he considers himself one of the people who are easily carried away by everything in the world. Thanks to this quality, I managed to acquire a lot of knowledge and skills by my age. Speaks fluent English, Spanish and French.

The singer has a rich sports biography: he was seriously involved in gymnastics, and today his achievements include the title of candidate master of this sport. Judging by Daniil's portfolio, the aspiring singer was not interested in anything: fencing, hockey, snowboarding, and even horse riding. Danilevsky has younger sister, who supports him in his creative endeavors, believes that his brother will certainly succeed in winning the star Olympus.

After graduating from school, Danya decided to hone the musical side of his talents by enrolling in State school pop-jazz art (specialization “pop singing”). In the business card that flew to the casting of the “New Star Factory”, he admits that he is now seriously interested in not only vocals. The school teaches acting and dance brilliantly, and tries to absorb everything the teachers share.

Participant music project managed to try his hand at cinema: behind him were episodic roles in television series on the TNT and STS channels - Fizruk and The Eighties. And in December 2016, Daniil received the audience award (60 thousand rubles) in the acting laboratory “AMEDIA Production” - a project created as a launching pad for potential stars of the future.


The main love of Daniil Danilevsky with early age music remains, he knows how to handle the guitar and piano.

“The guitar and I are one,” says the young man.

The budding composer writes music and lyrics, tries himself in the pop genre with an emphasis on jazz style, in sound engineering and teaching. musical arts. The young man considers himself a fan of the Beatles.

The handsome boy with a cute burr fell in love with the audience of the new “factory” from the first broadcast. At the opening of the project, he demonstrated his vocal abilities in tandem with - they performed the sensual song “Who? For what?".

At the second reporting concert, I amazed the audience with a solo performance with piece of music“Only the stars are higher.” And during his third appearance on stage, Daniil promised pearls in the passionate and expressive composition “To the Seas”.

Fans watch with interest how the young man expresses himself on the show and are satisfied. At least, the comments in the created fan group on VKontakte are full of praise and declarations of love.

“I want to say that they love you not only for your beautiful and bright appearance. But also for simply unrealistic songs. Your voice gives me goosebumps,” “You have become my idol, whose songs I will listen to with pleasure and a smile on my face,” fans write.

Personal life

Daniel does not talk about personal matters, even in "Instagram" modest. The young musician recently started a page; 38 people have subscribed to it. Fans and friends are presented with a couple of photographs in which he poses alone, the rest of the photographs are on a “factory” theme: in the company of competing guys at a concert in the Moscow metro, shots from the stage with Dubtsova, photos from the life of the show participants in the cottage.

Not a single hint of love affairs, although, perhaps, with the advent of popularity, an additional talent awakened in Danilevsky - the ability to hide the details of his life from prying eyes. In his welcome card, the young man says that in addition to music, he is interested in traveling.

Daniil Danilevsky now

The musical project takes up all of Danilevsky’s time, but even with this busy schedule he manages to write his own music. For another month, the star teachers will polish the singing talents of their students and prepare a solid platform for acting career. Already today, Daniel is making plans for the future.

Participation in the “Star Factory” is the first step to dreams. On the list of goals is to sing in the musical “Singin’ in the Rain” as a child. musical show gave the young man unforgettable emotions and inspiration, and was impressed by the style of the production. He also hopes to continue to comprehend the secrets of cinema: he dreams of starring in films about the youth of Russian poets - or.

In cinema, I want to not only use acting skills, but also show my composing abilities. And finally, one more interesting goal - Daniil promised his sister that he would sing in a duet with, I’m sure this will happen in the near future.


  • "To whom? For what?" (in a duet with Irina Dubtsova)
  • "Only the stars are higher"
  • “To the Seas” (in a duet with Anna Semenovich)

19-year-old Daniil Danilevsky was born in Korolev, near Moscow. The future participant in the “New Star Factory” on the MUZ-TV channel has been interested in music since childhood. In 2015, the aspiring artist entered the school of pop and jazz art. Daniel writes the lyrics himself. It is also known that the young man is interested in the work of The Beatles and considers himself a romantic. As part of the television project, the “manufacturer” performed with Jasmine, Anna Semenovich, Irina Dubtsova and the Pizza group. “StarHit” learned from Danilevsky about how he prepared for duets with stars, parental support and relationships with girls.

Danya, hello! Most of the “New Star Factory” project is already behind us. There are fewer and fewer guys, and the finale is getting closer. Are you worried?

Rather, the excitement subsides every day; the change in situation makes it warmer and easier. Throughout my participation in the project, I experienced a lot of positive emotions.

Were there any difficulties you encountered when getting used to the new environment?

It was not easy for me to find a common language with the other participants - despite the fact that some managed to get along right away, most of the guys took a long time to get used to each other, and a tense atmosphere reigned. Only half a month ago I felt that when returning from a concert to the Star House, I was really going to my home, where friends and like-minded people were waiting for me.

Do you communicate with retired “manufacturers”?

Yes, most of all with Vladimir Idiatullin, we actually thought about creating our own group. He attends our concerts, we are making plans about how our musical career will develop after the project. Samvel Vardanyan also comes very often, but he, of course, prefers to spend time with his girlfriend Ulyana Sinetskaya. And we all constantly imagine how we will travel to different cities and delight the audience.

Which of the duets with stars left the strongest impression on you?

The most vivid impression I had was duet with Irina Dubtsova at the opening. She probably still remembers how much I worried. I also always wanted to sing with the Pizza group, and my dream came true on the project. When I rewatch our performances, this will be the first concert I watch. In addition, I remember the performance with the group “Roots”; it showed that I was developing and moving in the right direction. We all change on stage, and for me this kind of work is a huge job of transformation.

Who else would you like to perform with?

Tell me, what else do you listen to?

I am a convinced Beatlemaniac, this has been my love since childhood. My passion for music began with Elvis Presley and all his contemporaries, including Jerry Lee Lewis. Then I slowly moved on to other classics and discovered the names of Ray Charles, James Brown, and then The Beatles. Nowadays I often play Charlie Puth in the car. For some reason, no one knows him by name, but everyone knows his songs. It was Puth who sang a song dedicated to the memory of the deceased actor Paul Walker in the seventh part of “The Fast and the Furious.” When I heard it, I realized that his style was close to me.

Quite an unusual choice for a young man your age. Is this the influence of parents?

Of course, everything comes from upbringing. At school, many said that I was born at the wrong time. The musical values ​​that young people choose now are not very close to me. I admit, I am not familiar with the works of Scryptonite and Pharaoh, I only know their names. I am also very far from understanding our modern pop music; I even came to Max Korzh and Yegor Creed for a very long time, although now I am impressed by their work.

How did your family react to your participation in the project?

My parents will accept my profession when they understand where I will go with it tomorrow. We are three children in the family, and I am the only one who took up creativity; my dad’s friends greatly influenced this. They are accomplished musicians, and as a child I admired their work. The path to music was very difficult for me; my father always took me weakly. I remember that I very quickly gave up various classes, including guitar and piano lessons. So when I said that I wanted to go to music school, my dad said: “What, again?” And then he advised me to look for jazz studios. As a result, I entered an educational institution on Ordynka - the only place that was supported by the family, and then only on geographical grounds. In one year I had to go through five classes of music school. Only after this did my father accept my choice. My parents didn’t think that I was serious about going to the New Star Factory. They believed me when I left the house with a suitcase.

Are your loved ones very worried about you?

It's very difficult to judge. I was at home when I won the People's Choice Award, but I couldn't discuss all my experiences with my parents. They come to the concerts and I hear brief assessments of my behavior in the diaries and comments about what could be improved in the performance. However, there is very little time left for communication, and for me it is important to receive objective criticism.

It's no secret that you are one of the most popular participants in the project and have received the audience award many times. How do your fans support you?

I constantly feel unrealistic feedback from the audience. I understand that this is a team that constantly gets together and comes up with something. I remember there was a very original post in which something like: “Only special forces are above, we are always behind Dana’s back.” They also often create videos, memes, comics, and fan fiction. This inspires me and gives me strength to move on. Moreover, I think that I can learn a lot from the fans, they are all very creative and friendly guys.

Would you date a fan?

This is a difficult question, because it takes me a long time to get used to people, and then it’s just as difficult to get used to them. I can't always adapt to a person, even if I want to. WITH ex-girlfriend It was easy for me from the very first second, I understood that we were on the same wavelength. However, these relationships occurred at a time when we were still forming as individuals and did not understand what we wanted from life. During the six months that we dated, we changed a lot and realized that it was better to separate. The breakup was difficult. For me, relationships in general are an extremely painful topic, I am very affectionate, and it doesn’t matter whether I’m a fan or not, it all depends on the person and the case. Now I am free and I can even say that I am searching.

What else are you interested in besides music?

Before becoming a participant in the project, I only studied music for two years. Before entering college, I was interested in drawing, sports, and spent ten years in gymnastics, and I really miss those times. I often visit trampoline centers to regain that feeling of flying. After entering a specialized educational institution, he began to differentiate music for himself, delving into guitar, bass guitar, piano, rhythm section, vocals and directing. By the way, I am a big fan of horror films, this is my cinematic fetish. I even thought about making “scary” films or trying myself as a composer in this genre.

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