Read Gogol's work The Inspector General. Where did success begin? Nikolai Vasilievich GogolInspector

At the beginning of 1936, the play premiered in Moscow and St. Petersburg. However, Gogol continued to make adjustments to the text of the work until 1842, when the final edition was completed.

“The Inspector General” is a completely innovative play. Gogol first created social comedy without love line. Khlestakov's courtship of Anna Andreevna and Maria Antonovna is rather a parody of high feelings. There is also no one in comedy positive character. When the writer was reproached for this, he replied that the main positive hero“Inspector” - laughter.

Unusual and composition play because it lacks traditional exposition. From the very first phrase of the Mayor it begins plot plot. The final silent scene also surprised theater critics a lot. No one had used such a technique in drama before.

The classic confusion with the main character takes on a completely different meaning in Gogol. Khlestakov did not intend to impersonate an auditor; for some time he himself could not understand what was happening. I just thought: the district authorities were ingratiating themselves with him only because he was from the capital and fashionably dressed. Osip finally opens the dandy’s eyes, persuading the master to leave before it’s too late. Khlestakov does not seek to deceive anyone. The officials are deceiving themselves and dragging the imaginary auditor into this action.

Plot The comedy is built on a closed principle: the play begins with the news about the arrival of the auditor and ends with the same message. Gogol's innovation was also manifested in the fact that in comedy there are no secondary storylines. All characters tied up in one dynamic conflict.

An undoubted innovation was the main character . For the first time he became stupid, empty and insignificant person. The writer characterizes Khlestakov as follows: "without a king in my head". Character of the hero manifests itself most fully in scenes of lying. Khlestakov is so strongly inspired by his own imagination that he cannot stop. He piles up one absurdity after another, and does not even doubt the “truthfulness” of his lies. A gambler, a spendthrift, a lover of hitting on women and showing off, a “dummy” - this is the main character of the work.

In the play, Gogol touched upon a large-scale layer of Russian reality: government, medicine, court, education, postal department, police, merchants. The writer raises and ridicules many unsightly features in The Inspector General modern life. There is widespread bribery and neglect of one's duties, embezzlement and veneration of rank, vanity and passion for gossip, envy and gossip, boasting and stupidity, petty vindictiveness and stupidity... There is so much more! “The Inspector General” is a real mirror of Russian society.

The strength of the plot and its spring are also unusual for the play. This is fear. IN Russia XIX century, the audit was carried out by high-ranking officials. That is why the arrival of the “auditor” caused such panic in the district town. Important person from the capital, and even with "secret order", horrified local officials. Khlestakov, who in no way resembles the inspector, is easily mistaken for an important person. Anyone traveling from St. Petersburg is suspicious. And this one lives for two weeks and does not pay - this is exactly how, according to ordinary people, a high-ranking person should behave.

The first act discusses "sins" to all those present and orders are given for "cosmetic" measures. It becomes clear that none of the officials consider themselves to blame and are not going to change anything. Only for a while will clean caps be given to the sick and the streets will be swept.

In comedy Gogol created collective image officials. Civil servants of all ranks are perceived as a single organism, since they are close in their desire for money-grubbing, confident in impunity and the correctness of their actions. But each character leads his own party.

The main one here, of course, is the mayor. Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky in service for thirty years. As a tenacious person, he does not miss the benefit that floats into his hands. But the city is in complete chaos. The streets are dirty, prisoners and the sick are fed disgustingly, the police are always drunk and lethargic. The mayor pulls the beards of merchants and celebrates name days twice a year in order to receive more gifts. The money allocated for the construction of the church disappeared.

The appearance of the auditor greatly frightens Anton Antonovich. What if the inspector doesn’t take bribes? Seeing that Khlestakov is taking the money, the mayor calms down and tries to please the important person by all means. The second time Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky gets scared is when Khlestakov boasts of his high position. Here he becomes afraid of falling out of favor. How much money should I give?

Funny image of judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin, who passionately loves hound hunting, takes bribes with greyhound puppies, sincerely believing that this "that's a completely different matter". There is complete chaos going on in the court reception area: the guards have brought in geese, there are hangings on the walls. "all sorts of rubbish", the assessor is constantly drunk. And Lyapkin-Tyapkin himself cannot understand a simple memo. In the city the judge is considered "freethinker", since he has read several books and always speaks pompously, although he speaks completely nonsense.

Postmaster I am sincerely perplexed as to why I can’t read other people’s letters. For him, his whole life consists of interesting stories from letters. The postmaster even keeps the correspondence he particularly likes and re-reads it.

The hospital of the trustee of Zemlyanika charitable institutions is also in chaos. The patients' underwear is not changed, and the German doctor does not understand anything in Russian. Strawberry is a sycophant and an informer, not averse to throwing mud at his comrades.

Comical couple of city gossips attracts attention Bobchinsky And Dobchinsky. To enhance the effect, Gogol makes them look similar in appearance and gives the same names; even the characters’ surnames differ by just one letter. These are completely empty and useless people. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky are busy only collecting gossip. Thus, they manage to be the center of attention and feel important.

Having started writing The Inspector General, Gogol promised Pushkin: “I swear, it will be funnier than the devil.” Nikolai Vasilyevich kept his promise. Nicholas I, after watching the comedy, remarked: “Everyone got it. And most of all for me.”

In the comedy “The Inspector General,” Gogol satirically showed the customs and life of the Russian province. " In “The Inspector General” I decided to put together everything bad in Russia... all the injustices that are done in those places and in those cases where justice is most required from a person, and at once laugh at everything.”

A petty St. Petersburg official, Khlestakov, was passing through a provincial Russian city, where he was mistaken for a state auditor. The mayor and the employees of his staff, knowing their sins, made every effort to appease the imaginary inspector, almost trying to marry his daughters to him. Khlestakov, not understanding the reasons for this attitude, nevertheless used it to his advantage. The audience saw a clear picture of the incompetent structure of Russian reality. The comedy ended with the fact that, having seen off Khlestakov, the mayor learned about the arrival of a real auditor in the city

Characters of the comedy "The Inspector General"

  • Khlestakov,
  • his servant.
  • Mayor,
  • his wife,
  • City officials.
  • Local merchants
  • landowners,
  • townspeople,
  • petitioners.

The idea of ​​the comedy “The Inspector General,” consisting of five acts, was suggested to Gogol by Pushkin.

The history of the creation of "The Inspector General"

  • 1815 - writer and journalist P. P. Tugoy-Svinin was mistaken for an inspector when he arrived in Chisinau
  • 1827 - Grigory Kvitka-Osnovyanenko wrote the play “A Visitor from the Capital, or Turmoil in a District Town,” but it was lost at the censoring stage in St. Petersburg
  • 1833, September 2 - Nizhny Novgorod Governor-General Buturlin was mistaken for an auditor who came to Nizhny Novgorod to collect materials about the Pugachev rebellion
  • 1835, October 7 - Gogol’s letter to Pushkin: “... at least some kind of funny or not funny, but a purely Russian joke. My hand is trembling to write a comedy in the meantime. If this doesn’t happen, then my time will be wasted, and I don’t know what to do with my circumstances then... Do me a favor, give me a plot; the spirit will be a comedy of five acts and, I swear, it will be funnier than the devil.”
  • 1835, autumn - works for the “Inspector General”
  • 1835, December 6 - in a letter to the journalist Pogodin, Gogol announced the completion of the first two draft editions of “The Inspector General”
  • 1836, January - in the house of the poet Zhukovsky, Gogol read a comedy in the presence of a group of writers, including Pushkin
  • 1836, March 13 - censor A.V. Nikitenko allowed “The Inspector General” to be published
  • 1836, April 19 - premiere of "The Inspector General" in St. Petersburg Alexandrinsky Theater

    “And here he is at seven o’clock in the evening in the Alexandrinsky Theater, recently rebuilt, where the boxes, upholstered in crimson velvet, steps and columns of white marble with gilding still shine with freshness and cleanliness. Smirdin’s ticket fell in the stalls, among the guards youth, who before the start performance loudly discussed her affairs: divorces, duties, next promotions... Suddenly the crowd's chatter stopped, everyone sitting stood up. Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich entered the royal box... Then the great "Inspector General" began... The audience, seeing rampant bribery on stage and bureaucratic arbitrariness, some in fear, some with indignation, looked back at imperial box. But Nikolai Pavlovich laughed heartily. He wiped his mustache with a handkerchief and again laughed until he cried, telling the aide-de-camp, who was leaning towards him, that he had met similar types while traveling around Russia...” (A. Govorov “Smirdin and Son”)

  • 1836, May 26 - premiere of "The Inspector General" at the Maly Theater in Moscow
  • 1841 - the second version (edition) of “The Inspector General” was published
  • 1842 - third edition
  • 1855 - fourth edition

In total, Gogol wrote two incomplete versions of the comedy, two editions. During Gogol's lifetime, three editions of The Inspector General were published. Gogol worked on the text of The Inspector General for about 17 years.

Catchphrases from “The Inspector General”

  • “And bring Lyapkin-Tyapkin here!”
  • “Alexander the Great is a hero, but why break the chairs?”
  • "Take greyhound puppies"
  • “Extraordinary ease of thought”
  • “For a big ship, a long voyage”
  • “Who are you laughing at? You’re laughing at yourself!”
  • “The auditor is coming to visit us”
  • “You’re not taking it according to rank!”
  • "The non-commissioned officer's widow flogged herself"
  • "Thirty-five thousand couriers"
  • "Plucking Flowers of Pleasure"

Comedy in five acts

There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.

Popular proverb

Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, mayor. Anna Andreevna, his wife. Marya Antonovna, his daughter. Luka Lukich Khlopov, superintendent of schools. His wife. Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tyapkin, judge. Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, trustee of charitable institutions. Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin, postmaster.

Petr Ivanovich Dobchinsky Petr Ivanovich Bobchinsky

city ​​landowners.

Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov, an official from St. Petersburg. Osip, his servant. Christian Ivanovich Gibner, district doctor.

Fedor Andreevich Lyulyukov Ivan Lazarevich Rastakovsky Stepan Ivanovich Korobkin

retired officials, honored persons in the city.

Stepan Ilyich Ukhovertov, private bailiff.

Svistunov Pugovitsyn Derzhimorda

police officers.

Abdulin, merchant. Fevronya Petrovna Poshlepkina, locksmith. Non-commissioned officer's wife. Mishka, the mayor's servant. Inn servant. Guests and guests, merchants, townspeople, petitioners.

Characters and costumes

Notes for gentlemen actors

The mayor, already old in the service and a very intelligent person in his own way. Although he is a bribe-taker, he behaves very respectably; quite serious; a few are even resonant; speaks neither loudly nor quietly, neither more nor less. His every word is significant. His facial features are coarse and hard, like those of anyone who began hard service from the lower ranks. The transition from fear to joy, from baseness to arrogance is quite rapid, as in a person with crudely developed inclinations of the soul. He is dressed, as usual, in his uniform with buttonholes and boots with spurs. His hair is cropped and streaked with gray. Anna Andreevna, his wife, a provincial coquette, not yet quite old, brought up half on novels and albums, half on chores in her pantry and maiden room. She is very curious and shows vanity on occasion. Sometimes she takes power over her husband only because he is unable to answer her; but this power extends only to trifles and consists of reprimands and ridicule. She changes her clothes four times different dresses in continuation of the play. Khlestakov, a young man of about twenty-three, thin, thin; somewhat stupid and, as they say, without a king in his head, one of those people who are called empty in the offices. He speaks and acts without any consideration. He's unable to stop constant attention on some thought. His speech is abrupt, and words fly out of his mouth completely unexpectedly. The more the person playing this role shows sincerity and simplicity, the more he will win. Dressed in fashion. Osip, the servant, is like servants who are several years old usually are. He speaks seriously, looks somewhat downward, is a reasoner, and likes to lecture himself to his master. His voice is always almost even, and in conversation with the master it takes on a stern, abrupt and even somewhat rude expression. He is smarter than his master and therefore guesses more quickly, but he does not like to talk much and is silently a rogue. His costume is a gray or blue shabby frock coat. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, both short, short, very curious; extremely similar to each other; both with small bellies; Both speak quickly and are extremely helpful with gestures and hands. Dobchinsky is a little taller and more serious than Bobchinsky, but Bobchinsky is more cheeky and lively than Dobchinsky. Lyapkin-Tyapkin, judge, a man who has read five or six books, and is therefore somewhat freethinking. The hunter is big on guesses, and therefore he gives weight to every word. The person representing him must always maintain a significant mien on his face. He speaks in a deep bass voice with an elongated drawl, a wheeze and a gulp - like an ancient clock that first hisses and then strikes. Strawberry, a trustee of charitable institutions, is a very fat, clumsy and clumsy man, but for all that he is a sneak and a rogue. Very helpful and fussy. The postmaster is a simple-minded person to the point of naivety. The other roles don't require much explanation. Their originals are almost always before your eyes. Gentlemen actors should especially pay attention to last scene. The last spoken word should produce an electric shock on everyone at once, suddenly. The entire group must change position in the blink of an eye. The sound of amazement should escape from all women at once, as if from one breast. If these notes are not observed, the entire effect may disappear.

Act one

A room in the mayor's house.

Phenomenon I

Mayor, trustee of charitable institutions, superintendent of schools, judge, private bailiff, doctor, two policemen.

Mayor. I invited you, gentlemen, in order to tell you some very unpleasant news: an auditor is coming to visit us. Ammos Fedorovich. How's the auditor? Artemy Filippovich. How's the auditor? Mayor. Inspector from St. Petersburg, incognito. And with a secret order. Ammos Fedorovich. Here you go! Artemy Filippovich. There was no concern, so give it up! Luka Lukic. Lord God! also with a secret prescription! Mayor. It was as if I had a presentiment: today I dreamed all night about two extraordinary rats. Really, I’ve never seen anything like this: black, of unnatural size! they came, smelled it and walked away. Here I will read to you a letter that I received from Andrei Ivanovich Chmykhov, whom you, Artemy Filippovich, know. This is what he writes: “Dear friend, godfather and benefactor (mutters in a low voice, quickly running his eyes)... and notify you." A! here: “I hasten, by the way, to notify you that an official has arrived with orders to inspect the entire province and especially our district (thumbs up significantly). I learned this from the most reliable people, although he represents himself as a private person. Since I know that you, like everyone else, have sins, because you are a smart person and don’t like to miss what comes into your hands...” (stopping), well, here are my own... “then I advise you take precautions, because he can arrive at any hour, unless he has already arrived and lives somewhere incognito... Yesterday I..." Well, then family matters began to go: "...sister Anna Kirilovna came to my husband and I; Ivan Kirilovich has gained a lot of weight and keeps playing the violin...” and so on and so forth. So this is the circumstance! Ammos Fedorovich. Yes, this circumstance is... extraordinary, simply extraordinary. Something for nothing. Luka Lukic. Why, Anton Antonovich, why is this? Why do we need an auditor? Mayor. For what! So, apparently, it’s fate! (Sighing.) Until now, thank God, we have been approaching other cities; Now it's our turn. Ammos Fedorovich. I think, Anton Antonovich, that here it is thin and larger political reason. This means this: Russia... yes... wants to wage war, and the ministry, you see, sent an official to find out if there is any treason. Mayor. Eh, where have you had enough! More clever man! There is treason in the county town! What is he, borderline, or what? Yes, from here, even if you ride for three years, you won’t reach any state. Ammos Fedorovich. No, I’ll tell you, you’re not that... you’re not... The authorities have subtle views: even though they are far away, they are shaking their heads. Mayor. It shakes or doesn’t shake, but I, gentlemen, warned you. Look, I have made some orders for my part, and I advise you to do the same. Especially you, Artemy Filippovich! Without a doubt, a passing official will want, first of all, to inspect the charitable institutions under your jurisdiction, and therefore you should make sure that everything is decent: the caps would be clean, and the sick would not look like blacksmiths, as they usually do at home. Artemy Filippovich. Well, that's nothing yet. The caps, perhaps, can be put on clean. Mayor. Yes, and also above each bed write in Latin or some other language... this is your thing, Christian Ivanovich, every illness: when someone got sick, what day and date... It’s not good that you have such patients They smoke strong tobacco that you always sneeze when you enter. And it would be better if there were fewer of them: they would immediately be attributed to poor judgment or the lack of skill of the doctor. Artemy Filippovich. ABOUT! As for healing, Christian Ivanovich and I took our own measures: the closer to nature, the better; we do not use expensive medicines. The man is simple: if he dies, he will die anyway; if he recovers, then he will recover. And it would be difficult for Christian Ivanovich to communicate with them: he doesn’t know a word of Russian.

Christian Ivanovich makes a sound somewhat similar to a letter And and several on e.

Mayor. I would also advise you, Ammos Fedorovich, to pay attention to public places. In your front hall, where petitioners usually come, the guards have kept domestic geese with little goslings that are scurrying around under your feet. It is, of course, commendable for anyone to start a household chore, and why shouldn’t the watchman start one? only, you know, it’s indecent in such a place... I wanted to point this out to you before, but somehow I forgot everything. Ammos Fedorovich. But today I’ll order them all to be taken to the kitchen. If you want, come and have lunch. Mayor. Besides, it’s bad that you have all sorts of rubbish dried in your very presence and a hunting rifle right above the cupboard with papers. I know you love hunting, but it’s better to accept him for a while, and then, when the inspector passes, perhaps you can hang him again. Also, your assessor... he, of course, is a knowledgeable person, but he smells as if he had just come out of a distillery; this is also not good. I wanted to tell you about this for a long time, but I don’t remember, I was distracted by something. There is a remedy against this, if it really is, as he says, it has a natural smell: you can advise him to eat onions, or garlic, or something else. In this case, Christian Ivanovich can help with various medications.

Christian Ivanovich makes the same sound.

Ammos Fedorovich. No, it’s no longer possible to get rid of this: he says that his mother hurt him as a child, and since then he’s been giving him a little vodka. Mayor. Yes, I just noticed that to you. As for the internal regulations and what Andrei Ivanovich calls sins in the letter, I cannot say anything. Yes, and it’s strange to say: there is no person who does not have some sins behind him. This is already arranged this way by God Himself, and the Voltairians are in vain speaking against it. Ammos Fedorovich. What do you think, Anton Antonovich, are sins? Sins to sins discord. I tell everyone openly that I take bribes, but with what bribes? Greyhound puppies. This is a completely different matter. Mayor. Well, puppies or something else - all bribes. Ammos Fedorovich. Well, no, Anton Antonovich. But, for example, if someone’s fur coat costs five hundred rubles, and his wife’s shawl... Mayor. Well, what if you take bribes with greyhound puppies? But you don’t believe in God; you never go to church; but at least I am firm in my faith and go to church every Sunday. And you... Oh, I know you: if you start talking about the creation of the world, your hair will just stand on end. Ammos Fedorovich. But I came to it on my own, with my own mind. Mayor. Well, otherwise a lot of intelligence is worse than not having it at all. However, I only mentioned the district court; but to tell the truth, it is unlikely that anyone will ever look there: it is such an enviable place, God himself patronizes it. But for you, Luka Lukic, as a caretaker educational institutions, you need to take care especially about teachers. They are people, of course, scientists and were brought up in different colleges, but they have very strange actions, naturally inseparable from an academic title. One of them, for example, this one, who has a fat face... I don’t remember his last name, can’t get by without making a grimace when he ascends to the pulpit, like this (makes a grimace), and then he starts with his hand - iron your beard under the tie. Of course, if he makes such a face on a student, then it’s nothing: maybe it’s what’s needed there, I can’t judge that; but judge for yourself, if he does this to a visitor, it could be very bad: Mr. Inspector or someone else who may take it personally. God knows what could happen from this. Luka Lukic. What should I really do with him? I've already told him several times. Just the other day, when our leader came into the classroom, he made such a face as I had never seen before. He made it from kind heart, and I am reprimanded: why are free-thinking thoughts being instilled in young people? Mayor. I must note the same thing about the historical teacher. He’s a scientist, it’s obvious, and he’s picked up a ton of information, but he just explains it with such fervor that he doesn’t remember himself. I listened to him once: well, for now I talked about the Assyrians and Babylonians - nothing yet, but when I got to Alexander the Great, I cannot tell you what happened to him. I thought it was a fire, by God! He ran away from the pulpit and with all the strength he had, he slammed the chair on the floor. It is, of course, Alexander the Great, a hero, but why break the chairs? This results in a loss to the treasury. Luka Lukic. Yes, he's hot! I have already noticed this to him several times... He says: “As you wish, I will not spare my life for science.” Mayor. Yes, this is the inexplicable law of fate: an intelligent person is either a drunkard, or he will make such a face that he can even endure the saints. Luka Lukic. God forbid you serve in an academic capacity! You are afraid of everything: everyone gets in the way, everyone wants to show that he is also an intelligent person. Mayor. That would be nothing, damn it incognito! Suddenly he’ll look in: “Oh, you’re here, my dears! And who, say, is the judge here? "Lyapkin-Tyapkin". “And bring Lyapkin-Tyapkin here! Who is the trustee of charitable institutions?” "Strawberry". “And serve strawberries here!” That's what's bad!

Phenomenon II

The same goes for the postmaster.

Postmaster. Explain, gentlemen, what official is coming? Mayor. Haven't you heard? Postmaster. I heard from Pyotr Ivanovich Bobchinsky. It just arrived at my post office. Mayor. Well? What do you think about this? Postmaster. What do I think? there will be a war with the Turks. Ammos Fedorovich. In one word! I thought the same thing myself. Mayor. Yes, both of them hit the mark! Postmaster. Right, war with the Turks. It's all the Frenchman crap. Mayor. What a war with the Turks! It will just be bad for us, not for the Turks. This is already known: I have a letter. Postmaster. And if so, then there will be no war with the Turks. Mayor. Well, how are you, Ivan Kuzmich? Postmaster. What am I? How are you, Anton Antonovich? Mayor. What am I? There is no fear, but just a little... Merchants and citizenship confuse me. They say that they had a hard time with me, but by God, even if I took it from someone else, it was truly without any hatred. I even think (takes him by the arm and takes him aside), I even wonder if there was some kind of denunciation against me. Why do we really need an auditor? Listen, Ivan Kuzmich, could you, for our common benefit, print out every letter that arrives at your post office, incoming and outgoing, you know, a little bit and read it: does it contain some kind of report or just correspondence? If not, then you can seal it again; however, you can even give the letter printed out. Postmaster. I know, I know... Don’t teach me this, I do this not so much out of precaution, but more out of curiosity: I love to know what’s new in the world. Let me tell you, this is a very interesting read. You will read this letter with pleasure - this is how various passages are described... and what edification... better than in the Moskovskie Vedomosti! Mayor. Well, tell me, have you read anything about some official from St. Petersburg? Postmaster. No, there is nothing about the St. Petersburg ones, but a lot is said about the Kostroma and Saratov ones. It’s a pity, however, that you don’t read letters: there are wonderful places. Recently, one lieutenant wrote to a friend and described the ball in the most playful way... very, very well: “My life, dear friend, flows, he says, in the empyrean: there are many young ladies, music is playing, the standard is jumping...” with great , described with great feeling. I left it with me on purpose. Do you want me to read it? Mayor. Well, now there's no time for that. So do me a favor, Ivan Kuzmich: if by chance you come across a complaint or report, then detain him without any reasoning. Postmaster. With great pleasure. Ammos Fedorovich. Look, you will get it someday for this. Postmaster. Ah, fathers! Mayor. Nothing, nothing. It would be a different matter if you made something public out of this, but this is a family matter. Ammos Fedorovich. Yes, something bad is brewing! And I confess, I was coming to you, Anton Antonovich, in order to treat you to a little dog. Native sister to the dog you know. After all, you heard that Cheptovich and Varkhovinsky started a lawsuit, and now I have the luxury of hunting hares on the lands of both. Mayor. Fathers, your hares are not dear to me now: the damned incognito sits in my head. You just wait for the door to open and walk...

Scene III

The same ones, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, both enter out of breath.

Bobchinsky. Emergency! Dobchinsky. Unexpected news! All . What, what is it? Dobchinsky. Unforeseen event: we arrive at the hotel... Bobchinsky (interrupting). We arrive with Pyotr Ivanovich at the hotel... Dobchinsky (interrupting). Eh, let me, Pyotr Ivanovich, I’ll tell you. Bobchinsky. Eh, no, let me... let me, let me... you don’t even have such a syllable... Dobchinsky. And you will get confused and not remember everything. Bobchinsky. I remember, by God, I remember. Don't bother me, let me tell you, don't bother me! Tell me, gentlemen, please don’t let Pyotr Ivanovich interfere. Mayor. Yes, tell me, for God's sake, what is it? My heart is not in the right place. Sit down, gentlemen! Take the chairs! Pyotr Ivanovich, here's a chair for you.

Everyone sits down around both Petrov Ivanovichs.

Well, what, what is it?

Bobchinsky. Excuse me, excuse me: I’ll get everything in order. As soon as I had the pleasure of leaving you after you deigned to be embarrassed by the letter you received, yes, sir, then I ran in... please don’t interrupt, Pyotr Ivanovich! I already know everything, everything, everything, sir. So, if you please, I ran to Korobkin. And not finding Korobkin at home, he turned to Rastakovsky, and not finding Rastakovsky, he went to Ivan Kuzmich to tell him the news you had received, and, on his way from there, he met with Pyotr Ivanovich... Dobchinsky (interrupting). Near the booth where pies are sold. Bobchinsky. Near the booth where pies are sold. Yes, having met Pyotr Ivanovich, I say to him: “Have you heard about the news that Anton Antonovich received from a reliable letter?” And Pyotr Ivanovich already heard about this from your housekeeper Avdotya, who, I don’t know, was sent to Philip Antonovich Pochechuev for something. Dobchinsky (interrupting). For a keg of French vodka. Bobchinsky (moving his hands away). For a keg of French vodka. So Pyotr Ivanovich and I went to Pochechuev... You, Pyotr Ivanovich... that... don’t interrupt, please don’t interrupt!.. We went to Pochechuev, but on the road Pyotr Ivanovich said: “Let’s go in,” he says. , to the tavern. It’s in my stomach... I haven’t eaten anything since this morning, I’ve got stomach tremors..." yes, sir, it’s in Pyotr Ivanovich’s stomach... “And now they’ve brought fresh salmon to the tavern, he says, so we’ll have a bite.” We had just arrived at the hotel when suddenly a young man... Dobchinsky (interrupting). Not bad looking, in a private dress... Bobchinsky. Not bad-looking, in a particular dress, walks around the room like that, and in his face there’s a kind of reasoning... physiognomy... actions, and here (twirls his hand near his forehead) many, many things. It was as if I had a presentiment and said to Pyotr Ivanovich: “There’s something here for a reason, sir.” Yes. And Peter Ivanovich already blinked his finger and called the innkeeper, sir, the innkeeper Vlas: his wife gave birth to him three weeks ago, and such a lively boy will, just like his father, run the inn. Pyotr Ivanovich called Vlas and asked him quietly: “Who, he says, is this young man?” and Vlas answers this: “This,” says... Eh, don’t interrupt, Pyotr Ivanovich, please don’t interrupt; you won’t tell, by God you won’t tell: you whisper; you, I know, have one tooth whistling in your mouth... “This, he says, is a young man, an official, yes, sir, coming from St. Petersburg, and his last name, he says, is Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov, sir, but he’s coming, he says, to the Saratov province and, he says, he attests himself in a very strange way: he’s been living for another week, he’s not leaving the tavern, he’s taking everything into his account and doesn’t want to pay a penny.” As he told me this, and so it was brought to my senses from above. "Eh!" I say to Pyotr Ivanovich... Dobchinsky. No, Pyotr Ivanovich, it was I who said: “eh!” Bobchinsky. First you said it, and then I said it too. “Eh! “Pyotr Ivanovich and I said. “Why on earth should he sit here when his road lies to the Saratov province?” Yes, sir. But he is this official. Mayor. Who, what official? Bobchinsky. The official about whom you deigned to receive a lecture is an auditor. Mayor (in fear). What are you, the Lord is with you! It's not him. Dobchinsky. He! and he doesn’t pay money and doesn’t go. Who else should it be if not him? And the road ticket is registered in Saratov. Bobchinsky. He, he, by God he... So observant: he examined everything. He saw that Pyotr Ivanovich and I were eating salmon, more because Pyotr Ivanovich was talking about his stomach... yes, so he looked into our plates. I was filled with fear. Mayor. Lord, have mercy on us sinners! Where does he live there? Dobchinsky. In the fifth room, under the stairs. Bobchinsky. In the same room where passing officers fought last year. Mayor. How long has he been here? Dobchinsky. And it’s already two weeks. Came to see Vasily the Egyptian. Mayor. Two weeks! (To the side.) Fathers, matchmakers! Bring it out, holy saints! In these two weeks the non-commissioned officer's wife was flogged! The prisoners were not given provisions! There's a tavern on the streets, it's unclean! A shame! vilification! (He grabs his head.) Artemy Filippovich. Well, Anton Antonovich? Parade to the hotel. Ammos Fedorovich. No no! Put your head forward, the clergy, the merchants; here in the book “The Acts of John Mason”... Mayor. No no; let me do it myself. Were there difficult cases in real life, we went and even received a thank you. Perhaps God will bear it now. (Addressing Bobchinsky.) You say he is a young man? Bobchinsky. Young, about twenty-three or four years old. Mayor. So much the better: you’ll get wind of the young man sooner. It’s a disaster if the old devil is the one who’s young and the one at the top. You, gentlemen, get ready for your part, and I will go on my own, or at least with Pyotr Ivanovich, privately, for a walk, to see if those passing by are in trouble. Hey Svistunov! Svistunov. Anything? Mayor. Go now for a private bailiff; or not, I need you. Tell someone there to send a private bailiff to me as soon as possible, and come here.

The quarterly runs in a hurry.

Artemy Filippovich. Let's go, let's go, Ammos Fedorovich! In fact, disaster can happen. Ammos Fedorovich. What do you have to be afraid of? I put clean caps on the sick, and the ends were in the water. Artemy Filippovich. What hubcaps! The patients were ordered to give gabersup, but I have such cabbage flying through all the corridors that you should only take care of your nose. Ammos Fedorovich. And I’m calm about this. In fact, who will go to the district court? And even if he looks at some paper, he won’t be happy with life. I’ve been sitting on the judge’s chair for fifteen years now, and when I look at the memorandum ah! I’ll just wave my hand. Solomon himself will not decide what is true and what is not true in it.

The judge, the trustee of charitable institutions, the superintendent of schools and the postmaster leave and at the door encounter the returning quarterly.

Phenomenon IV

Gorodnichy, Bobchinsky, Dobchinsky and quarterly.

Mayor. What, are there droshky parked there? Quarterly. They are standing. Mayor. Go outside... or no, wait! Go get it... But where are the others? are you really the only one? After all, I ordered that Prokhorov be here too. Where is Prokhorov? Quarterly. Prokhorov is in a private house, but it cannot be used for business. Mayor. How so? Quarterly. Yes, so: they brought him dead in the morning. Two buckets of water have already been poured out, and I still haven’t sobered up. Mayor (grabbing his head). Oh, my God, my God! Go outside quickly, or not - run into the room first, listen! and bring a sword and a new hat from there. Well, Pyotr Ivanovich, let's go! Bobchinsky. And I, and I... let me too, Anton Antonovich! Mayor. No, no, Pyotr Ivanovich, it’s impossible, it’s impossible! It’s awkward, and we won’t even fit on the droshky. Bobchinsky. Nothing, nothing, I’ll run like a cockerel, like a cockerel, after the droshky. I would just like to peek a little through the door and see how he behaves... Mayor (taking the sword to the policeman). Run now and take the tens, and let each of them take... Oh, the sword is so scratched! The damned merchant Abdulin sees that the mayor has an old sword, but did not send a new one. O wicked people! And so, scammers, I think they are preparing requests under the counter. Let everyone pick up a broom down the street... damn it, down the street a broom! and they would sweep the entire street that goes to the tavern, and sweep it clean... Do you hear! Look: you! You! I know you: you’re fooling around there and stealing silver spoons into your boots, look, I have a keen ear!.. What did you do with the merchant Chernyaev, huh? He gave you two arshins of cloth for your uniform, and you stole the whole thing. Look! You're not taking it according to rank! Go!

Phenomenon V

The same goes for a private bailiff.

Mayor. Ah, Stepan Ilyich! Tell me, for God's sake: where have you gone? What does it look like? Private bailiff. I was here just outside the gates. Mayor. Well, listen, Stepan Ilyich! An official came from St. Petersburg. What did you do there? Private bailiff. Yes, just as you ordered. I sent the quarterly Pugovitsyn with the tens to clean the sidewalk. Mayor. Where is Derzhimorda? Private bailiff. Derzhimorda rode on a fire pipe. Mayor. Is Prokhorov drunk? Private bailiff. Drunk. Mayor. How did you let this happen? Private bailiff. Yes, God knows. Yesterday there was a fight outside the city, I went there for order, but returned drunk. Mayor. Listen, you do this: quarterly Pugovitsyn... he’s tall, so let him stand on the bridge for improvement. Yes, quickly sweep up the old fence that is near the shoemaker, and put up a straw pole so that it looks like a layout. The more it breaks, the more it means the activity of the city ruler. Oh my god! I forgot that near that fence there were forty carts of all sorts of rubbish piled up. What a nasty city this is! just put up some kind of monument somewhere or just a fence God knows where they’ll come from and they’ll do all sorts of crap! (Sighs.) Yes, if a visiting official asks the service: are you satisfied? so that they say: “Everything is happy, your honor”; and whoever is dissatisfied, then I will give him such displeasure... Oh, oh, ho, ho, x! sinful, sinful in many ways. (Takes a case instead of a hat.) God, please just let it get away with it as soon as possible, and then I’ll put up a candle that no one has ever put up before: I’ll charge three pounds of wax for each of the merchant’s beasts. Oh my God, my God! Let's go, Pyotr Ivanovich! (Instead of a hat he wants to wear a paper case.) Private bailiff. Anton Antonovich, this is a box, not a hat. Mayor (throwing the box). A box is just a box. To hell with her! Yes, if they ask why a church was not built at a charitable institution, for which a sum was allocated five years ago, then do not forget to say that it began to be built, but burned down. I submitted a report about this. Otherwise, perhaps someone, having forgotten himself, will foolishly say that it never began. Yes, tell Derzhimorda not to give too much free rein to his fists; For the sake of order, he puts lights under everyone’s eyes, both those who are right and those who are guilty. Let's go, let's go, Pyotr Ivanovich! (Leaves and returns.) Don't let the soldiers go out into the street without everything: this crappy guard will only wear a uniform over their shirt, and nothing underneath.

Everyone leaves.

Scene VI

Anna Andreevna and Marya Antonovna run onto the stage.

Anna Andreevna. Where, where are they? Oh, my God!.. (Opening the door.) Husband! Antosha! Anton! (Speaks soon.) And everything is you, and everything is behind you. And she went digging: “I have a pin, I have a scarf.” (Runs up to the window and screams.) Anton, where, where? What, have you arrived? auditor? with a mustache! with what mustache? The mayor's voice. After, after, mother!
Anna Andreevna. After? Here's the news after! I don’t want after... I have only one word: what is he, colonel? A? (With disdain.) Left! I'll remember this for you! And all this: “Mama, mamma, wait, I’ll pin the scarf at the back; me now." Here you go now! So you didn’t learn anything! And all the damned coquetry; I heard that the postmaster was here, and let’s pretend in front of the mirror; It will do from both that side and this side. She imagines that he is trailing after her, and he just makes a grimace at you when you turn away. Marya Antonovna. But what can we do, mummy? We'll know everything in two hours anyway. Anna Andreevna. In two hours! I humbly thank you. Here I lent you an answer! How did you not think to say that in a month we can find out even better! (Hangs out the window.) Hey Avdotya! A? What, Avdotya, did you hear that someone arrived there?.. Didn’t you hear? How stupid! Waving his arms? Let him wave, but you still would have asked him. I couldn't find out! There is nonsense in my head, the suitors are still sitting. A? We're leaving soon! Yes, you should run after the droshky. Go, go now! Do you hear the runaways, ask where they went; Yes, ask carefully: what kind of visitor is he, what is he like, do you hear? Look through the crack and find out everything, and whether the eyes are black or not, and come back this very minute, do you hear? Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry! (She screams until the curtain falls. So the curtain covers both of them standing at the window.)

There is little that can so subtly, accurately and acutely reflect the tragedy of an unsightly reality better than its demonstration in a comedic light. Judging by the reaction that followed, Gogol succeeded perfectly in his play “The Inspector General.” The author himself repeatedly noted that he sought to collect and generally convey all possible vices characteristic of his contemporaries, especially in bureaucratic society, in order to laugh at them heartily. According to surviving evidence, the writer had an almost physical need to create a vivid satirical comedy. For this reason, Gogol interrupted work on Dead Souls. It is believed that the plot for the work was suggested to the author by Pushkin. At that time, anecdotal stories of someone being mistaken for an inspector in various places were quite common. The first version of Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General” came out from the writer’s pen literally two months later. In 1836 he presented the play to the public. The result was mixed. The writers received it quite enthusiastically, and high society, having clearly sensed the essence, received it irritably, declaring the story pure fiction. But the production was not banned, and Gogol corrected it until 1842. This is the version available today.

“The Inspector General” is a clearly social comedy, satirical, created in compliance with the basic canons of the genre. It captivates readers with a clear, consistent development of events, the comedy of which increases with each action, reaching its highest degree in the 8th scene of the 5th act. The ending remains open and, at the same time, quite sufficient, implying a completely different story. The author interrupts his story about the extraordinary events that took place in one provincial town with a silent scene that allows you to better feel the absurdity of everything that is happening. Of course, the actions and characters of the heroes are somewhat exaggerated, but this was done deliberately. After all, the task assigned to the writer must be completed in full. And in “The Inspector General” the goal of demonstrating the vices and degradation of personality is definitely achieved. Unfortunately, the shortcomings ridiculed by Gogol have not outlived their usefulness to this day. Only a few purchased modern forms and names (for example, corruption). Therefore, the relevance of the work does not need proof.

On our website you can view it online summary, read “The Inspector General” in full or download it freely.

The people depicted by Gogol in the comedy “The Inspector General” with amazingly unprincipled views and ignorance of any reader amaze and seem completely fictitious. But in fact, these are not random images. These are faces typical of the Russian province of the thirties XIX century, which can be found even in historical documents.

In his comedy, Gogol touches on several very important issues public. This is the attitude of officials to their duties and the implementation of the law. Oddly enough, the meaning of comedy is also relevant in modern realities.

The history of writing "The Inspector General"

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol describes in his works rather exaggerated images of Russian reality of that time. At the moment the idea of ​​a new comedy appeared, the writer was actively working on the poem “Dead Souls”.

In 1835, he turned to Pushkin regarding an idea for a comedy, expressing a request for help in a letter. The poet responds to requests and tells a story when the publisher of one of the magazines in one of the southern cities was mistaken for a visiting official. A similar situation, oddly enough, happened with Pushkin himself at the time when he was collecting materials to describe Pugachev's rebellion V Nizhny Novgorod. He was also mistaken for the capital's auditor. The idea seemed interesting to Gogol, and the very desire to write a comedy captured him so much that work on the play lasted only 2 months.

During October and November 1835, Gogol wrote the comedy in its entirety and a few months later read it out to other writers. Colleagues were delighted.

Gogol himself wrote that he wanted to collect everything bad that is in Russia into a single pile and laugh at it. He saw his play as a cleansing satire and a weapon in the fight against the injustice that existed in society at that time. By the way, the play based on Gogol’s works was allowed to be staged only after Zhukovsky personally made a request to the emperor.

Analysis of the work

Description of the work

The events described in the comedy “The Inspector General” take place in the first half of the 19th century, in one of the provincial towns, which Gogol simply refers to as “N”.

The mayor informs all city officials that he has received news of the arrival of the capital's auditor. Officials are afraid of inspections because they all take bribes, do poor work, and there is chaos in the institutions under their subordination.

Almost immediately after the news, a second one appears. They realize that a well-dressed man who looks like an auditor is staying at a local hotel. In fact, the unknown person is a minor official, Khlestakov. Young, flighty and stupid. The mayor personally showed up at his hotel to meet him and offer to move to his home, in much better conditions than the hotel. Khlestakov happily agrees. He likes this kind of hospitality. At this stage, he does not suspect that he has been mistaken for who he is.

Khlestakov is also introduced to other officials, each of whom hands him a large sum money, supposedly borrowed. They do everything so that the check is not so thorough. At this moment, Khlestakov understands who he was mistaken for and, having received a round sum, keeps silent that this is a mistake.

Afterwards, he decides to leave the city of N, having previously proposed to the daughter of the Mayor himself. Joyfully blessing the future marriage, the official rejoices at such a relationship and calmly says goodbye to Khlestakov, who is leaving the city and, naturally, is not going to return to it.

Before this, the main character writes a letter to his friend in St. Petersburg, in which he talks about the embarrassment that occurred. The postmaster, who opens all letters at the post office, also reads Khlestakov’s message. The deception is revealed and everyone who gave bribes learns with horror that the money will not be returned to them, and there has been no verification yet. At the same moment he arrives in town a real auditor. Officials are horrified by the news.

Comedy heroes

Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov

Khlestakov's age is 23 - 24 years. A hereditary nobleman and landowner, he is thin, thin and stupid. Acts without thinking about the consequences, has abrupt speech.

Khlestakov works as a registrar. In those days, this was the lowest-ranking official. He is rarely present at work, increasingly plays cards for money and takes walks, so his career is not moving forward. Khlestakov lives in St. Petersburg, in a modest apartment, and his parents, who live in one of the villages in the Saratov province, regularly send him money. Khlestakov does not know how to save money; he spends it on all kinds of pleasures, without denying himself anything.

He is very cowardly, loves to brag and lie. Khlestakov is not averse to hitting on women, especially pretty ones, but only stupid provincial ladies succumb to his charm.


Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky. An official who has grown old in the service, in his own way, is intelligent, and makes a completely respectable impression.

He speaks carefully and in moderation. His mood changes quickly, his facial features are hard and rough. He performs his duties poorly and is a swindler with extensive experience. The mayor makes money wherever possible, and is in good standing among the same bribe-takers.

He is greedy and insatiable. He steals money, including from the treasury, and unprincipledly violates all laws. He doesn’t even shun blackmail. A master of promises and an even greater master of keeping them.

The mayor dreams of being a general. Despite the mass of his sins, he attends church weekly. A passionate card player, he loves his wife and treats her very tenderly. He also has a daughter, who at the end of the comedy, with his blessing, becomes the bride of the nosy Khlestakov.

Postmaster Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin

It is this character, responsible for sending letters, who opens Khlestakov’s letter and discovers the deception. However, he opens letters and parcels on a regular basis. He does this not out of precaution, but solely for the sake of curiosity and his own collection of interesting stories.

Sometimes he doesn’t just read letters that he particularly likes, Shpekin keeps them for himself. In addition to forwarding letters, his duties include managing postal stations, caretakers, horses, etc. But this is not what he does. He does almost nothing at all and therefore the local post office works extremely poorly.

Anna Andreevna Skvoznik-Dmukhanovskaya

Mayor's wife. A provincial coquette whose soul is inspired by novels. She is curious, vain, loves to get the better of her husband, but in reality this only happens in small things.

An appetizing and attractive lady, impatient, stupid and capable of talking only about trifles and the weather. At the same time, he loves to chat incessantly. She is arrogant and dreams of luxurious life In Petersburg. The mother is not important because she competes with her daughter and boasts that Khlestakov paid more attention to her than to Marya. One of the entertainments for the Governor's wife is fortune-telling on cards.

The mayor's daughter is 18 years old. Attractive in appearance, cutesy and flirtatious. She is very flighty. It is she who, at the end of the comedy, becomes Khlestakov’s abandoned bride.

Composition and plot analysis

The basis of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol’s play “The Inspector General” is an everyday joke, which was quite common in those days. All the comedy images are exaggerated and, at the same time, believable. The play is interesting because all its characters are interconnected and each of them, in fact, acts as a hero.

The plot of the comedy is the arrival of the inspector expected by the officials and their haste in drawing conclusions, because of which Khlestakov is recognized as the inspector.

What is interesting about the composition of the comedy is the absence of love intrigue and love line, as such. Here vices are simply ridiculed, which, according to the classical literary genre receive punishment. Partly they are already orders for the frivolous Khlestakov, but the reader understands at the end of the play that even greater punishment awaits them ahead, with the arrival of a real inspector from St. Petersburg.

Through simple comedy with exaggerated images, Gogol teaches his reader honesty, kindness and responsibility. The fact that you need to respect your own service and comply with the laws. Through the images of heroes, each reader can see his own shortcomings, if among them are stupidity, greed, hypocrisy and selfishness.

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