Sections of the production instructions for the operation of the equipment. Typical production instructions: description of the technological process, fire safety, labor protection at the enterprise

A production instruction is an operational document of an organization intended for service personnel of hazardous production facility, which specifies the procedure for the performance of labor functions of employees in the conduct of professional activities.

In accordance with the Regulation on the organization of training and knowledge testing of working organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, given in the order of Rostekhnadzor "On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision" 29.01. 2007 No. 37 ", workers of organizations operating HIFs periodically undergo a knowledge test of production instructions at least once every 12 months.

The requirement for the presence and content of production instructions is established by federal norms and rules, guidelines for the industry, organizations, taking into account the peculiarities of the operation of hazardous production facilities and equipment and machines in operation, as well as in individual regulations and guidance letters of Rostekhnadzor.

Production instructions should be developed by heads of structural divisions, technologists, engineers, leading specialists of production workshops and sections, by the service of the chief engineer, VET, etc. The production instruction is approved by the head or technical manager of the organization operating hazardous production facilities. If necessary, the instructions must be amended and supplemented, or the document must be issued anew, and the previous instruction is canceled by order of the head. All information about changes or introduction of new instructions must be communicated to employees in writing. Amendments are made if federal rules and regulations are adopted or changed.

Typical Manufacturing Instructions

There is no single approved standard form of production instructions. Its development is the responsibility of the organization operating the HIF. The structures of the production instruction, as a rule, include the following sections:

  1. General provisions on the organization.
  2. Information about a hazardous production facility.
  3. Information about certification of specialists and training of workers in the field industrial safety, data on the frequency of briefings.
  4. The hierarchy of management, with the specified relationships and subordination with various departments and services of the organization, related workplaces, diagram organizational structure organizations affecting the entire process of the production cycle, from the stage of development of PPR to the decommissioning of equipment and its conservation.
  5. Rights, duties, responsibilities and subordination of workers involved in the production cycle
  6. The order of acceptance and delivery of shifts.
  7. Description of the production cycle. Information about the technological schemes and the norms of the technological regime.
  8. Start-up and shutdown of equipment.
  9. Actions in case of unauthorized equipment stops - a detailed indication of possible deviations from the regulated technological regime and methods for eliminating each of them.
  10. Emergency stop of equipment. Possible consequences emergency stop of equipment and ways to overcome significant material damage.
  11. The procedure for providing first aid to injured workers at work. Escape routes.
  12. Basic techniques for the safe conduct of technological operations.
  13. Technological maps, working drawings, etc.
  14. Description of the workplace.
  15. The procedure for making changes and additions to production instructions.

Probably every old driver of a domestic car has a manual. As a rule, this is a slightly disheveled book, swollen with moisture, oiled, smelling of gasoline, and a gasket from the gearbox head serves as a bookmark for it. This book tells what devices and components are included in the complete set of the car, what to do if there are extraneous odors or knocks, what this may be connected with, and what this threatens the car (and the driver). If the driver is faced with difficulties, he opens this book, looks at the electrical diagram or wiring block diagram, in order to determine where the problem begins. A car is a product of serial assembly, and the manufacturer in the operating manual lists possible breakdowns and the reasons for their occurrence, which happened to car owners earlier, with other series, with other modifications.

The same thing happens with the manufacturing instruction. The equipment is factory-made, certified, and the whole series was released to equipment consumers in different industries, cities, in different climatic zones, into different skillful and crazy hands, therefore, the equipment operation manual cannot indicate all possible breakdowns, typical, for example, for organizations operating HIFs in the permafrost zone, or, on the contrary, in desert sandy steppes.

Therefore, who, if not those who operate HIFs in local, specific conditions, may know better manufacturer how the equipment will behave in a specific situation, what dangers lie in wait for those who live near the hazardous industrial facility, also depends on the wind rose and on the relief - a remote mountain village enriched with oxygen, or a swampy lowland with methane.

If the enterprise is engaged in coking or hydrogenation of coal, where methane emissions are possible, and there is a possibility of methane explosion - the main danger of methane, in the production instructions, in the "Emergency situations" section, it should be indicated: workers must be immediately removed from underground workings over 0.7 vol.% , and the premises must be ventilated. Therefore, the main preventive measure against the prevention of methane emissions is the availability of excellent ventilation in the mine. Since methane is inert and slightly soluble in water, the production instructions should indicate: for personal protection, it is necessary to use PDU-3, ShSS-TM, SIP-1, SPI-20, ShSS-T and so on, all these self-rescuers absorb the exhaled moist air from the mouth and produce saliva oxygen by reaction with carbon dioxide.

If the enterprise is not associated with a possible methane emission, then in this case it will be effective to use filtering gas masks. And in developments with possible poisoning and an explosion of methane, filter gas masks, which a dead poultice, are useless.

the specifics of the process maintenance are better known locally. And this experience, coupled with the executive documentation of the manufacturer, should be used in the development of production instructions. During an emergency, the employee will have no time to leaf through the many-page work, he will need to look at the instructions and complete the prescribed. This is the task of the production instruction - to be a guide for the performer.

Production instructions are drawn up for each profession of workers operating hazardous production facilities.

In clause 26 of the Regulation on the organization of training and knowledge testing of working organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, approved. Rostekhnadzor Order No. 37 of January 29, 2007 states that in organizations that carry out construction, operation, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities; electric power facility; an object that operates electrical, heating installations and networks, hydraulic structures, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair technical devices(machinery and equipment) used at the facilities, transportation hazardous substances, production instructions must be approved.

The FNP in the field of industrial safety "Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Networks" approved by order of Rostekhnadzor dated November 15, 2013 No. 542 provides approximate requirements for the content of production instructions.

  • description and characteristics of products, as a result of the considered technological operation;
  • description technological process;
  • requirements for technological equipment used for this operation. List and description of control systems, automation, measurements, signaling;
    - description of operations for starting up and putting into operation of equipment, for maintenance of equipment during operation, during shutdown of equipment and activities during the period of scheduled repairs;
    - a list of possible equipment malfunctions and measures to eliminate malfunctions.
  • requirements for production equipment. Start-up procedure after commissioning. The order of work in idle mode. Start-up procedure after overhaul.
  • methods and methods of production control. Instrumentation and automation
  • characteristics of the used raw materials, components, materials, blanks.
  • Actions in emergency situations. Characteristics of the damaging effect in case of fire or explosion of the raw materials and components used, and methods for neutralizing it.

The methodological basis for the production instruction is as-built documentation (diagrams, drawings, user manual, product passport, complaints, etc. of the manufacturer of this equipment, taking into account the profile of the production facility, specific requirements for the operation of equipment, technical devices, raw materials used, loading, shift.

Content of production instructions

After the introduction and characteristics of a hazardous production facility, the developer of the production instruction must indicate the following data in the instruction:

  1. Type and types of equipment. Main characteristics and purpose.
  2. Requirements for production personnel.
  3. Responsibilities of personnel on duty to monitor and control the operation of the technological line;
  4. The procedure for checking the serviceability of the serviced technological lines and related equipment in working order;
  5. Procedure, terms and methods of checking valves, safety devices, protection and signaling automatic devices;
  6. The procedure for starting up and stopping (stopping work) of equipment;
  7. Safety measures during the operation of the equipment. Personnel actions in the elimination of emergencies.
  8. Cases requiring an immediate shutdown of the equipment, provided for by federal norms and rules of industrial safety, as well as other equipment due to the specifics of the operation. The procedure for emergency shutdown and pressure reduction to atmospheric, or, for example, gas contamination to an acceptable level, is established depending on the specific circuit for switching on the equipment and the technological process;
  9. Personnel actions in the elimination of emergency situations;
  10. The procedure for maintaining a shift log (registration of reception and delivery of duty, checking the record by a person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the equipment).

Persons who have undergone a preliminary medical examination, a periodic medical examination, and have no contraindications to work, must be at least 18 years old, and trained in labor protection and industrial safety, safe methods and techniques for performing work. , first aid in case of industrial accidents, introductory and initial briefing on labor protection at the workplace, internship at the workplace and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements, safe methods and techniques for performing work;

Workers engaged in the maintenance of hazardous production facilities must be provided with appropriate overalls, safety footwear and other means individual protection according to their profession and the work they perform in accordance with the Model Industry Norms for the Free Distribution of Overalls, Safety Shoes and Other Personal Protective Equipment.

Testing knowledge of manufacturing instructions

Employees are periodically tested on their knowledge of this production instruction at least once every 12 months. Before testing knowledge, classes, lectures, seminars, and consultations are organized.

An extraordinary test of knowledge is carried out:

  • when moving to another organization;
  • in case of changes in the production instructions;
  • by order of officials territorial bodies Federal Service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision in the performance of their official duties in cases of insufficient knowledge of the instructions.

In case of a break in work in their specialty for more than 12 months, employees after a knowledge test before admission to independent work undergo an internship to restore practical skills.

Admission to independent work is issued by an order for the organization. The admission of personnel to self-service equipment is formalized by an order (decree) for the organization or workshop.

The production instruction must be at the workplace and issued against the receipt of the service personnel. The worker must sign the receipt of a copy of the production instruction in a freeform magazine. A standby set of production instructions should be placed on the stand. Equipment switching diagrams must be posted at the workplace, be clearly visible. All records must be constantly updated to ensure that there is no unauthorized personnel action in an emergency.

Maintenance (technical support) is carried out during the entire life of the equipment. Additionally, when questions arise, current technical consultations of the operating personnel are carried out by the specialists of the manufacturer. Recommendations for the maintenance of equipment are given in the passports and accompanying technical documents, which are integral part manufacturer's documentation.

For a quick solution technical issues associated with the operation of hazardous production facilities:

  • responsible employees for the operation of the equipment were appointed by order __________
  • list of normative technical documentation for which personnel are trained in regional centers the manufacturer is placed on the stand at ______________________;
  • recommendations for the preparation of work instructions for the operation of equipment;
  • organized maintenance of current operational documentation, equipment operating time logs, reflection of equipment operating parameters;
  • the production instructions take into account the manufacturer's recommendations on the conditions for ensuring the safe operation of the equipment;
  • an emergency response plan was drawn up.

To maintain the equipment in good condition, the operating organization is obliged to carry out repairs in a timely manner, in accordance with the schedule. During repairs, the requirements for labor protection and industrial safety set forth in industry rules and instructions should be observed.

Good day everyone!
Well, that there should be instructions on labor protection during the operation of this or that equipment is understandable. But an expression like "A set of instructions for the operation of equipment" strains like that. As for me, the rules and regulations for the operation of equipment should fit into the OT instructions for the operation of equipment, so why then do a parallel "talmud".
Or, for example, the concept - production instructions - should, in theory, contain all the rules and regulations for the operation of equipment.
Then it turns out already THREE kind of instructions in one set of documentation about the same thing .......... I don't understand anything ??????
Explain please for "(especially dull)" Is there any state institutions approved concepts and norms for the quantity and content of documentation. Otherwise, for our labor protection, in my opinion, the more documentation the better

How to decipher three expressions in detail:

3 - Instructions for use of the equipment ...

alex56 13 June 2013 - 17:17

  • Orenburg

Types and number of instructions in production

1 - Instructions on labor protection during the operation of this or that equipment ...

Well it is clear...

2 - Manufacturing instructions ......

Instructions for the operator working on this equipment - often there are different local regimes and regulations ... directly related to production .. not maintenance ..

3 - Instructions for use of the equipment ...

Usually, the equipment manufacturer's instructions, including the general (without local realities) production and also any other - those characteristics, limiting modes, regulations for maintenance, lubrication, replacement of wearing parts, repairs, assembly-disassembly procedure ... etc. with all this ...

Why do you need this? question vector? Certification?

Ginseng 13 June 2013 - 17:30

  • City: Dzerzhinka city
  • Name: Evgeny Shevelev

Types and number of instructions in production

for our labor protection, in my opinion, the more documentation the better

well, like this Golden Rule"The more paper, the cleaner the ass" (both literally and figuratively) has not yet been canceled.
On this topic. In our tent (a very serious office), instructions were called something like this: " Working instruction according to the rules of work with ... "followed by the name of the operation and the list of equipment on which the operation was performed. detailed description the procedure for performing work, the rules for operating this equipment and the requirements for health and safety, that is, "three in one". There were about forty or fifty similar Talmuds on our site alone, and I, the then shift foreman, was supposed to give all workers a monthly instruction against signature. It was twenty years ago, now, perhaps, if anything has changed, then a little. If not in the subject, I apologize.

Anatoly D. 13 June 2013 - 22:08

  • City: SK p. Zaterechny

Types and number of instructions in production

Why do you need this? question vector? Certification?

Yes, not .................... e
It's like putting the documentation in order ................... I am trying to figure it out so as not to overload the student, but at the same time not to give a reason (to compassionate health and safety engineers) refute my "good intentions".
Example - I am drawing up an instruction (PRODUCTION - as I called it) which briefly, specifically indicates the action of the driver - (without too much) they tell me this nonsense. All the "examples" that I looked at 95% "pouring from empty to empty" and it is useless to argue. That's why I turned to the WORLD for everything and turned for specific clear templates with strictly defined points

1) Having taken over the watch, the compressor unit operator is obliged to:

  • Get acquainted with the entries in the rotational log.
  • Carry out an external examination of the compressors for faults and the integrity of the ground connection;
  • Check the reliability of the fastening of the protective covers;
  • Check the absence of pressure in 1 - 2 stages;
  • Check the absence of foreign objects on the VC;
2) Before starting the VC in automatic mode, the driver must:
  • Switch on the power supply of the VK control panels with the SA-1 switches;
  • SA-2 operation mode control switches, put in the AVT position;

3) During the operation of the VC in automatic mode, the driver must:

  • Monitor the oil pressure in the VK circulating lubrication system;
  • Observe air pressure in 1 - 2 stages;
  • Watch out for the absence and appearance of extraneous noise during the operation of the compressors;
  • Inspect for air and oil leaks.
4) In case of failure of any VC, the driver must:
  • On the control panel of the failed VC, put the SA-2 switch in the middle position (off);
  • Disconnect the power supply of the control panel with the SA-1 switch (off);
  • Disconnect the power supply of the corresponding VC to the ShchP - 1;
  • Hang up signs on SCHP - 1 and the corresponding VC - DO NOT TURN ON PEOPLE WORK!;
  • Make a corresponding entry in the journal;
  • Report the malfunction to the chief mechanic or shift foreman.

alex56 14 June 2013 - 09:06

  • Orenburg

Types and number of instructions in production

I am trying to figure it out so as not to overload the student, but at the same time not to give a reason (for the compassionate health and safety engineers) to refute my "good intentions".

You are in vain .... And you wrote about the ass .. and in general it is logical - the only moment to hammer at least something into the student's head is briefings, during admission, repeated and extraordinary .. .. and this must be used to the maximum ..

Use your instructions for destination - like workers ...

promlyt 14 June 2013 - 10:28

  • City: Kiev
  • Name: Julia Nikolaevna

Types and number of instructions in production

Check the oil level in the crankcase of each compressor;

In this case, it is not clear how to check the oil level, and what this level should be. This is written in the equipment operating instructions. So there is already 1 instruction - an instruction manual. Further production instructions. In the form in which you want to present it, it will not be complete. I explain: the worker will read the operating manual exactly 0.5 times (if good location stars), because the instruction manual contains a lot of incomprehensible things for him. In the operating manual, everything is written and work, and maintenance, and installation, and technical characteristics, and conservation. And the worker needs to describe only his part of the work, but with the details arising from the equipment operation manual. So the production instruction for the driver in the part of the oil check point should look like: check the oil level. To do this, take such and such a probe, lower it to such and such a depth, etc. The oil level is determined by the dipstick and should be at least (no more) such and such a mark. We get the 2nd instruction - production. Now the instruction on labor protection. How will the worker measure the oil level? Rather, should he have some kind of personal protective equipment with him, can he stick his hand into this crankcase, etc. We have a 3rd instruction. In order not to produce a lot of letters in the production facility, they make such a point in the production facility: "Observe safety precautions in accordance with the instructions for safety and labor protection No. ...".

Anatoly D. 14 June 2013 - 12:16

  • City: SK p. Zaterechny

Types and number of instructions in production

To do this, take such and such a probe, lower it to such and such a depth, etc. The oil level is determined by the dipstick and should be at least (no more) such and such a mark.

You may be right, but a worker who is not admitted to compressors from a culinary school - and passes exams in the main profession before starting work.

promlyt 14 June 2013 - 12:26

  • City: Kiev
  • Name: Julia Nikolaevna

Types and number of instructions in production

but a worker who is not admitted to the compressors from a culinary school

So who can argue that the worker is a professional in his field. Only how many modifications of equipment are there, and you write the instruction for the specific equipment that is in your production, and coordinate it with the operation manual. It is not a fact that it is on your compressor that the oil level is measured the way a worker was taught in a vocational school.

vladius 14 June 2013 - 19:20

  • City: Nevinnomyssk
  • Name: Vladimir Petrovich

Types and number of instructions in production

How to decipher three expressions in detail:
1 - Instructions on labor protection during the operation of this or that equipment ...
2 - Manufacturing instructions ......
3 - Instructions for use of the equipment ...

In general, there is no generally accepted definition of the term Production Instruction. Everyone defines it to the extent of their depravity or awareness.
Rather, it is a collective image. This is how he interprets it OST 64-02-003-2002
List of production
"The section provides a list of instructions, the availability of which and guidance
which are mandatory for the conduct of this technological process, including
1) detailed instructions conducting the technological process for all workers
places in accordance with the staffing table, including workplaces through
2) instructions for safety, industrial sanitation, fire
safety of production (workshop) or other production units,
if they have significant differences from general characteristics production
3) start-up instructions (when starting up new productions);
4) a plan for the elimination of emergencies and accidents (if production is included
to the list of industries for which the development of such plans is mandatory);
5) instructions for preparing equipment for repair and receiving equipment from
repair, large-scale, permanent production;
6) instructions for the operation of equipment, measuring instruments and instruments
7) floor plan of the production building;
instructions for the prevention of microbial contamination of raw materials and finished
products during storage and in production. "
This also includes instructions for the relationship, production control, training, briefing, testing, rules for keeping records, etc. etc.
Connecting in all this variety of local regulatory documents, we have been instructions on labor protection for workplaces and job descriptions, since they included lists of instructions that the employee must know and follow.

Anatoly D. 15 June 2013 - 23:48

  • City: SK p. Zaterechny

Types and number of instructions in production

In general, there is no generally accepted definition of the term Production Instruction. Everyone defines it to the extent of their depravity or awareness.
Rather, it is a collective image.

So I came to the conclusion that every engineer or another dignitary from Occupational Safety and Health Administration himself comes up with the rules for maintaining documentation. We have, in principle, the OSH and OS standards, but it is also not correctly defined in terms of the specific content and number of instructions. There is, as it were, a list recommended OT journals by divisions. It also exists too recommended the list regarding technical documentation - there is also nothing specific in it. Based on all this, for some reason, OT considers that from the quantity recommended there should be at least twice as many instructions and logs. I agree that it is necessary to prescribe EVERYTHING, to acquaint with signature. So that later it could be said and we warned you ... we told you about it .... and you - and we have no responsibility == FULL STUFF == Such amount of information is simply not possible for a person to "absorb" is not real!
I think the instructions should be reasonable. short - generalized and relating only to the narrow specific activity of the worker. Craftsmen, mechanics must carry out repeated - short briefings directly according to the type of daily activity and the main responsibilities of their personnel brigade or service. But all kinds of classes, meetings - an hour of safety, conversations on the lessons learned from incidents, additional training on civil defense and emergency situations and everything that indirectly concerns workers, and for full compliance they must be familiarized - HSE specialists must be engaged.
At the direction of OT, we have already made a list of instructions, the instructions themselves, indicated the points of instructions when conducting briefings (it looks so competently !!!) ................ The "auditor" came and asked foreman: How many people do you have in the unit ??? ... how long does it take to instruct everyone ??? === and when are you in production ??? ...... !!! .......... The authorities are changing new lists in a different way, we write down again a bunch of paper .... The "Senior Inspector" comes along = everything is changing again - this must be eliminated ......, add here .. ...... is enter ..... and here it is ....... bring Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It turns out to be infinity!
Per indication ofOST 64-02-003-2002 thanks! but he according to the approval of technological regulations of production medicines and their semi-products ... and we are more like a machine-building and oil industry... If you refer to him, they can say that this is not about us .................. Maybe something is (from the OSTs) more specifically !?

In many modern firms involved in the release of goods, in order to optimize the interaction between employees and management, production instructions are issued. They are considered as local regulatory sources that have the same legal force, in particular, with employment contracts. What is the specificity of the respective instructions? How are they developed?

What is a manufacturing instruction?

By production instruction it is customary to understand a local legal act that regulates the labor function of an employee, defines a list of his duties, rights, as well as the conditions for the occurrence of responsibility for certain actions. It can be noted that labor protection at the enterprise involves the preparation by the company's employees responsible for personnel management, along with the document under consideration, also sources such as fire safety instructions, labor protection instructions.

All types of noted sources are compiled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by virtue of the internal corporate norms established at a particular enterprise. Labor protection at the enterprise is a process that requires the greatest attention in the development of the considered types of documents.

In the production instructions, the norms that characterize a specific position in the company are fixed. So, it reflects the rules that establish what kind of work the employee is obliged to perform, the requirements for the level of the employee's qualifications.

Let us consider in more detail the features of using the documents in question.

Purpose of manufacturing instructions

Why does a company need production instructions? The purpose of this document, if you follow the rules of official sources of law and practice of corporate governance, is to ensure regulatory regulation of personnel management in the company. The production instruction regulates:

  • key issues of personnel management;
  • interaction of employees of various profiles with colleagues and management;
  • the procedure for performing labor functions by specific specialists.

The creation of high quality working instructions allows the company to:

  • build an effective system for the division of labor in the organization;
  • stimulate labor productivity;
  • ensure control over the activities of individual employees or their groups;
  • to increase the level of responsibility of the company's employees for their own actions in the process of solving problems related to business development.

The presence of production instructions in the internal corporate document flow system allows the company to accelerate the process of adaptation of new employees to the specifics of local production tasks. This contributes to the stability of the process of release of goods, provision of services, stimulates business growth and the development of new promising segments.

Relationship of production instructions with other internal corporate sources

The document in question is quite closely related to other local regulations, which are published at the enterprise. First of all, it should be noted that the manufacturing instruction is a source that can be divided into a number of categories. Which ones?

There are sources such as industrial fire safety instructions. In it, special attention is paid, therefore, to the rules for the response of employees to the occurrence of a fire hazard. It can be a supplement to the Master Manufacturing Instructions, or it can be published as a separate local source.

There are instructions for industrial sanitation. They fix the norms reflecting how employees act in order to maintain the necessary level of sanitary conditions for the implementation of labor activities. This document, again, can supplement the main one or be published as an independent local source.

In some cases, the source about which in question, can regulate labor functions not according to positions, but according to the areas of activity of specialists. For example, production instructions for the operation of electrical installations can be drawn up. There are documents of a similar purpose related to other areas of labor protection - not directly related to the labor functions of employees of enterprises. So there are production and technical instructions, which in their structure can be close to the manuals for the operation of certain objects of fixed assets used in production.

The document in question is developed for each position by the specialists of the company's HR department. For this, a typical production instruction for a particular position can be used, as well as various sources rights. For example - Qualification handbook, approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 37, issued on August 21, 1998. Industry sources of law, recommendations of experts and analysts are often used for these purposes.

Which source should be used to develop the optimal job description, depends on the size of the enterprise, types of products, organization characteristics production process... Also, the requirements for the relevant documents, which are put forward by the parent organization, the owners of the company, and investors, may be important.

Production instruction as a source of regulation of the technological process and an employment contract

The production instruction is linked to the employee's employment contract. In some cases, their provisions are duplicated or complemented. In many firms, HR specialists prefer to include as much of the norms that characterize the production instructions as possible, namely, in the employment contract. This is due to their desire to minimize labor costs for document flow: the fewer sources of local norms, the easier it is to organize their accounting.

But this is not always effective. The fact is that in some cases it is necessary to include a description of the technological process in the production instructions, while it is sometimes problematic to place the corresponding wording in the labor contract. The technological process is one of the main criteria for separating production instructions from other types of local sources of norms. In order for the employee of the company to correctly ensure the compliance of his work with the noted criterion, the employer must provide him with the opportunity to familiarize himself with the official source of the requirements for his labor function.

In the event that the instructions in question are separate sources - in the contracts concluded by the company with employees under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a reference to them is usually indicated. It can be noted that both the production instruction and the employment contract have the same legal force from the point of view of the law. If an employee violates the norms that he undertook to comply with the instructions - including those that characterize the technological process, then the same legal consequences may arise that arise from non-compliance with the provisions of the contract.

Production and job descriptions

So, the production instruction can be used in the company along with other sources of labor protection. Some of them are similar to her, complement her. In particular, the production instruction is very similar to the job description.

In some cases, it is legitimate to consider them as synonyms. To draw up a job description, the same sources of law can be used as noted above. But, in fact, the production instruction characterizes mainly working positions, and therefore is most often drawn up by personnel services. industrial enterprises... In the corresponding document, a significant place is occupied by the description of the technological process, which must be followed by the employee of the company in the framework of performing his own labor function.

That is, the scope of the document in question is narrower. The production instruction regulates labor activity in industrial firms. In turn, the publication of documents of the second type is more typical for service enterprises. But from the point of view of structure, both will be practically the same.

Production instruction structure

Let us study, in this way, in what structure a typical production instruction can be presented. The document in question most often consists of the following key sections:

In some cases, the production instruction is supplemented by other sections - for example, regulating the procedure for rewarding an employee for outstanding achievements in work.

The specified structure of the document, in general, is applicable to the job description. The main differentiating criterion between the respective types of documents, as we noted above, is the scope.

The procedure for developing production instructions is usually approved by local regulations of the employing company, since at the official level such sources of law are not adopted in the Russian Federation. Let's study the procedure for developing the source in question in more detail.

Features of the development of production instructions

First of all, you can study the question: in connection with what does the enterprise need to develop production instructions? As a rule, such a need becomes urgent:

  • when the company forms an additional staff of employees (for example, in connection with the expansion of production, the opening of new branches);
  • with a significant change in the labor function, which is regulated by local norms adopted earlier;
  • when changing content labor contracts with workers for one reason or another (for example, when modernizing production).

Manufacturing instruction - a document that can be recommended for development in a firm on the recommendation of a higher structure, experts, audit companies. The source in question can be formalized as an independent source or approved as an attachment to the employee's contract. In Russian firms, the main types of documents used in the labor protection system (production, job descriptions in particular) are developed using both methods.

But, in general, both procedures are characterized by similar stages. Let's study them in more detail.

First of all, HR specialists work out the text content of the document. For this, as we noted above, a typical production instruction, as well as official sources of law, may be involved.

The section of the document that reflects it general provisions, as a rule, does not cause difficulties in design. This part of the instruction is among those that are characterized by minimal differences when comparing documents developed for different positions or groups of labor functions.

Certain nuances characterize the design of the "Qualification Requirements" section. They are most often viewed in context:

  • job responsibilities;
  • necessary knowledge of the employee;
  • the level of education of a specialist and other qualification criteria.

If in the process of creating a document a standard production instruction is used, then the formulations that are present in it can quite superficially regulate the specifics of labor functions at a particular enterprise. In this regard, the HR department of the company may need to supplement the relevant standards with those that more effectively reflect the specifics of the production process in the company. To solve this problem, the help of experts and analysts can be involved.

The next key section of the document is Manufacturing Functions. It is necessary to pay special attention to its compilation: as a rule, it is for it that the norms reflecting the specifics of the regulation of a specific labor function are characteristic.

For example, manufacturing instructions for the operation of electrical installations can regulate functions that are very different from those that characterize the work of, for example, a locksmith. This may be due to the specifics of the equipment used by the specialist of the profile for which the document is drawn up. The locksmith's production instruction will include norms that regulate in more detail a different labor function.

The section "Responsibilities" of the instruction is also among those that include wording that reflects the specifics of a particular position in the enterprise. For a specialist in the maintenance of plumbing equipment, the responsibilities will be one, for the worker - others. For example, a plumber is characterized by functions to ensure the proper operation of heating and water supply systems, and to carry out timely repairs of the relevant infrastructure. In turn, the worker can be responsible for the correct installation of these systems, checking their initial performance.

Sections such as "Rights" and "Responsibility", in turn, may include fairly universal wording. The production instruction of a worker, locksmith, electrical installation specialist may have practically similar norms in terms of the marked sections of the document in question.

The next step in creating a production instruction is design. Let's study its features in more detail.

Features of the design of production instructions

When solving the corresponding problem, one can focus on official sources of law - such as, for example, GOST R 6.30-2003. This GOST regulates the procedure for creating internal corporate administrative documentation at enterprises. The main requirements that the corresponding

One of the misconceptions is that many believe that "ITR-am" are job descriptions, and "hard workers" - production instructions.

A profession is a skill that is obtained after vocational training, for example, an accountant, radio engineer, personnel manager, plumber, welder. They studied, and the result of the training was a diploma or certificate, in which the received profession is prescribed. This introduction is necessary in order to understand how to draw up a manufacturing instruction and distinguish it from other instructions or determine the information that is indicated in it.

What is a job title?

A position is understood as a complex or a set of duties that will have to be performed by the employed person.

An electrician, for example, may be hired as an assistant foreman,

a radio engineer can hold the position of a design engineer of the 2nd category; a personnel manager can be hired for the position of the head of the subscriber hall.

For some positions, there is no need for training, these are positions such as room cleaner, night watchman, watchman and others.

Organizations have staffing tables consisting precisely of the list of posts. Sometimes, if necessary, indicate the profession in a separate column. There are cases of coincidence of position and profession.

How to draw up production instructions

Each employee is charged with certain job duties, which are set out in the job description. Now we have come to the point of how to draw up production instructions. They are tied to a specific technical or technological process or equipment that an employee will encounter in the course of work. The employee can be any - engineering technician or "hard worker". In the job description, broader concepts are given, and in the production manual, direct actions in a certain situation. For example:

At 8:00 you need to take the shift transfer journal from the table.

Before 8:10, you must fill in the lines concerning you.

Make sure no one is near the shield.

Put on rubber gloves and turn the main switch.

Manufacturing instructions are drawn up in accordance with Interstate standards

GOST 3. 1105-84 “Unified system of technological documentation. Forms and rules for drawing up documents of general purpose ", which were put into effect by the decree of the State Standard of the USSR No. 4070 on November 30, 1984. As for the term of the instruction, you must also look at GOST. If there are no time requirements there, then it can be set by yourself in the instructions, but if they have not been established, then it will be indefinite. The production instructions contain partially operational instructions as part of the familiarization process with equipment or technology, as well as extracts from labor protection instructions.

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