The best rituals, prayers and conspiracies to win the lottery: rules and possible consequences. Conspiracy to win the lottery, money

Everyone dreams of money that has fallen from the sky. However, not everyone is looking for ways to translate dreams into reality using magic, for example, a conspiracy to win the lottery. Does capricious fortune work and to whom? So, the lucky ticket is in your hands and you are determined to take your luck by the bridle - then let's start!

Conspiracies to win

On the first day of the growing lunar phase, take twelve coins of different denominations, picking them up so that the total amount of the change coincides with the age (the total number of years). Taking the money in hand, go to the wasteland (a deserted place open to the sky). Show the coins to the young month so that he illuminates them, cast the spell seven times:

All living things that grow in the world and are filled with life, multiplies from the light of the sun, strives for it.
And you, my money, grow from the light of the moon, multiply and be fruitful.
Enrich the servant of God (name him), come to me, come. So be it!

Grasp the enchanted coins in your fist and hurry on your way. The magic will begin after you put the magic change in your wallet (be sure to mix it with the pennies already inside).

This conspiracy to win the lottery will help attract luck in gambling too.

Unfortunately, many financial disputes bring conflicting parties to court, which can resolve the differences. Each participant is sincerely convinced of his innocence, therefore he wants the decision of Themis to be in his favor.

To win a litigation, try during the session, secretly from everyone, to put a fig (dummy) in your right pocket and whisper a conspiracy:

Let it be a fig for you, and chests of goodness, gold and silver, filled boxes and barns are full of me; purses rich in money. Only I, God's servant (name yourself), a prince, a boyar and a merchant, my only happiness will be, my crown. What has been said will come true! Amen!

For those who want to tickle their nerves in gambling, the following conspiracy to win at cards is suitable:

May the strength and wisdom of the miraculous herb, the forest, be with me.
The one that Mother Earth raised, determined for the sacraments and benefits for wealth.
Let the grass serve me: it will bring victory to me, and it will give profit.

For the spell, you need a fern root, dug out during the period of the strongest concentration of magical power in the plant - Midsummer's Day (July 7). The root should be dried and ground into powder - it is on the grass dust that the conspiratorial text is read on the eve of the upcoming game. Sitting at the gambling table, discreetly scatter a pinch in front of you and one at a time to the right and left.

You can use this magical method of attracting good luck in important business negotiations that promise good profits.

Why does luck accompany only a certain number of the elite, the so-called lucky ones? Everything in their life is smooth, they succeed a lot, money flows right into their hands, while other people must plow hard so that even a small fraction of earthly blessings will go to them and their children.

Perhaps because this category of inhabitants does not seek to change and bend the world, but obeys the laws of chaos and fatalism, as representatives of the science of the world order - synergetics, convince us. There is a share of rationality in this.

Take, for example, the remarkable story of Edward Boyd, winner of a million dollar prize. The lottery ticket was bought and safely lost among the trash in his old truck.

Many methods and practices developed by the luminaries of the sciences of the soul and human essence are based on the assertion that there are no accidents in the world and almost all events in a person's life depend on him.

The principles thanks to which you can become successful and successful:

  • Think positively! Optimists live longer and happier, so learn to see the joy in the little things.
  • Don't be afraid to dream! The more often you indulge in dreams, even the most unrealizable, the faster the ways of realizing your plans will open.
  • Accept the blows of fate with humility! Every nuisance in life, paradoxically, brings you closer to the cherished.
  • Don't be scattered about trifles! Before doing anything, analyze the options for the development of events and ways of further advancement.
  • Take action and don't be lazy! Fortune loves the daring and daring, so don't be afraid to make a mistake. But do not rush to recklessly rush after imaginary success either.

Wise sorcerers added dogmas to these psychological principles of attracting good luck, adhering to which you can not only read a strong conspiracy to win the lottery, but also carry out:

  1. Clear your thoughts of negativity. Forget everything that life has upset, and do not remember. Forgive the people who hurt and hurt you, they made you stronger and more persistent.
  2. Any conspiracy to win - in court, in cards, in the lottery - read on the growing moon, when cosmic energy works to replenish what was lost and acquire the desired.
  3. Do not dare to talk to anyone about the use of magic: neither before nor after the sacrament.
  4. The most magical day is Wednesday (as the middle of a weekly period), buy a lottery ticket on this day.
  5. And most importantly, believe in the positive outcome of the event!

Finally, enhance the magic with a self-made talisman: pour pre-crushed dry plantain seeds into the hollow core of the goose feather. Add three drops of holy water to them. Cover the ends of the rod with softened candle wax (church wax). It is necessary to do the ceremony at dawn on the 23rd day of summer. Always take the amulet with you - it brings luck and disposes others to its owner.

The lottery is an opportunity not only to improve your financial affairs, but to become a really very rich person. Especially if the jackpot is won. Almost every person dreams of getting such a prize. Only a few manage to realize such a dream. Some people, having bought a lottery ticket only once in their life, immediately become the owners of a huge cash prize. Others, playing for years, only get small winnings from time to time.

What does such luck depend on? Perhaps, on the side of the players from the first category, there were forces for which there is nothing impossible?

Winning the lottery does not depend on education, intelligence, social status of a person. To win a victory you need, as they say, "to catch luck by the tail." Only magic can help in the hunt for luck.

Despite the fact that the conspiracies and rituals for getting a win are very strong, you need to remember that all players want to win. And this means that some of these people can also call on magic as assistants. Therefore, it is important not only perform a ritual, but also to do it correctly, fulfilling all possible requirements as much as possible. Witchcraft forces will always be on the side of the person who fully fulfilled all the conditions.

You can strengthen the conspiracy to win the lottery if you additionally adhere to the following rules:

  1. Buy a lottery ticket exclusively on a day favorable for your zodiac sign. All signs are divided into elements: water, earth, fire and air. For example, Aries is a fire sign. This means that people who belong to the elements of fire can buy a ticket only during those periods when the sun is in one of such signs as Leo, Sagittarius or Aries. Accordingly, the water signs will be lucky when the sun is in the sign of Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer.
  2. To buy a ticket, you need to choose the right time. On Monday and Tuesday, you need to buy a ticket strictly before lunchtime. V saturday or sunday- from lunch to evening. Thursday is the most favorable day to buy, as it is under the auspices of Jupiter. You can play on this day at any time.
  3. When going to buy a ticket, you need to dress in a special way. All clothing should be dark, down to underwear. Completely exclude: plaid, colorful designs, peas and stripes. There should be no yellow and red colors in clothes. Wear jewelry to a minimum, but exclude gold completely.
  4. A few days before participating in the lottery, exclude dairy products, garlic and everything that has a red color (beets, red apples, tomatoes) from the menu.
  5. Start the game only with a positive attitude and thoughts of victory.
  6. Under no circumstances should anyone be told that magic rituals were used.
  7. You need to constantly repeat to yourself the affirmations for winning, which will gradually change the energy vibrations of a person and attract the winnings. For example: “I am a powerful magnet for big winnings”, “I am able to attract big money"," I can get any amount I want "," I am the only winner of the lotto fun. " And any other phrases that can instill confidence in success.

One of the most powerful conspiracies that is really capable of answering the question of how to make a lottery. The cemetery, of course, is not the best place where you want to be alone. However, the fast victory the lottery is worth it.

During the waxing moon, early in the morning before dawn, you need to come to the cemetery. Find any grave there, on which the cross is crooked, and read the following words over it: “To this place, poverty, attach yourself. Give up your place for my success. My heart will no longer suffer from lack of money, and it will not know poverty. From the moment of this denyushk I will begin to count more and more. And soon they will not be counted. God will send wealth and peace to my home. Amen!"

The plot must be read 3 times. Then put any coin on the grave and say: “So let it come true! The dead have heard, done in the morning, paid in money! Amen!" After reading the last conspiracy, you need to leave. You can't look back.

Within a month after the ritual, there will definitely be a victory in the game. The deceased must be thanked for her. Come and clean the grave, organize a commemoration.

Wanga's conspiracy

For a successful ritual and a positive result, you need to clearly visualize the win. It is important not only to imagine how a large amount will be received, you need to clearly know what it will be spent on: buying a car or apartment, repaying a loan and other debts.

For the ritual you will need:

  • Outerwear that is often worn.
  • Any, the smallest coin.

The coin should be sewn into the pocket of your clothes, accompanying the process with the following words: “Threads and a needle, a couple anywhere. As they are inseparable and always together, so wealth is on my heels. Abundance follows me like a thread for a needle. I will sew a pocket, I will stop unreasonable spending. Come to me money is different: gold and copper, large and small. To me and to God for joy. Amen!"

No outsider should hear the words of the conspiracy. Charged in this manner thing to hang back in the closet for a day. Then put on and wear for several days in a row. The big win should come very soon.

Conspiracy with coins

This rite is effective only at the very beginning of the waxing moon cycle. The sky should be clear. For witchcraft, you will need 12 coins of any denomination. They should all be different, none of the same in this bunch should meet. You can mix coins from different countries: Russian rubles, American cents, British pounds, Ukrainian hryvnias. It is important that the total amount of these coins equals the full years of the life of the person who wants to win.

At midnight, on the first day of the waxing moon, leave the house with prepared coins. Choose a secluded place, take all the coins in your palm and stretch them to the moon. It is important that her light falls on hands and money. Standing in this way, repeat the incantation 7 times: “From the light of the sun, all living things grow and multiply. From the moonlight my wealth grows and my money multiplies. Enrich me, slave (s) of God (name), mistress of the night! Let the abundance in my life be like the stars in the sky! May it be so!"

After the last repetition of the spell, the coins in your hand need to be squeezed. They may be hot. You shouldn't be surprised at this. The charmed coins need to be put in the wallet, but a separate compartment should be allocated for them. They are by no means should not mix with other money. You cannot pay with them. You cannot give them to someone or show them either. The result of the ceremony will certainly be.

You can guess the winnings in a very simple way with the help of a pendulum made with your own hands. For the ritual you will need:

  • Red thread, about 20 cm long.
  • Nut, ring, any amulet.
  • Two church candles.

This way. " Tie any of the weights listed above to the prepared thread and light the candles. Take the free end of the thread with the index and thumb of your right hand. Raise the pendulum above the palm of your left hand to a height of no more than 3 cm.

It is necessary to wait until the pendulum stops completely by itself. When this happens, you can ask a question, for example, is it possible to win today. After that, the pendulum will swing. Remember its trajectory.

In the event that the movement was from right to left or vice versa, you can buy a ticket. If the trajectory of movement resembled an oval or a circle, it is better to refuse to participate in the lottery.

Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova is one of the most famous practicing healers and magicians in the world. Conspiracies and prayers that she wrote myself, helped people not only solve minor life troubles, but also completely heal and improve their lives. At the moment, Natalia Stepanova's arsenal contains more than 7 thousand different conspiracies for all occasions.

According to the healer, the most in demand now are those conspiracies that help attract good luck, wealth, or get a big win. Everyone is interested in such rituals: schoolchildren, seasoned players and retirees. Everyone wants to win fortune to their side.

Healer conspiracies belong to white magic and are completely safe. You can check their effectiveness yourself. They are simple to perform and do not require specific magical paraphernalia.

Rite of passage with an egg

With the help of an egg ritual, you can not only win the lottery, but also drive out all the negative energy and evil spirits from the house. For the ritual you will need:

  • Chicken eggs, one or more. There is an important requirement for eggs, they must be laid on Sunday or Easter.
  • Clay container.
  • Gold ring or earring.

Break one or more eggs into an earthenware plate or any other clay vessel. Put the chosen gold jewelry on the eggs and go around the whole apartment with the vessel. In each room, you need to stand for a short time in all corners, presenting the win. After the walk around the apartment is finished, the eggs need to be fried the way you like. Gold should also be in the pan.

When the eggs are ready, put them on a plate, and wash and put on the decoration. If you have already bought a lottery ticket, place it next to the plate. Eat eggs, while glancing at the ticket from time to time. If not, then just imagine huge amounts of money.

Prayer for a win from Natalia Stepanova

According to the Siberian healer, it is best to buy a lottery ticket early in the morning on Saturday or Wednesday. It's good if I have an opportunity combine prayer with a ritual for good luck and Wednesday. This will significantly affect the power of the spell.

Before leaving home for a lottery ticket, read the following prayer: “The moon is growing, increasing. Rivers flow, spread. And my profit is growing, arriving. May the servant of God (name) return with a profit today. Amen!"

Conspiracy on the lottery ticket of Natalia Stepanova

Having bought a ticket, you will need to speak it in a special way. To do this, bring it home, put it on the table. Light 2 church candles. Put the most expensive gold jewelry in the house on top of the ticket and read the following words: “Great Lord! Mother Church! Protect me from harm, protect me from failures and evil envious people! Take all dangers and fearful human thoughts away from me. Accept my repentance. Help in all matters. Amen!"

Leave the charmed things until the candles are completely burned out. Then hide the gold in place and do not wear it for three days. The win will not be long in coming.

Possible consequences of a conspiracy to win the lottery

Most priests have a negative attitude to lotteries, considering it a temptation. Allegedly, the devil is trying to seduce a person with easy and quick money. The attitude towards witchcraft is even more negative... The Orthodox Church believes that a person will pay with his soul for such entertainment.

In order to minimize the negative consequences that can entail winning a large sum, you need to donate part of it to charity. For example, it is better to give 10% of the amount received to an orphanage or animal shelter. In this case, the higher powers will not demand another payment for their help.

When giving part of the money, you need to repeat to yourself several times: “When I receive, I give. Letting go of someone else. I take mine for myself. " The main thing is to remember that magic does not tolerate publicity. When performing all the rituals, you need to keep it secret.

Rites for winning the lottery should be carried out on the growing moon

Understanding Lottery Conspiracies

The desire to have more money is common to all people. Vivid dreams of how one day you will win a huge amount in the lottery, and you will live happily ever after. Such dreams can come true.

The ceremonies should be carried out on the growing moon, preferably on Wednesday, if it is not possible, on Sunday. You need to tune in to financial well-being and winning money.

You should know that all magic has consequences. It can lead to the opposite effect if the ceremony is performed incorrectly, you will get confused in the words of the conspiracy, you will think about something else. The consequences can be mitigated or partially avoided. Remember: no one should be told that you are going to perform a ceremony to win.

For luck

For good luck in plots to win gambling, you can use various amulets, such as a four-leaf clover, a horseshoe that the horse has worn for a long time, and a rabbit's foot. But know that the main factor for success is your attitude and focus on the set goal.

  1. You can put in your wallet three Chinese coins tied together with a red thread with a square hole in the center.
  2. Always take change. If you have dropped a coin, pick it up. Give money to people folded in half, in corners to another person.
  3. Do not lend to someone who may not return them. There should be a piggy bank in the corner of your bedroom, into which you will throw a coin every day, thinking about how your profits are growing.

Rites for winning

Let's get down to the rituals themselves. Rituals that are carried out independently, without the help of a magician, should be carried out at home. There should be no one in the room but you. It is recommended to close in an empty room leaving even pets in other rooms so that they do not distract your attention.

Forty candles

The first rite, the most powerful in my magical practice. To attract a large amount of winnings, you will need:

  • forty blue candles;
  • a coin of not the largest denomination, it is best if it is one, two or five kopecks;
  • salt.

How to perform the ritual

This ritual should not be performed like all normal rituals. Not as everyone advises: not on Thursday, not on a clear day, not during the waxing moon.

  1. We choose a cloudy, maybe even rainy day or evening during the waning moon. On days like this, people tend to be in the mood for failure, which will benefit you.
  2. Put on your most inconspicuous and old clothes, always in dull colors: gray, brown, dark blue, dark green, etc. Put a coin in your left pocket.
  3. Before heading out into the street, speak a random conspiracy on the doorstep:

    "Wealth, come to me!"

    Go to the place where the bodies of water are. Preferably lakes, streams. Stand near the shore, facing north, take a coin from your pocket in your right hand. On the coin you need to say:

    "Money in the water - I win!",

    then throw the coin into the water.

  4. On the shore, you can grab a non-angular stone, put it in your pocket and carry it home, thinking that you have found not a stone, but a magnet to attract money.

The strongest rite is for forty blue candles

Walk home avoiding eye and verbal contact with anyone. If you have someone at home, ask them to go for a walk. First of all, don't forget about the magnet you found. Draw a monetary symbol on it with a marker or proofreader: dollar, euro, or whatever you like. Put this stone in the most conspicuous place in the house so that it always catches your eye, and you remember that this stone is a money magnet that will surely attract large sums to your home.

How to complete the ritual

  1. In the evening, place in a bowl of salt in all corners. Place forty blue candles around the perimeter of the room, closer to the walls.
  2. Close to midnight, light them, and walk in a circle, from candle to candle, counterclockwise.
  3. When all the candles have burned out, sprinkle the corners with salt.
  4. Collect everything in a bag, go to the same reservoir and empty the contents of the bag as far as possible.

Expect cash inflow in the coming days, and on the day the lottery results are announced, be prepared for a big win.

Rituals and conspiracies from Vanga

Another way to attract winnings, according to experienced magicians, was compiled by Vanga, a Bulgarian fortuneteller. This universal conspiracy to win money from Vanga can be read often, albeit every day. If there is a desire, then sew coins not only into your clothes, but also into the clothes of your children and husband. In the process, you need to read the same strong conspiracy for good luck in money matters.

For a coin

  1. Take your favorite clothes and a coin.
  2. Sew the coin into your clothing: lining or hem. While stitching up you need to read:

    “Like a thread and a needle together all the time, so let money be inseparable with me. As a thread reaches for a needle, so wealth will reach out to me. I sew the hem - I sew the wealth to myself. Come to me money, different, big and small, copper and silver, gold and paper, for my joy and for God's grace. "

  3. Hang it in a closet with clothes at night, put it on in the morning.
  4. Wear this garment as much as you can and think about winning all the time.

Lunar Lottery Conspiracy

  1. Take twelve coins of different denominations, but the main thing is that the sum of all coins equals the figure of your age.
  2. Go out into the courtyard, face the moon, stretching out your open left hand with coins to it, so that the moon will illuminate them. Stand so that the moon shimmers on the coins and start reading:

    “Everything that grows and lives in this world is multiplied by the light of the Sun, and money - from the moonlight, grow, multiply, be fruitful. Enrich me (name), come to me. May it be so!"

  3. Then close your palm and go into the house.

Put coins with the rest of the money in your wallet so that the plot to win the lottery takes effect immediately and your profits grow.

Photo ritual

To carry out such a ritual, you will need:

  • seven photographs of successful people who won the lottery and invested this money in the business, thanks to which they are now successful;
  • seven multi-colored (non-scented) candles, one white;
  • your photo.

How to perform the ritual

The ceremony should be performed at midnight on the waxing moon.

  1. Draw a seven-pointed star on the table with chalk. At each end of the star, put a photograph of a successful person, and in the center of the star your photograph.
  2. Put a multi-colored candle next to each photo, put a white candle next to your photo.
  3. Light the wicks of the candles clockwise and read the prayer for winning the lottery:

    “Your luck and luck for my victory is zeal. You are lucky, and I am seven times more lucky, my luck will find me everywhere. Amen!".

  4. After reading the conspiracy, light your white candle.
  5. Imagine for a few minutes your winnings, your delight and happiness at the same time. Then clear the table and go to bed thinking about winning.

For the ritual, you will need seven photos of successful people who won the lottery

This ritual should be performed every day at the same time for seven days.

Another simple rite

The ritual should be performed on the waxing moon.

How to perform the ritual

  1. Buy the first lottery ticket you see.
  2. Take a coin or bill of any denomination, only on the condition that the number five will be present there.
  3. Sew a coin or banknote into an item of clothing that you will wear until the lottery is held.
  4. While you are stitching, read the conspiracy:

    “As a needle and thread are inseparable, so wealth will be with me. Let it be sewn to me like a fabric is sewn with a needle. I open the way for luck, sew up my hem, on copper, gold, silver and conjure paper. Fortunately for me, for the grace of God. Amen".

  5. Then go buy six more tickets. Number seven is the number of successful and fortunate people. It will increase your chance of good luck.
  6. Do not forget to wear a piece of clothing that has money sewn into it. Don't peel off tickets until you have all seven tickets.

Wipe off the husk with a coin that contains the number five.

Strong ceremony for winning a large sum

You will need:

  • orange peel, tangerine and lemon;
  • coins;
  • cherry pits;
  • a jar with a lid through which the contents will not be visible (it is possible from under the coffee).

How to perform the ritual

  1. Put everything that you have in the jar in the following order: Orange peels, pits, mandarin peels (citrus pits can be added), coins, lemon peels.
  2. We seal the jar and read the plot three times:

    “The woman went to the forest and found some berries. Wherever I looked, I found a berry everywhere. The woman turned along the path and found three coppers. I turned around and looked around and ran into coins everywhere. She began to cook Easter, it turned out to be lush and fragrant. So that I, as that woman was lucky, but luck with me was all the troubles for evil! "

Crafting an amulet at random

In addition to reading conspiracies and performing rituals to attract Fortune, I suggest you also acquire special talismans for good luck and luck. Remember that talismans of this kind are better not to buy, but to do on your own, as their power is much more powerful.

  1. Buy seven lucky lottery tickets (the sum of the first three digits of the code must be equal to the sum of the last three digits).
  2. You will also need a sheet of green paper, your seven-by-seven photograph, and a brown candle. Place the photo in the center of a double-sided green sheet, with seven lottery tickets on top.
  3. Fold the ends of the paper inward to form an envelope.
  4. Light the wick of the candle and bring it to the center of the sheet. The wax will drip onto the corners, which are rolled in the middle, thus sealing the paper.
  5. While the wax is dripping, read the plot:

    “Happiness has come, another happiness and good luck brought with me. Ticket to ticket, win to win. As the numbers on the tickets converged, so in the lottery, the numbers for the win fell. I kindle it with fire, close it with wax, call for luck. May it be so!".

    Read it three times.

  6. Wait for the wax to harden.

The amulet is ready. Always carry it with you in your left pocket.

The amulet is made from orange peel, tangerine and lemon

Candle ritual

Take two candles, white and green, and you will also need a gold ribbon. Perform the ritual on the waxing moon. Secure the candles twenty centimeters apart. The white candle symbolizes you, the green one is your future money. Light the wicks, wait three minutes, while thinking about how to get richer and extinguish the candles. Perform the ritual every day at the same time for ten days, each time pushing the candles two centimeters towards each other (two centimeters to the center of the white candle, two centimeters to the center of the green one). After the candles touch, tie the remains with gold tape and store in a secluded place.

Another ritual with a candle

You will need:

  • green candle;
  • a bill for which you can buy a lottery ticket;
  • lottery ticket.
  1. On Wednesday, take the bill for which you will buy a lottery ticket.
  2. Speak the bill with the following words:

    "I'll give one money, get a lot!"

    You need to repeat seven times.

  3. Then go and buy a ticket, whichever catches your eye first.
  4. Go home and don't look back, don't talk to anyone.
  5. When you come home, light a green candle, drive your ticket over it so that he does not touch the fire, pronouncing the plot to win the lottery seven times:

    “I keep the charmed ticket, I attract money and winnings to me. I have wealth and prosperity, I call on all coins and victories! "

  6. Hide your ticket until the lottery results are announced.

Something growing is used to grow money: yeast dough, tree, flower, animal. They also use new things, items of clothing or interior design, paraphernalia for needlework.

After you have won money - and you will definitely win it - you need to control yourself and not spend all your fortune in a matter of days. If you do not believe in yourself and think that it is better to play it safe, below I will give a few examples of rituals and conspiracies to preserve and increase money.

How to create a money rattle

  1. In the evening, during the waning moon, we buy a green can of beer.
  2. Pour the beer, or drink, as you please.
  3. Wash and dry the jar.
  4. Take fifty-five coins in denominations of five, twenty-five or fifty kopecks.
  5. Fill the jar with these coins.
  6. Plug the hole on top with plasticine or wax.
  7. During the waning moon, early in the morning, at dawn, go outside. It is desirable that no one sees you. You start walking in a circle with your right foot in a clockwise direction, shaking the can in your hand and imagining how a rain of big money is falling on you. And imagine the amount, three times more than you want. Speak a conspiracy:

    "Ved vaya'na ma'ni go'ry."

  8. Imagine how you join the world of big money, how big bills and gold coins fall on you.

After going around the circle forty times, hide the rattle near the place where you usually keep money at home, and do not take it out for a month in order to attract as many financial flows as possible. The ritual should be repeated from time to time if it seems to you that it did not have the desired result.

Strong rituals for good luck

and winning the lottery

The mighty of this world of all times bowed their heads to the various forms of initiation that allow an ordinary person to gain magical power.

This happens due to the action of the higher elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

The fifth element is the Man himself!

Magic rituals are complex, but the basic idea is simple to the point of genius!

Songs of praise are sung to a mighty man.

Sing a song of praise to an ordinary person - and he, by virtue of the laws of magical correspondence, will become powerful.

After all, one of the principles of higher magic says: "The magic law allows you to change places of cause and effect."

Success spell

Say it out loud, increasing your intonation on the last syllable of each word.

If you need to achieve:

  • success in love, it is necessary, when casting a spell, to turn your gaze to the east;
  • financial well-being - to the west;
  • asking for health for a man - to the north, for a woman - to the south.

It sounds like this:


The spell is universal for all situations in life. If you read it in the morning nine times in a row, then within nine days the plan will be fulfilled!

A spell of higher magic to realize desire

It is this magic formula that is most effective for solving any specific issue, since it allows you to change one or more conditions in a life situation.

Write the following plot on a piece of paper:

“As the month does not meet the sun, as the moon is crowned with the stars, as mother and father are combined, as bread and salt are deified, so would I, God's servant (s), meet with God's servant (name), to marry, unite, deify in the name of the Lord, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. "

To open a money channel, you should read such a conspiracy:

“Gold, gold, pour down to me like peas in the bins, like grains of barley on the threshing floor, like rye in the current! Gold, gold, stick to my hands like flies to honey, butterflies to the light, grass to the sun!

Gold, gold, pour into my pockets without count, without measure, handfuls, handfuls!

Gold, gold, be friends with me, like ice with water, like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass!

I am not a huckster-morgash, but a good merchant, I sell according to honor, I hang up according to my conscience, with an excess, I measure with a powder, I cut with an increase, I pour with the remainder.

Be a treasure in my barn, oh well, yes, there is a dispute in everything, without losses, without ruin, without burnout and without burnout in all the days and years of my bazaar. "

With the help of the amulet of happiness, you can win the lottery, receive a gift, realize your plan or fulfill your innermost desire. This amulet came to us from the ancient witchcraft practices of the Druids. The inscriptions originally had the form of now forgotten symbols, which were later deciphered and replaced, first by runes, and then by Latin words and Arabic numerals.

The amulet should be made on colored paper. If your desire is related to events related to your personal life, take a sheet of sky blue or blue, if you want to get money or something material - green. The symbols painted over in the figure should be yellow, so you need to cut out the circles separately from the yellow paper.

The amulet of happiness does not have a specific shape, so you can make it round or rectangular - this does not affect its action.

Stick the amulet on cardboard and carry it with you at all times. It is valid throughout the year. After that, the amulet should be made anew.

But remember: you can only make it for nine years in a row.

There is not a single person on Earth who has not thought about winning a large sum of money at least once. To attract good luck, you can use Scandinavian runes to win the lottery.

Magic runes are used in any area of ​​life, and the lottery is no exception. This magic is subject to the common man without any additional abilities. Runic formulas are proven, as they easily attract fortune, which is proved by numerous reviews of runologists.

But do not think that after the ritual, money will instantly fall from the sky and a high-paying job will appear. These may be minor gifts of fate in the form of bonuses at work or offers to take part in a competition.

Runes help even those who do not believe in them.

Only practice will help to dispel doubts, so it is enough to apply runic signs and activate them. The process is simple and accessible to everyone.

Amulet to win

The rune amulet is the most reliable way to attract fortune, including winning the lottery. You need to apply on a stone that is suitable for the date of birth. You will have to wear it constantly near you. There are three options for the rune stave.

Option number 1

For gamblers, a bunch of runes Kenaz-Dagaz-Soulu is suitable. It should be transferred to the stone, but the color of the pencil or ink must be red.

  • Kenaz will arrange the events so that luck itself goes into hands.
  • Dagaz will replace the odds of losing with the probability of winning.
  • Soulou will contribute to the active work of discernment when it will be necessary to circle the numbers on the ticket or guess the "lucky number".

Option number 2

For meek people with a balanced character, this option of becoming Fehu-Dagaz-Soulu is suitable for luck in the lottery the first time.

  • Fehu attracts financial flow.
  • Dagaz will increase prosperity.
  • Soulu will use your inner energy and help increase your chances of becoming a winner.

Option number 3

The third version of the rune stave is recommended for the one who is favorable to win the lottery in the form of a talisman for those who lack perseverance and a dynamic lifestyle prevails. Becoming represents a bunch of magical signs of luck and good fortune Raido-Gebo-Soulu. They are applied in yellow, red and / or blue colors.

  • Raido brings Fortune closer.
  • Gebo promotes the fulfillment of desires.
  • Soulou increases the chance of success and victory in tournaments or competitions.

Becoming a "Lottery"

The runic formula must necessarily be with a clause pronounced in accordance with all the rules. Only with the help of the "Lottery" you can get prosperity, which will appear unexpectedly. This can be a premium, debt repayment, and so on. The events will be sudden.

This composition includes:

  • Mannaz is the person for whom magic will work.
  • Fehu contributes to material wealth.
  • Kenaz will tell you how to get the prize.
  • Dagaz will exchange loss for winnings.
  • Soulu will help you intuitively feel the right decision at the right moment.
  • Raido will attract good luck.
  • Gebo will grant wishes.
  • Evaz is a horse that carries a cart with money.
  • Nautiz adjusts the circumstances so that the chances of winning the lottery are maximized.
  • Hagalaz removes all obstacles.
  • Odal attracts fortune and wealth.
  • Algiz, shown in the background, protects from dangers and failures.
  • In the background, Vunyo is also drawn, who brings positive emotions.

"Engine of progress"

A magical ligature called "The Engine of Progress" will contribute to the advancement of events in the right direction and the direction of a person to meet the necessary circumstances. She combined the following Scandinavian runes:

  • Nautiz.
  • Evaz.
  • Raido.
  • Soulou.

Signs are depicted on a paper sheet, on the other hand, the surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth and the desired amount of money are indicated. You can also make an amulet with these runes and carry it with you. The elm must be stipulated and activated in any way, but it is advisable to apply the binding with blood or saliva.

"Winning the lottery"

Becoming is drawn directly on the lottery ticket before filling it out. It can be replaced with a personal photo. But when applied to a ticket, the magic formula will work faster, you also need to remember that it will be taken away. Thus, it is imperative to mention in the agreement that becoming will not work after receiving the prize. This combination of Scandinavian signs consists of runes:

  • Mannaz is a person who wants to win and performs a ritual.
  • Three Fehu - money luck.
  • Inguz - represents fertility, acquisition, positive results.
  • Laguz increases discernment to guess the right combination.
  • Vunyo means positive emotions.

"Bouquet of the winner"

This becoming is more suitable for athletes who take part in competitions. If the team accepts the tournament, runic symbols are applied to the photo, which shows all the participants. You can negotiate each rune separately or the whole formula. Activation is carried out by any convenient method.

The composition includes:

  • Dagaz-Soulu symbolize a lucky lot and good luck.
  • Tevaze awakens the qualities of a leader, for example, willpower, masculinity, endurance, desire to win.
  • The four runic signs of Uruz supply strength.
  • Hidden Algiz protects a person from envy and enemies.


It is quite possible to get "easy" money, the main thing is to believe in success, and a lottery ticket is a great way to make dreams come true. Runic formulas will help with this.


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