Quotes from composers and musicians about creativity. Quotes about music Music quotes

Music is a part of our life, a part of every person. In one way or another musical direction, he seeks self-expression and strives for self-knowledge. Music can help you have fun, it can also make you think and help you get to know yourself better. inner world. We offer you interesting selection quotes, aphorisms and sayings about music that will help you understand how important music is in life.

Music is immortal. Anyone who thinks that listening to old songs is not fashionable not only understands nothing about music, but also understands nothing about life. The music that performers give from the heart is eternal. Creativity is proof of this. legendary bands and performers. In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine published the article “Immortals: 50 greatest performers of all times." This list includes such legendary names as the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Bob Marley, Nirvana, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Elton John, Quinn, Tina Turner and others. As for the Russian stage, it also has its own luminaries. Among them are Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Valery Leontyev, group Tender May etc.

There are many musical styles and directions, but love for music should always begin with the classics. Among the most famous composers who created brilliant works, it is worth mentioning such names as L. Beethoven, A. Mozart, J. Bach, J. Strauss, P. Tchaikovsky, F. Schubert.

Music drowns out sadness (W. Shakespeare).

But sad music can only enhance it.

Music is the universal language of humanity (Longfellow).

We can listen to the music of other peoples without needing translation.

The greatness of art is most clearly manifested in music (Goethe).

Neither painting nor sculpture leaves as many memories as music.

Without music life would be a mistake (F. Nietzsche).

Maybe without music there would be no life - people would die of boredom.

Talking about music is like dancing about architecture (D. Byrne).

You need to listen to music, but your soul will talk about it.

Music is a powerful source of thought. Without musical education impossible full mental development (V. Sukhomlinsky).

Musical education should begin from birth.

Music cannot think, but it can embody thought (R. Wagner).

Music with thoughts is not necessarily music and words; sometimes a melody without words embodies much more thoughts than with them.


Music always plays for victory, even when it is sad.

Rasadness and sadness go hand in hand with music...

Music is not a hobby for me, or even a passion. Music is me.

Everyone finds their reflection in music.

Music is a natural sedative.

No sedative can calm you down like music.

Music is a shorthand for feelings.

Music reflects all feelings, emotions and achievements.

Music is the poetry of the air.

Notes can be written down on paper, but the music itself can only float in the air and live in the hearts.

Living without music is like breathing without air.

He who does not love music does not live.

Music is something that makes it worth having ears at all.

This is an art that cannot be comprehended with the eyes.

Quotes from great people and musicians

Classical music is the basis of a civilized society. And a sign of a refined mind (Henry Morgan).

Musical taste is, first of all, a love of the classics.

Music is a mediator between the life of the mind and the life of feelings. Music is a revelation higher than wisdom and philosophy (L. Beethoven).

Philosophy is different for everyone, but music is the same for everyone.

Music - best consolation for a sad person (M. Luther).

Oddly enough, when we feel bad, we turn on sad music, but it makes us happier.

Music, like rain, seeps into the heart drop by drop and revives it. (R. Rolland).

Music can heal wounds.

The purpose of music is to touch hearts (I. Bach).

And also to penetrate into the soul...

Music rules autocratically and makes you forget about everything else (W. Mozart).

She leaves a mark on the soul that cannot be erased.

Music is not in the notes, but in the silence between them (W. Mozart).

About music and soul

Music is not Bach or Beethoven, but a can opener for opening the soul.

No one and nothing can penetrate the soul like music.

Music brings peoples and nationalities together and breaks down language barriers.

A genius, opening the lid of a piano, opens the souls wide open to everyone!

And only the insensitive and soulless remain indifferent to music.

Only greatest art— music can touch the depths of the soul.

Music not only excites the blood, but also touches the soul to the quick.

Music is the only universal language, it does not need to be translated, soul speaks to soul.

When literature is translated, its meaning and original essence are lost, but music always retains its authenticity.

Music washes away the dust from the soul everyday life.

Music heals and cleanses a person.

Music alone is a world language and does not need translation, because it speaks to the soul.

The soul is able to understand music without any translators.

About rock music

When Tsoi died, everyone became rockers. Michael Jackson died as a pop singer. Be healthy, Elton John!

Musicians die, but music remains forever alive.

Rock is the ability to bring freedom into the world, into the minds of people.

If you want to feel freedom, go to a rock concert.

Rock is a movement, it is a story, it is truth and freedom, it is a force that can move mountains and unite common efforts. There is no place for hypocrisy, window dressing, parody, or lies in rock. Rock is not just music. Rock music is life.

Listening to rock makes you want to live and create, and not sit and be inactive.

Rock should be hard enough for guys and sweet enough for girls. This way everyone will be happy and it will be much more fun.


The purpose of music is to touch hearts.
Johann Sebastian Bach(March 31, 1685 - July 28, 1750), German composer

There is nothing special about the music. You just need to hit the right keys at the right time - and the instrument plays itself.
Johann Sebastian Bach

The purpose and ultimate end of all music should be nothing other than the glorification of God and the restoration of the soul.
Johann Sebastian Bach

I had to work hard. Anyone who is just as hardworking will achieve the same success.
Johann Sebastian Bach

Wherever there is godly music, God is always there with his gracious presence.
Johann Sebastian Bach

I would be very sorry if my music only entertained my listeners: I tried to make them better.
George Frideric Handel (23 February 1685 – 14 April 1759), German and English composer

Music should play in relation to a poetic work the same role that the brightness of colors plays in relation to an accurate drawing.
Christopher Gluck (2 July 1714 – 15 November 1787), Austrian composer

Simplicity, truth and naturalness are the three great principles of beauty in all works of art.
Christopher Gluck

The beauty of music is in the melody.
Joseph Haydn (31 March 1732 – 31 May 1809), Austrian composer

Music rules autocratically and makes you forget about everything else.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791), Austrian composer

When I am traveling in a carriage, or walking after a good meal, or at night when I cannot sleep, it is on such occasions that ideas flow best and most abundantly.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Music, even in the most terrible dramatic situations, must remain music.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Neither a high degree of intelligence, nor imagination, nor both together create a genius. Love, love, love, this is the soul of a genius.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

I don't hear parts of the music sequentially in my imagination, I hear it all at once. And this is a pleasure!
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

I don't pay attention to anyone's praise or blame. I just follow my own feelings.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Work is my first pleasure.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Music is my life and my life is music.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Music is not in the notes, but in the silence between them.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Music is one ethereal entrance to upper world knowledge that humanity comprehends, but which cannot be comprehended by man.
Ludwig van Beethoven (17 December 1770 – 26 March 1827), German composer

Ludwig van Beethoven

Music should strike fire from people's hearts.
Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven

Music is a mediator between the life of the mind and the life of feelings.
Ludwig van Beethoven

A true artist is devoid of vanity; he understands too well that art is limitless.
Ludwig van Beethoven

Each one has a genuine piece of music I have an idea.
Ludwig van Beethoven

Music is a revelation higher than wisdom and philosophy.
Ludwig van Beethoven

Music is the most poetic, the most powerful, the most living of all arts.
Hector Berlioz (December 11, 1803 – March 8, 1869), French composer

To create beauty, you yourself must be pure in soul.
Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (June 1, 1804 - February 15, 1857), Russian composer

I find it impossible to compose music that I have not fully felt; This seems to me a lie, for the notes have the same definite meaning as the words - perhaps even more definite.
Felix Mendelssohn (February 3, 1809 – November 4, 1847), German composer and pianist

Music has no fatherland; her fatherland is the whole universe.
Frederic Chopin (February 22, 1810 – October 17, 1849), Polish composer and pianist

Simplicity is the highest goal, achievable when you have overcome all difficulties.
Frederic Chopin

Talent works, genius creates.
Robert Schumann (8 June 1810 – 29 July 1856), German composer

May the silver thread of fantasy always wind around the chain of rules.
Robert Schumann

A beautiful thing is complete virtuosity when it is a means of conveying original works art.
Robert Schumann

Without imagination there is no art, just as there is no science.
Franz Liszt (22 October 1811 – 31 July 1886), Hungarian composer

Supreme calm still remains the ideal of great art.
Franz Liszt

I am convinced that there are universal currents of Divine thought vibrating the ether everywhere and that anyone who can feel these vibrations is inspired.
Richard Wagner (22 May 1813 – 13 February 1883), German composer

Melody is the only form of music; Without melody, music is unthinkable, and music and melody are inseparable.
Richard Wagner

Creator work of art of the future is none other than the artist of the present.
Richard Wagner

Music cannot think, but it can embody thought.
Richard Wagner

Only strong people know love, only love allows you to feel beauty, only beauty creates art... Beauty in action is art.
Richard Wagner

I cannot see the essence of music in anything other than love.
Richard Wagner

In art, as in love, first of all, you need to be frank.
Giuseppe Verdi (October 10, 1813 – January 27, 1901), Italian composer

In music everything is like in life: good musicians do not remember evil. Bad ones are good.
Georges Bizet (25 October 1838 – 3 June 1875), French composer

Inspiration is the kind of guest who does not like to visit the lazy.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (May 7, 1840 – November 6, 1893), Russian composer

Inspiration is born only from work.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

For an artist at the moment of creativity it is necessary complete calm. In this sense artistic creativity always objective, even musical. Those who think that a creative artist, in moments of emotion, is able to express what he feels through the means of his art, are mistaken. Both sad and joyful feelings are always expressed, so to speak, retrospectively. Without having any special reasons to rejoice, I can be imbued with a cheerful creative mood and, conversely, in the midst of a happy environment, produce a thing imbued with the darkest and most hopeless feelings.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Great talent requires great hard work.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

For an artist at the moment of creativity, complete calm is necessary; in this sense, artistic creativity is always objective, even musical creativity.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Music is designed to create a flame in the soul - L. Beethoven

Perfect music gives incredible sensations. It is thanks to her that you can feel separation, parting, love, betrayal. You can be with your loved one, even when he is far away - thanks to music. – Stendhal

Real music turns any event, action, feeling into something perfect, into something you want to love. It is in it, like in no other art, that vitality and inspiration are manifested. – J. Goethe

Music is a medicine that helps overcome depression, the dark side of life, problems and failures. And then it gives you the desire to live on. – V. Klyuchevsky

Music is the closest connection with the people. She can change his views, give him a new worldview, make him love something new, set him on a different path. Penetrates into the very depths of consciousness. – Mozart

Music does not think, it only embodies other people's thoughts. – L. Beethoven

When something cannot be expressed in speech, in ordinary words, music comes to the rescue. – E. Hoffman

Continuation beautiful quotes read on the pages:

Of all earthly music, closest to heaven - the beat is true loving heart. Henry Beecher

The notes I play are no better than many other pianists. The pauses between notes are where the art lies! Arthur Schnabel

I don’t know if the angels really only play Bach in the presence of God; but I am sure that in their home circle they play Mozart. Karl Barth

L. Beethoven - Music should strike fire from the human soul.

I liked your opera. Perhaps I'll write music for it. Ludwig van Beethoven

My music is best understood by children and animals. Igor Stravinsky

Akhmatova A. A. – Of all the arts, music is the most humane and widespread.

Music is intelligence embodied in beautiful sounds. – I. Turgenev

Music makes the happy even happier, the unhappy even more unhappy. – V. Krachkovsky

The song that a mother sings at the cradle accompanies a person all his life, until the grave. – Bigger G.

Plato - Great composers have always and first of all paid attention to melody as the leading principle in music. Melody is music main basis of all music, since a perfect melody implies and brings to life its harmonious design.

Jean Paul - What is music? It occupies a place between thought and phenomenon; like a predawn mediator, she stands between spirit and matter; akin to both, she is different from them; it is a spirit in need of measured time; it is matter, but matter that does without space.

R. Bugner – Melody is the only form of music; Without melody, music is unthinkable, and music and melody are inseparable.

Music can have a certain effect on the ethical side of the soul; and since music has such properties, then, obviously, it should be included among the subjects of youth education.

R. Wagner - Music is truly a universal language.

Writing music is not that difficult, the hardest thing is crossing out the extra notes. – J. Brahms

Aristotle - Music is a mediator between spiritual and sensory life.

Without music, life would be a mistake. Friedrich Nietzsche

Music is intelligence embodied in beautiful sounds. – Turgenev I.S.

Bach almost makes me believe in God. Roger Fry

Music has no fatherland; her fatherland is the whole universe. – F. Chopin

Chekhov A.P. – Music is the best consolation for a sad person.

Of all the arts, music is the most humane and widespread. – J.-P. Richter

Music needs words just as little as sculpture. Anton Rubinstein

Music is a mediator between the life of the mind and the life of feelings. – L. Beethoven

Xunzi - Music encourages us to think eloquently.

Music is the soul's unconscious exercise in arithmetic. – Leibniz G.

Shakespeare W. – The greatness of art is most clearly manifested in music.

The fingers should create on the piano what the head wants, and not vice versa. – R. Schumann

Music with its melody takes us to the very edge of eternity and gives us the opportunity to comprehend its greatness within a few minutes. – T. Carlyle

Heine G. – Music is a shorthand of feelings.

Talking about music is like dancing about architecture. David Byrne

Music is the universal language of humanity. – G. Longfellow

God gave us music so that we would first of all be drawn upward by it... - Nietzsche F.

Music, without mentioning anything, can say everything. – I. Ehrenburg

Chesterton G. – Music inspires the whole world, supplies the soul with wings, promotes the flight of imagination; music gives life and joy to everything that exists... It can be called the embodiment of everything beautiful and everything sublime.

Goethe – Music is the universal language of humanity.

Oh music! The echo of a distant harmonious world! The sigh of an angel in our soul! When the word, and the hug, and the tear-filled eye fade away, when our dumb hearts languish alone behind the bars of our chest - oh, then only thanks to you can they send each other a response from their prisons, unite their distant groans in one desert. – Jean Paul

R-Bagner – Most best music will have an unenviable fate if he trusts mediocre poetry.

Music washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul. – B. Averbakh

Any art strives to become music. Walter Pater

Tolstoy L.N. – Music shows a person the possibilities of greatness that exist in his soul.

Emerson W. - ...Notice to yourself, when herds or young horses rush wildly in the steppes, Dashing herds - they gallop madly, Roar and neigh - then the blood plays in them. Hot. But as soon as they hear just the sound of a trumpet or some other Sound of music, everyone will instantly stand rooted to the spot, and a wild look will transform into humility and meekness under the power of a lovely melody...

Music during dinner is an insult to both the cook and the violinist. – G. Chesterton

Always play as if the artist is listening to you. – R. Schumann

Mr. Handel – Music - in in the best sense this word - less in need of novelty; on the contrary, the older it is, the more correct it is, the stronger its impact.

Music is truly universal human speech. – K. Y. Weber

Nothing reminds us of the past like music; it not only resembles it, but evokes it, and, like the shadows of those dear to us, it appears shrouded in a mysterious and melancholy haze. – Anna Stahl

Music alone is a world language and does not need translation, because it speaks to the soul. – B. Averbakh

If a person is not philanthropic, what will he understand about music? Confucius

Aristotle - There is no living creature on earth So tough, tough, hellishly evil, That music could not make a revolution in him, even for one hour. He who does not carry music within himself, who is cold to lovely harmony, may be a traitor, a liar, a Robber, his soul movements are dark as night, and, like Erebus, his love is black. Don't trust such a person.

There is no music sweeter in the world than the sound of your favorite voice. – J. Labruyère

The song is like a gentle mist that, rising from the lake, spreads across the silent valley. – Ossian

Music cannot think, but it can embody thought. – R. Wagner

K. Beber - All music comes from the heart and must reach the heart again.

Give me the laundry bill and I'll put it to music. Gioachino Rossini

Longfellow G. – Music drowns out sadness.

The only possible commentary on a piece of music is another musical composition. Igor Stravinsky

The kind of melancholy that torments me cannot be expressed in words. Music is needed here.

Perfect music brings the heart into exactly the same state that you experience when enjoying the presence of a beloved being, that is, music undoubtedly gives the brightest happiness that is possible on earth. Stendhal

Music is the highest art in the world. Leo Tolstoy

The field of music is emotional unrest. The purpose of music is to excite these disturbances, and it itself is also inspired by them. – George Sand

B. Arnim - When music cries, all of humanity cries with it, all of nature cries.

Whoever does not play with the piano does not play it. – R. Schumann

Music is the poetry of the air. – Jean Paul

Goethe I. – Music is an acoustic composition that arouses in us an appetite for life, just as well-known pharmaceutical compositions arouse an appetite for food.

Music, like rain, seeps into the heart drop by drop and revives it. – Rolland R.

A. Bergson - Music is a revelation higher than wisdom and philosophy.

Playing the piano - finger movement; playing the piano is a movement of the soul. Usually we only hear the first. – A. Rubinstein

Klyuchevsky V. – And the one whom we call music For lack of name better name, Will he save us?

Shakespeare W. – Music with its melody takes us to the very edge of eternity and gives us the opportunity to comprehend its greatness within a few minutes.

Emerson W. - Music during dinner is an insult to both the cook and the violinist.

G. Hauptmann - I would be very sorry if my music only entertained my listeners: I tried to make them better.

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