Contents of the first aid kit. First aid kits

It often happens that it is necessary to provide medical assistance before an ambulance arrives or a visit to the doctor. It is for this purpose that a first aid kit is needed, which must, without fail, be in every car and in every office.

Medical first aid kits in the office and car

Our company specializing in wholesale and retail funds individual protection for office and car, brings to your attention first aid kits:

  • office - first aid kits for the office, industrial, for providing first aid to workers;
  • automobile;
  • for protective equipment civil defense;
  • for oil and gas workers, as well
  • collective and individual first aid kits.

Stationary medical kits to assist workers are used to equip a first-aid post at construction sites, various enterprises, as well as in shift-type settlements.

First aid for office workers

Office kits provide everything you need to help employees with the most common injuries and accidents in the workplace. Besides, in office first aid kits you can find drugs for immediate relief of workers with colds, headaches, pain in the heart, pain in the abdomen. Office employees need to be protected if you do not want to decrease productivity.
In our store you can purchase first aid kits for various needs and for a different number of workers, including car first aid kits with content that meets the requirements of the traffic police.

Automotive first aid kits are of 2 types:

  • for use in passenger cars (up to 9 passengers) and cargo vehicles;
  • for use in passenger vehicles (more than 9 passengers).

Depending on use, composition medical kit differs quantitatively.
If you have any questions, please call the phones listed on the website. Our staff will be happy to provide you with competent advice.

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