What do you need to take to become a physical education teacher? Profession: physical education teacher

Plykin Yura

The work consists of a presentation and collected material on the topic "Profession - teacher physical culture through the eyes of children." The student collected the necessary information, studied all the pros and cons of the profession, talked with physical education teachers, compiled questionnaires, distributed them to teachers, tried himself as a teacher, taught several lessons and drew his conclusions.




Our parents' once-favorite lessons are no longer popular among today's youth. What should physical education be like in the 21st century? What do children expect and what are teachers capable of? Physical education lessons should be fun and beneficial at the same time. Only then is it possible to attract students to physical education lessons. This matter will have to be corrected by the new one, to the younger generation teachers. Innovative teachers will keep up with the times, rely on innovations in the learning process, use modern technology and sports equipment.

Description of activity

The main content of the activity of a physical education teacher includes the performance of three functions - teaching, educating and organizing. They are perceived in unity.

Employee characteristics

Among the professionally important qualities of a physical education teacher, the following can be identified: erudition, pedagogical thinking, intuition, the ability to improvise, observation, optimism, resourcefulness, pedagogical foresight, reflection, attentiveness, emotional stability, perseverance, communication and organizational skills, physical health and sports skills, humanism, justice, honesty, sincerity, exactingness, love and respect for children, integrity, intelligence and objectivity.

Job responsibilities

The physical education teacher conducts lessons and organizes competitions; maintains educational documentation, assigns grades, monitors student progress and attendance; participates in the final certification; by order of the administration, replaces lessons for absent teachers; takes part in the work of pedagogical councils and meetings; is on duty during breaks between lessons. A school teacher is obliged to respect the rights and freedoms of students (the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Convention on the Rights of the Child), ethical standards of behavior and periodically undergo medical examinations.

Features of career growth

Children enjoy studying in sections (for a fee), where there are comfortable conditions, modern equipment and the opportunity to participate in various competitions. Being a coach at a sports school and private sections is a profitable opportunity for representatives of this profession to continue their career.

What should a physical education teacher be like?

Physical education is the most important element in the human education system. In this aspect, physical education is an educational process and is characterized by the principles inherent in the pedagogical process.

In physical education, the role of a specialist teacher (physical education teacher), the place and functions of pupils (pupils), their Team work, which is aimed at implementing educational and educational tasks.

A situation is brewing when society wants to measure the quality of educational services that is guaranteed by educational institutions. It is possible to objectively evaluate activities only on the basis of a study of objective criteria and essential characteristics of a teacher.

These considerations prompted me to consider the topic “Physical Education Teacher”.

A physical education teacher teaches how to perform physical exercises correctly and helps the child take better care of his physical health.

Responsible work with children impliespsychological stress.

Demand and wage– average.

Professional requirements for a teacher: specialized skills, physical form, knowledge of basic teaching methods, ability to provide first aid.

Personal requirements for a teacher: responsibility, stress resistance, communication skills. Preparing and conducting lessons, organizing competitions, monitoring the safety of students during the lesson.

As a rule, secondary specialized or higher specialized education is required.

Physical Education Teacher Abilities

The professional skill of a physical education teacher is largely determined by his ability to pedagogical activity, which are divided into the following groups:

1) didactic abilities- this is the ability to convey educational material, making it accessible. The teacher must present educational material clearly and understandably for a specific group of students, arousing their interest in the subject, stimulating their activity and independence in educational activities.

These abilities lie in the teacher’s ability to reconstruct and adapt educational material, to make difficult things easy, difficult things to be simple, and unclear things to be clear;

2) academic ability- these are abilities in the relevant field of science ( academic subject). A capable physical education teacher knows his subject not only in terms of training course, but also much wider and deeper. He strives to learn the latest discoveries in the field scientific knowledge in his subject, he conducts research work;

3) perceptual abilitiesis the ability to penetrate inner world student, this is psychological observation associated with a subtle understanding of the student’s personality and his mental state;

4) speech abilities- this is the ability to clearly and clearly express your thoughts and feelings through speech, facial expressions and pantomime. At the same time, it is important for the teacher to show strength, conviction and interest in what he says;

5) organizational skills- this is the ability to organize students, form their team, and inspire schoolchildren to solve educational problems. In addition, this is the ability to organize one’s own activities;

7) communication skills- this is the ability to communicate with students, the ability to find the right approach to them, establish close contacts, establish relationships with them that are appropriate for carrying out teaching activities;

8) pedagogical imagination- this is the ability to foresee the consequences of teaching activity: to predict the development of certain qualities in students, predicting what may “come out” of students;

9) attentional abilities- this is the ability to distribute your attention between several types of activities at the same time. The teacher needs to monitor the content and form of presentation educational material, expanding your thoughts, keep all students in the field of attention, respond to signs of fatigue, inattention, misunderstanding on the part of students, note violations of discipline, and monitor your own behavior. And this is not a complete list of objects to which the teacher should distribute his attention.

Physical Education Teacher Skills

Skill - this is practical knowledge of methods of performing individual actions or activities as a whole in accordance with the rules and purpose of the activity.

The skills of a physical education teacher are divided into constructive, organizational, communicative (including didactic and oratorical), gnostic (including perceptual) and motor (including applied).

Constructive skillshelp the teacher plan his activities.

These include the skills to: select and construct educational material (for example, create a set of exercises to develop students’ responsiveness or attentiveness), carry out long-term and current planning, plan the acquisition and repair of sports equipment and equipment. The ability to adjust plans is especially valuable.

Organizational skillsassociated with the implementation of planned plans. For example, a teacher can write a good summary of a lesson, but conduct the lesson itself poorly, because he will not be able to organize work in the class. On the contrary, a student, having imperfect knowledge of the methods of conducting a lesson, can, due to his organizational abilities and skills, conduct a lesson well.

The teacher must be able to organize his activities and the activities of his students. It doesn't work out the same for different teachers. Teachers with inertia of nervous processes, who slowly switch from one situation to another, are different high level personal organization. They know how to organize their own well work time, correctly choose their location in the gym during the lesson, skillfully use well-prepared students as assistants. Teachers with mobility of nervous processes have a wider range of organizational skills, they are more active in organizing students’ activities, and organize work well sports sections at school, sports competitions and holidays, relay races and outdoor games in the classroom.

A teacher’s ability to communicate with students, work colleagues, parents, and find rational ways to interact with others is everythingcommunication skills. Such skills are conventionally divided into three groups: actual communicative, didactic and oratorical.Actually communicativeare expressed in the ability to come into contact with people and build relationships with them. Didactic are associated with the teacher’s ability to clearly and intelligibly convey educational material to the students’ consciousness. Didactic skills include the ability to arouse interest in physical exercise, convey one’s passion to students, manage the attention of a study group and predict the consequences of one’s pedagogical influences.Oratory skillsprovides, first of all, a culture of speech, which every teacher should strive to master.

Gnostic skillsare associated with the teacher’s knowledge of both individual students and the class as a whole; with an analysis of pedagogical situations and the results of their activities. Gnostic skills are based on perceptual abilities: the ability to observe, notice. They include the ability to use educational and methodological and scientific literature, and the ability to conduct basic research and analyze their results.

Motor skillsreflect primarily the teacher’s technique of performing physical exercises. The correct demonstration of one or another physical exercise included in the training program determines the effectiveness of schoolchildren’s educational activities. The motor skills of a physical education teacher also include the skills and abilities of performing belays, a number of applied skills necessary when repairing sports equipment and equipment, on hiking trips, etc.

Physical education teacher knowledge

Knowledge is one of the factors that determines a teacher’s capabilities in his teaching activities. A.S. Makarenko said that students will forgive their teachers for severity, dryness, and even pickiness, but they will not forgive poor knowledge of their field. This is especially true for high school students, who evaluate a teacher not only and not so much by his communicative qualities (the ability to communicate, get into contact with people), but by his professional qualities.

The erudition of a physical education teacher consists of general and special knowledge.

General knowledge (socio-political, as well as literature, art, history, etc.) characterizes the worldview and general culture teachers. The special knowledge necessary for a physical education teacher to carry out his physical education and pedagogical activities can be divided into psychological-pedagogical, medical-biological and physical education.

All knowledge is equally important, and neglecting the basics of anatomy, physiology, psychology, and pedagogy can lead to serious pedagogical errors. A survey of experienced physical education teachers showed that the most significant for them professional activity along withtheory and methodology physical education are psychology and physiology . Poor erudition in social science, art history and other issues can lead to lossteacher of authorityin students' gases. By the way, this is often used by students who do not like physical education or have conflicts with the physical education teacher.

Special knowledge in practical disciplines does not always coincide with the knowledge acquired by students in the process of playing sports. Knowledge should be acquired not only from books and magazines, from lectures and conversations with other teachers. The knowledge acquired by a physical education teacher in the process of studying his students: their character, abilities, inclinations, level is extremely important.physical development. K. D. Ushinsky said that in order to shape a person in all respects, you need to know him in all respects. The knowledge that a physical education teacher acquires in the process of his physical education and teaching activities, when analyzing his work, and when summarizing the information received is also important. This gives a creative character to all the teacher’s activities.

It is worth emphasizing such a feature of a physical education teacher’s knowledge as its efficiency. This is due to the fact that thanks to television, many major international competitions become the property of millions of viewers, including schoolchildren who are interested in sports. Naturally, everything new that schoolchildren see on TV screens during broadcasts of international competitions, including sports that are exotic for our country, or new technology performing sports exercises, new sports equipment, etc. - all this immediately attracts their attention. A teacher who does not follow events in the world of sports may find himself unarmed in the face of student questions.

Efficiency also concerns knowledge about large sporting events happening in our country and abroad. Due to thisA physical education teacher must constantly review sports periodicals and regularly read sports newspapers.

The special knowledge possessed by a physical education teacher can be divided into theoretical, practical and methodological.

Theoretical knowledgerelate to the history of physical culture, patterns of functioning of the human body, biomechanical patterns of motor actions, principles of education and training, etc. This is knowledge that is needed for explanation and is associated with the question “why?”

Practical knowledgephysical education teachers are primarily concerned with knowledge of how to do this or that exercise. For students of the Faculty of Physical Education, this is the basic knowledge that is acquired either by practical exercises and during sports specialization classes.

Methodological knowledgeThey also make it possible to answer the question of how to do it, but they no longer relate to their own execution of the exercise, but to its execution by the students. It is knowing how to teach another.

Often, students of the Faculty of Physical Education observe an identification of practical and methodological knowledge: they believe that since they know how to do an exercise and know how to do it, then they will be able to explain to students how this exercise should be done. In reality, teaching others is a special section of physical education pedagogy, a physical education methodology that must be mastered carefully and patiently, since not everyone has the experience of their own sports activities and does not immediately transform into the experience of teaching others.

Components of a physical education teacher's activity

In the structure of a physical education teacher’s activity in a lesson, one can distinguish constructive, organizational, communicative and gnostic Components .

Constructive activity of the teacher- this is a mental activity for the design of knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as for the formation of the personality traits of students for a long period of time, for the final result, taking into account the requirements of tomorrow.

Firstly, in planning, carried out before the lesson and expressed in drawing up plans for the year, quarter and lesson. It requires:

  • selection and distribution of educational material for the program to draw up a schedule for the year;
  • determining the sequence of mastering educational material and specifying learning objectives in the lesson plan for the quarter;
  • determination of educational tasks arising from the characteristics of the class team and logically related to the educational material;
  • identifying particular tasks and developing an appropriate lesson structure - drawing up a lesson summary;
  • knowledge of the patterns of formation of motor abilities and skills and the development of motor qualities of students, planning control over their development;
  • planning the lesson load taking into account the gender and medical examination data of students;
  • planning the acquisition and use of equipment, inventory, technical training aids.

Secondly, in planning carried out directly in the lesson. This is operational planning, which consists of mental modeling of the teacher’s upcoming actions in the lesson. It is associated with the need to change the lesson plan, for example, due to meteorological conditions, moving the location of the lesson, unusual behavior of the class or individual students. In order for the lesson plan to be rational, the teacher, as a rule, has one or several options for a backup (mental) lesson plan, taking into account the most likely changes.

The success of a teacher’s constructive activity depends on the ability to constantly, deeply, comprehensively analyze the nature and results of his work, students’ mistakes when performing individual motor actions, identify their causes, establish patterns of formation of motor skills and the development of motor qualities.

The constructive activity of the teacher closely interacts with the Gnostic activity.

Gnostic activity of a physical education teacher- this is primarily an analysis of the content and methods of implementation educational process, study of its participants (their capabilities and abilities), age, gender, individual characteristics, the results of one’s own activities (its advantages and disadvantages), studying the effectiveness various methods organization of the lesson and methods of teaching and education, development of motor qualities, i.e. collecting a variety of information about the features of the process and the results of one’s work to correct activities.

Gnostic activities include:

  • studying textbooks, newest works on the theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, medical supervision, methodological manuals, programs (with critical revision and implementation) for the purpose of using them in their own work;
  • studying the experience of other teachers;
  • identifying difficulties in mastering educational material by schoolchildren and ways to overcome them;
  • planning the mutual development of motor qualities and skills, taking into account the age and anatomical and physiological characteristics of children;
  • selection of inventory and equipment necessary for mastering certain motor skills (non-standard equipment, visual aids, technical training aids);
  • determining the level of knowledge, abilities, skills and development of motor qualities for planning the learning process;
  • analysis of individual errors in students’ acquisition of skills and abilities and ways to eliminate them;
  • differentiated assessment of students' knowledge, skills and abilities and subsequent correction of their activities;
  • studying living conditions students for an objective assessment of the influence of the family on physical development student;
  • establishing interdisciplinary connections;
  • analysis of applied methods of training and education;
  • analysis of methods for organizing students’ activities in the classroom;
  • analysis of the relationship between teacher and students;
  • correction of their activities depending on the results of students’ mastery of certain sections of the curriculum. It is associated with the need for rationalization mental activity, knowledge general rules, on which you need to act, practical verification of their self-control. Gnostic activity often causes great difficulties for the teacher, and at the same time it is precisely this activity that gives him positive emotions and brings satisfaction. The Gnostic component creates the basis for the development of all other components.

Organizational activities of a physical education teacher in the classroom- one of the leading ones, it consists of implementing the teacher’s projects (plans) in practice. This is “the activity of one person mobilizing, coordinating, interacting and interrelating together with active group of people".

Organizational activity is manifested in various ways. Firstly, in the teacher’s speech (explaining the objectives of the lesson and exercises, giving commands and orders, summing up the lesson, etc.). Secondly, in the teacher’s behavior:

  • in choosing a place to teach a lesson;
  • in expedient movements around the hall for the purpose of leading the class, monitoring the implementation of exercises, providing assistance and insurance;
  • in the uniqueness of disciplinary influences on students;
  • in preparing places for classes and the necessary equipment;
  • in organizing the placement and cleaning of shells, distributing equipment;
  • in regulating the optimal motor density of a lesson depending on its type;
  • in regulating physical activity for each student.

Thirdly, in managing student activities:

  • in building and rebuilding on the spot and in motion;
  • in choosing ways to perform exercises;
  • in enhancing the cognitive activity of students;
  • in organizing the assimilation and memorization of educational material;
  • in testing and assessing students' knowledge and skills.

Organizational activities different people can be carried out in different ways, differing both in the characteristics of the influence of the organizer on the organized, and in the dynamics of the organizational activity itself. For example, L.I. Umansky, who studied the abilities of 342 organizers, identified 18 typical organizational personality traits.

Communicative activity of a physical education teacher in the classroomis expressed in his communication with students, organizing relationships between them, establishing and maintaining contacts, exchanging information, organizing relationships between members of one department of the team.

The communicative activity of a physical education teacher is manifested:

  • in forms of teacher’s address to students;
  • in the tone of address;
  • in the intensity of communication (number of contacts per unit of time);
  • in the motives of communication.

In the lesson, the teacher uses both verbal (verbal) and non-verbal means communication: expressive movements (gesture, facial expressions, pantomime) as stimulating information. Their correlation depends on objective conditions, specific situations of activity in which the communication process takes place. Communication activities, as organizational ones, are practical activities. Contacts between the teacher and students during the educational process assume that, on the basis of the information transmitted by the teacher, schoolchildren develop knowledge, skills and abilities.

All components of activity (constructive, gnostic, organizational, communicative) are inextricably linked, depend on each other, exert mutual influence and form an integral organization. The structure of a teacher’s activity in a lesson is a dynamic structure in which some components, being core ones, play a leading role, while others play a secondary, subordinate role. Insufficient development of one of them can be compensated by the preferential development of the other. Low level the development of all components cannot ensure pedagogical excellence.

It has been established that in the activity of a master teacher, all its components are harmoniously combined, with the leading role of one or more. In all likelihood, the main component in the structure of each teacher’s activity is his own or a group of them.

The structure of a teacher’s activity can change as his professional skills grow: some components, less pronounced, begin to increase, while others, previously dominant, lose their leading role, i.e. activities are being restructured.

According to N.V. Kuzmina, young teachers in most cases are dominated by organizational and communicative components. The insufficient development of the constructive and gnostic components is compensated by activity, dynamism, and mobility in work. Over time, efficiency in activities appears. Teachers begin to pay more attention to thinking through activities, selecting and composing educational material and its diversity, comparing the goals of a given lesson with the final goals of learning, etc., i.e. constructive and gnostic components become the main ones.

Pedagogical focus- this is a person’s sustainable desire to engage in teaching activities.

The pedagogical orientation of a physical education teacher is formed on the basis of two motivational formations - the so-called “love for children” and interest in physical education. (Unfortunately, there is no need to talk about the presence of the third one - the prestige of the teaching profession.)

Love for children L.N. Tolstoy considered the teacher as the dominant personality trait.

V.A. attached great importance to it. Sukhomlinsky, who emphasized that learning to love children cannot be done in any educational institution or from any books. Of course, the expression “love for children” should not be taken literally. When people talk about her, they most likely mean sensitive and Attentive attitude to every child, including those who, with their behavior and academic performance, cause grief to the teacher. This is the presence of a feeling of satisfaction, joy from communicating with children, from penetration into a peculiar Child's world, child psychology. Love for children is not sentimentality, not kindness, not all-forgiveness. Love for children is transformed into an interest in working with children, into a desire to make them educated, physically and spiritually developed.

Interest in physical educationis the second main motive that shapes the pedagogical orientation of a physical education teacher. The sports orientation of boys and girls involved in sports should awaken interest in physical education and teaching activities, the desire to make other people, in particular children, strong, vigorous, healthy.

The focus of a physical education teacher on his work is expressed in his passion for it. She becomes the meaning of his life. This leads to two consequences. On the one hand, love for their work forces a teacher to constantly improve his skills, take an interest in the work of his colleagues, provide assistance to them, and choose what is useful for his work, that is, to be an active creative worker. On the other hand, students, if they feel that classes with them are not a heavy duty for the teacher, but a pleasure, reciprocate.. A.S. Makarenko said that parenting is easy if you devote your whole life to it.

Therefore, teachers who are masters of their craft show great satisfaction with their profession, which, however, does not prevent them from experiencing dissatisfaction in a number of situations with the lesson taught, the educational influence applied on the student, achieved results etc. However, for a master teacher, this dissatisfaction serves as an incentive for constant self-improvement, while for a teacher who does not have mastery and does not have a clear pedagogical orientation, dissatisfaction with particulars is a source of disappointment in the teaching profession.


This year you will have to make a choice future profession, to decide on a profile in 10th grade. I am attracted to the profession of a physical education teacher, so I decided to study it and understand whether it would suit me or not.


Study the profession of a physical education teacher.


1) Collect as much information as possible about the profession.

2) Study and analyze the collected information.

3) Consult a professional in this field.

4) Interview physical education teachers

5) Try yourself in this profession (teach part of the lesson)

6) Process information and prepare an abstract on the topic.

7) Prepare a presentation and present the project.

Higher educational establishments:

1) Povolzhsky State University service (PVGUS) based on 11 classes, in the following qualifications: physical education and sports.

2) Togliatti Social Pedagogical College (TSPK) based on 9 classes, with the following qualifications: physical education teacher, physical education and sports teacher, adaptive physical education teacher.

3) Togliatti State University (TSU) on the basis of 11 classes, for the following qualifications: physical education and sports.

Questions for interviews with physical education teachers:

1) Full name______________________________________________________________

2) Your age______________________________________________________________

3) Your position_______________________________________________

4) Which institute did you study at?________________________________

5) What faculty did you study at? ________________________________


6) What specialty did you receive after graduation?_________


7) How many years have you been working in your specialty?____________________


8) Why did you choose this profession? _____________________________


9) What are the advantages of your profession in your opinion?____________________


10) Disadvantages and risks of the profession?_________________________________


11) Do you get tired at work?__________________________________________


12) Until what age do you plan to work?_________________________


13) Are there any prospects for career growth?______________________________


14) Have you ever had a desire to change your profession?______________________

15) Are you satisfied with your salary?___________________________

16) Is it easy to find mutual language with kids?_____________________________


17) Do you like your working conditions?______________________________


18) Your wishes to those who want to choose your profession.___________



I have spent great job aimed at studying the profession of a physical education teacher. While working on the project I used various sources information (Internet, books, manuals) to learn more about this profession. I also talked with physical education teachers at MBU Secondary School No. 93 and MBU Secondary School No. 82, conducted a survey and took feedback about this profession. I also tried myself as a teacher and did a warm-up in my class. After the work done, I realized that the profession of a physical education teacher is difficult, but interesting. I liked it and I think this profession is suitable for me.


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Slide captions:

Profession: physical education teacher Worked on the project: 9th grade student “E” Plykin Yuri

Problem: This year you will have to make a choice of your future profession in order to decide on a profile in the 10th grade. I am attracted to the profession of a physical education teacher, but I need to understand whether it will suit me or not.

Goal: To study the profession of a physical education teacher.

Tasks: 1) Collect as much information as possible about the profession. 2) Study and analyze the collected information. 3) Interview a senior teacher at the Department of Physical Education. 4) Question physical education teachers 5) Try yourself in this profession (teach part of the lesson) 6) Attend physical education lessons in other classes.

I found a professiogram. Teacher. I collected and studied information on this profession: characteristics of the employee, what to be a physical education teacher, the teacher’s abilities, his skills and knowledge.

Description of activity: The main content of the activity of a physical education teacher includes the performance of three functions - teaching, educating and organizing. They are perceived in unity.

Interview with the teacher:

Questioning I compiled questions for the survey and conducted it with physical education teachers at MBU Secondary Schools No. 93 and No. 82

Conducting a lesson:

Attended physical education classes

Higher educational institutions: 1) Volga State University of Service (PVSUS) based on 11 classes, for the following qualifications: physical education and sports. 2) Togliatti Social Pedagogical College (TSPK) based on 9 classes, with the following qualifications: physical education teacher, physical education and sports teacher, adaptive physical education teacher. 3) Togliatti State University (TSU) on the basis of 11 classes, for the following qualifications: physical education and sports.

Conclusion: I have done a lot of work aimed at studying the profession of a physical education teacher. While working on the project, I used various sources of information (Internet, books, manuals) to learn more about this profession. I also talked with physical education teachers at MBU Secondary School No. 93 and MBU Secondary School No. 82, conducted a survey and took feedback about this profession. I also tried myself as a teacher and did a warm-up in my class. After the work done, I realized that the profession of a physical education teacher is difficult, but interesting. I liked it and I think this profession is suitable for me.

Thank you for your attention.

All the professions in the world depend on a person who decided to devote his life to working with children and chose the profession of a teacher, because everyone is a simple worker, a doctor, a movie star, and political figure began their education from school.

The most vivid memories are always associated with the first teacher, so teachers primary classes must have not only an appropriate education, but also high moral qualities and love for children.

In order to work as a primary school teacher, you must obtain a diploma confirming receipt of higher or secondary specialized pedagogical education in this specialty; you can also undergo training in a related or similar field. However, preference is still on the side of specialists with higher education, which is due to the specifics of this profession. After all, a primary school teacher is in one person a teacher and a psychologist, an educator and music director, mathematician and philologist, and also a “school mom.”

You can get a pedagogical education on the basis of 9 or 11 grades, which will take 3 and 4 years of study, respectively. Higher education of the first level is a bachelor's degree (4 years), and the second is a master's degree (2 years). There is also a third level, whose graduates teach in higher education institutions.

How to become a teacher without pedagogical education

IN Lately an increasing number of young people express a desire to master the teaching profession and, according to the classical method, boys and girls apply to pedagogical colleges, universities and pedagogical institutes, the latter allows teaching in various subjects in high school secondary schools.

However, guided by changes in the school education system, which have been in effect since September 1, 2010, it is possible to hire people without specialized education to work in schools. Training can be carried out by a doctor, lawyer, economist, teaching a subject as close as possible to the specifics of their work. To obtain the proper qualifications, you must pass exams at one of the domestic pedagogical universities.

How to become a primary school teacher without pedagogical education

The same applies to primary school teachers. After all, a teacher is not so much a specialty as a way of life, a calling of the heart and soul. Often, even the highest education does not help if a person does not like children, does not have restraint and self-control, and cannot cope with his own emotions. Therefore, a naturally talented teacher can work without special education by passing exams and confirming qualifications at the relevant university.

How to become an English teacher at school

In order to teach English to children, it is imperative to acquire knowledge that not only teaches a foreign language, but also introduces them to the methods of teaching it at school. School methods mastered at the pedagogical university at the faculty foreign languages, as well as at the university, choosing a specialization as a teacher in English.

A school English teacher is especially in demand; we can say that this is one of the most important professions of our time. After all, knowledge of English today is not just a tribute to fashion, but a necessity. Moreover, for the teacher himself, especially a young one, working at a school is an excellent experience in improving pedagogical and professional skills.

How to become a history and geography teacher at school

The profession of a school geographer and historian is one of those specialties for which love begins even when future teachers themselves go to school. Usually these are people in love with their region, all huge world and capable of childlike sincere joy in all its amazing manifestations, passing on knowledge and emotions to their students.

You can obtain the profession of a school teacher of geography or history by enrolling in the geographical or historical-geographical department of a pedagogical institute or university. The training time is usually 4 years.

But you can also get secondary pedagogical education, after which you can start labor activity as a primary school teacher, while simultaneously studying at the correspondence department of a higher educational institution.

How to become a physical education teacher

The importance of physical education for students is hardly worth reminding once again. Schools are in demand for professional teachers who are able to instill in children a love of sports and convey the extreme importance healthy image life, especially in modern environmental conditions.

Get this profession It is possible at the technical school of physical education only as a full-time student. Graduates of the 9th grade usually study for 3 years and 10 months, and with a certificate of complete secondary education, the training period takes 2 years and 10 months.

Admission immediately after school to an institute or university in the department of physical education and sports will give you a diploma higher education, which can be obtained after studying at a technical school by choosing both full-time and part-time forms of study at a university.

Personality of the physical education teacher

The attitude of students to the subject largely depends on the personality of the teacher. Children will be happy to attend classes with a teacher who gives them all his strength and knowledge. Resourcefulness, a witty word spoken at the right time, the ability to find an approach to the children and have a heart-to-heart talk with them, all this raises the authority of the teacher. The teacher becomes a person close to the children, whose demands are met without internal or external contradiction. You cannot give free rein to your feelings and mood, you must always control yourself, no matter how tired the teacher is, he should not break down and show his irritation.

To win the respect of children, you need to respect them yourself, confirming this with your behavior, conversation and treatment in class. You cannot show bias or indifference towards children. For a teacher, everyone is equal and he resolves all issues fairly - this should be the firm conviction of every student! There are also teachers who tend to constantly single out the same students, both bad and good. Often praising some and blaming others is bad manners, even if the censure is justified. In such cases, the guys get used to the comments and do not react to them.

The teacher should not be familiar to the children in his pedagogical techniques. Every lesson for a student should be, albeit small, but a discovery. Students come to class expecting something new; they often ask before class - what will we have in class today? If a student feels the teacher’s trusting tone and hears a smart joke, then the success of the lesson is guaranteed. Children love to laugh, so it is not at all necessary to conduct a lesson in “dead silence”, which many teachers unfortunately strive for: they yell, scream in irritation, which is unacceptable, as we said above: you need to control yourself….., “work noise” is quite Let's say you're teaching a physical education lesson! PHYSICAL TRAINING!!! True, if a teacher speaks, everyone should know that they should shut up. Children must be taught this rule from their first lessons.

The next important thing for raising the authority of a teacher is appearance teachers: a man should be shaved, have a neat short haircut, general sportswear should be calm colors (darker or gray, etc.) and not tight, a white T-shirt tucked in. The teacher must remove words of non-pedagogical meaning from his speech, such as: come on; tear it up; grab him; Yes, tear off his legs and that’s it; and what; etc. Usually children ask a lot of questions to the teacher, you can’t get off with short words. meaningful phrases: That's right! That's better! That's the order! It is necessary to give students a reasoned, convincing explanation. In the learning process, it is necessary to use students' knowledge in other subjects.

You should not be monotonous in the manner of conducting the lesson. A change in voice, an unusual command, and the teacher’s movement along the line make the lesson more dynamic, more interesting, and facilitate the correct perception of tasks. The truth in primary school You should not move along the line, as this distracts the students’ minds, and the tone of voice should be calm and not loud, as this has an exciting effect on younger students.

When explaining, you should not clutter the minds of students big amount details, a neat, expressive display of technical details will make the proposed task even clearer.

At the beginning of the lesson, until the students’ attention is tired, it is better to refrain from emotional tasks. It is reasonable to conduct them at the end of the main part of the lesson. The end of the lesson remains most firmly in children's memory. The lesson seems to have not been completed somewhat - this is the feeling with which students should leave the physical education lesson. This largely determines their attitude and mood towards the next lesson.

Pedagogical work in physical education lessons involves an unusually large expenditure of nervous and physical energy, so you must strictly calculate your strengths and capabilities in each lesson, especially if these lessons are consecutive.

Speeches by a physical education teacher with plans and reports at teacher councils or in front of parents are also an important element in his work. Only together with teaching staff, parents, having won their authority, you can fully resolve pedagogical issues. And among the parents and teachers of the school you can find many assistants and enthusiasts of physical education.


Job description of a physical education teacher

I. General provisions

1. Physical education teacher school is appointed and dismissed by order of the school director from among persons with higher or secondary specialized education.

2. In your activities Physical education teacher is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law Russian Federation“On Education”, standard provision “On educational institution", decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities of all levels on issues of education and upbringing of students; administrative, labor and economic legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the Charter and local legal acts of the school (including internal labor regulations, orders and instructions of the director, this job description), employment agreement (contract). The teacher complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

3. Physical education teacher must know:

· Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on educational issues; Convention on the Rights of the Child;

· fundamentals of general theoretical disciplines to the extent necessary to solve pedagogical, scientific, methodological and organizational and managerial problems, pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, school hygiene;

· methods of teaching the subject and educational work; programs and textbooks;

· requirements for equipment and equipment of classrooms and utility rooms;

· teaching aids and their didactic capabilities;

· main directions and prospects for the development of education and pedagogical science;

· law basics, scientific organization labor, safety and fire protection.

II. Job responsibilities physical education teachers

1. Provides training and education to students, taking into account the specifics of the subject being taught, conducts lessons and other activities in accordance with the schedule in the specified premises.

2. Physical education teacher must have a thematic work plan for the subject in each parallel of classes for the academic quarter and a work plan for each lesson.

3. Responsible for the implementation of orders “On labor protection and compliance with safety regulations” and “On ensuring fire safety”:

· safe conduct of the educational process;

· taking measures to provide first aid to the victim, prompt notification of management about the accident;

· instructing students (pupils) on labor safety during training sessions, educational activities with mandatory registration in the class journal or the “Journal of student instruction on occupational health and safety”;

· organizing the study by students of rules on labor protection, traffic safety, behavior at home, etc.;

· monitoring compliance with labor protection rules (instructions).

4. Maintains educational documentation in the prescribed manner, carries out ongoing monitoring of students’ progress and attendance in lessons, puts current grades in the class journal and diaries, and promptly submits the necessary reporting data to the administration.

5. Works on the examination committee for the final certification of students.

6. In accordance with the Charter of the institution, allows the school administration to attend its lessons in order to monitor the work.

7. Replaces lessons for absent teachers by order of the administration.

8. Complies with the institution’s Charter, Collective Agreement, Internal Labor Regulations, the requirements of this instruction, as well as local acts of the institution, orders and instructions of the institution’s administration.

9. Respects the rights and freedoms of students contained in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

10. Communicates with students’ parents (or their legal representatives).

11. Systematically improves his professional qualifications. Participates in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work.

12. According to the annual work plan of the institution, takes part in the work of pedagogical councils, production meetings, meetings with the director, parent meetings, as well as subject sections conducted by a higher organization.

13. In accordance with the school duty schedule, he is on duty during breaks between lessons. As a class teacher, he is periodically on duty with his class around the school. Arrives on duty 20 minutes before classes start and leaves 20 minutes after they end.

14. Periodically undergoes free medical examinations.

15. Complies with ethical standards of behavior and is an example for students and pupils.

16. Participates in work with parents of students, attends meetings at the request of class teachers.

17. Immediately informs the school administrator about accidents and takes measures to provide assistance to the victims.

18. The teacher, teaching the last lesson in the class, escorts the children to the wardrobe and keeps order.

19. If the student’s meal schedule coincides with the end of the lesson, then he is obliged to lead the class to the dining room and hand over to the class teacher or control it yourself.

20. When leaving school, looks at and brings to the attention of students changes in the schedule for the next day.

21. No later than the first day of the month, he must submit a deputy. Director schedule of control and laboratory work for a month.

22. Physical education teacher prohibited:

· change the class schedule at your discretion;

· cancel, lengthen or shorten the duration of lessons (classes) and breaks between them;

· remove a student from a lesson;

· Smoking on school premises.

23. When the teacher performs the duties of the head of the classroom, the teacher:

· carries out certification of his office, gym;

· constantly replenishes the cabinet methodological manuals necessary for completing the curriculum, instruments, technical training aids;

· organizes work with students on the production of visual aids;

· in accordance with the director’s order “On Conducting an Inventory”, writes off property that has become unusable in accordance with the established procedure;

· develops labor protection and safety instructions;

· takes part in inspection of classrooms.

24. In classes where there are children studying in a special (correctional) program of type 8, thematic lesson plans include tasks for children of this category.

III. Rights physical education teachers

1. A teaching employee has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, “Standard Regulations on a General Educational Institution”, the School Charter, the Collective Agreement, and the Internal Labor Regulations.

2. To make decisions that are mandatory for students and take disciplinary measures in accordance with the Charter of the institution.

3. For advanced training. For these purposes, the administration creates the conditions necessary for the successful training of workers in institutions of the retraining and advanced training system.

4. To be certified on a voluntary basis for the appropriate qualification category and receive it in case of successful completion of the certification.

5. For a shortened working week, for extended paid leave, for receiving a pension for long service, social guarantees and benefits in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. For a long (up to 1 year) vacation at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work. The procedure and conditions for granting leave are determined by the founder and (or) the Charter of the educational institution.

2. For the life and health of students during the educational process and extracurricular activities conducted by the teacher;

3. For violation of the rights and freedoms of students defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and local acts of the institution.

4. In case of violation of the institution’s Charter, the terms of the collective agreement, internal labor regulations, this job description, orders from the director, the teacher is subject to disciplinary sanctions in accordance with Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

5. For the use of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student’s personality, a teacher may be dismissed under Art. 336, clause 2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

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