Upcoming updates in world of tanks. How to update the World of Tanks game client

Composers Andrius Klimka and Andrey Kulik studied folklore and authentic musical instruments, characteristic of each region represented on the maps in the game. More than 50 musicians from all over the world recorded parts national instruments. In update 1.0 you can hear melodies and motifs different cultures- from Indian to Arabic. The composers combined this material with a symphonic sound and a combative atmosphere. Some of the music was recorded with Prazhsky symphony orchestra FILMHarmonic. Orchestra conductor Adam Clemens participated in the recording of the soundtracks for your favorites “Game of Thrones,” “Fargo” and “District 9.” New music dynamic: changes depending on game moment and takes the emotions of what is happening to a new level.

The team is structured in such a way that all people are composers, they create music and at the same time create a huge layer of game sounds: explosions, sounds of a running engine, caterpillar movements, gunshots. Update 1.0 is 1.5 years continuous operation two composers and more than 80 thousand fights per department.

In a year and a half, two full-length albums were written. By standards music industry it's more than fast. If we ignore the fact that the battle music is literally endless, and take 3 minutes from each composition, it turns out that more than 2.5 hours of music material was written for the update.

Andrius Klimka, sound designer, composer: “I remember how I had to make a shot from a tank - the most powerful shot in the game. Imagine what a responsibility! I needed to listen to it 250 times a day, and doing it quietly is pointless, you need to hear all the power. When I went home, my colleagues didn’t even talk to me: they knew that I couldn’t hear anything anymore.”

Creating a tank model begins with receiving terms of reference from historical consultants. Usually these are drawings, descriptions, and a selection of photographs for each element of the machine, which are sufficient to reproduce a 3D model. Sometimes find detailed information It's simply impossible. In such cases, the team goes to the armored tank museum to scan the unique vehicle and obtain a dimensional model.

One of these tanks was the Strv-103b. After making sure that all the necessary information is available, the design artists computer graphics they begin to build the geometry of the tank. At this stage, it is important to observe many nuances: the angles of inclination of the armor plates, the axis of rotation of the vehicle components, the number of bolts, the declination angles of the gun, the correct intersection of elements. After this comes the stage of working out the details. Everything that cannot be conveyed using geometry is transferred to relief maps (Normal Map). These could be chips, traces of being hit by a shell, milling - anything that will make the tank more unique and graphically rich. The process of creating a model is completed by the stage of applying materials. Using a previously created library of materials, designers determine where rubber, abraded metal, paint, or spilled fuel will appear. The World of Tanks team is constantly looking for new solutions to make each of the materials even more beautiful and the tanks more realistic. When the final model is ready, it is sent to the game engine.

Mikhail Vaiser, computer graphics artist: “In the Swedish museum we took about 800 photos of the Strv-103b tank from all angles. When we processed the photographs and built a 3D model, of course, it turned out to be so heavy that it could not be released into the game: no computers would have been able to handle it. Therefore, we made a lightweight gaming model, where fine detail remained, right down to the bolts.”

New graphics in World of Tanks

First of all, World of Tanks programmers are tank players. And as players, they're trying to make tanks better: to increase realism and make people feel like they're driving a real vehicle in a combat environment, rather than on some toy plane in a toy world of tanks.

Three years ago it became clear that it was impossible to improve this immersion with new textures and models alone, and the content itself was severely limited by technology - the old BigWorld engine. Therefore, the company decided to rework almost all aspects of the graphics engine: from displaying small pebbles to huge mountains, from small puddles to lakes, from small blades of grass to dense forests.

In the new Core engine, great attention was paid to details, especially the interaction of the player with the outside world: the grass sways when fired, the tank gets wet when immersed in water, creates waves and leaves realistic marks. Lighting is based on the laws of nature: the update introduced advanced glare from the sun. A mixture of all this gives a realistic perception of the picture.

Irakli Arkhangelsky, graphics engine software engineer: “For the last year and a half we have been optimizing so as not to lose our players. The principle point was not to change system requirements and keep performance the same: new graphics- that's great, but what if the player doesn't have a very powerful car? The game must provide a guaranteed level of quality. We succeeded, and after the update, even players with weak hardware can play World of Tanks.”

Location design. Cards

Work on the map begins in the level design department. Level designers take a piece of landscape and sketch out fields somewhere, forests somewhere, designate roads, paths and set up temporary houses.

Then the workpiece goes through several iterations of testing. As soon as the gameplay is more or less suitable, the workpiece moves to the supervision department. In supervision, references are collected for the map: analogues, pictures.

After this, the map goes to the level art department, where additional references are collected to saturate the map. Location designers choose a region for the map and look at what kind of paving stones there are, what kind of trees, houses, mountains, grass there are. After this, the map can be supplemented with finely detailed content, textures can be created and animations can be made for grass and water.

Pavel Sugak, location artist: “In update 1.0, the maps became more realistic due to the addition of geometry. The stones became sharper, edge geometry appeared, and the cards became more voluminous. If before it was just a playable square, now it is 16 km. The edge geometry is not gameplay, it is a continuation of the picture in the non-game zone. Now you can drive a tank to the edge of the map and look into the distance.”

Tank museum and World of Tanks community

The World of Tanks tank museum contains things that people make with their own hands at WoT competitions or simply send to the Wargaming office: tanks made from matches, tank shoes, knitted tanks. Those who send packages are always contacted and offered to thank them, and it turns out that people do this just for the sake of their favorite game. This is an indicator of the health of the project, which shows that the creators are moving towards in the right direction. People get positive emotions from tanks and are willing to spend time to additionally create something for the game.

Wargaming conducts many offline activities for players and the development of patriotic themes. These are tournaments in 20 cities of the CIS, WG-fest and Tankman Day in Minsk.

The product operations team in the CIS region of 41 people participated in update 1.0. The team prepared all tests for the update, starting with internal prototypes and the first sandboxes for players, collected and processed feedback during tests, and searched for bugs and inaccuracies. Here they created news materials for the portal and hundreds of posts on social networks from the very first stage of testing. We made streams, videos, reviews and test broadcasts of all preparatory stages updates. We wrote songs about the update, answered questions from players, helped with technical problems. During the days when the update was launched, the operations team was on duty at night and responded to the first messages in the game on the day of release.

Evgeniy Krishtapovich, regional producer: “Now we can confidently say that we have a unique collaboration with the players in the industry, but it was a difficult path. Over the eight years of the project's existence, we had different relationships: when we first started, we did not know how to take criticism. Then we realized that we were making a lot of mistakes because we weren’t listening to the players’ opinions. Now World of Tanks is made not only by the development team and the operations team, but also by the players. We show them all the changes, explain what we want to achieve with this, listen to their comments and criticism, and answer their questions. It is very important that this criticism exists. Only if all parties agree will we implement what we have in mind.”

Wargaming company

Last year, 411 people were hired in Minsk. Of these, 107 are from other countries, 90% are from Russia. Wargaming is constantly looking for the expertise that local market can't always give. Currently, 2,082 people work in Minsk; in total, the company has more than 4,000 people. Average age employees are 31 years old, which is higher than in the industry as a whole, because people of expert level are attracted here: Wargaming practically does not employ junior developers. However, in 2017, the company began to specifically target students and provide training that will allow them to get into Wargaming or another company in the industry.

In Minsk, 70% of employees are men, 30% are women. In order for girls to come more often to development, game development, and IT, the company is separately promoted to a female audience.

From the first hours of work at Wargaming, new employees are immersed in the gaming atmosphere. The adaptation program here is a quest that an employee completes and earns achievements. At the end there is a prize waiting for him. Adaptation usually lasts three months.

Wargaming has its own university for employees. In 2017, 3,700 people were trained in Minsk and other offices. On average, 500 people study every year English language. In addition to English, the university has an online educational platform, leadership programs for managers, and specialized proprietary courses taught by Wargaming employees.

The best minds gather where they are concentrated. Wargaming has 2 offices in the Czech Republic (Prague and Brno), a team in Cyprus (Nicosia), an office in China (Shanghai), Ukraine (Kyiv) and, of course, in Minsk, where 20 years ago a company emerged from a small group of enthusiasts that creates legendary games.

Olga Lavrentieva, Employer Brand Manager: “Wargaming employs unique people who are passionate about a common idea. Finding these people is extremely difficult. They know their worth, they are well educated - by the way, not always specifically in the field of game development. The main thing is that these are people with a passion for the gaming industry.”

User Experience

Wargaming has a laboratory where they conduct tests, to which real players are invited. Many techniques are used here, ranging from a regular interview to complex biometric studies, during which they measure the player’s reaction, determine how his brain works, how he reacts to what is happening in the game, and track his gaze. Why is all this needed? To answer the key questions that determine whether a person will continue to play: whether he likes it, what emotions arise during the process, whether he understands how to interact with our interface.

Representatives take part in the research target audience WoT. Not developers or anyone who has nothing to do with tanks. It is important to understand that developers and players have different backgrounds, so their opinions often do not coincide.

Andrey Lizun, User Experience researcher: “A year and a half ago, we were given the task of taking the sound of tanks to a whole new level, making it as realistic and ambience as possible. A person who plays World of Tanks should feel like he is actually sitting in a tank and fighting. As life has shown, after the first tests, the ideas of players and developers about what is realistic did not coincide. The players said: “Where did you hear such sounds?” Of course, we were surprised, because our guys were at the training ground and, sitting in the tank, recorded the creaking of the tracks and the crunch of the gearbox. When we started looking into it, it turned out that players consider the sound of a tank that they heard in movies, TV shows or other games to be realistic. As a result, now in tanks there is a sound that balances on the edge of realism and fiction, artistic realism. The players accepted this option and were happy.”


Over the years, World of Tanks has become a space where people come primarily for emotions: the joy of victory, the excitement of battle, confidence in their teammates. Players gather and real life to do good deeds, visit museums, restore equipment, spend time with families. World of Tanks began digitally and is evolving as a game, but tanks have become a part of real life that takes place outside of the servers. The game brings people together different ages And different professions, she became part of male culture. Tanks are a topic of conversation among avid friends and future comrades. The release of the WoT 1.0 update will be a new impetus for this movement.

The picture in WoT 1.0 has moved to a whole new level of realism: stains on the water, a blast wave. Little things like this blur the line between tank battles and real world. All this gives players new sensations. WoT remade a huge number of old maps, which sparkled with new colors, and added new locations, a new Calm map.

Yuri Kuryavyi, Publishing producer: “The other day we launched game servers, and what we saw was the most pleasant moment for us, the developers. Instead of shooting and breaking through flanks, players simply stand, rotate their turrets and look at this new world. WOT 1.0 begins."

The first patch has been released on the Sandbox server in World of Tanks! Revision of mechanics, change in performance characteristics, etc.

"Sandbox", changelog 1.0.3

Description of changes 1.0.3


Stun from a self-propelled gun consists of two components: a base stun time, depending on the characteristics of the projectile, and an additional time, depending on the damage dealt. We've changed how the base stun time works so that the stun duration has increased slightly and the additional stun time has been reduced slightly - making the stun more dependent on the characteristics of the projectile and more predictable.
- The negative effect of stun on the turret rotation speed and gun aiming time has increased slightly.
- A stun lasting less than three seconds is not applied to the tank.

The Conqueror Gun Carriage's behavior in combat was similar to the T92. To increase the difference in tank behavior, the following changes have been made:

* B.L. gun aiming time 9.2-in. Howitzer Mk. II increased from 6.5 to 6.6 s.
* Reload time for B.L. gun 9.2-in. Howitzer Mk. II increased from 55 to 59 s.
* B.L. gun spread 9.2-in. Howitzer Mk. II when turning the barrel is increased by 40%.
* Armor penetration of the HE Mk. 18 B.L. guns 9.2-in. Howitzer Mk. II reduced from 47 to 46 mm.

Three representatives of the self-propelled gun class have been slightly improved to increase their combat effectiveness. We are still searching ideal ratio damage and stun for self-propelled guns.

* Aiming time for the 21 cm Mörser 18/2 gun for the G.W. turret. E 100 reduced from 5.5 to 5.2 s.
* Reload time for the 21 cm Mörser 18/2 gun for the G.W. turret. E 100 reduced from 45 to 43 s.

* The reload time of the 240 mm Howitzer M1 gun for the T92 turret has been reduced from 55 to 54 s.

Bat.-Châtillon 155 58:

* Reloading time for the Canon de 155 mm gun for the Batignolles-Châtillon 155 mle turret. 58 reduced from 60 to 55 s.
* The traverse speed of the Batignolles-Châtillon turret is 155 mle. 58 reduced from 8 to 7 deg/s.


The following vehicles showed excessive combat effectiveness, so their parameters were changed.

T57 Heavy Tank:

* The reload time of the 120 mm Gun T179 gun for the T169 turret has been increased from 28 to 35 s.
* The armor penetration of the AP-T M358 projectile for the 120 mm Gun T179 gun has been reduced from 290 to 270 mm.
* The armor penetration of the HEAT-T M469 projectile for the 120 mm Gun T179 gun has been reduced from 315 to 300 mm.

AMX 50 Foch (155):

* The spread of the gun due to the movement of the AMX 50 Foch (155) chassis has been increased by 25%.
* Gun dispersion due to rotation of the AMX 50 Foch (155) chassis has been increased by 25%.
* The reload time for the drum of the 120 mm AC SA46 gun for the AMX 50 Foch (155) turret has been increased from 23 to 30 s.

The vehicles listed below had insufficient combat effectiveness, so their parameters were improved.

* The turning speed of the AMX 50 B chassis has been increased from 20 to 28 degrees/s.
* The traverse speed of the AMX 50 B turret has been increased from 24 to 28 deg/s.

- “Object 263”:

* The dispersion of the gun due to the movement of the Object 263 chassis has been reduced by 25%.
* The dispersion of the gun due to rotation of the Object 263 chassis has been reduced by 25%.
* The aiming time of the 130 mm S-70A gun for the Object 263 turret has been reduced from 2.5 to 2.2 s.
* The dispersion of the 130 mm S-70A gun when rotating the barrel has been reduced by 50%.

* Aiming time for the 120 mm Gun L1A1 gun for the FV215 turret has been reduced from 2.5 to 2 s.
* The reload time of the 120 mm Gun L1A1 gun for the FV215 turret has been reduced from 10.5 to 9 s.
* The dispersion of the 120 mm Gun L1A1 gun when rotating the turret has been reduced by 43%.

Bat.-Châtillon 25 t: in one of the previous iterations, one shell was removed from the tank’s drum. This is due to the fact that even taking into account the reduction in one-time damage, its potential damage per reel remained high due to the revision of the hit points of many vehicles. All subsequent changes to this machine are due to the search for a new gameplay niche for it that is comfortable for players.

* Aiming time for the 105 mm mle gun. 57 (D. 1504) for the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret reduced from 2.2 to 1.9 s.
* Time between shots for the 105 mm mle gun drum. 57 (D. 1504) reduced by 9%.
* Durability increased from 1500 to 1600 units.

* Improved hull armor.

* The turning speed of the T110E3 chassis has been increased from 16 to 22 degrees/s.
* The reload time of the 120mm AT Gun M58E1 gun for the T110E3 turret has been reduced from 10.6 to 9.3 s.

T-54 lightweight: Since the turning speed of the tank in version 1.0.2 made it difficult to move the vehicle, leading to skidding, we made control at speed more comfortable.

* Turning speed of the T-54 region chassis. option reduced from 78 to 70 deg/s.
* Turning speed of the T-54 region chassis. reinforced version reduced from 78 to 70 deg/s.

With the release of each update, there is a need to update the client.

Basically, it automatically updates itself, but there are situations when:

The game itself tells you that you need to update the client;
after installing a game update, the client gives an error;
During the client update, additional downloading of updates begins.

Most of the problems that arise with updating the client in a gaming application can be associated with the extensive use of cheating mods. They are the ones downloaded and installed with the presence large quantity viruses do not allow a gamer to play normally in an online game.

Let's look at some ways to update the World of Tanks game client

1. We try to launch the game application file with a link to the new update. After launch, the client must update itself, so it provides for independent (automatic) updating.

2. In cases involving a manual or selective update method, you must go to the official website of the game application in the “Game” tab, find the released one by date Last update. Select the required file and download it to the World of Tanks installation folder.

The next step is to launch the client and, if necessary, specify the path to the update to the new downloaded update file

3. If the client refuses to start, you need to check for permission to automatically install updates. If there is a ban, the game will not start without updating and rebooting.

4. Sometimes you need to find “Launcher” in the installation folder and launch it. This action will push the braking system to quickly update.

5. The last way to update the client Games World of Tanks and solve problems with the game not starting after an update, you can call it eliminating prohibited modifications.

It is a large number of them that sometimes do not give permission to automatic update client.

Therefore, it would not be sad for “honest” players, but they will have to remove all prohibited mods and run the client to update. Subsequently, of course, you can download and install all the necessary mod packs again. But again, this is at your own peril and risk, since they are prohibited and in the future they may also be a source of such problems.

You don’t have to touch official mods, they can’t cause any glitches and when you remove cheating mods, others shouldn’t be touched.

27.4.2017 3444 Views

Game servers will be unavailable on April 27 from 4:00 to 10:00 (Moscow time), however, you can download the 0.9.18 WoT update until technical work is completed.


  • The game situation on the Global Map is “frozen” from April 27, 4:00 (MSK) to April 28, 4:00 (MSK).
  • The clan portal will be unavailable on April 27 from 4:00 to 10:00 (Moscow time).
  • On April 27, “Offensives” will not be carried out in Fortified Areas.

Download World of Tanks from the official website:

Russian region. Current version of the game: 9.18

1. Select the download folder

2. Wait for the file to download

3. Run the downloaded file and follow the instructions

What's new in World of Tanks update 0.9.18:

Improved balancer

The new balancer is a template algorithm that selects equal team compositions in the minimum time. First of all, the balancer tries to create a three-level battle using the 3/5/7 template. If it might take too long to assemble commands using this template, the system loosens restrictions to assemble commands faster. Also, due to the composition of the queue, the balancer can create a two-level or one-level battle. Moreover, most battles will be three-level. Thus, you won’t have to wait long for the battle - the balancer will always select the optimal composition of teams based on the current situation on the server. With the new balancer, you will always be facing a team consisting of the same number of cars at the top/middle/bottom of the team list as your team. Moreover, regardless of the chosen template, the number of cars at the bottom of the team list will be greater than the cars in the middle, and they, in turn, will be more numerous than the cars at the top. Simply put, no matter which part of the list your vehicle falls into, there will always be enemy tanks of a similar level for you, which will allow you to have a greater influence on the outcome of the battle.

Expansion of light tank branches to level X

Light tank branches will be expanded to level X and will receive a standard battle level (±2), which will diversify game process on LT and will make it more enjoyable. They will no longer have to suffer: fast, but extremely “fragile” Tier VIII tanks will now play against “ten” tanks, but the number of Tier X tanks will not be significant - “eighth” tanks will easily find opponents that can match their strength. However, that's not all! Having received full-fledged research branches, light tanks turned into independent combat units and received a number of balance changes. They will still play the role of scouts, but will have decent firepower and excellent speed to influence the outcome of the battle when needed. New light tanks of Tier X will be faster and more maneuverable than their “brothers” at more low levels. Stabilization, maneuverability, armor penetration and damage will allow light tanks to perform excellently in combat at short and medium distances. In duels against STs, light tanks of Tier X will be far from being “whipping boys.” Their guns will be only slightly inferior to those of medium tanks, and their armor penetration will be enough to penetrate the side or stern of any enemy. Anyone who does not pay attention to them in battle will make a big mistake.

Changing the game mechanics of self-propelled guns

The new stun mechanic turns self-propelled guns into long-range fire support vehicles: effective team players will be able to reduce the combat performance of enemy tanks and set the direction of attack while remaining behind the backs of their allies. Having lost the ability to inflict high one-time damage, self-propelled guns will temporarily reduce the mobility, accuracy and reloading speed of enemy vehicles. The duration of the stun can be reduced with anti-fragmentation lining or completely removed with the help of reusable First Aid Kits. After the stun ends, the vehicle's parameters return to normal and the battle can continue. We have also significantly reduced the armor penetration and damage of high-explosive fragmentation shells and completely removed armor-piercing, armor-piercing sub-caliber and cumulative ammunition from the researched self-propelled guns. Now self-propelled guns will deal less damage, but will receive experience for damage inflicted by allies on stunned targets, similar to damage based on intelligence. Thus, shooting at groups of enemy vehicles will be more effective than shooting at single targets. This change, combined with the introduction of a stun mechanic, will force self-propelled gun players to adjust their playstyle and shoot at enemy clusters.

Update 1.3 for World of Tanks will be released very soon. What awaits players in the new patch and when its release date we will tell you right now.

WOT 1.3 update

Firstly, new maps will be added, decals will appear with which you can change appearance technology. Personal combat missions Now it will be possible to browse quickly and conveniently. New tanks will be added to the game. The old legendary "firefly" will be returned to the Soviet tree. They will rework the cards and add one new one. There are a lot of changes. Now the details of what awaits us in patch 1.3 for World of Tanks.

Maps in WOT 1.3

Adding new maps to World of Tanks will be a constant and continuous process. So version 1.3 will delight you with fresh game locations. The "Oryol Ledge" is being added to the game - this is a map with industrial buildings, by rail on the outskirts of the city. Against the backdrop of huge clouds of smoke covering sunlight Battles will take place on this map in World of Tanks 1.3.

In addition to the "Oryol Ledge" map in wot, in patch 1.3 such maps as "Himmelsdorf", "Mannerheim Line", "Fisherman's Bay" and "Industrial Zone" will be changed. Here are the changes in World update of Tanks version 1.3 awaits these maps:

  • Fisherman's Bay will receive additional shelters, which can be used effectively to attack from the urban part of the map. Some trees have been removed from the center of the game location. The shooting positions will be blocked.
  • Himmelsdorf will receive a new redesigned central part and convenient angles for firing. When climbing the mountain, an embankment will appear behind which you can park your combat vehicle to protect it from the enemy’s preemptive fire. Embankments have also been added to the northwestern part of Himmelsdorf near the destroyed depot. (at the very beginning you can see it on our forum)
  • The Industrial Zone is perhaps the most modified map in update 1.3. Buildings will appear on the map in places where tanks pass. The hills will become lower. Relocated obstacles in major battle areas, such as mounds of rubble and construction debris. On the territory of the coal mine, mountains of mined ore have shifted. The river in the northeast of the map will no longer have a hole, but a house will appear. And the entire eastern part of the map has been completely redesigned to give this area balance during battles on both sides.
  • Mannerheim Line in patch 1.3 it will have new places for ambushes and defenses in the northern and eastern parts of the map. So, after the update, new trees and defensive fortifications will appear on the map. Also on the Mannerheim Line, the shots that players love will disappear - you will have to look for new ones. Many obstacles that impede passage have been altered or completely removed.

In general, changes to game locations can be called balanced. The reworks are aimed at providing high-quality and interesting combat for each of the maps reviewed. Also, previously found bugs have been fixed in some other game locations.

LBZ in WOT 1.3

The number of new LBZ in patch 1.3 will be impressive. The classification of LBZ has changed. All old combat missions have been reworked. The menu for viewing personal combat missions will become truly new. At one time you will be able to see the general situation regarding the progress of the LBZ on your account.

Now, for completing LBZ in wot 1.3, reward tanks will be given out. They were the T-55A and Object 260, which received additional improvements. New rewards have been prepared for completing combat missions. To view the LBZ in update 1.3, visit the new menu in the game interface.

Changes in the LBZ include a new interface of tips with descriptions and tips for their implementation. Platoon tasks will become personal. Added a graphical progress indicator for each combat mission.

The LBZ of Operation Second Front, which we talked about in the changes in Update 1.2 and Operation Excalibur, have also been reworked.

General test of update 1.3

From 15 to 30 percent of all World of Tanks players take part in testing future updates. What changes await the game in the next patch? An overview of the general test will tell you details about all the upcoming innovations and changes that are already being tested on test servers.

Download general test World of Tanks 1.3

To participate in the general test of update 1.3, download a special installer (4 MB)

The second general test of update 1.3 will be accompanied by the addition of AI-controlled tanks to test the possibility of adding new game modes to World of Tanks. For now, the goal of adding AI tanks is to reduce the waiting time before battle.

Tanks in update 1.3

The main work in World of Tanks today is in the area of ​​expanding functionality to change the appearance of tanks. Update 1.3 kicks off a big and difficult path to give individuality to the technology in the game.

Return of the T-50-2 tank to World of Tanks

The sensation of update 1.3 will be the return of the legendary Soviet tank T-50-2 to the game. At one time, when the T-50-2 was removed from World of Tanks, it turned out to be a big wave for the creators of the game negative reviews. But then the developers did not listen to the opinion of the gaming community and removed the tank anyway. And now, a few years later, the tank returns. For now only for the super test.

We are waiting for the "firefly" based in patch 1.4 or 1.5. The likelihood that a tank will be added to level 5 is negligible. Most likely he will receive the status of a level 10 tank or 7th in extreme cases. The developers plan to maintain the characteristics of the T-50-2 that it previously had.

Decals in World of Tanks

The new patch version 1.3 will add decals to the game big size for all level 10 vehicles and level 8 premium tanks. To select a decal, you need to enter the tank appearance menu "Decals" and go to the last tab at the bottom. There will be 40 pieces added to choose from. various decals, each of which can be adjusted to size in the chosen location. You can add up to four different decals to one tank.