I am sending you my resume for consideration for the position. How to write a cover letter correctly

Tons of literature, very useful, have been written about the science of employment. After all, in a competitive environment, it is not so easy to convince a potential employer that you are the most worthy to fill the vacancy. Not only professionalism and experience are important as arguments. Knowledge plays an equally important role business etiquette, charm, ability to communicate and win over your interlocutor. Therefore, when applying for a job, you should not neglect the letter accompanying the traditional resume.

By attaching such a document, you:

  • immediately show yourself to be a polite person;
  • demonstrate the ability to conduct business competently;
  • making your first personal contact with your future boss;
  • you have a chance from the first steps, or rather the first lines, to interest you;
  • you get the opportunity to concentrate here the main thing from what is stated in the resume.

Imagine the flow of requests that will land on the HR manager’s desk. And you really need to achieve preference! Yes, this is a more difficult task than making an impression in a personal conversation. Elegance, a pleasant voice, a sweet smile and beautiful eyes. All weapons are convincing, well-presented facts and the right tone. Therefore, it makes sense to think about how to write a cover letter for your resume so that you are chosen.

There are no cover letter templates. There are subtleties

There are no required templates. You will not be bound by immutable protocol requirements. When planning your first contact with the company, try to make it:

  • impeccably literate;
  • polite;
  • short but succinct;
  • businesslike, but warm;
  • carrying maximum useful information;
  • leaving a pleasant impression of you.

Since the Internet became a publicly accessible means of communication, almost 100% of job seekers began to look for work through the resources of the global network. Specialized sites offer many different tools to optimize the process of searching for vacancies and interacting with a potential employer. You can not only create a resume on the site according to a given form, but also personally “communicate” with a representative of the employing company through a cover letter. This is where applicants make mistakes. You need to understand that a cover letter for a resume to a company is not a personal chat with a friend; when writing it, you must adhere to a number of rules. This article explains in detail the main points that you need to focus on when writing a message, and also provides a template for a cover letter for your resume.

Why write a cover letter

This question arises for the majority of applicants, and most of them do not find a reason to write a letter and simply send a resume. Indeed, the basic information is already indicated in the resume, and your personal qualities should not worry the manager.

Yet, according to research, recruiters almost always see the fact of writing as an additional advantage for a candidate.

The presence of a cover letter indicates that:

  • the candidate is not afraid to communicate and feels comfortable in a business environment;
  • personalizes the company and specifically the HR department, i.e. he understands the importance of establishing personal contacts in business;
  • the candidate has additional strengths that he can talk about.

Of course, there are different examples of cover letters for resumes, some of them even repel the employer. Below we will talk about the basic rules for writing a business letter.

Message length

A letter differs from a resume in that it shows the actual communication style of a particular candidate for a vacancy, demonstrates his ability to correctly convey information and highlight the main thing.

And the main thing for a cover letter is your skills (usually 3-4 points) and facts from your personal professional experience who demonstrate them. This information fits into several sentences. Therefore, when you start typing a message to your employer, remember Chekhov’s aphorism that brevity is the sister of talent, and stick to it.

Examples of cover letters for resumes that are half a page long, while being completely informative, are found. But most often this concerns top managers and directors, whose complex activities can be difficult to describe in a short resume. A mid-level specialist has nothing to fill a voluminous letter with if he does not intend to “spill water” into it.

What you need to indicate

Before we start thinking about the text of a cover letter for a resume, let's imagine ourselves in the employer's place. He needs an employee in order to increase the company's income or cope with a specific company goal. Therefore, in each response, the employer is looking for answers to questions about what qualities of this person can bring additional profit, due to what skills he will be able to cope with the assigned tasks. And also, every company is interested in finding loyal employees, i.e. those who want to work here and will not leave in a year.

Therefore, sample resume cover letters should reflect:

  1. Your motivation. Explain why you want to work in this particular field and in this particular company. To do this, you must at least visit the website of the employing company.
  2. Your additional skills and strengths beyond those listed on your resume. The main thing is that they somehow relate to a specific position. For example, a merchandiser in a store does not need to write about programming skills mastered in 9th grade. Look at what requirements other companies have for a position similar to your chosen one, and try to find them in yourself.
  3. Validation of skills. Facts from your career, your real achievements. Example: “I interacted with company executives and VIP clients.” This phrase will confirm your communication skills and communication with people of different levels.
  4. Information about additional education/internships. Nowadays the desire for self-education is highly valued. IN major cities conduct various trainings and seminars for specialists different profiles. Internship opportunities are provided for students in large companies, various federal educational and social projects, in which you can demonstrate your leadership qualities.

Also important in presentation, the text of the cover letter for the resume must be written in compliance with the rules of the Russian language and business etiquette. If the letter does not contain a greeting, it may be immediately rejected.

What not to write

Now let's talk about errors.

Often, sample cover letters for resumes spoil the impression of a resume, because:

  1. They are full of unnecessary facts. These include facts from your own biography that are of no interest to anyone: a description of your entire work experience, starting with school years, listing achievements and diplomas that are not related to professional qualities.
  2. The candidate praises himself too much without evidence. As a rule, a successful specialist can remember his real achievements. If you didn’t make any big achievements in your last place, it’s better to just skip this point.
  3. The letter is not in business style. It is worth understanding that a cover letter is a formalized document; unnecessary creativity is not appropriate here.
  4. The letter is too formulaic. Copied emails make no sense at all. There is no specific personality behind them; they do not say anything about you as a specialist.

Features of writing depending on position

The personnel policies of different companies may differ from each other. Some recruiters do not pay attention to cover letters, while others have certain requirements for them. Obviously, a cover letter for a resume for a lawyer and a consultant for a clothing store will be very different. It is worth noting that in stores, call centers and restaurants, recruiters may not pay attention to the letter. At the same time, for an applicant for a leading position, a letter is mandatory. For a top manager, writing a cover letter with explanations of previous experience, plans for future career Necessarily.

If you have no work experience

Every specialist starts somewhere. As a rule, employers who are ready to accept students without experience write openly about this. A young specialist should look for just such offers.

A cover letter for a resume with no work experience is even more necessary than for an experienced employee. After all, a letter for a career starter - the only way talk about your advantages over competitors.

Rules for writing a cover letter for a resume without experience:

  1. Write about your desire and ability to learn new things.
  2. Express your desire to work and study in this particular company.
  3. Tell us about your participation in various educational projects, possibly trainings, participation in public organizations, student communities etc. On such sites you can learn modern methods work and gain at least basic business interaction skills.
  4. Don’t write about your desire to earn a lot and high career expectations. You may be naturally very capable and even have a premonition of your success, but unless there is evidence of this, your claims about your own talents will not inspire confidence.
  5. The main thing in finding a job for graduates is to realistically evaluate yourself as a candidate and not apply for highly paid positions.

Where to take an example

A cover letter should reflect your personality - that's practically its only purpose. Therefore, copying or copying the letter is pointless. There is no single standard for a cover letter, if only because it will be read by a living person with a subjective view. A characteristic that appeals to one manager may not appeal to another. Therefore, it is impossible to come up with a universal letter; it is better to write a separate essay to each company, tailored to their request.

Sample resume cover letters are worth reading (there are examples below), but try to create a unique one that will set you apart from other applicants.

Is creativity appropriate?

Most companies look for diligence in their employees, a high level of competence, the ability to conduct business correspondence, etc. These skills can be demonstrated in a letter.

But there are a number of professions where creativity, a sense of humor and an extraordinary approach are not only appropriate, but also mandatory. The style of communication with the employer directly depends on the policy of the company itself and the characteristics of the position for which you are applying.

Change of field of activity

Naturally, most employers strive to find a person with experience who does not have to be trained for a long time. But many of us receive education at the behest of our parents, and not at our own request, which later turns into a desire to change the specialty indicated in the diploma.

The desire to change your field of activity will immediately alert the hiring manager, and at the interview you will have to convincingly argue for this desire. It’s even better to do this right away - in a cover letter.

State directly what area you now want to realize yourself in and why, what attracts you. Which of the necessary skills and knowledge do you already have? It is worth noting that before trying to get a job in a successful company with a profile that is new to you, it would be a good idea to master (at least in theory) new competencies for several months. This also needs to be indicated.


Here is an example of a cover letter that will facilitate further employment.

  • the letter is written politely and concisely, it is impossible to find fault with the style;
  • the applicant praised the employing company and expressed his loyalty;
  • education corresponding to the specialty is mentioned as an advantage;
  • hope for future cooperation was expressed;
  • brevity.
  • words about work experience, the applicant did not mention what successes he managed to achieve in his previous place.

A cover letter of this type may be needed in 2 cases:

1) If it should be written by a graduate who does not yet have work experience.

2) A covering letter must be written to a person who is changing profession - there is no experience in the new profession.

In these two cases, the emphasis in the cover letter needs to be placed differently, so we will consider these cases separately.

How to write a cover letter for a graduate with no work experience

What to focus on?

  • subject thesis (coursework), if it is relevant to the vacancy,
  • work experience within the framework of internship (for example, pre-graduation),
  • experience in social/volunteer activities,
  • personal qualities (with an emphasis on those that are important for the employer; which ones - read in the job description),
  • achievements, awards (victories in competitions, competitions, etc.),
  • additional training (courses, programs, etc.), certificates received based on training results,
  • links to your publications, portfolio, blog. Links to social media accounts if you often write posts on professional topics.

Why are these particular points important?

The weakest point of a graduate is the lack of work experience. You need to try to compensate for this feature: show that you have knowledge, abilities, potential; or already there practical experience, even if it is calculated in one month of work.

All important points you need to fit in a text of no more than half a page (5-10 sentences), so you should be very careful about the information that you present in the cover letter. The best guide is the job description. For example, the employer identified leadership qualities as mandatory for the applicant, and you have experience as a counselor, or you were a captain sports team V student years. Mention this in your cover letter.

How to write a cover letter without work experience - structure

Follow the following document structure:

  1. Greetings (it is better to contact to a specific person, if the advertisement specifies a contact person; if not, you can write “Dear employer!”
  2. Brief introduction of yourself (who you are, what your name is, what vacancy you are applying for).
  3. Your main motive is why you are interested in this vacancy.
  4. Arguments why the employer should pay special attention to you (information about experience practical activities, knowledge, achievements).
  5. Expression of readiness to provide more detailed information about yourself.

It’s good if you collect information about the company or a specific division (division, department), and you will be able to “throw a bridge” between the company’s values, its methods of work or goals - and your knowledge, experience, values.

For example, a company widely uses a software product that you know well. Or the company is planning to enter Western markets, and you are fluent in English or other foreign languages. Finally, the company is passionate about volleyball: competitions are regularly held in which a large number of employees - and you play great volleyball.

Find the points where you and the employer coincide - and note this in your cover letter.

Example of a graduate cover letter

Job vacancy "Content Manager" in a marketing and advertising agency.

“Good afternoon, dear Vladimir!

My name is Lyudmila Ivanova. I want to take part in the competition for the vacancy “Content Editor” (announcement on the website Rabota.org dated 12/23/16).

In June 2016 I graduated from Voronezh State University majoring in Philology (English, German, French). Philology is my calling; From my early school years I wrote essays well. In grades 9-10, she worked as an editor for the school newspaper.

During my studies at the university, I collaborated with 2 publications as the author of articles:

  1. with the magazine " Correct solution"(publication about business); 8 articles on business topics, including analytical materials,
  2. with the online magazine “Pulse Voronezh”; more than 50 articles (led a news column).

Have experience of cooperation with the Business 2 Community portal: 10 of my articles on career topics have been published (they can be viewed via my profile on this portal).

I'm good with words as a tool, but I want to go further and gain experience in the field of content management. I know that in your studio I could grow as a specialist, since you are working on complex tasks and create successful products.

I have no experience in the field of content management yet, but I have a theoretical basis. I subscribe to portal news that regularly share developments in the field of content management: [ portal names]. You will direct my efforts in the right direction - and in six months you will have a competent content manager on your staff, active in terms of self-education and striving for constant improvement professional level. I can act as an author of articles creating a quality product today. Moreover, I can create content in Russian and English (at a minimum; if necessary, in German and French).

I am ready to answer your questions and tell you more about myself at any time.

Resume is attached.

Thank you in advance for your time.

You can contact me by email and phone. [telephone].

With respect and hope for cooperation, Lyudmila.”

The underlined fragments are those in which they would be appropriate active links.

How to write a cover letter for a resume without work experience when changing professions

The difficulty of the situation for a person changing profession is that he actually has no experience in the new specialty. Changing a profession means “nullifying” the merits and achievements that have been accumulated up to this point. Hence all the difficulties in finding a job that are typical for job seekers without experience, including the difficulty in writing an accompanying resume that will interest the employer.

In the case of a change of profession, the following emphasis should be made in the cover letter:

  1. List the skills and achievements that are relevant to the new profession and to the specific vacancy. For example, you successfully coordinated the activities working group numbering 10 people. This is an achievement - and corresponding skills - that can be used in any job, regardless of profile; therefore, they increase the value of the applicant in the eyes of the employer. You can find quite a lot of such skills: communication, analytical; high level of proficiency in computer programs that are widely used; knowledge foreign languages etc.
  2. Show that you already have a theoretical basis for successful work in a new profession. For example, you completed training courses or completed several tasks for employers/customers as a freelancer - and completed them successfully.
  3. Emphasize that you learn new things quickly. To do this, it is not enough to write that one of your personal qualities is a quick learner. Give an example when you mastered in a short time new information: for example, learned to use computer program, or mastered and used in practice other working tools, methods, techniques.
  4. Focus on motivation. Emphasize that you want to get this particular job in this company. In many cases, the employer is ready to hire a candidate with no experience, but with a sincere desire to work productively.

Example of a cover letter for changing professions

Vacancy – SMM manager in a chain of stores household appliances.

"Dear Sergey!

My name is Vladimir Eremeev, I am an applicant for the vacancy “SMM manager”.

For the past 10 years I have worked as an executive assistant/secretary and translator. SMM became interested six months ago, when I realized that I was ready to change my professional trajectory - I wanted a more stable work schedule, less dependence on the manager’s schedule, while leaving space for self-realization and acceptance independent decisions. The idea came by itself: I realized that my accounts in in social networks are popular, and without special effort from my side.

For six months I studied theory, while remaining at a permanent job, and experimented in practice. Completed SMM courses organized by the marketing agency “Idea!” (3 months of training). Created three experimental groups: on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and used the knowledge gained to increase attendance and activity in the groups. Last competition conducted in a Facebook group, resulted in a 500% increase in the number of group members and increased the number of daily visits by 250%.

The main reason why I am interested in your vacancy is that for the last 2 years I have been an assistant director of a company that distributes household appliances. I am well acquainted with the features of household appliances from different manufacturers, I understand the values ​​and needs target audience. This knowledge will allow me to quickly get up to speed and establish effective communication with customers in your store chain.

Ready to provide more information about yourself detailed information in a form convenient for you.

My email, my phone. [telephone].

Thank you in advance for your time in my candidacy.

Sincerely, Vladimir Eremeev."

The set of advantages, achievements, and personal qualities that are worth mentioning in a cover letter is determined individually for each applicant: there is no set of universal “pluses” that will convince the employer of the applicant’s value. Think about what your strengths are - taking into account knowledge, experience (professional and life), personal qualities, goals and values ​​- try to connect them with the requirements of the vacancy and write about this in your cover letter.

Do you want to convincingly increase the authority of your resume in the eyes of the employer and get a well-paid job? The right cover letter will greatly increase your chances of landing the position you want. The document will become serious competitive advantage in the fight for a current vacancy, because not all applicants know how to write it correctly.

What is a cover letter to an employer?

A cover letter for a job is an official business message to the employer. It focuses attention on your resume and encourages the recruiter to take your candidacy carefully and seriously. For example, in Western countries, where the labor market is already fully formed, applying for a vacancy without personally contacting the employer is considered a sign of disrespect for the employer.

Unfortunately, according to social surveys, our compatriots often neglect to draw up such an appeal to their leader. For various reasons, 54% of applicants consider this activity inappropriate. Often they simply do not understand the real power of this document or do not know how to write a cover letter. As a result, their chances of getting the desired position decrease in geometric regression. But this is not a death sentence, because it is never too late to learn how to correctly propose your candidacy in writing, and a sample cover letter can be easily found on the Internet.

Before starting to draw up such an important document, a motivated applicant for a vacancy needs to master the basics business correspondence.

As a rule, humor and creativity are not acceptable, but every rule has exceptions. Delicately retreat from business style acceptable if you want to get a job in a creative team.

With a non-standard, but competent, interesting, concise and unique message to a potential employer, you can attract his attention to your resume.

What business memos are not read?

HR managers mostly ignore business correspondence if they find numerous grammatical, spelling and stylistic errors in the body of the document. If they exist, they will not recommend the author for a vacancy, even if the applicant’s resume is impeccably written. That is why, before writing a business message, the applicant should improve his literacy, and after drawing up the document, after some time, carefully re-read it several times. At the same time, you need to read out loud, because this way you can identify errors not only with your eyes, but also with your ears.

Rating of the TOP 10 best online schools

International school of foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual sessions with a tutor for preparation for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online school in English, which gives you the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school English language of the new generation. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. Lessons school curriculum from 1st to 11th grade: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online University modern professions(web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way game form. Effective workouts, translation of words, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

If necessary, have a colleague, relative, or to a loved one. They will certainly point out the most striking errors, which will help eliminate them when minimum costs strength, nerves and time. If this is not possible, use automatic text diagnostics on one of the specialized web resources, or entrust the checking and editing of the document to an experienced, qualified proofreader. Believe me, the money spent on the services of a philologist will pay off with interest.

When writing a cover letter for a resume without experience, avoid using the pronoun “I” multiple times. Remember, such straightforwardness and demonstration professional achievements talking about star fever applicant.

In the process of business correspondence, the candidate should avoid established patterns, formalities and standard figures of speech. For example, you should not write: “In response to your vacancy, I am attaching my resume and would be very grateful if you consider it.” Such a message does not carry any useful information for the employer and will most likely be ignored. But sincere interest in the goals and concepts of the company will be a significant plus in favor of your candidacy and will certainly bring the expected dividends.

Employment market experts strongly recommend avoiding the following mistakes in official business correspondence:

  • duplicate information from your resume;
  • ignore the axioms of business etiquette;
  • neglect the terms of cooperation specified in the body of the vacancy;
  • address the employer only by name, but without patronymic;
  • mention any negative information about the company even if the applicant completely trusts the source;
  • demand any guarantees of employment;
  • persistently inquire about the conditions of compensation measures upon dismissal from work.

Respect for the employer, sincere interest in successful development company, as well as the informativeness and brevity of the text will help win the favor of the manager. Don't focus on what the company can give you. Try to specify as clearly and truthfully as possible what you are guaranteed to be ready to do for a successful commercial activities companies.

What to write in a cover letter for a vacancy

The business note that you attach to your resume should have a clear logical structure. Operate with facts, not abstract concepts and personal desires.

Laconic introduction

In a friendly, confidential style, tell us why you are interested in a particular position. Reasonably explain your motives and demonstrate sincere interest in mutually beneficial cooperation. The introductory part should encourage the potential employer to read the document to the end and certainly study your resume now, without delay.

Competence, experience and qualifications

The purpose of this information block– draw the employer’s attention to specific aspects of your professional experience that can be successfully used for the benefit of the company without the need to attend retraining courses.

Try to describe the conditions of the current and previous professional activity. Remember, you don’t need to get too carried away and tell in great detail what and how you do.

Excess information will force the employer to analyze a large volume of facts, which may cause reluctance to read your message further and force the addressee to refuse to study the resume. The result is obvious: the vacant position in the company will be offered to another applicant.

Try to formulate your professional skills and skills so that they meet the requirements for this vacancy. Without unnecessary pathos, give a few real facts, which helped you become a highly qualified and competent specialist in a specific niche of professional activity.

Why you

Show interest and enthusiasm in the following aspects of the firm:

  • success of the organization's commercial activities;
  • knowledge and understanding of the needs of representatives of the target audience;
  • mission and development concepts of the company;
  • staff participation in public life society;
  • the benefits brought by the competence and professionalism of employees.

Get detailed information You can learn about the work of the organization on the official website and public events, at retail outlets, as well as when visiting the main office or regional branch of the company. In addition, word of mouth will definitely help you with this. Friends, relatives, colleagues, as well as ordinary consumers of services and goods will certainly share their opinions about the work of a particular organization. At the same time, you can easily get information about your employer on one of thematic forums on the Internet.


To summarize the above, demonstrate your willingness to meet with the employer personally and answer all his questions in an informative manner. Write that you will be waiting for his response to your proposal, and also inform him that you can call him back at any convenient time.

Be sure to check whether you have indicated the correct name and position of the addressee. If such information in this moment If you don’t own it, contact the manager of the organization and find out which employee specifically is involved in personnel selection.

Such an initiative will allow you to directly contact a competent specialist and find out all the details, as well as the algorithm for further negotiations.

Analyze how your business message corresponds to the main recommendations of experts in the modern labor market.

  1. Brevity, information content, unobtrusiveness and conciseness.
  2. Absence of plagiarism, as well as stylistic and grammatical errors.
  3. Availability of information that certifies your knowledge of the structure of the organization and the features of the company’s commercial activities.
  4. The presence of a USP that demonstrates enthusiasm and interest in mutually beneficial cooperation.
  5. The text takes no more than 1–1.5 A4 pages.
  6. The document contains truthful information about what you are willing to do for the company.

Example of a cover letter for a resume

Consider a cover letter template:

Dear, (I.O.)
Please consider my resume for the vacancy "Customer Service Manager"

Introduction. Try to explain in a few sentences why you are interested in the vacancy in this particular company.

Main part:

  1. Experience.
  2. Education (describe if it meets the requirements of the position. Otherwise, it is better to focus on work experience).
  3. Professional skills.
  4. Technical skills.

Completion: Re-emphasize that you are an ideal candidate for the vacant position and that you would be happy to attend an in-person interview.

Best regards, F.I.

How to write a cover letter for a resume

4.7 (93.33%) 12 votes

The first and basic rule that applies is that it must be written. It doesn’t matter what position in the company you are applying for: CEO or assistant secretary. If you really want this job, get the recruiter interested. In addition to formal asides about where you found a vacancy and why this job interested you, write a text that will give an idea of ​​you as a future employee. What exactly can you offer a future employer? How did you distinguish yourself in past work? What skills will be useful in this job? The answer to at least one of these questions should be in your cover letter.

A good cover letter for your resume

Writing the perfect cover letter for your resume can be challenging. You must take into account the subjective human factor. Some HR managers will think your letter is good, but others will not. But still, you need to try to make it universal.

"Hello Maria

My name is Alexandra Rykova. I found an open vacancy at your company for the position of content manager. I am interested in this work because I have been filling websites and communities on social networks for three years now (I have attached examples in my resume). During this time I mastered the basics of working with Adobe Photoshop, various CMS systems, and also gained knowledge of HTML layout.

If you are interested in my skills, I am ready to immediately start working in the office or remotely. You can contact me by telephone (+7 333 11 11 111) or using Email ([email protected]).

Best regards, Alexandra."

Let's look at the example given above:

  • there is an address address;
  • the applicant indicated the position for which he is applying (to avoid confusion);
  • the source from which the vacancy was taken is indicated;
  • the required experience is mentioned;
  • key skills have been written, an example of the application of which can be seen in the resume;
  • contacts are indicated for quick communication with the applicant;
  • correct farewell at the end of the letter.

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