Martial arts add your price to the comment database. Japanese types of martial arts: description, features and interesting facts

Today, martial arts are no longer exotic for anyone. They are taught in numerous circles and sections, in sports schools and fitness clubs, it is rare that a self-respecting bookstore does not dedicate several shelves, or even an entire rack, to literature dedicated to them. What causes such popularity of oriental martial arts? Perhaps there is a fashion for everything oriental and exotic, or perhaps this trend is a response to, alas, the difficult situation in our society today, when a lot depends on the ability to protect oneself. Be that as it may, martial arts have long become an integral part of popular culture, and therefore every year the number of people wishing to join the mysterious culture of the East is growing, including in this way.

As you know, if you want to achieve success in something, you should never waste your time, scattering your efforts, and often in life we ​​have to make choices. But how to make a choice if we're talking about about a large number of types of martial arts, by what criteria to choose, what to choose? I will try to figure this out.

First of all, it is necessary to define the concepts of “wrestling” and “martial arts”, which are often used as synonyms, but are not synonyms. Wrestling is a martial art that primarily uses grappling, throwing and painful techniques; From this we can conclude that combat requires close contact between opponents. In martial arts, these techniques are used along with strikes, and sometimes with influencing the enemy at a distance, for example, throwing objects (how can one not recall the metal stars that Japanese ninjas throw).

There are a great many types of oriental martial arts. They can be divided according to different criteria - by country of origin, by the antiquity of traditions, by the basic techniques used in them, etc. I would take their popularity as a criterion, and therefore I will talk about each type, moving from the most common to the lesser known.


What first comes to mind for most people when it comes to Eastern martial arts? Of course, karate-do. This one is probably the most popular look martial art originated on the island of Okinawa. Initially, the word “karate-do” meant “the way of the Chinese hand,” since its formation was significantly influenced by the Chinese martial arts, but in 1933 master Gichin Funakoshi changed the spelling of the “Chinese” character to the “blank” character. Both hieroglyphs are read the same way - “kara”. With this replacement, the master emphasized not only the nature of martial arts - fighting without weapons - but also its independence. In 1955, the Japanese Karate-Do Association arose, and Funakoshi became its chief instructor.

There are many directions in karate that differ greatly from each other. The most popular among them is Shotokan, called by specialists the ABC of karate. It is based on fighting techniques at medium and short distances, kicks at the lower and upper levels. Shotokan requires good physical fitness and quick reaction.

One of the youngest areas is kyokushinkai, founded in 1969. The teaching methods are rigorous and, unlike other areas, the emphasis is not on philosophical aspects and moral self-improvement, but on combat effectiveness. One of the most difficult exams is the so-called “one hundred kumite” - one hundred fights without a break.

IN Shito-ryu the emphasis is on speed of movement, proper breathing and working with the center of gravity, in other words, with the ability to maintain balance. This direction includes 50 kata - sets of exercises, which is significantly more than in any other style. Some fights in Shito-ryu are fought in armor in the ancient Japanese style.

Direction goju-ryu combines karate techniques with some elements taken from Chinese martial arts. This style is distinguished by a combination of fast and smooth movements, as well as a large number of escapes, while in other areas of karate direct attack dominates.

Style vado-ryu, created in 1938, is considered the most Japanese of all. It is dominated by dodges and throws, with special attention paid to the development of a special state of mind.

Perhaps the most spectacular style is braids. karate-do due to the striking and throwing techniques used. This direction is also quite dangerous, so all fights take place with the mandatory use of protective equipment.


This Korean martial art is called differently: taekwon-do, taekwon-do And taekwon-do. Don't be confused, we are always talking about the same thing. The first name, in my opinion, is more convenient to pronounce. The second is Latinized, since in Latin the combination ae is read as "e". The third option most accurately conveys the pronunciation and spelling of this word in Korean. The term itself appeared in 1955, when, after World War II, the almost forgotten system of Korean martial arts, symbolizing the spirit of the nation, was revived in Korea. General Hong Hi Choi, who headed the International Taekwon-Do Federation in 1966, made a huge contribution to the revival of Korean martial arts. Since 1988, Taekwon-Do has been included in the Summer Olympic Games.

Taekwon-Do mainly uses kicking and jumping. Any grabs or blows to the head with hands are prohibited. Demonstration performances by taekwondo players are very spectacular; they often demonstrate breaking boards with spectacular jumping strikes.


It is believed that wushu was created by the monk Bodhidharma, who arrived in China from India in the first half of the 4th century. Wushu has many styles, including northern and southern, external and internal. Northern styles, or styles from the northern provinces of China, are characterized by wide movements and jumps, as well as large distances between fighters. The most widespread of the northern styles is considered chanquan, from the south the most popular style is nanquan. Students of external styles see their main task as honing the technique of performing techniques, while internal styles are aimed at improving the mental qualities of a fighter. Classic representative this group of styles can be called taijiquan, different smooth movements and flowing movements.

In Wushu there is a direction of the so-called sports wushu, combining the above styles, and also includes complex acrobatic elements that require great flexibility of the spine and elasticity of the leg muscles.


Having appeared relatively recently in Russia, aikido has managed to gain some popularity. This martial art was founded by master Morihei Ueshiba in 1945. The main concept of Aikido is for the fighter to achieve harmony between his own life energy and the surrounding world. In combat, an aikidoist strives to use the enemy's aggression against him. This type of martial arts is more a means of defense rather than attack, and therefore is suitable for balanced, non-aggressive people. Aikidoists compete in short white kimonos and wide black hakama trousers, which makes the fight spectacular.

Like karate-do and wushu, aikido has its domestic destinations. The most popular of them can be called Aikido volumes, combine the techniques of traditional aikido with those of judo. Tomiki Aikido includes competitions in the training program, which is very atypical for eastern martial arts, because it is believed that it is more important to master the art of combat than to win competitions. It is also worth mentioning tanto randori-ho, the art of fighting without weapons with an armed enemy. For training, a soft knife is used, which is wielded by one of the athletes, and at the end of one fight they change roles.

Thai boxing

Thai boxing, or Muay Thai, originated in Thailand in the 12th century during wars with China. Instead of gloves, the wrestlers wrapped their hands in ropes, and before especially important bouts they even coated them with glue and sprinkled them with broken glass. It must be said that this was done by mutual agreement of the opponents. Muay Thai is recognized for its spectacular kicks, but experts say they are used mainly for showmanship rather than for combat effect. In Muay Thai, strikes are performed with elbows and knees. Separate competitions are held for amateurs and professionals, and while amateurs compete in protective equipment, professionals compete half-naked, wearing light boxing gloves.

Thai boxing is unthinkable without its inherent ancient rituals. Previously, the time of the fight was counted using a coconut shell: a hole of strictly defined dimensions was made in half of the shell and lowered into water. As soon as the shell sank, the fight ended. Of course, many traditions have sunk into oblivion over the centuries, and boxers now use gloves instead of ropes, but there remains a sacred dance performed before a fight in order to enlist the support of the spirits. The fight itself takes place to the music. As a talisman, the Thais wore a mongkon - a headband - and a pratiat - on their wrist. Now these bandages perform the same functions as belts in other eastern martial arts - they indicate the level of skill of the fighter.

Although Muay Thai appeared in Russia relatively recently, its adherents are already predicting a great future for it in our country. The first step towards this has been taken: regular performances by both foreign athletes and Russian rising Muay Thai stars are already being held in Moscow.


Jiu-Jitsu is called differently jujutsu and translated from Japanese means “the art of flexibility.” This martial art arose from the ancient technique of fighting in armor. The technique is dominated by grabs, throws and painful holds - impact on pain points enemy. Currently, it is practiced to hold the opponent in a prone position.


Judo originated in Japan in late XIX centuries based on jiu-jitsu. Its name translates from Japanese as “flexible path”. For a long time Judo was not a sport, but was intended, like almost all martial arts, to develop the personality of a fighter. However, after the end of World War II, when only sports schools remained, judo became a sport. In 1972, judo was the first of the oriental martial arts to be included in the Olympic Games program, making its debut in Summer Games in Munich.

Judo, like jiu-jitsu, uses holds and submissions; This is the so-called contact wrestling, requiring the contact of the opponents' bodies. The goal of wrestling is to throw the opponent off balance and throw him down on his back on the tatami - the wrestling mat. The judo kimono has short sleeves for maximum grip comfort.

Martial arts using weapons

Kenjutsu- This is a martial arts in Japanese armor and using a sword. The combatant's behavior should be aggressive: this frightens the opponent, helps to breathe correctly and raises the fighter's morale. In kenjutsu, two types of swords are used - a long two-handed katana and a short wakijashi.

Kendo similar to kenjutsu, only the sword used is bamboo, which is more aerodynamically convenient than metal. Also, the athlete is not dressed in armor, but in a national Japanese combat suit and a lattice mask. The “kiai” cry, known to most readers from films, is considered important in kendo. They shout in almost all eastern martial schools, but in kendo shouting has a particularly important, almost ritual meaning.

Nagintado- combat sports using a bamboo naginata halberd. Interestingly, according to tradition, nagintado is practiced mainly by women.

Currently, these recently completely unknown martial arts in our country are gaining popularity, and you can even learn them in fitness centers. It is worth keeping in mind that in fitness centers the lessons of these martial arts are usually called blade and are a simplified fitness version. Coaches say Japanese fencing is quite difficult art, and only after a significant amount of time have passed, students begin to feel the sword or halberd.

In general, there are a great many oriental martial arts, and, unfortunately, it is impossible to consider them all in one article. However, in my opinion, martial arts such as pencak silat(Indonesia), is in the Tao(Vietnam) and varma kalai(India) will not soon become not only popular, but also somewhat famous in our country. Those interested can see demonstration performances in these styles at specialized festivals of oriental martial arts that are regularly held in Moscow.

The East is the East, but the West is trying to keep up with it, and therefore, in addition to martial arts, there are several Western directions that also require attention.


Kickboxing (from the English kick - kick) is a young sport that arose in the 70s. in USA. It is a mixture of boxing with elements of karate-do and Thai boxing. During fights, boxers must use protective equipment and boxing gloves. The technique uses kicks and punches; grabs and strikes with elbows, knees and head are prohibited.

Competitions are held, as in Muay Thai, separately for professionals and amateurs. There is a direction in kickboxing full contact, or full contact, in which you are allowed to put all your strength into the gift and even bring the enemy to a knockout. As we can see, this is a pretty tough sport.


In 2000, while in Rio de Janeiro, I saw street acrobats. They performed jumps one over the other, and one of the acrobats somehow strangely spun in place, stepping from one leg to the other and at some point even leaning on his hands. Unfortunately, in the photo the acrobat was captured in a half-squat on his feet, that is, in a pose that does not give any idea of ​​​​the nature of the movement. Then I did not yet know that the acrobat was demonstrating the art of capoeira - a Brazilian martial art, which soon became popular in Russia.

Elements of capoeira are stylized as acrobatic and dance moves. The fight takes place to the music and without contact with the enemy. The goal of the fight is to use lunges and acrobatic elements to unravel the enemy’s intentions and throw him off balance. In the fitness version, which fitness clubs offer their visitors, the acrobatic elements are simplified, but in order to master them, you will have to work hard.

If, after reading, you still haven’t decided which martial art to take up, then Sensei Azuma Takashi created it especially for you.


This most versatile of all martial arts was founded in 1981 and was originally called daido-juku karate-do. Sensei Takashi was not satisfied with the combat capabilities of existing martial arts, and he founded kudo, which incorporated elements of karate-do, judo, boxing, jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai. Unlike numerous remixes (and, believe me, there are a lot of them), kudo is a harmonious dynamic system. Its creator is constantly in creative search, adding more and more new techniques and complexes.

Kudo is a fairly tough branch of martial arts, and therefore it is necessary to use a protective helmet in fights. This martial arts is suitable for both beginners and experienced holders of black belts in other types of oriental martial arts. Kudo adherents believe that the main purpose of learning any martial art is not to build physical strength with the goal of destroying the enemy, and the endless improvement of the spirit.

13.11.2008 03:04:29

The most important thing in your article about martial arts, you forgot to add that when giving a child to a coach, it is advisable to check where and to whom you are giving him. For example, children's Kudo trainer Kachanov M.Yu. he rose to perfection so much that he beat his wife in the presence of his little daughter. He was convicted under Article 116. Moskovsky Komsomolets writes about the cruelty of his training. June 13, 2007. Fight club zombies. Read.

12/26/2007 23:52:40, Mom

RAHIM (M,S_kickboxing)

18.06.2006 14:25:14


18.06.2006 14:08:50

My 5 cents :)
“The main concept of Aikido is for the fighter to achieve harmony between his own life energy and the surrounding world... this type of martial arts is more a means of defense rather than attack” - a complete lie.
The concept of Aikido (as probably of all BI) is to get out of a conflict by causing maximum harm to the enemy and spending a minimum of one’s time and effort. Attack -best protection, there is no escape from this.
“Aikidoists compete in short white kimonos and wide black hakama trousers, which makes the fight spectacular” - in classical Aikido there are no competitions in principle. And it cannot be, for the reason mentioned above. The Japanese originally invented hakama to prevent the kimono from getting dirty :)
And there is no special entertainment in Aikido (unless it is a special staged fight-performance).
Tanto randori-ho, the art of fighting without weapons with an armed opponent - in normal training halls, not a soft knife is used, but an ordinary wooden tanto knife, quite hard, by the way, as well as Bokken and Dze.

It’s not clear at all about “kudo”. The Chinese have been creating their own combat systems for 2000 years and that they are not universal? And then in 1981 a “genius” appeared and “discovered” hitherto unprecedented techniques? He probably has some other body structure or maybe he learned to fly? Why is "kudo" a hard direction in B.I? Is wushu like playing checkers or what? If we are talking about martial arts, then any of them, except for purely sports, commercial ones, is aimed at causing damage to an opponent, his death. Vera, didn’t aikidoists throw you as hard as they could onto a wooden floor during training? Why is there a creative search in kudo, but not in karate? The focus of the article is not entirely clear to me. Sincerely.

03/24/2005 19:15:29, Volodza-san

All types of martial arts originate from ancient times, when fighting styles were developed and used on enemies to protect families, villages and tribes. Of course, at first the old martial arts were quite primitive and did not reveal the capabilities of the human body, but over time they were improved and transformed into completely different directions, making them more cruel and aggressive ( Thai boxing) or, conversely, soft, but no less effective (Wing Chun).

Ancient martial arts

Most historians consider Wushu to be the ancestor of all martial arts, but to refute this there are other opinions supported by facts:

  1. The very first martial arts arose in 648 BC and was called “Greek pankration”.
  2. The Turkic people, who lived on the territory of modern Uzbekistan, developed the martial arts “kerash”, which became the ancestor of modern martial arts.
  3. Hindus, like other peoples, also practiced the creation effective method struggle and, according to many historians, it was they who laid the foundation for the development of martial schools in China and the rest of the East.

Note: the third hypothesis is considered the most realistic, and its study continues even now.

Eastern martial arts: types and differences

In the East, martial arts have a completely different purpose than in Europe or America; here everything is not so much about self-defense, but about the spiritual development of a person through the performance of physical tasks, the correct overcoming of which allows one to reach the next level of harmony of the soul.

The best types of martial arts European countries are based solely on self-defense and protection of a person and society, but in the eastern arts of combat everything is completely different, where crippling a person is considered not the best solution to a problem.

When considering martial arts, one most often starts with China, which, according to many people, introduced martial arts eastern origin to other states, but to the east there are many other countries that practice their martial arts and with great success gain followers around the world.

Karate and judo are the most popular martial arts. The types, of course, are not limited to just two styles, no, there are quite a lot of them, but there are even more subtypes of both famous methods, and today many schools insist that their style is real and primary.

Chinese martial arts

IN Ancient China people practiced wushu, but until 520 this type of martial arts stood at a “dead point” in development, and only helped protect the inhabitants of the country from raids by surrounding tribes and feudal lords.

In 520 BC, a monk named Bodhidharma comes to China from the territory modern India and, under an agreement with the Emperor of the country, creates his own residence on the territory of the Shaolin Monastery, where he begins to practice merging his knowledge of martial arts with Chinese Wushu.

Bodhidharma did not work on a simple fusion of Wushu and his martial art, he did a great job, during which China switched to Buddhism, although it had previously professed Confucianism and in some places of the country Taoism. But the most important achievement of the monk from India is the transformation of wushu into spiritual art with elements of gymnastics and at the same time strengthening the combat side of martial arts.

After the work, Indian monasteries began to develop wushu trends and create sports, martial and health-improving styles of martial arts. After spending many years training the Chinese, Wushu masters reached the island of Okinawa (previously not part of Japan, but practicing jujitsu), where they studied Japanese martial arts styles and developed the famous karate.

Japanese martial arts

The first in Japan is jiu-jitsu, which was based not on contact with the opponent, but on giving in to him and winning.

During the development of self-defense, the basis was a state of mind and concentration on the opponent in such a way that the fighter ceased to see the surroundings and completely concentrated on the opponent.

Jiu-jitsu is the founder of today's judo, with the exception of traumatic throws and fatal blows to the enemy, but the basis of both arts of fighting the enemy is the same - to give in in order to win.

Combat sports

Popular martial arts do not only exist in the form of serious confrontational techniques, and many of them include styles that were originally developed as combat sports. The types of contact techniques that today belong to sports number in the dozens, but the most popular are boxing, karate, judo, but mixed martial arts MMA and others are gradually gaining popularity.

One of the first to come to the sport was boxing, the goal of which was to cause maximum harm to the opponent so that he could not see or the referee stopped the fight due to the abundance of blood. Judo and karate, unlike boxing, are soft and prohibit face contact, which is why they are valued not as martial arts but as martial arts. Sports like boxing and mixed martial arts are gaining popularity due to the contact and aggression involved, which gives them big ratings.

Other types of martial arts

Each country has its own martial arts, which were developed in the style of behavior of the inhabitants or their living conditions.

A serious example of the development of martial art based on lifestyle and weather conditions is the ancient Russian style of Lyubka fighting.

In the old days, it prepared ordinary peasants for self-defense even against professional soldiers, for which it was invented on the principle of local weather conditions. During Maslenitsa, peasants played popular game on the ice, where several rows of residents (men) walked towards each other and had to break through the “wall” of the enemy, and physical contact was allowed (with the exception of the face and groin area).

Ice prepared the peasants for difficulty and forced them to learn to maintain balance even in difficult conditions, and the martial arts itself were not aimed at harming, however, the fighters had to knock out the enemy (unconsciousness).

Types of martial arts that originated in the East. Includes types aimed at mastering self-defense and martial arts techniques. In the list of sports currently included in Russian government programs physical education,… … Official terminology

martial arts- Rytų dvikovos statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Kūno kultūros ir sporto sudedamoji dalis, kurios paskirtis skatinti individo socializaciją per dorovinį ugdymą, stiprinti sveikatą, fiziškai ir psichiškai la vinti, mokyti… …Sporto terminų žodynas

Eastern BI

Eastern martial arts- Martial art (combat system) systematized techniques of self-defense and attack, methods of training and teaching how to fight with and without weapons (usually edged weapons are used). It is necessary to separate the concepts of martial arts and combat... ... Wikipedia

Eastern martial arts- Martial art (combat system) systematized techniques of self-defense and attack, methods of training and teaching how to fight with and without weapons (usually edged weapons are used). It is necessary to separate the concepts of martial arts and combat... ... Wikipedia

Martial arts- (martial arts), types of wrestling that originated in the East and are now very popular throughout the world. B.i. require a high degree of physical preparation and good body control. On the one hand, they are a means of self-defense, and on the other... Peoples and cultures

Pose- This term has other meanings, see Pose (meanings). Pose (from French pose via German, previously from Latin pono (supina positum) “put, put”) the position taken human body, position of the body, head and... ... Wikipedia

Human pose

Body position- Pose (lat. positum put, put; fr: pose) the position taken by the human body, the position of the body, head and limbs in relation to each other. Contents 1 general characteristics poses ... Wikipedia

Commando Krav Maga- Name of martial art (BI): קומנדו קרב מגע Other names: Street s ... Wikipedia


  • Oriental martial arts,. This manual is intended to help teach citizens the methods and means of self-defense in the event of an attack by both an unarmed and an armed enemy. Described and illustrated... Buy for 430 RUR
  • Oriental martial arts, Igor Oransky. The publication is intended to at least partially satisfy the growing interest in our country in various types martial arts - wushu, karate-do, taekwondo, etc. The book is lively, exciting...

The bloodiest martial arts of the east

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There is an opinion that the martial arts of the East originated in Ancient China, and from there they spread throughout the world. In principle, this point of view has a right to exist, but the question arises: what served as the basis for the military art of the Celestial Empire?

Modern archeology shows that the origins of all martial arts are in Ancient India, namely in the combat system kalari-payattu.

Indian martial art is the oldest tradition, dating back over 6,000 years. He is considered the founder of all martial arts. According to legend, the creator of this martial art is Nataraja.

The Kalari Payattu technique was born from observing the movements of 8 ferocious animals: elephant, lion, tiger, horse, fighting boar, fighting cock, buffalo and cobra.



THERE IS plenty of evidence that ancient India had well-developed martial arts. This is reflected in mythology, religion, and art. This mainly refers to methods of warfare and the use of weapons.

Krishna fought his enemies by throwing chakras (from Sanskrit “chakra” is translated as “wheel”), and round iron plates served as weapons. They threw them, aiming at the enemy's neck, since the razor-sharp edge of the rotating chakra could decapitate the enemy.

Shiva used a huge, powerful bow, which even the strongest of mere mortals could not lift.

Kalari Payattu originated in the 4th century AD and is still practiced in the state of Kerala (South India).

Although it is sometimes compared to karate, this art definitely has more in common with kung fu. Kalari payattu is characterized by greater flexibility, mobility and lightness, for the development of which massage with vegetable oils and special exercises.

Although kalari-payattu and others national species wrestling and martial arts are practiced in modern India, they are not nearly as common as in old times. This is largely the result of influence Indian philosophy, the ability to accept everything as it is and the principles of nonviolent resistance.


The development of martial arts in India was undoubtedly influenced by the ancient religious and philosophical concept, which we know as yoga (the word “yoga” means concentration and concentration, it can be translated as “unification”). The first written references to yoga can be found in the Vedas.

If yoga, or more precisely its general developmental and health direction, is known and studied by many Westerners, then Indian martial arts in the West are much less known and enjoy much less popularity than the martial arts of China, Korea and Japan.

They say that the low popularity of Indian styles is due to the extremely poor staging of fights in Indian films. But rather, this is due to the fact that from ancient times to the present day, almost all Indian martial arts schools were closely associated with religious sects and remained closed to outsiders. Therefore, even what belongs to the description of many Indian styles should be considered as legends.

For example, legends tell of a set of traditional martial arts that terrified the conquering English Sikh warriors. The warriors were members of the Nihang religious community. They swore an oath to find death in battle. In front of small detachments of Nihangs, English soldiers, who had superior numbers and weapons, fled in panic. The weapons of the Sikhs were spears, sabers, darts and chakras - war discs for throwing, sharpened at the edges.

Legends also mention a sect of worshipers of Kali, the goddess of death.


Their martial art was based on the use of a special narrow silk ribbon, which was used to strangle the enemy in accordance with the principle of “not shedding blood.”

Kalari Payattu style different versions appeared in the 2nd century BC or in the 4th century AD. In the language of the ancient dark-skinned indigenous people of India, kalari means « sacred place», and the word payattu translated as "fight", "fighting techniques".

Thus, the name of the style can be translated as "fight in a sacred place." This is due to an interesting feature of traditional classes - they are never held in an open area.

The Brahmins, whose settlements appeared in Kerala around the 7th century AD, also made their contribution to the formation of the military tradition. There was a whole caste "half-Brahmins", which preserved and shaped military art for several centuries.

Later a caste arose "nayar": the duties of its representatives were to bear military service or be a physician to the head of a village, the ruler of a region, or the local raj.

In ancient engravings made by Europeans, you can see warriors of this caste: they fight in one loincloth, with a sword and a round shield (like our contemporaries who practice kalari payattu), or shoot from a bow.


This is how the European Giovanni Maffei describes the Nayar warriors:

“Boys of this caste begin to learn the craft of a warrior from the age of seven, doing various exercises and rubbing sesame oil into the body

- all this under the guidance of knowledgeable masters.

As a result of this training, they can bend and twist as if they had no bones.

They are excellent fighters, but show even more skill in handling weapons.

The boys go out into battle wearing only a loincloth, without cuirasses or helmets.”

It is interesting to note that in this caste, in some cases, even girls were trained in the martial art - moreover, it is known that several women were very successful in mastering it. Most of modern masters Kalari Payattu belong to this caste and trace their ancestry back to times long before the arrival of the British colonialists.

In Kerala they even believe that “if not for the betrayal of their own, the British would never have been able to seize this land.”

The decline came with the arrival of Europeans and the appearance firearms, but the art itself was preserved by several masters in different places in Kerala: from father to son, from uncle to nephew, it was passed down from generation to generation. Almost every village had its own “kalari” with a master who taught children and practiced medicine.


However, only in the 20th century did the original military tradition begin to be recognized as part of the historical and cultural heritage of Kerala, an integral part of the image of the heroic-epic past.

It was then that the word kalari-payattu began to be used. It came into widespread use only in the 20th century, when, in addition to interest in philosophy, religion, medicine (Ayurveda) and the art of South Asia, interest arose in the traditional martial arts of this part of the world, which have survived to this day.

Kalari Payattu exists as a combination of several traditions and styles, with common features: a system of introductory exercises, which, coupled with oil massage of the whole body, prepares the practitioner for training and combat; duels with swords, daggers, spears and sticks; “self-defense without weapons” technique, the goal of which is to disarm the enemy;

special meditations and breathing exercises; knowledge of vital places (marmmams) on the body - which need to be hit or protected;

medical knowledge to heal wounds and injuries sustained during training or on the battlefield; rituals that enable the practitioner to achieve success.


TECHNIQUE Eastern martial arts

Kalari-payattu TECHNIQUE includes self-defense techniques without weapons, the use of improvised means, bamboo sticks, swords and shields, spears, as well as impact on pressure points. Great importance is attached to spiritual self-improvement and the development of flexibility and mobility.

In India, when preparing a place for study, they usually first mark out a rectangle measuring 12 by 6 meters on the ground. Then they go 2 meters into the ground.

A lattice of twigs and palm leaves are placed on top, and sometimes the walls are lined with stone.

This allows you not only to hide from prying eyes, but also to protect yourself from extreme heat.

Students must enter the classroom with their right foot. Then one should bow to the hall, remembering that it symbolizes the sacred place where the ancient gods sat, and touch the feet of the guru (teacher).


When starting training for the first time, the student begins with meithari

- physical exercise, the purpose of which is achieving control, balance and endurance, necessary for practicing Kalari Payattu.

The second stage - kolthari - is training with wooden tools different lengths- from half a meter to one and a half meters.

The most important of them is ottakol, something like curved wooden saber, which is used to attack and defend vital points.

The third phase, ankathari, is devoted to learning to work with metal weapons- with a dagger, sword, spear, as well as fighting without weapons.

At this stage the student masters urumi - flexible long double-edged sword.

There are two styles of kalari - northern and southern. One has a lot of high jumps and exercises to develop flexibility, the other places more emphasis on working with weapons.

There are about 30 types of weapons in martial art. These are the lungs urumi swords, heavy swords, flexible sword(its length can reach 6 meters, in traditional practice it was wrapped around the warrior’s body), churika (a knife with hand protection, the technique of wielding which has been preserved only in India). The technique of working with a spear is also studied; in Indian schools, students are required to be taught archery.

In general, in many ways, the weapons of Ancient India in terms of technique and appearance close to the weapons of Ancient Rus'.


In the Kalari Payattu tradition there are no systems of “belts”, awards, rewards or titles. This art is the path of physical and spiritual development. Once a year, each student must undergo a system of full traditional Ayurvedic body massage, which helps to increase muscle tone and metabolism, improve flexibility and improve the health of the body.
There is no sports component in kalari.

By studying this martial art, people learn to strike with maximum force and not stop their strike, since initially in India, due to the caste system, only kshatriya warriors had the right to practice martial arts.

This is largely why there are no sparrings in kalari, but pair work, which, in essence, is a formal complex.

Moreover, all breaking of bricks, sticks and boards, which Wushu masters like to demonstrate at demonstration performances, is prohibited - from the point of view of Ayurveda, this is extremely harmful to health.



IN KALARI-PAYATTU is widely used ayurvedic medicine - massotherapy Everyone involved in this system goes through special oils. The famous temple dances of India borrow heavily from this martial tradition in terms of physical fitness and movement on stage.

As part of the life of traditional Indian society, kalari payattu is associated with traditions - religious, yogic, Ayurvedic. In particular, marmachikitsa (treatment of vital points) is a derivative of kalari payattu. This knowledge was surrounded by a veil of secrecy:

“...observe the student for 12 years, and only after that share with him the knowledge (about vital points).

Do not share this knowledge with the cruel, but only with Shiva Yoga” - this is what the ancient treatise says.


In this tradition it is known 108 vital places (marmam), the defeat of which can lead to death.

However, with their help one can also heal, restoring the balance of elements in the body - and people come to kalari to the master not only to learn how to fight, but also for treatment. Thus, the traditional kalari is both a Hindu temple, a training hall, and a place where they heal.

Also, kalari payattu is closely related to traditional Katakali dance and dramatic art: The content of the productions are stories from the epics and puranas, from the heroic past of Kerala. The performances last all night, and since battle scenes are played out, the performers need not only endurance, but also skill.

The special body control exercises and full body massage required for actors have their origin in kalari payattu.



Between the 1970s and 1990s, several Kalari Payattu schools opened in Kerala, where both Indians and foreigners can study. One of the most famous is ISMA - Balachandran Nair's school of martial arts. Dozens of men and women not only from India but also from other countries are studying here.

Students improve in self-defense methods, dexterity of movements, chowada, maiva zakkam (breath control, body relaxation, concentration of energy). The Marmachikitsa center operates here.

The history of the Russian school of Kalari Payattu dates back to 1996 in St. Petersburg with the arrival of an Ashan teacher from India. Now there are 70 people working there on a regular basis, and in Moscow - a little more than twenty.

To be strong, self-confident and, if not always, then at least very often to win is the dream of many boys, boys and grown men. Of course, you can be strong-willed and strong inside, have that very “core” of a real man, but at the same time remain physically strong enough to resist an attacker. Thanks to various types of martial arts, you can defend yourself in difficult life situations, prove yourself as best friend, son, just a man.

In addition, thanks to skillful skill, there is such an opportunity to compete at the intercity and even international level and receive the title of champion.

Isn't this the dream of mischievous boys? We invite you to talk about what types of martial arts there are and what you need to choose.


Wushu is classified as Chinese species martial arts that have a significant philosophical basis. Its supporters claim that without a spiritual component it is simply impossible to become physically strong man and gain the desired skill in this sport. It is known that the Chinese consider this martial arts a certain system of educating people.

More than eighty percent of the country's population studied in specialized wushu schools, where they not only taught martial arts, but also taught how to read, write and even communicate with people. Performed slowly, Wushu exercises are somewhat similar to mystical dances. Forms at a faster pace are a great opportunity to show the potential of your own body.

Wushu can be practiced by people with different levels preparation. Indicators such as gender, age, and physique do not matter here. Even five-year-old children can start learning Wushu.


It is also called “soft art”. It comes from Japan. Jiu-jitsu was later improved in Europe. Jiu-jitsu is called nothing less than the predecessor of judo, aikido, karate, and also sambo.

His origins are truly impressive. One day, one of the founders of jiu-jitsu saw how a thin branch, bent under a layer of snow, threw off its heavy niche and straightened up. At the same time, under exactly the same weight, a thick branch broke. At this moment the man exclaimed that it is gentleness that can defeat evil.

It is based on a fairly catchy technique and a forceful effect on the joints. An important component here is the striking technique, the task of which is to stop the attacker and throw him off balance, and then deliver a painful blow. But trainers reassure parents, since non-contact, that is, with light contact, jiu-jitsu is most often practiced.

If you wish, you can start learning jiu-jitsu starting at the age of five or six.


Another equally popular martial art comes from sunny Japan, where weapons are not used - karate. It is based on the laws of motion mechanics. Karate is called not only a fairly effective, but also a dangerous form of martial art.

Many people know how strong karatekas can be and are able to break bricks with their hands and do other incredibly difficult tasks. ordinary person actions. This is what is called contact technology. As for contactless, it is most often recommended for children. With the help of karate, a fidget will be able to develop not only an excellent reaction, but also endurance and agility.

Karate is one of the most favorite among girls and women of different ages. It is also important to say that many people practice karate not in order to participate in competitions in the future and receive various titles, but in order to be able to defend themselves in difficult life situations.

Already at the age of five or six, a girl can begin to master karate techniques.


Korean taekwondo is not far behind other martial arts in popularity. An interesting history of its origin is associated with General Chong Hong Hee. When he was still a child, he was often sick and was quite weak. When he grew up, he decided to train to become physically stronger.

For this I used karate and subak do. Thanks to regular training, he managed to improve his health. Moreover, with his light hand A new direction in martial arts arose, which over time gained worldwide popularity.


The country of origin of Aikido is the country rising sun. This is a certain defense system, where all without techniques are associated with circular trajectories. Thanks to movements in a circle, you can avoid collisions and also control the movement of the one who is attacking. Moreover, all actions must be performed elegantly, beautifully and in such a way that will guarantee protection. An experienced aikidoist can predict all the opponent's actions.

This type of martial art is capable of developing not only physical abilities, but even spiritual qualities. You can begin learning Aikido techniques from the age of five.


Translated, this struggle means “the soft path.” It is classified as one of those types of martial arts whose goal was to defeat the enemy and put him in a helpless position. This is the art of being able to defend yourself, since the techniques here are based on using every movement of the enemy.

IN real life Those who master judo win much more often than fans of other types of martial arts. Judo technique allows you not only to learn how to defend yourself from the enemy, but also how to attack. Judo can be practiced from the age of seven.

Which of the above types of martial arts to choose is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Here it is important to decide what you want - to learn self-defense or to become the best in the chosen form of martial art.

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