Anastasia Ivlieva VKontakte. Have you ever wanted to get an acting education? Success on Social Media

  • Name: Anastasia Ivleva
  • Height: 174 cm
  • Weight: 65 kg
  • Date of birth: March 8, 1991
  • Place of birth: St. Petersburg
  • Activities, profession: video blogger, TV presenter

On a wonderful Women's Day in 1991, a girl, Nastya, was born. Her childhood and youth were spent in the city of St. Petersburg. After graduating from school, Nastya enters the university, where she becomes a public relations specialist. She quickly became bored with this specialty and lost all interest. She is trying to realize herself in different directions. In this regard, the girl moves to Moscow. Enters High School Ostankino television and begins to actively develop his career.

Young woman for a long time I couldn’t find something to do. Before becoming popular, Anastasia worked for a long time in a nightclub, and after that she was a manicurist in a beauty salon.

Everything changes dramatically when Nastya decides to start blogging. Long time She posted comic videos online, where she looked charismatic and very professional. Thanks to sketches of her life, Ivleva became in demand. She created her own channel on YouTube, where there are more than 150 thousand subscribers. But big income brings an account created on the social network Instagram. Nastya uploads beauty videos, mainly intended for girls. This activity provides it well.

To date, the account has more than 3.5 million subscribers, which breaks many records. Both the attractive appearance of the author and the interesting presentation of the material, all this attracts subscribers and fascinates.

Interesting fact: the girl became the first owner of a medical book with the entry “blogger”. The most frequently viewed vines are:

  • types of girls and makeup
  • top single women
  • expectation and reality
  • talking on the phone with a guy.

This is exactly what girls are interested in. After all, in these videos Nastya makes fun of different situations. But there is some truth in every joke!

The girl’s debut project was the reality show “Heads and Tails.” Today Nastya leads this project. The girl began to devote less time to her accounts, because there is absolutely not enough time. The girl admitted that after winning qualifying round she immediately had to work outside the country. Her condition was shock. Hosting such a show is not easy work, and frequent changes of scenery affect the psychological state.

Anastasia Ivleva does not hide her personal life. In 2011, she met singer Arseny Borodin. The relationship was successful, and now the young people live together. It is known that Arseny is very jealous, there are constant quarrels in this area. Her companion helped promote her social media account. networks, and often participates in the creation of vines. Nastya is completely absorbed in work, but still tries to devote as much free time as possible to her lover.

The girl does not want to remain in the shadows. In 2016, she starred in candid photo shoot for the magazine "Maxim". Nastya tries to “decorate” her shape. In many photographs you can see more than one tattoo.

Ivleva claims that a girl should be able to do everything: drive a car, cook delicious borscht, and drive own business. Nastya admitted that she wants to try acting in a movie. And what?! In Arseny’s video “Native”, Nastya professionally played the main role. Let's hope everything works out for her.

In this article we will find out who Nastya Ivleva is, how she achieved success, a little about her personal life and facts about her work.

In addition, we will find out whether Nastya Ivleeva has had plastic surgery, how many subscribers she has and what projects she is currently working on.

Childhood and youth

Previously, Anastasia was brown-haired with dark tones; she did not have the shape she has now. She studied to be a journalist and already had plans to conquer the capital.

Girl after certain point I decided to stop office work and decided to devote myself entirely to fitness. Two years later, Nastya became incredibly beautiful girl, and now more and more show business stars are taking the same path.

There are practically no photographs on the Internet before breast surgery; this is most likely due to the popularity of the star. However, there are still several photographs, and they show with the naked eye that Ivleva’s breasts were of modest size.

More likely, Plastic surgery on the chest was done shortly before participating in the television project “Heads and Tails”. Anastasia increased her bust by two sizes.

When a girl is hinted that it is only thanks to her breasts that she made it into the world, she is seriously offended and tries to prove that this is not so: she looks for different ways, looks for herself in creativity, learns languages, and so on.

Ivleeva Nastya is compared to the Russian, because her bust shape with her thin waist is incredibly similar.

With each new release of the program “Heads and Tails: Reloaded,” Anastasia appears brighter and brighter. The girl recently dyed her hair snow-white.

Nastya Ivleeva is a popular blogger, host of the travel show “Heads and Tails. Reboot". One of the most successful and currently highly paid Instagram heroines.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia was born in St. Petersburg on March 8, 1991. According to the zodiac sign Pisces. As a child, in addition to studying at school, Nastya played sports. Immediately after school the girl went to work. First, Ivleeva mastered manicure techniques and got a job in a beauty salon. But after some time, Anastasia changed her field of activity to work as a hostess in a nightclub.

The night schedule turned out to be tiring, and Nastya became the manager of a prestigious car dealership. But the office became a real cage for her. And although she tried her best to live such a life, with a salary of 25 thousand rubles. per month, she did poorly. She admits that everything would be fine if the work brought pleasure, but this did not happen to her.

Tired of office work, Ivleeva decided to devote herself to television and applied to the Ostankino Higher School. Anastasia made her debut with the program “Anything is possible!” on TV channel "Yu". The reality show was dedicated to life together several video bloggers in a multi-room house, where they improved their skills. The jury of the project, in addition to Anastasia Ivleeva, included:

Career and creativity

A cardinal turn in the biography of Anastasia Ivleeva was her Internet activity. The first vines for the author’s blog agentgirl (“Agentgirl”) were dedicated to Nastya’s fitness classes. On her blog, the girl broadcast strength exercises that she did on camera, and then she recorded the results of the exercises in the photo. Each time it was not just a dry constructive video, but a clip full of humor. The account began to quickly gain popularity, and in 4 years the number of subscribers on Ivleeva’s individual page "Instagram" increased to 3.5 million. And by mid-2018, this figure exceeded 8 million.

Anastasia Ivleeva - Types of girls and men's wallet

In 2016, Anastasia Ivleeva and her fellow Vine player became guests of the “Tonight” program with. The program was dedicated. It is noteworthy that not everyone liked it new format humor. But, despite the criticism of the adult generation, Nastya continued to create and create, because she understood that today both the humor and the audience had changed.

Blogging has become Anastasia’s main job, so her managers select every photo and video with the utmost care. Regular meetings with fans, as well as the development of pages in "In contact with" , "Facebook" and YouTube vlogs allow Ivleeva to further increase her popularity. Perhaps, for now she is not only on Twitter. The blogger’s recognition is also enhanced by her collaboration with many brands: Anastasia recently appeared in one of the Beeline company’s videos.

Anastasia Ivleeva and Ida Galich - Types of girlfriends

Together with her longtime friend, blogger, Nastya makes humorous videos dedicated to female friendship. Ivleeva posts vines that receive 5 million views on the YouTube hosting channel and on her Instagram account.

At the beginning of March 2017, Anastasia celebrated her 26th birthday. On the eve of her birthday, the girl told fans on her blog that she would soon appear on a popular travel show. The first episode of “Reboot” was released on March 19, 2017 on the “Friday” channel.

"Heads and Tails. Reloaded" - Ibiza

In an interview, the girl admitted that her parents were shocked when she told them this news, because they believed that their daughter was doing some kind of “nonsense.”

The main presenters of the 14th season of “Heads and Tails,” DJ and blogger Anastasia Ivleeva, set off on a journey along the same route that the pioneers of the project took in the first episodes of the show.

For Anastasia, the first country she visited as part of the program was Sri Lanka. TV presenters of “Reboot” have already visited the Canary Islands, Ibiza, Sao Paulo, Zanzibar, Chicago, Hong Kong, the Hawaiian Islands and others interesting places of our planet. Nastya named Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, the most attractive city, and the girl liked it least of all in Mumbai, the most populous metropolis on the planet, where terrible unsanitary conditions reign.

Personal life

At the age of 20, Anastasia Ivleeva met, a resident of the “Star Factory” and a musical soloist. The meeting took place in a nightclub in St. Petersburg. Thanks to the help of her boyfriend, she managed to move to Moscow and find a job.

Arseny's idea formed the basis for the concept of Anastasia's blog. They shot their first videos together. For 6 years, Borodin and Ivleeva continued to live together, alone happy family. In 2016, Arseny Borodin filmed his beloved in the video “Native”. In the fall of 2017, it became known that the young people had separated.

Ivleeva’s new boyfriend, judging by information from the media, was a singer, participant in the reality show “House 2”, the music television competition “Voice-4” (team). The couple hid their relationship for several months, but in December 2017, the musician released a video for the song “If you are with me,” the main character which became Nastya Ivleeva. On YouTube hosting, the video received 6.7 million views in four months. In the blog “Diary of a Khach,” Oleg publicly confessed his love for the girl, calling Nastya his reflection.

However, in the spring of 2018, the singer admitted that he was no longer dating Nastya. Ivleeva’s followers were upset by the news and thought that Oleg Miami was simply promoting himself in connection with a popular blogger.

According to Nastya Ivleeva, her personal life was a fiasco due to her busy work schedule. The girl is absent from Moscow for three months and is sometimes even deprived of the opportunity to call loved ones due to the difference in time zones.

After the Muz TV award, attention to TV presenter Anastasia Ivleeva “increased.” Rumors appeared on the Internet that Nastya began dating rapper Alexei Konstantinovich Uzenyuk, better known as. Suspicions about their romance arose even when the girl starred for the cover of Eljay’s album “360°”. Soon the lovers themselves received this information by posting shared photos on their Instagram pages.

In August 2018, Nastya visited. Ivleeva spoke about work, salary, but most of the conversation concerned intimate life stars. The conversation turned out to be so frank that everyone discussed it for a long time secular society.

Interview with Ivleeva at Dudya

Having a good figure (97 – 67 – 98), weighing 56 kg and above average height (Anastasia’s height is 174 cm), Ivleeva looks attractive in all photos.

Nastya’s photos on Instagram are often provocative in nature, which has a positive effect on the blog’s ratings. In 2016, Nastya took part in a photo shoot for men's magazine“Maxim”, on the pages of which she appeared in underwear. A year later, according to the publication, the girl entered the top ten sexiest representatives Russian show business, among which the leading place was given to the actress, and the second and third places were taken by and.

At the beginning of 2018, the fitness model received an invitation from Maxim magazine for filming an individual photo shoot. Pictures with the blogger became the decoration of the March issue of the publication. The photo used for the cover of the magazine, where Nastya appeared topless, with her breasts covered with her hands, was posted by the girl on Instagram. Subscribers noted the beauty of the blogger, but thought that Nastya was much more attractive in real life.

The girl is not shy about showing off her luxurious forms, which many fans admire. She has several tattoos on her body. On Ivleeva’s right thigh there is an unusual girl’s face, and on her wrist there is a flower arrangement. On her other hand she has an owl (by the way, she has a similar tattoo) and a heart in the form of an airplane trail.

And one day a girl decided to get a tattoo right during the filming of “Heads and Tails.” In Bangkok, Nastya got a magical Sak-Yant tattoo; according to legend, such a design attracts happiness. It is worth noting, this procedure It is done without anesthesia and with a special instrument - a long tube with a thick needle at the end. Ivleeva admitted that this was the first time she cried while getting a tattoo.

Some believe that Ivleeva resorted to plastic surgery - she enlarged her lips, enlarged her breasts, and changed the shape of her nose. But the TV presenter herself does not confirm this information; according to her, it is a matter of heredity. She also tries to exercise regularly, carefully monitors her skin, and visits a cosmetologist and dentist. And she is absolutely not afraid to appear in public without makeup.

Nastya Ivleeva now

A popular TV presenter and video blogger becomes a frequent guest entertainment programs. At the beginning of December 2017, together with rapper Ivleeva, she became a participant in the TNT channel program “Where is the logic?” The opposing team included comedians from the show “Improvisation” and, who became the winners with a score of 7:5.

Nastya Ivleeva on the project " Evening Urgant"

At the beginning of April 2018, Nastya Ivleeva appeared on the humorous TV show “Evening Urgant”, where she told the public about how she began her career as a blogger. With her usual humor, Nastya spoke about the first photos and vines that made her famous.

It turned out that the first photo that appeared on Ivleeva’s Instagram page was a photo with a cardboard model that stands at the Ostankino School of Television. And the first video, after which the public became interested in Nastya’s work, was the vine “about vinishko.” Internet users and fans of humorous videos began to subscribe to Nastya Ivleeva’s vlog.

Nastya Ivleeva replaced Lera Kudryavtseva at the MuzTV Awards

Over time, Nastya Ivleeva’s employment increased, and the girl began to shoot fewer clips for the vlog. If previously Nastya delighted fans with new videos every two days, today this period has increased to two weeks. But, according to Ivleeva, every new vine immediately becomes a hit.

In June 2018, Anastasia became the host music award"Muz TV". The girl replaced it. For some, this came as a surprise, since Kudryavtseva was announced on the posters. It turned out that the woman decided not to expose herself heavy loads in her position, confirming her pregnancy. A couple of days before the award, Lera announced that she would not participate in it. One way or another, Ivleeva coped with the task no less talentedly.

Nastya Ivleeva on the set

On February 25, 2019, fans of the blogger and TV presenter were eagerly awaiting the premiere of the series “” on the “Friday” channel. Nastya Ivleeva tried on not only the usual image of a “hooligan”, but also a responsible employee law enforcement. The plot is full of comical situations happening to the main characters.

At the beginning of 2019, Anastasia announced that the Friday channel would show both seasons of her YouTube project AgentShow. Ivleeva also announced the release of a new season of her show - “AgentShow 2.0”, where everything will be different: scenery, guests, humor. The only thing that will remain unchanged is the absence of censorship.


  • Author's video blog "AgentShow"

A millionaire blogger sounded threatening to us until we got to know Anastasia Ivleeva better. It was interesting to know her success story, her understanding of the freedom she strives for, as well as her plans and dreams.

- Fame fell on you pretty quickly. How did it all begin?

I was born and raised in St. Petersburg. At the age of 24, I decided to change my life and move to Moscow. I understand that hometown- quite difficult for my character. I moved and immediately started working. When I lived in St. Petersburg, I had no goals; when I moved to Moscow, everything changed, I had to think about how to live further, where to apply my Creative skills, a target appeared. Initially, I got an office job, which became unbearably boring and sad for me, and this was the wake-up call, I decided to make my first video.

- Do you do everything for the videos yourself?

I come up with all the ideas myself. Yes, sometimes they throw something in, I can use it, but 90% of my “creativity”.

-You shot your first video and quit?

I initially went to work to pay for my education at the Ostankino school and rented housing. I knew that as soon as I finished, I would quit. It so happened that the blossoming of my Instagram and the end of my studies coincided. Of course, now I’m not only working on the page - that would be stupid. I'm developing a business plan. I have an audience, and therefore opportunities.

- Why did you go to study? Do you want to go work on television?

In St. Petersburg, I went to study to become a public relations specialist, and already in my second year I realized that working in the field of PR was not for me. I finished my studies just for the sake of my diploma. I'm interested in cinema and television. When I first arrived in Moscow, I registered on several sites for the selection of actors, and profiles are still hanging there. In general, I want to become a TV presenter (smiles). Of course, we will now have practice on the channels, but I am aware that no one will immediately take the shot. Therefore, there is still a lot of work to be done.

- Have you received any offers via Instagram?

Yes, but these are more dubious stories. Were already existing projects, but the negotiations came to nothing. It was all due to my lack of a competent PR service at that time. I looked at everything with huge eyes and did not understand how to apply it. I wanted to find out the pitfalls, but I did it inexperiencedly. As a result, I’m not acting in films yet (laughs).

- There was no desire to receive acting education?

I would like to go to the acting department. I dreamed about this since I was 18, but then I didn’t have the courage (smiles). But now I don’t want to study for five years in order to graduate from university at 30. And again: to study acting, you need to devote all your time to it. I can not afford it.

- Tell me, what is your relationship with sports?

As a child, like any child, I was involved in different sports: athletics, basketball, volleyball. IN Gym I went for the first time in 2013. Then I hired a trainer and worked actively with him for about a year. Then I relaxed and started eating donuts and cakes. Then I moved to Moscow, and here, as I already said, all my finances were full, so I couldn’t afford to go to the gym. Six months later I got a membership and I went back to training. To be honest, after such a long break, it was difficult. Now I pulled myself together and started studying. I want to achieve a specific result. I like curvy female butt and a narrow waist, for me this is the ideal figure. This is what I want to achieve, to please myself. This is my personal feeling of sexuality.

- With the advent of popularity, the number of haters increases. How do you deal with negativity?

I had several stages of perception of this topic. At first I was very upset. My horoscope is Pisces, and this is a very receptive sign. Then I wanted to delete the video under which there were negative comments. Then came the evaluation stage percentage. I have 3,000 positive comments under the video, of which only 100 are negative. What outweighs? In general, it seems to me that all these negative people are self-contained people who are the genetic trash of our planet. I feel sorry for them. And then the stage began when I wanted to answer everyone. But I wanted to do it in a sarcastic manner. Then I realized that since a person doesn’t have the brains to understand that they shouldn’t write negative things, they definitely won’t understand my sarcasm. Yes, I don’t like a lot of things either. But I keep my opinion to myself.

- Do they recognize you on the street?

Often. I’m walking all daring - in a T-shirt, glasses, a cool song in my headphones. But as soon as they come up to me and ask me to take a photo, I immediately feel stunned. I'm starting to get very embarrassed!

- Do you have a filming schedule?

Yes. I notice that many bloggers first post every 2-3 days, and when they reach a certain number of subscribers, they start once a week, a month. And people are already criticizing more, because they are waiting, they think that as a result they will see something enchanting, but what turns out is some kind of nonsense. I try to post something new every three days.

They offer. But, unlike many, I try to make it as interesting and veiled as possible. And she doesn’t stay on my page for long. I think people notice this and are happy to subscribe to a “clean” account (laughs). Like this!

- Did you come up with the prices for it yourself?

I came from specialized social networking sites. But I'm not a greyhound. And I have a position: inexpensive, but high quality and again, everything is individual. This attracts people more. Advertising on Instagram made me free from employers. It's good that a hobby can generate income.

- Let's talk about Moscow. How do you like the city? Didn't want to return to St. Petersburg?

I can't say anything bad about Peter. This beautiful city, which inspires me. There I turn into a romantic girl who is looking for love, but still can’t find it. But the atmosphere there is lazy. And all the people seem to be high, they are cosmic. Now I love St. Petersburg as a tourist. When you live in a city, you don't enjoy the architecture and the streets. Now I enjoy walking along the embankments, taking in the energy of the city. I like missing St. Petersburg, but not living there. I'm not happy with Moscow either. I would like to live in some calm place where there are not so many inappropriate people. For example, in New Zealand. But in terms of motivation, Moscow is good. The city accepted me, and I never once regretted moving here.

- What kind do you have? future plans? Do you want to start a family?

Before moving to Moscow, I actively pushed this thought away from myself and used standard phrases that first I need to make a career. But my thought is this: if you have the right person next to you, he will never choke you and prevent you from realizing yourself. I believe that there is nothing wrong with marriage. But only when the couple is harmonious, then incredible goals can be achieved. Unfortunately, this is now rare. My dream is to create a family where there will be support, respect and a sense of freedom.

- Many bloggers hide their personal lives. How do you feel about this?

- What is your view of everyday life?

I want to learn to be a free man. I don't want to depend on bad opinions, influences, people, situations, sadness, anger - all the negativity. Osho rightly said: “You need to be in harmony with yourself, only then will you be free.” You must learn to be alone and remain happy in this state, then people will be drawn to you.

Photographer: Veronika Arakchieva

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Full name: Anastasia Vyacheslavovna Ivleeva

Stage names: Nastya Ivleeva

Age: 28 years

Zodiac sign: ♓ Fish

Place of Birth: Russia, Razmetelevo village, Vsevolzhsky district, Leningrad region.

Nationality: Russian

Height: 174 cm

Family status: Single

Education: higher education (St. Petersburg State University, television school "Ostankino TV")

Activity: TV presenter, video blogger

Who is Nastya Ivleeva

Ivleeva Anastasia Vyacheslavovna is a popular video blogger and presenter on Russian TV channels, a real Instagram star, her account is one of the top ten, more than 11 million people have already subscribed to it.

TV presenter and blogger Anastasia Ivleeva

Since March 2017, she has been the TV presenter of the travel program “Heads and Tails. Reboot,” left the program in December 2018. In 2017, Ivleeva was awarded the Glamor magazine award as “Woman of the Year” and the title “Brightest Instagram Viner” from NeForum Awards.


Anastasia Ivleeva was born on March 8, 1991 in the village of Razmetelevo, Koltushsky settlement, Vsevolzhsky district, Leningrad region. It is not known exactly who Nastya’s parents are by profession, but in her interviews Ivleeva said that she and her mother are real friends.

Family and childhood of Nastya Ivleeva

Mom never forced her daughter to do anything. If Nastya wanted to get another tattoo or decided to quit her job, then her mother would just shrug her shoulders and calmly say: “If you really need it, then do as you know.”

Anastasia was born in St. Petersburg

In 2000, Nastya was born younger brother Anatoly, with whom they were very friendly. In 2018, he was drafted into the army, the guy serves in the military unit of the city of Kaluga. Nastya and her mother went to Anatoly for the oath, which Ivleeva shared with her subscribers.

Anastasia with her brother (on the right in the photo)

Anastasia studied at a regular school, and devoted a lot of time to sports activities. At first, her parents sent her to different sections for general development and health. And when she became a teenager, Nastya herself set priorities for herself; she dreamed of an ideal figure with a very thin waist. Ivleeva realized her dream, it’s not for nothing that she is photographed for the most popular men’s magazines.

Anastasia Ivleeva as a fashion model

After graduating from school, Ivleeva became a student at St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations. But after studying for two years, the girl realized that this type of activity was not of particular interest to her. She began to try herself in other directions, completed courses to become a manicurist, and for some time worked in a salon in Koltushi, 12 km from St. Petersburg. Then she got a job at an entertainment establishment in St. Petersburg as a hostess.

Nastya tried herself in different areas activities

Nastya’s fans think that her life is all about parties and fun, but in fact, Ivleeva was actively looking for herself. So in 2015, she decided to change not only her profession, but also her place of residence; Anastasia moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

Career of TV presenter and video blogger Anastasia Ivleeva

Ivleeva’s biography is full of accidents, for example, this is how she became a famous video blogger. Back in 2013, Nastya started her blog on Instagram, where she published materials on sports topics. But one day, without any script or plan, I made a video with a friend where a girl alone in a bar drinks wine, first from one straw, then from two. Reviews and likes poured in immediately. I decided to make a second video, which has already hit the public with millions of subscribers.

Anastasia Ivleeva at the beginning of her career, photo 2015

Then Ivleeva realized that this matter must be continued. Artistry and creative potential Anastasia quickly attracted an audience; small comic vines on Instagram brought her particular success. Now Nastya has her own YouTube channel, where she already has about 2 million subscribers.

Nastya has a huge audience of fans on Instagram

Soon she really wanted to get on TV, she was ready to work hard, start with small projects and grow to big ones. Therefore, I entered to study to become a TV presenter in High school Ostankino television. Her television debut took place in the fall of 2016 on federal channel"Yu" in the reality show "Everything is possible."

Ivleeva in the reality show “Everything is possible”

In 2017, Ivleeva was cast in the travel show “Heads and Tails. Reboot" (TV channel "Friday"), where she became a presenter paired with Ukrainian showman Anton Ptushkin. In June 2018, Nastya launched her program on YouTube - “Agent Show”; celebrities came to visit the girl and shared their revelations. This entertainment project has become important stage in Anastasia’s career as a presenter.

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