Time calculator. How to correctly calculate employee working hours

To understand how to calculate correctly work time, you need to understand what this concept means. It is disclosed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in the norms of personnel records management. The employee’s salary also depends on the correct calculation.

Time sheet

In Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the normal working week is 40 working hours per week. This means that an employee with a normal work schedule must perform his direct work duties 40 hours a week.

But there are also circumstances in which, according to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must establish:

  • 24-hour work week;
  • 32-hour work week;
  • 36 hour work week.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation also states that any employer, regardless of what organizational and legal form his company has, must keep records of working hours. If during an inspection it is discovered that there is no time sheet at the enterprise, this will lead to the fact that both the company itself and the official will be held administratively liable.

A time sheet is a form that contains all the information about how many hours each specific employee worked. Absenteeism from work for good or bad reasons is also noted here.

In order to maintain a timesheet correctly, one of the following conditions must be met:

  • this can be done daily, in fact noting the presence or absence of workers at their workplaces;
  • entering data if there are some deviations. For example, if an employee fails to show up for work without a valid reason.

Based on the document data, at the end of the month, wages are calculated for all employees. It is for this reason that it is so important to maintain this document correctly.

Correct and timely maintenance of timesheets allows you to control the process of compliance by each employee labor discipline, as well as working time standards. In addition, this document also notes hours of overtime work or going to work on a legal day off. Such performance of labor duties is subject to increased payment.

The working time sheet is the main document that labor inspectors request for inspection. In addition to the fact that it can be used to check compliance with legislation regarding working time standards, it is also the main source statistical reporting by personnel.

Timesheet maintenance is assigned to an individual employee, whose work is controlled by the head of the structural unit. It is the boss who is aware of the presence and absence of employees.

To record working hours, forms T-12 and T-13 can be used. But the law does not oblige the use of precisely such forms. Each enterprise has the right to independently develop a working time sheet form. But it must contain certain information about the company. You can keep timesheets either on a computer or manually.

Calculation of summarized working time recording

This calculation is used in cases where it is not possible to maintain the normal working week. For example, employees work in shifts. With such a work schedule, it is necessary to use not only a different accounting of working hours, but also calculate wages differently.

Under normal working conditions, the working week should not exceed 40 working hours per week. That is, it is 5 days a week for 8 hours. But some employers apply a different work schedule when the daily shift extends beyond the 8-hour workday. As a rule, such a schedule is used in organizations that provide services to citizens or trade. For example, medical institutions, convenience stores, pharmacies, transport, etc.

To comply with the law and increase labor efficiency, the employer introduces shift work schedules. To avoid violations, it is necessary that the duration of work duties during the accounting period is no more than a normal week, multiplied by the number of weeks in the accepted accounting period. The maximum length of the accounting period is generally 1 year, according to Art. 104 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Calculation of overtime with summarized recording of working hours

Overtime work is working beyond your regular work schedule. IN Lately Increasingly, workers began to stay at their jobs beyond the normal 8-hour working time. And if a shift schedule is approved, then overtime occurs constantly.

Every employer knows that overtime work is paid according to slightly different rules. In addition, the duration of such work cannot exceed a certain limit per month. To save money Money When paying for overtime hours, employers began to use summarized recording of working hours.

The employer is obliged to calculate overtime when recording working time in aggregate when the following situations arise:

  • during the accounting period, an employee who was previously on sick leave, on study, on vacation, or on advanced training courses ended up working more than he missed;
  • the employee, due to certain circumstances, worked more during the accounting period than he should have worked during the same period.

For example, the accounting period provides for 1,250 working hours, and the employee worked 1,350 hours during this time. The employer is obliged to pay him for 100 hours at increased rates.

Working time calendar

This document is also called a production calendar. He is every accountant's assistant. This document reflects all working days, as well as weekends and holidays.

This calendar is indispensable for normal work time tracking, that is, with a 40-hour work week (5 days a week, 8 hours each). Using this document, you can correctly calculate the standard working hours during a certain accounting period.

It is not difficult to calculate all the necessary indicators for calculating wages, especially if the employee worked for a full month. Even if you have “sick leave” or “vacation” days, calculating the number of working hours is not difficult.

The working time calendar contains the following information:

  • the number of calendar days in each month, each quarter, half-year and per year;
  • the number of working days in each month, quarter, half-year and year;
  • number of days off and holidays every month, quarter, half-year and year;
  • the number of working hours in each month, quarter, half-year and year, with different lengths of the working week (40 hours, 36 hours, 24 hours).

Pre-holiday days are also celebrated here, in which the working hours are reduced by 1 hour.

Calculation of part-time work

According to Art. 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part-time mode is a work schedule in which the employee has a part-time job and works either part-time or part-time. This mode of work can be established either at the request (written, that is, statement) of the employee himself, or by agreement of the parties. The employer does not have the right to forcibly transfer an employee to such a work schedule without his written consent.

The employer is not obliged to respond positively to the employee’s request to transfer him to part-time work, but there are circumstances in which he is obliged to do this:

  • the employee brought a certificate of pregnancy;
  • request of one of the parents/guardian/legal representative having a child under 14 years of age. If the child has a disability, then the age threshold is slightly higher - 18 years;
  • the need to care for a close relative if there are medical indications.

In order to correctly record part-time work, it is necessary to start from what is the standard working time for this category of workers. In most cases, this is 40 hours a week - 5 days of 8 hours plus 2 full days off.

In the application, the employee indicates how he is asking for his work schedule to be reduced. For example, he asks to work not 40, but 30 hours a week. Then his hedgehog daily norm working hours will be 6 hours with a 5-day work week.

Calculation of working time rates

Some citizens can get a “part-time” job. What does it mean? This means that an employment contract with such an employee will be concluded for a part-time or part-time work week. That is, such an employee will not perform his duties the entire working day (not the entire working week), but only part of it.

At its core, this is a part-time calculation. How to produce it has already been described above. The main thing is that the conditions and mode of operation must be written down in employment contract. Then there will be no violations of labor laws.

Calculation of working time costs

  • identify shortcomings in the organization of labor itself and the production process, which lead to the company losing financial resources and uses them inappropriately;
  • establish service standards;
  • establish standards for the number of hired personnel;
  • identify failure to fulfill assigned tasks or, conversely, significant overwork, which also lead to financial losses.

Depending on what factors are to be identified, the following methods of photographing working time are used:

  • individual photography - the object of study is a specific workplace with a specific employee. The more detailed the research is, the more accurate the result will be. It can be applied to the entire structural unit in which the studied workplace is located;
  • group photography - research methods applied to separate group workers who are not connected by a single labor and production process.

Procedure for calculating working hours

In order to correctly calculate working hours, it is necessary to take into account many factors. These include:

  • type of working week - it can be either a five-day week or a six-day week;
  • duration of the day's work shift;
  • the start and end period of the work;
  • possible and mandatory breaks;
  • the order of working days and non-working days;
  • how many shifts there are per day;
  • the presence of holidays and pre-holidays, when the working day is reduced.

Example of working time calculation

Most businesses operate on a five-day work week. The formula for calculating working time is as follows:

Ntotal = Prv / 5 * Krd - 1 h * Kppd, where:

Ntot - standard working time;

Prv - length of working hours per week (40, 35, 36 or 24);

Krd - number of working days in the period (month, year);

Kppd - the number of pre-holiday days.

Example. There are 21 working days in April 2018. Standard working hours:

  • 40-hour work week - 40 / 5 * 21 = 168 hours;
  • A 36-hour work week is 36 / 5 * 21 = 151.2.

That is, those hours that will be worked in excess of 168 hours per week will be considered overtime and must be paid at an increased rate.

To correctly calculate the standard working hours for 2018, you need to refer to the production calendar. This document indicates that 1,970 working hours need to be worked in 2018. That is, on average, you need to work 164.1 hours per month.

Slightly different values ​​for a 36-hour and 24-hour workweek. With these schedules, working hours for 2018 are 1,772.40 and 1,179.60 hours, respectively.


Correct and timely recording of working hours allows you to correctly calculate wages for employees, taking into account overtime, illness, vacations and other things. Do not forget that labor inspectors first of all request the report card for inspection.

Before calculating the standard working time, you need to decide on the billing period. The most difficult thing is to make calculations for the year, since you need to take everything into account public holidays and postponing holidays. And if employees work on a shift schedule, then in addition to the norm, the number of overtime hours must be determined.

general information

Information on working hours is contained in Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This period refers to the period of time when a person performs labor functions. By law, the standard duration of this time is 40 hours per week. In practice, such working hours are rarely used.

Firstly, in many enterprises manufacturing process it is impossible to stop, so the work schedule there is shifting. Secondly, some categories of employees cannot work for such an amount of time, since by law they are entitled to a reduction in labor standards. These are minors, people with disabilities, etc.

However, the rules for calculating working hours stipulate that a 40-hour working week should be taken as a basis.

Calculation for a month

Determining labor standards allows employers to correctly set work schedules, keep records of hours worked, pay wages and distribute vacations. Knowing how to correctly calculate the standard working time, you can easily determine how many hours an employee must work. One calendar month is often taken as the billing period.

Working hours are calculated as follows:

  1. First you need to find out how many working days there are in the selected accounting period, and how many weekends, holidays, etc.
  2. Next, the number of working hours per day is calculated. At the same time, do not forget that the normal length of a working week is 40 hours. This means you calculate the number of hours per working day. Example: 40/5=8.
  3. The number of days in a month when a subordinate works must be multiplied by 8 hours.

An example of such a calculation could be as follows:

  1. Let's say there are 21 working days in June.
  2. The authorized employee must determine the standards by which the personnel will work.
  3. For this, the time standard will be calculated using the following formula: 21*8=168 hours. This is exactly how much each subordinate must work on average.

Read also Features and procedure for calculating personal income tax from wages

Quarterly calculation

It is also important to know how to calculate the standard working hours for a quarter, that is, for three months. The standard working day is 8 hours. All calculations are carried out very simply. First you need to determine what the labor norm is in each month.

Calculation example:

  1. Let's assume that there are 168 work hours in July. It remains to calculate the amount of time only for the next 2 months.
  2. There are also 168 working hours in August, and 160 in September.
  3. This means that the norm for the quarter is as follows: 168+160+168=496 hours.

If necessary, a similar calculation can be carried out for each quarter. Most often, company management uses the definition of the norm on a quarterly basis.

Calculation for a year

Labor rationing is an important procedure that allows you to determine the number of hours that employees are required to work. When making calculations, the calendar year is often used as the accounting period. Hours are calculated in two ways. You can use the method that is used to calculate the quarter. You just need to determine the amount of the working period for all 12 months.

Another procedure for determining the norm was established by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 588n. The calculation is carried out using the formula: 40/5*number of working days per year. After this, from the resulting number you should subtract the number of hours that the employees did not work. It's about about reduction before holidays.

When determining the norm for 2019 according to the billing period, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Sunday must be counted as a day off. And it doesn’t matter how many days of rest a subordinate actually has per week - 2 or 1. For some categories of subordinates, it is possible to transfer the day of rest to another date.
  2. Don't forget about official holidays, which are not used in calculations.
  3. When a holiday falls on a day of rest, the day off is postponed. These rules do not need to be used only when calculating labor standards for January.
  4. The length of the working day before a holiday is always reduced by 1 hour.

When making calculations, you must follow these rules, otherwise the final number of hours will be incorrect.

Read also Correct calculation of maternity leave

Shift work

When determining standards, the standard number of days of labor per week is used. But not all employers can afford such a working regime. Therefore, the standard working time during a shift schedule has to be calculated a little differently. This is the so-called summation, when the total number of hours worked is determined.

But their number during the accounting period should not exceed the established norm. That is, all hours that were worked in excess of the norm are additional or overtime. As an example, you can use the following data: in a calendar month, the employee worked 175 hours against the norm of 160 hours. Therefore, 15 of them are counted as additional.

Summarized accounting at an enterprise is established according to the following rules:

  1. The duration of the billing period is determined. The standard ones are used - month, quarter, year.
  2. A specific schedule is established according to which the employee works.

The accounting period can be anything in length, but not more than one calendar year. There are special restrictions that prevent you from installing a large number of overtime hours. For example, there cannot be a 4-hour overtime for 2 days in a row. And per year - no more than 120 hours.

Cumulative accounting implies that wages are paid based on hours worked. Most often, different tariffs are used. Example: hourly rate persons – 100 rubles. This means that for a 10-hour shift he receives 1 thousand rubles. If we take into account that he works 50 hours a week, then his earnings will be 5 thousand rubles.

Types of charts

The length of the working day most often depends on production needs. Therefore, it is rare that employers can provide their staff with a standard 5-day period. The most commonly used modes are:

  1. 24 hour shift with several days off.
  2. Work shift with 10 or 12 hours of work. Then the staff has more days off than planned.
  3. Shift is 12 hours, with alternating day and night shifts.

Note: these are not all the regimes that able-bodied citizens have to face. But, based on the specifics of some professions, a regular 8-hour shift may be disadvantageous for both management and the subordinates themselves.

Production calendar

In order for managers to correctly calculate labor standards, there is a special document. This is the so-called production calendar, which takes into account all working days, as well as rest days, including holidays. This document is not normative act, therefore has no legal force.

A time calculator is needed to find out what time it will be in the place you need.

For example, you want to call your beloved grandfather in Vladivostok to congratulate him on his birthday. Do you know what the festive table the guests will sit down at half past seven in the evening, and you want to congratulate him at that very moment.

But by coincidence, you yourself are in the city of Darwin, Australia, and you need to find out what time, Australian time, the birthday celebration will begin.

This is where our calculator comes in handy. To find out the time, you just need to indicate half past six and the date of your birthday in the left column, select Vladivostok there and click on the "=" button between the columns

How to use the time calculator?

On the calculator panel you can see two columns - source And result

Source- this is the date, time and place known to you. Result- the required date and time.

You can set the time and date in the source by simply clicking on the corresponding field.

After setting the date and time, you need to specify the location for which you have set the time. In the birthday example, this would be the city of Vladivostok.

Below the fields for setting the date and time there is an item time is set to- this is a switch. With it, you can indicate whether you specified the time for a specific city or for a time zone. To find out the time of Vladivostok from our example, you can select both the city itself and the time zone of Vladivostok - VLAT.

To switch from indicating a city to indicating a time zone, simply left-click on the switch.

Name is the name of the object for which the time was set. Based on the value of the switch, this could be the name of the city or the name of the time zone.

After setting the date, time and source location, you need to specify which location you are looking for the time for. In our happy birthday example, it's Darwin, Australia. Using a similar switch, you can also specify both the city itself and its time zone - ACST

Once you have set all the values, just click on the " = " between fields, and find out the time you are looking for!

All the buttons of our calculator are labeled, and if you have forgotten the meaning of a particular button, hover your mouse over it. After a second, a hint will appear with its meaning.

The tool calculates the time between two specified spaces. Determine the time interval and find out how many minutes, minutes or seconds have passed. If you provide start and end dates, you can determine how many years, months, and days have passed.

For convenience, two results, total time and each value is displayed individually.

Online time interval

  • Total days and hours
  • Everything is individual

Help. Below is a description of the tool with the required format for entering the time or date to calculate the required time interval.

Interval input format

In the first field you usually enter initial value time interval, and the final value is entered in the second field.

If the second field is empty, the current time and date are automatically taken into account. If negative values ​​appear when calculating an interval, this means that the start value of the time interval is less than the end value or there was an error when entering the date or time.

Time input format

Time input format hh:mm:ss.

The character separator for time notation uses a colon (" : "). You can include hours and minutes without seconds, for example: 12:35 .

Time. total amount

Full input format: 10:01:32 .

Date Format Format

Date Format Format YYYY-MM-DD. The date separator separator uses a dash (" «).

Input format for full date: 2018-01-15 .

Combined date and time input format

Combined date and time format LLLL-MM-DD hh: mm: ss. The boundary between date and time is space (“”). Login type in full date and time: 2018-01-15 10:01:32 .

Date and time examples

To see examples of entering date and time, click the link above the interval entry field Example 1 or Example 2..

Calculation results

The result of the calculation is a time interval, the duration of which is calculated depending on the time and number of days.

The two results are shown together. The first result shows the total duration of the time interval. The second result shows the separate duration of each unit of time, the separate number of minutes, the number of hours, etc.

Comments (2) - Time interval

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  • Gorgeous

    From 12354684321

    Divides and multiplies, the best IMHO.

  • + sign

    Addition should be a large key, thanks!

    Hours and minutes calculator

    Hello guys on the Yak-130

  • Great app

    From Melvin

    Thanks a lot. We count the raid as a whole squadron.

  • Class

    From Workbook

    Very helpful

  • Super

    Excellent program.

    It’s a pity that it doesn’t save visualization of completed actions.

  • Review

    From Pilot Instructor

    Wonderful program. If only it was oriented according to the position of the screen, and was not stabilized only on the vertical screen.

  • Good calculator. I like!

  • Hours and minutes

    Great app! Simple! I would like to see a second screen that you add or subtract.

    Please improve!

  • From Adrenalinniggg

  • Good application

    The application you need, it’s a pity there is no memory of recent operations, you can’t see everything you added if it was long

  • Wish

    I would like to have the opportunity to work with large developments in watches similar to online calculator allcalc.ru/node/358 Wishes of the Aviation Engineering Service ✈️

  • 2p Dash-8

    Hello everyone from the Aurora pilots.

    A wonderful program, it helps a lot to count flight hours)

  • Great

    Thanks for the app!

  • Five

    From SanyoG69

    Great program

  • Normal

    From Pilot737300400

    Please record the calculation in a line, for example: 07:34 - 04:25 = 03:09.

    And this is a normal program, thank you.

  • Simple Magic, nice design) thx to author)))

  • prozandr

    Excellent rating

  • From the heart

    From Romeo1

  • Normal program!

    Completely suits my requirements.

    Just what you need.

  • Hours and minutes

    From Crazy.Vitpilot

    Dear developers, the program is good, but there are some shortcomings. Why, when you either add or subtract time, are there zeros on the screen? Make sure that both the folded ones (and the result) are on the screen. Increase the size of the screen, you can sacrifice the size of the buttons.

    Thanks for understanding.

  • 4/5

    From AlexanderC902

  • Time calculator

    Time calculators- software designed for calculations using numbers in a time format.

    Typically, a time calculator allows you to perform the following procedures:

      Adding and subtracting values ​​in time format (example: 2.15 + 2.50 = 5.05);

      multiply the time (in hours and minutes) and the rate (in boxes and clips) to calculate the total costs (example: 3.05 * 8050.30 = 24794.92) or vice versa, the rate is multiplied by the time;

      divide the amount (in boxes) by the tariff (in boxes) and find the time (in hours and minutes), (example: 300000 / 8050.30 = 37.16);

      divide the quantity (in boxes) by time (in hours and minutes) and get the tariff (in boxes) (example: 300000 / 20.50 = 37.16);

      Divide the fuel consumption (in liters) by the time (in hours and minutes) and get the hourly flow (L) (example: 3L / 0.30’ = 0.6 l/h)

    Most modern time calculators typically have two modes of operation:

      gradual rounding (we accept this on most sections account in combination with manual calculation methods).

      Example: 3.05 (3 hours 5 minutes) * 1000 p = 3080 rub. First 5/60 = 0.0833333. The value is rounded to 0.08. Therefore, the time at the tenth hour is 3.08 times 1000p = 3080r.

      only rounds final result. Example: 3.05 (3 hours 5 minutes) * 1000 p = 3083.33 rubles.

      First 5/60 = 0.0833333. Therefore, the time of the tenth hour is 3.0833333 times 1000p = 3083r 33 k.

    Below are two versions of the time calculator

    CalcTime calculator

    Working logic of CalcTime

    First number


    Another number


    Test Drive

    Time, hours.min

    Time, hours.min

    Time, hours.min

    0,30 ‘+ 0,30’ = 1,00 ‘

    Time, hours.min

    Time, hours.min

    1,25 ‘- 0,45’ = 0,40 ‘

    Time, hours.min

    1,42 / 5 = 0,20 ‘

    Time, hours.min

    0,20 ‘* 5 = 1,40’

    Tariff, rub. / Hour

    Amount, rub.

    1.30’*10p = 15p

    Consumption, l/hour

    Fuel, l

    0.30 * 20 liters/hour = 10 liters

    Speed, km/h

    Distance, km

    0.30 * 20 km/h = 10 km

    Speed, km/h

    Speed, km/h

    Speed, km/h

    0.5 km/h +0.5 km/h = 1 km/h

    Speed, km/h

    Speed, km/h

    1 km/h -0.5 km/h = 0.5 km/h

    Speed, km/h

    1 km/h/2 = 0.5 km/h

    Time, hours.min

    Distance, km

    1 km/h * 0.3 ‘= 0.5 km

    Speed, km/h

    1 km/h * 0.3 = 0.3 km/h

    Distance, km

    Distance, km

    Distance, km

    0.2 km + 1.8 km = 2 km

    Distance, km

    Distance, km

    3.6 km - 0.8 km = 2.8 km

    Speed, km/h

    Time, hours.min

    60 km/180 km/h = 0.20’

    Time, hours.min

    Speed, km/h

    60 km / 0.20 ‘= 180 km/h

    Distance, km

    60 km / 0.20 = 300 km

    Distance, km

    60 km * 0.20 = 12 km

    1,7 — 0,8 = 0,9

    Time, hours.min

    Time, hours.min

    2 * 0,50 ‘= 1,40’

    Speed, km/h

    Speed, km/h

    0.5 * 2 km/h = 1 km/h

    Distance, km

    Distance, km

    0.5 * 2 km = 1 km

    Amount, rub.

    Amount, rub.

    Fuel, l

    Fuel, l

    Consumption, l/hour

    Consumption, l/hour

    2 * 0.5 l/h = 1 l/h

    Amount, rub.

    Amount, rub.

    Amount, rub.

    0.5 p + 0.1 p = 0.6 p

    Amount, rub.

    Amount, rub.

    1 p - 0.1 p = 0.9 p

    Time, hour.

    Tariff, rub. / Hour

    10 p / 0.30 ‘= 20 p / h

    Tariff, rub. / Hour

    Time, hour. minimum

    10 p / 20 p / h = 0.30 ‘

    Amount, rub.

    20 p * 0.3 = 6 p

    Time, hour. minimum

    Amount, rub.

    20 r/h * 0.30 ‘= 10 p

    Fuel, l

    Fuel, l

    Fuel, l

    0.5 l + 0.1 l = 0.6 l

    Fuel, l

    Fuel, l

    0.7 L - 0.1 L = 0.6 L

    Consumption, l/hour

    Time, hours.min

    10 l / 20 l / h = 0.30 ‘

    Time, hour.

    Consumption, l/hour

    10 l / 0.30 ‘= 20 l / h

    Fuel, l

    10 L * 0.30 = 3 L

    Consumption, l/hour

    Consumption, l/hour

    Consumption, l/hour

    0.5 l/h + 0.5 l/h = 1 l/h

    Consumption, l/hour

    Consumption, l/hour

    1 l/h – 0.5 l/h = 0.5 l/h

    Consumption, l/hour

    20 l/h / 0.5 = 40 l/h

    Time, hours.min

    Fuel, l

    20 l/h * 0.30 = 10 l

    Other time calculators

    Simple time calculators (time between events)

    Time. total amount

    Calculating time between dates

    You will receive the answer in the form exact quantity years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds, or the full number of the above components.

    Thanks to this script, you can always find out exactly how much is left until the day you need!

    Therefore, hours exceeding the norm will be considered overtime, and their number will be determined at the end of the accounting period. Here it is more convenient to choose a period for accounting equal to one year. Then the processing will be compensated by the shortfall. Calculation for part-time pay In a normal working week (40 hours), the calculation is made as follows:

    • If 0.75 of the rate is taken into account, then 40 * 0.75 = 30 hours per week. For a five-day period, divide 30 by 5, and it turns out that the daily norm is 6 hours. To calculate the number of hours per month, you need 30: 5 * (number of working days in a calendar month). For example, in February 2017 there are 20 working days. So 30: 5 * 20 = 120 hours.
    • 0.25 rate: 40 * 0.25 = 10 hours. It must be taken into account that working time can be distributed either 5 days for 2 hours, or 2 days for 5 hours. Next, we also take February: divide 10 by 5 and multiply by 20.

    How to correctly calculate employee working hours?

    B, allowing overtime that does not exceed the established limits: for each member of the work team, more than 120 hours cannot be overworked during the year, and over 2 days in a row - more than 4 hours (Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If it is not possible to create a schedule without processing included in it, this means that the organization does not have enough staff and it should increase the number of personnel.
    Overtime payment standards Labor legislation provides for special regulations for calculating labor remuneration for overtime:

    • for the first two hours overtime, pay time and a half;
    • for the following hours – doubled hourly rate(with hourly tariff);
    • additional payment in the amount of one more corresponding hourly rate (for piecework payment).

    REMEMBER! It is impossible to compensate for overtime in one accounting period with a shortage of working hours in the next.

    Working time standards and their calculation

    You should monitor working conditions in the organization and strive to improve them, for example, provide staff with special clothing winter time, monitor the condition of equipment, take measures to ensure fire safety.

    • It is more cost-effective for an organization to split an employee’s vacation period into parts throughout the year (for example, vacation twice a year for 14 days). In this way, massive shortages of labor resources in certain months and loss of profits can be avoided.
    • For companies related to the service sector or sales, it is effective to implement a verification system using secret visitors or secret shoppers.

      This form of verification allows you to see all the shortcomings in customer service, and also allows you to control the employee’s time spent.

    • Conducting open checks (using PDF methods, timing, photo timing) must be as correct as possible.



    Download the Labor Code of the Russian Federation When working in such a schedule, the norm of 40 is not met, therefore, those hours that exceed the norm are considered overtime. The number of such hours is determined after the end of the accounting period, which must be one year.


    In this case, the overworked time will be compensated for by the unworked time. Time sheet for recording and use of working time Actual hours worked by an employee of an organization are subject to accounting, which is determined by the Ministry of Finance.

    The time sheet contains indicators of hours worked and registered deviations from the standard use of the Russian Federation, such as vacation or sick leave. These variances are used to calculate payroll in the company.
    The organization's accounting sheet must be updated every month by authorized persons who are assigned to perform these duties.

    Time calculator

    Non-standardized costs r.v. Deciphering the PP + Preparatory and final actions - preparing the equipment and the employee himself to perform production actions. OP + Operational work OBS + Maintenance of the place of work OTL + Rest POT + Lost time due to the fault of the NTD organization + Lost time due to the fault of the employee

    1. Timing is a method of selective observation.


      The report indicates the time spent on a specific operation. The difference between the timing method and working time photography is that the actions on the observation sheet are not indicated in direct sequence, but more attention is paid to the time spent on cyclic actions.

      For example, let’s take a sheet of timekeeping for the working hours of a promoter conducting a promotion in mall. Date Action Index Duration, min. % of working time 08/21/2017 1).
      Replenishment of stocks at the promotional counter 2).

      Procedure for calculating lost working time

      The main difficulties in drawing up a schedule Organizing a summary accounting schedule is a rather painstaking procedure. Compilers are faced with many difficulties during the planning process, which must be resolved based on specific situations.
      Let's consider the main difficulties that stand in the way of the RMS scheduler and outline possible ways to overcome them.

      1. Setting up alternating shifts and days off. Depending on the length of the shift, for accounting year a number of hours of work may accumulate that will not meet the established annual norm.
        This can happen if, for example, the norm for the year turns out to be odd, and the shift is designed for even number. The solution may be to draw up a schedule with minimal shortcomings or adjust the work with additional days off.

      Calculation of shift work schedule

      How to calculate man-hours for statistics? Heads of organizations are required to indicate data on man-hours worked in the static observation form No. P-4 “Information on the number and wages workers”, approved by Rosstat order No. 498 dated October 26, 2015. It also approved the rules for filling it out. Formula for P-4, man-hours, calculation: CHH = CH1 + CH2 + ... + CHN, where: CHH is the number of man-hours worked; CHN is the number of hours worked by each specific employee.

      They add up all the time worked by the employee on working days in the organization, as well as outside it. Extracurricular hours, work on business trips, and work in a combined position (at the same enterprise) are taken into account. Therefore, if an enterprise has employees who work full-time and part-time, separate calculations are carried out for them using a working time sheet.

      Calculating headcount using a calculator from an HR practitioner

      The basis for establishing such schedules is the reason “by contradiction” - when it is not possible to plan the regime in such a way that the working week is the fixed number of hours provided for by the norms of Art. 91-92 Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

      • 24 – for youth under 16 years of age;
      • 35 – for those with a disability group;
      • 36 – for teachers and workers in hazardous industries;
      • 39 – for doctors
      • 40 hours is the standard duration.

      A working week cannot include more than 40 hours. With RMS, shortcomings during one period can be compensated by processing in other time intervals, which in total reaches the result required by the standard. Summarized working time schedule (SWS) When introducing a SWS system at an enterprise, a work schedule is a mandatory document. FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Art.

      How is summarized working time recording used?

      No matter how they are distributed working hours over the course of a week, ten days, month, quarter, their total number for an accounting period that does not exceed a year must comply with the standards established by law. Let's consider the nuances regarding the schedule of such accounting, and also analyze how it will be implemented during a shift work schedule.

      Let us touch upon the issues of calculating remuneration for labor using this accounting method, including in situations where there was overtime. Let us show how working hours are calculated when summing up using a specific example.

      A special type of working time tracking is summarized. Summarized accounting is, in fact, a special working mode based on compliance with certain schedules (as a rule, these are “sliding” or shift schedules).

      How to calculate man hours

      How to calculate man-hours for a year? To obtain this indicator, it is necessary to add up all the hours worked by the employee in working days inside and outside the company. That is, the calculation includes labor time on work trips, overtime work, as well as work in a combined position in the same company. B is not taken into account when calculating:

      • the period of illness of the employee specified in the sick leave certificate;
      • vacation time for nursing mothers;
      • the time when the employee did not work for reasons that did not depend on him;
      • time annual leave worker;
      • reduced working hours;
      • the time when the employee improved his qualifications without being involved in the work process;
      • time of employees' participation in strikes;
      • other reasons for the employee’s absence from work.

      The total amount consists of all man-hours for each employee.

      • insufficient production of goods and services;
      • the potential profit of the enterprise can be received in a smaller volume;
      • loss of important clients;
      • lack of motivation and motivation of staff

      Elimination of lost working time It is advisable to carry out comprehensive measures, including:

      • Monitoring compliance with labor discipline, introducing a system of fines for its violation (being late, being away from the workplace, conversations or phone calls not related to production issues, leaving work early, etc.) Implementation software for office employees, allowing to monitor the time spent by an employee viewing third-party sites and social networks
      • Providing measures for smooth operation production equipment- regular checking of the serviceability of mechanisms and the service life of components.

      The most commonly used system of remuneration for actual time worked is:

      • hourly tariff rates: The monthly amount paid is calculated based on the hours worked during each specific month;
      • official salaries: a fixed amount is paid monthly if all shifts are worked in accordance with the planned schedule.

      NOTE! With a salary system average salary for 1 hour of labor will be different in one month or another, the total amount will “accumulate” only at the end of the accounting period. With hourly pricing, the cost per hour is always the same, since it is a fixed value, documented. It is possible to use piecework wages, when remuneration is calculated depending on the number of units of products produced or operations performed.

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