What happened at Sheps and Kerro. Star couple of psychics: the relationship between Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps. Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps - dating story

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In 2013, the TNT channel released another season show “Battles of Psychics”, which has serial number 14.

Fans of the project were able to watch how 12 participants in the qualifying round passed difficult tests from issue to issue, showing the world their extraordinary abilities.

One of the most bright characters, who also reached the finals, became and.

The first positioned herself as a voodoo witch and therefore cut herself on air with a sharp knife, stuck needles into wax dolls, and read the past and future from the entrails of animals.

The second is a medium, who sees the dead at every test and practices dangerous rituals, the essence of which he did not expand on. Attentive fans of the project noticed in the middle of the season that a spark flashed between the young people.

Sasha was sincerely worried about Marilyn
, and she, in turn, smiled radiantly at him with or without reason.

The culmination of these youth games was the final of the program, where Sheps won, but suddenly proposed it to Marilyn, and then sealed his proposal with a passionate kiss.

So it finally became clear to everyone that a new and very interesting couple had formed in the world of magic.

As it turned out, they began communicating long before the final of the project. At first, the guys found common ground in common interests, then they began to be friends and support each other, and in the end they simply fell in love.

And even the language barrier (Marilyn did not speak Russian at all) did not interfere with their feelings! Many the audience decided that all this romance was nothing more than PR, but all subsequent events were able to refute these opinions.

Immediately after receiving the title of winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” Alexander Sheps invited Marilyn Kerro to live together.

The girl didn’t think long and they rented a joint apartment in the center of Moscow. Like many public people, the guys did not hide their lives from fans.

The social networks of both psychics were full of joint photographs, talking about their purchases and travels. Fans of the couple could only rejoice that two such strong personalities found each other and were able to learn to live together.

But in January 2016, thunder struck! On her page, Marilyn suddenly wrote an ambiguous post“That’s all... We have finished playing the roles of love. #the fight of extrasensories".

Fans immediately realized that these words referred to her relationship with Sheps. At the same time, they were perplexed - what was the reason?

As it turned out, at that time there was no separation and the psychic only quoted the words famous song, but it was clear that not everything was all right in the couple.

A long period joint photos and happy messages were interrupted again in the summer of 2016.

And already in September, when the witch was on the “Battle” set, she admitted that she had not had a relationship with Sheps for more than a month.

The reason for the separation of the two magicians turned out to be quite earthly - Marilyn wanted a family and children, and Sasha did not feel strong enough for this.

For almost six months, viewers again watched Marilyn Kerro on television. The stately witch, who by this time spoke excellent Russian, stood out from the other participants, confidently marching towards victory. And here is the long-awaited ending ().

In addition to questions about what place Marilyn Kerro dreams of, many asked her - does she want to see Alexander Sheps at the award ceremony?

The girl answered quite sincerely - she wants to, but is very afraid of this meeting. Still, they haven’t seen each other for a very long time and both may be confused.

The ceremony went on as usual and now Sheps still appears on the site! A slight hitch, gentle hugs and warm words - this is the beginning of this meeting. It ended quite as expected - hugs turned into kisses, warm words into confessions of feelings.

Now this couple is back together. But for how long? Will Alexander be able to give in to his beloved and decide to marry? Or will Marilyn have to give up the idea of wedding ring? Time will tell what will happen!

In the summer of 2017, the couple broke up.

Merlin Kerro and Alexander Sheps - participants famous TV show“Battle of psychics” and a happy couple in love. Many television viewers remember these successfully practicing magicians, but almost nothing was known about their personal lives until recently. In the article you will learn everything about this couple. Are they really happy together or is their romance just another clever PR move? In addition, the issue of Merlin’s separation from Alexander needs to be clarified! But first things first.

Kerro and Sheps: how did they meet and did they become parents?

It is believed that the couple of psychics began dating during the filming of the 14th season of “The Battle of…”. At first, as often happens in show business and on television, there were persistent rumors about a PR stunt in order to increase interest in the program. Alexander Sheps himself admitted at the beginning of 2014 that he and the Estonian witch Merlin (Marilyn) had only friendly relations coupled with common interests in magic and secret knowledge, but after a short time the friendship sharply transformed into a stormy passionate relationship, which neither Sheps could have expected , nor Kerro.

It is curious that Kerro practically did not speak Russian when she met Alexander. Moreover, both magicians on the program were competitors to each other, but the struggle for victory and the language barrier did not at all affect sincere romantic feelings. According to the girl, she clearly understands what is work and what is relationships. Almost a year passed, and in December 2014 the happy couple congratulated their fans on the upcoming winter holiday. Then it became clear to everyone that Alexander and Marilyn were dating.

But as for whether two popular psychics became parents, so far there are only rumors about the girl’s pregnancy. The first rumor that Marilyn would become a mother appeared on the Internet from the moment subscribers to her Instagram page saw a photo of Kerro and her baby together. Various articles about the birth of a child immediately began to be prepared about Marilyn. But later, the psychic and part-time fashion model stated that she and Alexander did not become parents, and the little child in the photo was her niece.

Alexander Sheps and Merlin Kerro: wedding

Another exciting moment for many TV viewers regarding Sheps and Kerro: did the couple have a wedding? There has been no official confirmation on this matter from the lovers themselves. It is known that at one of the photo shoots, Marilyn wore a dress very reminiscent of a wedding dress. Of course, it is possible that the couple signed and played wedding celebration secret from the public. But is this really so? It is quite possible that the wedding of Alexander Sheps and Merlin Kerro is a rumor created in order to maintain interest in clairvoyants. In any case, both magicians assure that their relationship is not fiction, but clean water Truth.

Psychics are investigating

In addition to participating in the “Battle of Psychics,” Merlin Kerro and Alexander Sheps are starring in another similar project called “Psychics Are Investigating.” For example, in the fall of 2015, Alexander and his girlfriend arrived in Sterlitamak to investigate the case of the “cursed house.” In an ordinary apartment building, numerous hidden objects of a magical nature were discovered (Voodoo dolls, needles, fish bones), and the magicians had to figure out who did it and for what purpose. By the way, in this episode Merlin began to speak Russian for the first time.


Well last question, disturbing TV viewers: have Merlin Kerro and Alexander Sheps really broken up and what is the reason for their separation? According to the latest news, the couple is doing well and they are still happy and ready to film in the new season of “Battle of Psychics,” so you should not blindly believe any news that you find on the Internet or in tabloid publications.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the couple Merlin Kerro and Alexander Sheps is truly magically unusual. We wish them to continue to love each other, remain happy and, of course, surprise TV viewers with their extraordinary superhuman abilities.

The series starts on the TNT channel on March 7 special editions of the “Battle of Psychics”, in which the creators will talk about latest news from the life of the participants of the 15th season, and about how life turned out for Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps from season 14.

The creators of the “Battle of Psychics” did not miss the opportunity to intrigue viewers on the eve of special issue"Battle of psychics" season 15. From the announcement of the episode, which will air soon, it became clear that Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro have broken up.

In addition, in a special episode of “The Battle of Psychics” on March 7 on TNT they will tell why Alexander Sheps is accused of fraud, and who is the girl because of whom he broke up with Marilyn Kerro.

Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro

The same girl for whom Sheps left Kerro

Many fans of psychics who whole year followed their lives in social networks We are sure that Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro are still together and did not even think about breaking up. As proof of this, there are photographs on social networks that lovers post on their pages every now and then. Probably, the TNT channel decided to simply create intrigue and further stir up interest in the project.

Let us recall that Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps announced their relationship in the final episode of “Battle”. It's been since then more than a year, however, psychics do not indulge in details about their personal lives, other than joint photos.

How the most popular couple of the “Battle of Psychics” lives now - we will find out on March 7. Follow the events at the “Battle of Psychics” with us and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.03.2015 09:01

The relationship between psychics Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro is developing rapidly. Until recently, they hid their feelings...

Psychic Alexander Sheps became the winner of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” In his interview with TNT channel, he...

The end of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics” was rapidly approaching, and the main intrigue was only growing - are Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro really together or is this just speculation from regular viewers of the TV show? Moreover, fans of the show were probably more concerned about this question than the name of the future winner of the season.

The love story of Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro

TV viewers noticed that the Samara magician and the Estonian witch became friends from the first days of filming the project and were constantly nearby. Indeed, on the program the couple clearly had a warm relationship, but it was not completely clear whether this was ordinary friendship or something more. And even when the host of the program, Marat Basharov, asked Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro a question about their relationship, they were both embarrassed and evasively answered that it was too early to draw conclusions. Rumors of an affair were confirmed when Alexander proposed to Marilyn in the final episode of the program, giving her a beautiful ring.

After the marriage proposal, fans of Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro expected speedy wedding, and followed by the appearance of a child, but months passed, and the desired news from famous couple everything didn't arrive. Because of this, rumors even spread that the lovers had broken up long ago and did not want to admit it. But numerous photographs happy couple on social networks they only said that everything was fine with them.

When asked by journalists about the wedding, Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro answer briefly that they are not yet ready to officially register their relationship, but this does not interfere with their happiness. Now they live in a spacious Moscow apartment, which Marilyn decorated in, and receive clients there, having equipped a separate room for this.

And it seems that everything is really serious with the couple, because Alexander has already introduced his betrothed to his family living in Samara (by the way, Alexander’s mother Lyudmila is a well-known psychic in her city), and Sasha’s relatives really liked her future daughter-in-law. Soon after the trip to Samara, the couple went to Estonia to meet Marilyn’s relatives.

The romance of Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro, their many fans can only track through photographs on social networks, because they do not like to talk about their personal lives. The couple posts photos from travel, holidays and just from Everyday life. But suddenly pictures began to appear in which Marilyn in.

Are Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps married?

The Internet quickly spread the news that Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps got married in secret from everyone. Some fans even claimed that they captured the Estonian witch with a rounded tummy in a children's store, in the stroller section. And after the photo of Marilyn with a baby in her arms appeared, news about the long-awaited first-born swept through the forums. Some were happy for the couple, while others thought it was just a PR stunt to maintain their fame after the show.

After briefly pissing off her fans, Marilyn admitted that in the photo she was not with her child, but with her newborn niece. And until Marilyn Kerro married Alexander Sheps, most likely you can’t count on a baby. After all, according to the Estonian witch herself, her upbringing does not allow her to give birth to a child out of wedlock.

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Whether Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro got married remained a mystery for a long time, since suspicions were great, but there were not enough reliable facts. The magical couple answers questions from journalists modestly: “Soon, very soon.”

The couple who captivated the audience of the Battle of Psychics, Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps, unexpectedly broke up for everyone, although the young people themselves did not give any comments. Psychics cannot yet say anything about why Kerro and Sheps broke up, since they themselves are still confused. The whirlwind romance that broke out on the TV show unexpectedly ended just as suddenly for everyone. Although psychics claim that in fact, Marilyn and Alexander, due to their difficult profession, decided to separate for a while, since they could not devote enough time to magic.

Is victory more important than love?

Since Marilyn could not win in season 14, she began to take part in the following seasons, because she considers herself a strong witch and worthy of victory. The Estonian witch says this about herself as a participant in the battle; she inherited her gift from her grandmother and is ready to prove to everyone that she is worthy of victory. The witch's fans supported her as best they could. Hard time and even some were sure that the couple would reunite again; they simply took a short break from their relationship to achieve their goals. Both magicians have simple character and they need to learn to give in to each other, as many psychics who observed the development of relations believe. And although the psychics themselves do not see any cracks in young people’s attitude, they still wonder whether they will be able to for a long time is nearby. The psychics, who were trying to find out whether they really broke up or whether it was just a regular PR move to attract attention to Marilyn, when she returned for the third time to conquer the Battle of Psychics, remained behind the curtain. Both psychics know how to very carefully hide their emotions and put up a barrier so that no one can count thoughts. And even those psychics who tried thanks magical rituals to find out what was happening with the relationships of the magicians, they could not see the future, because every psychic knows how to block access to their information.

Alexander Sheps, photo

Marilyn and Kerro first met on qualifying round into the Battle of Psychics and realized that they were made for each other. The witch, who captivated him with her beauty and magical skills, accepted Alexander as he was. Many spectators and psychics watched the development of their relationship; at that time, the couple was predicted to have a long and happy life, although there were pitfalls that, in other respects, arise for every couple along the way when they decide to live together. Many psychics who were next to them on film set, we are sure that the couple has already formed and they were destined for each other in their lives, quarrels will occur more than once, which they should not take so close to their hearts and immediately separate. We must learn to give in and understand each other, and since their couple is not idle, each of them can foresee in advance what will happen in their lives, then they should calm down their hot-tempered nature.

A break up

Psychics say that Marilyn herself was the initiator of the breakup, as she was preparing to take part in the next seventeenth season of the Battle of Psychics, and for this she needed strength and attention. After all, it’s not easy to focus on the main task and completely restore strength in a short period of time. Although many are sure that the couple separated for a while, on the eve of the broadcast the witch herself spoke to fans on her blog that she was left alone and was not yet ready to give an exact answer to the continuation of her relationship with Alexander.

Participants in the 17th Battle were very surprised by the appearance of Marilyn Kerro on the set of the program, and even many suggested that the breakup was faked for PR. After all, TV viewers love to sympathize and worry about their idols. Psychics were divided into two camps: those who really believed in the separation of the couple and those who consider this a very well-thought-out move to win the program. Psychics believe that Alexander was against the witch’s return to the program, since he did not see her as a winner there in advance, which the psychic herself really strived for. And because of such a trifle, the couple quarreled very much and separated. After all, the Estonian witch decided to prove to herself that she could be one of the strongest psychics and strives only for victory. No matter how Alexander tried to stop her, the witch made her choice, which greatly offended him.

Photo by Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps

Appearing on the set, Marilyn could not answer the question about her lover’s opinion that she decided to return to the Battle. Psychics who were able to slightly reveal the secret of the relationship between Kerry and Sheps saw that the young people still loved each other and were ready to make concessions in order to reunite and try to continue their relationship, because it was not for nothing that they were talking about a wedding and planning children.

Psychics: why Kerro and Sheps broke up

Psychics why Kerro and Sheps broke up agreed that the couple formed on the most mysterious project and it was not for nothing that their fate brought them together on a TV show. After all, in ordinary life they might not have met, although they knew and felt each other at a distance. The fact that there is a crack in their relationship does not mean that they will separate forever, time will pass both Kerro and Sheps will forget the grievances and continue their relationship. Some psychics, taking the side of the Estonian witch, even suggested that Alexander had cheated on her. And as you know, women rarely forgive infidelity, and it’s easier for a witch to see whether there was infidelity or not. Participants in the seventeenth Battle of Psychics still consider their separation a very strong PR move, returning to the battle, because Marilyn was able to repeatedly prove that she is a strong magician and psychic. The couple themselves still have not discovered the truth, and the quarrel is only growing with new gossip; psychics hope that they will still speak in public and explain what happened to them. Psychics even suggested that in this way the couple was able to create a buzz around themselves and once again remind fans and clients of their existence.

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