Exercises for psychological training for unity. Psychological training for team building. “A collection of team building games to help the teacher”

Creating a favorable microclimate is the task of every responsible manager. From indicators psychological comfort The quality and efficiency of labor directly depends. There are often cases in management practice when an employee prefers a team and a familiar environment to higher pay.

Microclimate is a complex psychological organism that reveals or suppresses individual characteristics participants. Since all employees have personal characteristics and point of view, their perception of the work process passes through the prism own view to solve problems. Therefore, for high-quality team interaction, a significant role is played not by the personal characteristics of employees, but by their effective combination.

The task of psychologists is to carry out activities aimed at adapting and introducing all the individual qualities of workers into a single team. Creation of additional informal connections and interpersonal sympathies. Democratically help each participant to take their own comfortable place, and become a productive unit with high efficiency.

Team building training consists of several stages.

1. Meet the presenter(psychologist). Explanation of the rules of the “game” and conditions. These include: being active, speaking exclusively for yourself, listening to each other without interrupting, not discussing ongoing exercises outside the training, each participant has the right to interrupt the lesson and leave the training, personally informing the team about this.

2. Creating a friendly atmosphere, warm-up. Contact phase.

Fun account

Time – 5 – 7 minutes.

The goal is to relieve internal tension and psychological discomfort.

Description – the presenter calls any number not exceeding the number of participants in the group. According to this number (for example, 5), 5 people should rise synchronously, without talking together.


Psychological training to unite the group with the goal of building effective team interaction. It is worth saying that unity is real opportunity for any team to become more than just a group of students, an opportunity to become one to achieve specific goals and objectives.

Any group of teenagers has common goals,
Whether it is the goal of learning and getting a good education, the prospect of sports achievements or any other, all the same, in order to effectively achieve their goals, each member of the community needs support. You can get this support right in your group. Only a close-knit team achieves victories. The task of a school psychologist is to be able to explain this to teenagers, to show that psychological Unity training for teenagers is an effective solution to many problems that arise in a team, problems that are directly related to interpersonal communication among group members.

The objectives of psychological training for unity for a group of teenagers include:

1.formation of favorable psychological climate in Group

2.finding similarities among all group members to qualitatively improve interaction

3.initial diagnosis of the psychological atmosphere in the group

4.each participant’s awareness of his role and functions in the group

5.developing the ability of teenagers to work in a team

6. rallying the group around the ultimate goal

Not only teachers and school psychologists, but also parents should be concerned about the mental development of children, as well as the psychological climate within the school community. Unfortunately, in modern families Communication between children and parents comes down to the exchange of information. But this is not enough to feel the child’s world, to help the child decide on the choice of profession and life path.

However, practical training on team building for teenagers will help them look at their home team from a different point of view, choose the best tactics to achieve results and understand the new world for them, the world of adults, which they will enter as school graduates.

The importance of developing communication skills cannot be overstated. Success is achieved by those people who know how to communicate freely with others. So, the unity of groups of teenagers is an important factor in the socialization of a member of society. Psychological training to unite a team of students will help develop leadership skills and team spirit, good memory, which will make it possible to navigate the flow of information and refer to it to make the right decisions.

Rules and methods for conducting trainings

The training leader must know the rules of the training groups and convey them to the participants. Often, the mechanical transfer of norms accepted in life to a training group is unproductive and harmful. Just like the attempts of the training participants to transfer into real life the rules and norms that were established in the group. This must be understood by the trainer and conveyed to the participants.

What are the most common rules training groups?

The “here and now” rule. It is important to understand the processes, thoughts and feelings that arise in the group in this moment. In this way, participants are taught to focus their attention on themselves and what is happening around them in the present time. The way a person manifests himself “here and now” shows how he behaves “in life”. And training participants should pay attention to this.

The rule of sincerity and openness. It is necessary to ensure that group members do not dissemble or lie. A sign of a strong and healthy personality is a certain openness to others about their feelings about what is happening. This is the basis of effective interpersonal interaction. Naturally, at the beginning of the group’s work, this is impossible to achieve. It is not always necessary to achieve complete self-disclosure in a group of enterprise employees who will continue to work together. But each group member should feel protected and have the right to open up to the extent that he sees fit for the given moment.

Rule "I". In the group it is prohibited to use reasoning like: “Everyone has this opinion...”, “We believe...” and the like. These statements shift responsibility for feelings and thoughts specific person to a non-existent “we”. All statements must be constructed using “I”. Thus, we teach a person to take responsibility and accept himself as he is.

Activity rule. There should be no passive observers in the group. The exercises involve all participants in their practice. If group members refuse to take part in practicing skills and behaviors, it is worth paying attention to discussing their motivation for attending the training.

Privacy Rule. Whatever is said in the group regarding the members must remain within the group. This is a natural ethical requirement, which is a condition for creating an atmosphere of psychological safety and self-disclosure. But specific techniques, knowledge, techniques can and should be used outside the group in professional activity, in everyday life.

There are basic methods, which are used in any training groups. These are group discussions, game methods, situation simulations, techniques for developing sensory sensitivity and meditative techniques. Depending on the goals, training includes these methods in different proportions and ratios.

A group discussion is a joint discussion of controversial issues, positions and behavior strategies of the participants. This method gives participants the opportunity to see a problem from different sides, experience various communication situations within the group, independently answer the questions they pose, and come to a solution. The trainer can guide the discussion by asking questions or talking points. The discussion may not be guided; in this case, the topics are chosen by the participants themselves.

Game methods include situational role-playing, didactic, creative, organizational and active, simulation, and business games. The use of game methods in training is extremely productive. At the stage of getting to know the group, games are needed to overcome stiffness and tension, and remove “psychological defenses.” Games are used to diagnose communication difficulties and psychological problems of training participants. The game teaches new skills and trains the necessary professional exercises. Participants self-discovery occurs and their creative potential increases.

Simulation of situations. Often during training it is necessary to understand how a person behaves in a work situation, what patterns of behavior he uses.

Techniques for developing sensory sensitivity - with the help of them, participants develop the ability to perceive, understand and evaluate other people, themselves, and their group. With the help of special exercises, participants receive verbal and nonverbal information about how other people perceive them, how accurate their own self-perception is, and how much external opinion influences their behavior.

Meditation techniques are used to relieve excess stress among group members and develop additional resources in them. A trainer can conduct this type of technique with group members, while simultaneously teaching them various techniques for independent meditation. Working with the correction of your emotional and physical condition- an important part of the training. It increases the resistance of training participants to stressful situations, makes their behavior more flexible, and reduces the degree of fear of uncertain or unfamiliar situations.

There are also special methods that can be found in specialized literature.

Unity exercises

1 . "My ideal team"

Materials: 3 Whatman paper, 9 markers, tape.

Starting position of the participants: 3 groups separated from each other.

Assignment: each team draw a picture “My ideal team."

Rules: you have 5 minutes to discuss execution tactics tasks.

After the discussion time has passed, the teams simultaneously begin to complete the task. For spoken word - fine (2 minutesto complete the task). 1–2 people present a picture, argumentteasing it for no more than 2 minutes.

2. "Choice"

Starting position of the participants: participants sit on chairs in circle, on the command “Choice”, each participant points with a finger a nagging hand at one of the other participants.

Task: to achieve a choice in which the group would split into pairs.

Rules: participants are not allowed to talk, participants are not allowed toget up from their chairs, participants make their choice simultaneouslycommand of the leader and cannot change it until the next command.

Note: The leader gives commands at a fast pace.

3. “Self-portrait”

Materials: game sheets according to the number of participants. The game sheet is an A4 sheet folded in half. The bottom half of each sheet is folded into strips according to the number of participants.

Starting position of the participants: at private traders sit at the table, To The presenter gives each participant a game sheet.

Assignment: each participant draws a self-portrait on the upper half of the game sheet (not folded into strips) without signing it.

Time to complete: 5 minutes.


1. After the completion time has expired, participants hand over the car.portraits of the presenter.

2. The presenter mixes them and distributes them to the participants at will. nom order.

3. Each participant writes on the lowest strip under the cara portrait of what profession, in his opinion, is suitable for a person, is drawnbath in the portrait. Time – 1 minute.

4. After this, the participant folds the strip on which he wrote onto the reverse side of the game sheet and passes it around the circle.

5. Participants are not allowed to look at previous entries.

6. Participants who received their self-portrait also fill out stripe.

7. When the portraits have “circled” the entire circle, the leader collects them. Behind Then the participants analyze self-portraits.

8. If desired, each participant can speak about the inscriptionsunder your self-portrait, show them to other participants.

The group stands in a tight circle. In the center in a relaxed state One of the students is standing in front of him. It starts to fall in any directionWell, without bending your knees. The group catches it and passes it to the other side. Importantbut so that those standing in the circle occupy a comfortable position for support“Pendulum” ki: right leg forward, left leg behind in support, hands with palms forward. The group requires great attention and accuracy, necessaryWe need to help a friend, catch and pass someone standing inside the circle. The group must work together so that the “pendulum” has somecomfortable and safe.

Note: physically strong and weak students must rejoice.

6. "Support based on trust"

The group is divided into pairs who stand with the backs of their heads facing each other. mu at a distance of 0.5 m from each other. The one who stands in front without bending feet, falls on the person standing behind. The one behind must catch me when I fallas soft and gentle as possible. Then those standing change places and repeat the exercise.

Note: To ensure safety, the person fishing musttake a comfortable position (see “Pendulum”); don't accept someone falling go around the whole body, not just the hands. If the distance seems big or vice versa small, it can be changed by getting closeror walking back half a step until participants feel comfortable.

7. "Camera"

The group is divided into pairs. One in a pair becomes a photographer, thenswarm - with a camera. The camera closes its eyes, the photographer failshim to interesting place indoors or outdoors and, pressing lightly on his head, “takes a picture” (the camera while pressing for a second opens his eyes and closes them again). Then the camera must guess at what place the “pictures were taken.” The roles are changing.

Then students sit in a circle and a discussion takes place. walking The most important points that need attentionPay attention: which of the photographers carried their camera along with them,did he warn about danger, did he think about his partner; how much pho the camera was comfortable with its photographer, how much he barked at him; who was more pleased to be a photographer (presenter), and whoby the device (slave).

8. "Rope"

All players stand in a circle, holding each other's hands tightly com". Between the first and second students there is a rope hanging with a tieddifferent ends. The second participant, without releasing hands from the first, mustpass a string through yourself like a hoop. The rope is now betweenthe second and third students, then the third repeats the actions of the second rogo and so on in a circle. The main thing: while passing the rope through participants should not separate their hands. Rope length – 1 m.

9. "Carriage"

The group needs to build a carriage from the people present. Foreign objects cannot be used. While completing the task, the curator needs to observe the behavior of the students.tov: who organizes the work, who others listen to, whowhat “roles” he chooses for himself in the carriage. The point is that every “role”talks about certain qualities person:

the roof is people who are ready to support at any moment in a difficult situation;

doors - they are usually people who have good communicationsnegative abilities (able to negotiate, interact with others);

seats - people who are not very active, calm;

riders - those who know how to travel at someone else’s expense, are not very hardworking and responsible;

horses are hard workers, ready to “carry” any work;

a coachman is usually a leader who knows how to lead.

If a student chooses the role of a servant who opens the door or rides behind the carriage, such people also have leadership qualities, butthey don’t want (can’t) show them, they are more ready to provide rear support (or these are the so-called “gray cardinals”).

After the carriage is ready, the students sit in a circle, discuss what happened, and then the curator explains to them the meaning of those “roles” that which they chose.

Note: if the group is led and assigned roles by one person, then the values ​​​​mentioned above will not reflect the qualities of these people.

10. "Blind Pieces"

Students stand in a circle and join hands. They are asked to close their eyes and all together, without releasing their hands, build a square. AfterOnce the students decide that the square is ready, the leader asks them to openeyes and see what they came up with. If they are not happyday, then close their eyes again and continue to perform the task. Then in the same way you can build a rectangle, triangle nickname, isosceles triangle, etc.

Note: in this task you can use a rope with tied ends, which all students in the group take on.

eleven. "NITRO

Three of the group join hands, they and ec NITRO. The group should move them in a straight line at a distance of 2 - 4 m so that they do not touch fell on the ground, and also without changing the position of their body and without breaking their hands these students. At the same time, all members of the group must take care of the convenience quality and safety of NITRO.

12. “Eye to eye”

The group sits in a circle so that everyone can be clearly seen, hands are placed under the buttocks. Silently, without using facial expressions, alone with your eyes you need to find a mate (you can’t “negotiate” with your partner dyami and with those who sit through one). At the leader's signal, everyone stood up They come up and approach their mate. Most likely, not everyone will be able to “agree with their eyes” at once, so the exercise is repeated, but at the same timeyou are seated in other places in the circle. The game continues until until everyone has their own pair.

13. "General Hug"

Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. The presenter offers the guyslook at those who are standing through one from them and then take uphands with these people. Then two from them and also join hands withthese people and so on until everyone is holding hands with the person opposite.

Note: after each new “hug” the group must be asked to straighten up (to do this, students will have to be closer to each other).reach each other). The first time the game can be stopped if the guysit becomes uncomfortable or very difficult to stand.

14. “Raccoon Circles”

A strong rope is needed, the ends of which are tied (receiving there is a ring). The group grabs the rope with their hands, distributing equallyevenly around the entire circle. Then they begin to carefully lean back,stretching to the sides until they can maintain balance. The following can be offered to students:

- everyone sit down and then stand up;

- release one hand;

- send a wave along the rope (swing the rope).

Then they discuss the work in the group: did the students feel supported by each other; did you try to help your neighbors? how much were ak curatny; was there a feeling of security (or, on the contrary, fear thatyou can fall), etc.

15. “Concilium”

The group sits in a circle and the following legend is read to them: “Yousurgeons who are about to undergo an emergency transplant operationhearts. 6 people need it, but you only have one donor heart and it is impossible to find more in the near future.You need to decide which patients you will save.”

- a 28-year-old man who has a sick mother in his care, little summer brother and 2 sisters,

- a 20-year-old guy who had an accident while on honeymoonBy the way, his wife is expecting a child,

- woman, 35 years old, world-class master of sports in sports noah walking.

The group is then given 20–40 minutes to discuss. (depending on thenumber of students and the degree of their teamwork). After this, the group names its general decision and justifies it.

Reflection is extremely important in this game. She should be directedLena to relieve the depressed state of group members and tension noah atmosphere in general. To do this, the discussion needs to be directed to analyze group interaction: who spoke out more; why some remained silent; whether they listened carefully to each other's arguments; How comfortable was it to communicate in the group; why there were communication problems; Which person’s opinion was more trusted, and why. Total time for discussion: from 30–40 minutes. up to 1 hour

Note: the curator will carefully observe during the discussionfollows the group and notes the behavior of everyone: leaders, aggressors, Molchunov.

16. "Dreams"

Goal: to develop solidarity and understanding, to create an atmosphere faith among the participants and unite the group.

Materials: paper and markers.

Invite participants to think for a few minutes about how each of them sees their future. Then exchange thoughts about your dreams or even draw them on paper. Next, let each The first participant will determine which three specific things, actions, people...can help, and which three help him achieve his dream, and whatThe trick is to line up with your eyes closed according to your height.After all participants have found their place, give the command to open eyes and see what happens. After the exercise you can discusswonder if it was difficult to complete this task (how did you feelparticipants) or not.

Note: This game has several variations. Can you suggest live according to eye color, hair color.

18. “Two Mirrors”

All the guys line up in one part of the site, onopposite, one of the participants stands facing them - a “silent mirror”. In front of all participants, facing the silent mirror, stands a “speaking mirror”kalo." Little by little, one by one, each member of the group approachesstanding back to the “talking mirror”, and the “dumb mirror” shouldexplain by the gestures and facial expressions of this person. "Talking Mirror"you need to guess who came up. Gradually, the exercise participantsThe classes are swapped so that each participant tries his hand atleading roles. Then the exercise analyzes who felt what,whether someone learned something new about themselves.

19. “Little green men.”“Imagine that you have gone out with your group to relax in nature. You are in a meadow. There is a lot of green grass and flowers around. Butterflies are flying. A little further away there is a transparent, clean lake in which you just want to swim. The sun is pleasantly warming. And the coolest thing is that the whole group is here! Introduced? At my command, you will go for a walk in this meadow: smell flowers, chase butterflies, bask in the sun. And when I shout: “Attention! You were attacked by little green men!”, your task is to huddle in a group, hiding the weakest in the middle, and then shout in unison: “Let’s fight back the little green men!” Depending on how the group as a team will look during the exercise, it can be carried out several times, discussing their behavior after each.

20. “Spontaneous recount” Everyone stands in a circle without touching each other with elbows and shoulders. At the leader’s command, everyone closes their eyes, puts their noses down and tries to count to... (the number depends on the number of participants). Each number must be spoken by only 1 person. If two people say a number, the count starts over.


Exercise "King and Queen"

Participants choose two people from their group to play the role of king and queen. They sit on a makeshift throne (preferably with a raised platform). The task of the remaining participants is to come up and greet the king and queen separately. The greeting can take any form. The Monarchs also welcome participants.

Analysis : This is an exercise to discover the “defenses” of an individual. Each of the participants, based on the game situation, must endure some humiliation - bow to the king; and everyone will have to “protect themselves” from this traumatic situation in their own way. It analyzes who and how avoided this situation of subordination.

Psychological training for unity

The lesson was developed based on the training by I. Leibman.

Training objectives : uniting the children's team and increasing children's self-esteem.

Conditions : space is required to ensure the safety of children, e.g. gym. For the leader, it is necessary to pay special attention to the emotional support of the group and the creation of a friendly atmosphere.

Dive . Raise your hand those who have now good mood, raise your hand those who are in a bad mood right now. Raise your hand if you know what we're going to do now. Raise your hand if you have friends in your class. There is one thing in the training important condition: the task is counted if all participants complete it. It is important not who is better or faster, but that everyone does it.

First, let us remember the parable: In one village, the head of a large family was dying. He asked to bring a broom and invited his sons to break it. Everyone tried, but although they were all strong people, not one managed to cope. Then the father asked to cut the wire connecting the broom, and invited his sons to break the scattered rods. They did it with ease. The father said: “When I’m gone, stick together, and you won’t be afraid of any trials. But alone you can be easily broken, like these rods.”

Today at the training we will see how much you will be able to act together. Begin.

Exercise "Build" . You can easily and quickly build according to height. And I will ask you to line up by hair color: from the lightest to the darkest... And now - alphabetically, but do it silently. (Options – by eye color, date of birth, etc.)

Exercise "Boots" . Everyone sits in a circle, takes off their shoes and puts them in the center. Mix and scatter to different ends of the class. Everyone stands up and joins hands.Exercise : Everyone must put on their shoes without moving their hands. If the circle breaks, everything starts all over again. After the exercise, the following questions are asked: Are you satisfied with how you completed the exercise, who helped you? What did you experience while completing the tasks?

Exercise "Bumps" . For this exercise you need mats (paper) measuring 40x60 cm - minimum 3, maximum 7 pieces, as well as scarves or ropes, tape (for fixing the mats on the floor). The group stands in a row. The participants' legs are tied (the right of the first to the left of the second) - it turns out to be a chain.Exercise : walk in a chain across the room along the “bumps”. The guys are told that there is a swamp in front of them, if someone enters the swamp, everything starts all over again.

Exercise "Pyramid" . For the exercise you need a mat measuring 40x60 cm (one or two).Exercise : stand on this area for 1 minute, without any points of external support. After the exercise, a discussion is held: how we agreed, what and why it didn’t work out.

Exercise “Candle of Confidence” . All participants stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder, with their arms bent at the elbows and extended forward. Palms raised up. One of the participants stands in the center of the circle. The arms are lowered along the body, the eyes are closed. He relaxes and rests on the hands of those standing. The group picks it up and slowly, carefully passes it around. Every participant must visit the center. After the exercise there is a discussion.

Exercise "Confusion" . All the guys stand in a circle and raise right hand. Now you need to take the hand of any of the participants, except your neighbor. Without unclenching your hands, repeat with your left hands as well. Now everyone is tangled up in a ball. We need to unravel this tangle by holding hands. In conclusion, a summary of what happened during the training is summed up.

Psychological lesson “Circle of Help”

Goals and objectives:

    Increased resistance to stress.

    Development of self-control skills based on internal reserves.

    Training in constructive interaction skills.

Conditions : classroom or any other spacious, well-lit room.


    Whatman paper with an image of the starry sky.

    A sheet of Whatman paper on which a clearing, grass, and sun are drawn.

    Colored and White paper.


    Various visual media.

    Record player.

    Soft music.

Exercise 1. “Find your star”

Target : an opportunity to relax and gain optimism and self-confidence.

Time: 20 minutes.

Instructions . Sit in a circle and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths in and out... (music plays).

Now imagine starry sky. Stars big and small, bright and dim. For some it is one or several stars, for others it is countless bright ones. glowing points, now moving away, now approaching at arm's length.

Look carefully at the stars and choose the most beautiful star. Perhaps it is similar to your childhood dream, or maybe it reminded you of moments of happiness, joy, good luck, inspiration?

Once again, admire your star and try to reach it. Try your best! And you will definitely get your star. Take it from the sky and carefully place it in front of you, take a closer look and try to remember what it looks like and what light it emits.

Now run your palms over your knees, down to your feet, and stretch sweetly, open your eyes. Take a piece of paper, colored pencils and draw your star. Cut it out and attach it to our starry sky.

Exercise 2. “Complete the drawing and pass it on”

Target : development of communication skills, imagination, group cohesion, cooperation.

Time: 20 minutes.

Instructions . Take a sheet of white paper and choose the most pleasant pencil color. As soon as I turn on the music, you will start drawing whatever you want. As soon as the music stops, you pass your sheet along with a pencil to the neighbor on the left and he completes on your drawing what he considers necessary to completely create the image. Then I stop the music again, and the sheet is passed further around the circle until it returns back to the owner.


    Did you like how it turned out?

    Did you find it difficult to support the theme of another person's drawing?

Exercise 3. “Sunny Glade”

Target : relieving tension, creating a warm, friendly environment based on trust and understanding of others.

Time: 15 minutes.

Material : a sheet of Whatman paper on which a clearing, grass, sun, colored and white paper, scissors, and various visual aids are drawn.

Instructions . Look how bright it is in our group. It is filled with light and warmth of our hearts. Imagine that we are in a wonderful sunny meadow where many flowers grow. These include daisies, dandelions, and cornflowers. Everyone in this clearing will find their own flower. Now take paper, pencils or markers and draw the flower that you imagined in your imagination. Write a wish to the group on it, color it, cut out this flower and glue it to our sunny meadow.

Look what a beautiful meadow with flowers it turned out to be! If we get closer to her, we can read the wishes and feel the aroma of fabulous flowers.


    How did you feel after doing this exercise?


Guys, look at the sky and the clearing that we have! These stars will shine on us, radiating kindness, friendship, mutual assistance, and support. Look at them carefully: not one of them is the same.

Now pay attention to our clearing. It turned out bright, unusual and there is a piece of each of you on it. I am sure that this clearing will radiate warmth and sunlight, warming you.

Both the stars and the flowers are all different, just like you and me. But they all found a place in our symbolic sky and symbolic clearing. They are friends, support each other, warming each other with the goodness that you passed on to them.

I hope that these symbols will help you develop friendship and warm relationships in the class, when each student in the class will feel the support of their comrades.

Our meeting has come to an end. Thank you for your active participation in the lesson.

Goodbye! See you again!

Exercise “Flight of the White Bird”

Leading : Sit as comfortably as possible, relaxed, close your eyes, cross your arms and legs, right arm and right leg on top.

I am lying on the warm yellow sand, above me is a calm, clear, blue sky.

A white bird flies smoothly in the sky. I rise and fly next to her, I myself am this white bird.

I'm flying in a calm blue sky, below me is a calm blue sea.

A yellow sandy shore appeared in the distance and was approaching. I fly up, land on the warm yellow sand, turn into a human again and lie down on my back.

I am lying on the warm yellow sand, there is a calm blue sky above me, I am relaxed, resting.

A pleasant coolness touched the soles of my feet. Pleasant coolness filled the muscles of the legs. Muscles are light and vigorous. Pleasant coolness filled the stomach and back muscles. Muscles are light and vigorous. A pleasant coolness filled my chest and arms. It's easier for me to breathe. A pleasant coolness filled my neck and head. The head is clear and clean. The muscles are light and vigorous... Three deep breaths, I open my eyes and get up. I'm rested!

Communication skills training (communication)

Relevance of the training:

Communication has always been significant in a person’s life and his personal development.

The problem of communication has traditionally been the focus of attention of domestic social psychologists due to its significance in all spheres of human life and social groups. A person without communication cannot live among people, develop and create.

In the structure of interpersonal communication, the main content of communication is distinguished, namely: the transfer of information, interaction, and people getting to know each other. The transmission of information is considered as a communicative aspect of communication; interaction as an interactive aspect of communication; people's understanding and knowledge of each other. Therefore, it is important to be able to communicate, to correctly convey your thoughts so that you can be understood.

Purpose of the training : Development of communication skills.


    practice persuasion skills

    develop the ability to find arguments in favor of your position

    develop the ability to approach people

    emphasize the importance of intonation in the communication process.

    skill development non-verbal means communication.

    teach effective ways of communication.

Requirements for participants:

    The training is designed for students.

    Number of people: 10-16 people.

    The level of training of the guys is comfortable shoes.

Training plan

1. Org. Moment 1 minute

2. Introductory conversation 2 minutes.

3. Warm-up:

Target : Introducing training participants to each other.

Exercise “Seven Heroes” (20 minutes)

Target : practice persuasion skills, the ability to find arguments in favor of your position, presentation skills.

4. Main part:

Exercise “Breakfast with a Hero” (30 minutes)

Target : practice the ability to convince your interlocutor.

Target : learn about ways to lift your mood.

Target : develop persuasion skills, the ability to find an approach to people.

Equipment: name plates for cats.

Target : emphasize the importance of intonation in the communication process.

Equipment : Business card-sized cards with emotion names printed on them.

Target : – development of non-verbal communication skills.

Target : teach effective ways of communication.

Break 30 minutes.

Exercise “Three Laws of Communication” (20 minutes)

Target : develop skills of non-verbal communication, group discussion, logical thinking.

Target : Discharge, mutual assistance, “saving physical contact.”

Requirement : Spacious, safe premises.

Target : find out what problems exist in communication.

Equipment : paper, pens.

Listening exercises (25 minutes)

Target : participants’ awareness of what in their behavior helps their partner to talk openly and in detail about their problems and condition and what may worsen their condition. Familiarization with listening techniques.

5. Org. End:

Target : Finish the training, cheer up.

Conversation: 10 minutes.

6. Reflection: 85 minutes

Total time: 6 hours.

Hello! My name is... Today I will conduct a training for you that will be dedicated to communication.

Communication permeates our entire life, it’s the same human need like water and food. In conditions of complete loneliness, auditory and visual hallucinations begin on the sixth day. He communicates with these non-existent images.

Communication is the exchange of information using language or gestures. Communication is the communication interaction of people or social groups. In the process of communication, various types of information are exchanged between communication participants.

Let's get to know you, for this we will introduce ourselves to each other.

Exercise “This is my name” (20 minutes)

In a circle, everyone takes turns saying their name. Then he says something about his name.

For example, he might try to answer the following questions:

    Do I know who chose it for me?

    Do I know what my name means?

    Who else in the family had this name?

Reflection (5 minutes)

    Was it easy for you to talk about your name?

    If not, why?

We are surrounded by a lot of interesting things, and the whole world around us is moving and in a hurry. Our whole life moves: rest, work, family, friends, that is, our entire environment does not stand still. But don’t forget that everything moves around you, you can easily control all the events happening around you. The most important thing is proper communication and easy communication with people around you and the whole world; the art of communication is very important. Moreover, learn proper, relaxed and easy communication so that everyone understands you and remembers you for a long time, no matter who it is, friends or enemies, you need to find an approach to everyone, you need to communicate easily with everyone.

Renowned psychologist Dale Carnegie advises avoiding arguments like rattlesnakes. He believes that 90% of the participants in the dispute are convinced that they are right even more firmly than before. The argument is almost impossible to win. Because if you emerge victorious from a dispute, you lose a friend, a partner in the transaction. This is natural because a person feels uncomfortable after losing an argument.

Instead of arguing, you can convince your interlocutor and find arguments in favor of your position.

Now we will practice persuasion.

Exercise “Seven Heroes” (30 minutes)

One participant will play the role of a princess. Who wants? Divide the rest into teams of 3-4 participants.

Let's, in order to practice our ability to persuade, remember and act out the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin about dead princess and seven heroes. In particular, the episode where the seven heroes with whom the princess lived persuade her to marry one of them and stay with them forever. In our fairy tale it will be the same, but the heroes, who have undergone a series of trainings and have the gift of persuasion, will be able to convince the princess better than the fairy tale ones to abandon the prince Elisha and stay in their house. Each mini-group will have to prepare the most tempting offers in order to persuade the princess to stay with them, to show her all the advantages of such an ending to the fairy tale.

You are given 5 minutes to prepare, after which one envoy from each group speaks, addressing the princess with his arguments.

Reflection (10 minutes)

After the performances, the princess talks about whether she wanted to stay with the heroes, what pros and cons she saw in everyone’s performances.

What emotions did you experience while doing this exercise?

Next exercise “Breakfast with a Hero”

"Breakfast with a Hero" (30 minutes)

Required material . Paper, pencils.

Imagine the following situation: everyone present has the opportunity to have breakfast with anyone. It could be a celebrity of the present, or a historical figure of the past, or an ordinary person who made an impression on you at some point in his life. Everyone must decide for themselves who they would like to meet and why.

Write down your character's name on a piece of paper. Now divide into pairs, in pairs you need to decide which of the two heroes you will date. You have 2 minutes for discussion.

Now the couples are united into fours, who, in turn, need to choose only one hero. You also have 2 minutes for discussion.

Now the fours unite with each other and within 2 minutes choose one hero.

And now everyone gets together and decides with whom you will have breakfast.

Reflection: (10 minutes)

    Why did this particular hero remain?

    Was it easy to give in and why did you give in?

Mood plays a role in conversation. Now we will find out what ways to lift our spirits and take one step at a time.

Exercise “And I’m happy” (10 minutes).

We are sitting in a circle, we need to put one more chair.

The one with the free chair on the right starts. He should move to an empty chair and say: “And I’m happy.” The next one, who has an empty chair on the right, changes seats and says: “Me too,” the third participant says: “And I learn from... (says the name of any participant).” The one whose name was called runs to an empty chair and names a way to raise the mood, then everything is repeated from the beginning by analogy. Names cannot be repeated.

Reflection: (5 minutes)

Which of the proposed ways to lift your mood did you find most interesting?

Our next exercise is called "Leopold"

Exercise "Leopold" (25 minutes)

One “mouse” is selected from the group, all the rest become “cats”.

Each “cat” receives a piece of paper with his name, one of them is called Leopold, and all the rest are called other cat names, for example, Vasily, Murka, etc. At the same time, a participant of any gender can become Leopold, and the coach emphasizes this to the group.

The coach reminds the group of the plot of the cartoon about Leopold. In this cartoon, the friendly and harmless cat Leopold tries to make friends with the mice, who constantly play tricks on him.

In this exercise, cats will also need to convince the mouse that they are harmless and can be dealt with. The trick is that out of all our cats, only one is named Leopold and it is he who wants to make friends with the mice. All other cats are dangerous predators who only pretend to be friendly. The task of each cat is to convince the mouse that he is the harmless Leopold. The mouse's task is to identify the real Leopold.

The cats are given 5 minutes to prepare, after which they perform, explaining to the “mice” why they are harmless. The “Mouse” evaluates the performances and says which of the cats she believed.

Reflection: (5 minutes)

Issues for discussion.

    Why do we trust one person but not another?

    What can be done to make us more trusted?

In communication not small role intonation plays. The same phrase or word can be said in different ways.

Exercise “Convey in one word” (20 minutes)

I will give you cards with the names of emotions written on them, and without showing them to other participants, you will say the word “Hello” with an intonation corresponding to the emotion written on your card. The rest guess what emotion the participant was trying to portray.

Now I will shuffle the cards and distribute them to you again.

The same task, only now we read short poem“they dropped the bear on the floor.”

List of emotions.








    Cold indifference.




    Desire to help.




Reflection: (5 minutes)

How easy was it to guess the emotion from the intonation?

IN real life how often in telephone conversation From the first words, do you understand from the intonation what mood your interlocutor is in?

In addition to communicating with words, there is non-verbal communication.

Nonverbal communication is all signals, symbols, gestures, manners, timbre, facial expressions, that is, a non-verbal form of communication and mutual understanding.

Exercise “Universal Attention” (10 minutes)

All participants in the game do the same simple task By any means, without resorting to physical actions and without talking, you need to attract the attention of others. The task is complicated by the fact that all participants perform it simultaneously.

Reflection: (5 minutes)

    Who managed to attract the attention of others and through what means?

Exercise “Ask for chocolate” (15 minutes)

Let's choose a driver. To do this, tell me who is the fairest in your group? (vote).

(The fairest one becomes the driver; he sits in the center).

I give him a chocolate bar. Your task is to take turns asking the driver for a chocolate bar, so that he wants to give it to you. After each circle, the driver says who he would not give the chocolate to (selects 2 participants), they are eliminated. So until there is a winner. Everyone has 30 seconds to make a request. The winner gets a chocolate bar.

Reflection: (5 minutes)

    What method of request was the most effective?

Let's take a break to relax. We'll meet here in 30 minutes.

The break is over and we continue.

It all starts with communication. What should it be like? There are certain rules of communication. IN different times They were different for different peoples. But there are basic ones that are common to everyone.

Here are the ancient commandments of communication:

    trust who you communicate with,

    respect the person you are communicating with,

    When communicating with a person, do it in the best possible way.

Addressing to a stranger, it is important that the words are friendly, appropriate, so that the look and smile, and the whole appearance are in your favor. When speaking, you need to look the person in the eyes, and the gaze should be friendly and clear.

Exercise “Three Laws of Communication” (15 minutes)

The group is divided into 2 equal parts (earthlings and aliens). The Earthlings go outside the audience. I give instructions to the remaining aliens: “A Earthling ship has arrived on your planet. Their task is to find out in any way the rules by which you communicate with guests of the planet.

These rules are:

Only females of your planet can answer male earthlings, and all questions can only be answered “yes”

For female earthlings, all their questions are answered only by male aliens, and always “no”

Contacts between individuals of the same sex from different planets are impossible (refusal is demonstrated non-verbally, without words, but expressively).

The Earthlings come in.

Instructions for Earthlings : “You arrive on an alien planet where 3 laws of communication apply. You can come into contact with Aliens in any way you like. Your task is to understand these 3 laws. You have a maximum of 15 minutes to do this, but you can stop the game if you are ready to answer earlier."

Reflection: (10 minutes)

    How are you feeling?

    What was happening now?

Questions for the “earthlings”:

    What helped the group come to a decision?

    What would you do differently if you had to do a similar exercise again?

    Question for everyone: what conclusions can be drawn from this work?

The next game is for relaxation.

Game "Tag - hugging" (10 minutes)

The driver can insult someone who doesn’t have a pair (you have to hold on tightly to the pair). If a trio is formed, you can kill the one who joined last.

Now we will find out what problems there are in communication and look for solutions.

Exercise “My communication problem” (20 minutes)

You write on separate sheets of paper in a short, concise form the answer to the question: “What is your main problem in communication?” The sheets are not signed. The sheets are rolled up and placed in a common pile. Then each participant randomly takes any piece of paper, reads it and tries to find a technique with which he could get out of this problem. The group listens to his proposal and evaluates whether the relevant problem is correctly understood and whether the proposed technique actually contributes to solving it.

Reflection: (5 minutes)

    How did you feel while doing the exercise?

Speech plays the main role in communication. In the process of “speaking,” literally everything is important: how the interlocutor is addressed, what is said first and what then, whether the words correspond to the tone of the statements, etc. Even ancient philosophers noted that conducting a conversation is a real art. It is surprising that people, knowing about their inability to speak publicly and trying in every possible way to learn it, practically do not think about whether they manage to successfully communicate with the people around them - friends, colleagues, relatives, etc. Meanwhile, it often happens in life that we want to say one thing, but, without realizing it, we say something else or do not even find words to express some important thought or feeling.

The most important nonverbal component of the communication process is the ability to listen. When a person listens carefully to another person, literally everything about him - eyes, posture, facial expression - is directed towards the speaker, which, in turn, influences the interlocutor, helps him formulate his thoughts, open up, and be as sincere as possible. Absent-mindedness, indifference, and indifference can lead to the opposite result.

Listening exercises (25 minutes)

Group members sit in a circle.

Instructions : Now we will take a short walk along the seashore. Please sit down comfortably and slowly close your eyes. Pay attention to your breathing, feel it: the air passes through your nose, throat, enters your chest, fills your lungs. Feel how with every inhalation energy enters your body and with every exhalation unnecessary worries, worries, stress go away... Pay attention to your body, feel it - from your feet to the top of your head. You are sitting on a chair (in an armchair), hear some sounds, feel the breeze on your face. You may want to change your position, do so. Now imagine that you find yourself by the sea. You walk slowly along the shore. Look around carefully: what colors, sounds, smells surround you... Look at the sky, at the sea. Pay attention to your state: what emotions and feelings arise in you, how they change during the walk. You are in no hurry and can move on calmly. You might want to go into the water and swim or sit on the shore. Do it...

And now it’s time to return to this room, to our circle. Do this at a pace that is convenient for you: you can immediately open your eyes or sit still with them closed.

Now we will share our impressions with each other. To do this, we will create groups of 3-4 people. Try to have mostly those in the same group with you with whom you have not yet worked in a small group.

(After the groups have formed.)

Now everyone will take turns talking about their impressions, about the images, experiences, states that arose during our “walk”, and the rest will listen carefully to the narrator, without asking questions, without commenting or interpreting what they heard. Try to catch those moments when you stop listening. Spend approximately 3-4 minutes on each story.

Reflection: (5 minutes)

    At what point did you stop listening?

Our training is coming to an end.

Exercise “Handshake” (1 minute)

“We all worked fruitfully today, and we all deserve gratitude. While I'm counting to five, you should have time to thank each other with a handshake."

Reflection at the end of the training: (15 minutes)

“So, let’s sum it up...”, “Let’s once again define what we discussed...”

What do you take with you?

I bid you farewell.

Training sent by Julia

Unity training

Purpose of the training : group unity and building effective team interaction.

“Cohesion is an opportunity for a team to become one unit to achieve specific goals and objectives. You have common goals - studying at this college, getting a good education, an excellent diploma! And in order to more effectively achieve these goals, you all need support, and you can get it in your group! After all, only a close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories!”

Training objectives:

    formation of a favorable psychological climate in the group;

    finding similarities among group members to improve interaction between them;

    initial diagnosis of the psychological atmosphere in the group;

    awareness by each participant of his role and functions in the group;

    developing the ability to work in a team;

    group cohesion.

Training phases:

1. Introductory phase

Purpose of the phase : Acquaintance of participants with each other, with the presenters, as well as with the goals of the training, rules of work in the group.

Name of exercises : “The meaning of my name”, “Group rules”

Time: 5 minutes.

Necessary materials : Name cards, pins, markers, rule sheet.

2. Contact phase

Purpose of the phase : Establishing a favorable psychological climate in the group, warming up.

Name of exercises : "Merry Count" ("Jumping Turn")

Time: 5-7 minutes.

3. Labilization phase

Purpose of the phase : Formation of an active working attitude, diagnosis of the psychological atmosphere in the group.

Name of exercises : “Tower of Babel”, “Search for Similarities”, “Let’s Line Up”

Time: 20-25 minutes.

Necessary materials : Pictures of animals, diagnostic forms based on the number of participants, Whatman paper, markers, cards with individual tasks.

4. Training phase

Purpose of the phase : Practicing and mastering skills leading to group unity, developing the ability to interact in a team, finding commonality between participants.

Name of exercises : “Who is faster”, “Puzzles”, “Home”

Time: 30 minutes.

Necessary materials : Cards with images of animals, puzzles.

5.Final phase

Purpose of the phase : Summing up, relieving tension

Name of exercises : « Talking hands", "Circle", "Gifts for the group"

Time: 10-15 minutes.

Necessary materials : Cards with pictures of animals.

Total time: 80 minutes.

1. Exercise “The meaning of my name”

Target : enable participants to emphasize their individuality.

Time: 5 minutes.

Resources : cut pieces of paper, felt-tip pens, pins.

Progress of the exercise : The presenter suggests getting acquainted and doing this as follows: all group members need to make business cards with their training name. Everyone has the right to take for themselves any name that they want to be called in the group: their real name, their play name, the name of a literary character, their image name. Then, when the business cards are ready, everyone in turn is asked to say their name, and then tell the story of its origin.

2. “Group Rules”

Time: 2 minutes.

Resources : Whatman paper with already written rules.

    Be active.

    Listen to each other without interrupting.

    Speak only on your own behalf.

    If the information is addressed to someone specifically, then contact this person directly, rather than talking about him in the third person

    Do not distribute or discuss outside the training what happens in class

    Avoid criticism when performing exercises; if there is a need to criticize something, wait for a discussion

    In case of unwillingness to perform any exercise, the participant has the right to refuse without explaining the reason for this, but he must publicly declare his refusal.

3. Exercise “Fun Counting”

Target : relieving the internal tension of the participants, uniting the group by jointly and simultaneously performing the exercise.

Progress of the exercise : The leader names a number not exceeding the number of people in the group. The named number of participants stands up. In performing the exercise, it is necessary to achieve synchronicity; participants should not deliberate.

: the exercise allows participants to feel the other, understand his thoughts in order to more effectively complete the task.

Discussion : Why couldn’t you complete the task at first? What helped you complete the task?

4. Exercise “Turn while jumping”

Target : group activation, unity.

Time: 2-3 minutes.

Description of the exercise : Participants disperse in space so that the distance between neighbors is at least half a meter, and stand facing in the same direction. Then, at the conditioned signal from the leader, everyone simultaneously performs a jump in place. While jumping, you can turn in any direction by 90, 180, 240 or 360°. Everyone decides for themselves where and how much to turn; there is no way to negotiate about this. Each subsequent jump is made at the next signal from the position in which the participants landed earlier. The goal here is to ensure that after the next jump, all participants land facing the same direction. The number of attempts required for this is recorded.

Psychological meaning of the exercise : Such a task cannot be successfully completed as long as the participants approach it without being guided by the actions of their neighbors. And successfully predict the actions of others in in this case is possible only by relying on the perception and prediction of the intentions of others. In addition, the game serves as a good warm-up, allows you to activate the group, and relieves tension.

Discussion : Is it possible to successfully complete this task, acting on the principle of “every man for himself?” Obviously not. You can try very hard, but nothing will work if you don’t try to understand your neighbors’ plans and convey your plans to them. And how to do it?

5. Exercise “Tower of Babel”

Time: 15 minutes.

Resources : colored markers, Whatman paper, individual tasks prepared in advance.

Progress of the exercise : Participants are divided into 2 teams. Each team member is given an individual task. Individual tasks: written briefly on separate sheets, each sheet is strictly confidential for one participant. For example, “The tower must have 10 floors” - a piece of paper with such an inscription is given to one training participant, he has no right to show it to anyone, he is obliged to make sure that the tower drawn together has exactly 10 floors! The second task: “The whole tower has a brown outline” is a task for the next participant. “A blue flag is flying above the tower”, “There are only 6 windows in the tower”, etc. Participants are prohibited from talking or using their voice in any way.

Need to draw together Tower of Babel. Execution time is limited (5-7 minutes).

Psychological meaning of the exercise : During the exercise, participants learn to coordinate their actions and interact as a team. Nonverbal communication skills develop.

Discussion : Was it difficult to complete the task? What did you find most difficult? Was the group interaction successful? Why?

6. Exercise “Search for similarities”

Target : Uniting a group by finding similarities among its members.

Time: 20 minutes.

Resources : cards with pictures of animals, sheets of paper.

Progress of the exercise : Each team must write on the sheet the similarities (first team) and differences (second team) in their group.

The team that writes the most similarities or differences within a certain time wins. The number of named similarities and their quality are taken into account.

Psychological meaning of the exercise : The exercise effectively works to unite the group, as participants begin to look more closely at each other and discover that there are much more similarities between them than they previously thought.

Discussion : Try to lead participants to the idea that, although they are all so different, there are much more similarities between them than might seem at first glance.

7. Exercise “Let’s line up”

Target : learning the ability to distribute roles in a team, compare oneself with another participant based on similar characteristics.

Time: 10 minutes.

Progress of the exercise : “Now we’ll see how your common features manifest themselves in each of you individually!” The participants’ task is to line up in one line according to their height. At the same time, you cannot talk. Then the task becomes more complicated - they need to line up by date and month of birth, by the length of their hair, by the distance of their place of residence from the college, by the colors of the rainbow in their clothes.

Psychological meaning of the exercise : Participants get to know each other better and learn how to interact effectively as a team.

Discussion : Was it difficult for you to do this exercise? Why? What role have you chosen for yourself? Which execution strategy was most effective?

8. Diagnosis of the psychological atmosphere in the group

Participants are given forms to fill out.

Here are 10 pairs of words that are opposite in meaning, with the help of which you are asked to describe the psychological atmosphere in your group. Put up a sign? (asterisk) is closer to the characteristic in each pair that, in your opinion, is more pronounced in your group.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    Friendliness – Hostility

    Agreement – ​​Disagreement

    Satisfaction – Dissatisfaction

    Productivity – Unproductivity

    Warmth – Coldness

    Collaboration – Inconsistency

    Mutual Support – Malevolence

    Passion - Indifference

    Entertaining – Boredom

    Success – Failure

9. Exercise “Puzzles”

Target : team formation, learning the ability to distribute roles in a group.

Time: 10-15 minutes.

Resources : cards with images of animals, small puzzles.

Progress of the exercise : Participants are divided into teams. Each team gets a puzzle. The task is to collect it as quickly as possible.

Psychological meaning of the exercise : participants in a playful way learn to interact effectively in a team, learn to distribute roles, to improve the quality of work, and it is important that they are united by a common goal.

Discussion : Was it difficult to do this exercise as a team? Why? What does it take to work more effectively in a team?

10. Exercise “Who is faster?”

Target : team building.

Time: 10 minutes.

Progress of the exercise : The group must quickly, without words, build the following figures using all the team players:





    school of birds.

Psychological meaning of the exercise : coordination of joint actions, distribution of roles in the group.

Discussion : Was it difficult to complete the task? What helped in doing it?

11. Exercise “House”

Target : awareness of one’s role in the group, style of behavior.

Time : 15 minutes.

Progress of the exercise : Participants are divided into 2 teams. The presenter gives instructions: “Each team should become a full-fledged house! Each person must choose who he will be in this house - a door, a wall, or maybe wallpaper or a piece of furniture, a flower or a TV? The choice is yours! But don’t forget that you must have a complete and functional home! Build your home! You can communicate with each other."

Psychological meaning of the exercise : Participants think about what function they perform in this team, realize that they are all needed in their “home,” which promotes unity.

Discussion : How did the discussion go in the teams? Were you able to immediately determine your role in the “house”? Why did you choose this particular role? I think you all understand that every part of your “home” is important and needed in it, each has its own specific function, without which the house cannot be complete!

12. Exercise “Talking hands”

Target : emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants.

Time : 5-7 minutes.

Progress of the exercise : Participants form two circles: inner and outer, facing each other. The leader gives commands, which the participants carry out silently in the resulting pair. After this, at the command of the leader, the outer circle moves to the right one step.

Options for instructions to the resulting pairs:

    Say hello using your hands.

    Fight with your hands.

    Make peace with your hands.

    Show support using your hands.

    Feel sorry with your hands.

    Express joy.

    Wish you good luck.

    Say goodbye with your hands.

Psychological meaning of the exercise : there is an emotional and psychological rapprochement between the participants due to physical contact. Mutual understanding between them improves and non-verbal communication skills develop.

Discussion : What was easy, what was difficult? Who found it difficult to convey information silently? For whom is it easy? Did you pay attention to the information from your partner or did you think more about how to convey the information yourself? What do you think the purpose of this exercise was?

13. Exercise “Constructing a circle”

Time : 10 minutes.

Description of the exercise : Participants close their eyes and begin to move chaotically around the room (at the same time, they can make a humming sound, like disturbed bees; this avoids conversations that create interference in the exercise). At the presenter’s conditioned signal, everyone stops in the positions where the signal caught them, after which they try to stand in a circle, without opening their eyes and without talking, you can only touch each other with their hands. When everyone takes their places and stops, the presenter gives a repeated signal, causing the participants to open their eyes. Typically build perfectly smooth circle fails.

This exercise creates a very good conditions for the facilitator to observe the behavioral styles of the participants. In addition, it can be used for rapid diagnosis of group cohesion.

Psychological meaning of the exercise : The exercise is aimed at developing skills in coordinating joint actions and uniting the group. In addition, it allows you to develop non-verbal communication and self-regulation skills.

Discussion : What does this game give? Why didn't you get a perfect circle right away? It is necessary to make it clear to the participants that the overall consistency of their actions is important in this exercise.

14. Exercise “Gift”

Target : positive completion of the training, reflection.

Time : 3-5 minutes.

Description of the exercise : Presenter: “Let's think about what we could give to your group so that interaction in it becomes even more effective, and relationships in it become more cohesive? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust.” Next, each participant expresses what he would like to give to the group. “Let’s reward ourselves for a successful swim with applause!”

Psychological meaning of the exercise : A ritual that allows you to end the training beautifully and on a positive emotional note.

Discussion : “Our training has come to an end. I want to ask you, what new did you learn today? What useful things did you learn for yourself and for the group?

Well, all the gifts have been given, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. You were all active and worked well as a team. Don’t forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are strong! Thank you everyone for participating!”

The training was sent by Tatyana

Training “Unity”

Target : team building and building effective team interaction.


    Formation and strengthening of a common team spirit by uniting a group of people;

    Development of responsibility and contribution of each participant in solving common problems;

    Receiving emotional and physical pleasure from the results of the training;

    Self-awareness as a team.

Age : new admission students 1st or 3rd year.

List of participants : 15-20 people.

Operating mode : 3 hours; break 10 minutes;

Relevance : It is impossible to do all the work alone; from time to time you still have to resort to the help of another person. In a close-knit team, mutual assistance is the key to success; without support, only the small goal that everyone has set will be achieved, but the team’s goal will remain at zero level.

Why is cohesion important: the opportunity to plunge..., the opportunity to see..., the opportunity to hear..., the opportunity to feel..., the opportunity to experience..., the opportunity to become..., to become one team that feels, supports and inspires to new actions and deeds.

Training structure:

    Org. moment – ​​4 minutes

    Introduction – 5 minutes

    The goal of the task is 3 minutes

    Warm-up – 5 minutes

    Main part – 2 hours 20 minutes (140 minutes)

    Reflection – 20 minutes

    Org. end – 3 minutes

Progress of the training session:

    Warm-up Exercise “Please” – 5 minutes

    Exercise “You and I are similar in that...” – 5 minutes

    Game “Atoms and Molecules” – 4 minutes

    Exercise “Line up according to your height!” - 5 minutes

    Exercise “Typewriter” – 15 minutes

    Exercise “Putanka” – 10 minutes

    Exercise “Train” – 20 minutes

    Exercise “Counting to ten” – 10 minutes

    Game “Car with character” – 20 minutes

    Exercise “Putting the object down” – 15 minutes

    Exercise “And I’m going...” – 8 minutes

    Exercise “Crossing” – 20 minutes

    Exercise-game “Tick-tock” – 7 minutes

Structure : students take their seats in a circle, when everyone has calmed down and is ready to listen, the training begins.

Hello. We are 5th year students and today we will conduct a training session for you on unity. The goal of our training is to unite the team and build effective team interaction. Cohesion is an opportunity for a team to become one unit to achieve specific goals and objectives. After all, how good it is when your friend understands and supports you, to hear and help when this help is needed, and to understand each other even without words. A close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories.

Warm-up Exercise “Please”

Target : Cheer up and get ready for further exercises.

Progress of the exercise:

Option 1 . All participants in the game, together with the leader, stand in a circle. The presenter says that he will show different movements (physical education, dance, comic), and the players should repeat them only if he adds the word “please” to the demonstration. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Option 2 . The game is on the same as in the first option, but only the one who makes a mistake goes to the middle and performs some task, for example, smile, jump on one leg, etc.

Note : from the very beginning, stipulate that this is a comic exercise and should not be taken seriously (to be offended).

Exercise “You and I are similar in that...”

Target : get to know each other (if they don’t know each other) get to know each other, how they are similar, in order to already find friends with similar interests.

Progress of the exercise : Participants line up in two circles - inner and outer, facing each other. The number of participants in both circles is the same. Participants in the outer circle say to their partners opposite a phrase that begins with the words: “You and I are similar in that...”. For example: that we live on planet Earth, study in the same class, etc. Participants in the inner circle answer: “You and I differ in that...” For example: that we have different eye colors, different lengths hair, etc. Then, at the command of the leader, the participants in the inner circle move (clockwise), changing partners. The procedure is repeated until every member of the inner circle has met every member of the outer circle.


    What new things have you learned about others?

    What interesting things did you find out?

Game "Atoms and Molecules"

A little initial setup is necessary: ​​the group is asked to close their eyes and imagine that each person is a small atom, and atoms, as we know, are able to combine and form molecules, which are fairly stable compounds. This is followed by the words of the presenter: “Now you will open your eyes and begin to move randomly in space. According to my signal (the signal is specified), you will unite into molecules, the number of atoms in which I will also name. When you're ready, open your eyes." Participants begin free movement in space and, upon hearing the leader’s signal, unite into molecules. After moving for some time as a solid compound, the molecules again disintegrate into individual atoms. Then the leader gives the signal again, the participants unite again, etc.

If last number there will be two atoms in the molecule, then the exercise serves in a good way dividing the group into pairs for subsequent work.

* During the first lesson you should avoid conflict situations, when at the named number the group cannot divide equally and “extra members” remain or some molecules do not have enough atoms to reach the required number.

Exercise “Line up according to your height!”

Target : To overcome barriers in communication between participants, to liberate them.

Progress of the exercise : Participants become a tight circle and close their eyes. Their task is to line up in a row by height with their eyes closed. When all participants find their place in the ranks, you must give the command to open your eyes and see what happened. After the exercise, you can discuss whether it was difficult to complete this task (how the participants felt) or not.

Note : The game has several options. You can give the task to build by eye color (from the lightest to the darkest, of course, without closing your eyes), by hair color, by the warmth of your hands, etc.


    Did the group manage to do this?

    What helped? Supported?

    What emotions did you experience during the exercise?

Exercise “Typewriter”

Target : Developing skills for cohesive action.

Progress of the exercise : Participants in the exercise must guess the phrase. The letters, its components, are distributed among everyone. The phrase must be pronounced as quickly as possible, with everyone saying their letter, and in the intervals between words everyone clapping their hands.


    What helped you cope?

    What supported?

    Was it difficult?

Exercise "Putanka"

Target : Unity, improving mutual understanding of participants.

Progress of the exercise : Everyone joins hands, standing in a circle and begins to get confused. When everyone got confused and it turned out to be one big “confusion,” one can imagine that the whole group turned into one huge beast. Now it is urgent to determine where his head is and where his tail is. (“Who will be the head? And who will be the tail?” asks the presenter). When the animal has become oriented where its right is and where its left is, it must learn to move in all directions, including backwards. And then, the animal must run through, and maybe even “eat” someone it gets along the way.

Discussion : what sensations and emotions did you experience while completing the task?

Exercise "Train"

Target : Unity, increasing mutual trust of participants, training confidence in behavior when it is necessary to act in conditions of lack of information, relying on partners.

Progress of the exercise : 6-8 participants pretend to be a “train” by standing in a column and placing their hands on the shoulders of those in front. Everyone except the first one closes their eyes. This “train” needs to pass through obstacles represented by other participants. If there are a small number of players, some of the obstacles can be represented using chairs.

The task of the “train” is to proceed from one wall of the room to the other, making sure to go around 3-4 obstacles along the way (the leader indicates which ones) and without colliding with the others. Obstacles depicted with the help of other players (it is desirable that those that need to be driven around in a circle are one of them), when the “train cars” approach them at a dangerously close distance, they can make warning sounds - for example, begin to hiss.

The game is repeated several times to give everyone the opportunity to play both the role of obstacles and part of the “train”.

If there are many participants and the size of the room allows, you can make the game more dynamic by running two “trains” at a time.


    Who liked being the “locomotive”, “cars”, obstacles more? what does this have to do with?

    What emotions did you experience while traveling on the “train”?

    How real life situations can you compare this game?

Exercise “Counting to ten”

Target : to feel each other, to understand without words or facial expressions.

Progress of the exercise : “Now, at the signal “start”, you will close your eyes, lower your noses down and try to count from one to ten. But the trick is that you will count together. Someone will say “one”, another person will say “two”, a third will say “three” and so on +. However, there is one rule in the game: only one person can say the word. If two voices say “four”, the count starts over. Try to understand each other without words.


    What happened to you?

    If it didn't work out, then why?

    What strategy did you choose?

Game "Car with character"

Target : group cohesion.

Progress of the exercise:

The whole group must build an imaginary car. Its details are only the coordinated and varied movements and exclamations of the players. You cannot talk during the game. Ask one volunteer (player 1) to go to the middle of the circle and tell him: “I want you to start doing some repetitive movements now. Maybe you want to alternately stretch your arms up, or rub your belly with your right hand, or hop on one leg. Any action will do, but you must repeat it continuously. If you want, you can accompany your movements with exclamations.” When player 1 decides on his actions, he becomes the first part of the machine. Now the next volunteer can become the second piece. Player 2, for his part, performs movements that complement the action of the first player. If, for example, player 1 is looking up, patting his stomach and alternately saying “Ah” and “Oh” in between, then player 2 can stand behind him and each time player 1 says “Ah”, spread his arms and at the final “Oh”, jump once. He can also stand sideways to player 1, put his right hand on his head and at the same time say “Ay”, and for his “Ay” choose a moment between “Ah” and “Oh”. When the movements of the first volunteers become sufficiently coordinated, a third player can join them. Each player must become a new part of the growing machine and try to make it more interesting and multifaceted. Everyone can choose a place where they could sit, and also come up with their own actions and exclamations.

When all players are involved. You can let the fantasy machine run for half a minute at the group's chosen pace. Then suggest that the speed of work increase slightly, then slow down slightly, then begin to stop. Eventually the car must fall apart.

Game discussion:

    At what point did you become a part of a machine? Why?

    How did you come up with your actions?

    What happened when the car accelerated or slowed down?

    How did it affect your work that you weren't allowed to talk to each other?


Participants, divided into four or five, can depict real-life mechanisms, units, machines: an alarm clock, a coffee grinder, a motor, a glider. Players can build a machine that allegorizes a conceptual concept, such as a machine of love, war, peace, etc.

Exercise “Dropping an Object”

Target : Training the ability to act decisively and, at the same time, coordinate one’s own activity with the actions of other people.

Progress of the exercise : 6-10 participants are given a gymnastics hoop and asked to hold it horizontally on the index fingers of outstretched arms. Instead of a hoop, you can use other objects of suitable size and weight (for example, a mop or a wall chart made of thick cardboard measuring approximately 1x1 m).

Participants' task : Place the object in the place indicated by the leader. At the same time, it must always lie on the index fingers of all participants; if someone's finger loses contact with the object or it falls, the game starts over.


    What did you experience while completing the task?

    If yes, then what are they connected with, how were they overcome?

    If not, what helped to immediately coordinate joint actions?

Exercise “And I’m going...”

Target : relaxation of participants, relaxation.

Progress of the exercise : Participants sit in a circle. There is one more chair in the circle. One of the participants sits clockwise on an empty chair and says: “And I’m going.” The next participant in the chain moves to an empty chair and says: “And I’m next.” The next one behind him sits on the vacant chair and says, “And I’m a hare.” The next one changes seats and says: “And I’m with...” (name of any participant). The named person moves next to him. Thus, the circle is broken and the whole chain begins anew. Each time the participants change clockwise faster and faster.

Exercise "Crossing"

Target : Unity, “breaking” spatial barriers between participants, training confident behavior in a situation of forced physical proximity, the need to solve a non-trivial problem in interpersonal interaction.

Description of the exercise : Participants stand shoulder to shoulder on a strip 20-25 cm wide. The game is more interesting if this strip is not just a line on the floor, but a small elevation: for example, a gymnastic bench, a curb stone on the side of the road or a log in a forest clearing. Each participant takes turns moving from one end of the line to the other. Neither he nor those standing in the line are allowed to touch anything outside the lane on which the participants stand.


    What psychological qualities did you develop when performing this exercise?

    What happened to you, did this exercise cause you discomfort?

Exercise-game “Tick-tock”

Target : The game is fun and easy, helps relieve the tension of the previous exercise.

Progress of the exercise : Participants transmit a sound transmission to each other: “tick” - to the right, “tak” - to the left in a circle. “Boom” means a change in the direction of sound transmission. Any participant in the game has the right to change the direction of the pass.


    What psychological qualities did you develop while participating in the training?

    What feelings did you experience?

    What new things did you learn about yourself and the group?

    How will you use this knowledge?

    What have you learned?

    How will this be useful in the future?

    What was important?

    What are you thinking about?

    What happened to you?

    What needs to be developed for the future?

Org. end:

Thank you very much for coming to our training, we hope that it will not pass without a trace in your life, we hope that something will be useful to you and that you have thought about something and will work in this direction. Goodbye.

The training participants leave the audience.

The training was sent by Julia Alexandrova

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The result of an enterprise's activities depends on the productive work of its employees. It is logical that only a united working team among fierce competition will be able to achieve. Therefore, psychologists have developed training on

What is team building?

This word comes from two English words: team - team and building - construction. Team building is the professional unification of all employees (especially those in conflict with each other) through training to create an ideal team capable of achieving many business goals. Such events train and develop people's abilities. They are held in a playful way, most often during a general vacation or other corporate events. It could be:

  • analysis of conflict situations;
  • discussions;
  • role-playing game;
  • analysis of complex issues.

Example of a finished program

Team building training is based on entertaining tasks. For example, “Submitting an ad in a newspaper.” Its essence is that each participant creates a publication in the “Looking for a friend” section. Written works are handed over to the presenter and are not signed. Then the players vacate their seats, and the presenter lays out the pieces of paper on the table in different orders. Each participant must go through all the ads and put a plus on the one they liked the most. At the end of the game, those works that received more pluses are analyzed.

A ropes course is a sport where everyone has to stand in a circle and grab a rope. There is a presenter in the center who approaches the participants and touches their hands. People in the circle must have time to remove them before touching them. If someone could not do this, he becomes the leader.

The “Bubble” game can be included in team building training. All participants need to hold hands to form a circle. Then it needs to be expanded until someone releases their hands. The losing person leaves the game.

The “Turnip” game is played as follows: all participants must stand behind each other, clasping in front standing with his hands around the waist. The one who stands at the beginning of this chain holds on to the pillar. The goal of the driver is to pull the last player, trying to disconnect him from the others.

Psychological training for team building will be more fun with the game “Golden Gate”, where everyone should be divided into two teams. The first one forms a circle and raises her hands up, imitating a gate. Players of the second group must hold each other's hands. Then they move quickly, like a snake, trying to go around all the gates. The presenter makes a speech, at the end of which the players of the first team lower their hands (close the gate). Those who find themselves in the middle of the circle become caught.

To organize an effective and memorable team-building training, individual specialists may be required: managers, presenters, scriptwriters, photographers and others. A quality event will not only be enjoyable, but will also be more rewarding. Today there are many agencies offering these services. They usually have their own training program for team building, but if necessary, they can develop an individual scenario.

Target: relieve psychological stress, study interpersonal relationships in a group.

Carrying out in a group psychological games and exercises require certain skills and abilities from the leader. First of all, when selecting games, it is necessary to take into account the psychological mood of the group, constantly record changes in the mood of the participants in order to make a decision to stop the game in time. After completing the exercise, it is necessary to conduct a reflection in the group.

1. "Clown"

To play this game, you need to divide into 2-3 teams and prepare 2-3 boxes of matches. More precisely, you don’t need the entire box, but only the upper part of it. The inner, retractable part along with the matches can be put aside.

To start the game, all teams line up in a column, the first person puts the box on his nose. The essence of the game is to pass this box from nose to nose to all members of your team as quickly as possible, with your hands behind your back. If someone's box falls, the team starts the procedure again.

Accordingly, the winning team is the one that completes the transmission faster.

2. "Bullseye"

This game again involves the passing of an object by two or more teams. This object will be an apple, and you will need to hold it between your chin and neck. Hands behind your back, so... Let's start!

If you don't have an apple on hand, you can just as easily use an orange or a tennis ball.

3. "Sandalik"

For this game you need to organize no less three teams. Teams line up in columns located on the same line, having previously taken off their shoes. After the teams line up, the counselor collects all the guys’ shoes, dumps them in a pile and mixes them. The counselors are offered instructions: “This is a small, fun relay race. Now, in turn, each of the participants must run up to this pile, put on their shoes and run to their team in their shoes, passing the baton to the next one. Those who know how to quickly put on their shoes win!”

4. "Toucan"

Toucan is a fish that fishermen often dry by stringing it on long ropes. Now we, like a toucan, will be “strung” on a long, about 15 m long rope, at one end of which a pine cone is tied. All team members must pass this pinecone through all their clothes from top to bottom, passing the pinecone to each other in turn. Naturally, the winning team is the one whose last member is the first of all teams to pull it out of his trouser leg. pine cone with fifteen meters of rope tied to it.

5. "Tangle"

The same rope is tied into a ring. The driver leaves the room or turns away, and the rest, holding the rope with both hands, become entangled, forming a living tangle that the driver must unravel. His task is to form a circle again.

6. "Jump without a parachute"

For this game, four pairs of participants stand on one side of a chair facing each other, crossing their arms as is recommended when carrying the wounded. Another player who will be the “jumper” stands on the chair with his back to them. He stands on the edge of the chair and falls back like a stick of wax. 8 people standing behind with crossed arms catch him. The thrill and success of having a comrade caught captivate and captivate the boys. The fear that their friend might hit himself forces the guys to hold on tightly to each other.

7. "Raccoon circles -1"

The whole group is blindfolded and holds on to a rope ring. On command you need to draw a certain figure - a triangle, square, etc.

8. "Throw it away on your fingers"

The whole group needs to roll such numbers on their fingers in “one-two-three” so that their sum is equal to the one set by the leader. The exercise is repeated until the result is achieved.

The group must count in order to N (either an equal or greater number of participants), with only one person saying each number. It is impossible to agree on who says what. As soon as several people say a number at the same time or no one says it for a long time, counting starts from the beginning. Optional Rule: Each person must say at least one number.

The group must count in order to a number (either equal or greater than the number of participants), with only one person saying each number. It is impossible to agree on who says what. As soon as several people say a number at the same time or no one says it for a long time, counting starts from the beginning. Optional Rule: Each person must say at least one number.

11 . Two people stand with their backs against each other. We need to sit down together and stand up together. The same thing - standing facing each other and holding hands and leaning back. A variant of the exercise is a group of several people standing in a ring.

12. "Knot"

Each member of the group holds on to a rope. The task is to tie the rope into a knot. You cannot let go of your hands, you can only move them along the rope (if someone lets go of their hands, the exercise starts from the beginning). An option is to then untie the tied knot using the same rules. An option is to untie the knot tied by the leader.

13. "Plates - 1"

The group is given several plates. The group must, without stepping on the carpet, cross it on small plates. Condition: there must be at least one foot on each plate at all times. Otherwise the plate is taken away.

14. "Ant Trail"

The group splits into two and stands on a long board on either side of the middle. The task is for two subgroups to switch places. If someone steps on or touches the ground, the exercise starts over from the beginning.

15. "Rug"

The whole group stands on the mat. You need to turn it over to the other side. If someone steps on the floor, the exercise starts from the beginning.

16. "Rope for hands"

The rope is stretched just below the belt itself tall man in Group. The group stands holding hands. The task is for everyone to pass over the rope without touching it. Note: to go group work, you should either introduce a rule that you cannot jump, or introduce “blind”, “dumb” people.

17. "Plates in a circle"

The plates are arranged in a circle, their number is equal to the number of participants. It is necessary, without stepping on the floor, for everyone to simultaneously jump in a circle from plate to plate. The sizes of the plates are selected so that only one person fits on each.

18. "Octopussy"

Long ropes are tied to the ring, and a tennis ball is placed in the ring. The task is to carry the ball around the column without dropping it (carry it over the field). Option: in big ring balloon.

19. "Synchronously, not synchronously"

The group raises their hands on command, then, without a command, must lower them at the same time. You can do the same with chairs: without silently agreeing, stand up together, walk around the chair (synchronously) and sit down at the same time. If the movement is not performed synchronously, the task is performed again.

20. "Locomotive"

The troika consists of a driver, a train and a locomotive. The engine stands first with its eyes closed. The driver stands third and drives the train. Everyone holds onto the belt of the person in front. Turn right, left, brake is done by shaking hands on the belt. After some time, the roles change and the game continues. The game takes place in silence.

At the end there is a discussion about who liked which role better (leader, follower, mediator for transmitting information).

21. "The Blind Man and the Guide"

Everyone stands in a circle, counts first or second, and divides into pairs. In pairs they stand one after another. The person in front closes his eyes, his partner puts his hands on his belt and, at the leader’s command, begins to lead him around the room. After some time, the partners change roles and the game continues.

22. "Customs"

Presenter: “I propose to practice observation and the ability to analyze the behavior of another person. So, our group is passengers boarding an airplane flight. One of them is a smuggler who is trying to take a unique piece of jewelry out of the country.

So who wants to be a customs officer?

The one who takes on this role comes out. One of the group members hides the item, after which the “customs officer” is let in. Past him

“passengers” pass one at a time, three attempts are given to identify the smuggler.

23. "Monster"

We all admit to having different shortcomings. But are they really that scary, if you think about it? Let's imagine that in the center of our circle there is a scarecrow - an unattractive one, like something they put in a garden

scare away birds. It has all those qualities that we consider our shortcomings.

First, everyone takes turns naming various shortcomings: “Scarecrow such and such,” and then each of us will say why those qualities that are not bad

were named, but not about those qualities that he himself named, but about those that others named.

At the end of the exercise, the “pros” and “cons” of these qualities are discussed.

24. "Stand in a circle"

All participants gather in a tight group around the leader. At his command, they close their eyes and begin to move chaotically in any direction, while everyone buzzes, like bees collecting honey. After a while, the presenter claps his hands, everyone instantly falls silent and freezes in the place where they found the signal. After this, the presenter claps his hands twice. Without opening their eyes and without touching anyone with their hands, the participants try to line up in a circle. This happens in complete silence. When all the participants in the game take their places and stop, the presenter will clap three times, everyone will open their eyes.

25. "Counting to Ten"

Everyone stands in a circle without touching each other with elbows and shoulders. At the presenter’s signal, everyone closes their eyes, puts their noses down and tries to do what six-year-old children can do: count from one to ten. But the trick is that everyone will count together. There is one rule in the game: each number must be pronounced by only one person. If two people say a number, the count starts from the beginning. Several attempts are made. The host can make a bet with the group. At the end, an analysis of what happened.

26. "Line up by height"

Everyone stands in a tight circle, closes their eyes and mouths, i.e. become deaf-blind. At the command of the leader, they must line up according to their height. When everyone takes their places and stops, the leader gives a signal and everyone opens their eyes. You can make several attempts for a while.

27. "Birthdays"

All players close their eyes (it is better to use blindfolds) and turn into deaf-blind people. Their task is to line up in the calendar order of their birthdays. The leader of the line should be a person born, for example, on January 1, and the last person should be someone born at the end of December. Before the game, they agree that it is more convenient to start the “conversation” by telling them the month of your birth, and then agree on the date. When the line is lined up, everyone opens their eyes, mouths and ears and says their birthday.

You can repeat the timed exercise several times.

28. "Meeting eyes"

All players stand in a circle, facing each other, go numb, lower their heads and look at the toes of their shoes. At the leader’s signal, everyone raises their eyes and looks at one of the people standing in the circle. If two people meet their gaze, they approach each other, extend their arms (hug). The task of the group is to form as many pairs as possible at once.

29. "Transmitting feelings through touch"

One of the participants stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. He knows that now the rest of the participants will approach him one by one and try to convey one of four feelings with touch: fear, joy, curiosity, sadness. The driver’s task is to determine by touch what feeling was conveyed to him.

30. "Horde Raid on the Forsaken"

All players are divided into two teams: Horde and Forsaken.

Those who are detached stand in a circle, facing outward, and immerse themselves in themselves, detach themselves from external influences, freeze, freeze. The Horde must unfreeze, cause any reaction from the Forsaken.

Restrictions for the Horde: you cannot touch the Forsaken and you cannot shout in their ear.

Restrictions for the Detached: you cannot lower or hide your eyes, you must look straight.

The game begins on the count of “Five” by the leader. Lasts 1-2

minutes, then the teams change roles. The team that can “unfreeze” the most people in the allotted time wins.

31. "Golden and Black Chair"

Everyone sits in a circle with a chair in the center. Anyone can sit on this chair, and if he orders a gold chair, everyone will only talk about good qualities this man. If a person orders a Black chair, everyone will talk about its weaknesses, its shortcomings.

As a rule, most people want to sit on the Black chair, but it is advisable to start the game from the Golden chair. The person who wants to comes out first, then he chooses the next player.

The exercise can be varied, the chair can be colored, and then they speak about the person in volume, from all sides.

This exercise can be carried out when team members know each other well enough.


The identified leader can become the main link in the chain of relationships between the counselor and the group.

1. "Rope"

To play this game, take a rope and tie its ends so that a ring is formed. (The length of the rope depends on the number of children participating in the game.)

The guys stand in a circle and grab the rope, which is inside the circle, with both hands. Assignment: “Now everyone needs to close their eyes and, without opening their eyes, without letting go of the rope, build a triangle.” First, there is a pause and complete inaction of the guys, then one of the participants offers some kind of solution: for example, calculate and then build a triangle according to serial numbers, and then directs the actions.

The practice of this game shows that leaders usually take on these functions.

You can continue the game, complicating the task, and invite the children to build a square, star, hexagon.

2. "Karabas"

The next similar game will be the game "Karabas". To conduct the game, children are seated in a circle, a counselor sits with them, who suggests the conditions of the game: “Guys, you all know the fairy tale about Pinocchio and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas, who had a theater. Now you are all dolls. I will say the word.” KA-RA-BAS" and I will show a certain number of fingers on outstretched arms. And you will have to, without agreeing, get up from your chairs, and as many people as I show fingers. This game develops attention and speed of reaction."

This game test requires the participation of two counselors. The task of one is to conduct the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the guys.

Most often, the more sociable guys who strive for leadership stand up. Those who get up later, at the end of the game, are less decisive. There are also those who first stand up and then sit down. They constitute the "happy" group. A lack of initiative is that group of the detachment that does not stand up at all.

3. "Large family photo"

This game is best played during the organizational period to identify the leader, as well as in the middle of the shift, and used as visual material in your team.

It is suggested that the guys imagine that they are all big family and everyone needs to take a photo together for the family album. You must select a "photographer". He should arrange for the whole family to be photographed. The “grandfather” is chosen first from the family; he can also participate in the placement of “family” members. No more instructions are given for children; they must decide for themselves who to be and where to stand. And you stop and watch this entertaining picture. The roles of “photographer” and “grandfathers” are usually taken on by guys striving for leadership. But, however, elements of management and other “family members” cannot be excluded. It will be very interesting for you to observe the distribution of roles, activity and passivity in choosing a location.

This game, played in the middle of a shift, can reveal new leaders and reveal the system of likes and dislikes in groups. After assigning roles and arranging the “family members,” the “photographer” counts to three. On the count of “three!” everyone shouts “cheese” together and very loudly and simultaneously clap their hands.

Here's another one leader identification option, consisting of several games. To do this, the guys are divided into two or three teams of equal numbers. Each team chooses a name for itself. The counselor offers the conditions: “Now the commands will be executed after I command “Start!” "The team that completes the task faster and more accurately will be considered the winner." In this way, you will create a spirit of competition, which is very important for the guys.

So, first task. Now each team must say one word in unison. "Let's start!"

In order to complete this task, all team members need to somehow agree. It is these functions that a person striving for leadership takes on.

Second task. Here it is necessary for half the team to quickly stand up without agreeing on anything. "Let's start!"

The interpretation of this game is similar to the interpretation of the game "Karabas": the most active members of the group, including the leader, stand up.

Third task. Now all teams are flying to spaceship to Mars, but in order to fly, we need to organize crews as quickly as possible. The crew includes: captain, navigator, passengers and "hare". So, who is faster?!

Usually, the leader again takes on the functions of the organizer, but the distribution of roles often occurs in such a way that the leader chooses the role of a “hare”. This can be explained by his desire to transfer the responsibility of commander to the shoulders of someone else.

Task four. We arrived on Mars and we need to somehow stay in a Martian hotel, but it only has a triple room, two double rooms and one single. You need to decide as quickly as possible who will live in which room. "Let's start!"

After playing this game, you can see the presence and composition of microgroups in your team. Single rooms usually go to either hidden, unidentified leaders or "outcasts".

The proposed number of rooms and rooms in them is compiled for a team consisting of 8 participants. If there are more or fewer participants in the team, then make up the number of rooms and rooms yourself, but with the condition that there are triples, doubles and one single.

This technique will give you a fairly complete system of leadership in a team. You can end it with some kind of team-building game. (See below)

It should be noted that the main types of leadership are emotional and intellectual leadership. Not the last place in the team is occupied by the leader-organizer. Who to lead your squad depends not only on personal sympathies, but also on the type of activity, the direction of life of the squad in a given shift.


Target: relieve tension and get ready for work. Prank games differ from all games in that they can only be played once with one team. In their content, prank games are a kind of joke-riddle, after solving which the participants understand that they are being played on.

1. "Have you seen a ghost?"

The players line up shoulder to shoulder, with the leader standing first. He asks the player standing next to him a question, to which he answers according to a given pattern:

Have you seen a ghost?

Over there (the leader raises his right hand) The player repeats the dialogue and gesture with the next player and so on until the end. The second time, without changing the words, the presenter raises left hand, the third time - he squats and stretches his left leg forward. The whole chain also sits shoulder to shoulder with outstretched arms, and the leader pushes the person sitting next to him. The entire squad falls down the line.

2. "Do you know Jacek?"

Another version of the game “Have you seen a ghost?” There are 8-10 willing people, lined up in a column and squeezing their shoulders very closely. The presenter moves in front of the first and asks: “Do you know Jacek? Jacek is like that!” And he shows by extending his arms to the level of his head. The first one asks the second one: and repeats the leader’s movement. The second one belongs to the third one, etc. Moreover, the hands remain in the same position. Then the leader begins the circle again, but the hands remain at stomach level. Repeat again - hands at knee level. And finally, your hands almost touch the floor. When everyone finds themselves in such an awkward position, the host says: “Do you know Jacek? Jacek is like that!” And with these words he strongly pushes the first player with his body.

3. "Detective"

One player is told that now everyone will come up with some kind of detective story, and he will have to guess it, while he can be asked questions that can only be answered with “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”. After the rules are explained, the player is asked to walk out the door.

No plot is invented, it’s just that if the player’s question ends with a vowel, then everyone answers “yes”, if the consonant ends with “no”, if with a soft sign – “I don’t know”. After some time, the presenter himself writes a detective story and is very happy about it.

4. "Love Story"

Another version of the game "Detective". Two volunteers - a guy and a girl - are taken out of earshot. The counselor says that they will come up with something now own story love. Upon the driver’s return, they will ask questions; if in the last word of their question the last letter is a vowel, then the circle answers: “yes!” and if it’s a consonant, then “no!” If the word ends with soft signs, then the circle says: “We don’t know” and “It doesn’t matter”, optionally. The drivers are given instructions: “We came up with this without you.” love story. You must find out by asking questions that provide only unambiguous answers: “yes,” “no,” “we don’t know.” What you understand, you will tell later. If the drivers are confused, you need to help them a little. In the end, the counselor thanks the drivers for telling everyone their “wonderful love story.”

5. "Monument of Love"

Three boys and three girls (unlimited number) are taken out the door. Two presenters are building a monument to Love (a boy and a girl)

The third presenter calls first the girl and then the boy one by one, offering them:

You are a sculptor, in front of you is an unfinished monument of Love made of clay, you must finish it.

(the player “sculpts” the monument at his own discretion). When the sculptor has finished the work, the presenter says:

Now replace the girl (boy) in your creation.

6. "Hypnosis"

Everyone kneels in a circle. One presenter invites everyone to close their eyes for a “hypnosis” session, listen only to his voice and follow his instructions: “Imagine that you are walking in a beautiful clearing in the forest, you hear birds singing. You feel the smell of summer, the sun is blinding you. you see that in the middle of the clearing it is growing The Scarlet Flower, you lean towards him, squat down. On its petal you notice a small dewdrop that beckons you, and you, standing on all fours, try to lick it off with your tongue. Now freeze for a second."

The players do everything.

The first presenter at this moment approaches the second and says:

“Comrade General, a group of search dogs has arrived at their destination!”

7. "Phrases"

I will say three phrases one after another, you must repeat each phrase in chorus. Can you do it?

But I think not. Let's check. It's a good weather today.


We love funny Games(repeat)

Lost, already lost!

But you only uttered two phrases.

My third phrase was: “We lost, we already lost.”

8. "I'm going on a hike..."

One phrase is said in a circle: “I’m going on a hike and taking with me... (the participant names any thing).” You can pass a ball or a toy. The leader says who is going on a hike and who is not. The point is that after this phrase the player must say the word “Please”, and then the host will take him on a hike. The game continues until everyone guesses the “secret” word.

9. "Who is the Egyptian donkey?"

The presenter enters the room and asks everyone: “Who is the Egyptian donkey?” Everyone shouts in unison: “I am,” but the “Egyptian donkey,” who has already been secretly chosen, must shout it louder than everyone else.

If the leader guesses right, he stays; if not, he goes out the door again to change the “donkey.” If the presenter guesses, then now, as if inadvertently, they ask him to be an “Egyptian donkey,” and he must shout louder than anyone: “I am!!!” When the second presenter comes and asks: “Who is the Egyptian donkey?”, everyone pretends that they are going to shout, but they are silent, only the first presenter shouts.

10. "Wild Monkey"

This game is also known as "Egyptian Donkey". One person is taken out of the hall or simply away from the location general circle so that he does not see or hear those remaining. The presenter says: “So this is it. Now we will tease him (her). He will return, and we will say that there is a symposium of the wildest monkeys and he needs to determine who is the wildest. For this, we will say, you must ask: “Who is the wildest monkey here?” Everyone will scream? “Me! Me!" With two tries, you have to guess who this monkey is. And the wildest one is the one who screams the loudest and hits his chest with his fist the hardest. So, two attempts. Here. He will ask, and we will scream. After After two attempts, he will point to someone. We will all be surprised and say that he guessed right. The one who was pointed out, like the wildest monkey, comes out. We seem to be guessing for someone for real, and when the second leader returns and begins to ask, the first time we will scream, and the second time we will draw air to scream and it will become clear. Do you have any questions? The game proceeds according to these instructions. It is good to remove not one, but three or four people at the beginning.

11. "Step over the clock"

Several clocks are placed in front of the player at a short distance from each other. The player is then blindfolded and the player is asked to step over the clock. The presenters guide the player so that he does not accidentally step on the clock, they tell him what he needs to do, how to go.

In fact, all the clocks are removed and laid out again after the player has walked the entire distance.

12. "Put your nose back in place"

A face is drawn on the sheet. The nose is made of plasticine. The blindfolded player is asked to put this nose in place.

13. "MPS"

The leader’s task is to guess the intended person in the group by asking any questions about him to each player. Players, answering the question, talk about their neighbor on the right, because MPS stands for "my right neighbor."

14. "Camel"

This must be done very carefully so that others do not hear what is being said to the neighbor. Then the counselor stands in the center and says: “Listen carefully! Now I will name the animals. It’s possible that I didn’t name some at all, so be sure to remember your animal. So: Cat! Horse! Camel!!!”

15. "Yes-no-yes"

Three boys and three girls are called from the audience. The presenter retains one participant of the opposite sex out of six. And the rest are taken away so that they do not eavesdrop and spy. It is agreed with the remaining participant that he will answer the question in the sequence “Yes” - “No” - “Yes”. And so three times for three answers.

The facilitator asks the following questions:

Do you know what this is?

Do you know what this is for?

Do you want to know?

In the first episode, the presenter points to the palm, and after agreeing to find out what it is for, shakes the participant’s palm. In the second episode, the presenter points to the shoulder and after the 3rd answer gently hugs the participant’s shoulder. In the third episode, the presenter points to the lips and after the 3rd answer, stretches his lips towards the participant as if he wants to kiss, and then plays on the lip like a little one. After a friendly laugh, the presenter sits down in the hall, and the 1st participant takes his place. And a second participant of the opposite sex is called for him. All six participants go through this in turn.


Theater performances, in which absolutely all the children of the group take part and do everything easily, fun, and successfully - these are, of course, impromptu performances. Impromptu frees you from the fear of failure, impromptu allows you not to be an actor, impromptu presupposes momentary creation, and therefore imperfect, unrefined form, with mistakes, incidents, funny situations. All failures of the participants in the improvised scene are justified in advance. Impromptu: no one prepared for the game; no one knew what his role was; none of the actors is an actor, so his behavior is free, he only outlines the action of the character and acting skills are not required from him.

The impromptu theater has a psychological task as its leading one, while the school theater (ethical theater, drama studio, etc.), engaged in theatrical performances of literary works, is created in the name of aesthetic and moral tasks. And the psychological task is to psychologically emancipate the student, to develop his sense of dignity.

The methodology for organizing impromptu theater is extremely simple. The text for the “Voice-Over” is composed, usually fairy-tale, fantasy, detective, so that entertaining events unfold on stage. Then all the characters in the performance are recorded, they are indicated on cards. These cards are distributed among the children who come to the performance, and they are immediately invited backstage. As the text, which contains information about the actions of the characters, plays, the actors appear from behind the scenes and perform everything that is reported in the “Voice-over.”

It is necessary that the play has a lot of actions, replacing one another, so that the turn of events is unexpected and ultimately cheerful and a little funny. Characters there are people, and animals, and plants, and things, and natural phenomena, such as wind, stars, clouds.

Let us give an example of a short play performed impromptu successfully and repeatedly in different schools (with the help of capital letter we designate the characters of this performance).

"...Night. The wind is howling, the Trees are swaying. The Gypsy Thief makes his way between them, he is looking for the stable where the Horse is sleeping... Here is the stable. The Horse is sleeping, he is dreaming about something, he is lightly moving his hooves and neighing thinly. Not far from him, Sparrow perched on a perch, he dozes, sometimes opens one eye or the other. On the street, a Dog sleeps on a leash... The trees are rustling, because of the noise you can’t hear how the Gypsy Thief makes his way into the stable. Here he grabs Horse by the bridle... The Sparrow chirped alarmingly... The Dog barked desperately... The Gypsy takes the Horse away. The Dog bursts into barking. The Mistress ran out of the house, groaned, screamed. She called her husband. The Master jumped out with a gun in his hands... The Gypsy runs away . The owner leads the Horse into the stall. The Dog jumps for joy. The Sparrow flies around. The trees rustle, and the Wind continues to howl... The Owner strokes the Horse, throws him some hay. The Owner calls the Mistress into the house. Everything calms down. The Dog is sleeping. The Sparrow is dozing on his in the same place. The Horse falls asleep while standing, he occasionally shudders and neighs quietly... Curtain!"

The plot should not be known either to children, or to the audience, or to the actors. Therefore, after performing one performance, it is necessary to re-create the text for another performance. We should not forget about the effect of novelty for children: the plots should be different, relate to different areas of a person’s life, and surprise children every time. unexpected turns during the course of action.

For a broader idea of ​​the possibilities of impromptu theater, we present another text that serves as a support for the actions played out on stage:

"...The Sea. The Sea is agitated. It is in constant motion. The Philosopher sits on a Rock near the shore. He is deep in thought, does not notice anything around. From the outside, it seems that he is dozing. He does not notice the Waves running onto the shore. He does not notice, how the Shark swam up and opened its predatory mouth, intending to eat the Philosopher. He does not notice how a flock of cheerful Dolphins drives the evil Shark into the Sea.

The philosopher sits, lost in thought. Nothing can bring him out of his thoughts about the meaning of life. He is so motionless that the Seagull that appears mistakes him for a stone and sits on his head.

A Merchant appears on the shore with a Basket. He spent the whole day selling goods at the market. Tired, he drags the Basket along the sand. The merchant sees the lonely figure of a man sitting on the Stone and heads towards him.

Having noticed the man, the Seagull flies away screaming. The philosopher retains his former thoughtfulness.

Approaching the Philosopher, the Merchant asks to look after the Basket... He undresses and goes to plunge into the Sea.

At this time, two Jokers appear on the shore. They see the Philosopher immersed in thoughts and stealthily approach the Basket of Clothes. They take her and run away.

The merchant sees his Basket with money and clothes being stolen, quickly swims to the shore and shouts: “Save!” The Philosopher awakens from the scream and rushes to help. Of course, saving a person for a Philosopher is the same as saving the highest value.

The Merchant fights off the Philosopher. Soon they find themselves on the shore. The jokers run further and further.

The merchant rushes along the shore, begs the Philosopher to give him clothes for a while to catch the jokers. The philosopher replies that clothes are not the most important thing in life, that they are only a means, not an end. And again falls into deep thought.

The merchant jumps around, hits the Philosopher on the back, trying to bring him out of his reverie, kneels down, begging for clothes...

The Dolphins arrive and discuss the situation. The seagull screams and gives advice to the naked Merchant. Philosopher. unperturbed.. The dolphins swim away. The seagull flies away.

Dealer. undresses the Philosopher and runs to save his property.

There is a lonely Philosopher on a stone, immersed in thoughts about the meaning of life....

A curtain.

And further. one text. The play is called "The Way Home".

"...Village, summer, night... It makes noise and howls, swaying. Trees, Wind...

A villager is walking along the road. There is a Fence on the right... Suddenly a black Cat runs out from behind the Fence, runs across the road to the Village Resident, and meows loudly.

The Village Resident, frightened, screams... The Cat rushes to one of the trees and quickly climbs onto the Tree, sits there, watching the Village Resident.

The villager is also scared. He turns the other way to approach his house differently. Expensive.

An Owl flies out from behind a tree, it screams, scares both the Resident and the Cat. Both scream again - how. they can.

The unlucky Villager now takes the third road to his home. He walks cautiously, looks around, shudders every minute...

Finally his House is visible. Our hero. reaches out his hand to open the door. A Phantom appears... "Oh, when will this all end?!" - our hero yells. And the Phantom circles around him. The villager is in despair, he clasped his head in his hands and is no longer looking for a way out of the situation...

The Mistress, the wife of our hero, runs out of the House. She has a towel in her hands. She waves the Towel, chases away the Phantom. He hides around the corner of the House.

Our hero tells the Mistress, his wife, why he is so scared... The Ghost around the Corner repeats his words, like an echo, and slowly approaches our hero again. The Mistress notices his movement, waves the Towel and menacingly orders the Phantom to disappear... He is going to object. But suddenly, somewhere in the distance, behind the House, the Rooster crowed... The ghost disappears forever.

The hostess consoles her husband and invites him to the House. Promises a good treat. Both are leaving...

A curtain"

You can also stage children's fairy tales ("Turnip", "Teremok", "The Ryaba Hen", etc.).

Russian folk games

Target: assimilation and consolidation of the indigenous historical characteristics and traditions of one’s people, transfer of experience from generation to generation.

Traditionally, a gaming culture, which includes, along with games themselves, game forms in communication, work, cognitive activity, form an integral and important part of the huge complex folk culture. Most folk games can still be used today.

1. "Sing Grandma"

All participants are divided into two teams. The game begins with song questions from one team. The second team answers with words from the song. And so who will outsing whom.

2. "Polar Bears"

The playing area is limited. All players move around the court, two drivers join hands and salute others. The third joins them if they salat him, and the fourth and third form their own pair of drivers.

All players are divided into two groups, lined up in two lines opposite each other. The game is accompanied by the following words:

Boyars, we have come to you.

Young people, we have come to you.

Why did you come?

We choose the bride.

How cute are you?

This one is cute to us.

She's our fool.

We'll learn it.

What will you teach?

With a whip.

She will cry.

We will console her.

- How will you console?

We gingerbread her.

4. "Bug"

One stands with his back and holds his palm, while the others hit him on the palm. He must guess who did it.

5. "To Kings"

The king was chosen, all the other players were servants.

King, king, I am your servant!

Why are you my servant?

And whatever you don’t force me to do, I’ll do everything.

Kiss the king on the mouth and clean everyone up.

The servant kissed everyone. Then the next servant performs another task, and so on until he gets tired.

6. "To the set"

The girls sat on the bench and made plans for a place on the right for

her boyfriend. A guy came in and had to guess his place, if he guessed right, he remained seated, if not, then all the girls clapped their hands and he left. The game continued until all the seats were occupied.

7. "To the neighbor"

Everyone sat in pairs. Whoever is left without a partner drives.

Is your neighbor loving?

See him (couple kissing).

If you are not in love, then you need to quickly say the other person’s name and change places with his girlfriend. The presenter must take any place.

8. "Grandfather Mazai"

The presenter leaves. Players imagine what they did

together. The presenter arrives.

Hello grandfather Mazai! Get out of the basket.

Hello kids, sweet candies. Where did you drop out, what did you do?

We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did. The players show, the presenter must guess.

9. "Cat and makhotki"

The leader is a cat. All the rest are dummies. They squat down, and the cat must knock one of them down. Mahotka must hold on.

10. "Smoking room"

They passed a lighted torch, and the one whose light went out was the smoking room. If they handed over candy, which they took a bite of, then whoever ran out of it was the greedy one. The game was accompanied by the words:

Once upon a time there was a smoking room,

Once upon a time there lived a fool.

Like a smoking room

Like a fool.

The legs are small,

The soul is short.

Don't die smoking room

Don't die you fool.

Like a smoking room

Like a fool.

The legs are small,

The soul is short.

The smoking room is alive,

The fool is alive. The last one makes a forfeit.

11. "Gardener"

The leading gardener comes out and everyone agrees on who will have which flower.

The presenter says the following words:

I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry, I was tired of all the flowers, except...

What happened to you?

In love.

In whom? -IN...

If the player does not quickly name the flower, he becomes the leader.

Currently, this ancient Russian game is known as "Broken Telephone". It involves 5-10 people. They sit in a row or in a semicircle. One of the players is chosen as the leader. He sits first in the row, comes up with any phrase and quietly whispers it in the ear of the player sitting next to him. He quietly tells it to the next player, etc. Then the presenter approaches the person sitting last in the row and asks what was handed to him. He loudly repeats what he heard.

To identify who was the first to distort the presenter’s phrase, he asks to repeat what was heard not only by the one sitting in the last row, but also by the second from the end, the third, etc. The participant in the game who first distorts the leader’s words is seated at the very end of the row. The presenter sits in the vacant seat. The new leader is the one who is now first in the row.

1. The phrase must be conveyed into the ear and so that others do not hear. But you need to speak clearly, without deliberately distorting your words. Anyone who breaks this rule sits last in the row.

2. You can’t ask again and say nonsense.

13. "Salki"

The plot of this game is very simple: one driver is selected, who must catch up and make fun of the players running around the site.

But this game has several options that complicate its rules.

1. The taunted player becomes the driver, and he must run, holding his hand on the part of the body for which he was taunted. The first player whom the driver touches becomes the driver himself.

2. The upset player stops, stretches his arms to the sides and shouts: “Tea-tea-help out.” He is "bewitched". Other players can “disenchant” it by touching their hand. The driver must “bewitch” everyone. To do this faster, there can be 2-3 people driving.

14. "Hide and Seek"

The driver stands in a designated place with his eyes closed. This place is called "con". While the driver counts loudly to 20-30, all the players hide in a certain area. After the end of the count, the driver opens his eyes and goes in search of the hidden ones. If he sees one of the players hiding, he loudly calls his name and runs to the stake. As a sign that the player has been found, the stake must be knocked on a wall or tree. If the found player reaches the end and knocks there before the driver, then he is not considered caught. He steps aside and waits for the game to end. The driver must “knock” as many hidden players as possible. The next time the driver becomes the player who was found and “caught” last. (Or, by the decision of the players, first.) Every time the driver moves far from the horse, the hidden players can quietly sneak up to the horse and knock there. In this case, they will not be considered detected.

15. "Geese"

On the site, at a distance of 10-15 meters, two lines are drawn - two “houses”. In one there are geese, in the other - their owner. Between the “houses under the mountain” lives a “wolf” - a leader. The owner and the geese conduct a dialogue with each other, known to everyone early childhood:

Geese, geese!


Do you want to eat?

Yes Yes Yes.

So fly!

We are not allowed. Gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.

After these words, the “geese” try to run over to the “master”, and the “wolf” catches them. The caught player becomes a "wolf".

16. "Burners"

The players line up in a column in pairs, holding hands. The driver stands in front of the column a few steps away, with his back to the players. He says:

"Burn, burn clearly,

So that it doesn't go out.

And one, and two, and three.

Last couple run! "

On the word “run”, the last couple standing must quickly run around the column and stand in front. The driver should also strive to take one of the places of the first pair. The one who does not have enough space becomes the driver. Instead of the words “last pair,” the driver can say: “Fourth pair,” or “Second pair.” In this case, everyone playing must be very careful and remember where they stand in the column.

17. "At the Bear's Forest"

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 6-8 meters from each other. Behind one line is the driver - the “bear”, behind the other - the “house” in which the children live. Children go out from the “house” into the “forest” to pick mushrooms and berries. They approach the bear's den with the words:

"By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

But the bear doesn't sleep,

Everything is looking at us."

At the last words, the “bear” jumps out of the “den” and tries to grease the children running away to their house. A player hit by a "bear" becomes a "bear".

18. "Pretties"

The driver is selected - the "monk" and the leader - the "seller". All other players make a secret secret from the “monk” of the colors of the paints. Colors should not be repeated.

The game begins with the driver coming to the “shop” and saying: “I, a monk, in blue pants, have come to you for some paint.” Seller: “For what?” Monk: (names any color) “For blue.”

If there is no such paint, then the seller says: “Walk along the blue path, you will find blue boots, wear them, and bring them back!”

"Monk" starts the game from the beginning.

If there is such a paint, then the player who has wished for this color tries to run away from the “monk,” and he catches up with him. If you catch up, then the driver becomes the painter; if not, then the colors are guessed again and the game is repeated.

19. "Blind Man's Bluff"

The game takes place on a small limited area with no dangerous obstacles. The driver is blindfolded, or simply closes his eyes. He must make fun of one of the players with his eyes closed. The players run away from the driver, but do not go beyond the boundaries of the site and always raise their voices - call the driver by name or shout: “I’m here.” The spoiled player changes roles with the driver.

20. "Alyonushka and Ivanushka"

The players stand in a circle and join hands. Alyonushka and Ivanushka are chosen and blindfolded. They are inside the circle. Ivanushka must catch Alyonushka. To do this, he can call her: “Alyonushka!” Alyonushka must be distracted: “I’m here, Ivanushka!” As soon as Ivanushka caught Alyonushka, other guys take their place and the game starts from the beginning.

21. "Cossacks-robbers"

The players are divided into two groups. One depicts Cossacks, the other – robbers. The Cossacks have their own house, where there is a watchman during the game. His responsibilities include guarding captured robbers. The game begins with the Cossacks being in their house and giving the robbers the opportunity to hide (10-15 minutes). While the robbers are hiding, they must leave traces along the way: arrows, symbols or notes indicating the location of the next mark; the traces may also be false in order to confuse the Cossacks. After 10-15 minutes, the Cossacks begin searching. The game ends when all the robbers are caught, and the one whom the Cossacks saw is considered caught.

It is better to play the game in a large area, but limited by some signs. At the end of the game, the Cossacks and the robbers change roles.

22. "Fishing Rod"

A fishing rod is a jump rope. One end of it is in the hand of the “fisherman” - the driver. All players stand around the “fisherman” no further than the length of the rope. The “fisherman” begins to spin the “fishing rod”, trying to hit the players’ legs with it. The “fish” must protect themselves from the “fishing rod” by jumping over it. To prevent the “fish” from interfering with each other, there should be a distance of about half a meter between them. The “fish” should not leave their places. If the “fisherman” managed to catch the “fish”, i.e. touch the “fishing rod”, then the place of the “fisherman” is taken by the caught “fish”.

Two conditions must be met: the rope can be twisted in any direction, but it cannot be lifted from the ground higher than 10-20 centimeters.

23. "Cat and Mouse"

Two people are selected for the game: one is the “cat”, the other is the “mouse”. In some cases, the number of "cats" and "mouses" may be greater. This is done to spice up the game.

All other players stand in a circle, holding hands - the “gate”. The “cat’s” task is to catch up (touch with his hand) the “mouse”. In this case, the “mouse” and “cat” can run inside and outside the circle. The players standing in a circle sympathize with the “mouse” and help it in any way they can. For example: by letting the “mouse” through the “gate” into the circle, they can close it for the “cat”. Or if the “mouse” runs out of the “house”, the “cat” can be locked there, i.e. lower, close the gate.

This game is not easy, especially for a “cat”. Let the “cat” show its ability to run, its cunning, and its dexterity.

When the “cat” catches the “mouse”, a new pair is selected from among the players.

24. "Move slower"

The driver and the players are on opposite sides of two lines, which are drawn at a distance of 5-6 meters from each other. The task of the players is to reach the driver as quickly as possible and touch him. The one who did this becomes the driver. But getting to the driver is not easy. The players move only to the words of the driver: “If you drive more quietly, you will go further. Stop!” At the word “stop” all the players freeze. The driver, who had previously stood with his back to the players, turns and looks. If at this moment one of the players moves, and the driver notices this, then this player will have to go back beyond the line. The driver can make the frozen guys laugh. Whoever laughs also goes back beyond the line. Game continues. Who will be able to take the place of the driver?

25. "Ali Baba and the Breaking Chains"

The players are divided into two teams and stand, holding hands, facing the opposing team, at a distance of 5-7 meters. One of the teams starts the game with the words: “Ali Baba!” The second team answers in unison: “About what, servant?” The first team says again: “Fifth, tenth, Sasha is here for us!” In this case, the name of one of the players on the opposing team is called. The named player leaves his team and runs to the enemy team in order to break the chain, i.e. will release the players' hands. If he succeeds, he takes the player who unclasped his hands to his team. If the chain is not broken, then he remains on the opposing team. The teams start the game one by one. The team that has the most players after a certain time wins.

26. "12 sticks"

For this game you need a board and 12 sticks. The board is placed on a flat stone or small log to create something like a swing. All the players gather around this “swing”. 12 sticks are placed on the lower end, and one of the players hits the upper end so that all the sticks fly apart. The driver collects the sticks, while the players run away and hide. When the sticks are collected and placed on the board, the driver goes to look for the hidden ones. The found player is eliminated from the game. Any of the hidden players can sneak up to the “swing” unnoticed by the driver and scatter the sticks again. At the same time, hitting the board, he must shout out the name of the driver. The driver collects the sticks again, and all the players hide again. The game ends when all the hidden players are found and the driver manages to keep his sticks. The last player found becomes the driver.

27. "Elephant"

This game involves two teams of boys of 6-8 people. One of the teams must line up in a column. Each player bends down, presses his head to the belt of the person in front and at the same time holds on to him with his hands. This team is the "elephant". The second team must “climb” the elephant. It's done like this. The first player gets up from the side of the “elephant’s tail”, runs up and, pushing off against the back of the last player – the “elephant”, makes the largest possible jump onto the elephant’s back. “He must “land” so as not to fall from the “back” and not even touch the ground with your feet. Then all the other players from the team of “riders” make jumps. If one of them could not resist and fell from the “elephant”, then the game stops and the teams change places. If everyone jumped successfully and no one fell , then the “elephant” must walk with its riders 8-10 meters If the “elephant” succeeds, the game also stops and the teams change places.

The game requires not only dexterity, but also courage, because jumping sometimes causes pain to players of both teams.


1. "King of the Hill"

There is an ancient and truly ineradicable custom among guys who get together. As soon as they come across a low hill or mound, someone who is the most militant climbs to the very top of the hill and shouts in defiance: “I am the king of the mountain!” And he takes on a proud, defiant pose. Here guys from all sides rush to storm the hill. Everyone is trying to take the very top and overthrow the self-proclaimed king.

A fun, fast-paced fight breaks out. It is not customary to fight too seriously, to engage in real struggle. The guys mostly push or pull each other down the slopes of the slide, avoiding blows, sharp pushes and other rough techniques. And now the next “king” is rolling head over heels down the hill amid friendly laughter. However, he is also pleased: he was, after all, the “king of the hill.”

To carry out this folk game, they make a slide out of snow. There should not be more than 10-15 people participating in the game at the same time. Younger teenagers do not take part in it along with older children. It is better for them to play the game separately.

The winner is the one who lasted the longest at the top of the mountain after shouting “I am the king of the mountain!” You can give small comic prizes to those who have been the “king of the hill”. This removes unnecessary competition. After all, we must remember that this is not a sports championship, but a fun folk game.

2. "Two frosts"

The game requires a small area measuring 6x12 m. Its boundaries are marked with sticks, flags, lumps of snow, etc.

Those who wish to participate in the game gather on one of the short sides of the site. The drivers - two Frosts - come out to its middle. With their arms akimbo, they address the crowd:

We are two young brothers, two daring Frosts.

“I am Frost - Red Nose,” one declares.

“I am Frost - Blue Nose,” another introduces himself and asks with a feigned threat in his voice:

Which of you will decide to set off on the little path?

The guys usually already know what to answer here in unison:

We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!

Older guys sometimes feel embarrassed to recite in chorus. It is enough if at least one of the players (this may be one of the organizers of the game) utters an answer to Frosts and is the first to start running, dragging everyone else behind him to the opposite boundary of the site, where Frosts cannot run. Sometimes no one dares to do this. Then one of the Morozovs announces that everyone who does not run on the count of three will be frozen.

One two Three!

Everyone rushes to run across the platform, and Frosts tries to hit them with his hand. The person who has been soggy must stop, placing his arms to the sides and freezing without moving, like “frozen.” Other players can “unfreeze” it by touching it with their hand. Then he runs along with everyone to the opposite boundary of the site.

Having counted the “frozen” ones, both Frosts again ask the rest of the players if they would dare to set off on the little path, and, if necessary, count to three.

Running across the court in the opposite direction, the players try to help out the “frozen” ones, but the Frosts guard them and try to “freeze” someone else. After several runs, the number of “frozen” ones is counted and those who want to try themselves in the role of “Frost” are invited. Preference is given to those who have never been “frozen” and who have helped others.

Rules: 1. You can cross the site only after the words “We are not afraid of Frost!” or on the count of three. Then you can’t help but run, otherwise you become “frozen.” This also threatens those who run but come back. 2. The “frozen” one should not move until he is “unfrozen” by the one who touches him with his hand. But if the one trying to help out the “frozen” one is hit by Frost at this moment, then he himself must freeze in place. It happens that while accelerating he still touches the “frozen” one, but he must remember that such a release is no longer valid, you cannot run after it, otherwise you are out of the game. 3. Those who run beyond the long side of the site are considered to be greasy. But on the short side there is salvation: Frosts cannot run there. 4. While protecting the “frozen”, the drivers cannot hold them with their hands. 5. Sometimes it is agreed that the Frosts take those “frozen” a second time to their icy tower, where they can no longer be rescued until the drivers change.

3. "The third wheel (with a strap)"

10-40 guys play on a small platform or in a hall. Choose two drivers. The rest form a circle, facing the center in pairs: one in front of the other.

The beginning is the same as in all variants of the popular game “Third Wheel”: one driver runs away from the second and can get ahead of any pair. Then the person standing behind turns out to be third, and therefore superfluous, and must run away from the second driver.

The peculiarity of this game is that the second driver has in his hand a belt, a belt or a tourniquet twisted from a scarf, shawl, or just a piece of rope. Waving a belt or, conversely, hiding it behind his back, the second driver runs around the players, trying to slap (slap) the first driver with a belt before he stands in front of someone else's pair. If you succeed in making yourself angry, you need to throw the belt up and run away yourself, and the person who has made you angry must now catch up with him in order to get rid of him.

The situation is constantly changing, and all players have to be on their guard, especially those standing last in pairs. After all, drivers use unexpected tricks every now and then. For example, the second driver quietly passes the belt to someone in the pair, while he continues to chase the first driver. He runs away, but as soon as he reaches the player holding the belt, he whips the driver. He then throws up the belt and runs away, becoming the new first driver. The former one turns into the second driver, and must, picking up the belt, catch up with the one running away. Former second The driver, who used the “strategy”, stands in the remaining incomplete pair.

The game is ended, for example, by mutual agreement: “Here Victor takes us away - and we’re done.”

Rules: 1. Drivers should not run away from the circle or cross it. 2. The belt should be relatively soft, without knots or buckles at the end. 3. Only one hit with a belt is allowed, and a playful one at that. 4. The runner can stand in front of any standing pair. If young people are playing, then they stand side by side in pairs, holding hands or arm in arm. The free hand is kept on the belt, while the player fleeing from the driver takes the arm of any of the pair, and the one who is third runs away.

4. "Golden Gate"

Out of 6-20 participants in the game, choose two stronger ones. They step aside a little and agree which of them will be the Sun and which will be the Moon (Month). Those who have chosen the roles of the sun and moon stand facing each other, take hands and raise them, as if forming a gate. The rest of the players, holding hands, walk in a line through the “gate.” At the same time, they sing their favorite songs. When the last person to walk through the gates, they “close”: the Sun and Moon lower their raised hands and the one who walked last finds himself between them. The detainee is quietly asked where he would like to stand, behind the Moon or the Sun. Then all the players go through the “gate” again, and again the last one is stopped. This is repeated until everyone is assigned to groups. Then the groups perform tug-of-war, holding hands or using a rope, stick, etc.

This is a variation of this game. Those walking through the “gate” do not sing, but those who represent the “gate” say in recitative:

Golden Gate

They don't always miss.

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