Quotes from dead souls about the character of Chichikov. Image, characteristics of Chichikov from the poem “Dead Souls”: character, personality, origin, telling surname, appearance (Gogol N.V.)

Characteristics of Chichikov are the topic of this article. What can we say about this hero from the work “Dead Souls”? Belinsky, a famous Russian critic, remarked in 1846 that, as an acquirer, Chichikov was no less, and perhaps more than Pechorin, a hero of our time. He can buy “dead souls”, collect donations for various charitable institutions, and acquire railway shares. It doesn’t matter what kind of activity someone like him does. Their essence remains unchanged.

Author's description of Chichikov at the beginning of the work

It is indisputable that Chichikov is an immortal type. You can meet people like him everywhere. This hero belongs to all times and all countries, he only accepts various shapes, depending on time and place. In the poem "Dead Souls" the action begins with the reader becoming acquainted with the main character. What is the characteristic of Chichikov? This is the “golden mean”, neither this nor that. The author, describing him, notes that he is not a handsome man, but also not a “bad-looking” person, not very thin, but not too fat, not old, but not young either. Chichikov Pavel Ivanovich is a venerable collegiate adviser. This is Chichikov’s characterization at the beginning of the work.

Visits made by Chichikov in the city

Where does he begin his stay in the city? From numerous visits: to the prosecutor, vice-governor, governor, tax farmer, police chief, head of local state-owned factories, etc. Chichikov, behaving like a well-intentioned person, knew how to very skillfully flatter everyone in conversations with these rulers. So, for example, he praised the governor for the “velvet roads” in the province under his control, and the police chief Chichikov said something flattering about the city guards. He mistakenly called the Chairman of the House and the Vice-Governor “Your Excellency” twice. Chichikov paid a compliment to the governor's wife, decent for a middle-aged man who has not too little, but not too much rank. Quote characteristic Chichikova will complement the image created by the author. Pavel Ivanovich called himself nothing more than an “insignificant worm,” complaining that he had to experience a lot in his lifetime, endure a lot in his service for the truth, and make many enemies who even attempted on his life.

Ability to carry on a conversation

The characterization of Chichikov (“Dead Souls”) can be complemented by his masterful ability to maintain a conversation. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol writes that if it was a question of a horse farm, he talked about it, but he could also make sensible comments about good dogs. Moreover, Chichikov did this with “some kind of sedateness,” he spoke neither quietly nor loudly, but exactly as he should, he knew how to behave well. As we see, he learned to wear the mask of imaginary decency and vulgarity masterfully. Under this guise of a completely decent, decent gentleman was hidden true characteristic Chichikov (“Dead Souls”), the content of his actions and thoughts.

The author's attitude towards Chichikov in the first chapter

The author in the first chapter only allegorically, indirectly expresses his attitude towards Chichikov and his actions. And this hero himself, talking about the world of thick and thin, hints at his true vision of the world around him. He says that the fat ones manage their affairs better than the “thin” ones, who mostly serve on special assignments and “wander here and there.” The quotation description of Chichikov helps to better understand this image. Main character Gogol referred to the world of fat people who sit firmly and securely in their places. By confirming the appearance of who Chichikov seems to be, the author is thus preparing to expose him, to reveal the truth about him.

First successful transactions

The deal with Manilov is the first success. She strengthens Pavel Ivanovich’s confidence in the safety and ease of the scam he has planned. The hero, inspired by his first success, is in a hurry to make new deals. Chichikov meets Korobochka on the way to Sobakevich, who showed him that the enterprise he conceived requires caution and subtlety, and not just persistence. This lesson, however, did not benefit Chichikov. He hurries to Sobakevich, but unexpectedly meets Nozdryov and decides to go to him.

Chichikov at Nozdryov's

Among Nozdryov’s main qualities, almost the main one was the passion to “spoil one’s neighbor,” sometimes without any reason. And Pavel Ivanovich unwittingly falls for this bait. Nozdryov ultimately reveals the true purpose of Chichikov's acquisition." dead souls". This episode reveals the frivolity and weakness of the hero. Subsequently, of course, Chichikov scolded himself for acting carelessly by talking about such a delicate matter with Nozdrev. As we see, determination and perseverance in cases where they go too far turn into disadvantage.

Purchasing “dead souls” from Sobakevich

Chichikov finally arrives at Sobakevich. The characterization of Chichikov by other characters is interesting. They all have different tempers, and everyone has their own attitude towards the main character. Sobakevich is a persistent and resourceful person when it comes to his benefits. He guesses, most likely, why Chichikov needs “dead souls”. Sobakevich bargains godlessly, and besides, he also praises his dead peasants. He says that Eremey Sorokoplekhin, who traded in Moscow, brought 500 rubles per quitrent. This is not like the peasants of some Plyushkin.

Comparative characteristics of Chichikov and Plyushkin

Let's compare these two characters. The comparative characteristics of Chichikov and Plyushkin are very interesting. After all, Pavel Ivanovich was a serving nobleman, and Plyushkin was a landowner. These are the two classes that held royal Russia that time. Meanwhile, the lack of understanding of the need for daily work, the inability to do any useful work, brings these heroes together and leads them to disastrous results. The characterization of Chichikov and Plyushkin is very unattractive. And this is the support of the state, the “tables of society”! Helps to discover interesting connections in a work Comparative characteristics Chichikova...

Deal with Plyushkin

The enterprise conceived by Chichikov ends with a deal with Plyushkin. This landowner even loses his money. He put them in one of the boxes, where they were probably destined to remain until his death. Chichikov is now at his best. All the papers are signed, and he turns into a “millionaire” in the eyes of ordinary people. This is a magic word that opens all roads and affects both scoundrels and good people.

The real biography of Chichikov

Soon, however, Chichikov's triumph ends with the exposure of Nozdryov, who told the authorities that he was trading dead souls. Confusion and commotion begin in the city, as well as in the reader’s mind. The author saved true biography his hero for the finale of the work, which finally gives a complete and true characterization of Chichikov in the poem “Dead Souls”. Throughout it, Pavel Ivanovich seemed virtuous and decent, but under this guise, as it turned out, a completely different essence was hidden. The characterization of Chichikov in the poem “Dead Souls”, given by the author in the finale, is as follows.

It turned out that this was the son of a semi-impoverished nobleman, whose face did not even resemble either his mother or his father. As a child, he had no friends or comrades. And then one fine day the father decided to send his child to the city school. There were no tears during parting with him, but Chichikov was given one smart and important instruction: to study, not to make a fool, not to hang around, to please bosses and teachers, to save a penny above all else, since this thing is the most reliable thing in the world.

The unsociable and lonely Pavlusha accepted this instruction with all his heart and was guided by it all his life. He quickly grasped the spirit of leadership in the school classes and understood what “correct” behavior should be. Chichikov sat quietly in class and as a result, not having any special talents or abilities, received a certificate upon graduation, and also special book for trustworthy behavior and exemplary diligence. After graduating from college, Pavlusha plunged into reality: his father died, leaving him as an inheritance only 4 sweatshirts, irretrievably worn out, 2 old frock coats and a small amount of money.

At the same time, remarkably, another event occurs that reveals the true qualities of Chichikov, the future swindler. The teacher, who loved the meek student so much, was fired from the school. He disappeared into a forgotten kennel without a piece of bread. Former arrogant and rebellious students collected money for him, and only Pavel Ivanovich limited himself to a nickel, citing his extreme need.

The means by which Chichikov advanced in his career

Chichikov, it should be noted, was not stingy. However, he imagined future life with abundance and in all comforts: excellent arranged house, carriages, delicious dinners and expensive entertainment. For this reason, Pavel Ivanovich agreed to go hungry and selflessly engage in service. He soon realized that honest work would not bring him what he wanted. And Chichikov begins, looking for new opportunities to improve his position, to care for the daughter of his boss. When he finally gets a promotion, he completely forgets about this family. Scams, bribes - this is the path Pavlusha took. He gradually achieves some visible well-being. But in the place of his former boss they appoint a military man, a strict man, in whom Chichikov could not gain the trust. And he is forced to look for other ways to arrange his well-being.

How Pavel Ivanovich “suffered in service”

The main character of the poem goes to another city. Here, by a lucky chance, he becomes a customs official and begins to conduct “commercial” relations with smugglers. This criminal conspiracy was discovered after some time, and all those responsible, including Chichikov, were brought to justice. This is how Pavel Ivanovich actually “suffered in his service.” Chichikov, taking care of his offspring, decides to commit another scam, which Gogol describes in detail in the poem “Dead Souls”.

Chichikov - a hero of our time

So, Chichikov, who was brought face to face with the usual, traditional order of things, contributes through his actions to the destruction of the existing order. He lays the foundation for something new. Therefore, we can say in this sense that according to full right Chichikov is the hero of our time.

The characteristics of the hero of the work “Dead Souls” (Chichikov) were presented in this article. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol wrote the poem that interests us in 1842. In it, he was able to talentedly and eloquently portray the destructiveness of the serfdom that existed at that time, and its terrifying consequences for the entire Russian society. It is not just individual people who are degenerating - the people and the entire state are being destroyed along with them. We can say with confidence that the anti-serfdom works of Nikolai Vasilyevich played a certain role in the approach of abolition in our country

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov - main character famous poem N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls", in the past he was an official and an inveterate careerist, who then became a clever swindler and manipulator. He travels through the villages of the Russian outback, meets with various landowners and nobles, tries to earn their trust and thus do things profitable for himself.

Chichikov is interested in purchasing so-called “dead souls”, documents for serfs who have already died, but due to the fact that the population census was carried out once every few years, they are considered alive. An enterprising businessman plans to resell these souls along with the land, which he plans to buy for pennies, and earn good capital from it. The image of Chichikov is fresh and A New Look on the adventurous image of an entrepreneur in Russian literature.

Characteristics of the main character

("Chichikov Pavel Ivanovich. In front of the box" Artist P. Sokolov, 1890)

The inner world of Chichikov before last chapter in the book remains mysterious and ambiguous for everyone. The description of his appearance is averaged to the maximum: neither handsome nor ugly, not very fat, but not thin, neither old nor young. The main features of this hero are averageness (he is a quiet and inconspicuous gentleman, distinguished by pleasant manners, roundness and smoothness) and a high degree of enterprise. Even his manner of communication does not reveal his character: he speaks neither loudly nor quietly, knows how to find an approach everywhere and is known as his own person everywhere.

Peculiarities inner world Chichikov is revealed through the manner of his communication with the landowners, whom he attracts to his side and, skillfully manipulating, persuades them to sell “dead souls.” The author notes the ability of a cunning adventurer to adapt to his interlocutor and copy his manners. Chichikov knows people very well, finds his own benefit in everything and, like a subtle psychologist, tells people what they need.

(Illustration by V. Makovsky "Chichikov at Manilov")

Chichikov is an active and active person; for him it is very important not only to preserve what he has earned, but also to increase it (as much as possible large quantity once). Moreover, irrepressible greed does not torment him like Plyushkin, because money for him is only a means to ensure a decent life.

Chichikov comes from a poor, respectable family, and his father advised him to always please his superiors and get along with the right people, and taught him that “a penny opens any door.” Having no initial concepts about duty and conscience, Chichikov, having matured, understands that moral values They only interfere with achieving their goals and therefore often neglect the voice of conscience, making their way in life with their own forehead.

(Illustration "Little Chichikov")

And although Chichikov is a swindler and a rogue, he cannot be denied perseverance, talent and ingenuity. At school, he sold buns to his classmates (who also treated him to them), at every job he tried to find his own profit and tried to get rich, in the end he came up with an idea with “dead souls” and tried to pull it off, playing on the feelings and base instincts of those around him of people. At the end of the work, Chichikov’s scam is discovered and becomes public knowledge, he is forced to leave.

The image of the main character in the work

("Chichikov's Toilet" Artist P.P. Sokolov 1966)

In his famous work, which took him 17 years to complete painstaking work, Gogol created a comprehensive picture of modern Russian realities and revealed a diverse gallery of characters and types of people of that time. The image of Chichikov, a talented entrepreneur and unprincipled swindler, represents, according to the author, “a terrible and vile force that is not capable of reviving the Fatherland.”

Trying to live according to the behests of his father, Chichikov tried to live frugally and save every penny, but realizing that you can’t make much wealth in an honest way, he finds a loophole in the Russian legislation of those years and begins to implement his plan. Having not achieved what he wanted, he brands himself as a swindler and a rogue, and is forced to abandon his plans.

What lesson this character learned from this situation remains unclear to us, because the second volume of this work was destroyed by the author, are we left to guess what happened next and whether Chichikov is to blame for what he tried to do or whether society and the principles to which it is subject are to blame.

The poem Dead Souls is one of the most famous works Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol. The key character in it is the adventurer Chichikov. The image of the main character, masterfully drawn by the author, often becomes the subject of discussion among both professional critics and ordinary readers. To understand what this character did to deserve such attention, you need to look at the plot of the work.

The work tells about a certain official by the surname Chichikov. This man really wanted to get rich and gain weight in society. He decided to achieve his goal by buying up the so-called dead souls, that is, serfs who are owned by the landowner according to papers, although in fact they are no longer alive. Both the seller and the buyer benefited from this. Chichikov thus acquired fictitious property, against which he could take out a bank loan, and the landowner was freed from the obligation to pay taxes for the dead peasant.

The work is compulsorily studied in school. In literature classes, students are often asked to write an essay on the topic: Dead Souls. Image of Chichikov. Of course, in order to write a competent work, you need to carefully read the source and form your own idea of ​​its main character. But if this is impossible for some reason, you can familiarize yourself with detailed information about the character. This information will be useful when writing an essay, composing comparative tables for different characters or preparing a presentation.

Text analysis allows you to reveal all the main features image Chichikov in the poem Dead Souls. Summary The actions and actions of the character, revealing his nature, begin with his acquaintance with Chichikov.

The author briefly described the hero’s appearance at the beginning of the work. Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov is a somewhat ordinary character who may meet to any historical era and at any geographical point. There is nothing remarkable in his portrait:

  • his appearance is not beautiful, but not ugly either;
  • physique is neither plump nor thin;
  • he is no longer young, but not yet old.

Thus, in all respects, this venerable collegiate adviser maintains the “golden mean”.

Arrival of the character in “city N”

Chichikov begins your adventure from arrival in a city not named by the author. A smart man, who is also characterized by hypocrisy, he begins his activities by paying visits to the following officials:

  • to the prosecutor;
  • to the governor and his family;
  • to the vice-governor;
  • the chief of police;
  • the chairman of the chamber.

Of course, a subtle calculation was visible under such behavior of Pyotr Ivanovich. The hero’s intentions are well revealed by his own quote: “Don’t have money, have good people to work with.”

Gain the favor of those who had rank and influence in the city, it was very useful for the implementation of the plan. And he succeeded to perfection. Chichikov knew how to impress the people he needed. Belittling his dignity and demonstrating his insignificance in every possible way, he demonstrated impeccable speech manners, made skillful compliments to the rulers: he admired the success of their activities and called them such unjustifiably high titles as “your excellency.” He spoke little about himself, but from his story one could conclude that he had to go through an extremely difficult life path and experience a lot for his own honesty and justice.

They began to invite him to receptions, where he maintained a favorable first impression of himself with his ability to take part in a conversation on any topic. At the same time, he behaved very decently and showed extensive knowledge about the subject of conversation. His speech was meaningful, his voice was neither quiet nor loud.

At this moment one can already catch a hint that this integrity is only a mask under which lies true character and the hero's aspirations. Chichikov divides all people into fat and thin. At the same time, fat people have a strong position in this world, while thin people only serve as executors of other people’s orders. The main character himself, of course, belongs to the first category, since he intends to firmly take his place in life. The author himself speaks about this, and this information begins to reveal another, true face of the character.

Start of activity

Chichikov begins his scam with an offer to buy non-existent peasants from the landowner Manilov. The master, burdened by the need to pay taxes for his dead servants, gave them away for free, although he was surprised at the unusual deal. In this episode, the main character is revealed as an easily addicted person, for whom success can quickly turn his head.

Having decided that the activity he has invented is safe, he heads for a new deal. His path lies to a certain Sobakevich, but the long road forces the hero to make a stop at the landowner Korobochka. As a quick-witted person, he wastes no time there either, acquiring almost two dozen more desired dead souls.

Only after escaping from Korobochka does he visit Nozdryov. The main feature This man had a desire to ruin the lives of everyone around him. But Chichikov did not immediately understand this and carelessly decided to try his luck in a deal with this landowner. Nozdryov led the swindler by the nose for a long time. He agreed to sell souls only together with real goods, for example, a horse, or offered to win them at dominoes, but in the end Pyotr Ivanovich was left with nothing. This meeting showed that the hero of the poem is a frivolous person, unable to calculate his own actions.

Chichikov finally got to Sobakevich and outlined his proposal to him. However, the landowner turned out to be no less cunning than the buyer. His benefits he didn't want to miss out. Realizing that Pyotr Ivanovich’s actions were not entirely legal, he skillfully played on this, driving up the price of non-existent peasants. This made Chichikov very tired, but he showed determination. Ultimately, the seller and buyer reached a compromise and the deal was completed.

While Sobakevich was bargaining, he said a few words about a certain Plyushkin, and the hero went to visit this landowner. The master's household did not evoke positive emotions among the newcomer. Everything there was in disrepair, and the owner himself had a dirty, unkempt appearance. The landowner was not poor, but turned out to be a real miser. He kept all the money and things of any value hidden in chests. The painful stinginess of this character, whose name became a household name, helped Chichikov conclude a successful deal. Plyushkin was wary of this sale, but he was pleased with the opportunity to get rid of the need to pay taxes on dead peasants.

At first glance, Plyushkin did not play a big role in the plot of the work, but if you compare this character with the main character, there is something in common between them. Being a landowner and a nobleman, they were supposed to be a support for the state and an example to follow, while in reality both turned out to be useless to society as people trying to line their own pockets.

Trying to leave the city

Be that as it may, but after the deal with Plyushkin, Chichikov has reached his goal and no longer saw the need to stay in the city. In an effort to leave him as quickly as possible, he went to court to certify the authenticity of the documents. But this procedure required time, which he happily spent at receptions and surrounded by ladies interested in him.

However, the triumph turned into failure. Nozdryov hastened to expose Chichikov’s scam. This message caused a stir in the city. The guest who was accepted everywhere suddenly became unwanted.

Throughout the story, the reader, although he understands the dubious good intentions of the protagonist's actions, does not yet know him full history, according to which it could turn out final opinion about Chichikov. The author talks about the origin and upbringing of the hero, as well as the events preceding his arrival in “city N,” in chapter 11.

The hero grew up in a poor family. Although they belonged to a high class of nobles, they had very few serfs at their disposal. Pavel Ivanovich's childhood was overshadowed by the lack of friends and acquaintances. When the child grew up a little, his father sent him to school. Parting with his son did not upset Ivan, but at parting he gave Pavel one instruction. The instruction spoke of the need to learn and gain the favor of those above him in position. The head of the family called money the most valuable and reliable thing that should be protected.

Chichikov followed this advice all his life. Good abilities He was not good at studying, but he quickly understood how to earn the love of his teachers. Quiet and meek behavior allowed him to receive a good certificate, but after graduating from college he showed his unsightly quality. His face opened up when one of the mentors who loved him found himself in an extremely difficult financial situation. For the teacher, who was almost dying of hunger, money was collected by hooligan classmates, while the diligent Chichikov stingily allocated an insignificant amount.

Meanwhile, the protagonist's father died, leaving behind a pitiful inheritance. Chichikov, who is not stingy by nature, is forced to starve and look for ways to earn money. He hires out for service and tries to work honestly, but soon realizes that such work will not bring him the desired wealth with a luxurious house, a carriage with a coachman and expensive entertainment.

Wanting to get a promotion, he wins the favor of his boss by marrying his daughter. But as soon as the goal was achieved, he no longer needed the family. While Chichikov was advancing in his career, there was a change in management. Despite all his efforts, the hero could not find mutual language with a new leader and was forced to look for other ways to obtain material wealth.

Luck to become a customs official smiled on the hero in next city. But he decided to improve his financial situation with bribes, for which he soon appeared in court. Always striving to please those in power, Chichikov had some connections that allowed him to avoid punishment for a crime.

His nature was such that he turned this discrediting episode of his life into a story about how he innocently suffered in the service.

Unfortunately, one can only judge such an interesting character as Chichikov by the first volume. The second part of the work was burned by the author himself, and he never began the third. Based on the surviving sketches and drafts, it is known that the hero tried to continue his fraudulent activities. It is unknown how the poem would have ended, but the talentedly created image is still relevant. After all, to this day life path You might meet a person like Chichikov.

Description of the hero by critics

Critics, for the most part deservedly those who appreciated the poem noted this acumen and the fraudulent nature of the character. Experts made the following judgments about the hero:

  1. V. G. Belinsky called him a real hero modern era, who sought to acquire wealth, without which it was impossible to achieve success in the emerging capitalist society. People like him bought shares or collected donations for charity, but they were all united by this desire.
  2. K. S. Aksakov ignored moral qualities hero, only noted his cunning. For this critic, the main thing was that Chichikov was a truly Russian person.
  3. A. I. Herzen characterized the hero as the only active person, whose efforts in the end were still worth little, since they were limited to fraud.
  4. V. G. Marantsman saw in the hero himself a “dead soul”, complete negative qualities and devoid of morality.
  5. P. L. Weil and A. A. Genis saw in Chichikov " little man”, that is, a simple-minded scoundrel whose activities were neither smart nor large-scale.

The final image of Chichikov is ambiguous. This clearly intelligent man sets himself the goal of arranging own life, but every time he chooses for this wrong means. His vigorous activity and determination could have brought him prosperity long ago, but the thirst for wealth and luxury, unavailable to him in childhood, pushes him to commit crimes and fraud.

Speaking surname Chichikova

The surname "Chichikov" is telling. According to one version, it is similar to the chirping of a sparrow and reflects such qualities of the hero as dexterity and the ability to adapt. And his name - Paul - correlates with this in a known way in Christianity, as the image of the Apostle Paul, who first persecuted Christ and then himself converted to Christianity.

This suggests that Gogol probably also planned changes in Chichikov’s soul in better side, his moral revival, cleansing from those unclean, base deeds that he was engaged in throughout the first volume.

Chichikov's appearance

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov is the main character of N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls", a collegiate adviser. Chichikov’s appearance can already tell a lot about him, a dexterous and cunning man who is liked by literally everyone: he is a plump, middle-aged man, not a real handsome man, but pleasant to look at, with a friendly voice, and smells good, as he wears cologne.

Character, image, origin of Chichikov

Chichikov comes from a family of poor nobles, but despite this, he is well educated. Chichikov's character is as follows: he is a reasonable, polite person, but very cunning, deceitful, hypocritical, who manages numbers and money well, and saves a lot. He is cold-blooded and purposeful, always going towards his goal, using the dirtiest methods to achieve this. For him, the end always justifies the means. But Chichikov knows how to hide all his shortcomings in order to achieve his goal; he easily charms those around him and misleads them with his external courtesy and pleasantness. Chichikov is smart and calculating, well versed in human psychology and can find an approach to almost anyone. the main objective his life - get as much as possible more money, and for this he is ready to do anything.

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// The image of Chichikov in Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”

He worked on his grandiose poem “” for about seventeen years. Of course, for so much long period, the meaning and parts of the poem have changed several times. But the essence of the work remained untouched. Great author decided to create a poem in which he would characterize the life around him, describe the picture of the modern Russia, which is filled with different, absolutely not similar people. In the text of the poem we meet many heroes and learn a lot of interesting things about their fates. But, nevertheless, the person of the main character, Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, attracts attention.

He was a new class of entrepreneur, of which there were not many in those days. This hero has a double characteristic of the author himself. On the one hand, he is a vile person, in whose head terrible thoughts are born. On the other hand, he is quite inventive and bright character, who was able to come up with a cunning plan to profit from dead peasants.

Chichikov buys the dead souls of peasants from other landowners, thereby receiving profit and income. In those days, audits of peasants were rarely carried out, therefore, according to the documents, all those people were actually alive. The main character does not break the law. He simply takes advantage of such a mess in the documentation and puts his plan into action.

Getting to know all the landowners, he finds an approach to each of them. Chichikov establishes connections with both men and women. He evokes sympathy and friendly relations. Thanks to the ability to adapt to the environment, he gains confidence in to the right people, and then uses them for his own purposes.

With the landowner he is polite like a woman, but firm. He is gentle and kind. Pavel Ivanovich communicates with the landowner carefully. He is trying with all his might to bring down the price for dead souls set by the vigilant owner.

Chichikov's personality is distinguished by extraordinary ingenuity. The hero tries with all his might to bring his plan to life. He wants to gain his wealth by any means, going to complete shamelessness, and far from noble deeds. Although, for such perseverance and demonstrated willpower, he must be given credit. Pavel Ivanovich, through difficulties and obstacles, moved forward in order to carry out his plans and collect dead souls.

Such endurance and accumulative character traits have been formed in the main character since childhood. Pavel's family lived poorly, so the boy had to come up with various ways to get money. He himself made a bullfinch from wax, painted it and sold it. Pavlusha decided to train the mouse and then sell it. And the most interesting thing is that, as a child, he did not spend money, but carefully collected every penny, refusing everything. Pavel Ivanovich's father left him a will with parting words. He ordered his son to study, obey teachers, collect and save a penny. And how this should be done - nothing is said. So Chichikov decided that in life a penny is much more more valuable than friendship and friends.

Of course, we cannot call the main character a completely immoral person. He felt both regret and sympathy. But for this he demanded quite a decent amount. Definitely, I can call Chichikov’s personality quite talented and inventive. It’s a pity that his skills were not useful, but only led to such a dirty scam. This idea of ​​buying “dead souls” did not make the hero rich and successful. After all, how can you profit from such a soulless idea?

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