What fabric is better to buy bed linen from? How to choose quality bedding

All girls dream of a wedding. White dress, a sea of ​​flowers, champagne, amazing gifts and real family life. And then a completely different time comes, slightly different interests arise. After all, how the newly-made wife manages to arrange her family nest, largely depends on future life. This article does not contain recommendations on the topic of building marital relationships, because tons of books have been written about this.

Moreover, as practice shows, the advice of outsiders helped few people, because of all difficult situations you have to find a way out on your own. This is how you gain valuable experience, which you can later share with your friends, children and even grandchildren. We will talk about mere trifles, in particular about, for example, how to choose bed sheets. It belongs to the category of indispensable family life things and therefore often worries many young wives.

Regarding the choice of material, there are several valuable advice. After all, it is the fabric of bed linen that you need to pay attention to first. Although many young and inexperienced housewives first look at the colors, and only when they sleep on the purchased set do they realize that they expected something different. So, when you pick up the packaging with the bedding, carefully study the characteristics indicated on it. The most comfortable for sleeping is underwear made from natural fabrics. It is this that will allow your body to “breathe” and will not cause allergies.

If possible, when choosing underwear, you should touch the material, run your hand over it to understand whether it is soft and smooth enough for you. Perhaps you want to get the effect of a starched bed from the set you buy, like in childhood, then you need to look for a stiffer fabric. It also doesn't hurt to smell the laundry. Its quality is, first of all, indicated by the absence of an unpleasant smell of paint. A truly good set should smell like textiles, not chemicals.

To correctly approach the question of how to choose bed linen, you need to understand what materials it can be made from. It is important to know that the words “calico”, “satin” and so on themselves do not indicate the composition of the fabric. They only refer to the method of weaving. And they produce fabrics from bamboo, silk, cotton, linen and synthetics. And only then, according to the technology used, they receive everything famous names. Because the best are natural materials, then the article will focus specifically on them.

Bed linen, like everything that surrounds us today, has its own categories. They are determined by the price and quality of the fabrics used in the manufacture. The cheapest sets are made from chintz. It must be said that, apart from low cost, such underwear cannot boast of anything else good. It has a short service life and is susceptible to deformation when washed. The middle price segment is represented mainly by sets made of cotton fabrics with good wear resistance. When sewing expensive linen, elite materials are used and unusual technologies applying drawings. This will be discussed further.

Cotton-based bed linen

Calico is a cotton fabric made using plain weave technology. The history of its origin goes back to ancient times. Linen made from calico is practical, durable and, importantly, does not require special care. It came to us from Central Asia and Persia at the beginning of the sixteenth century, but at that time its properties were not fully appreciated. Previously, this fabric was made bleached, and then it was dyed and embroidered by hand.

Calico is a two-faced material, that is, the same on both sides. This is achieved by a special technology of weaving threads, which provides the fabric with extraordinary smoothness and matteness, as well as high strength and lightness. In addition, a bedding made of calico wrinkles little and is easily washed and ironed. Considering the fact that the vast majority of manufacturers make this fabric from 100% cotton, underwear made from it is also environmentally friendly, allowing your skin to “breathe”. Therefore, if you value practicality and unpretentiousness in bed linen, and also like it to be matte, opt for a set made of calico.

Satin is a fabric characterized by a shiny and dense surface. It is made using double weaving technology. The bright shine and smoothness of satin is given by the special, tight twisting of the threads. It is made from high-quality cotton, and in terms of its external characteristics, satin is sometimes difficult to distinguish from silk. The history of the appearance of this type of fabric dates back to medieval China. It was made by hand in those distant times and was not cheap.

Today, a satin bed is optimal in terms of price and quality ratio. Among strong, durable and high-quality materials, this type of fabric occupies a leading place, because linen made from it will retain its original appearance and characteristics for a long time even after numerous washes, since it does not “shrink” and does not fade. Satin can also be classified as a “breathable” fabric, and, most importantly, you often don’t have to iron it, because it hardly wrinkles. If you like shiny, light and smooth linen that doesn’t require ironing, you can safely choose a bed made of satin. This is how your bedroom will always have an elegant and aesthetic appearance.

Percale also refers to cotton fabrics, and its production technology uses the same plain weave of threads, as well as the sizing method. But it is produced without finishing, since it is a technical material. In its smoothness, percale is inferior to satin and calico, but its wear resistance characteristics (due to sizing) are very high. This is evidenced by the fact that it has found its application in the production of parachutes. Percale is also made from natural high-quality cotton. If you value practicality and high wear resistance, choose bed linen made from this type of fabric, and it will not disappoint you.

Ranfonse is a fabric with an increased ability to absorb moisture. It is also distinguished by a very high weaving density of cotton threads. Over the past few years, Ranfons has taken a leading position in the production of bed linen, and for good reason. The undoubted advantage of this fabric is its ability to maintain its temperature, so you are not in danger of going to bed in a cold bed winter evening or waking up sweaty on a hot summer morning. Ranfons also belongs to cotton fabrics and therefore has excellent consumer characteristics. This fabric is not deformed by numerous washes, and its pattern always remains bright and even. And if you prefer deep and comfortable sleep, then choose a ranfons bed.

Bed linen based on other materials

Silk is a very delicate, thin and soft fabric. Everyone knows that he came to us from China. Thanks to the triangular cross-section of its constituent threads, silk has the property of reflecting light like a prism. This is what determines the brightest shine of the fabric and beautiful iridescence. It is hypoallergenic and has the ability to thermoregulate. Therefore, on a hot night, a silk sheet will pleasantly cool your body, and in winter you will quickly warm up in such a bed.

However, it should be noted that this fabric, despite its good consumer characteristics, requires delicate handling. The operating features of silk bed linen are indicated on the packages, so don’t be lazy to read them before you make them. final choice. Of course, silk can create an exquisite, unique atmosphere of romance and passion in your bedroom.

Linen is a thin, durable and reliable fabric. She probably has the most ancient history, since it first appeared in Egypt. Linen bed linen also has the ability to thermoregulate, it perfectly absorbs moisture and is resistant to wear. Perhaps the only drawback of this fabric is that it is difficult to iron. But the price of such a set of linen is very high, and therefore, in our country, unlike in Europe, it is not easy to find a linen bed in a regular store. But if you want to give your bedroom a respectable and status-like look, then linen is a great choice.

Fabric made from bamboo fibers, which recently appeared on our market, has already gained popularity among the population. After all, bedding made from it is shiny, soft and durable. A bamboo set is a very good choice. Since this material is able to keep you warm in winter and cool in summer, it is very pleasant to the touch and has antibacterial properties. Bamboo fabric absorbs moisture well, but if you want to choose a set made from it, then pay attention to the features of its washing, drying and ironing.

In addition to the fabrics described above, there are many others. The poplin bed is certainly beautiful, and the fabric itself has a cross-rib. Jacquard underwear looks amazing, although it is expensive due to the fact that the pattern on it is textured and can be felt by hand. Satin-silk is an interweaving of two types of threads, therefore it has a bright glossy shine. As you can see, the range of bed linen is very wide, and you just have to choose based on your own tastes and wallet.

Bed linen design and sizes

Of course, the materials from which modern sleeping sets are made are a key issue. But we women also attach great importance to how our bed looks in the overall design concept of the room. Much depends on how exactly we plan to spend the night - just to sleep off or enjoy the sensual and passionate sensations in the arms of our beloved man. Therefore, it is worth paying due attention to the choice of colors in the range of models offered.

First, let's turn to the advice of psychologists who believe that intimate life a young couple largely depends on correctly selected underwear. For example, a red satin bed makes nights together very passionate, but it is not recommended to use it all the time, because the main task of any linen is to give moral and physical rest. So save the sets of this and others rich colors For special occasions, and for everyday use It is better to choose discreet pastel shades, for example, light green, pale yellow, blue and so on. According to psychologists, pink tones have a beneficial effect on emotional condition and help create enjoyable romantic relationships.

Classical White color has always been a symbol of purity and innocence, but black is its complete antagonist. Consider this when choosing a bed. By the way, by resting on white linen, you can make your sleep more complete. The influence of flowers on human health is also known. The blue color scheme is calming nervous system and, as experts say, helps fight colds, red underwear is contraindicated for people with vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type (high blood pressure). If you are prone to migraines, choose a soft green bed to sleep on. Do you want to lose weight and are putting a lot of effort into it? Then avoid juicy orange shades - they stimulate the appetite.

As for the designs on your bedding set, large flowers and shapes make for stormy nights in love. If your plans are to calm down an already vibrant and passionate relationship, underwear in calm pastel colors or small patterns is just right for these purposes. Remember that sets with geometric patterns are best suited for good night after a difficult day at work.

If you want to choose underwear as a gift to a loved one, then determine who he is by nature. Romantic personalities will surely like pastel linen in small and large flowers with trim from frills and ruffles. Energetic, strong-willed and decisive people can be presented with bright sets in oriental style. If your close friend has the status of a businesswoman, please her and give her a chic jacquard set in plain warm colors or with an unusual pattern.

To know how to choose the right bed linen, you need to understand its size, because the duvet cover, sheet and pillowcases included in the set can be presented in several options. It depends on the manufacturer, because different countries have their own ideas about the standard. If we're talking about about the popular double set, it can have several types:

  • duvet cover with dimensions 180x210(215), 200x220 cm;
  • sheet with dimensions 175x210(215), 210x230, 240x260 cm;
  • pillowcases with dimensions 70x70, 50x70, 60x60 cm.

The linen in the Euro double set has other sizes:

  • duvet cover 205x225 or 225x245 cm;
  • sheet 240x280 cm;
  • pillowcases 70x70 or 50x70 cm.

The Euro family set differs from the double set in the presence of two duvet covers, each 150 cm wide and 210 cm long. In addition to these, there are other types of bed linen, for example, one-and-a-half or children's. They have their own sizes. Therefore, when choosing a set, pay attention to all its characteristics, because they may not match the pillow and blanket you have, as well as the bed itself.

If with bed linen everything is more or less clear, we must not forget that a young woman should be able to choose the right home clothes, because a beautifully made bed should be matched, for example, with a good pajama set, a seductive peignoir or an original robe. And it is not premature to say that they all look the same. Perhaps you just don't understand them well enough. By the way, it must be said that every housewife should have several dressing gowns in her house.



The modern selection of bed linen is amazing - a variety of sizes, colors, styles and styles.

But how to buy a set so that it turns out to be of high quality, safe, and inexpensive, and at the same time you like it?

Today we will tell you how to choose bed linen and what to consider when purchasing.

Remember that your sleep largely depends on the quality of the fabric, and it should be healthy and sound.

Which bed linen to choose - determine the density of the fabric

You need to start choosing underwear by studying the information on the package with the set. Manufacturers who care about their reputation and produce quality products always indicate there all the data about the material. First of all, look at the density indicators. High quality fabric should have an average density of approximately 50 threads (per square centimeter). Moreover, each material has its own indicators:

  • Batiste - no more than 30 threads;
  • Linen and cotton - from 35 to 65 threads;
  • Turkish silk – up to 80 threads;
  • Satin and percale - up to 120 threads;
  • Japanese silk - over 120 threads.

How to choose bed linen - study the material of manufacture

Bed linen should be comfortable and soft, and should not be electrified. Good fabric warms in winter and cools the body on summer nights, so it really matters what material the underwear is made from.


Such sets are very popular because they allow air to pass through and quickly absorb excess moisture. Cotton fabric is usually divided into:


Linen is considered the most durable and environmentally friendly fabric. Its main advantages include the fact that it absorbs moisture and “breathes”, allowing air to pass through, which is very important in the hot season. If we are talking about choosing linen for winter, then linen will be good here too, because it retains heat. By the way, washing linen is not difficult, but for bed linen it is advisable to buy a set that contains linen and cotton.


Japanese silk is considered the most expensive material in the world. It is ideal for creating kits because it allows air to pass through and retains heat.

The main problem is the difficulty of care. Chinese silk is more affordable in price, but it has a number of disadvantages - it sticks to the body in the heat, slips, and puffs may appear on the fabric.

Artificial fabric

Bed linen is most often made from cotton with the addition of polyester. This fabric is easy to wash and iron. But it also has its drawbacks: it can lead to allergic reactions and becomes electrified.

Selecting the size of the set - what to consider?

What could be more unpleasant than a crumpled blanket in a duvet cover that is too narrow or a sheet that keeps rolling into a tube? In order not to suffer anymore, it is enough to choose the right size of the bedding set.

Traditionally, sets are divided into three sizes:

  • Single bed;
  • Double;
  • Euro size.

Tip: different countries that produce bed linen have their own standards for sizes, and therefore you should always read the sizes on the packaging with the set.

For the right choice kit, follow the measurements in centimeters. On the packaging with the set you can always find information about the number of items in the set and their sizes. Before going to the store, measure the length and width of the pillows and blankets, which will allow you to choose the most suitable option.

The most popular model of bed linen is “deaf”, since the blanket will not constantly come out of such a duvet cover.

There are imported models - with fasteners or zippers on the sides. Their main disadvantage is that such accessories can leave abrasions on the body. In any case, here you need to decide for yourself what will be more convenient for you.

Sometimes you really want to buy a bright set of linen that would perfectly harmonize with the design of the bedroom. But before buying such a set, you should think about how the material will behave when used, will the paint come off after the first wash and will it leave marks on your skin? After all, dishonest manufacturers often use low-quality dyes.

The strength of the dye is usually determined on a scale of 5 points - and it is better to buy a set, which is indicative of at least “4”. This information can be found on the packaging. And if it is missing, then it is not recommended to take such underwear. If you really liked the set, but you couldn’t find information about the dye’s performance, just smell the fabric - the material should smell like textiles. If there is a strong chemical “aroma”, the fabric will quickly begin to fade. To make sure that the dyes do not remain on the skin a couple of days after use, rub the fabric with your hand.

Well, to prevent the paint from fading due to an incorrectly set washing mode, always study the labels on the material - there is all the information about the appropriate mode and temperature.

How to find out the quality of fabric tailoring?

Before you make your final choice and pay for your purchase, look at something else - the quality of tailoring. After all, the service life of the bedding set depends on this. So, a good set should not have a seam in the middle - all elements should be sewn from a single piece of material with a linen seam (strong). Regular seams will come apart after just 2 washes.

Look at the threads used to sew the set. They should be strong, match the color of the fabric and have the ends cut and hidden.

As you can see, choosing bed linen is not so easy - there are so many points that you need to pay attention to! And it’s better not to be lazy to study all the information when choosing a set - a healthy sleep is worth it.

The article was prepared by the online store sozvezdiesnov.ru, you can view the catalog of quality bed linen

Our sleep directly depends on the quality of bed linen. Of course, this is not the only factor, but one of the main ones. No matter how attractive synthetic sheets and pillowcases look, they are extremely uncomfortable to sleep on: they slip, slide, and curl. Therefore, choosing bed linen is a responsible matter. Any set of sleeping accessories must meet certain requirements, which we describe in detail.

Attention to detail

We list several important properties on which your comfort depends:

  • Hygroscopicity of the material. It should be natural, quickly absorb moisture, and allow air to pass through.
  • Fabric density. Bed linen is washed quite often and gradually becomes thinner, therefore denser material, the longer it will last.
  • Set size. Not guessing the size means constantly suffering under a crumpled blanket in the duvet cover and straightening a short sheet that is always rolling into a tube. Please select the size of each item included in the package carefully.

Color preferences are a matter of taste. If you love rich colors, make sure of the quality of the dyes, because after the first wash, a painting set can easily turn into faded rags.

Important! The color intensity on the front side of the fabric should not be too different from the color on the back side.

Now let's talk about how not to make a mistake in choosing when buying.

How to choose the right bed linen?

A serious manufacturer will definitely make sure that you learn as much as possible about the product. Pay attention to the packaging, where the most important things should be indicated: the size of each item, information about the density of the fabric, the quality of the color. Now let's take a closer look at each point.

We select quality material

Bed linen can be cotton, linen, silk or synthetic. Often there is a combination of several types of fabric in different proportions, but in any case, it is better to prefer natural material.

Features of choosing underwear for a child

Stick with cotton. This includes calico, satin, cambric, and chintz. The listed types of fabric are created using various technologies of twisting and weaving threads. They differ from each other in surface quality and density, but they all absorb moisture perfectly, do not become electrified, and withstand a large number of washes

Mixed kits

You may be interested in a set made of cotton material with the addition of polyester. It costs less, and the thread will be stronger. However, be prepared that for less money you will acquire significant disadvantages: after all, fabrics with the addition of synthetics become electrified, roll up, and stick to the body. No synthetic material can replace natural material in terms of quality.

Linen is a priority

The linen set will serve you for a long time, because the fabric is famous for its increased strength. Some housewives are afraid of the harsh fabric, but it “breathes” perfectly, warms, and does not cause allergies.

Fine silk

Silk bed linen sets will not be cheap if the product is truly high-quality and natural. Real silk sheets are perfectly breathable, absorb moisture, and do not slip. Such bedding evokes pleasant emotions just by looking at them, evokes a romantic mood, soothes, and pacifies.

We evaluate tailoring

A sheet or duvet cover should not have seams or any joints in the middle, because a product made from solid fabric is both stronger and more comfortable. Sewing threads should be matched to the color of the fabric and should not stick out in the corners of the product.

Good linen must be sewn with a double seam, hiding the edges of the fabric.

What you need to know about fabric density

The density indicator is higher - the quality of the product is better. For example, satin can withstand up to 200 washes without losing its noble silk luster. But how to choose satin bed linen without getting into trouble? Pay attention to the same density: it should be no less than 120, and better yet, all 180 threads per square meter. cm.

Lawn has the lowest density (up to 30 threads), which is why it is better not to wash it often. High-quality cotton and linen have 50-65 weaves, natural silk - 120-180 threads.

About color selection

Bed linen in rich shades is not always good choice: there is a danger that the fabric itself will fade during the first wash, or, even worse, you may find all the colors of the rainbow on you in the morning, so it’s better to stick to calm colors.

Still want something extravagant? Be sure to find the dye strength scale on the packaging and select a rating of at least “four.” Or rub your palm thoroughly on a cloth and see if the skin is stained. A set of bright colors may have a chemical smell - this only indicates the poor quality of the dye.

A good product should smell only of textiles and not of chemicals, especially keep this in mind when choosing bedding for newborns.

Select size, model

So, the material has been selected, the density has been decided, the color has been chosen, all that remains is to clarify the size. Different countries They offer their own standards of linen, although the packaging may indicate the marks that are already familiar to us, that the set, for example, has a one-and-a-half-bed (“1.5-bed”) or double (“full”) size. Therefore, trust only the numbers and pay more attention to the width and length of each item included in the kit. So, before shopping, take the time to write down the length and width of your favorite blanket and pillow so that no imported products confuse you. But the size of domestic bed linen should not let you down: everything is sewn to the same standard.

A little about the models: the most convenient one is “blind”, that is, without openings in inconvenient places where a foot might try to get in or a hand would get tangled. Beware of pillowcases and duvet covers with buttons or zippers, as such fasteners can easily scratch and injure your skin. Have a healthy sleep on the right bedding, and let the size of the pillowcase match the dimensions of your favorite pillow!

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