Alexander Kuprin all works. Alexander Kuprin: biography of the writer. Education of the future prose writer

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. Born on August 26 (September 7) 1870 in Narovchat - died on August 25, 1938 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian writer, translator.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was born on August 26 (September 7), 1870 in the district town of Narovchat (now the Penza region) in the family of an official, hereditary nobleman Ivan Ivanovich Kuprin (1834-1871), who died a year after the birth of his son.

Mother, Lyubov Alekseevna (1838-1910), nee Kulunchakova, came from a clan of Tatar princes (noblewoman, did not have a princely title). After the death of her husband, she moved to Moscow, where the future writer spent her childhood and adolescence.

At the age of six, the boy was sent to the Moscow Razumovsky boarding house (orphanage), from where he left in 1880. In the same year he entered the Second Moscow Cadet Corps.

In 1887 he was graduated from the Alexander military school. Subsequently, he will describe his "military youth" in the stories "At the Break (Cadets)" and in the novel "Juncker".

Kuprin's first literary experience was poetry that remained unpublished. The first work to be published is the story "The Last Debut" (1889).

In 1890, Kuprin, with the rank of second lieutenant, was released into the 46th Dnieper Infantry Regiment, stationed in the Podolsk province (in Proskurov). The officer's life, which he led for four years, provided rich material for his future works.

In 1893-1894, his story "In the Dark", stories "Moonlit Night" and "Inquiry" were published in the St. Petersburg magazine "Russian Wealth". Kuprin has several stories on the military theme: "Overnight" (1897), "Night shift" (1899), "Campaign".

In 1894, Lieutenant Kuprin retired and moved to Kiev, having no civilian profession. In the following years he traveled a lot across Russia, having tried many professions, eagerly absorbing life impressions, which became the basis of his future works.

During these years Kuprin met I. A. Bunin, A. P. Chekhov and M. Gorky. In 1901 he moved to St. Petersburg, began to work as the secretary of the "Journal for All". In St. Petersburg magazines, Kuprin's stories appeared: "Swamp" (1902), "Horse thieves" (1903), "White Poodle" (1903).

In 1905 his most significant work was published - the story "The Duel", which had great success. The writer's speeches with the reading of individual chapters of the "Duel" became an event in the cultural life of the capital. His other works of this time: short stories "Headquarters-Captain Rybnikov" (1906), "River of Life", "Gambrinus" (1907), essay "Events in Sevastopol" (1905). In 1906 he was a candidate for the State Duma of the 1st convocation from the St. Petersburg province.

Kuprin's work in the years between the two revolutions resisted the decadent mood of those years: a cycle of essays "Listrigones" (1907-1911), stories about animals, stories "Shulamith" (1908), "Pomegranate bracelet" (1911), the fantastic story "Liquid Sun" (1912). His prose has become a prominent phenomenon in Russian literature. In 1911 he settled in Gatchina with his family.

After the outbreak of the First World War, he opened a military hospital in his house, and campaigned in the newspapers for citizens to take military loans. In November 1914 he was mobilized into the army and sent to Finland as an infantry company commander. Demobilized in July 1915 for health reasons.

In 1915 Kuprin completed work on the story "The Pit", in which he talks about the life of prostitutes in Russian brothels. The story was condemned for excessive, in the opinion of critics, naturalism. Publishing house Nuravkin, which published Kuprin's Pit in the German edition, was prosecuted by the prosecutor's office "for distributing pornographic publications."

He met the abdication of Nicholas II in Helsingfors, where he underwent treatment, and received it with enthusiasm. After returning to Gatchina, he was the editor of the newspapers Svobodnaya Rossiya, Volnost, Petrogradskiy Listok, and sympathized with the Socialist-Revolutionaries. After the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, the writer did not accept the policy of war communism and the terror associated with it. In 1918 he went to Lenin with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - "Earth". He worked at the publishing house "World Literature", founded. At this time he made a translation of Don Carlos. He was arrested, spent three days in jail, was released and put on the hostage list.

On October 16, 1919, with the arrival of the Whites in Gatchina, he entered the rank of lieutenant in the North-Western Army, was appointed editor of the army newspaper "Prinevsky Krai", which was headed by General P. N. Krasnov.

After the defeat of the North-Western Army, he went to Revel, and from there in December 1919 to Helsinki, where he stayed until July 1920, after which he went to Paris.

By 1930, the Kuprin family had become impoverished and mired in debt. His literary fees were meager, and alcoholism accompanied all his years in Paris. Since 1932, his eyesight has deteriorated steadily, and his handwriting has become significantly worse. Returning to the Soviet Union was the only solution to Kuprin's material and psychological problems. At the end of 1936, he still decided to apply for a visa. In 1937, at the invitation of the government of the USSR, he returned to his homeland.

Kuprin's return to the Soviet Union was preceded by an appeal by the plenipotentiary representative of the USSR in France, V.P. Potemkin, on August 7, 1936, with a corresponding proposal to I.V. Stalin (who gave a preliminary "go-ahead"), and on October 12, 1936, with a letter to the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs N.I. Yezhov. Yezhov sent Potemkin's note to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, which on October 23, 1936 made a decision: “to allow the entry into the USSR for writer A. I. Kuprin” (I. V. Stalin, V. M. Molotov, V. Ya. Chubar and A. A. Andreev; K. E. Voroshilov abstained).

He died on the night of August 25, 1938 from esophageal cancer. He was buried in Leningrad at Literatorskie mostki of the Volkovskoye cemetery next to the grave of I.S.Turgenev.

Stories and novels by Alexander Kuprin:

1892 - "In the Dark"
1896 - Moloch
1897 - "Army Ensign"
1898 - "Olesya"
1900 - "At the Turning Point" (Cadets)
1905 - "The Duel"
1907 - Gambrinus
1908 - "Shulamith"
1909-1915 - "The Pit"
1910 - "Garnet Bracelet"
1913 - "Liquid Sun"
1917 - The Star of Solomon
1928 - "The dome of St. Isaac of Dalmatian "
1929 - The Wheel of Time
1928-1932 - "Juncker"
1933 - Janet

Alexander Kuprin's stories:

1889 - "The Last Debut"
1892 - Psyche
1893 - Moonlit Night
1894 - "Inquiry", "Slavic Soul", "Lilac Bush", "Secret Revision", "To Glory", "Madness", "On the Road", "Al-Issa", "Forgotten Kiss", "About that, how Professor Leopardi gave me a voice "
1895 - "Sparrow", "Toy", "In the Menagerie", "Supplicant", "Picture", "Terrible Minute", "Meat", "Without a Title", "Lodging", "Millionaire", "Pirate", " Lolly "," Holy love "," Lock "," Centenary "," Life "
1896 - "A Strange Case", "Bonza", "Horror", "Natalya Davydovna", "Demigod", "Blessed", "Bed", "Fairy Tale", "Nag", "Another's Bread", "Friends", " Marianna "," Dog's happiness "," On the river "
1897 - "Stronger Than Death", "Enchantment", "Caprice", "Firstborn", "Narcissus", "Breget", "The First Comer", "Confusion", "The Wonderful Doctor", "Watchdog and Zhulka", "Kindergarten "," Allez! "
1898 - "Loneliness", "Wilderness"
1899 - "Night shift", "Lucky card", "In the bowels of the earth"
1900 - "Spirit of the Century", "Lost Power", "Taper", "Executioner"
1901 - "Sentimental Novel", "Autumn Flowers", "By Order", "Campaign", "At the Circus", "Silver Wolf"
1902 - "At rest", "Swamp"
1903 - "Coward", "Horse thieves", "How I was an actor", "White Poodle"
1904 - "Evening Guest", "Peaceful Life", "Ugar", "Zhidovka", "Diamonds", "Empty Dachas", "White Nights", "From the Street"
1905 - "Black Mist", "Priest", "Toast", "Headquarters Captain Rybnikov"
1906 - "Art", "Assassin", "River of Life", "Happiness", "Legend", "Demir-Kaya", "Resentment"
1907 - "Delirium", "Emerald", "Small fry", "Elephant", "Fairy tales", "Mechanical Justice", "Giants"
1908 - "Seasickness", "Wedding", "The Last Word"
1910 - "Family Style", "Helen", "In the Cage of the Beast"
1911 - "The Telegraphist", "The Chief of Traction", "Kings Park"
1912 - "Weed", "Black Lightning"
1913 - Anathema, Elephant Walk
1914 - "Holy Lies"
1917 - "Sashka and Yashka", "Brave Runaways"
1918 - Skewbald Horses
1919 - "The Last of the Bourgeois"
1920 - "Lemon Peel", "Fairy Tale"
1923 - "The One-Armed Commandant", "Fate"
1924 - "Slap"
1925 - "Yu-yu"
1926 - "Daughter of the great Barnum"
1927 - Blue Star
1928 - "Inna"
1929 - "Paganini's Violin", "Olga Sur"
1933 - "Night Violet"
1934 - The Last Knights, Ralph

Essays by Alexander Kuprin:

1897 - "Kiev types"
1899 - "On the wood grouse"

1895-1897 - cycle of essays "Student Dragoon"
"Dnieper Sailor"
"Future Patty"
"False Witness"
"The landlady"
"Card supplier"

1900 - Travel pictures:
From Kiev to Rostov-on-Don
From Rostov to Novorossiysk. Legend of the Circassians. Tunnels.

1901 - "Tsaritsyno conflagration"
1904 - "In Memory of Chekhov"
1905 - "Events in Sevastopol"; "Dreams"
1908 - "A Little Bit of Finland"
1907-1911 - Listrigone series of essays
1909 - "Don't touch our tongue." About Russian-speaking Jewish writers.
1921 - “Lenin. Instant photography "

"I can't live without Russia"

A. I. Kuprin

The eventful life of Kuprin, his diverse work, his dramatic biography - all this makes up an extremely complex picture. Therefore, there is no need to repeat how loved the work of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is in our country, how popular his works "Molokh", "Olesya", "In the Circus", "Duel", "Pomegranate Bracelet", "Listrigones", "Gambrinus", " Juncker "," Janet ". It is safe to say that Kuprin the writer has received truly nationwide recognition in our country.

An amazing and tragic fate. Born on August 26 (September 7), 1870 in the provincial town of Narovchat, Penza province. Early orphanhood (the father, a minor official, died when the boy was one year old and the mother was forced to send her son to an orphan school.) it was youth, with friends, the first youthful hobbies, the first literary experiences. It was then that Kuprin fell in love with Moscow - this peculiar, unlike other city, the whole world - with patriarchal morals, the ambition of the capital, which had been infringed on its rights, with its celebrities and cute eccentrics, myths and legends and such a solid, unique appearance. Over the years of study Kuprin received a fairly complete education: among the subjects he passed were Russian, German and French, mathematics, physics, geography, history, literature ("literature").

Literature for the future writer began with poetry and poetry translations. But he soon became disillusioned with poetry and switched to prose. At the same time the story "The Last Debut" was written. The Moscow poet, the kindest eccentric Liodor Ivanovich Palmin, who seemed to a nineteen-year-old cadet as an old man, helped Kuprin to add this work to the Russian Satirical Leaflet. Kuprin experienced incredible happiness and pride (he described this episode of his life in the story "Printing ink" and the novel "Juncker"). However, the publication of the story had other consequences as well. The fact is that Kuprin completely forgot that the permission of the head of the school was needed to print the work. As a result, Kuprin ended up in a punishment cell, as company commander Drozd put it "for not knowing the internal service."

In August 1980, Second Lieutenant Alexander Kuprin, graduated from the school "in the first category", was assigned to serve on the southwestern border of Russia, in a remote province, so vividly described by him in the story "Wedding" and "Duel".

Years of service gave him material for such wonderful, hard-won works as the stories "Inquiry", "Lodging", the story "Duel". In those years, Kuprin, obviously, did not seriously think about becoming a professional writer, but he continued his literary work, which was like an outlet for him from the musty world in which he found himself, he published something in provincial newspapers, and the story " In the dark "was even accepted by the St. Petersburg magazine" Russian wealth ".

In 1990 Kuprin met A. Chekhov and M. Gorky; both of them played a big role in his fate, their opinion was highly valued by Kuprin, and he treated Chekhov, who was much older, with awe. Love is one of the main themes in Kuprin's work. The heroes of his works, "illuminated" by this vivid feeling, reveal themselves more fully. In the stories of this remarkable author, love is usually disinterested and selfless. After reading a large number of his works, one can understand that she is always tragic for him, and she is deliberately doomed to suffer.

In 1898 Kuprin created his first major significant work - the story "Olesya", very bright, sad, romantic, devoid of melodrama. Olesya's world is a world of spiritual harmony, a world of nature. He is alien to Ivan Timofeevich, the representative of a cruel, big city. Olesya attracts him with her “uniqueness”, “there was nothing like local girls in her,” her naturalness, simplicity, and some elusive inner freedom attracted her like a magnet. Olesya, grew up in the forest. She could not read and write, but she possessed enormous spiritual wealth and strong character. Ivan Timofeevich is educated, but not decisive, and his kindness is more like cowardice. These two completely different people fell in love with each other, but this love does not bring happiness to the heroes, its outcome is tragic. Ivan Timofeevich feels that he has fallen in love with Olesya, he would even like to marry her, but he is stopped by doubts: the framework of an old forest full of legends and mysterious forces. " He realizes that Olesya cannot change, become different, and he himself does not want her to change. After all, to become different means to become what everyone else is, and this is impossible. Poetising a life that is not limited by modern social and cultural frameworks, Kuprin strove to show the clear advantages of a "natural" person, in which he saw the spiritual qualities that were lost in a civilized society. The meaning of the story is to assert a high human standard. Kuprin is looking in real, everyday life for people possessed by a high sense of love, capable of rising, at least in dreams, above the prose of life. As always, he turns his gaze to the "little" person. This is how the story "Garnet Bracelet" arises, which tells about the refined all-embracing love. This story is about a hopeless and touching love. Kuprin himself understands love as a miracle, as a wonderful gift. The death of an official revived a woman who did not believe in love, which means that love still triumphs over death. In general, the story is devoted to the inner awakening of Faith, her gradual awareness of the true role of love. The soul of the heroine is reborn to the sound of music. From cold contemplation to a hot, quivering feeling of oneself, of a person in general, of the world - this is the path of the heroine, who once came into contact with a rare guest of the earth - love.

For Kuprin, love is a hopeless platonic feeling, moreover, a tragic one. Moreover, in the chastity of Kuprin's heroes there is something hysterical, and in relation to a loved one, it is striking that a man and a woman seem to have changed their roles. This is characteristic of the energetic, strong-willed "Polesie witch" Olesya in relations with "kind, but only weak Ivan Timofeevich" and smart, calculating Shurochka - with "pure and kind Romashov" ("The Duel"). Underestimation of oneself, disbelief in one's right to possess a woman, a convulsive desire to withdraw - these traits finish painting the Kuprin hero with a fragile soul trapped in a cruel world.

Self-contained, such love has a creative, constructive power. "It so happened that I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people," - Zheltkov writes before his death to the subject of his generation, - "... for me, all life is only in you" ... Zheltkov leaves this life without complaint, without reproach, like saying a prayer: "Hallowed be thy name."

Kuprin's works, despite the complexity of situations and often a dramatic end, are filled with optimism and love of life. You close the book, and the feeling of something light remains in your soul for a long time.

It is interesting that Chekhov did not like it - the romantic structure of this work turned out to be too alien to him, but Gorky highly appreciated it precisely for this quality, and Kuprin, for whom both writers were the greatest authorities, was greatly puzzled.

The energy of youth was not yet fully exhausted. In 1901, while in Moscow, he tried to join the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater, but failed, but entered the circle of writers of the Moscow literary circle "Sreda", which unites democratic-minded realist writers. Finally, at the end of 1901, the wandering life ends: having received the head of the fictional department of the Journal for All, an opposition liberal monthly with a huge circulation of eighty thousand copies at that time, the writer settles in St. Petersburg, and a few months later he marries twenty-year-old Maria Karlovna Davydova and became an employee of the magazine "Peace of God". A new period begins in Kuprin's life - a period of journalism, settled life (not counting trips to the Crimea), prosperity, literary fame, and after the release of "Duel" - glory. The story brought Kuprin great fame. He received up to fifty readers' letters a day, indignant and delighted, the novel was widely discussed in the press, one edition followed another. Oddly enough, the next few years of creativity for Kuprin were relatively unproductive. Of the significant works created in 1902-1904, one can name, perhaps, only the stories "At rest", "Horse thieves", "White poodle". Kuprin participated in the selection of materials for the magazine, was engaged in reviewing current fiction, after Chekhov's death he wrote memoirs about him. Work in the magazine took a lot of time.

The writer and his family spent the autumn of 1905 in the Crimea, in Balaklava. At a charity evening in Sevastopol, he read Nazansky's monologue from The Duel; there were many military men in the hall, a scandal erupted, which was extinguished by the then unknown sailor Lieutenant Pyotr Petrovich Schmidt; a few days later he paid a visit to the Kuprins. And a month later, under the leadership of a new acquaintance Kuprin, an uprising broke out on the cruiser Ochakov, and the writer was destined to witness the ruthless reprisal of the troops loyal to the government against the insurgents. He described the events of the terrible night in his correspondence with the St. Petersburg newspaper Novaya Zhizn; after its publication, Vice Admiral Chukhnin gave the order to expel Kuprin from the Sevastopol city administration at forty-eight hours. However, “even before the eviction from Balaklava, Kuprin, with great risk for himself, managed to save a group of Ochakov sailors who had reached the shore from persecution by the gendarmes. cities and hide under the guise of workers in the estate of the composer Blaramberg. " In 1918 the writer dedicated his story "The Caterpillar" to this event. Democratic motives are clearly audible in other works of Kuprin, among which the satirical stories "Mechanical Justice", "Giants" stand out. In 1907, a wonderful story by the writer "Gambrinus" appears, which speaks of the strength of the human spirit, not broken by the dark forces, the revelry of which was inspired by tsarism.

In 1907, the marriage of Alexander Ivanovich with Maria Karlovna actually broke up, and Elizaveta Moritsovna Geynrikh became his wife, who became a faithful friend of Kuprin, who survived the most difficult years with him and was his guardian angel.

In 1909, Kuprin was actively working on the story "The Pit", dedicated to a rather risky topic at that time: the life of one of the brothels of a Russian provincial town. He strove to acquaint the reader with the life of a brothel, as it were, from the inside, day after day, to show the mechanism of functioning of this unnatural commercial institution, his object of sale and purchase - for fifty dollars, three rubles, five - becomes love. The writer depicted that sphere of reality, the existence of which was known to everyone, although few knew exactly how this dirty, corrupt world existed, what it was like for living people in it.

In the same year, IA Bunin and AI Kuprin were awarded the A.S. Pushkin Prize, awarded by the Academy of Sciences; this was already an official recognition.

1910 passed in numerous moves, Kuprin continues to work on the "Pit". In general, the year was unproductive - "... Instead of writing" Pit ", I write trifles ... What should I live on?

In 1911 AI Kuprin sold the right to publish his Complete Works in nine volumes to the publishing house of AF Marx; one hundred thousandth fee speaks of the enormous popularity of the writer. Obviously, the money received from Marx did not last long - the house in Gatchina was bought by installments, and in 1915 Kuprin wrote: “I have nothing but debts. In 1911, the story "Garnet Bracelet" was published, and in 1914 - "The Telegraphist" and "Holy Lies", wonderful stories, lyrical, subtle, sad, showing that the soul of their author is alive and not covered with a crust of prosperity, that he is with the same strength can love and condole. ”Ksyusha grew up at the Kuprins, there were frequent guests, in the spring lilacs raged in Gatchina.

In November 1914, the twenty-fifth year of his literary activity, Kuprin voluntarily entered the army with the rank of lieutenant, served in Finland, but in May of the following year he was declared unfit for service for health reasons. An infirmary was set up in the Kuprins' house, and Elizaveta Moritsovna and Ksenia began to provide all possible assistance to the wounded. After the end of the First World War and the defeat of the Whites in the civil war, Kuprin left Russia in 1920.

Having lived in France for about 20 years, Kuprin was never able to adapt abroad. The financial situation of the Kuprin family was very difficult. The writer's earnings were of an accidental nature, Elizaveta Moritsovna did not have a commercial acumen, and her small enterprises did not succeed. They translated into French the old, well-known works of Kuprin, but it was more and more difficult to write new ones. And the longing for Russia ... She terribly oppressed Kuprin. A sense of nostalgia for the homeland, sadness about the departed youth, health, strength, hopes permeated the only major, significant work created by Kuprin abroad - the novel "Juncker". This work, in fact, can hardly be attributed to the genre of the novel - it consists of a number of almost documentary memories of the years in a military school, very light and lyrical, colored with warm Kuprin humor. In them, "an awkward, sweet country" appears before us so bright, cleansed of everything that is not important, secondary ...

Kuprin's dream of returning home came true, but, alas, too late. Hardly perceiving his surroundings with difficulty, very thin, now looking not like a Tatar khan, but like a typical Russian old man-intellectual, the terminally ill writer was able to fully taste the joy of returning to his native land - despite the incredibly warm welcome arranged for him in Moscow. After two decades of absence, Kuprin came home to die. Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin died on August 25, 1938, having lived in his native country for a little over a year.

Dozens of books, detailed monographs, serious scientific works, special articles, and prefaces have been written about Kuprin, his work, his biography and fate.

Through the efforts of many people - literary scholars, critics, memoirists - a portrait of a remarkable Russian artist, the successor of the best classical, realistic traditions in our literature, a loyal and brilliant student of L.N. Tolstoy, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, has been created and is being created.

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The works of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, as well as the life and work of this outstanding Russian prose writer, are of interest to many readers. He was born in one thousand eight hundred and seventy on the twenty-sixth of August in the city of Narovchat.

His father died of cholera almost immediately after his birth. After some time, Kuprin's mother arrives in Moscow. He arranges for his daughters there in state institutions, and also takes care of the fate of his son. The role of mother in the upbringing and education of Alexander Ivanovich cannot be exaggerated.

Education of the future prose writer

In the eighteen hundred and eightieth year, Alexander Kuprin entered a military gymnasium, which was later transformed into a cadet corps. Eight years later, he graduates from this institution and continues to develop his career in the military line. He had no other option, since it was this one that allowed him to study at public expense.

And two years later, he graduated from the Alexander Military School and received the rank of second lieutenant. This is a rather serious officer rank. And the time for self-service comes. In general, the Russian army was the main career path for many Russian writers. Recall at least Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov or Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet.

The military career of the famous writer Alexander Kuprin

The processes that took place at the turn of the century in the army later became the theme of many works by Alexander Ivanovich. In 1893, Kuprin makes an unsuccessful attempt to enter the Academy of the General Staff. There is a clear parallel here with his famous story "The Duel", which will be mentioned a little later.

And a year later, Alexander Ivanovich retires without losing contact with the army and without losing that array of life impressions that gave rise to many of his prose creations. He, while still an officer, tries to write and from some time begins to publish.

The first attempts at creativity, or Several days in a punishment cell

The first published story of Alexander Ivanovich is called "The Last Debut". And for this creation, Kuprin spent two days in a punishment cell, because the officers were not supposed to appear in print.

The writer has lived an unsettled life for a long time. He seems to have no destiny. He constantly wanders, for many years Alexander Ivanovich has been living in the south, Ukraine or Little Russia, as they said then. He visits a huge number of cities.

Kuprin is published a lot, gradually journalism becomes his constant occupation. He knew the Russian south like few other writers. At the same time, Alexander Ivanovich began to publish his essays, which immediately attracted the attention of readers. The writer tried himself in many genres.

Gaining popularity in reading circles

Of course, there are many creations that Kuprin created, works, the list of which even an ordinary schoolboy knows. But the very first story that made Alexander Ivanovich famous was Moloch. It was published in 1896.

This work is based on real events. Kuprin visited Donbass as a correspondent and got acquainted with the work of the Russian-Belgian joint stock company. Industrialization and the rise of production, everything that many public figures aspired to, turned into inhuman working conditions. This is precisely the main idea of ​​the story "Moloch".

Alexander Kuprin. Works, the list of which is known to a wide range of readers

After some time, works are published that are known today to almost every Russian reader. These are "Garnet Bracelet", "Elephant", "Duel" and, of course, the story "Olesya". Published this work in one thousand eight hundred and ninety-second year in the newspaper "Kievlyanin". In it, Alexander Ivanovich very sharply changes the subject of the image.

No longer factories and technical aesthetics, but Volyn forests, folk legends, pictures of nature and customs of local villagers. This is what the author puts into the work "Olesya". Kuprin wrote another work that has no equal.

The image of a girl from the forest who can understand the language of nature

The main character is a girl who lives in the forests. She seems to be a witch who can command the forces of the surrounding nature. And the girl's ability to hear and feel her language conflicts with church and religious ideology. Olesya is condemned, attributed to her guilt in many troubles that befall her neighbors.

And in this clash of a girl from the forest and peasants in the bosom of social life, which is described by the work "Olesya", Kuprin used a kind of metaphor. It contains a very important opposition between natural life and modern civilization. And for Alexander Ivanovich this composition is very typical.

Another work by Kuprin, which has become popular

Kuprin's work "Duel" has become one of the most famous works of the author. The action of the story is connected with the events of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four years, when duels, or duels, as they were called in the past, were restored in the Russian army.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, for all the complexity of the attitude of the authorities and people to duels, there was still some kind of knightly meaning, a guarantee of compliance with the norms of noble honor. And even then, many fights had a tragic and monstrous outcome. At the end of the nineteenth century, this decision looked anachronistic. The Russian army was already completely different.

And there is one more circumstance that needs to be mentioned when speaking about the story "Duel". It was published in one thousand nine hundred and five, when during the Russian-Japanese war the Russian army suffered one defeat after another.

This had a demoralizing effect on society. And in this context, the work "The Duel" caused a fierce controversy in the press. Almost all of Kuprin's works drew a flurry of responses from both readers and critics. For example, the story "The Pit", which belongs to the later period of the author's work. She not only became famous, but also shocked many of Alexander Ivanovich's contemporaries.

Later work of the popular prose writer

Kuprin's work "Garnet Bracelet" is a light tale of pure love. About how an ordinary clerk named Zheltkov loved Princess Vera Nikolaevna, who was completely unattainable for him. He could not apply for marriage or any other relationship with her.

However, suddenly after his death, Vera realizes that a real, genuine feeling passed by her, which did not disappear in debauchery and did not dissolve in those terrible rifts that separate people from each other, in social obstacles that do not allow different circles of society to communicate with each other and join into marriage. This bright story and many other works of Kuprin are read today with unflagging attention.

The work of a prose writer dedicated to children

Alexander Ivanovich writes many stories for children. And these works by Kuprin are another side of the author's talent, and they also need to be mentioned. He devoted most of his stories to animals. For example, "Emerald", or Kuprin's famous work "Elephant". Alexander Ivanovich's children's stories are a wonderful and important part of his legacy.

And today we can say with confidence that the great Russian prose writer Alexander Kuprin has taken his rightful place in the history of Russian literature. His creations are not only studied and read, they are loved by many readers and cause great delight and awe.

Kuprin A.I. - a famous Russian writer. The heroes of his works are ordinary people who, despite public order and injustice, do not lose faith in goodness. For those who wish to acquaint the child with the work of the writer, below is a list of Kuprin's works for children with a brief description.


The story "Anathema" reveals the theme of the opposition of the church against Leo Tolstoy. At the end of his life he often wrote on the topic of religion. The ministers of the church did not like what Tolstoy expounded, and they decided to anathematize the writer. The case was entrusted to Protodeacon Olympius. But the protodeacon was an admirer of Lev Nikolaevich's work. The day before, he read the author's story, and was so ecstatic that he even cried. As a result, instead of anathema, Olympius wished Tolstoy "Many years!"

White poodle

In the story "The White Poodle", the author describes the story of a wandering troupe. The old organ grinder, together with the boy Serezha and the poodle Artaud, earned money by performing with numbers in front of the public. After a whole day of unsuccessful walking around the local dachas, they were still lucky: in the last house there were spectators who wanted to see the performance. It was Trilli's spoiled and capricious boy. Seeing the dog, he wished it for himself. However, his mother received a categorical refusal, because friends are not being sold. Then she stole the dog with the help of the janitor. That same night, Seryozha returned his friend.


Kuprin's work "Swamp" tells how the land surveyor Zhmakin, together with his student assistant, returned after the shooting. Since the way home is far away, they had to go for the night to the forester - Stepan. During the journey, student Nikolai Nikolaevich entertained Zhmakin with conversation, which only irritated the old man. When they had to walk through the swamp, both were afraid of the bog. If not for Stepan, it is not known - they would have got out. Staying with him for the night, the student saw the meager life of the forester.

The story "In the Circus" tells about the cruel fate of a circus strongman - Arbuzov. He will have a fight in the arena with an American. The ribs are perhaps inferior to him in strength and dexterity. But today Arbuzov is not able to show all his dexterity and skill. He is seriously ill and cannot fight on equal terms. Unfortunately, this is noticed only by the doctor, who considered the appearance of the wrestler on the stage dangerous for the health of the athlete. The rest only need a spectacle. As a result, Arbuzov is defeated.


"Inquiry" is one of the first stories of the author. It tells about the investigation of theft, which is accused of a Tatar soldier. Second lieutenant Kozlovsky is conducting the inquiry. There was no serious evidence of the thief. Therefore, Kozlovsky decides to get a confession from the suspect with a cordial attitude. The method was successful, and the Tatar confessed to the theft. However, the second lieutenant began to doubt the justice of his deed in relation to the accused. On this basis, there was a quarrel between Kozlovsky and another officer.


The work "Emerald" tells about human cruelty. The protagonist is a four-year-old horse racing stallion whose feelings and emotions are described in the story. The reader knows what he is thinking about, what experiences he is experiencing. In the stable where he is kept, there is no harmony between the brothers. Emerald's already savage life gets worse when he wins the race. People accuse horse owners of fraud. And after long examinations and trials, the Emerald is simply poisoned to death.

Lilac bush

In the story "Lilac Bush" the author describes the relationship of a married couple. Husband - Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov, studies at the Academy of the General Staff. Drawing up a plan of the area, he made a blot, which he smeared over, depicting bushes in that place. Since in reality there was no vegetation, the professor did not believe Almazov and rejected the work. His wife Vera not only reassured her husband, but also corrected the situation. She did not regret her jewelry, paying them for the purchase and planting of a lilac bush in that same unfortunate place.


The work "Helen" is a story about a meeting of old acquaintances. Colonel Voznitsyn, heading to the Crimea on a motor ship, met a woman whom he knew in his youth. Then her name was Lenochka, and Voznitsyn had tender feelings for her. They were swirling in a maelstrom of memories of youth, reckless deeds and a kiss at the gate. Having met many years later, they hardly recognized each other. Seeing the daughter of Elena, who was very similar to her young, Voznitsyn felt sad.

On a moonlit night

"Moonlit Night" is a work that tells about one event. On a warm June night, two acquaintances were returning from guests as usual. One of them is the narrator of the story, the other is a certain Gamow. Returning home after visiting Elena Alexandrovna's evening at the dacha, the heroes walked along the road. The usually silent Gamow was surprisingly talkative on this warm June night. He told about the murder of the girl. His interlocutor understood that Gamow himself was the culprit.


The hero of the work "Moloch" is an engineer of the steel plant Andrei Ilyich Bobrov. He was disgusted with his job. Because of this, he began to take morphine, as a result of which he suffered from insomnia. The only bright moment in his life was Nina - one of the daughters of the warehouse manager at the factory. However, all his attempts to get closer to the girl ended in nothing. And after the owner of the plant, Kvashin, arrived in the city, Nina got married to another. Svezhevsky became the girl's fiancé and the new manager.


The hero of the work "Olesya" is a young man who talks about his stay in the village of Perebrod. In such a remote area, there is no special entertainment. In order not to get bored at all, the hero, together with the servant Yarmola, goes hunting. On one of these days, they got lost and found a hut. In it lived an old witch woman, about whom Yarmola spoke earlier. A romance breaks out between the hero and the old woman's daughter Olesya. However, the dislike of local residents separates the heroes.


The story "The Duel" is about Second Lieutenant Romashov and his romance with Raisa Aleksandrovna Peterson. Soon he decided to end his relationship with a married woman. The offended lady promised to take revenge on the second lieutenant. It is not known from whom, but the deceived husband found out about his wife's romance with Romashov. Over time, a scandal erupted between the second lieutenant and Nikolayev, whom he visited, which resulted in a duel. As a result of the duel, Romashov dies.


The work "Elephant" tells about the girl Nadya. Once she fell ill, and a doctor called Mikhail Petrovich was summoned to her. After examining the girl, the doctor said that Nadia was "indifferent to life." To heal the child, the doctor advised to cheer her up. Therefore, when Nadia asked to bring an elephant, her father did everything possible to fulfill her wish. After a joint tea party between the girl and the elephant, she went to bed, and the next morning she got up completely healthy.

Wonderful Doctor

Speech in the story "The Miraculous Doctor" is about the Mertsalov family, which began to pursue troubles. First, my father fell ill and lost his job. All the family's savings were spent on treatment. Because of this, they had to move to a damp basement. Then the children began to get sick. One girl died. His father's attempts to find funds did not lead to anything until he met Dr. Pirogov. Thanks to him, the lives of the remaining children were saved.


The story "Yama" about the life of women of easy virtue. All of them are kept in an institution run by Anna Markovna. One of the visitors - Likhonin - decides to take one of the girls into his custody. Thus, he wanted to save the unfortunate Lyuba. However, this decision led to many problems. As a result, Lyubka returned to the institution. When Anna Markovna was replaced by Emma Eduardovna, a series of troubles began. In the end, the institution was plundered by soldiers.

For wood grouse

In the work "On the wood grouse", the story is told from the first person. Panych tells how he went on a capercaillie hunt. As a companion, he took the state forester - Trofim Shcherbaty, who knows the forest well. The hunters spent the first day on the road, and in the evening they made a halt. The next morning, even before dawn, Trofimych led the master through the forest in search of wood grouses. Only with the help of the forester and his knowledge of bird habits did the main character manage to shoot the wood grouse.


Lieutenant Avilov is the protagonist of Overnight Lodging. Together with the regiment, he went on great maneuvers. On the way, he was bored and indulged in dreams. At the halt, he was given an overnight stay in the clerk's house. Falling asleep, Avilov witnessed the conversation between the owner and his wife. It was clear that even in her youth, the girl was dishonored by a young man. Because of this, the owner beats his wife every night. When Avilov realizes that he ruined the woman's life, he becomes ashamed.

Autumn flowers

The story "Autumn Flowers" is a letter from a woman to her former lover. They were once happy together. They were tied by tender feelings. Having met again after many years, the lovers realized that their love had died. After the man offered to visit his ex-lover, she decided to leave. In order not to be influenced by sensuality and not to discredit past memories. So she wrote a letter and got on the train.


The work "Pirate" is named in honor of the dog, which was a friend to the old beggar. Together they gave performances in taverns, which earned themselves a living. Sometimes the "artists" left with nothing and remained hungry. One day the merchant, seeing the performance, wished to buy the Pirate. Starkey resisted for a long time, but could not resist and sold his friend for 13 rubles. After that, he longed for a long time, tried to steal the dog and eventually hanged himself with grief.

River of life

The story "The River of Life" describes the way of life in furnished rooms. The author tells about the owner of the establishment - Anna Fridrikhovna, her fiancé and children. Once in this "kingdom of vulgarity" an emergency occurs. An unknown student rents a room and closes there to write a letter. As a member of the revolutionary movement, he is interrogated. The student got cold feet and betrayed his comrades. Because of this, he could no longer live and committed suicide.

The work "Starlings" tells about migratory birds, which are the first to return to their native lands after winter. It tells about the difficulties encountered on the way of the pilgrims. For the return of birds to Russia, people prepare birdhouses for them, which are quickly occupied by sparrows. Therefore, upon arrival, the starlings have to evict uninvited guests. After that, new tenants are moved in. Having lived for a certain period of time, the birds again fly south.


The story in the work "Nightingale" is in the first person. After finding the old photo, memories flooded into the hero. Then he lived in Salzo Magiorre - a resort located in Northern Italy. One evening he dined with a table d'hote company. Among them were four Italian singers. When a nightingale sang not far from the company, they admired its sound. In the end, the company got so excited that everyone sang a song.

From the street

The work "From the Street" is a confession of a criminal about how he turned into what he is now. His parents drank heavily and beat the boy. The apprentice Yushka was involved in the upbringing of the former criminal. Under his influence, the hero learned to drink, smoke, play and steal. He failed to graduate from high school, and he went to serve as a soldier. There he drank and walked. After the hero seduced the lieutenant colonel's wife, Marya Nikolaevna, he was kicked out of the regiment. At the end, the hero tells how he killed a man with a friend and surrendered to the police.

Garnet bracelet

The work "Pomegranate Bracelet" describes the secret love of a certain Zheltkov for a married woman. Once he gives Vera Nikolaevna a pomegranate bracelet for her birthday. Her husband and brother visit the unfortunate lover. After an unexpected visit, Zhelkov commits suicide, since his life consisted only in his beloved woman. Vera Nikolaevna understands that such a feeling is very rare.

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