Confident look how to do it. Exercise with a sheet of paper. Exercises to develop the power of gaze

Gaze is of great importance in intersexual communication. Many women claim that they fall in love with a man after the first eye contact. If a man can withstand a woman’s persistent gaze, expressing his determination in it, in further communication she will unconsciously show more respect for him.

A woman's look at a man is the primary test of his masculine qualities.

To quickly look away in such a situation and become embarrassed means admitting defeat. However, a woman must also be confident enough in her abilities to decide on such a test.

If the person you like averts your eyes, continue looking at him. If after this he looks at you again, this is a sure sign of sympathy. If at the same time a smile appears on his face, you can start the conversation without a doubt.

Which look is considered accidental and which is a conscious challenge? The normal time of eye contact, after which both people naturally avert their eyes, does not exceed 2–3 seconds. If a person looks at you longer, he probably has an interest in you.

View in the struggle for leadership

A glance is the most powerful non-verbal method of influence. It can subjugate a person and determine the nature of your further communication. However, can it be called a tool - something that we can consciously use for our own purposes? Can a person’s will break the instinctive desire to avert his eyes under a persistent and unbending gaze?

In nature, the strongest male will also have the most persistent gaze. You can often see how a large animal, having met the gaze of a smaller representative of its own species, turns away, as if yielding and submitting to it. Body size muscle mass, jaw size and other traits certainly influence the non-bloody determination of a dominant male. However, this is not enough.

A look is a sure sign of real strength, vital energy, the ability to fight to the end, the readiness to die in battle.

Man is a social being, so he is influenced not only by natural factors. This is morality, ethics, and social status. Thus, a long gaze in culture can simply be regarded as inappropriate behavior, and that is why a shy desire to look away will arise in us. However, the main factor influencing the persistence of the gaze is will. This is what can make your gaze your greatest psychological weapon.

The importance of eye contact

How else does our perspective influence communication? The following facts are known in psychology:

  • People who make eye contact during conversations are perceived as more honest and open.
  • Lack of eye contact in a dialogue is interpreted by us as a lack of interest.
  • During a speech, a good speaker always looks around the audience to make eye contact with everyone. This makes his speech seem more convincing.
  • Eye contact when meeting someone is extremely important. An open and good-natured look forms 30% of a person’s primary attitude.
  • Quickly looking away during an acquaintance is read as instability of character and readiness to submit.

One thing follows from these facts: the strong-willed ability to hold gaze at the eyes of another person makes the image of the beholder stronger, more powerful and influential.

However, these rules cannot be called universal. Much depends both on the nature of the gaze and on the person. Someone will consider a long look as a sign of impoliteness, someone will start to get angry, someone will get scared.

It is necessary to maintain a balance of modesty and perseverance in the gaze, corresponding to the specific situation of communication with a person.

The main thing is not to provoke a defensive or negative reaction. You can subjugate a person to your will with your gaze by inspiring respect and demonstrating a strong character, not aggression. The gaze should be calm, intent, without a shadow of pretense or shamelessness.

So is it possible to develop a strong outlook? The one that subdues and inspires respect? There are many dubious exercises on the Internet, such as looking at a candle flame and circles on paper. But the look is a continuation of yours internal state, and it will probably be different in sparring with a piece of paper and with a real person.

All exercises to strengthen your gaze will be meaningless if you cannot focus your mind on one subject while doing them. How do you want to influence others if you can't even influence yourself?

Japanese shogun Yoritomo Tashi, who had exceptional influence on people

The persistence of your gaze is an indicator of the strength of your will and thoughts. To take control of your thoughts and increase your concentration, there is one proven exercise. Count slowly from one to ten, pausing between words. If even one thought distracts you from the process, start over. Every day, try to increase the duration of the count by a couple of units. Various techniques contribute to the same.

After you have achieved some success in controlling your thoughts, try practicing it in public. Select from the crowd faces that indicate less weak character than yours. Try to hold their gaze while keeping only one thought in your mind that blocks your desire to look away. “I’m uncomfortable,” “what an awkward situation,” “this is so stupid” - all these ideas simply should not reach your consciousness.

Once this is mastered, begin to be selective about the thoughts you hold during the competition. It should not only hide your psychological weaknesses, but also give strength to your look.

Concentrate on the desire to subjugate, to show strength, authority.

Developing a confident look is not an easy task, but once you cope with it, you will see how quickly the attitude of others towards you will change.

To an attentive person, the eyes of the interlocutor say much more than the spoken words. Uncertainty in front of people and fear of the situation, an attempt to hide true intentions, all this can be determined by the look.

When a person hides his gaze, this is a message that he is uncomfortable looking into people’s eyes and is interpreted as weakness and insecurity.

There are exercises that can develop a confident look. It will help you quickly win over your interlocutor and achieve many goals.

Exercises for a confident look

If the conversation is one-on-one, the so-called “triangles” will help control your gaze. Slowly move your gaze along the trajectory of the “triangle,” alternating between three points.
Business triangle: for business and official communication the points of gaze movement are the eyes and nose. You need to look first at one eye, then slowly switch to the second, then to the nose (or lips), and again eye, eye, nose, etc.
Secular triangle: suitable for informal communication. Here you can allow a wider area of ​​vision - an eye, an eye, a button on the chest.
If the gaze in a conversation with a person is concentrated for a long time, without movement, on one point of his face - the pupil, eyebrow, bridge of the nose, then it will be perceived as heavy, hypnotic or even aggressive. If the purpose of communication is to demonstrate strength, use it.
In the East, the education of the gaze is almost an entire science called “Tramaka-Yoga”. In order to learn to give your look insightful expression, Eastern sages recommended several special exercises.

1) Sit in front of the mirror and fix your gaze on your image, first placing a small, barely noticeable dot on the bridge of your nose with a pencil. Look closely at the bridge of your nose, fixing this point. You should refrain from blinking. The gaze should be motionless, intent, but calmly directed at the point.

Start with one minute and gradually learn to stare, without blinking and motionless, at the bridge of your nose for about 15 minutes. Soon it will be possible not to put marks on the bridge of the nose, but to use only a mental representation of it.

2) Sit in front of the mirror and, fixing your gaze on the left pupil of your reflection, fix the pupil, trying, so to speak, to look into your brain. Then they direct their gaze to the right pupil and look at it just as intently. Since the previous exercises have somewhat prepared the eyes, you can start immediately with 5 minutes for each pupil

The following exercise will develop the ability to calmly look into the eyes strangers . Make it a rule that when you meet eyes in a subway car or on public transport, do not look away sharply to the side, but calmly accept the gaze of the other person, and even look for such an opportunity. At the same time, it is important to look not with challenge, but with kindness and interest. Blinking during eye contact is not prohibited - this is a physiological reaction, but smiling, that is, actually trying to earn it good mark- not worth it.
Finding a person who is willing to make eye contact for more than one second is rare. But even a second will be enough - even if it’s not you, but he, who is the first to look away. If you meet a person who is ready for longer eye contact - great - check and train your gaze, psychological confidence and stability. When your partner has already averted his eyes, you can count yourself a plus sign.

If you feel like you can't stand your gaze, remember that you don't have to look straight into the eyes. It is enough to select any point on the face. At such a distance, the accuracy of the gaze is hidden. This exercise is done until it becomes easy and stress-free to look into the eyes of strangers.

At all times, people have attached great importance to looks. The power of the beloved’s attractive eyes was sung in poetry, and a gaze clouded by heavy thoughts or burning with rage can be seen in many male portraits.

The influence of people with piercing eyes

We often wonder why some people have a strong influence on others. If they are endowed with power, wealth or strength, then everything is clear - they rely on things that are obvious to everyone.

But often people listen to the opinions of those on whom absolutely no one and nothing depends on the issue under discussion. Sometimes even those who have the right to make decisions fall under their influence. But if you take a closer look at everyone who attracts the attention of others, you can see that they all have one thing in common - piercing gaze. A person’s eyes are the first thing the interlocutor pays attention to; they inspire trust or hostility, and nothing can change this impression.

What does “piercing gaze” mean?

Throughout the history of mankind, special attention has always been paid to everything connected with them. All world religions have ideas that higher power always watch every person throughout his life.

The sun was often called the "Eye of God." All great people - rulers, scientists and cultural figures - have a piercing gaze in their images, be it a statue or a portrait. But the artists gave them different levels of forward striving, wise awareness, anger or immense kindness, depending on their character and type of activity. This means that a piercing gaze carries powerful energy for different purposes - it can attract, repel, cause fear or delight.

Innate “magic” or acquired skill?

There is a type of person about whom they say: “he has charisma”, “she is so charming”, “he is a born leader” and so on. Some people are certainly lucky to be born with such a gift.

A striking example is the memorable face of an unknown girl with a piercing gaze. The photo above leaves a lasting impression on the viewer. But often people specifically work on themselves and make a lot of effort to highlight their strengths and hide flaws. In particular, politicians and famous speakers take lessons acting, improve diction and posture. They have a special culture of movement; many of them develop a strong, confident handshake and a sincere, endearing smile with the help of special exercises. The same can be said about developing the power of gaze.

How to learn a piercing gaze?

This look is often called “central” because it is important to direct it to the center of the person’s face, the top of the bridge of the nose, where the eyebrows meet and the nose begins. It is here that we have one powerful nerve center that perceives the energy directed at it.

This place is called the “third eye” in various spiritual practices. And when the gaze is directed to this point on the interlocutor’s face, mental orders or suggestions of certain emotions and desires will lead to the goal - will cause an appropriate reaction. An important condition is that you need to not just look at the bridge of a person’s nose, but rather direct a magnetic “central gaze.” Of course, not everyone has such a skill; this requires certain skills. To develop them, you need to perform simple exercises every day.

How to make your eyes piercing?

In the morning, after all daily procedures, you need to stand in front of the mirror and look at the central part of your face in the reflection. Then you should focus on your feelings and sincerely, mentally directing a ray of light into the “third eye”, wish Have a good day, success or achieving some specific results during the day. Then “switch places” with the reflection and mentally accept, expressing your gratitude with a return glance. To complete the second exercise, you will need a candle; any candle, tea or even a souvenir candle, will do to decorate the cake. It is necessary to look at the candle flame in a quiet, calm atmosphere, mentally exchanging energy with it, and carefully examining the fire. You can start with one minute, gradually increasing the time. These exercises will allow you to develop a piercing gaze and teach you to focus on the flow of outgoing energy to achieve results. The third exercise is aimed at developing the ability to hold your gaze at one point for a long time without blinking. You need to draw a circle with a diameter of about 1 cm on a sheet of A4 paper, fix the sheet at face level and look at this circle from a distance of 2 m. It is important to imagine how energy emanates from the eyes. You cannot blink or look away from the circle for a minute, gradually increasing the time.

In what cases can a piercing gaze be used?

The ability to control your gaze will be useful in all areas of life. The seller can win over the buyer, attract his attention to his product and, finally, convince him to make a purchasing decision. You can instill a desire to possess something by experiencing pleasure from it. Of course, this technique will only be effective in conjunction with competent body language and a properly structured conversation. Parents, using a piercing gaze, can convey their emotions to the child: delight, admiration for his successes or, conversely, dissatisfaction, even anger in case of bad behavior. This method in a family works the better, the stronger the emotional ties. And there is no way to express feelings in words or actions as often as the child needs. For example, a baby is worried at a matinee in the garden, his mother cannot take him by the hand and suggest words that he forgot - but he feels a piercing loving gaze and calms down. Or a schoolboy shouts too loudly while playing with friends, and reprimanding him means undermining his authority in the company. One dissatisfied glance - and the child behaves more quietly. Often the power of a piercing gaze is used unconsciously in important life situations.

The magic of the gaze in the relationship between a man and a woman

Popular wisdom says: “the eyes are the mirror of the soul.” They reflect the true feelings of people, which is why they have been given such importance for a long time. In ancient times, it was considered indecent to look directly into the eyes of elders or strangers, and as a sign of respect they “kept their eyes down.” Girls were forbidden to look at men; many nations still have a tradition of covering a woman’s face outside the home. This is due to the enormous attractiveness of women's eyes. At all times, a girl’s piercing gaze meant sympathy, interest and an offer of acquaintance. There are entire rituals, “games with the eyes,” that every daughter of Eve knows and uses from birth. For example, by looking sideways, she intrigues a man, and a “shooting” gaze sparks his curiosity.

What does a man's gaze mean?

Often, what means interest for a woman is viewed by representatives of the stronger sex as a challenge. They are used to evaluating the world from the point of view of danger, and a man’s direct, piercing gaze has often been a manifestation of aggression since cave times.

But that doesn't mean they don't use it to attract attention. Vice versa! A man is a hunter by nature, and a gaze directed at a woman is a kind of “declaration of intent.”

In order to effectively use the power of your gaze, you need to learn to control your emotions. If a person experiences positive emotions, then there is nothing wrong with sharing them with others when his eyes radiate joy and warmth. But it is impossible to calm someone down with a look when experiencing anger, irritation or fear.

A person who is confident in himself has a special look. He is calm and sincere. He has faith in himself and confidence in his own rightness, intelligence, healthy pride, lightness.

Insecure people may look confident on the outside, but their eyes give them away. They have fear, shyness, timidity.

The question arises. How to learn this look? There are techniques that can do this.

Go to the mirror and look carefully at yourself. Try to remember those events in your life that you are proud of. Maybe it’s winning a competition or successfully defending a thesis, or maybe everyone admires your culinary skills. Remember and look at yourself in the mirror, you will feel a surge of joy and pride. Your eyes will light up, and your gaze will become brighter and bolder. This is the look of a confident person. Try to remember it.

If later during the conversation you suddenly feel that confidence is slipping away, begin to intensively remember the most successful things in your life and a confident look will reappear.

2. Calm facial expression.

The face of a self-confident person is calm, friendly, and harmonious.

Let us dwell separately on harmony. A self-confident person rarely resorts to methods that do not correspond to his life principles. Therefore, his words and emotions are always truthful. There is no disharmony on his face.

In the facial expressions of a confident person there are no halftones and hints, which are often Everyday life. Of course, it would be wrong to assume that a confident person is always uncompromising and straightforward, but basically, there is one specific emotion on his face, and it is always clear what he intends to say.

To learn how to manage your emotions, you need to practice in front of a mirror. But to consolidate the result, it is necessary that facial expressions be based on inner confidence.

3. Style that emphasizes confidence.

How should a confident person dress? In strict business suit, haute couture clothes, fashionable and always in place?

This is not what we should focus on, although all this, of course, is important. The main thing is that your clothing style should convey valuable information about your essence. So that by looking at you, we can give an adequate assessment.

Moreover, your clothing style should encourage you to perfect your look.

So, it is better for a shy person to dress as brightly as possible. This will attract attention to him. Although it will not be easy at first, gradually the shyness will go away.

If a person is timid in his actions, then a strict business suit will push him to be decisive in his actions.

4. Open and fluid gestures.

You can tell a lot about his confidence by the gestures a person displays. So, a confident person shows his hands to his interlocutor. This is a sign that he is not hiding anything. It is known that arms crossed on the chest are a sign of closedness, fenced off from the world.

He is also not characterized by imposingness and swagger. He doesn't wave his arms.

To come across as confident, you need to be precise with your gestures and only use them when necessary.

Gaze power training.
The look, in seduction, does not play last role, it often happens that one glance is enough to start the process of successful seduction. In addition, a strong gaze is necessary not only in seduction, but also in everyday life.

How to start training your eyes? In fact, this is a whole complex of physical. exercises. All exercises are divided into three groups, training time for one group is 3 weeks.

Group _1_ (Strengthening the eye muscles. 10 min. per exercise/daily)

1) Draw a small black dot on a white sheet of paper. The sheet is attached to the wall so that the point is at eye level. Sit at a distance of 1.5 arshins from the wall; the light should come from behind or from the left side. They look closely at the black dot and, without taking their eyes off it, rotate their heads in a circle, fixating the dot all the time. Gradually you need to increase the radius of the circle and the speed of rotation. If pain appears, etc., then. This means the exercise is done correctly: too fast or the radius of the circle is too large.

Start with 1 minute and go up to 10 minutes, adding one minute after a few days.

2) You need to sit in the same place, fix your gaze on the black dot and fixate it for about a minute. Then quickly and smoothly fix your gaze on the floor, then immediately on the ceiling, right and left. Direct your gaze, trying to look as closely as possible in different directions, describing zigzags, circles, triangles, etc. This exercise can be modified as follows. As you know, every wall has four corners. Let's draw a wall, marking the corners with letters. Having chosen a wall that is not occupied by anything, attach a piece of paper with a black dot in the middle.

You need to sit opposite the point and look intently at it for 1 minute. Then quickly move your gaze to corner B and immediately transfer it to corner a, then again direct it to corner b. Do this exercise several times (1-5-10), and then do it with corners d and b, and then with all four angles v-d and a - b.

After this, direct your gaze to angle a and, quickly moving to g, again direct it to angle a. Then they also practice with angles c and b. You can modify this exercise ad infinitum. Duration from 1 to 10 minutes.

3) Focus your gaze on the black dot and, without taking your eyes off it, slowly turn your head (one head, but not the body) to the right, then smoothly and calmly bring it back to its previous position and slowly turn it to the left. All the time you need to look as closely as possible at the black dot. During all these exercises, try not to blink at all, widen your eyelids and look intently. Duration from 1 to 10 minutes.

Group _2_. (Development of a fixed and firm gaze.)

After a month, the previous exercises are stopped and replaced with the following:

1) Sit down at a distance of 1.5 arshins from the wall on which a sheet of paper with a black dot is attached. (Light should be less than moderate). They fix their gaze on the black dot, fixing it without blinking.

At the moment when you feel a tingling sensation in your eyes, you must, by exerting your willpower, prevent your eyelids from drooping. This exercise starts with 1 minute and gradually increases, adding 1 minute after 3-4 days, up to 10 minutes. You should learn to look intently, motionless and without blinking for at least 5 minutes. This exercise needs to be addressed serious attention, since it is the basis of many other techniques.

2) Reposition the paper with the black dot 1 arshin to the right of the previous place, but along the same line. They sit down and look intently for 2-3 seconds at the place where the paper used to be, then turn their eyes (one eye, but not the whole head) to the right and fix (gaze intently) the black dot. Then move the face to the left and repeat the exercise. During this exercise, you need to sit in the same place; They move only a sheet of paper with a black dot and turn only the eyes, leaving the body and head alone. The duration of the exercise and time distribution are the same as before.

3) Sit against the wall. They fix their gaze on the black dot. Then, leaving the torso and head alone, they direct their eyes to the floor (you can make a dot on the floor with ink, chalk, or simply attach an object, for example, a coin) and look intently at the chosen point for 1 minute. Gradually increase the duration of fixation to 5 minutes. Then, under the same conditions (the head is held straight), they direct their gaze to the ceiling, looking intently at some small point. Start with one minute and bring it up, gradually adding 1 minute at a time, up to 5 minutes. Still, the exercise should take 10 minutes.

Group _3_. (Development of a penetrating magnetic gaze.)
And again we replace the exercises.

1) Sit down in front of the mirror and fix your gaze on your image, having first placed a small, barely noticeable dot on the bridge of your nose with a pencil. Look closely at the bridge of the nose, fixing this point. You should refrain from blinking. The gaze should be motionless, intently, but calmly fixed on the point.

Start with one minute and gradually learn to look intently, without blinking and motionless, at the bridge of your nose for 15 minutes. Soon it will be possible not to put marks on the bridge of the nose, but to use only a mental representation of it

2) They sit in front of the mirror and, fixing their gaze on the left pupil of their reflection, fix the pupil, trying, so to speak, to look into the brain itself. Then they direct their gaze to the right pupil and look at it just as intently. Since the previous exercises have somewhat prepared the eyes, you can start immediately with 5 minutes for each pupil.

3) this exercise is the most important and requires the ability to look intently, persistently, without blinking. You need to learn to put some feeling into your gaze, and the facial muscles should remain completely motionless and calm. Everything should be clear from the expression of the eyes. They sit in front of the mirror and try to put into their gaze, for example, a feeling of love and affection. Imagine that you see a person who has done you a lot of good - a person to whom you are disposed, etc., and try to evoke affectionate and kind expression eye. In the same way, learn to express other feelings with your gaze: displeasure, joy. The face should remain completely unchanged. The power of such a look is colossal. If you fix your gaze on the patient with affection and love, he will feel relief and calm down; having invested in him all the anger and hatred of which one is capable, one can force healthy person feel its burden and fall ill, and if our magnetic force is significant, then even die. When refusing someone, make your gaze firm, and the applicant will not hesitate to leave. When talking to an excited person, fix a calm gaze on him, and his excitement will disappear. If you want to subjugate a person, look at him with authority and confidence: he will be embarrassed and yield to your desires.

To strengthen the eyes, it is useful to use eye baths. Having poured water into a small basin, you need to lower your face into it, then open your eyes and try to look into the water.



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