Honor and dishonor today. An essay on the topic of honor and dishonor. Possible essay topics

First of all, these are not words, but actions. You can say a thousand times that you are honest, kind and noble, but in fact be a deceitful villain. True honor rarely comes with high-flown speeches. You don't have to flaunt your good deeds to be a noble person. Honor does not require gratitude and recognition. People who have this quality in the first place help just like that, without expecting anything in return. A truly noble person does not pay attention to public opinion, but lives according to laws and conscience. For him, this is above all. Although, of course, the insult of honor was not left unanswered: earlier, conflicts associated with humiliation of dignity were resolved by a duel. And here public opinion already had some weight, but this was in the past and more often happened with young, impetuous people.

Very subtle and romantic natures. People who are older and more experienced, or simply have a cold and calculating mind, rarely found themselves in such situations, since they were guided by the wisdom of past years, and the disappointment with society that was affirmed in some souls forced them to take into account the opinions of others less and less. Of course, if they received a challenge, then, as noble personalities, they were obliged to accept it, otherwise the titles of cowards and scoundrels would have been assigned to them, but not a single person betrayed any importance to the fight itself. All this concerns personal honor, but when the dignity of the weaker woman, relatives was hurt, they defended it to the last drop of blood. But, as already said, this is all in the past. And what is the real thing? Duels have long since passed away, and there are fewer and fewer principled and truthful people. What place does honor have in today's society? Perhaps nobility is still important today, although it is not easy to see it behind many masks. True, it may not always be, but triumphs. They also protect the weak, even to their own detriment. And to this day they look not only at the words of a person, but also at his deeds. And there remain those who follow the important rule expressed by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus: "Do not get yourself honor by vanity, nor by the beauty of clothes or horses, nor adornment, but by courage and wisdom."

And what about dishonor? This is the complete opposite of everything noble. Unfortunately, there were many people with impure thoughts at all times. The speech of dishonor is sweet, it easily draws you into its nets. He has many faces, but the main ones are lies and betrayal. A dishonest person cannot be truthful. It is always accompanied by deception. Dishonest people will never help just like that, without benefit for themselves. They don't keep their promises. Fidelity to the word, to ideals does not mean anything to them. It so happens that dishonest people try to appear principled and noble. They speak beautiful speeches, create the appearance of good deeds, and at the first opportunity they themselves break all words and vows. Such individuals are inherently cowardly and insignificant. But a large number of them are dangerous. The dishonor is like a plague to be fought against.

Many books have been written about honor. Many great authors have been interested in this question. Who just wrote about him! This is one of the most numerous and important topics in literature. The question of honor has occupied people at all times.

The story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is a work about honor and nobility. Many heroes are living embodiment of these qualities, but there are those to whom they are alien. Pyotr Grinev is a young officer who came to serve in the Belogorsk fortress. Throughout the entire work, he grew spiritually and performed noble deeds. Grinev, despite the ban, challenged Shvabrin to a duel, defending the honor of Masha Mironova. The young man did not flinch when Pugachev came to the fortress. Grinev refused to go over to his side, despite the generous offers of high positions. It was not for nothing that the young man's father said: "Take care of your dress again, but honor from a young age." Grinev followed this covenant stoically and rigorously.

His antagonist is Shvabrin. He is proud and selfish. This man spread false rumors about Masha Mironova only because he could not achieve her love. And then he kept the girl captive, forcing her to become his wife. Shvabrin, when capturing the fortress, went over to Pugachev's side and grovelled in front of him in every possible way. By breaking the oath, the hero gives honor to the officer and shows his cowardice and his inability to be true to the once given word.

The poem by A.S. Pushkin raises the issue of honor in the episodes associated with the duel. Lensky, out of his ardor, challenges Onegin to a duel, offended by Eugene's behavior at the ball. The main character cannot refuse. The duel took place - the ending is tragic. Onegin acts, of course, dishonestly towards a friend, but nevertheless he does it not intentionally, but accidentally, and strongly reproaches himself. Perhaps, had Lensky been less passionate, the tragedy could have been avoided.

As another example, I propose the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time". Pechorin, the main character, an individualist who enjoys playing on the feelings of others, but, despite this, is honest in his own way. Knowing that the duel imposed on him was initially a losing one, he accepted it early, defending the honor of Princess Mary. Pechorin gives Grushnitsky the opportunity to abandon his words and end the fight, but he turns out to be too weak and insignificant to admit to deception and accept defeat.

So honor goes a long way. This is the nobility of man and his moral foundations. Society cannot exist without honest people. They are his support and support. Only with their help can society flourish. Therefore, it is very important that there are always people who have a moral code, live by conscience and thus make the world a better place.

The direction of the final essay "Honor and dishonor"

Literature presentation

teachers of Russian language and literature

Repina Ekaterina Kirillovna

What are the arguments

1 ... Reasoning - proof:

thesis-arguments, proof-conclusion.

2. Reasoning-explanation:

What it is? For example, "What is honor?"

3. Reasoning-reflection:

How to be? What to do? Why is this happening?

Work on the essay

  • 1.Learn to write introduction on this topic.
  • 2.Working with the main part of the essay, we reveal the topic :
  • make up first thesis
  • . make up second thesis and select literary arguments.
  • 3.Write conclusion on the topic of the essay.
  • 4. We check the draft of the essay 3 times (spelling, punctuation, style). Editing the text essays.
  • 5 Accurately, clearly and legibly rewrite the essay on the answer form with a gel pen.

Learning to write theses for the essay

How to compose theses to reveal the topic of the essay?

1. Ask a question on the topic of the essay.

2. Give an answer to this question.

3. This answer will be the thesis for the main part of the essay.

4. Prove your thesis using literary arguments. Wherein

there is no need to retell the text. Need to write your own

reflections and reasoning using arguments from books.

Final essay "Honor and dishonor". A basic level of.

1. Introduction.

Honor ... What is it?

Honor is a person's moral qualities, his principles, worthy

respect and pride, this is a high spiritual strength that is capable of

keep a person from meanness, betrayal, lies and cowardice.

For most of us, a state of lost honor (dishonor) is

severe pain in the soul, since it is this state that violates our

spiritual connection with other people, with society. Without honor, no

a person of real life.

The main part of the essay

Classics of world fiction, including Russian,

created many works that tell about such heroes who

have different attitudes towards the concept of honor and dignity.

So, in the novel by A. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" the problem of honor is given the most serious attention. The author shows two Russians

officers - Grinev and Shvabrin. Pyotr Andreevich Grinev is a man of honor and

debt, but Shvabrin cannot be called that. Why is this happening?

Life often tests people, puts them before a choice. How to be that

to do in specific situations? To act according to honor and conscience, or

come to dishonor?

The main part of the essay

In the parental home, Peter received healthy beginnings in life, his moral

qualities and principles of life are worthy of respect. Father seeing off

Peter to the service, gave him an order to serve honestly and remember that

honor is the most important thing for a person. The young officer remembers his father's

the commandment "Take care of honor from a young age." Grinev is characterized by nobility and loyalty.

Honor and duty for a Russian officer are the meaning of life. He

refused to serve Pugachev, explained this by the fact that he had taken an oath to serve

Empress-Empress. Pyotr Andreevich behaves boldly, honestly, behaves


Pugachev appreciated Grinev as a man of honor.

And we see that the path of honor is very difficult, but correct in life.

We reveal the topic of the essay. The first argument.

And Shvabrin? He is also a Russian officer. But which one? At Shvabrin's

there is no sense of duty and human dignity. By breaking

military oath, went over to the side of Pugachev, crawled at his feet

from the impostor, begged for forgiveness. He betrayed his homeland, his

co-worker Grinev, brought so much suffering to Masha Mironova, who rejected his love.

And this is real dishonor.

Rereading the pages of the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Captain's daughter", we begin to clearly understand that "honor with a uniform is not given. Honor-

it is a moral filling "that dishonor leads to the collapse of human


The second argument in the essay

In the novel "Dubrovsky" A.S. Pushkin shows two landowners, old

friends - Kiril Petrovich Troekurov and Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky.

What does honor mean for each of them? For a long time the only person

to whom Troekurov treated with reverence and respect, was his neighbor

from Kistenevka-Dubrovsky. Old friends quarreled Both landowners had

hot-tempered, both are proud.

Troekurov maintained this state in himself with the consciousness of wealth and power.

And Dubrovsky-awareness of the antiquity of his kind and noble honor.

The case at the kennel shows Dubrovsky as a proud man who

has a sense of dignity. Troekurov with their

the actions taken drove the former friend to insanity and

of death. Such actions destroy the personality.

The main part of the essay

Rereading the novel by Alexander Pushkin "Dubrovsky", we think about

the fact that honor is the main core of a person, his moral backbone,

when conscience becomes the judge of human actions,

which is also our best controller

About the conclusion to the essay

In conclusion, it is necessary to draw a conclusion based on the written reasoning.

It should overlap with the introduction.

This composition of the composition is called circular.

This version of the composition (construction of work) is considered one of the best.

Conclusion on the topic of the essay

So, arguing on the issue of honor and dishonor, remembering pages of two

novels by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, I come to the conclusion that

the concept of honor will never become outdated, since it is honor that helps a person

live, be on top, helps to make the right moral choice,

to carry out a spiritual connection with people, with society. And this

a lot in human life. And I really want to hope that in

our time among my contemporaries there will be as many people as possible for whom the concept of honor will never lose its

high importance.

Evaluation of an essay according to five criteria

Criterion 1 .Conformity to the theme.

Criterion # 2.Argumentation. Attraction of literary material.

Criterion # 3. Composition (construction of an essay) and logic of reasoning.

Criterion No. 4. Quality of written speech .

Criterion # 5.Literacy.

Grade- pass-fail

Used sources

1.A. S. Pushkin. "Captain's daughter".

2.A. S. Pushkin. "Dubrovsky".

3. The final essay in the senior class. Preparation. Writing. Editing. Compiled by G. V. Tsvetkova. "Teacher". Volgograd.

4.O.I. Shcherbakov. Types of essays on literature. 10-11 grade. "Education: 2015".

5. Elena Starodubtseva. "The Captain's Daughter" at Literature Lessons (I'm going to Literature Lesson).

The choice between honor and dishonor sooner or later arises in every person. We find ourselves in a situation where a fork appears in front of us: one road is straight, the other is a curve, but straight. We understand that the second option will bring us to our goal much easier and faster, but the first will allow us to preserve our dignity and good name. Many people choose what is least difficult because they do not have the moral strength to pursue their own honesty. However, there are those who will never sacrifice virtue. A difficult choice situation is a good way to test a person's worth. When does it arise and how do you recognize it?

To answer this question, let us turn to fiction. In Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina, the heroine falls in love with the handsome Vronsky, although she is a married woman and an exemplary mother. She never loved her husband, since the difference in age and interests did not allow them to get closer, so she can be understood. The young officer soon achieves reciprocity, he and Anna become lovers. Obviously, the heroes had to choose between honor and dishonor when they realized they were in love. An honest path for them did not initially exist, because divorce in those days was already considered a dishonor. How to proceed? Betray love? Cheat your spouse? So they didn't know the answer. And no one knows exactly how they will behave in such a situation. You cannot accept the fact that you need to live a life without love, but betrayal is not a way out of the situation. In the literature, this is called "collision" (insoluble conflict), and then a difficult choice arises, because there is no direct road, and the boundaries between honor and dishonor are erased.

In Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" was also touched upon. Sonya Marmeladova is forced to feed her family, as her father drinks all the money, and her stepmother is sick with consumption. She had to get a yellow ticket. From that moment on, the girl parted with honor, trampling on her human dignity. But before us is again a collision: it has no other choice. Either the whole family dies of starvation, or Sonya sacrifices herself for their lives. It cannot be said that she went this way for the sake of money or was by nature depraved. The vice did not even touch her on the panel. But in a situation of extreme need, the heroine did not value her good name too highly, because the life of the family was on the other side of the scale. Poverty is vicious in itself, because it devalues ​​human dignity. Therefore, people who are in dire need of funds are always at a crossroads.

When does the choice arise between honor and dishonor? When nothing happens in life, and a person is calm, he will most likely live honestly, since there is no temptation, but in a love fever and in extreme need, we are all capable of doubting the expediency of virtue.

Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

School essays on this topic, as an option for preparing for the final essay.

Composition: Despair

According to Dahl, the concept of "despair" means a state of extreme hopelessness, a feeling of hopelessness. This means that its source does not necessarily have to be associated, say, with the socio-political and economic background in society. Another thing is that the historical stage we are going through has somehow exacerbated the subtle moments in people's lives, leading them to disappointing, so to speak, thoughts in terms of prospects. But there must be a way out of many situations, right?

According to one of the heroes of the play by the famous French writer, existentialist philosopher of the twentieth century Jean-Paul Sartre "Flies", "real human life begins on the other side of despair."

Probably, everyone can have their own understanding of what was said, but after all, the thought voiced by Sartre can also be considered from the point of view of the person's right of choice, as it were: what is he going to do in the light of the despair that gripped him (or periodically returning to him)? Continue to fade away or start (restore) vigorous activity, albeit through significant thorns?

In this context, the perspective of despair can really be defined as the initial (to a certain extent) path to finding the necessary solution, breaking the path to new heights. That is, despair, depending on the person's perception of the "situation" within himself, can contribute to the birth (reanimation) of a kind of lost strength (someone will say, condition). In other words, getting the upper hand over despair is actually overcoming oneself, when stagnation is gradually replaced by hope, and with it confidence.

By the way, it may be that a person is simply tired of repeated efforts that do not give the expected result. And hence - the formation in him of uncertainty about the correctness of his chosen life path. Here it is appropriate to refer to the Danish-American journalist, photographer, who has gone through a difficult life, Jacob August Riis (late 19th - early 20th centuries).

“When it begins to seem that nothing can help,” he wrote, “I go to watch the stonecutter inflict a hundred blows on the stone, but a crack does not appear on it. Only after one hundred and first attempts, the stone is split in half. However, I understand that it was not the final stroke of the cutter that contributed to this, but all the previous work. "

Perhaps this will remind someone of the well-known proverb: "Water does not flow under a lying stone", which practically calls for activity, because in order to obtain the denominator you need, you must, at least, not stop moving towards the intended goal.

In the aspect of what is being considered, it seems appropriate to cite an episode to which the outstanding Soviet high jumper, Olympic champion of 1964 Valery Brumel refers in his book. So, he recalls how one of the track and field trainers conducted an experiment on regular squats, the essence of which was a psychological effect. The coach asked the ward, who had squatted about seven hundred times, the question of why he completed the exercises. The athlete referred to "lead" in the legs, circles before the eyes and even the fear of death in the event of another squat. However, the trainer spent two weeks convincing the pupil of the ability of a human muscle to work indefinitely.

"You need to overcome yourself only once," he said, "then it will immediately become easier."

As a result, the athlete fell short of five thousand squats in just a couple of hundred attempts. V. Brumel writes that when faced with this information, he wondered if there was a limit to human capabilities at all?

Perhaps someone will call this example incorrect in relation to the topic under consideration. But is everything so clear? Note that V. Brumel himself, at the peak of his sports career, had an accident that led to a broken leg in the most severe form. Having undergone 29 operations, he began to walk only after treatment by the famous orthopedic surgeon Gabriel Ilizarov, who became after this case. After some time, V. Brumel again found himself in the jumping sector (!).

What drives a person to despair?

Despair. A state of hopelessness, a feeling that there is “no way out” and there will be no better way. This is a spiritual crisis when a person thinks that he cannot change his life for the better. What drives a person to despair? I think that not only the difficult hardships of life, but also the loss of faith in a bright future, in the ability to change your existence and go forward, overcoming obstacles.

In the romantic story "Old Woman Izergil" by MA Gorky, the author shows us how people come to despair. To do this, he includes the legend of Danko in the narrative and turns to ancient times. Cheerful, brave and strong people who lived in the old days plunged into despair when other, more powerful tribes came and drove them into the depths of the forest.

The stench from the swamps ruined people, but they could not fight against stronger and more evil enemies, since they had no right to perish - they had to keep the covenants of their ancestors. The tribesmen fell into despair, because they did not believe that they could pass through the dense impenetrable forest to the light and sun. At that moment, Danko appeared, who led them through the forest thicket, and they followed him when they gained faith. Despair came to them again in one dark stormy night, when they lost faith in their leader and were ready to tear the hero out of anger, blaming him for their troubles. Danko tore apart his chest with both hands, took out a burning heart, and, enchanted by a bright flame, people regained faith and followed their leader, who led them to a spacious sunny meadow, and died himself.

The author brings us to the idea that people come to despair when they lose faith in the possibility of changing their fate and are afraid to fight for a better life. He sings a hymn to that brave man who is ready to overcome obstacles and lead people, instilling in them faith in a better future, even if he has to sacrifice himself for the sake of others.

Here's another literary argument. In MA Gorky's play "At the Bottom", the heroes found themselves not only at the bottom of their lives, but also at the bottom of their souls, having exhausted their reserves of faith, hope and love. "Former people" live in a shelter, irritated, disunited, embittered. But here comes the wanderer Luke, who instills faith in the possibility of changing life for the better. He promises nothing to Satin, Baron, Bubnov, since these "tramps" have long resigned themselves to their fate and are not ready to fight to get out of the bottom of life into the light. The "crafty old man" appeals only to those who need hope and who are ready to overcome despair. To the drunken Actor, Luca says that somewhere there is a free clinic for alcoholics, instilling in him the belief that he can start a new life. The actor stops drinking, sweeps the streets, earning his way. But the elder suddenly disappears without telling the Actor the address of the hospital. And Satin says that the old man lied out of pity that there was no free hospital. The Actor who has lost his faith cannot stand despair and commits suicide.

We came to the conclusion that a person comes to despair when he loses faith in the possibility of changing his life for the better. To prevent this from happening, you need to have will, courage and determination.

What is hope?

What is hope? This is the question most people ask, but they never find the answer. Hope is, first of all, a person's faith in a good future, expectation, anticipation of something vital for him. I believe that in any life situation a person should always have hope for the best. There are many literary works where the main characters do not lose faith.

One of these works is the story of AP Chekhov "Vanka". The main character Vanka is a little orphan boy. He is writing a letter to his grandfather. His letter is imbued with kindness, warm words, Vanka wants his grandfather to take him to him. He does not like the place where Vanka lives, as they beat him. Vanka recalled all the warm moments associated with his childhood, which passed in the village with his grandfather.

The letter is filled with the belief that grandfather, as soon as he reads the letter, will immediately take Vanka away. But the reader understands that this will not happen, since the field for the addressee indicates "to the village of grandfather." Thus, Vanka's hope did not fade, and he believed that his beloved grandfather would come for him.

Another striking example of faith in the best is the work of A. S. Green "The Green Lamp". Eve, one of the heroes of the story, who was a vagabond. Once he met two rich men, they fed him, dressed him. After that, they offered to pay him so that he would put a lamp on the window every evening and sit next to her without leaving the house. Yves agreed, and every evening he hoped that some miracle would happen. For several years, Yves lit this lamp and read books at the same time. 8 years have passed. Eve became a doctor. Thus, Ives' hope helped him find a new life.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a person should never lose hope, no matter what happens. After all, she can always help to get out of even the most difficult situations. It makes a person believe in the best and strive for the goal.

Quotes on the topic: Hope

Man only lives with hope; hope is, in fact, his only property.

Hope lives even at the very graves.
Goethe I.

Hope is the only good that cannot be fed up.

No matter how bad it is, never despair, hold on while you have strength.
A. V. Suvorov

A well-prepared person retains hope in adversity and fears a change of fate in a happy time.

Hope always says it will be easier in the future

As long as a person is alive, he should never lose hope.

Hope is the most useful of all the addictions of the soul: because it maintains health through the tranquility of the imagination.
Derzhavin G.R.

Where there is hope, there is fear: fear is always full of hope, hope is always full of fear.
La Rochefoucauld

Hope is always better than despair.
Goethe I.

The hope of joy is a little less than pleasure come true.
Shakespeare W.

What is the most common thing for everyone? Hope; for if anyone else has nothing, then it is.

Hopes are the dreams of the awake.

If life deceives you
Do not be sad, do not be angry!
On the day of despondency, humble yourself:
The day of fun, believe it, will come.
Pushkin A.S.

Fear and hope can convince a person of anything.

Nadezhda is the best doctor ever known.
Dumas A. father

We should not be discouraged.

Hope is the desire of the soul to convince itself that the wish will come true ... Fear is the inclination of the soul, convincing it that the wish will not come true.

The hope that accompanies us all our lives does not leave us even at the hour of death.
Pope A.

All my hope is in myself.

Even in the most hopelessness, the struggle remains hope.
Rolland R.

Where hope dies, emptiness arises.
Leonardo da Vinci

O deceiving human hope!

How much I would write on this topic! But does anyone even read what I write? I remember how I wrote on one site about almost every book from classical literature - articles = reviews, there were already under 4 thousand characters ... there are no people willing to such reviews.



There is also a lack of darkness)))

"Justice" as in Ilf and Petrov is also sold, very "successfully"))

sold for the ruble.

What is this talking about? About the fact that I write about books to myself.

But I feel good after writing such reviews, and this is the main thing, I will continue to write too, do not blame me.

Start here.

So, for the sake of honor for myself I will write because I have something to say, and dishonor does not threaten me - for the strictest judge is myself, as well as the worst enemy. I know that I am good, honest - to myself - which means I have the right. And I will definitely not die of modesty.

The work "War and Peace" would be ideal for this topic, but we are not looking for easy ways, are we? Let's take a look at any piece you know and have read. Well, I don’t believe that for all the time the school curriculum has not read a single one? Well, in the lower grades, "Honest Word" (Panteleev), you probably read it? About the kid who stood by the clock until the last in the park? And as for "Buratino", which also promised the Pope to take five coins, and not to skip just read and put and heard. Vysotsky still sings in the song - so you read the right books in childhood! Once I sat down on a forum and, at the request of a friend, made a list of books for each class for the summer, it was a long time ago - if a child reads these books from childhood, he will never become a "bad person!" Even if it really wants to - the brain will not allow! And if you haven't read, then my dear parents - the teacher did everything he could! With tears in her eyes, in the summer she sat down in the village and forced her to read one book from her list a week - then it would be too late to reap the benefits. Raising an honest person? We invest in our own future, not the Teacher! The teacher will release your child from school, and what will gurgle in his "vessel" - you will have to drink.

Honor... many confuse it with duties - you are not obliged to kill someone at his request to the team, they say then you will lose your honor - they say you promised to go shoot! - honor - take care of honor from a young age? Young people have the right to make mistakes and make mistakes, but adults do not. Not small already - at school you can still build a "shkolota" out of yourself and bully a "nerd" with glasses, and in an adult team - they will already look at you at an inadequate person - for whom the place is, in the highest measure, in places remote from the "grown-ups" personalities ". What will you become? - Personality or Discretion? Educated person or Educated person?

Yesterday hundreds of people gave you their hands, they helped, and after you recovered, having shaken yourself off, you began to humiliate, shit, beat? Isn't it time to understand yourself? Although it's probably too late ..

Dishonor.. When a person does something against the rules, or not as agreed - "not in accordance with the concept" - he is recorded once and for all as dishonest people. It doesn't matter that yesterday that person treated you horribly, unpleasantly, ugly. This is his act. it is important that tomorrow he will ask you for help and you, as "an honest person to yourself - you will help him!" If you act differently out of a sense of revenge - you start to regret - acted dishonestly, doped another when he felt bad - just because you liked it once .. are you acting honest? Is he to you - are you to him? Basically, from the point of view of honesty - yes, you did the right logical thing. From the point of view of morality - you did - dishonorable.

There is such a thin line between what to do and how not to ...

Personally, I rarely ask someone for advice, there are situations in life that can be confusing. However, you grew up on honest books and you know in advance how to act in the rules of chess, and you do so. No matter what, even if the team is against and they start to ignore you, you are honest with yourself!

In a team, at school - young people often make mistakes when making a choice between their actions, under pressure, or under their personal ambitions. It is not enough when a young man stops, postpones "revenge" for another time. Emotions at this age are very difficult to control, and even in older age, it is rarely possible to contain aggression, anger, sadness, tears .. Especially when there are a lot of instigators and fans to light a fire nearby - so that later you can see what will happen.

Classical literature gives us all the answers - take at least the actions of Paratov from Ostrovsky's "Dowry" (I love everything he wrote and therefore I know his works better than anyone else), and what about Karandyshev's actions? So he wanted to look among the "chosen" classes - his own, that he was ready to put the life of a girl on the altar of his ambitions .. I really like Larisa's mother here. Did she sell her daughters? Or did she set them up so that they would not beg later? Giving her eldest daughter to distant warm countries, realizing that it will not be easy for her there (the world does not change!) - she was worried .. even going to send her as much money as she could. It means that she was not so wrong. There are so many examples that one review is not enough.



Dear friend, if you have not read "Bepsridannitsa", but you are threatened to write an essay - watch the movie of the same name with Mikhalkov! Urgently, before writing an essay, look more than once, but five or six. I am sure that the images will emerge during the writing of the essay (there you are given almost four hours, you will have time!) - others may not be in time at all. If you haven't read it before, it makes sense to start now)) Then, when you are over 30, you yourself will want to read many works not from under the stick


If you hate "Dowry", here is an ideal example for you to compose "The Savage" - so let's perish together!)))

Or "Thunderstorm". Unfortunately, the film is unsuccessful in the "thunderstorm" .. black and white, the slope goes to the revolution, in the wrong place. Therefore, it is not worth looking, it is better to read. But "Wild Woman" on YouTube, there is a great modern film! She herself looked with joy - how she had been at the dacha! It turned out great - look, because if you invest not about one work, but three examples each - it will be great, teachers love well-read. Surprise the commission) beat yourself extra points)))

I could write you an essay a hundred times, but you know - why do they even come up with a school and, in particular, a school curriculum - be sure to read - the classics? They are not to torture you! They give you a springboard from which you either crash - having incorrectly studied the tactics and methods of jumping into life and you will crawl, or you will take off and collect all the medals! - choose.

I would gladly disassemble "A Hero of Our Time", he, after all, comes to the point by the way - but I do not like Lermontov and not mine and that's all. So myself.

Soon there will be more than 6 thousand characters, so I will write a sequel on this topic later.

So that's enough. But I really want to write))

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Alexandra Baranova Documentation of the musical director of the kindergarten "To help young professionals" 1. Plan ...

Transcript 1 Life and traditions of a peasant family 2 In ancient times, almost all of Russia was made of wood. In Russia it was believed that a tree ...

It is wonderful that in our life - realistic, selfish and increasingly virtual - there is a place for romanticism. And it doesn't matter that only in ...

The capital presents a huge number of performances according to the school curriculum and works that are considered classics of the world ...
If your children love to listen to fairy tales and play mini-performances in front of you, reading them in roles, give them a magical gift - a home ...
O. A. Antonova PLAYING SPACE OF EDUCATION: SCHOOL THEATER PEDAGOGY The article proposes a new interdisciplinary ...
For a long time, football has remained one of the most beloved games not only for boys, but also for adults There is nothing for them ...
In our cruel age, it seems that the concepts of honor and dishonor have died. There is no particular need to honor the girls - striptease and ...
First of all, these are not words, but actions. You can say a thousand times that you are honest, kind and noble, but in fact be a deceitful villain ...