War and peace children's drawings. How to draw a war with a pencil step by step

"War through the eyes of children." Drawings and reflections

Photo report from the exhibition of children's drawings “The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

Voronkina Lyudmila Artemyevna, teacher additional education MBOUDOD DTDM g.o. Tolyatti
instilling a sense of pride and gratitude to the soldiers and officers of the Great Patriotic War who saved humanity from fascism;
fostering respect for veterans.
Audience: for any age from 6 years...
The war of 1941-1945 has left us for sixty-nine years, but its cruel tragic image, 1418 alarming days and nights of the Great Patriotic War with the fascist hordes will forever remain in the memory of mankind. The exploits of those who freed the people from enslavement, saved world civilization and brought long-awaited peace to people will never be forgotten.

Not much time will pass and the opportunity to recreate the “living history” of the war will be destroyed forever. This is why children’s interest in the events of the terrible 40s on the eve of their 69th anniversary is so valuable. Great Victory.

What motivates the guys, what prompts them to return again and again to the events of 70 years ago? They are looking for their past, their roots, studying the history of the war not only fiction, documentary essays about the war, but also based on the memories of grandfathers and great-grandfathers passed down from generation to generation. Young authors wrote down their stories - this is living history Great Patriotic War. We, adults, understand: the worst thing that could happen to our ordinary children, who, fortunately, did not hear the howl of bombs, did not know the horrors of war, is ignorance and insensitivity. The worst thing is because without yesterday there is neither today nor tomorrow.

For the essays “War through the eyes of children”, for the respect shown to the veterans who defended the independence of our Motherland in a fierce battle with fascism, for the memory of the heroic past of our people, I thank the students of the creative association “Needlewoman”:
Plekhanov Irina
Kivilevich Anastasia
Neverov Oksana
Balanyuk Evelina
Manakhova Elizaveta
Thank you young artists participating in the competition visual arts"Forever in the memory of the people."
Many years have passed since the Great Patriotic War, but the stories of grandfathers and great-grandfathers resurrect scary image of the past, so that we know that it was so, so that we would take care of the world that the soldiers won for us. To remember the heroes who gave the Motherland the Great Victory!
The most significant day in our history. The day when Nazi Germany fell. The day when the Soviet flag was raised over the Reichstag. A day that went down in history as a day of greatness Soviet army. This day is May 9th.
On the eve of the main holiday of the country in our creative association An essay and drawing competition “War Through the Eyes of Children” was held. An exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” began its work. The exhibition presents works in different genres. The drawings displayed in the hall are the work of our students, young and old. Some of the artists recently turned 7 years old, but their paintings are already on display at the exhibition.
June. Russia. Sunday.
Dawn in the arms of silence.
A fragile moment remains
Before the first shots of the war.

In a second the world will explode
Death will lead the parade alley,
And the sun will go out forever
For millions on earth.

A mad storm of fire and steel
It won't turn back on its own.
Two “supergods”: Hitler – Stalin,
And between them there is a terrible hell.

June. Russia. Sunday.
The country is on the brink: to be or not to be...
And this is an eerie moment
We will never forget...
(D. Popov)

Children of war, you didn’t know childhood.
The horror of those years from the bombings is in my eyes.
You lived in fear. Not everyone survived.
The bitterness of wormwood is still on my lips.
Svetlana Sirena.

author: Lena Vasilyeva 7 years old

The war took a terrible toll on children’s destinies,
It was difficult for everyone, difficult for the country,
But childhood is seriously mutilated:
Children suffered greatly from the war.
V. Shamshurin

Alarm over the country:
The enemy crept up like a thief at night.
Coming to our cities
Black horde of fascists.
But we will throw away the enemy this way,
How strong our hatred is,
What are the dates of the current attacks?
The people will be glorified for centuries.
(A. Barto)

The barge accepted the precious cargo -
The children of the blockade sat in it.
The faces are not childish, the color of starch,
There is grief in my heart.
The girl clutched the doll to her chest.
The old tugboat left the pier,
He pulled the barge towards distant Kobon.
Ladoga gently rocked the children,
Hiding the big wave for a while.
The girl, hugging the doll, dozed off.
A black shadow ran across the water,
Two Messerschmitts fell into a dive.
Bombs, baring their sting fuses,
They howled angrily in a deadly rush.
The girl pressed the doll harder...
The explosion tore the barge apart and crushed it.

Ladoga suddenly swung open to the bottom
And it swallowed up both old and small.
Only one doll floated out,

The one that the girl pressed to her chest...

The wind of the past shakes the memory,
In strange visions, it disturbs you in your sleep.
I often dream about big eyes
Those who remained on the Ladoga bottom.
Dreaming as if in a dark, damp depth
A girl is looking for a floating doll.
(A. Molchanov)

Last first fight
The bells sounded the alarm,
The ground is burning and tank tracks are clanging.
The flare went up
Scattering into thousands of remains.

And so the first platoon went on the attack,
There are boys there who are nineteen.
Tell me, fate, what is your turn?
And how many times should you go on the attack?

He was the first to go: handsome, young,
His fiancée wrote to him yesterday.
The first fight was the last -
An accidental explosion and the boy was gone.

Get up, soldier!
Well, why are you quiet?!
Get up, dear!
The earth will give you strength...
But he didn't get up. The poet will write a poem,
And he will read it aloud over the mass grave.
It was forty-one. There was a fierce battle
For the Motherland, for the blue sky.
For you and I to breathe...
Let us remember those who did not come from the battle.
N. Seleznev.

Russia will not forget the beardless faces
Defending the sunrise of the cornflower spring.
We will never dream of anything again,
So watch our youthful dreams for us.
We will never wear our medals
And we won’t march along the stands in parade formation.
We are lost, but we and the lost believe:
The history of our names will not forget.
We will return home to stay there forever,
Us last song they will sing in churches.
After all Russian soldier doesn't know how to give up
If he defends his Fatherland.
Stepan Kadashnikov

For a small representative of humanity, drawing is a way to express oneself, to express one’s attitude towards the surrounding reality. This is creativity, work, and the process of development. With the help of drawings, the child tries to understand what surrounds him, transform his knowledge, give it a certain form, and fill it with meaning. Therefore, the world through the eyes of a child will have a completely different design than the real view of the world of an adult.

Children see this world without distortion, directly. They feel it and try to display it in their own way. These paintings are full of kindness, sincerity, beauty, brightness.

Over time, receiving new knowledge from parents and adults, the child begins to develop a different vision of the world. For children, drawing is not just an activity, it is an art. For them, this is a way of understanding the world, acquiring new experience, and forming their own view of the surrounding reality.

At school

September 21 is celebrated as the International Day of Peace. Children's understanding of what the world is, how they see it, perceive it, is important for adults.

Children have their own idea of ​​the world. When asked what peace is, schoolchildren say that for them it is kindness, friendship, and generosity. Examples of drawings confirm this idea of ​​children.

For some schoolchildren, the world is their own family, happy, cheerful, healthy.

In peace paintings you can often see doves, which are considered symbols of peace.

And some people imagine the world as constant movement and activity. Such drawings seem to convey the energy of their authors, their activity, and understanding of constant changes in life.

However, everyone has their own view of the world. Interesting, controversial, and original are the works of schoolchildren who moved away from depicting the world in standard forms and preferred to convey it in their own way.

Children can create drawings not only on pieces of paper. Children create their creative works on the asphalt.

in kindergarten

Small children are not able to verbally convey the range of feelings that rage inside them.

Therefore, such little ones can convey their emotions and experiences with the help of their drawings.

Often such creative drawings no completeness. Children do not always see the ends of the paper, they simply display their understanding.

Very often there is a rainbow in the drawings of preschoolers.

Drawings by preschoolers

How to draw a picture on the theme of a wonderful world:

An amazing world is a world where all parts are harmoniously interconnected. In such drawings, children often depict nature and representatives of the animal world.

At school

As children grow older, their views change. Thinking about the world, schoolchildren think about the harmony of the world.

They often pay attention to details that elude adults.

The schoolchildren's drawings are bright and lively.

in kindergarten

Preschoolers are characterized by spontaneity when creating their creative masterpieces.

In these works there is a lot of room for imagination, since children still have little experience.

Therefore, the drawings of preschoolers are distinguished by their liveliness, brightness, and there is a lot of movement in them.

Drawing on the theme of the underwater world:

The underwater world always attracts little artists with its beauty, grace, and uncertainty.

By drawing underwater pictures, you can express your imagination, because there is still so much unknown in the expanses of water.

At school

The underwater world is unique, rich, diverse, and simply beautiful. By creating works on the theme of the underwater world, you can not only reflect reality, but also connect your imagination.

Schoolchildren love to draw sea creatures.

An interesting option for drawings are images using the grattage technique.

In this case, the drawing is created by scratching with a sharp object or tool on paper that has been previously filled with ink.

Examples of schoolchildren's work

in kindergarten

To draw the underwater world, you first need to find out how the baby imagines his future picture. You can make this task easier if you first look at several illustrations with the image sea ​​creatures. If a child has watched cartoons about the inhabitants of the seas, then it will be much easier for him to draw.

When creating a drawing, you must first mark the boundaries of water and air, draw sand, and add plants. It is advisable to do all these sketches with a simple pencil, the lines should be barely noticeable so that they can be picked up if necessary.

After creating such details, you can move on to depicting the sea inhabitants themselves. Fish can be varied, here you can listen to your child’s fantasies. First, it is better to draw the entire drawing with a single-color pencil, and then decorate the finished drawing. Let your child choose the colors himself.

One of the earliest drawing options is finger painting. Preschoolers love these kinds of drawings. IN creative works it’s hard to see beautiful lines and finished drawings, but such works are the first manifestations creative possibilities child.

How preschoolers see the underwater world

Video from in simple steps creating sea inhabitants

Drawing of the amazing world created by man:

A person not only enjoys, but is amazed at the creations of nature. He creates his own world, where the author of unique masterpieces is the man himself. This world is constantly changing, supplemented by new ideas, from which unique creations emerge.

At school

The amazing world that appeared thanks to man is precisely the world where there are the creations of man himself.

Therefore, the drawings should contain those objects, creations that could not appear without human participation.

Such items include cars, trains, ships, skyscrapers, city buildings, roads, spaceships, objects of human fantasy.

in kindergarten

Drawing of a child preschool age- This is a kind of story, which is made using images using pencil and paint.

Most often, children's drawings contain rockets, airplanes - everything related to the conquest of space.

Of the objects that testify to human creativity on earth, preschoolers often depict cars, ships, and tall buildings.

Children draw God's world:

Spontaneity and sincerity are what distinguish children’s work when they paint God’s world. For children, the process of creating such a drawing is a process of self-reflection and spiritual growth.

At school

When creating drawings on the theme of the beauty of God's world, schoolchildren often depict motifs from the Gospel.

Often, such creative works are attended by heavenly inhabitants - angels who protect the earth and people.

Another option storyline for drawings is an image of temples.

Everyone has their own path to faith, so schoolchildren often depict their path to the temple in their drawings.

Examples of schoolchildren's work

in kindergarten

For preschoolers, God's world is the world that surrounds them. Therefore, you can often find nature and a rainbow in the drawings.

Like older schoolchildren, preschoolers often depict temples in their drawings.

for the competition

The main goal of the competitions, which are held on the theme “The Beauty of God’s World,” is to introduce children to spiritual wealth, to discover beauty spiritual world person.

For children, participation in such competitions is an opportunity to think about the richness of the world created by God, about its beauty and uniqueness.

Examples of works for the competition

Drawing on the theme of the world around us:

For children, drawing the world around them is their own perception of reality, formed with the help of specific images.

With the help of display, children learn to perceive the world, form their attitude and perception of the world around them. Actually children's drawing- this is a display-story, his idea of ​​the world in which the child lives.

At school

IN primary school There is still a lot of spontaneity and imagination in the schoolchildren’s drawings.

With age, schoolchildren's drawings become more realistic and emulate an adult's vision of the world.

At the age of 12-15 years, a child begins to copy an adult, so often the drawings turn out to be devoid of childish spontaneity and imagination.

Examples of children's perception of the world around them

in kindergarten

Drawing the world, the child directly depicts what surrounds him. That's why there are a lot of drawings that contain nature.

Children love to draw flowers and trees. There are no stereotypes in children's drawings yet.

Drawing on the theme of a world without war:

The child perceives this world in all its colors, with all its manifestations, with the positive and negative sides of life. Therefore, everyone has their own understanding of a world without war.

At school

Drawings by children who study at school reflect the knowledge that children acquired during their studies. There is a lot of military equipment in the drawings.

Such drawings are often conveyed emotional condition its author.

Children's drawings often contain symbolic symbols peaceful life- pigeons, the world that is in the hands of man.

in kindergarten

For preschool children who have developed creative thinking, characterized by the presence in the drawings of specific images that are associated with the concept of “war”. Therefore, you can often see the presence of military equipment in creative works.

Drawing competitions, dedicated to the Day Victories are held with the aim of developing patriotism, universal human values, understanding the value of every person’s life, faith in a future without military action.

Children's drawings reflect their understanding and feelings. Often such works depict war veterans with words of gratitude and recognition for their heroism.

Children have an amazing ability: they do not divide the world into black or white. Their world is rich in various bright colors. Perhaps that is why children's works are so warm, spontaneous, and attractive.

It is no coincidence that children often have conversations on military topics. Many have grandparents and great-grandparents who were in the war. In most families, grandfathers and great-grandfathers who defended the honor of their homeland died in the war. And children, as you know, are the most receptive and impressionable creatures, especially small ones. Therefore, children's drawings on the topic of war often reflect the child's thinking, how he perceives the military actions themselves, the exploits of his compatriots, and the attacks of enemies.

Perhaps, in any kindergarten and school on the eve of the Victory Day Patriotic War Educational conversations are held with children, during which educators and teachers tell children about the course of the war, military operations, and the exploits of people of different ages. IN modern world with its technology and comfort, it is often difficult for children to understand what war is, however, thanks to the efforts of elders, information from special books and children's films, kids and schoolchildren younger age get the right idea of ​​what it is. Almost everyone treats this properly - they honor the memory of the heroes who died in the war and learn to understand that peace and tranquility, unfortunately, do not always happen.

In order for children to express their opinions, they are asked to draw how they perceive the war. And it’s very interesting to look at what comes out as a result. Most often, boys depict in their drawings military actions, battles, battles, different kinds weapons, including planes, tanks, and defending soldiers. Girls are dominated by images of wounded soldiers, caring for them, images of girls who voluntarily go to war to help the wounded. Boys especially love to draw on military themes, since all this is close to their spirit. Not everyone, however, understands that war is not entertainment, not an ordinary competition, but great tragedy for both sides. Therefore, in order to form a correct idea of ​​the tragedy of war, we need to tell and show more to children, as well as give examples of war heroes among children and adolescents. Often these images are embedded in the child’s head and serve as a positive example for him.

The best children's drawings on the theme of war are often hung in art galleries on the days of remembrance of the heroes, and you can also see them in any kindergarten or school on the same days.

Video of children's drawings on the theme of war

Heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. known to everyone.

Songs are written about them, and many memorials are dedicated to them. However, few people remember that many children died during the war.

And those who survived began to be called “children of war.”

1941-1945 through the eyes of children

In those distant years, the kids lost the most precious thing in their lives - a carefree childhood. Many of them had to stand at the machines at the factory, like adults, and work in the fields to feed their families. Many children of war are real heroes. They helped the military, went on reconnaissance missions, collected guns on the battlefield, and took care of the wounded. A huge role in the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. belongs specifically to children and teenagers who did not spare their lives.

Unfortunately, it is now difficult to say how many children died then, because humanity does not know the exact number of deaths, even among the military. Children-heroes went through the siege of Leningrad, survived the presence of fascists in the cities, regular bombings, and famine. Many trials befell the children of those years, sometimes even the death of their parents before their eyes. Today these people are over 70 years old, but they can still tell a lot about those years when they had to fight the Nazis. And although at parades. Dedicated to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. They honor mainly the military; we should not forget the children who bore on their shoulders the hunger and cold of a terrible time.

Related materials

Pictures and photos on the topic “Children of War” will help tell you what war looks like through the eyes of these people.

Many photographs known to modern children mainly show heroes who fought for the liberation of our land and took part in battles. On our website we offer pictures, drawings and photos on the topic “Children of War”. Based on them, you can create presentations for schoolchildren about how children, together with the military, achieved victory in the fight against the Nazis.

Children should pay attention to everyday life, clothing, appearance children of that time. Most often, photos show them wrapped in downy scarves, dressed in overcoats or sheepskin coats, and wearing hats with earflaps.

However, perhaps the most terrible are the photos of children in concentration camps. These are real heroes whom time has forced to endure unforgettable horrors.

It is worth including such photos in presentations for older children, since children are still too impressionable, and such a story can negatively affect their psyche.

The war through the eyes of those guys looked like something terrible and incomprehensible, but we had to live with it every day. It was a longing for their murdered parents, about whose fate the children sometimes knew nothing. Now children who lived at that time and have survived to this day remember, first of all, hunger, a tired mother who worked for two at the factory and at home, schools where children studied in the same class different ages, and had to write on scraps of newspapers. All this is a reality that is difficult to forget.


After the lesson and presentation, modern children can be given a task, timed to coincide with Victory Day or another military holiday, to create color drawings depicting children of war. Subsequently best drawings You can hang it on the stand and compare photos and illustrations of modern guys, as they imagine those years.

The heroes who fought against fascism today remember the cruelty that the Germans showed against children. They separated them from their mothers and sent them to concentration camps. After the war, these kids, having grown up, tried for years to find their parents, and sometimes they found them. What a meeting it was, filled with joy and tears! But some still cannot find out what happened to their parents. This pain is no less than that of parents who have lost their babies.

Vintage photos and the drawings are not silent about those terrible days. AND modern generation must remember what they owe to their grandparents. Teachers and kindergarten teachers should tell children about this, without hushing up the facts of bygone years. The better young people remember the exploits of their ancestors, the more they themselves are capable of exploits for the sake of their own descendants.

This is what the children answered to the question “What is the world?” and what word associations for the word “World” they chose:

Peace is kindness, friendship, generosity, kindness to all people.

The world is joy, fun, ponies, cars.

Peace is when everyone is friends and does not fight. Everything around is bright and light. This is Russia - the most peaceful country. This is a clear sky, bright sun, many flowers.

The world is family, relaxation. Fun, joy, peace when everyone is together!

Peace is kindness, love, family, they give a lot of flowers.

Peace is when everyone is friends and plays. Butterflies are flying.

Peace is happiness, there is no war. Peace is calm, blue sky, bright sun.

The world is flowers, clean air, bright, warm sun.

The world is the whole country and people are friends, respect, love each other, never quarrel or argue. They always know how to give in to each other.

Peace is when everything is calm, there is no war! Everyone lives together! The world is colorful! This is beauty, love, sky, sunshine!

Peace is friendship, friends. Light, love, loved ones, sunshine.

Peace - may there always be peace! May all people live well!

Peace is when everything is calm! The world is dad, mom. Kindness. Peace is good!

Peace - people live together, peacefully. Peace is goodness, family, joy.

Peace is good, it is beauty, flowers, rich wildlife.

The world is the Motherland, the place where you live. This is mom and dad, this is love! These are friends!

Peace is when all people live peacefully, the animal world is rich.

The world is a lot of ice cream and toys. Peace is good! This is my love for mom!

Drawing by Luiza Ganieva, Shebekino

Colors of the world

What colors would children use to paint pictures for the word “peace”? Of course, colorful! The guys chose the following colors: blue, green, pink, red, yellow, orange, purple (flowers, lilac), blue, brown (trees, apple blossom). But few people chose red paint - children associate it with the color of blood.

Drawing by Yulia Ilina

War is fear and horror

What is war and what do children associate this word with? Let's listen to the kids.

War is when people kill each other!

War - there is no sun, because the sky is covered with smoke.

War is sadness, a disaster for all people.

War is a bad thing, people don't respect each other.

War is sadness and trouble. Horror!

War is fear. Everyone is fighting. This is sadness, trouble.

War is when people become victims, save your planet.

War is when everyone's brothers are killed. May there never be war.

War is bad. Warlike people do not allow civilians to live in peace. They throw bombs, everything is destroyed!

War is a turbulent world, killing people. This is a bad deal.

War is when people kill each other. This is a misfortune. People don't return home. Trouble and grief come to people's homes.

War is a turbulent world, people kill people. Bomb explosions are constantly heard. This is very bad. This is sadness, sadness, trouble.

War is death. Everyone dies, blood flows like a river. Houses are exploding! Everything around is destroyed!

War is death. Sadness, fear.

War is bad! People are dying! War is evil!

War is when people die! When everything is bad! This is grief!

War is when everything is bad! People are dying. This is crying, tears.

War is when they fight and bombs explode!

Drawing by Daria Grevtsova

Colors of war

To the question: “What colors can you use to paint a war?” children answered: black, gray, white (smoke, explosions); dark green, brown (transport); dark; red (blood, death); yellow, red-yellow (fire); black (bomb); green (these are good tanks that fight for the Motherland); khaki; blue ( naval battles); and once again red - this is the flag of Victory!

Drawing by Vyacheslav Kibanov

People! Never fight!

“What would you say to people who start wars?” Children answer:

People! Be kind. Never wish harm on anyone!

I would tell these people to make peace with each other and never hurt anyone.

People! Let's stop wars forever!

People! Don't start a war! Become good people!

People! Let's become kind and good!

Bad people! Never come to our house! Give us peace and happiness!

Drawing by Kirill Popov

People! Do not do that. Do something good!

Only force can defeat bad people!

People! No need to burn the world!

People! Never start wars, become KIND! GOOD IS HAPPINESS!

People! Be kind!

People! Calm down, become kinder friend to friend!

People! Never do bad things!

I would beat people who start wars with a belt. I think they would be reformed!

People! Let's re-educate! Be kinder!

There is NO place for bad people in our country!

People, stop shooting! Let's throw away all the weapons.

People! Never fight!

Ekaterina Dolzhenkova, Natalya Firsova, teachers of group No. 5 of Belgorod kindergarten № 13

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