Green spiral tea. Lu Yin Luo (Emerald Pearl). How Yin Luo is grown and harvested

Article: 01011


500 g



How to brew

Article: 01011


500 g


Green tea from Zhejiang province.

Lu Yin Luo, or Emerald Pearl, is produced using a technology similar to Gunpowder, but using higher quality raw materials. To make it, only the first 2-3 leaves are selected. They are carefully rolled to avoid deformation and preserve taste and aroma.

The main nuance in the production of Lu Yin Luo is rice steaming at the fermentation stage, borrowed from Japan. This gives Lu Yin Luo a special taste with pleasant floral and herbal notes and a soft astringency in the aftertaste, somewhat reminiscent of Long Jing or Senchu.

When dry, Lu Yin Luo has a floral-sweet aroma, giving off a slight tartness that sets off and complements this sweet note.

When brewed, the tea leaves unfurl, turning the infusion emerald green.

Taste with pleasant floral and herbal notes and a soft tartness in the aftertaste.

How to brew

Brew at a temperature of 80-85°C, 2 teaspoons per 450 ml teapot, for 1-3 minutes. For the pouring method - 8 grams of tea leaves per gaiwan or tipod flask, for 5-15 seconds.

old price: 50 grams for 480 rubles - HURRY TO BUY!

Yin Luo is white tea.

“I also thought that you could buy Yin Luo everywhere. Why do people say our tea is different?”

In our store you can always buy this tea from the latest harvest of the current year. Immediately after collection, processing and packaging, the tea reaches us within 2-3 weeks. We store it for no more than 1-2 months, that is, it is constantly updated.

Yin Luo tea is the name of the tea and translated into Russian it means silver snail or silver spirals. Yinluo tea is prepared only from tea buds, and not from tea leaves, so among Chinese teas it belongs to the super elite. This tea is seasonal, it is rare, expensive, and has such a delicate aroma that it is almost impossible to remember and understand it the first time.

Yin Luo White Tea Processing Technology

This tea is very close to green teas in terms of processing technology. But the tea buds from which it is produced are removed precisely from those bushes from which white teas are made. Fresh green tea buds are heated over low heat, gently rolled as soon as they release their juice, and then shaped. When they dry, they remain curled forever. That is why Yinlo tea leaves look like small snails.

It is very difficult to accurately classify which teas Yin Luo belongs to. The Chinese themselves are constantly arguing and disagreeing - Yin Luo tea refers to green or white teas. Yin Luo snails are covered with white delicate fluff. Therefore, the name of this tea contains the hieroglyph (Yin), that is, silver.

The north of Fujian province is famous for its small tea villages, where Yin Luo tea is produced. Every spring, the air in these places is filled with a sweet aroma so much that you can forget about everything. And every spring, tea masters twist and twist precious silver snails, which form Yin Luo tea.

Surprise your friends, loved ones and even YOURSELF by trying selected fresh yin luo from our store - even if you previously bought it somewhere else and you don’t like to be the center of attention!

I promise, after one weekend of yin luo tea, you will be delighted with how much fun you can get from drinking tea. And once you get the hang of IMPRESSING your friends and family with your favorite teas, you won't be able to stop!

The healing properties of white tea Yin Luo silver spirals

Yin Luo tea, like all white teas, has a whole list of beneficial and healing properties. According to the Chinese, white teas are a source of health. No matter what they say about Yinlo, one thing is for sure - this tea is incredibly tonic. If you are tired or the daily chores are bothering you, then just a few small bowls of Yinluo white tea will put you back on your feet. Clear your head, boost your confidence, and get your smile back. Isn't this a miracle?

Color, aroma and taste of Yin Luo white tea

The color, aroma and taste of Yin Luo white tea are very similar to those of Baimudan, but they are different teas. You will definitely have to try one and the other to compare them. And although it is difficult to feel the difference between them at first, after a certain time you will understand that Yin Luo is a very complex tea. After a short period of time you will understand the difference.

  • The color can vary from transparent to light yellow. The infusion may contain white fibers.

  • The aroma is spring, light, fresh, almost transparent.

  • The taste is tart and slightly sweet.

  • The aftertaste is reminiscent of honey with a small amount of nuts.

  • Don't worry if you don't understand Yin Luo the first time, try to memorize it with each new strait. After all, you have a lot of time ahead.

    To ensure that the tea does not lose its pristine freshness, our employees, after collecting and processing, immediately pack it in a vacuum pack of 50 grams. This makes it possible to preserve the freshness of the tea. After two to three weeks, the tea reaches us in Moscow. Here this tea is stored for 1-2 months at a certain temperature, which also helps the tea stay as fresh as possible. Next, the tea is updated with a fresh batch.

    Choosing and buying Yin Luo in our online store will be the right decision. This white tea will delight you. You can buy Yin Luo for a beginner, as well as for a tea gourmet; everyone will discover something new.

    Imagine how you wake up every morning with the thought that you have the magic key to a good mood. Your body will radiate a warm glow thanks to the fact that you have finally found the right tea.

    The easiest way to buy Yin Luo, which will always please you, of selected quality at a discounted price with fast and convenient delivery to any place, is to add the required quantity to your cart and place an order.

    P.S. Order now and receive a free gift sample of a different type of tea. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

    R.P.S. If you do not send your order, we will assume that you do not want the benefit to your body. Because we know you would buy this tea if you cared about your health. What person, striving for maximum efficiency in his life, does not think about his health!?

    What is white dance? Is this when the dancers are dressed all in white? Or is this a dance that blacks are forbidden to dance? Or maybe it's a dance to the accompaniment of blank verse? No. White dance is when ladies invite gentlemen. And when a white dance is announced, everyone understands that this is what is meant, and that the white color has absolutely nothing to do with it.
    What's happened White tea? Tea with white leaves? Or tea that comes from bushes whose leaves are covered with white hair? Or tea, the name of which contains the hieroglyph “bai” - “white”?

    No. White tea, like five other types of tea, is tea produced using a certain technology. Whiteness in the literal sense of the word has nothing to do with white tea. There are white teas with a very dark color, both dry leaf and infusion.

    Dec 9 2014

    If Baihao Yinzhen is the emperor of white teas, then Yin Luo is the empress, or, conversely, in general, it all depends on your personal feelings. Yin Luo is the same elite and rare tea as Baihao Yinzhen. They are similar in many ways, but also different in many ways. translated means - "silver snail", and it completely matches its appearance.

    This tea is made only from tea buds, which are covered with delicate, white hair. One of its distinctive features is that Yin Luo, although white tea, is still subjected to light processing, very similar in technology to the processing of green teas. The small buds are heated over low heat and then rolled into a shape that somewhat resembles a snail.

    Jun 24 2014

    White tea, literally "Silver Snail"- a unique tea grown in Fujian Province, Fuding County. The Chinese themselves have not yet come to a consensus regarding its classification. The fact is that Yin Luo is made from tea buds growing on the same bushes as all other white teas. However, the production process itself is more reminiscent of making green tea: tea buds are heated over a fire and then rolled to release the juice. Having dried, the buds remain twisted in the form of spirals or snails.

    The raw materials for the production of Yin Luo tea are collected in early spring from unblown young leaves and buds. Thanks to delicate processing, the juice of tea leaves does not oxidize, which is why they make a very tasty and aromatic drink.

    This exquisite, elite tea is not without reason called the “White Empress”. Yin Luo received its characteristics as an expensive and rare tea for its special, complex collection and preparation technology. The process of collecting tea is possible once a year in the spring, just a few days. Tea is grown and cultivated in Fujian Province, Fuding County. Interestingly, there is debate among the Chinese as to which classification this tea should be classified into.

    How Yin Luo is grown and harvested

    Tea buds growing on white tea bushes are used to make tea. At the same time, the preparation technology is the same as for green tea: heating over a fire and gently twisting to release the juice. And when the drying process is complete, we will see small spirals or snails. These “snails” have light white downy fibers. This is where the name “Silver Snail” tea came from, and you can also find the name “Silver Spirals”. It is thanks to precise, careful processing that tea has a magnificent, delicate aroma and taste.

    The color of the tea can vary from clear to light yellow. The tea itself may contain villi. The aroma is full of spring, lightness and sophistication. The taste promises to be sweet, velvety, tart, with a long aftertaste of honey and nuts.

    How to brew Silver Snail tea

    To experience all the delicious taste, you need to brew tea correctly, based on the traditions of brewing white tea. The dishes need to be glass or porcelain. A flask or glass teapot is best. The dishes must be doused with boiling water to preheat them. For 100 – 120 ml. You only need 5 grams of water. dry tea. The water temperature should not exceed 85 degrees. And the brewing time is 1-2 minutes. It is necessary to rinse the tea by draining the first brew. This allows the leaves and buds to open, as well as the flavor and aroma to come out. And in the future you can brew tea for 1 minute up to 6 times, and in some sources they write up to 11 times.

    A special property of white tea is that at present scientists have not found any contraindications to its use, unlike green tea. But tea has plenty of useful and healing properties.

    Beneficial features

    • Antibacterial properties due to the polyphenols contained in antioxidants;
    • Has a mild tonic property;
    • Cooling effect, tea can and should be consumed in hot weather;
    • When consumed daily, fat cells are destroyed, which promotes weight loss;
    • We have a rejuvenating effect on the skin due to the elastin it contains;
    • Improves the digestive system, vision, normalizes blood pressure;
    • Stimulates physical and mental activity;
    • An excellent immunostimulant.

    Yin Luo Tea, or better known as "Green Spiral", has an original appearance, perfectly tones and quenches thirst. It is especially pleasant to drink a cup of Yin Lo in the morning. It puts you in a positive mood and gives you energy for a fruitful day.

    Yin Luo tea is made from raw materials collected in the spring. It carries the energy of awakening nature, blossoming foliage. Brewing green tea with these properties gives an intense rejuvenating effect.

    Do you know that...

    Green tea is a stronger antioxidant than black tea.

    Infusion, aroma and taste of tea

    Only two to three weeks of spring are suitable for harvesting Green Spiral tea. After collection, the leaves undergo special treatment, which eliminates thermal effects. Thanks to it, tea retains the maximum number of nutrients and has an exceptionally rich taste and aroma.

    The processing also includes twisting the tea leaves into spirals, which give the tea its name. When Yin Luo green tea is brewed, these spirals gradually unravel, revealing the original appearance of tea leaves. Tea lovers value Yin Luo not only for its wonderful taste and aroma, but also for the beauty of this process, which in itself can give a good mood and makes the anticipation of the first sip even more joyful.

    Proper brewing of green tea Yin Luo gives a delicate, light green color to the infusion.

    The aroma of Green Spiral tea is filled with freshness. There is a slight sweetness to it. The taste is also sweet and delicate, with a slight tartness. The aftertaste of Yin Luo is long and bright.

    Beneficial properties of tea

    Green Spiral tea is rich in vitamins and beneficial amino acids, due to which it can have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. With regular use, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and, importantly, makes them more elastic. Also, properly brewed green tea helps remove toxins and waste from the body, cleanse the liver and kidneys, and normalize the functioning of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to a large amount of antioxidants, Green Spiral tea improves immunity and helps cope with various infections.

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