Types and functions of social communication. Mass communication in modern society

Communication culture is determined by the prevailing norms and methods of recording, storing and disseminating cultural meanings in society, i.e. by the type of social communication. The following levels of communication culture are distinguished: literature - bookishness - multimedia. Moreover, bookishness is divided into three generations: handwritten books, industrial printing, and machine printing. It should be noted that the chronology of changes in ACS for different geographical regions not the same due to the unevenness of their cultural development.

There is no need to consider previous communication systems in detail in this coursework; for comparison, we will give a brief comparative analysis(Table 1).

Table 1. Comparison of literature, bookishness, multimedia.

Matching options





technical base


One of the crafts

or industry


scientific and technical industries



Whole population

Social groups of literate, educated, scientists

Whole population

Forms of communication activities

Imitation, control, dialogue



Social memory

Distributed to individual memory of contemporaries

Overloaded with uncontrolled document funds

Automatic control

and search in databases

Perception of the message

Easy thanks to speaking skill

Literacy required

and reading skill

Easy, but requires skill in handling equipment

Guarantee of truthfulness

Frankness of the non-verbal channel

Communication barriers

Interlingual, social, psychological

Reading difficulties, censorship

information crisis,

Owner censorship

tele-computer media

Scope of action

Small social groups

National Community


Deification, fetishization

The word is a gift from the gods

Cult of sacred books; the book is a torch of Reason and Goodness

The role and importance of communications in the management process is so great that it is difficult to give an exhaustive list of implemented functions. Communication permeates all activities of an organization and affects the most different aspects her life. Therefore, the list of functions can be expanded and supplemented depending on the point of view and the aspect under consideration. Thus, in addition to the functions listed above, some experts highlight, for example, the expressive function associated with the manifestation of feelings, the function of self-presentation, the function of forming group consciousness, social control, socialization of the individual. In the process of work, managers have to conduct many conversations, negotiations, meetings, during which new questions and tasks arise, and, accordingly, there is a need for the implementation of additional, specific functions. For example, recognizing and understanding the hidden personal interests of employees; ensuring attention to detail verbal and nonverbal communication. Communications are manifested mainly in the presence of information connections. If information connections are broken or there are none at all, there is no and cannot be communication.

Information is necessary condition communications, but the concept of communication is not completely reducible to the concept of information or information connections. The personal factor also plays an important role in communications, so often when transmitting the same information, 16 communications develop differently. In this regard, two aspects of communication should be taken into account - informational and personal. In this case, we will call communications at the level of communication between individuals interpersonal, and communications at the level of the organization as a whole and at its various levels - organizational (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1.1.

Thus, communications in organizations are the most important connecting process, providing the ability to transmit information necessary in the management process and ensure interaction between employees. The belief that the distribution of information is communication misleads organizations. They confuse information with communication. The exchange and distribution of information is the first, but not the last step in the communication process. Information can travel along wires. Communication takes place “between the ears.” Communications combine two branches - the process of information transfer and interaction. The process of information transfer involves the transmission and reception of data, information, concepts and messages and includes issues of improving the processes of popularization, structuring and extracting meaning. Interaction has to do with how people relate to each other and includes issues of relationships, intimacy, trust and cooperation. To achieve success, both of these branches must be combined.

We live in a period when the dominance of machine printing is gradually giving way to multimedia television and computer channels. We can talk about the beginning of the formation of a multimedia OKS. The use of electromechanical (telegraph, telephone, phonograph, cinema) or radio-electronic (radio, television, video recording) devices does not mean going beyond the boundaries of book communication culture, because the main cultural meanings are recorded, transmitted and stored in documentary form. New communication means complement industrial bookishness, but do not replace it, i.e. In the present conditions, what is happening is not a crisis of the previous communication system, but its evolution.

The currently formed prerequisites for the formation of such a society largely determine the specifics of public communications. Already now, there are ample opportunities for carrying out communication processes without entering into direct contact, but there is also no need to make serious efforts to implement it. Development cellular communications, the Internet, satellite communication systems and other technological devices, including videophones and high-speed data transmission technologies have led to the fact that man has changed the communication space.

Psychology and esoterics

The difference is that the main function of PR is managerial and priority is given to interpersonal communication. At some enterprises there are available for internal communication closed systems radio broadcasting and television. Effective communication is made up of many components. It also depends on the choice of words and speech patterns adopted in business sphere communication and the correct orientation towards the type of communication, interpersonal, intragroup or mass.

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Introduction. 3

1 The role of communication in modern society............................................ 4

2. Types of mass communications. 8

2.1 Oral phase. 8

2.2 Written phase. 8

2.3Book phase. 9

2.4 Telecommunications. 10

2.5 Computer phase. 10

3 Types of electronic communication. 12

3.1 Demassification. 13

3.2 Development of the Internet and its future. 14

3.3 Radio. 15

3.4 Television. 16

Conclusion. 19

List of used literature... 20


Communication is the process of exchanging information between systems. Mass communication is a historically established and developing over time technically mediated process of creation, storage, distribution, dissemination, perception of information and its exchange between a social subject (communicator) and an object (communicator).

The concepts of “mass communication” and “mass information” actively entered the language at the end of the 20th century. What is associated with sociologists’ understanding of the characteristics of behavior within a specific type social community“mass”, “crowd”, “public”, and with the technogenic factor: the emergence of fundamentally new means of transmitting information. The means of communication act as a material, material component of the communication process and always express a method of transmission, preservation, production and distribution cultural values in society. Media of mass communication (MSC) are technical means (print, radio, cinema, television, computer networks) with the help of which information (knowledge, spiritual values, moral and legal norms, etc.) is disseminated to quantitatively large dispersed audiences. Mass communication is one of those important phenomena of society that significantly affects the development public relations, she actively participates in the process of formation of public opinion.

The role of communication in modern society

When working with information (knowledge) became one of the productive forces of society, countries appeared (such as Japan) that build their economic well-being in to a large extent using this area. Other economic interests benefit from other types of infrastructures. E. Toffler speaks of information as a raw material: “For the third wave civilization, one of the main types of raw material, and inexhaustible, will be information, including imagination.”

All this is largely due to the fact that modern society has reached a more complex stage of its organization, which requires more advanced coordination processes for the successful functioning and relies more heavily on information processes. A similar example was observed during the period of the emergence of writing in China.

The end of the twentieth century brought communication processes to a new level, when states became largely interested in them in the military field. It's about about the phenomenon of information wars. E. Toffler first spoke on this topic in his theory of the typology of wars. Wars of the agrarian period were fought over territories, Wars of the industrial period were fought over means of production. Wars of the information age will be fought over the means of processing and generating information (knowledge).

American analysts have summarized a set of threats arising from this development of information technology. Such analysis is very important for national security.

Thus, the following set of threats exists:

Information Technology pose a danger to all countries;

At the same time, there are no legal mechanisms to counter them, or approval by the entire international community;

The emergence of new methods of manipulating perception and emotions. Interests, choice;

Availability of large amounts of information for everyone (including terrorists).

Towards an information war modern world The globalization of modern media, which are gradually becoming equal participants in decision-making, is also pushing us forward. The so-called “CNN effect” has emerged, which occurs when the priorities of a communication channel begin to dictate terms to politicians and decision makers.

The military, in turn, opened it up as follows, creating three lists of threats: A – threat to survival, B – threat to Western interests, C – indirect impact on Western interests (for example, Kosovo, Bosnia, Somalia, etc.) At the same time researchers emphasize that latest list is the focus of mass media attention in the information age. The peculiarities of the communication channel and the peculiarities of human perception of information dictate the priorities to which policy begins to adapt.

Modern countries encounter other types information impact, with which they are not ready to operate. However, they are not of a military nature and for this reason the state does not have an adequate system for responding to them. These could be various types of information attacks using the mass media, it could be psychological impact on the entire population in order to undermine confidence in leaders and their actions. By the way, the general scheme of all these arguments is as follows: the stronger a country becomes in information terms, the more vulnerable its information infrastructure can become. More precisely, we can say that the country has new points of vulnerability that were not present at the previous stage of its development.

All these parameters show new status information in modern society, demanding a different attitude from society and the state machine. Unfortunately, the CIS countries still do not sufficiently understand the inevitability of such a development in the world. Even official American documents use the term "global information environment", which has an impact on political, economic and military actions.

No less significant than the impact on the enemy is attention to a friendly or neutral audience. The world is full of stereotypes, which are often disadvantageous for a particular nationality. There is an active struggle against such negative perceptions of one nationality within the framework of popular culture another. It is known that the Japanese bought shares of Hollywood companies in order to influence how they would look in American films Japanese. Similarly, he tries to influence Western film perceptions and Arab world. The new information world sets its priorities differently and relies on new types of opportunities. And the status of the sciences of the communication cycle is increasing. This area also has its own “globalists”, who have locked the entire world into communication. This is Marshall McLuhan and Alvin Toffler.

M. McLuhan's concept can be described in several ways fundamental ideas:

Increasing the role of the communication channel itself, which in some cases sets the message itself. McLuhan also emphasizes that modern means communications no longer convey so much the message itself as its author, for example, referring to television;

The universality of his approach led to viewing the world as one global village, the unity of which was achieved through the media.

He proposed a very interesting distinction between “hot” and “cold” media. Hot means load the sense organ completely, cold means, due to insufficient information certainty, force all sense organs to connect. Radio, from his point of view, is a hot medium, television is a cold medium, since radio “does not evoke such a high degree of audience participation in its programs as television. Its role is to create a background sound or eliminate noise, as in the case of the teenager who discovered in the radio a means of isolating himself from his surroundings. Television is not suitable for creating a background. It attracts us, and, as they say, we cannot do without it.

Such concepts are also interesting because they instantly penetrate the mass consciousness, perhaps even initially being created not only with specialists in mind.

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Communication in the broadest sense of the word is communication from one person to another. The same concept in an organizational context is considered as a process (communication is the communication of people: the exchange of thoughts, ideas, information, feelings, intentions) and an object (it is a set of technical means that ensure the transfer of information).

The functions of communication are also regulatory and communicative. However, researchers define them differently. After reading this article, you will learn what the essence, tasks and role of communication are. We will also talk about the functions of this process.

Communication process and its role

The communication process is an exchange of information carried out between two or more individuals. Its purpose is to ensure the understanding and transmission of information that is the subject of exchange.

We transmit and receive information in order to:

  • inform other people about something (for example, a press release or teletext);
  • warn others (shouting or road signs);
  • explain something (textbook);
  • entertain ( Feature Film or anecdote);
  • convince someone (a poster calling for something);
  • describe something ( oral history or documentary).

These are the goals of communication. Most often, there are several of them within one process. For example, a film can inform, entertain, warn, describe, and explain.

Satisfying human needs in the communication process

The main reason we all need communication is the social needs of the individual or group. A person enters into the process of communication in order to satisfy his immediate needs. Therefore, the above objectives of communication serve to satisfy basic human needs. Among them the following stand out:

  • survival;
  • personal needs;
  • collaboration with others;
  • maintaining relationships;
  • persuading someone to think or act in a certain way;
  • unification of organizations and societies into a single whole;
  • exercising power over people (in particular, propaganda);
  • manifestation of imagination and creative nature;
  • awareness of the world around us and our experience in it (what we think about ourselves, what we believe, how we treat others, what is true).

Groups of human needs

Human needs are usually divided into the following groups:

  • social;
  • personal;
  • economic;
  • creative.

For the purpose of understanding and interpreting what constitutes scientific knowledge about the various laws of interaction, we are interested, first of all, in the social and personal needs of the individual.

Communication Components

If mutual understanding is not achieved, we can say that communication has not taken place. It follows from this that both parties play an active role in this process. The communication process is the interaction of a number of components. Let's briefly consider the main ones.


A communicator, or sender, is a person who generates an idea or collects information and then transmits it. The sender is not just a source of information. It also acts as an encoder for the messages it transmits and as a decoder for the information it receives through feedback channels. In addition, the communicator is the person responsible for forming target audience and creating or selecting a key message.


An encoding device, or encoding, is a type of information transformation by a communicator. There is written and oral coding.

Oral means that the transfer of information is carried out through verbal or non-verbal methods (tone, facial expressions, and gestures often become much more important than ordinary words). An example of oral encoding is the translation of a message for deaf people. In this case, ordinary words are encoded with special signs that are transmitted to the addressee in a non-verbal way.

Written encoding is of the following types:

  • electronic, when letters are converted into symbols (0 and 1);
  • special when letters are converted into sounds (for example,

Channel and decoder

It is also necessary to consider such a concept as a channel. It is a means of transmitting information (meetings, written communication, oral transmission, telephone conversations, reports, computer networks, Email etc.).

A decoder (decoding) is a type of message transformation by the recipient. These are the same tools and methods that are used for encoding, only in in this case they are used in reverse.

Barriers and interference

Barriers and interference may interfere with the transmission of information. There are the following types: age, social, terminological, racial, linguistic, economic, political, the addressee’s ability to perceive information, noise, stereotypes, technology failures, etc.

Addressee, result of communication, feedback

The addressee (recipient) is the person to whom the message is intended and who interprets it. The result of communication is the receipt and interpretation of a given message. And finally Feedback- These are the addressee's responses to the message.

Communication functions

Since the time of Aristotle, thinkers have noted that the process of communication can manifest itself in different ways. From internal and external conditions environment, the declared and true goals of the parties, the number of participants, strategies and means of execution, etc. depend on its essence. The functions of communication should be determined taking into account the influence of numerous factors on it. In the real process of transmitting messages, even in one communicative act, several functions are sometimes combined. Moreover, one or two of them are decisive, basic. We can also talk about the functions of this communication in general, that is, about what its role is in the life and activities of society and people.

As a rule, communication functions are isolated only for the purposes of applied scientific or research analysis. For example, this is necessary for consulting activities. An interaction model can be built by determining which functions are primary and which are secondary.

Communication models

To date, many communication models have accumulated in educational and specialized literature. Most of them were described by researchers in the 20th century. However, Aristotle proposed the first model known to us. Based on it, one can determine the tasks, functions of communication and its meaning. In his works “Rhetoric” and “Poetics”, the thinker presented the following model: “speaker-speech-listener”. He pointed out that this classical model is universal, as it fully reflects the act of communication in both written and oral forms.

However, in the first half of the 20th century, when mass media such as cinema, radio, and television began to develop, the classical model was slightly modified. In the 21st century, due to the development of computer technology, economic integration and political globalization, this model requires an even more in-depth interpretation. Once again, researchers are faced with the task of determining the main functions of mass communication.

Jacobson model

According to R.O. According to Jacobson, the addresser and the addressee take part in a speech event or communication. The message is sent from the first to the second. This message is written using code. In Jacobson's model, context is related to what content the this message, with the information transmitted to them. The concept of contact refers to the regulatory aspect of communication.

Functions of communication according to Jacobson

According to Jacobson's model, the following six functions can be distinguished:

The transfer of information influences a person’s actions and actions, his behavior, his state inner world and his organization. This is also indicated by some communication functions. The specificity of the process that interests us is that with its help the mental worlds of people interact with each other.

However, are only people capable of entering into this process? As we noted above, the concept of communication can be viewed in several senses. Its functions described above are inherent in human communication. However, this does not mean that communication can only take place in the human world. We invite you to get acquainted with its diversity.

Diversity of communication

So, this process is noted not only in human society. Communication is also characteristic of animals (the language of bees, capercaillie mating, mating dances of birds) and of mechanisms, that is, objects created by man (sewage, pipelines, telephone and telegraph signals, transport). Communications of a special kind can be observed even in inanimate nature. For example, it is carried out between some plants.

In particular, the African acacia, releasing special enzyme compounds into the surrounding space, informs other acacias about the invasion of a giraffe, which eats tree shoots. The leaves of trees that have received this information quickly acquire qualities that, from the animal’s point of view, are characteristic of inedible food. The process described above is characterized by the basic functions of communication and its characteristics. This means that it can be characterized by the term that interests us.

We briefly described the concept, role, and functions of communication. The material presented above reveals the main aspects of this topic.

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