Wedding plot. The best conspiracies for quick marriage from leading healers and sorcerers

It's no secret: a woman needs a family. Let them now promote a completely different ideology of life, in which career and wealth come first, and family is the last thing. But is it possible to deceive the very essence that is invested in a person from Above? It is believed that there are not enough beautiful princes, burning with the desire to prolong the family line and provide for their chosen one. And it becomes torture. All this is wrong.

Every woman is born already knowing who her chosen one is. And he definitely is. But their paths, for many reasons, still do not intertwine. Two lonely people walk on parallel roads and still never meet. This is a fixable issue. Moreover, you yourself can slightly rush your fate so that you don’t have to wait until retirement for the desired offer. Required plot to get married.

There are a great many such magical rituals today. Some are for young girls, others are for respectable ladies. Choose according to your own life circumstances. Just keep in mind: the plot will definitely work! And you must be able to take advantage of the given chance. It’s difficult to predict what it will be like. Keep your eyes open and your brains clear, then you will see for yourself what fate is in store for you.

Conspiracies “how to get married quickly”

There is a ritual that is associated with the fact that the girl was given away, that is, sent out of the house to her husband’s family. It is suitable for a woman of any age. They escort him out with a suitcase and slippers. Take your own, worn-out shoes. At midnight on Friday, put the suitcase in the middle of the room, let the slippers be on your feet for now. Walk around the room and pretend as if you are collecting things. You know, then to the closet, then to the table, and from them to the suitcase. At the same time say:

“We are preparing the girl (her name) for a long journey. The welcome guest came for her. May you have a happy journey! Amen!"

Now take off your slippers and read:

“You are my orphans, you are left alone! You won’t see the mistress’s legs again, you won’t hug them. In her husband’s family they will give her new slippers, caress her and warm her up. My orphans, farewell! Amen!"

Place your shoes in the corner of the room and never wear them again.

Conspiracy to get married

When you go to the shower, be sure to perform this ritual. This must be done only on Women's Day (Wednesday, Sunday, Friday). Get under the shower, water will flow over your head and body, and you say the following words:

“I wash, I get ready, I bless! A good fellow with matchmakers is waiting outside the door. Sent by heaven, equipped by the Mother of God. We will sweeten our hearts, we will improve our bodies, we will give birth to children, and we will meet old age! In the name of the Lord, so be it. Amen!"

Be sure to dry yourself clean with a new, unwashed towel. white. Keep it and don't use it anywhere else. Once you receive the offer, repeat the ritual. Leave the towel. The firstborn is bathed with him.

Conspiracy to get married on Pokrov

In the old days, girls went to the Temple to ask grooms. This was done on the Holy Feast of the Intercession. I had to go to the morning service. While she was walking, the girl uttered the words of the conspiracy three times, as a request to the Mother of God. You could even call it prayer. And you need to hold a candle in your hands when you ask for a groom. The words are:

“Virgin Mary, mother! Cover the earth with white snow, and give me a brave and skillful groom! Amen!"

After this, you need to go home and cook something delicious. Invite guests or go to your friends and take some treats with you. Previously, pancakes or pies were baked. They are supposed to be treated to everyone. Who knows, maybe one of the guys you met and blessed with will become your husband.

Conspiracy to get married after divorce

And women went to the Temple at any time. Not necessarily on a big holiday. It's about your destiny. Find the Icon of St. George the Victorious. Light a thick candle for him, ask for great mercy to direct your destiny to a likely chosen one. As you leave the Church, bow to the building and say:

“The bells and domes greeted me and answered my questions. Now from this threshold I have a different road. The Lord's servant (name) will receive a gift in the form of a husband, which is no worse than the first. Amen!"

Conspiracy “I want to get married”

Buy a red scarf or just a ribbon. Go with her to the bridge. The conspiracy must be carried out over water. If there is no bridge in your area, then improvise. For example, fill the bathroom with water and build something like a bridge. But it’s better if you go to the real thing. There, tie your ribbon (scarf) on the railing with the words:

“Venus, release a foamy wave on me! Let him cleanse me of sorrow! Let him give it to the groom, everyone will be amazed! May my destiny be happy! Amen!"

Conspiracy to get your daughter married

Mothers are encouraged to speak up and give their daughter jewelry, for example, a pendant. The ritual is carried out on Friday (Women's Day). At midnight, standing in front of a mirror with decoration, you need to light a candle, drop wax on the thing and say:

“I raised the girl with my soul, so that it would be a great gift for the young man! I give it not to the first and not to the second, but to the one who loves her and will cherish and caress her all his life. I open the doors, I call upon fate! Amen!"

Marry a rich man

It is necessary to plunge into a natural body of water (preferably in the sea). Say the following words: “Holy Lord, through a difficult path, come to me, desired one, with a heavy pocket. So that the ringing of a golden coin does not close your eyes, open your heart, and intertwine our paths! Water - water, give the girl not an ordinary groom, but a golden merchant! Amen!".

Conspiracy to marry a widow

Widows are advised to perform a ritual with a chair. Need a wooden product. It's better to just go to the store and buy it, since it will need to be broken. A chair should not have one leg. Sit on it during the full moon (very difficult to resist). Say these words, lamenting loudly:

"God! Why did you leave your daughter without a share and make her suffer from loneliness? Lord, the widow's lot is terrible. Your servant (name) has suffered enough! Lord, forgive me all my sins! Let the suitors hover around again! Lord, bring me a new share! So that Your servant (name) does not suffer any more! Amen!"

Don't throw away the chair. If nothing happens after a month, repeat the ritual. It is recommended to get rid of the “magical attribute” with a new husband (or candidate). At the same time, check it for housekeeping.

1. To marry a rich man you need to go to church, light 12 candles for your health and 12 candles for the health of your betrothed. When you light candles for the health of your betrothed, say this:
“Lord, have mercy and save your servant, whose name I do not know, but whom you have appointed to be my husband. Amen.”
On the same day, at night you need to put on a new shirt, take two twigs from two different trees, twist them together (if they fall apart, they can be strengthened with woolen or cotton thread), put them on a flat dish, light a candle and, dripping wax on slander these two branches:
“Two twigs have interlocked forever, they will interlock - they will not separate, for good, for gold and silver, for profit, for offspring, for eternal life. Amen.”
Say this until the entire candle burns out. These twigs should be kept in a secret place until the wedding. After the wedding, they need to be sent down the river.

2. The daughter stayed too long as a bride
On the day your daughter was born (on the date, not on her birthday), wash her with water and honey with a hex, and then wipe the bracket and door handle with the same water.
How sweet the red dawn is to people, How sweet the clear star is to people, How sweet the honey is to the bee, So is all the love for the slave (name). Amen.

3. To get married after divorce
If you have separated and have already decided for sure that there is no and cannot be a return, do so. Choose an even Thursday so that you have the whole day free. Strip naked and wash the floor naked. Then fill a basin with water and pour this water from head to toe. Then wash the floor again and rinse yourself off again with the spoken water. And so three times. Then, having rested and dried, get ready for church. There, light 12 candles for your health. When you go out, give alms to three people.
You will see, you will soon meet your new destiny.
There is a golden ship on the sea, On the ship there is a young king, He waves his oar, he hurries, He does not eat or sleep, He looks towards me. With him are Saint Moses and Saint Luke, and with them is golden flour. And this is not torment, but torment, heavy boredom for me. Sadness and melancholy of a good fellow. Pavushka, Romanea, run, Lyubavushka, bring the young man to me, Blow heat in his face, Point him on my porch, To my table, On my bed, Put a ring on my finger. Let my word be strong, tenacious to the white body. No one's word will interrupt, My destiny will not be broken. Keys in the river, Sand in the water, The Holy Cross is on me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

4. If a woman cannot get married
If your friends got married a long time ago and have children, and you “stayed too long with girls,” then you need to hem someone else’s wedding dress, but a new one. After this, you will certainly get married soon.
It’s also a good idea to have a pin from the bride after the wedding. This will not harm the bride, and will help you get married faster. It is very good to wash the bride’s shoes, this also means a quick marriage.

5. Remove the spell of loneliness

"Oh, long-suffering Mother of God,

Exceeding all the daughters of the earth in purity

Your own and due to the many sufferings,

transferred to the earth by you,

accept painful sighs

ours and keep us under your roof

Your grace.

Other shelter and warmth

Are you not familiar with intercession?

but, as one who has the same boldness

born to you,

help and save us with your prayers

With our own, may we achieve without stumbling

Kingdom of Heaven, where everyone is

let us sing saints in

Trinity to one God now

and ever and ever.

And now a lecture on the spell on loneliness:

"A bad, cursed, evil word, like an arrow from the enemy,

I was struck by loneliness.

With God's help, with the Most Holy Theotokos

I will cover myself with invincible hope.

I'll take it off with an honest prayer,

I will find Jesus' help.

6. To marry a girl
If a girl has passed the age when she gets married without receiving a single proposal, she should go on the last Friday to walk through the field where the burrs grow, saying:
Just as a burdock clings to my hem, so would suitors cling to me, fall in love with me, and keep up with me, asking me to marry them. Amen.
You have to go into the field alone, without friends.
After a walk at home, they collect thorns from the dress, tie them in a rag with menstrual blood and store them somewhere away so that no one can see until the girl gets married. After the wedding, about three days later, you need to wash the rag and take the burdock to the field where it grew before.

7. To get married.
On Maundy Thursday before Easter or on Thursday before Christmas, you need to rise as high as possible from the ground and certainly before sunrise and shout three times at the top of your voice:
Guys, guys, look at me and love me!

8. If no one is looking at the girl at all
You need to decide to take a broom, go to the pub (where, unfortunately, men often go) and, without paying attention to anyone, sweep the entrance, saying three times:
Just as everyone goes and goes to this beer, gathers, so it would be to me, God’s servant (name), Matchmakers went and gathered. Amen.

9. A mischief for the groom
If a guy has been following you for years, but still doesn’t dare to ask you to marry you, you need to draw a circle with a knife with a wooden handle, put a birch log in the circle (after scratching your loved one’s name on the log with a knife) and, standing behind the circle, say three times:
“You are my mummer, you are my betrothed, I’ve had enough, and you’ve had your fill. Stop partying. It’s time to marry me.”
After this, the log is burned. Your wedding will take place soon.

10. From damage to loneliness
The spoiled woman is taken to the bathhouse. They arrange it so that a man can wash himself in this bathhouse before and after it. They say water in three basins. The spoiled food is washed from each basin in turn. Wipe with a new towel.
The towel is hung on the branch of a tree with a masculine name: oak, poplar, maple. They leave without looking back. They don't tell anyone about it. Usually, once is enough for a girl to get married. Read on the water like this:
God's water is Ulyana, my blush is Maryana. My lips are not kissed, my breasts are not pardoned. I wash away the centuries, I put on the wedding crown. God's water is Ulyana, my blush is Maryana. Let the grooms see this and want to marry themselves. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

11. How to remove the spell on loneliness
Buy the “Seven Shots” icon. Light seven candles near her. Lock the door and do not open it to anyone until you have read the prayer and reprimanded the spell on loneliness forty times.
Prayers in honor miraculous icon“Semistrelnaya” a lot. They read on softening evil hearts and pacification of warring parties.
Oh, long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You endured on earth, Accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession? But, as one who has the boldness to be born of You, Help and save us with His prayers, May we reach the Kingdom of Heaven without stumbling, Where with all the saints we will sing praises to the one God in the Trinity, Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
And now a lecture on the spell on loneliness:
The bad, damned, evil word, like an arrow from the enemy, struck me with loneliness. With God's help, with the Most Holy Theotokos, I will cover myself with invincible hope. With an honest prayer I will remove it and receive Jesus’ help. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

12. Mischief on the betrothed
If the time has come, and grooms are not in a hurry to come to your house, be sure to take advantage of this trick. They read the confusion with a new comb. Use a comb, not a comb. Because this comb will need to be left in your hair for seven days.
So, we read:
I, the servant of God (name), will put on a comb and invite suitors to come to me. Just as bees fly to honey and look at flowers, so suitors would rush to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

13. How can a girl get married sooner?
On Easter, before sunrise, light the oven. Kneel in front of the stove door, open and close it three times, then shout loudly into the stove:
How many people go to church these days, I will have so many suitors.

14. For marriage.
On Easter, at sunrise, knock on the glass of your window and say:
Easter sun, roll across the sky, And you, groom, show up at my doorstep. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Christ has risen, and the groom comes to me. Amen.

15. For the early marriage of an old lady
On Maundy Thursday, wash your face with cat’s milk, saying:
Just as everyone pets cats and how cats cling to everyone, so the suitors won’t let me pass. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

16. How can a bride with any defect get married?
Previously, if a girl had a child or was damaged in some way, the healer would make a special spell for her, and the girl would get married safely. They read the plot into the slightly open underground (cellar). You need to read the plot nine times:
My owner is a yard servant, be my dear matchmaker. Make me, God's servant (name), the husband of (so-and-so). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

17. To attract suitors to the house
During the Easter service, holding a handful of wheat on his chest. Returning from church, I sprinkle grain at my doorstep with the words:
There were so many candle lights in the church, so many suitors for me. There are so many suitors in a handful of grains. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

18. So that the Lord sends a good bride
Caring that the son would be lucky with his wife, and the mother-in-law with her daughter-in-law, they collected eggs and butter as a gift for the healer and went to her with a request: to beg God for a daughter-in-law - quiet, not obstinate, hard-working and submissive. For work you will need an icon of Tikhvin Our Lady. Place the icon on a clean towel and read 40 times:
Christ is at the door, angels in the corners, Saints in the courtyard, Our Lady of Tikhvin is with me, Glorify the quiet meekness in my daughter-in-law. For my son, God's servant (name). Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. The sheep is silent, and the daughter-in-law is silent. The fish is silent, and the daughter-in-law does not scream. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

19. How to get married after divorce
Read on the water on the new moon, on Women's Day, then wash with this water:
Lady Water. God created you on the third day. You have been washing people for centuries. You washed, washed, freed from dirt and filth. Saints and sinners you washed, Washed Jesus Christ and his mother Mary, the Most Pure Mother of God. In the name of that water I call on the Mother of God, the intercessor praised by the world. Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos, For the sake of the water that washed the mother who gave birth to You, For the sake of the water in which You bathed the baby Jesus. For the sake of the water that God created, Cover me with marriage, For God himself created a mate for everyone. I pray to you, Mary, send me a groom to be my husband, From now on and for all eternity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
On major holy holidays, do not read this plot.

20. Spell words for a fishing net
This strong conspiracy they caught guys as grooms for even the ugliest girl. And how they then lived well and well, that everyone only envied them. They did it this way: early, at the first sign of dawn, they went to the river and found the nets set by the fishermen. Holding the net with your right hand, you read the love words three times:
God help me. God bless. And you, net, catch fish for the fisherman, and for me, the servant of God (name), the groom. Rise, my bridegroom, from summer and from winter, from autumn and from spring, from north and from south. I am talking about this network to my dear friend. Just as fish get caught in a net, How they never get out of it, They fall asleep in it without water and don’t wake up, So would my fiancé (name) come into my house himself and never leave me anywhere else. I close all the roads for you (name), I close the return thresholds for you. Until the network itself unties itself into all its knots, Until then my fiancé (name) will not give up on me. May my words be sculpted and strong. I close with an amen, I cover with an amen. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

21. To make the girl like the grooms
On Maundy Thursday, buy a mirror without taking change. Then stand between two trees and, looking into the mirror you just bought, say:
As the whole world looks in the mirror, admires its own reflection, so the guys would admire me, kiss me and kiss me, and vie with each other to woo me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

22. Conspiracy on man's love
On Easter, kiss nine colored eggs, saying:
Just as people love Holy Easter, Appreciate and remember mother’s affection, So men would be stronger than me loved strong, They valued me more than anything else, They followed me, God’s servant (name), in herds. Christ has risen, and the suitors come to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Then treat the men with these enchanted eggs.

23. Conspiracy for quick matchmaking
If a girl has spent too much time as a bride and matchmakers are avoiding her house, then this should be done. Buy an egg from seven housewives, take flour and salt from three neighbors. At midnight, knead all this into a dough, saying:
Dough, dough, lie down in your place. The bride, the servant of God (name), asks you to send me the brave fellows, eligible bachelors. Come to my yard, suitors, Just as quickly and quickly, As quickly as my dough will rise soon. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Bake a pie from the dough and treat it to the men. Women should not be treated to such a pie under any circumstances.

24. So that the grooms come to get married sooner
Pick the grass from those yards (at least seven) where there are single guys. Then weave a braid from this grass, bring it to your home and put it under your pillow, saying:
Lie down, grass spit from other people's yards, Not for the motley cows, But for the dryness of me, God's servant (name), suitors. How this grass is woven, curled, wrapped, so that suitors would curl around me, kill themselves for me, God’s servant (name), and rush to woo me on my threshold. I'll spit out the chicken, I'll blow away the smoke. My job is to stick together and not break. As I said, So be it. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

25. Mischief on the grooms
If you are no longer young, but still not married, break an aspen branch, cut it into five parts and, after waiting for night, turn on the stove. Place a cast iron pot on the fire, in which put five aspen sticks, and cook them until you read the following plot forty times in a row:
An open field, a wide expanse, An old aspen grows there, A wild mountain gave birth to it. Judas walked through that field and found that aspen tree. Like on that aspen tree, on that heavy torch, Judas took and hanged himself, So would the suitors hang themselves on me, the servant of God (name), cling to me, wrap their arms around my neck, century after century, never parting. Drive them away, aspen tree, Disturb them, evil tormentor. How bulls are driven into a stall, How stallions are harnessed and driven around, So that willingly, but unwillingly, Grooms come, hurry to my doorstep, Woo me and ask to be my husband. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

26. A conspiracy that attracts men to a widow
Before dark, find a place where hops grow along the fence, and pick them at midnight. Place the twigs on your chest and take them home. Remember that throughout the entire journey - there and back - you cannot talk to anyone. Having brought the hops home, leave it on your porch and, before you step over it and enter the house, read the following spell:
You, hop, wandered along the fence and came to my house. How this hop twisted and twisted, tenaciously grabbed onto the fence, so that a good man would curl up behind me, behind the bitter widow, and marry him for the rest of his life. The key to my words, the lock to my lips. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Important: the ceremony is held on the full moon on Thursday!

27. Conspiracy against girlish loneliness
On Pokrov (October 14) go out onto the balcony or onto the street, so that you are standing under open air. There, raise both hands above your head and say:
Bride Bride, Queen of Heaven, Take me out of the brides, Take off the heavy cross from me, Bless me for the crown. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Usually, after this ceremony, the girl gets married the same year. Just remember that you must carry it out in all alone and don't tell anyone about it.

28. Prayer for a happy marriage
To be happy in marriage, from ancient times they prayed to the holy martyr Tryphon. The words of the prayer are:
O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory in every place. You are a servant of Christ, you yourself promised before your departure from your mortal life to pray for us to the Lord and ask Him for this gift: if anyone in any need and sorrow begins to call upon your holy name, may he be delivered from all pretext of evil. And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the Tsar in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the strange day of our last breath, intercede for us, when the dark visions of crafty demons surround and frighten us will begin: then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand as saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord that he will grant us also to be partakers of the ever-present joy of joy, so that together with you we will be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen.

29. Begging the groom (for a girl)
On men's day - Tuesday or Thursday - bake pancakes, read a special spell over them and treat the men with the spelled pancakes. The spell words are as follows:
I'll get up early in the morning, bake pancakes for the funeral, remember my girlish loneliness. Remember also, Lord, for the repose now, overnight, of the servant of God (name) celibacy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

30. Conspiracy to attract suitors
Read a special spell over the poppy, which then, with a good swing, throw it against the wind. The plot is like this:
I confuse the paths of the suitors. How many poppy seeds are in my hand, So that my house is full of matchmakers and eligible suitors. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Important: the ceremony is not performed on odd days!

31. Plot for an ugly girl
Wash yourself at sunrise on the day of your Angel. At the same time say:
Bless, God, my words, my deeds in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. How in severe hunger people dream of food, so that I, God’s servant (name), would be desired by all men, beautiful and fragrant, smell like a scarlet rose for them, bloom. And so that Mother of God may give Beauty to my forehead. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

32. For girls who want to get married.
You need to wait for the new moon, that is, the very first day of the new moon. The girl should let her hair down and wear the shoes of a married woman who has recently gotten married. In these shoes you need to go outside and, looking at the thin crescent of the moon, spin on your heels clockwise, while saying: The month is young, be my matchmaker, Send me a rich groom, Young like you, not bearded. Let him be touched by me, curl around me, as I, God’s servant (name), curl around you, curl around you, marvel at your young body. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

33. If they don’t take you as a wife.
If you see in the river even number geese, go into it knee-deep, splash water on yourself and say:
How these geese swim in pairs. So they will ask me (name) to get married today. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

34. Get married after a divorce.
When bad weather occurs (wind, hurricane or rain), you need to open the window and say:
My betrothed. Come to my home, Shelter from the bad weather, wash off the dirt, Drink, eat, dry off and go to sleep on a downy bed. Fall in love with me, God's servant (name), Come, fall in love, and live. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

35. To quickly attract the groom.
If the girl is not married, you need to do this: on October 13, speak water, wash your face with this water and dry yourself with a man’s shirt. Before the conspiracy, do not forget to read “Our Father”. CONSPIRACY:
In the sky the stars dance around, On earth everyone lives in pairs. God bless me for my marriage too. Bless for the wedding crown. Put an end to my girlhood. Girls' braids are disgusting to me, girls' get-togethers are no longer pleasant to me. Lord, give me a woman's scarf, and on right hand wedding ring. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

36. A conspiracy to make men pay attention to you.
Pat yourself on the head and read this plot:
God! As people wait, wait for spring, As the red sun is touched, So I, God’s servant (name), would rejoice, men, young and old. Old men, mature men, young fellows and mustacheless youths looked, admired, and followed me. They received me with honor, they respected me with honor, Everyone stood up on their feet in front of me, They gave their word in conversations, They would come to show mercy to me, They held onto my dream to kiss. All words have keys. All matters - locks. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

37. For the attention of men.
They cast a spell on a new hairpin, ring, brooch, etc. - any item that you can carry with you all the time. The spell words are:
Treasure, you are my treasure, a love pledge, I am not putting you in a prison-ground, I am bewitching you to a girl. In the name of an angel, in the name of an archangel, pull the suitors to me, God's servant (name). I would be like the blush of the dawn, Like the drunken grass of perfume, Desired by any man’s heart. They would be sad for me, yearn for me, Not seeing me, they would grieve: In the world, at the feast, on land and water. Everywhere! Be like the sun, like the clear moon, Like a light warm wave. Among all my pav friends there is only one like this. My words cannot be suppressed, they cannot be whispered, nor can they be reprimanded with a strong word. How people bow to the Mother Church, So that the guys can Love and respect me, Meet me with a smile, See me off with their eyes. Word my first, My business is strong. What I didn’t say, what I didn’t finish, what I didn’t think through in my thoughts, my conspiracy will bring everything to fruition. Amen.

38. Conspiracy to meet a good person.
On the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (October 14), read the following conspiracy:
Most Holy Mother of God, Cover my little head with a crown, a golden cuff. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Why are those words said? From the Gospel of Christ, the Heavenly King, Michael the Archangel, Saints Peter and Paul, the Supreme Apostles. They put distant tuns for bad suitors, And for my only, red falcon, They light the path of candles to me, the servant of God (name), They invite me, and bless me for the wedding. Amen.

39. A conspiracy to meet your soulmate.
Read the following conspiracy under the Intercession, which is celebrated on October 14:
God bless! God help me! My faith is righteous. Stand around me, stone mountain. And I will put on the clear rays, I will be blessed by the Mother of God. Protection Father, send the crown to me, God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen.

40. Prayer to meet your soulmate.
On the holiday of the Intercession Holy Lady Our Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary (October 14), go outside and sweep the snow with a new broom towards your door, while reading the following conspiracy:
Just as the Holy Protection came, So the groom would have found me. I, God's servant (name), sweep, sweep, invite the betrothed-mummer. There is so much snow today, so that I won’t be left without a groom. Word is deed, swiftly and boldly. So that the groom would walk briskly and boldly towards me, God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

41. For the betrothed. On Intercession (October 14), get up in the morning before everyone else, cross yourself three times and say:
Bless me, God, on the Holy Protection. Give the earth a snowball, and give the groom a quick path to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

42. A conspiracy to make a widow marry again.
Wash yourself on Maundy Thursday (the last Thursday before Easter) from the door frame with the words:
How all people grab onto this bracket. So the suitors would grab at me, the widow. They never parted with me. There was a widow, become a bride, There is a place for a good man next to me, a servant of God (name). Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

43. Conspiracy from the “century” (remove the crown of celibacy).
Buy a mirror with a wooden frame. Take this mirror to the crossroads during the full moon. Stand so that in this mirror you can see above your left shoulder full moon. Looking in the mirror at the moon, read the following plot:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is a dark stormy river in the city of Amatael, That stormy dark river has yellow banks. All the waters, all the streams flow to this stormy river, they merge with the stormy river, stick together. So, just as men flocked to that river, they would flock to me with my house, with my yard and my body, and cleave to me, to God’s servant (name), forever and ever. Not a single stream escapes from the stormy dark river. So men would never leave me, the servant of God (name), And how my feet stand firmly and firmly on this earth, So that suitors would also come tightly and firmly to me, to God’s servant (name). Mother moon, how I look at you in the mirror, So that the grooms will look and admire me. We looked, but didn’t see enough, looked, but didn’t see enough. They put her next to each other down the aisle and never left her alone. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

44. Discipline yourself from widowhood.
To do this, read a special plot while looking out the window at the waning moon (the waning moon):
I repent to Kavel and Abel, I bow to them and get baptized, I cry and pray. You are dear brothers, before saints church, Take the widow’s scarf from me, Free my threshold from the coffins. How this month melts and wanes, So that the spell goes away from me. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

45. Conspiracy to meet your love.
Buy twelve candles from the church. Place four candles near the icon of Hope, Faith and Love and their mother Sophia. Three candles - at the crucifixion of the Savior, light three candles at the icon of the Mother of God, and bring two home. After sunset, light the candles and read the following plot over them twelve times in a row:
Have mercy, Lord, Have mercy, Mother of God, Command the servant of God (name) to marry. Like these two candles are burning, So that a man’s heart would burn for God’s servant (name), and he would want to marry her. If he walked to her porch, he would lead her to God's crown. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

46. ​​A conspiracy to quickly meet your soulmate and get married.
Read the following conspiracy on the day of remembrance of St. Paraskeva (October 28):
Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, holy martyr, Send a man’s beard to my courtyard, Even if it’s for a widower, just so as not to remain a wench. I bow to you, Mother Paraskeva, order the male tribe to marry me, and I am a maiden (widow), a servant of God (name), I will keep the fast, glorify all Fridays. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

47. Conspiracy to meet a person with whom you will be able to build a long-term relationship full of trust and love.
God bless! God help me! Dawn Maryana comes, the sun rises in the sky. So I, the servant of God (name), would get married and find a suitor. God bless me for my marriage too. Crown with a crown, give the betrothed to Me, God's servant (name). My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

48. A conspiracy to get rid of loneliness.
Put on a new one white shirt and let your hair down (you must remove all elastic bands, hairpins, combs, etc.). The plot is read for three days in a row at morning and evening dawns. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:
My light is a scarlet dawn, My request to you is not small: Rite and bring a young man to me for a crown. Lead his soul, lead his heart, lead his eyes, Put us under the image. May he appreciate and love me so much and never forget me forever and ever. Be you, my words, strong, molded, heavy, like sea stones, dry sands, earthen springs. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Important: during these three days, do not eat meat in any form.

49. If you doubt your fiance's words.
On any Thursday, except holidays, when you are alone at home, stand in the middle of the room, cross yourself three times, bow three times and say:
House elf, head golovik, Care of the house, house beams, Floors and subfloors, Domestic people, livestock and poultry, Defender of deceived girls, Help me, help me, Call out, shout out, Lure the servant of God (name) into my married husband, so that he will be drawn to my house, to my road, To my threshold, to my door, To me, the servant of God ( name), help, give to the narrowed, dressed servant of God (name). Send his matchmakers to my doorstep. Amen.
If you have a basement, after reading the plot, throw sugar or candy there.

50. A conspiracy thanks to which your loved one will propose to you:
Amen after amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. I tell you, listen to the words of him who sent me! I put a crown on the servants of God (names), I lock these words, I throw the keys into the ocean-sea. The mute fish has the keys - the fish in the sand. Sleeps on my locks and keys. Until the entire ocean-sea is drained, Until all the water from the ocean is drunk, the Servant of God (name) will always love me. He will go down the aisle with me, and will not leave me, the servant of God (name), one step away. Amen to the word, amen to the deed, and three times after the amen - amen.

51. A girl’s prayer for a prosperous marriage:
Oh, All-Good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on the fact that I love You with all my soul and with all my heart and that I fulfill Your holy will in everything. Rule Yourself, O my God, over my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You Alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and self-love: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is disgusting to You and gives rise to vices, give me the desire to work hard and bless my labors. Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then lead me, Holy Father, to this title sanctified by You, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: it is not good for man to be alone - and, having created He gave him a wife to help him, blessed them to grow, multiply and populate the earth. Hear my humble prayer, sent to You from the depths of a girl’s heart; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love and harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

52. How to remove damage done to single life(for men).
If a man lives alone for many years. This damage is removed this way: they take water from three wells, put sand into it from three streams or rivers, speak and wash the guy or man. They spell water like this:
Saving water, healing power, You come from the holy land, You don’t let anyone die of thirst. You wash away the dirt, wash clothes, save from fire and flames. Save God’s servant (name) too. Remove the evil, bachelor spell from her. Water, water, who is older - you or me? You! - You’ll have to take off the damage. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

53. From loneliness.

If a girl just can’t get married, then on the ninth Friday after the Nativity of Christ, let her stand at a pedestrian intersection and read the following love spell on all four sides:

"Men's soul, follow me,

To my home, my betrothed.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

54. Ritual against loneliness on poppy seeds

Cast a special love spell over the poppy (if you can’t collect it, buy it at the grocery store), then, with a good swing, throw the poppy against the wind. The love spell is:

"I confuse the paths of the suitors.

How many poppy seeds are in my hand,

So that my house is full

Matchmakers and groomsmen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Important: the ritual is carried out on even days!

55. Conspiracy so that the Mother of God sends a good daughter-in-law
Taking care that the son would be lucky with his wife, and the mother-in-law with her daughter-in-law, they collected eggs and butter as a gift for the healer and went to her with a request: to beg God for a daughter-in-law - quiet, unobstinate, hard-working and submissive.

You will need an icon of Our Lady of Tikhvin (small size). Place the icon on a clean towel and read the love spell 40 times:

"Christ is at the door, angels are in the corners,

saints in the courtyard, Tikhvinskaya

Mother of God is with me, glorify

quiet meekness in my daughter-in-law.

For my son, servant of God (name).

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The sheep is silent, and the daughter-in-law is silent.

The fish is silent, and the daughter-in-law does not scream.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

56. A conspiracy to help find a groom

Take off your shoes, stand on the ground and, turning to the east, read the following plot three times:

“East side, I want to be wooed.

And who is walking in your direction,

Let my conspiracy catch him,

Points in my direction.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

57. Ritual for marriage

On Men's Day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) - bake pancakes, read a special love spell over them and treat the men with the enchanted pancakes. The spelling love words are as follows:

"I'll get up early in the morning,

I'll bake funeral pancakes,

I will remember my girlish loneliness.

Remember also, Lord, for your peace now,

Overnight, God's servant (name) becomes celibate.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

The most Full description in all details - read a marriage plot at home with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Every girl dreams of creating a strong, reliable family, but marriage does not bring long-awaited happiness to everyone. Sometimes we have to spend half our lives looking for our soul mate, and then wait for a marriage proposal. Since ancient times, marriage conspiracies have been considered an effective way to attract the attention of the opposite sex and push them to take a decisive step.

In order for prayers to give the desired result as quickly as possible, it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

How to get married successfully: conspiracies and prayers

There are many ancient rituals that can easily influence a person’s decision to get married; how effective they are is up to you to decide. Below are some of the most interesting ones.

On a silver ring

You need to read the marriage plot in the kitchen on a dark night when the moon is not visible in the sky. When preparing for prayer, light a candle, place a silver ring in an opaque glass and fill it with water. Having crossed yourself three times, say out loud:

“I throw the ring into the water, I whisper the cherished word: servant of God (Name), marry me, servant of God (Name), without delay! As I said, so everything will be. Amen"

When finished, pour some water onto the top of your head and place the ring on the ring finger of your right hand.

A simple spell on a broom

For girls who want to attract not one, but several candidates for their hand and heart into their home, we recommend using such a plot. On the night of the full moon, sweep the floor with a new, unused broom, and collect debris with a yellow dustpan into a fabric bag. While sweeping, do not forget to say the words:

“I’m driving the fellows into my house. Not quitters, not greedy, not thieves. Come quickly, my suitors. From your own or even other people's yards. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The collected rubbish should be hidden in a dark and distant corner, and the Lord’s Prayer should be read over it at least once a day.

A conspiracy pronounced on Epiphany, on Easter or on Kupala night has special power. Here are examples of several prayers.

On wheat

When going to church for Easter, a young unmarried girl should take a handful of grain (preferably wheat) with her and hide it in her bosom. When returning home, do not talk to anyone, but scatter wheat at the doorstep with the words: “How many burning lights I saw in the temple, so many, God grant me, grooms. As much as there was wheat in a handful, let so many dear ones knock on my house. Amen".

Prayer for Epiphany

In the afternoon, January 19, the girl braids her hair, tying it with a scarlet ribbon. Before going to bed, you need to loosen your hair, burn the ribbon, and bury the ashes, saying the words of prayer:

I light a candle, throw the maiden’s ribbon into the fire, and order the servant of God (name) to marry the servant of God (name) and call him his dear wife. Forever and ever. Amen.

After the wedding

If you witnessed the wedding of a young happy couple, this may help you get married as soon as possible. To do this, say a prayer:

“Just as these newlyweds got married in church and exchanged gold rings before the Lord, so I, God’s servant (name), will be married to God’s servant (name) in the near future and exchange gold rings. Amen"

What can’t be done to avoid achieving the “crown of celibacy”?

Sometimes, trying to help yourself or your friends in an effort to speed up marriage, there is a possibility of attracting misfortune. Therefore, when plotting a successful marriage, remember the rules that should not be broken:

  1. You cannot carry out conspiracies on married people. After all, it is known that “you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune”;
  2. After the ceremony, it is not recommended to talk to anyone;
  3. You should not read a marriage plot as an experiment; remember that every spoken word has enormous power and should be used only for serious intentions;
  4. Do not use church candles when reading a plot to get married.

But the most important thing in any ritual is faith, because the stronger you believe, the more likely it is that your prayers will be heard and your efforts will be effective.

Plot for marriage - how to quickly get rid of loneliness

Although women in modern world have become quite emancipated and independent, they still strive to find their soul mate and create happy and harmonious relationships. For this purpose, both traditional and non-traditional methods are used, which include conspiracies and various magical rituals. In this article we will reveal to you an effective marriage plot that will help you get married as quickly as possible.

What is the power of a spell word?

About the fact that words have enormous power, everyone knows today. Sometimes there is no need to use any kind of weapon, it is enough to carelessly drop a word and it falls like a heavy stone on the heart, taking away positive energy from a person and filling it with negative.

Or maybe the opposite situation - with the help of one single word you will inspire a person, charge him with optimism, and push him to new achievements.

All this - ordinary words, but what a huge significance they have in our lives! Now imagine for a moment that there is a special category of words whose power is many times greater than ordinary ones. We are now talking about conspiracy words that influence human destiny.

Why do spell words have such power? The answer to this question is both simple and difficult at the same time. When a person pronounces a conspiracy, then to the power of the word (which is enormous in itself), the power of nature is added (it is to this that we most often turn when we want to get help, get rid of trouble, misfortune, and so on).

Previously, in the time of our ancestors, people were inextricably linked with nature, they coexisted with it face to face and were completely dependent on it. Therefore, it was from her that they asked for help, and were sure to receive it. And even now, when people have hidden from nature behind the stone walls of megacities, mired in information networks, we still continue to depend on natural forces that are inexplicable, ancient, great, but quite generous.

Rules for pronunciation of conspiracies

For any conspiracy to work, it is important to adhere to certain pronunciation rules, namely:

  1. It is necessary to pronounce every spoken word as clearly and clearly as possible; mistakes and slips are not allowed. Repeat the rituals exactly the number of repetitions indicated by the conditions of the ritual.
  2. Many people think that they should definitely learn the text of the conspiracy by heart, but, it should be noted, this rule is not mandatory. You are allowed to read the text from a piece of paper, besides, many conspiracies are quite long and replete with incomprehensible outdated words and expressions that are quite problematic to remember. Just read the spell to yourself a couple of times beforehand so that it will be easier for you to pronounce it during the ritual.
  3. Make sure you don't pause while reading texts, but don't read them too quickly.
  4. As a rule, it is necessary to quietly pronounce the spell words. They act as secret, to some extent even intimate rituals, so it is not at all necessary that those around you (your family or neighbors) know about them. In this case, you don’t have to worry - Higher power They will hear even the quietest whisper, because they are always around you.
  1. Spell words, even if they were not written by you, must come from the depths of your soul; do not forget about this rule while reading. You must always keep in your head the image of what you want, which will become inspiration and support for you. It is this point (that is, visualization) that makes the conspiracy work more actively.
  2. Read the instructions for the ritual and always follow everything that is stated in it. You cannot perform rituals in another place or at another time; you also need to stock up on the necessary magical arsenal. Of course, in the modern world it is sometimes difficult to adhere to all the points indicated in the plot, so instead of going out into an open field, you often have to go out onto the balcony. But if a conspiracy with unchanged conditions is proposed, then nothing can be done; you will have to do everything as indicated in the instructions.
  3. Be patient! This is a very important condition. Many people make the mistake of starting to wait for results immediately after completing the ritual. Of course, this can happen. But often you will have to work long and painstakingly, even repeat the same ritual several times. It's okay because you may encounter enough complex tasks(for example, removing the crown of celibacy, damage, and so on). Therefore, do not worry and wait until the magic “ripens” and in no case lose faith in it. As a last resort, it is better to repeat the ritual again and you will definitely achieve the desired effect!

Examples of effective rituals for home use

Now let's move on to the most interesting thing - to examples of strong conspiracies that will help a girl get married as soon as possible.

For quick marriage

If you are already at the age when it’s time to get married, but still no one has proposed marriage to you, then you will need to wait until the last Friday of the month, go to the field where the burrs grow, while saying the following magic words :

“Just as a burdock clings to the floor, so the suitors would cling to me, fall in love with me and keep up with me, asking me to marry them. Amen".

The ritual must be performed in complete solitude. When you return home, collect the thorns clinging to your dress, tie them in a rag with your menstrual blood and send them to a secret place, away from prying eyes. When you receive the long-awaited proposal and get married, on the third day after the wedding you need to wash the rag, go to the same field again and scatter thorns there with words of gratitude to the burdock.

To get rid of loneliness

  • Ring;
  • A white candle (it is best to purchase it in a church);
  • A small amount of holy water, which is poured into a glass.

Then you need to wait until night falls, light a candle, put the ring in the prepared water and read the spell three times:

“I throw the ring into some water and repeat the magic speeches. So that my betrothed finds me, so that he finds happiness and love with me. So that we can have a wedding and children. Be that way. Amen"

Upon completion of the procedure, you need to take out the ring, stand with it in the central part of the room, and put it on the ring finger of your right hand. The remaining water must be poured onto your hair. After that, go to bed. And when you wake up, take off the ring and hide it in a secluded place. The next time it is allowed to be worn only when you have already met your future spouse.

We also bring to your attention a ritual that will help you put on a wedding dress faster

When turning to conspiracies for help to get married as soon as possible, you need to strictly adhere to all their rules, sincerely believe in their power, and also really want to meet the person with whom you will connect your future destiny

How to read a marriage plot

What girl doesn't dream of getting married? And what mother doesn’t want to successfully marry off her beloved daughter? And a loving daughter will probably wish her mother happiness in marriage. Women of any age and any social status strive to establish their family nest", in which must necessarily be "present" loving husband and obedient healthy children. But, unfortunately, not everyone manages to find family happiness.

Plot for marriage

For those who have lost faith that they will find their “soul mate” or are tired of waiting for a marriage proposal from their beloved, love magic and its plot for marriage can come to the rescue.

Magic and marriage

Over its centuries-old history, prayers and conspiracies for marriage have helped a huge number of girls and women get married successfully.

There are many various types similar rituals. Some of them have come down to us through transmission from generation to generation by hereditary healers and healers. Some became famous thanks to their famous authors: Vanga, Natalia Stepanova.

Like many other rituals love magic, prayers and conspiracies for marriage are read at a certain phase of the moon. Having a cherished desire to get married as soon as possible, you want to acquire something for yourself, so the best time for such a ritual would be the period of lunar growth. They cast spells at different times of the day - it all depends on the specifics of the ritual and special recommendations for its implementation. Some rituals associated with accelerating marriage are carried out on major Orthodox holidays: Intercession, Epiphany, Easter, Palm Sunday, on the Annunciation in April, on Maundy Thursday.

There are several rules that you need to remember when reading a plot for a quick marriage:

  1. You cannot encroach on “someone else’s”, just as you can lose “your own”. In other words, do not try to use magic to take a married man away from your family or destroy the happiness of another girl. The consequences of your actions in this case can be the saddest, both for you and for your lover.
  2. You should not bewitch a person who absolutely does not love you into marriage. By encroaching on his will, you will not achieve real strong feelings towards yourself. Any action you take in this direction will lead to the fact that your loved one will subsequently feel only negative feelings towards you.
  3. If a man has even the slightest sympathy for you and is also “in search” of a life partner, then go ahead.
  4. Before the ceremony, you need to “recharge” your energy a little. This is facilitated by abstinence from drinking alcohol, fasting and prayer.
  5. Immediately before the ritual, you need to wash your face, let your hair down and put on loose, light-colored clothes.
  6. And most importantly, when bewitching a loved one, you should remember that some effects cannot be removed. Therefore, before deciding on a ritual, you should think very carefully.

Ritual to attract grooms

To attract potential suitors to your home and in the hope of a quick marriage, you can perform a ritual on a broom. To carry it out you need to buy a new broom. You need to buy it from a woman, and you cannot take change from her. Walking home with a new broom, you need to imagine in your dreams your betrothed and your happy life with him. family life.

On the night of the waxing Moon, sweep the floor in your house with this broom, and collect the garbage in a small bag. You must sew this bag yourself from any natural fabric. While sweeping the floor, you must constantly repeat the following spell:

“I don’t sweep the floors, I gather suitors for my house. Come, beautiful fellows, lead the beautiful maiden (your name) down the aisle. She will not live forever alone, but will live and get along with her betrothed. The word is said, the deed is done.”

After you have thoroughly swept all the floors in the house and collected the garbage in a bag, put it in a secluded place. The treasured bag should be there until you start a relationship with a guy or until you become a married lady.

Ritual for a quick marriage

Many people are familiar with the situation when a girl has been dating a guy for quite a long time and everything seems to be fine with them, and he says that he intends to connect his life with her, but things don’t go beyond conversations. It is unclear whether the man was caught indecisive, or whether he is deliberately “leading” his chosen one by the nose. In this case, a woman can, with the help of a certain ritual, “push” her beloved to ask her to marry. The ritual is performed during the period when the Moon is growing.

Before you “get started” you need to purchase silver ring. It should be simple, without stones, inscriptions, and look as much like a wedding as possible. If you already have such a ring, you can use it. After purchase, new jewelry should be worn on your finger for several days. During the ritual, you will also need spring water, a small deep saucer and a white candle.

After midnight, curtain the windows and close the doors in the room. Then light a candle and place it on the table. Pour spring water into a saucer and place the ring in it. Next, read the words of the conspiracy:

“I will wash my ring with clean spring water. As water flows from a ring, so the Servant of God (name of the man) suffers for me. As the water leaves the ring, the Servant of God (the man’s name) will lead me down the aisle. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then remove the jewelry from the water and, without wiping it, place it on the finger on which you would like to see the wedding ring. Wear the ring until your chosen one asks you to marry. This decoration will now be your talisman. According to reviews from those who have used this powerful conspiracy, if everything is done correctly, you can count on a fairly quick marriage.

How to get married successfully

Many women dream of marrying a millionaire or, in extreme cases, just a wealthy man. However, as you know, there are not enough rich men for everyone. Others dream of a prince charming who will be gentle, kind, attentive and loving. But such men, unfortunately, are not easy to meet. A plot for a successful marriage, which any woman can do at home, will help you get as close as possible to your ideal and not miss out on the best of what you have.

To perform the ritual, the girl will need a handful of grain. She must buy a kilogram or two of wheat or any other “cereal representative” and select a handful of the largest and most beautiful grains. While sorting the grain, the young lady needs to imagine the image of the man she would marry. On the waxing Moon, a woman needs to go to the crossroads of four roads with grains in her hand and say:

“I sorted through grain by grain, selecting the most beautiful ones. I scatter the grains and attract suitors to my house. I am not calling on the old and hunchbacked, but on the stately and rich. Just as the tit bird pecks those grains, so my betrothed will come to my doorstep and lead me down the aisle. My word is true and my desire is strong.”

Then you need to pour the grains onto the road and quickly go home. If a woman meets someone on her way, then under no circumstances should she pay attention to him, much less talk to him. There is no need to look back either. If in next year the young lady did not meet her betrothed and she never got married, then the ritual can be repeated.

Holiday rituals

To get married faster, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used simple but very effective folk conspiracies and rituals. These rituals were traditionally done at large Orthodox holidays. Many of them have been lost in time, but some even today help modern girls find family happiness. Let's look at the most popular of them.

The most significant holiday of our ancestors was, as you know, Easter. Many folk rituals are associated with this day and the days preceding Easter. Among them there are those that can help a girl get married quickly. The most popular witchcraft attribute these days are chicken eggs.

For example, before Easter, an unmarried young lady must decorate nine eggs with her own hands. In the process of work, a girl must not only sincerely want to leave her home, but also constantly “keep in her head” the image of a contender for her hand and heart. If you already have one, then you can put his photo in front of you, and if you don’t have one yet, then general wishes about what he should be will be enough. When decorating eggs, you need to show imagination and great skill.

Once the eggs are ready, place them on a plate and leave overnight. On Bright Sunday, choose for yourself one egg that you like more than others. Take it in your hands and whisper:

“As good and comely as the holy egg, so good and comely will be my betrothed. I have that testicle, and you (the man’s name) will bring me down the aisle.”

If you don’t yet know the name of your future husband, then just say “darling.” Distribute the rest of the Easter eggs to your family and friends.


Plot for marriage. How to get married quickly. Successfully

Plot for marriage. &quo

Maundy Thursday

A few days before Easter, on Maundy Thursday, you can perform a ritual that will help ensure that the widow gets married again. To do this, a woman needs to comply Lent, and also pray for the repose of the soul of her deceased husband. On Maundy Thursday at dawn, the widow must wash herself with spring water from the door frame of her house. This must be done slowly, while pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as people grab this bracket, so the Servant of God (her name) will be in great demand. The servant of God (her name) was a widow, but she will become a bride again. The servant of God (her name) was alone, but will become with her betrothed. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Red hill

The next Sunday after Easter, our ancestors celebrated the spring holiday, which was called Krasnaya Gorka. During the period when nature comes to life, it is very good to perform various rituals aimed at love and family happiness. On Krasnaya Gorka it was believed that if a girl sits at home all day, then she can sit like that for the whole next year. Therefore, the young ladies went out into the street and walked all day.

It was one day when it was enough to walk down the street arm-in-arm with a guy for the young lady to have an “admirer” in the near future. The girl, who already had a lover, deliberately “took” him out for a walk that day in the hope that he would soon propose to her. Lonely young ladies, in order to walk arm in arm with a man, resorted to various tricks. They pretended that they sprained their ankle or that they needed help from a man.

On Krasnaya Gorka you can perform a ceremony for a quick marriage using a loaf of bread. To do this, you need to bake a loaf and decorate it beautifully. Then take two new needles and speak to them. Over the first needle you need to say:

“Clear falcon, my betrothed, come to my threshold, bring your matchmakers with you. Call me, beautiful maiden, to marry you and take me with you.”

Then we say the second needle:

“A beautiful maiden, mistress and beauty. He’s sitting in the house, looking out the window, waiting for the handsome young man.”

Next, we stick the needles into a loaf in the shape of a cross, sprinkle it with Thursday salt and place it at the threshold. He must remain there until the morning. The next morning we put the charmed bread in a place where it can be stored for the next year.

If your betrothed has not appeared in a year and you have not been able to get married, the loaf should be taken out of the house, crumbled and fed to the birds, saying:

“How many birds peck these crumbs, the number of suitors I will have.”

If everything went well and the girl got married, then the enchanted loaf should be sent down the river, thanks to him. Before you say goodbye to the loaf, you need to remove the needles from it and use them to hem the wedding dress. This will protect the family from quarrels and betrayals.

Conspiracies for marriage

You've probably noticed - some girls get married successfully, live in marriage all their lives, give birth to good children, and some are unlucky, no matter how much you cry. Moreover, this does not really depend on personal qualities and even appearance. Luck. Luck. " Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy“- people say. On the magical plane, several factors influence luck in finding female happiness.

Firstly, it is important whether there is a parental blessing for marriage on the subtle plane.

Secondly, is there Rod’s consent? If a girl cannot get married for a long time, although she strives for this and God did not offend her with her appearance, perhaps there is a so-called “crown of celibacy” in her energy field.

All these problems can be solved and corrected magically.

If your parents do not want to let you go into adulthood, they do not recognize you as an adult, ready to become a mother and wife, you can carry out a ritual of separation, leaving your parental family. If you live with your parents, stand by their bed in the evening (there should be no one in the room except you) and say:

Everything goes on as usual, everything happens and becomes. My home is no longer here, it’s up to me to build my nest!

If you live separately, but maintain a strong psychological connection with your parents (especially your mother), mentally imagine yourself being in their house.

A more serious problem that prevents a successful marriage on the energy plane is the prohibition of Rod. This happens if your future descendants are undesirable to the Family for some reason. Perhaps your parents violated the will of the Family in some way, or you are repeating the fate of some forgotten relative (in almost every big family there is such a “skeleton in the closet” - the one about whom it is not customary to talk). There are many reasons, and this is a topic for an entire book. Here I will say that the ceremony of Rod’s permission to marry is useful for everyone who feels that marriage has become a problem. If you - only daughter in the family, the youngest or oldest of the sisters, if you want to get married a second time, you must enlist the support of Rod.

Rod's permission to marry

This ritual is carried out on a new moon, at night, in an empty room, as much as possible cleared of furniture and objects and a cleanly tidied room. Light three candles and read:

Three, three, three times three, nine, nine, nine nine - all my ancestors, love me as I love and remember you! Please my relatives for me, forgive my guilt, help my dear! Give me a groom, give me a woman’s share, give me an honest marriage, a happy crown! So be it, amen!

Having said the text of the request, sit and look at the flames of the candles. Let them burn out - don't put them out. Imagine all your relatives - both those who are alive now, and those who have already passed away, and those whom you did not know personally, and those you have never heard of. When the candles go out, collect their remains in a white linen handkerchief without a pattern and store it in a secret place in the house.

Plot for marriage with your loved one

Just as Eve went for Adam, so you, God’s servant (name), go for God’s servant (name). So that they could live together forever, share bread and bed, keep up with each other, and know no peace without each other. Where the servant of God (name), there goes the servant of God (name). Amen.

To get married a second time

Black time, black burden, bodily night, narrow gates! Make way, untie yourself, give me a day. For (name) happiness, for the night of dawn!

Another conspiracy for a second marriage

For this ritual, you need to collect rainwater or snow in advance. This can be done on any day, but the ritual itself must be performed on Friday, on the waxing moon. “Heavenly” water collected in advance can be stored in the refrigerator. So, wait for it to rain or snow, place a cup (or glass) in the rain so that water drips from above. After filling the cup, bring it into the house. On Friday (it is advisable to choose a Friday between the 2nd and 14th lunar day - not to be confused with the solar calendar), on the waxing moon, splash a few drops of this water into each corner of your bed. Then sit in the center of the bed, holding a cup of remaining water in your hands. Say three times:

I ask You through this fresh, sweet rain to give me a person who will ease my pain of loneliness.

Leave the cup of water in open form so that the water can evaporate freely. Place it where no one will see. You shouldn't look at it either until the water has completely evaporated.

Request to join the Groom's Family

If you already have a groom in mind, but he’s just in no hurry to get married, maybe the fact is that his Family does not give permission for this marriage. Making a request to your loved one’s family is an effective means of changing such a situation.

Mom and dad, grandfather and grandmother of my beloved servant of God (name)! I love and honor you, I worship and submit, I accept your entire will, servant of God (name). Let me marry God's servant (name). To please you, to please your family for continuation. Amen.

Love words for water

Crossing the water, you must say: The Kingdom of God to the servant (name). Amen. Drink water in three sips.

Spell for a guy's love

The girl should bite her tongue slightly while saying:

I bite myself, I attach God’s servant (name) to myself. So that the servant of God (name) would be bored, from melancholy he would not know rest either during a bright day or during a dark night. Anything to make him think about me. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Love spell on a towel

If a man comes to your house for the first time and you really like him, watch the moment when he washes his hands and wipes them on a fresh towel.

This towel must be removed immediately so that other people do not dry themselves. Until the towel is dry, you need to tie it in a knot, while saying the following:

My dear washed his little hands and put them on the towel. I'll twist the towel and pinch my dear heart. The towel is damp - my dear soul aches for me. Let the towel dry - my dear one will sigh. I’ll hide the towel and stick the darling to me. They won’t untie the towel - my darling will show me love.

Morning love spell

You must say three times at dawn:

The blacksmith is coming from the forge,

A blacksmith carries three hammers.

Blacksmith, blacksmith, forge me a crown,

Forge me a crown, both gold and new;

From the remains - a gold ring,

From scraps - a pin.

I should be married in this crown,

I should get engaged with that ring,

I need to use that pin to pin the lining.

Groom's drying

Take a white rope made of natural material. Tie as many knots in a row on it as possible.

If the number of knots is odd, leave this task until the next day. If it’s even, you can read the dry spell:

No matter how long the rope is, there will be a last knot.

No matter how you, servant of God (name), walk away from me, my slander will reach you. Love, soul of the servant of God (name), the soul of the servant of God (name). Amen.

The spoken rope is thrown to where the man you want to marry lives.

To marry a girl

You need to pick a pod with three beans. Plant one bean on the grave of the last deceased family member, boil and eat the second bean, and throw the third one to someone you like. At the same time say:

The beans should grow, and I should get married. Amen.

Scent of love

Smell plays a significant role in sexual attraction, so the way to the heart of a loved one can “lie through the nose”! Make your own “magic perfume”. While mixing the ingredients, imagine that what you want has already happened: you married your loved one and are living happily ever after.

How to make perfume? Take two cups of spring water, add a tablespoon of sea salt and any three of the following ingredients: apple, cloves, cinnamon, lovage root powder, yarrow flower, strawberry oil, patchouli oil or musk oil. Mix everything and let the smell of this perfume fill your home. You can also sprinkle a few drops on your lover's desk, pillow, car, door handle or clothing. The smell, of course, will disappear sooner or later, but the magic will remain and will act for four days.

Love spell with yarrow

Yarrow, which has the power to bind two hearts into one, was once often used in love spells. It is believed that if it lies under the mattress of the partners when they make love, their souls will unite and love will last forever. And swimming together in water with crushed yarrow will help your souls recognize each other when you meet again in another incarnation. Yarrow is at its most powerful during the full moon.

Charged mirror

Since ancient times, the magic of the mirror has helped the female witch. It will also help girls find a good and faithful groom. For the ceremony you will need a small mirror that can be hung on the wall. But before that, let the mirror “watch a movie.” Buy a CD or videotape of some romantic film that ends with the happy wedding of the hero and heroine. Place the mirror against the screen or position it so that it reflects what is happening on the screen. It’s a good idea to do this manipulation several times. After this, hang the mirror in a prominent place in your home. When someone you are in love with comes to your house, try to look into this “charged mirror” together with him. This will give maximum love spell effect. But even if the man is reflected in the mirror alone, the magic will also work.

How to bewitch a guy

I go, blessing myself, crossing myself at the icon. Just as the Mother of God suffers for her Son, so from now on the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) would hurt each other, their hearts would burn, they would not live without each other, they would only love each other. Not a day, not a night, not an hour, not a half hour. I will close my hex, I will hang a lock on the fence, on the church gate. I close the words, I break the deeds, I invite the husband and wife to my porch, to the wedding ring. Key, lock, God is on the threshold. Amen.

Charming with hands

The magical technique of enchantment can be made an element of physical contact - by charging your hands with warmth and articulating your desire. After this, touch the wrist of the desired man. The wrists are the part of the hand that almost everyone keeps open. Touching the wrist sometimes happens automatically, without concentrating attention on it, and at such a moment even two seconds will be enough to “introduce” your thought form into the man’s energy field. You can help the mental magic a little by saying (to yourself) the words:

I touch my hand, I touch my destiny, be you mine!

Love spell on ginger pie

On Tuesday or Friday you need to arrange it so that you can share the baked goods with your desired spouse. Choose a recipe that can use ground ginger. Fortunately, ginger is a common spice used in baking and can be easily added to most cakes, pies, and cookies without radically changing the recipe.

When baking, take ground ginger and dip your fingers into it, all the while visualizing how its spicy taste inflames the passion of the one you want to get. Add ginger to the batter and bake, then share the baked goods with your desired one.

Rose wine

For this magical ritual you need to prepare wine from rose petals. To do this, take several blossoming roses, tear off the petals, wash them and put them in a decanter with rose wine. Place the decanter in the refrigerator overnight. When you take out the wine in the morning, look through it at the rising sun. Tell:

Drink, get drunk with me, (name). We will be together for many years. Let it be so!

When you are waiting for your loved one to visit, decorate the table with something pink or green - these are the colors of Venus. You can place a bouquet of roses in the center of the table.

No matter how it develops modern society, no matter how emancipated women are, girls still strive to get married.

In this topic:

To put a wedding ring on their finger, young ladies turn to marriage conspiracies, just like many centuries ago. How to get a groom using ancient traditions?

How to call the groom?

Below is a cabalistic conspiracy for a quick marriage, the purpose of which is to attract the groom into a dream, and then into life itself. It needs certain additional steps. We need to prepare a sprig of poplar. When going to bed, 48 white ribbons are tied on it. Then they put it under the pillow. When going to bed, say:

“Merciful Lord, who gave Abraham your servant a husband and an obedient son, and through an amazing sign indicated Rebekah as his wife! Show me, your servant, the person I should marry. Order the secret spirits to help me: Baalibet, Assaibi, Abumostit. Amen!"

This ritual is performed on Friday. And once is not enough. You should repeat it three times, this should be done exclusively on Fridays, so that you can count on a quick marriage.

In order to see your fiance quickly, you can call him while standing on the threshold of your house. You practically need to leave the apartment. You should stand with your feet on the threshold, your arms should be outstretched in different directions and rest against the doorposts. The plot is repeated three times:

“I summon to my doorstep the servant of God, the husband of my future. Just as this threshold is under my feet, the doorposts are under my hands, so you, servant of God, betrothed, walk under my will. Come to me! Amen!"

While reading magic words, they stand facing the room.

The wind can also help in inviting the groom. To do this, you need to open the window in the room, or go outside. During the period of the waxing moon open air they say this conspiracy:

“The wind sweeps dust, drives clouds, carries words. Take, O wind, my words to the servant of God, my betrothed, the mummer. Damn to the wind, damn against the wind and my challenge with it. My betrothed, destined by fate, wherever you go, wherever you sew your body, you will bring your soul to me, the servant of God (name). Amen".

This conspiracy is used to get married and create strong family for many years.

To get a groom, you can use prayer at the well. The ritual at the well is carried out completely alone. No one needs to see your actions. This is one of the mandatory conditions. You can choose any time. You should go to the well, bend over to the water to see your expression, look at the dark water, think about how you want to get married, what the groom should be like. And then say:

“I’m not alone, we’re together, we’ve spent our entire lives with each other, one after another.”

After these words, another reflection will appear. This will be a reflection of your future spouse. Then you should draw water from the well and drink it. You must drink with pleasure, without missing a single drop, so that the spell will certainly work.

The Key to Marriage

The use of the key as a talisman has a very ancient history. The ritual given here is carried out on the days of the full moon or new moon, accompanied by a plot for marriage. The time chosen is pre-dawn or midnight. To carry out the ritual, a red, pink or blue cord is prepared.

The choice of color variation depends on how you imagine your marriage. If you want passion to be the main thing in your relationship, take a red thread, if romance, then pink. To ensure fidelity, choose a blue thread. You can take all three and intertwine them to create a combination of all three qualities. You also need to prepare any key.

The selected thread is threaded through the hole on the key. When everything is ready, light the candle. It must definitely be pink. The candle is placed in the center. Before turning to words, you need to look closely at the candle flame and focus on your desire.

At this time, the key should be on the table, in the middle between the candle and the woman reading the spell words. Then they take the key, recite the spell text and blow on the candle flame through the hole in the key. You need to blow 3 times. The plot is as follows:

“The key to happiness, the key to the heart, a husband for happiness, a husband after my own heart. Me, (name)!”

Spell for flowing water

This plot is read to get married as soon as possible. It is pronounced over water in a river or stream. You should stand on the bridge. When conspiring, they light matches and say:

“Fire, burn, serve me!” This must be repeated three times. When the match burns out, they throw it into the water and say: “Three beautiful girls, swim on the water, find your sweetheart and send it to me!”

A powerful spell to help you get married quickly

At dawn, the table is covered with a brand new white tablecloth. A candle and a cup are placed on the surface of the table, into which water is poured, mixed with honey. The plot should be read over this cup. It is repeated 12 times.

There should be no failures during reading, so it is better not to rely on memory, but to read from the sheet so as not to make a mistake. While pronouncing words, you only need to think about how you will get married. How beautifully you will be dressed, how there will be a ceremony. This visualization requires a conspiracy. Then they pronounce a marriage plot:

“I’ll light a church candle and burn incense. I will express my desire to God. I will tie two red threads with three knots. Of these, one knot will be for love, the second - for passion, and the third - for fidelity. I’m not tying threads, but connecting our souls with our future husband. They will be together, they will live together, conduct business, have children. Friendship, understanding and respect - these are our relationships! From the very beginning of the century to its end. No one will untie the knots, no one will destroy our relationship, no one will be able to cancel our family. Everything will be strong and tenacious.”

If during 12 readings the candle does not have time to burn out, you will have to wait until this happens. Next, the face and hands are washed with the charmed honey water, and the doors and entrance are sprinkled with it. This is necessary so that the groom is attracted to you, like bees are attracted to the aroma of honey. Such old marriage conspiracies always give results.

Broom in attracting marriage

A plot for a quick marriage can be carried out using an ordinary broom. It is this attribute of home order that was and is used to attract the owner to the house. To carry out the ritual, a new broom is purchased.

It is better to buy it on the market. After all, you will have to pay more money than required, and not take change. When you return from the market, you need to pay attention to the broom: give compliments, stroke it, caress it. Then you should wait for the new moon; after its onset, you should use the broom for its intended purpose for 7 days.

They use it to sweep their house and the area around it. You can also sweep the entrance if you live in a city apartment. The rubbish that can be swept away is collected in a yellow dustpan. When there is none, you can paint any scoop yellow. While sweeping, they whisper a conspiracy:

“I’m driving the red fellows into my house. Good and nice. Not lazy people, not thieves, not misers, not rednecks. Come to me, well done grooms. Come from your own backyards, from strangers, from the unknown. Stone. Scissors. Paper. Let it be so".

This plot is needed to get the desired husband in a short time.

You can repeat the words of this marriage plot any number of times. Some believe that there will be as many suitors as these words are repeated. The garbage from the scoop is poured into a bag, it is removed away and stored away until the next new moon period. Then they take it out and read the text of the prayer “Our Father” over it; this should be done 9 times. When a girl gets married, she must bury this bag so that no one knows about it and so that no one will ever find it.

Someone else's wedding is one of the ways to find a groom

Everyone who has made a conspiracy at someone else’s wedding claims that this is the most effective way to obtain the desired opportunity to get married. To do this, you need to defend three weddings. You should keep a white handkerchief under your clothes near your heart.

You should carefully follow the ritual so as not to miss anything important. While the priest is calling out the names of those getting married, you should also slowly say the names with him, not just the ones getting married, but your own and the name of the man you would like to marry.

A white handkerchief should be used to wipe the shoes of the loved one whose wife you want to become. Only he shouldn't see anything. Then this handkerchief is placed in a bag for donations to the temple (for commemoration). This bag also contains fruits, cookies, gingerbread and candies. When the job is done, you need to light a candle for the repose of girlhood. During this action, the conspiracy is read:

“Mother Theotokos, saints Nicholas and Ilya, remember my girlhood in the kingdom of God, and send me a wedding wreath, this hour, this moment, from now on and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In general, this conspiracy is used when there is already a young man, but it is not possible to marry him. A ritual performed at someone else’s wedding is valid for 30 days. If within 30 days the situation does not move towards the wedding, then all actions are repeated again.

You can return to this ritual 3 times. If during this period of time the consequences do not manifest themselves in any way, and you will not be able to get your loved one as a husband, then it is better to give up, since this is not your destiny.

Prayer to Paraskeva Friday

All prayers addressed to the Saints are sure to reach God. To find your husband faster, you can turn to a Christian saint. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa is a martyr who keeps happiness in the family, helps women cope with the responsibilities of mothers and household chores.

She also cares about women's health. They traditionally pray to her to receive good husband, harmonious family.

“Holy bride of Christ, long-suffering martyr Paraskeva! We know that from your youth you loved with all your soul and with all your heart the King of glory, Christ the Savior, and you were ignorant of Him alone, distributing your possessions to the poor and poor. You shone with the power of your piety, your chastity and righteousness, like the rays of the sun, living holy among the infidels and fearlessly preaching Christ God to them. You, from the days of your youth, taught by your parents, have always reverently honored the days of the redemptive passions of our Lord Jesus Christ, for whose sake you yourself voluntarily suffered. You, who by the right hand of the angel of God were wonderfully healed from incurable wounds and received indescribable lightness, amazed the unfaithful tormentors. You, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the power of your prayer in the pagan temple, having cast down all the idols, you have crushed them to dust. You, scorched by the lights, with your single prayer to the omnipotent Lord you extinguished the natural fire, and with the same flame, miraculously kindled through the angel of God, having burned the frantic lawless people, you led many people to the knowledge of the true God. You, for the glory of the Lord, having accepted the sword beheading of your head from the tormentors, valiantly died your suffering feat, ascending with your soul into heaven, into the palace of your longed-for Bridegroom, Christ the King of Glory, joyfully walking away with this heavenly voice: “Rejoice, righteous ones, for the martyr Paraskeva was crowned!” In the same way, today we greet you, long-suffering one, and, looking at your holy icon, we cry out to you with tenderness: all-honorable Paraskeva! We know that you have great boldness towards the Lord: pray to His Lover of Mankind and for us who are present and praying, that He may grant us, like you, patience and complacency in troubles and sorrowful circumstances; May He, through your intercession and intercession, grant a joyful, prosperous and peaceful life, health and salvation, and good haste in everything to our beloved Fatherland, may He bestow His holy blessing and peace, and may He grant all Orthodox Christians, through your holy prayers, confirmation in the faith , piety and holiness, and success in Christian love and all virtue: may He cleanse us sinners from all filth and vice, may He protect us with His holy angels, may He intercede, preserve and have mercy on everyone with His holy grace and make us heirs and partakers of His Heavenly Kingdom. And having thus improved salvation through your holy prayers, intercession and intercession, all-glorious bride of Christ Paraskeva, let us glorify all the most pure and magnificent name of the true God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in our saints, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

A woman does not want to get married until she meets “that very man.”
Until then, she wants independence and just a new pair of shoes.
And if this woman still claims that “the main thing is self-realization”, “I love my job” or that “there is no point in marriage” and the main thing is “I don’t want to get married”, then it is simply because there is no one for whom she wants learn to cook and buy all the most beautiful lingerie in the world...

Well, if women dream of getting married, then they must marry successfully, that is, with their loved one, and live with him all their lives. Unfortunately, in our time, rarely does anyone manage to preserve their love, carry it through years and trials, and celebrate a diamond wedding. Maybe folk conspiracies and talismans will help..?

Spells to meet your soul mate and get married

If a woman can't get married

If your friends got married a long time ago and have children, and you “stayed too long with girls,” then you need to hem someone else’s wedding dress, but a new one. After this, you will certainly get married soon.

It’s also a good idea to have a pin from the bride after the wedding. This will not harm the bride, and will help you get married faster. It is very good to wash the bride’s shoes, this also means a quick marriage.

Prayer for a Happy Marriage

To be happy in marriage, from ancient times they prayed to the holy martyr Tryphon. The words of the prayer are:

O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory in every place. You are a servant of Christ, you yourself promised before your departure from your mortal life to pray for us to the Lord and ask Him for this gift: if anyone in any need and sorrow begins to call upon your holy name, may he be delivered from all pretext of evil. And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the Tsar in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the strange day of our last breath, intercede for us, when the dark visions of crafty demons surround and frighten us will begin: then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand as saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord that he will grant us also to be partakers of the ever-present joy of joy, so that together with you we will be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen.

Conspiracy for quick matchmaking

If a girl has spent too much time as a bride and matchmakers are avoiding her house, then this should be done. Buy an egg from seven housewives, take flour and salt from three neighbors. At midnight, knead all this into a dough, saying:

Dough, dough, lie down in your place.
The bride, the servant of God (name), asks you
Send me the brave fellows,
Eligible grooms.
Come to my yard, suitors,
Just as quickly and quickly,
How quickly my dough will rise soon.

Bake a pie from the dough and treat it to the men. Women should not be treated to such a pie under any circumstances.

So that the grooms come quickly to get married

Pick the grass from those yards (at least seven) where there are single guys. Then weave a braid from this grass, bring it to your home and put it under your pillow, saying:

Lie down, grass spit from other people's yards,
Not for motley cows
And for the dryness to me,
God's servant (name), grooms.
How this grass is woven, curled, wrapped,
So that suitors will hang around me,
For me, God’s servant (name), they were killed,
They were trying to get married on my doorstep.
I'll spit out the chicken,
I'll blow away the smoke.
My job is to stick together and not break.
As I said,
So be it.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

The daughter stayed too long in the bride

On the day your daughter was born (on the date, not on her birthday), wash her with water and honey with a hex, and then wipe the bracket and door handle with the same water.

How sweet the red dawn is to people,
How sweet the clear star is to people,
How sweet honey is to a bee,
So all the love for the slave (name). Amen.

“I ask the Great Lord to hear me and give me a new path, successful so that the great influence of the Lord will help me to be filled with light and my loneliness, caused by the unclean spirit, will pass. I will block the river with three nets so as not to miss my happiness, and with three forces of the Lord’s influence a new decision will come to fate, and a miraculous meeting will happen with the only one I need in the world, and our paths will be united by the light of true love. Amen".

On July 31, divorced women and widows go to church for a service so that their remarriage will be successful. Place a candle in front of the image of the saint whose name you bear. If you don’t find one, go in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary (Theotokos). Mentally ask her for help three times.

To get married after divorce

If you have separated and have already decided for sure that there is no and cannot be a return, do so. Choose an even Thursday so that you have the whole day free. Strip naked and wash the floor naked. Then fill a basin with water and pour this water from head to toe. Then wash the floor again and rinse yourself off again with the spoken water. And so three times. Then, having rested and dried, get ready for church. There, light 12 candles for your health. When you go out, give alms to three people.

You will see, you will soon meet your new destiny.

There's a golden ship on the sea,
There is a young king on the ship,
He waves his paddle, hurries,
Doesn't eat or sleep
He's looking at me.
With him are Saint Moses and Saint Luke,
And with them gold flour.
And this is not flour, but flour,
I'm seriously bored.
Sadness and melancholy of a good fellow.
Pavushka, Romanea, run,
Darling, bring the young man to me,
Blow heat into his face
Point at my porch
To my table
On my bed
Put a ring on my finger.
May my word be strong
The white body is tenacious.
No one's word will interrupt
It won't break my destiny.
Keys in the river
Sand in the water
The holy cross is on me.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Damage to a lonely beast

They talk about dog food (but not artificial food). Without approaching the stray dog, they feed it scraps from their table. This is done nine times. If it was done on a woman so that she would run away from home, then the food is given to a female dog, if it was done on a man, then it is given to a male dog.

They say this:

Remember the dog's soul of the slave (name). Amen.

To marry a girl

If a girl has passed the age when she gets married without receiving a single proposal, she should go on the last Friday to walk through the field where the burrs grow, saying:

Like a burdock clings to my hem,
So the suitors would cling to me,
People fell in love with me
And they didn’t lag behind, asking her to marry herself.

You have to go into the field alone, without friends.

After a walk at home, they collect thorns from the dress, tie them in a rag with menstrual blood and store them somewhere away so that no one can see until the girl gets married. After the wedding, about three days later, you need to wash the rag and take the burdock to the field where it grew before.

More for the same

On Maundy Thursday before Easter or on Thursday before Christmas, you need to rise as high as possible from the ground and certainly before sunrise and shout three times at the top of your voice:

Guys, guys, look at me and love me!

If no one is looking at the girl at all

You need to decide to take a broom, go to the pub (where, unfortunately, men often go) and, without paying attention to anyone, sweep the entrance, saying three times:

How everyone goes and goes to this beer, gathers,
So it would be for me, God’s servant (name),
The matchmakers were traveling and getting ready.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Mischief for the groom

If a guy has been following you for years, but still doesn’t dare to ask you to marry you, you need to draw a circle with a knife with a wooden handle, put a birch log in the circle and, standing behind the circle, say three times:

You are my mummer, you are my betrothed,
I've had enough, and you've had your fill.
Stop walking. It's time to marry me.

After this, the log is burned. Your wedding will take place soon.

From damage to loneliness

The spoiled woman is taken to the bathhouse. They arrange it so that a man can wash himself in this bathhouse before and after it. They say water in three basins. The spoiled food is washed from each basin in turn. Wipe with a new towel.

The towel is hung on the branch of a tree with a masculine name: oak, poplar, maple. They leave without looking back. They don't tell anyone about it. Usually, once is enough for a girl to get married. Read on the water like this:

My lips are not kissed, my breasts are not pardoned.
I wash away the centuries, I put on the wedding crown.
God's water is Ulyana, my blush is Maryana.
Let the grooms see this and want to marry themselves.
Key. Lock. Language.

How to remove the spell of loneliness

Buy the “Seven Shots” icon. Light seven candles near her. Lock the door and do not open it to anyone until you have read the prayer and reprimanded the spell on loneliness forty times.

There are many prayers in honor of the miraculous “Seven Arrow” icon. They are read to soften evil hearts and pacify those at war.

Oh, long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth,
By His purity and by the multitude of sufferings,
transferred to the earth by you,
Accept our painful sighs
And keep us under the shelter of Your mercy.
Other refuge and
Don’t you know warm intercession,
But, as one who has the boldness to be born of You,
Help and save us with Your prayers,
May we reach the Kingdom of Heaven without stumbling,
Where with all the saints we will sing praises to the one God in the Trinity
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

And now a lecture on the spell on loneliness:

A bad, damned, evil word, like an arrow from the enemy,
I was struck by loneliness.
With God's help, with the Most Holy Theotokos
I will cover myself with invincible hope.
I'll take it off with an honest prayer,
I will find Jesus' help.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Mischief on the betrothed

If the time has come, and grooms are not in a hurry to come to your house, be sure to take advantage of this trick. They read the confusion with a new comb. Use a comb, not a comb. Because this comb will need to be left in your hair for seven days.

So, we read:

I will become a servant of God (name),
Put on a comb and invite suitors to come to you.
Like bees fly to honey, look at flowers,
So the grooms would rush to me too.

How can a girl get married sooner?

On Easter, before sunrise, light the oven. Kneel in front of the stove door, open and close it three times, then shout loudly into the stove:

How many people go to church these days?
I will have so many suitors.

For the same

On Easter, at sunrise, knock on the glass of your window and say:

Easter sun, roll across the sky,
And you, groom, show up at my doorstep.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Christ has risen, and the groom comes to me. Amen.

For the old lady's quick marriage

On Maundy Thursday, wash your face with cat’s milk, saying:

How everyone pets cats and how cats cling to everyone,
So the suitors won’t let me pass.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

How can a bride with any defect get married?

Previously, if a girl had a child or was damaged in some way, the healer would make a special spell for her, and the girl would get married safely. They read the plot into the slightly open underground (cellar). You need to read the plot nine times:

My owner is a yard servant,
Be my dear matchmaker.
Match me, God's servant (name),
To be the husband of (so-and-so).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To attract suitors to the house

During the Easter service, holding a handful of wheat on his chest. Returning from church, I sprinkle grain at my doorstep with the words:

How many lights there were from the candles in the church,
There are so many suitors for me.
How many grains are there in a handful?
There are so many suitors coming to me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the Lord sends a good bride

Caring that the son would be lucky with his wife, and the mother-in-law with her daughter-in-law, they collected eggs and butter as a gift for the healer and went to her with a request: to beg God for a daughter-in-law - quiet, not obstinate, hard-working and submissive. To work you will need an icon of Our Lady of Tikhvin. Place the icon on a clean towel and read 40 times:

Christ at the door, angels in the corners, Saints in the courtyard,
The Tikhvin Mother of God is with me,
Glorify the quiet meekness in my daughter-in-law.
For my son, God's servant (name).
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The sheep is silent, and the daughter-in-law is silent.
The fish is silent, and the daughter-in-law does not scream.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to get married after divorce

Read on the water on the new moon, on Women's Day, then wash with this water:

Lady Water.
God created you on the third day.
You have been washing people for centuries.
You washed, washed, freed from dirt and filth.
You washed saints and sinners,
Washed Jesus Christ and his mother Mary -
Most Pure Mother of God.
I call upon the Mother of God in the name of that water,
Praised intercessor by the world.
Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos,
For the sake of that water
Who washed the mother who gave birth to You, For the sake of that water,
In which you bathed baby Jesus.
For the sake of the water that God created,
Cover me with marriage
For God himself created a mate for everyone.
I pray you, Maria, send me a groom to be my husband
From now on and forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On major holy holidays, do not read this plot.

Spell words for a fishing net

With this strong conspiracy, boys were caught as grooms for even the ugliest girl. And how they then lived well and well, that everyone only envied them. They did it this way: early, at the first sign of dawn, they went to the river and found the nets set by the fishermen. Holding the net with your right hand, you read the love words three times:

God help me. God bless.
And you, net, catch fish for the fisherman,
And for me, the servant of God (name), the groom.
Rise, my fiancé, from summer and winter,
From autumn and spring, from north and south.
I am talking about this network to my dear friend.
How do fish get caught in a net?
How they never get out of it anymore,
Without water they fall asleep in it and don’t wake up,
So would my fiance (name)
He came to my house himself
And he never left me.
I close all the roads for you (name),
I’m closing the return thresholds for you.
Until the network itself unties itself to all its nodes,
Until then, my fiance (name)
He won't give up on me.
May my words be sculpted and strong.
I close with an amenem,
I cover you with an amen.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To make the girl like the grooms

On Maundy Thursday, buy a mirror without taking change. Then stand between two trees and, looking into the mirror you just bought, say:

How the whole world looks in the mirror,
He admires his reflection,
That's how guys would admire me,
They made love to me and kissed me
Yes, they were vying to woo me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for male love

On Easter, kiss nine colored eggs, saying:

How people love Holy Easter,
They appreciate and remember mother's affection,
So men would love me more than the stronger,
They appreciated it even more than anything else
They followed me, God's servant (name), in herds.
Christ has risen, and the suitors come to me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Then treat the men with these enchanted eggs.

Mischief on the grooms

If you are no longer young, but still not married, break an aspen branch, cut it into five parts and, after waiting for night, turn on the stove. Place a cast iron pot on the fire, in which put five aspen sticks, and cook them until you read the following plot forty times in a row:

An open field, a wide expanse,
An old aspen grows there,
She was given birth to a violent storm.
Judas walked through that field
And I found that aspen tree.
Like that aspen tree
On that heavy slope
Judas took it and hanged himself,
So it would be for me, the servant of God (name),
The suitors hung themselves, clung,
They wrapped their arms around my neck,
Century after century they never parted.
Drive them away, aspen,
Disturb them, you evil wretch.
Like bulls being driven into a stall,
How stallions are harnessed and driven around,
So freely, but involuntarily
The grooms were walking, hurrying to my doorstep,
They got married and asked me to be my husband.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy that attracts men to a widow

Before dark, find a place where hops grow along the fence, and pick them at midnight. Place the twigs on your chest and take them home. Remember that throughout the entire journey - there and back - you cannot talk to anyone. Having brought the hops home, leave it on your porch and, before you step over it and enter the house, read the following spell:

You, hops, climbed along the fence
Yes, he came to my house.
How this hop twisted and twisted,
He grabbed the fence tenaciously,
So that behind me, behind the bitter widow,
A good man would hang around
Yes, he married himself for the rest of his life.
The key to my words
Lock my lips.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Important: the ceremony is held on the full moon on Thursday!

Conspiracy against girlish loneliness

On Pokrov (October 14) go out onto the balcony or onto the street, so that you are standing in the open air. There, raise both hands above your head and say:

Bride Bride, Queen of Heaven,
Take me out of the brides
Take away the heavy cross from me,
Bless me for my crown.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Usually, after this ceremony, the girl gets married the same year. Just remember that you must spend it completely alone and not tell anyone about it.

Begging the groom (for a girl) new

On men's day - Tuesday or Thursday - bake pancakes, read a special spell over them and treat the men with the spelled pancakes. The spell words are as follows:

I'll get up early in the morning,
I'll bake funeral pancakes,
I will remember my girlish loneliness.
Remember also, Lord, for your peace now,
Overnight, God's servant (name) becomes celibate.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy to attract suitors new

Read a special spell over the poppy, which then, with a good swing, throw it against the wind. The plot is like this:

I confuse the paths of the suitors.
How many poppy seeds are in my hand,
So that my house is full
Matchmakers and groomsmen.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Important: the ceremony is not performed on odd days!

Conspiracy for an ugly girl new

Wash yourself at sunrise on the day of your Angel. At the same time say:

God bless my words, my deeds
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
How in severe famine people dream of food,
So that I, God’s servant (name),
She was desired by all men,
Beautiful and spiritual
It smelled like a scarlet rose and bloomed for them.
And so that Mother of God may give Beauty to my forehead.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For girls who want to get married.

You need to wait for the new moon, that is, the very first day of the new moon. The girl should let her hair down and wear the shoes of a married woman who has recently gotten married. In these shoes you need to go outside and, looking at the thin crescent of the moon, spin clockwise on your heels, while saying:

The month is young, be my matchmaker,
Send me a rich groom,
Young like you, not bearded.
Let him be moved by me,
Hovering around me
How I, God’s servant (name), curl and twist around you,
I'm surprised at your young body.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

If they don't marry you.

If you see an even number of geese in the river, walk into it knee-deep, splash water on yourself and say:

How these geese swim in pairs.
So they will ask me (name) to get married today.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Get married after divorce.

When bad weather occurs (wind, hurricane or rain), you need to open the window and say:

My betrothed.
Come to my home
Take shelter from bad weather,
wash off the dirt,
Drink, eat, dry off
And go to sleep on a downy bed.
Fall in love with me, God's servant (name),
Come, fall in love, and live.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

To quickly attract the groom.

If the girl is not married, you need to do this: on October 13, speak water, wash your face with this water and dry yourself with a man’s shirt. Before the conspiracy, do not forget to read “Our Father”. CONSPIRACY:

The stars dance in the sky,
On earth, everything is found in pairs.

Bless for the wedding crown.
Put an end to my girlhood.
Girlish braids are disgusting to me,
Girls' get-togethers are no longer pleasant to me.
Lord, give me a woman's scarf,
And on the right hand there is a wedding ring.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever the loki of centuries.

A conspiracy to make men pay attention to you.

Pat yourself on the head and read this plot:

God! How people wait, wait for spring,
How red the sun is touched,
So would it be for me, God’s servant (name),
The men, young and old, rejoiced.
They looked, admired, followed me
Old old men, mature men,
Young fellows and beardless youths.
Received with honor, respected with honor,
Everyone stood up on their feet in front of me,
In conversations they gave their word,
Would you like to come and show me mercy?
The dream was held to kiss.
All words have keys.
All matters - locks.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Or so.

They cast a spell on a new hairpin, ring, brooch, etc. - any item that you can carry with you all the time. The spell words are:

Treasure, you are my treasure, love pledge,
I do not put you in a prison-ground,
I'm bewitching you to the girl.
In the name of an angel, in the name of an archangel,
Pull the suitors to me, God's servant (name).
If I were like the blush of dawn,
Like the drunken grass of dukhmyan,
Desirable to any man's heart.
They would be sad for me, yearn for me,
Not seeing me, they grieved:
In the world, in the feast, on land and water. Everywhere!
Be like the sun, like the clear moon,
Like a light warm wave.
Among all my pav friends there is only one like this.
My words cannot be forgotten, cannot be whispered,
A strong word cannot be used to reprimand.
How people bow to the Mother Church,
So that the boys can me
Love and respect
Greet you with a smile
Follow with your eyes.
My first word
My case is strong.
What I didn’t say, what I didn’t say,
What I didn’t think about in my thoughts,
My plot will bring everything to fruition. Amen.

A conspiracy to meet a good person.

Most Holy Mother of God,
Cover my head with a crown,
A golden slap on the head.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Why are those words said?
From the Gospel of Christ, the Heavenly King,
Michael the Archangel, Saints Peter and Paul,
Supreme Apostles.
They give bad suitors far away,
And to my only red falcon,
The path of candles is illuminated towards me, the servant of God (name),
They invite you and bless you for the wedding. Amen.

A conspiracy to meet your soulmate.

My faith is righteous.
Stand around me, stone mountain.
And I will dress myself in clear rays,
I will be blessed by the Mother of God.
Pokrov father, send me the crown,
God's servant (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer to meet your soulmate.

On the Feast of the Intercession of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary (October 14), go outside and sweep the snow with a new broom towards your door, while reading the following conspiracy:

How the Holy Protection came
That's how the groom would find me.
I, God's servant (name), sweep, sweep,
I'm inviting my betrothed.
How much snow there is today,
So that I won’t be left without a groom.
Word is deed, swiftly and boldly.
So come to me quickly and boldly,
God's servant (name), the groom was walking.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Another way.

God bless me
On the Holy Intercession.
Give the earth a snowball,
Let the groom come to me in a hurry.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A plot to make a widow marry again.

Wash yourself on Maundy Thursday (the last Thursday before Easter) from the door frame with the words:

How all people grab onto this bracket.
So the suitors would grab at me, the widow.
They never parted with me.
There was a widow, become a bride,
There is a place for a good man next to me, God’s servant (name).
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from the “vekovuha” (remove the crown of celibacy).

Buy a mirror with a wooden frame. Take this mirror to the crossroads during the full moon. Stand so that in this mirror you see the full moon above your left shoulder. Looking in the mirror at the moon, read the following plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
There is a dark stormy river in the city of Amatael,
That stormy dark river has yellow banks.
All the waters, all the streams flow to this stormy river,
They merge with the stormy river, stick together.
So, just like at that river, men flocked to me,
They grew together with my house, with my yard and my body,
They clung to me, to God’s servant (name), forever and ever.
Not a single stream escapes from the stormy dark river.
So the men would never leave me, the servant of God (name),
And how my feet stand firmly and tightly on this earth,
So that the suitors would also come tightly and firmly to me, to God’s servant (name).
Mother moon, how I look at you in the mirror,
So that the grooms would look and admire me.
We looked, but didn’t see enough, looked, but didn’t see enough.
They put her next to each other down the aisle and never left her alone.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To do this, read a special plot while looking out the window at the waning moon (the waning moon):

I repent to Kavel and Abel,
I bow to them and cross myself,
I cry and pray.
You are dear brothers, saints before the church,
Take the widow's scarf from me,
Free my threshold from coffins.
How this month melts and wanes,
So that the spell would go away from me.
Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy to meet your love.

Buy twelve candles from the church. Place four candles near the icon of Hope, Faith and Love and their mother Sophia. Three candles - at the crucifixion of the Savior, light three candles at the icon of the Mother of God, and bring two home. After sunset, light the candles and read the following plot over them twelve times in a row:

Have mercy, Lord,
Have mercy, Mother of God,
Tell God's servant (name) to marry.
How these two candles burn,
So that a man's heart
According to God's servant (name), it caught fire,
He would like to marry her.
He would go to her porch,
He would bring her to God's crown.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy to quickly meet your soulmate and get married.

Paraskeva Friday, holy martyr,
Send a man's beard to my yard,
At least for a widower, just so as not to end up as a girl.
I bow to you, Mother Paraskeva,
Led to the male clan-tribe
Marry me
And I am a maiden (widow), a servant of God (name),
I will keep the post
Celebrate all Fridays.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A conspiracy to meet a person with whom you can build a long-term relationship full of trust and love.

God bless! God help me!
Dawn Maryana comes, the sun rises in the sky.
So I, the servant of God (name), would get married,
I found my betrothed.
God bless me for my marriage too.
Crown with a crown, give to the betrothed
To me, God's servant (name).
My word is strong, my deed is sculpted.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy to get rid of loneliness.

Put on a new white shirt and let your hair down (remove all elastic bands, barrettes, combs, etc.). The plot is read for three days in a row at morning and evening dawns. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

My light is a scarlet dawn,
My request to you is not small:
Perform the rites and bring the young man to me for the crown.
Lead his soul, lead his heart, lead his eyes,
Put us under the image.
May he appreciate and love me so much
And he will never forget forever.
Be you, my words,
Strong, molded, heavy,
Like sea stones, dry sands,
The keys are earthen.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Important: during these three days, do not eat meat in any form.

If you doubt your fiance's words.

On any Thursday, except holidays, when you are alone at home, stand in the middle of the room, cross yourself three times, bow three times and say:

Brownie, little head,
Take care of the house, the house beams,
Floor and subfloor
Domestic people, livestock and poultry,
Protector of deceived girls,
Help me, help me,
Call out, shout out,
Lure the servant of God (name) to be my married husband.
To draw him to my house, to my road,
To my threshold, to my door,
Help me, God’s servant (name),
Give the servant of God (name) the betrothed, dressed.
Send his matchmakers to my doorstep. Amen.

If you have a basement, after reading the plot, throw sugar or candy there.

A conspiracy thanks to which your loved one will propose to you:

Amen after amen.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
I tell you, listen to the words of him who sent me!
I put a crown on the servants of God (names),
I close these words with locks,
I throw the keys into the ocean-sea.
The mute fish has the keys - the fish in the sand.
Sleeps on my locks and keys.
Until the entire ocean-sea is dried up,
Until you drink all the water from the ocean,
The servant of God (name) will always love me.
He'll go down the aisle with me,
And he will not move one step away from me, the servant of God (name).
Amen to words, amen to deeds,
And three times after the amen - amen.

A girl's prayer for a prosperous marriage:

Oh, All-Good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on the fact that I love You with all my soul and with all my heart and that I fulfill Your holy will in everything. Rule Yourself, O my God, over my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You Alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and self-love: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is disgusting to You and gives rise to vices, give me the desire to work hard and bless my labors. Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then lead me, Holy Father, to this title sanctified by You, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: it is not good for man to be alone - and, having created He gave him a wife to help him, blessed them to grow, multiply and populate the earth. Hear my humble prayer, sent to You from the depths of a girl’s heart; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love and harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

How to remove damage done to a single life (for men).

I (N. Stepanova) know of a case where one guy dated a girl for a long time, and as soon as their wedding was scheduled, he got ready and went to his relatives in the village. To put it simply, he ran away.
In revenge, the bride’s mother came to the house of the would-be groom and threw a button from her dead grandfather’s underpants against the wall with the words:

A dead man doesn't need a button
And you'll never need anyone again
(For obvious reasons, I don’t write the key. - Author).

Forty years have passed since then, and this man lives alone. This damage is removed this way: they take water from three wells, put sand into it from three streams or rivers, speak and wash the guy or man. They spell water like this:

Saving water, healing power,
You are coming from the holy land,
You don't let anyone die of thirst.
You wash away the dirt
You wash your clothes,
You save from fire and flames.
Save God’s servant (name) too.
Remove the evil, bachelor spell from her.
Water, water, who is older - you or me?
You! - You’ll have to take off the damage.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Talismans for a strong and successful marriage

If you are already the owner of a treasured wedding ring and want your marriage to be long, strong and successful in all respects, then make one of the talismans that will help you. The best place for such talismans is next to the marital bed.

Talisman "Love Trap"

For this talisman you will need your hair and your husband's hair, natural yarn (cotton, linen or wool) of red color, two stones - one suitable for your horoscope, the other for your husband, a crochet hook and glue. Knit something like a round napkin with a diameter of about 7 centimeters, tying the hair into it. If your hair is very short, you can simply attach it with glue later. Tie a rope from air loops, by which the talisman can be hung next to the bed or directly on it. Using glue, place the stones tightly together in the middle. When the glue dries, say to the talisman: yarn spun, yarn knitted, yarn knitted, marriage strengthened, stone to stone, hair to hair, my husband and I be one voice. To be whole for us, to be one for us, to be unshakable in our marriage.

Talisman for happiness in family life

This is like a double talisman, that is, you need to find two completely identical objects that will look natural on both you and your husband. For example, you can buy identical key rings or even wedding rings - but only if you wear both of these rings all the time, and if they do not differ from each other. On the night from Thursday to Friday, on the waxing Moon, place rings or keychains (or whatever you come up with yourself) in a container with holy water, light 7 white candles, place next to the most beautiful and successful wedding photo, where you and your husband are just the two of you ( there should not even be random people on it) and you will certainly smile happily. Speak to rings or keychains without taking them out of the water: cute little things, become the guardians of my marriage, my love, my husband and me. Let there be two of you, and there will always be two of us, so that we cannot live without each other, so that we do not think about betrayal, so that we understand and appreciate each other. Dear little things, become protectors and guardians for spouses (your name and the name of your husband), preserve a happy family life for many, many years. Thank you.

T Talisman "Unicorn"

Place a unicorn figurine in your bedroom. The unicorn symbolizes purity and immortality, helps to avoid disappointment in love and friendship, that is, you and your husband will not stop believing each other, you will be interesting to each other, you will always have something to talk about. The unicorn protects you from troubles and evil spells and helps you quickly forget negative experiences - you will not prolong quarrels, and ill-wishers, including homewreckers and homewreckers, will not be able to harm your marriage. Pet your personal unicorn, tell him about your marriage, how you love your husband, and if suddenly a quarrel breaks out between you and your spouse, go to the bedroom and hold the figurine in your hands for about five minutes - the mythical peacemaker will remove negativity from you, help you calm down and to find a compromise.

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