Video lesson “Sentences with direct speech. What does a direct speech sentence consist of? What parts does a sentence with direct speech consist of? How can these parts be located in relation to each other

write down the numbers of sentences with direct speech (no punctuation marks are placed) and draw diagrams of the written sentences A. Zhukovsky perceived

Pushkin as a "future giant".

B. The father asked in surprise, did you do this?

V. Gogol marveled at the “preciousness of the Russian language.”

G. They will work, the old man said approvingly.

D. Savelich pulled my hand saying come out, sir, we've arrived.

E. He asked me what we were doing

J. At sea means at home he said.

2. Replacing sentences with direct speech from task 1 with sentences with indirect speech

1. Which word has more sounds than letters? A) Yesterday; B) five; B) snake; D) sometimes. 2. What word consists of

a prefix, a root, two suffixes and an ending?

A) Urals region; B) belated;

B) shy; D) neglect

3. Which of the following words means “very important for the present moment”?

A) Principal; B) influential;

B) relevant; D) grandiose.

4. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

A) Occupier; B) start; B) finished; D) leisure.

5. Which sentence contains a gerund?

A) Suddenly, a herd rushed past me, chased by the boys.

B) Thanks to my resourceful friend, I managed to defend my honor.

C) The one who lives life in reality, who has been accustomed to poetry since childhood, is sacred

believes in the life-giving, full of reason Russian language.

D) At such moments you rejoice immensely when you see a piece of blue sky.

6. In which line is a letter missing in all cases? And?

A) Following, shining, beloved, behind the blue forest;

B) big, locked, deafened, in front of a frozen lake;

C) just think about it, the cucumber is breathing, over the visible forest;

D) be_possible, expose, see, visit the greenhouse.

7. In which line should you write in all words? b?

A) Slice, backhand, five hundred, in a wolf pack;

B) berech_, lantern_schik, luxury_, nine_hundred;

C) don’t list, hut, eighteen, hare cabbage;

D) eat_, minced_, gallop_, seventeen, swan_and feathers.

8. In which word is the letter missing after the sibilant? O?

A) Sh_pot; B) z_lud; B) black_porn; D) h_tny.

9. Which word is missing two letters? nn?

A) collected cucumbers; B) fried meat;

B) sauerkraut; D) frozen fish.

10. In which phrase is the type of connection adjacency?

B) goes on the road;

B) return from school;

D) note paper.

11. In which sentence should you put a dash?

A) The Volga is the largest river in Europe.

B) Snow is like sugar.

C) There are different pear, plum and apple trees growing in the garden.

D) But the hour came and you left home.

12. In which sentence are punctuation marks correct?

A) Neither your laughter nor your cheerful talk drove away your dark thoughts.

B) The bears continued to walk in single file, without increasing their pace or changing

directions of your path.

C) Sometimes a pole or log floats by like a dead snake.

D) The stars began to fade and the sky began to become clouded.

13. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences?

We (1) in his opinion (2) were lost (3) and he (4) to his great chagrin (5) was completely confused and did not know what to do.

A) 1, 3 B) 2, 3, 4 C) 4.5 D) 1,2,3,4,5.

14. Which sentence requires only one comma?

A) Already crawled high into the mountains and lay there in a damp gorge, curled up in a bundle and

looking out to sea.

B) Streams of smoke curled in the night air, full of moisture and freshness of the sea.

C) The sun, hiding behind a narrow bluish cloud, gilds its edges.

D) He ran headlong down the stairs and jumped out into the street.

15. In which of the sentences with direct speech was there an error when placing punctuation marks?

A) “What should I call you?” - asked the landowner.

B) “Really, stay, Pavel Ivanovich! - said Manilov when they

went out onto the porch. “Look at the clouds.”

B) “Okay, okay!” - Aigul laughed: “The agreement more expensive than money».

D) “Yes,” said Aivaz, “I can start work right now.”


(1) I have long noticed one sad circumstance: the current impoverishment of nature has not at all increased people’s responsibility for the world entrusted to them, has not made them kinder, more careful towards little brothers and to green living. (2) No one is embarrassed that daisies are included in the list of protected, that is, endangered plants. (3) This is our Russian chamomile, which until recently covered the clearings and meadows with a white and gold carpet! (4) But, once in nature, people still collect them in bouquets, weave chamomile wreaths, and in the spring they pick off lilies of the valley and night violets, but the situation with them is even worse than with daisies. (5) And at least someone would think: what will remain for our children, not to mention our grandchildren? (6) Fields without daisies, forests without fragrant lilies of the valley - an empty world, devoid of all beauty and aroma.

(7) No, it seems that everyone is preoccupied with one thing: to grab more today, while some flowers are still blooming, something is flying in the sky, something is floating in the water. (8) Blind poaching greed owns souls.

(Yu. Nagibin)

16. Determine the part of speech of the word subject to in sentence 2.

17. Write out the comparative adverbs from the text.

18. From sentences 4-8, write down the introductory word.

19. From the 4th sentence, write down the word formed in the prefix-suffix way.

20. Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author. State the author's position. Write whether you agree or disagree with the author's point of view. Explain why. Give reasons for your answer.

Help me decide 1. Which word has more sounds than letters? A) Yesterday; B) five; B) snake; D) sometimes. 2. What word consists of a prefix, a root, two

suffixes and endings? A) Urals region; B) belated; B) shy; D) neglect 3. Which of the following words means “very important for the present moment”? A) Principal; B) influential; B) relevant; D) grandiose. 4. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable? A) Occupier; B) start; B) finished; D) leisure. 5. Which sentence contains a gerund? A) Suddenly, a herd rushed past me, chased by the boys. B) Thanks to my resourceful friend, I managed to defend my honor. C) The one who lives life in reality, who has become accustomed to poetry since childhood, sacredly believes in the life-giving, full of reason Russian language. D) At such moments you rejoice immensely when you see a piece of blue sky. 6. In which line is the letter and missing in all cases? A) Following, shining, beloved, behind the blue forest; B) pr_big, locked, deaf_my, in front of a frozen lake C) pr_think, cucumber, he is breathing, above the visible forest; D) be_possible, expose, see, visit the greenhouse. 7. In which line should you write ь in all words? A) Slice, backhand, five hundred, in a wolf pack; B) berech_, lantern_schik, luxury_, nine_hundred; C) don’t list, hut, eighteen, hare cabbage; D) eat_, minced_, gallop_, seventeen, swan_and feathers. 8. In which word is the letter o missing after the sibilant? A) Sh_pot; B) z_lud; B) black_porn; D) h_tny. 9. Which word is missing two letters nn? A) collected cucumbers; B) fried meat; B) sauerkraut; D) frozen fish. 10. In which phrase is the type of connection adjacency? A) goes further; B) goes on the road; B) return from school; D) note paper. 11. In which sentence should you put a dash? A) The Volga is the largest river in Europe. B) Snow is like sugar. C) There are different pear, plum and apple trees growing in the garden. D) But the hour came and you left home. 12. In which sentence are punctuation marks correct? A) Neither your laughter nor your cheerful talk drove away your dark thoughts. B) The bears continued to walk in single file, without increasing their pace or changing the direction of their path. C) Sometimes a pole or log floats by like a dead snake. D) The stars began to fade and the sky began to become clouded. 13. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences? We (1) in his opinion (2) were lost (3) and he (4) to his great chagrin (5) was completely confused and did not know what to do. A) 1, 3 B) 2, 3, 4 C) 4.5 D) 1,2,3,4,5. 14. Which sentence requires only one comma? A) Already crawled high into the mountains and lay there in a damp gorge, curled up in a bundle and looking out to sea. B) Streams of smoke curled in the night air, full of moisture and freshness of the sea. C) The sun, hiding behind a narrow bluish cloud, gilds its edges. D) He ran headlong down the stairs and jumped out into the street. 15. In which of the sentences with direct speech was there an error when placing punctuation marks? A) “What should I call you?” - asked the landowner. B) “Really, stay, Pavel Ivanovich! - Manilov said when they went out onto the porch. “Look at the clouds.” B) “Okay, okay!” - Aigul laughed: “An agreement is more valuable than money.” D) “Yes,” said Aivaz, “I can start work right now.”

Our topic today is sentences with direct speech. Examples of such sentences are found everywhere: in fiction, magazines, newspapers, journalistic materials. Already from the very name “direct speech” it becomes clear that in in this case the author of the text conveys the words of a person exactly as they were spoken.

What is the difference between direct speech and indirect speech?

With direct speech, any utterance retains its characteristics - syntactic, lexical and stylistic. It is connected with the words of the author only in intonation and meaning, while remaining an independent construction.

If we are talking about sentences with indirect speech, then the author conveys someone else’s speech without its syntactic, stylistic and lexical features, keeping only the content of the statement unchanged. Moreover, depending on the author’s goals and context, the statement can be changed.

Let's take a closer look at sentences with direct speech. Examples of such structures might look like this:

  • Ivan said: “Let’s quickly clean up the classroom and go to the park!”
  • “It’s warm outside today,” Anna noted. “It seems that spring has finally come into its own.”
  • “Would you like some tea?” - Daniel asked the guests.

Now let’s try to reformulate these same sentences so that instead of direct speech they use indirect speech:

  • Ivan suggested quickly finishing cleaning the classroom and going to the park.
  • Anna noted that it had become unusually warm outside and spring had finally come into its own.
  • Daniel asked the guests if they would like to drink tea.

Basics of spelling sentences with direct speech

Punctuation when conveying direct speech directly depends on how the statement is positioned in a sentence relative to the words of the author.

Direct speech at the beginning of a sentence

The entire statement in this case is highlighted in quotation marks (“”). Depending on the type (exclamation or interrogative), the further transition to the author’s words may be different:

  • for declarative sentences:“DIRECT SPEECH,” - the words of the author;
  • for exclamatory (motivational) sentences:"DIRECT SPEECH!" - words of the author;
  • for interrogative sentences:"DIRECT SPEECH?" - author's words.

Pay attention! In declarative sentences, there is NOT a period at the end of the quotation. But an exclamation or an exclamation mark is a must. In addition, in declarative sentences there is a comma after the quotation marks, but in other cases there is not.

Here are some examples:

  • “There will be a lot of mushrooms in the forest today,” the grandfather noted.
  • “Do you think there will be a lot of mushrooms in the forest today?” - asked the boy.
  • “There are so many mushrooms in the forest today!” - Zhenya exclaimed.

Direct speech at the end of a sentence

In another case, direct speech may be located after the author’s words. Here everything is much simpler: immediately after the author’s words a colon is placed, and the entire quote is again enclosed in quotation marks.

Let's consider similar sentences with direct speech. Examples might look like this:

  • Anya said: “I read an interesting book.”
  • The librarian asked: “Have you finished reading the book you borrowed a week ago?”
  • Dima exclaimed: “I have never read a more interesting story in my life!”

Pay attention! In a declarative sentence, the quotation marks are closed first, and only then a period is added. But if you need to put an exclamation point, it must be placed exclusively inside quotation marks.

Direct speech between the words of the author

If a quote from someone’s statement is located between two fragments of the author’s words, the above rules seem to be combined.

Not clear? Then let's try with direct speech of this type:

  • He said: “It looks like it will rain today,” and put the umbrella in his bag.
  • Igor asked: “How are you doing?” - and handed his classmate a bouquet of wild flowers.
  • Katya shouted: “Faster! Everyone here!” - and began to wave her arms vigorously to attract attention.

You already know these rules, and therefore there should be no problems with such proposals at all - just be more careful!

Direct speech that is interrupted by the author's text

But this is quite interesting guy proposals.

As always, direct speech begins with quotation marks. Before the author's words there is a comma and a dash, and after that there is a period, a dash and the continuation of the quotation. At the same time direct speech continues with a capital letter! At the end of a sentence, quotation marks are closed.

Let's look at such sentences with direct speech in practice. Examples that can be given in this case:

  • “Let's buy a bouquet of flowers,” Lena suggested. “We’ll give it to mom.”
  • “Grandma loves this set very much,” Roman noted. “My grandfather gave it to me.”

Pay attention! If, due to a break in direct speech, the first part loses its semantic completeness and a feeling of understatement appears, then after the author’s words you need to put a comma, and the continuation of direct speech needs to begin with a small letter.

  • “It would be nice,” said Igor, “it would be nice to walk along the embankment in the evening.”
  • “It seems,” the girl noted, “they promised rain today.”

Simply put, if a sentence can be divided into two, and the reader will still understand everything, a period is needed. And if one of the fragments of direct speech individually does not carry any meaning, it makes sense to put a comma and continue the thought with a small letter.

Parsing sentences with direct speech

With direct speech, it is practically no different from ordinary speech. However, you will need, among other things, to name the author and direct speech, parse them (as two separate sentences), explain the placement of punctuation marks, and also draw a diagram.

This is how, in practice, direct speech turns out to be completely simple and understandable. The main thing is to analyze each example and try to create your own options based on the model.

Sentences with direct speech

Sentences with direct speech consist of the author’s words and direct speech:

“I’ll go to the Volga the day after tomorrow,” said Sasha. (A. Chekhon)

In this sentence the words authorv - Sasha said; direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks. Author's words (words introducing direct speech) part include verbs said, thought, asked, wrote, read, whispered, exclaimed, etc.

1) M. Gorky wrote: " Good book, - just a holiday.
2) “I owe everything good in me to books,” said M. Gorky.
3) “What books do you like?” - asked Vera Vasilievna.
4) “This book is amazing! This is truly a marvelous miracle!” - wrote Lev Kassil.

Direct Speech Sentence Schemes

1) A: "P".
2) “P”, -a.
3) “P?” - A.
4) “P!” - A.

In writing, direct speech is enclosed in quotation marks.

If author's words stand before direct speech, then a colon is placed after them, direct speech is written with a capital letter.

Direct speech. Rules

From the examples given in this lesson, you have already figured out for yourself what sentences with direct speech can be and analyzed the scheme of sentences with direct speech, but now let's try to formulate a definition and find out what is called direct speech.

Direct speech refers to words that belong to someone, but which are transmitted without changes.

In another way, we can also say that direct speech is a structure in which the words of the person to whom these words or speech belong are conveyed verbatim.

Let's give an example:

1. My mother called me: “Sasha, go home!”;
2. “What time is it?” - asked Sasha;
3. “Half past one,” my mother answered.
4. “Can I walk a little more?” - asked Sasha.
5. Mom said: “First you need to have lunch and sit down for your homework.”

Each sentence in which direct speech is present consists of two parts: the words of the author and direct speech. These parts of the sentence are interconnected in meaning and intonation.

We can also say that direct speech is someone else’s speech, although it is conveyed verbatim on behalf of the person to whom it belongs.

If we talk about the order of constructing a sentence with direct speech, then this does not matter, since the author’s words can be after direct speech or come before it.

Here's an example:

“Can you tell me where the pharmacy is?” - asked the stranger.
I replied, “Walk one block and there will be a pharmacy.”
"Thanks a lot!" - the stranger thanked.

We see that in the first sentence the author’s words are after direct speech, but in the second sentence they are before direct speech.

Now let's look at the picture and remember the basic patterns that occur in sentences with direct speech:


1. Make up sentences in which the author’s words will appear at the end of the sentence.

2. Invent short story, in which direct speech and the words of the author can be either at the beginning of the sentence or at the end.

3. Read the sentences below. Try to remake them so that the author’s words come first, followed by direct speech:

Punctuation marks

When writing a sentence with direct speech, you should remember that direct speech is always written in quotation marks, and the first word of direct speech must be capitalized.

For example: Nikita asked: “Have you done your homework yet?”

A: "P". A: “P?” A: “P!”

If direct speech is written before the author’s words, then after direct speech we must put a dash before the author’s words. But it should be noted that in this case the words of the author should be written with a small letter.

Also, you should remember that at the end of direct speech, before the words of the author, depending on the sentence, you must put a comma, exclamation point or question mark:

“P” – a. "P?" - A. "P!" - A.


1. Using the diagrams provided, come up with your own sentences and write them down in your notebook.
2. Choose sentences with direct speech from famous fairy tales and make diagrams based on these proposals.
3. What punctuation marks are used in these sentences? Try to explain why these particular signs are used in the sentence.
4. Read the sentences carefully and rewrite them so that they contain direct speech.

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