Dream Interpretation exhumation, why do you dream about exhumation in a dream? Deceased distant relatives. Why do you dream of a dissatisfied dead man?

It's not very pleasant to see a dead person in a dream. This is especially true if the natural course of events is disrupted: an already buried body should not be removed from the ground.

Exhumation is a procedure during which a grave is opened and a buried person is raised from it. This is usually done for the purpose of conducting an examination: identifying the cause of death, establishing relationship or other necessary information.

What if you dream about exhumation?

Why dream of exhumation if you do not work as a forensic scientist or are in some other way connected with forensic science? This is a warning: some news may bring serious disappointment. Exists different variants interpretation of such a dream.

This can be understood as news of imminent wealth. Opening a burial can symbolize your secrets that will come out.

Such a dream may also have something to do with your personal life. Exhumation in this case foreshadows a meeting with a person, which will result in a long and happy relationship.

In any case, get ready for significant changes in your life.

Your plans and events may change beyond recognition. Women should be prepared for important meeting: a faithful companion who will go with you through life is already close. Representatives of the stronger sex will soon meet a girl: kind and gentle, with whom they will not want to spend a minute apart.

What does it portend?

If you dreamed of an exhumation in which many people were present, your friends will invite you to play a wedding.

It's interesting how a dream about a not-so-pleasant action can foreshadow a big celebration in which you are about to participate.

If you are afraid of inanimate people, remember that this is just a dream, which, moreover, in most cases only promises good things.

Wealth or a good meeting that can change your whole life.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • News that is very upsetting

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Exhumation- news that will greatly upset you.

Did you happen to bury someone in a dream? Don't be alarmed, the plot has nothing to do with reality. This is only a symbolic reflection of the coming changes. The dream book will explain in detail why this tragic image is dreamed of.

Where to begin?

The interpretation of a dream must begin with an absolute understanding that a dreamed funeral is a symbol of a total change in stereotypes, habits, and lifestyle. Moreover, this concerns the specific character who happened to be buried.

The Dream Interpretation also believes that you should definitely get rid of emotional negativity in relation to this person. In addition, the funeral of a deceased friend symbolizes separation from him, his marriage or future success.

Miller's interpretation

Miller's dream book claims that burying a familiar character in a dream means his long life and well-being. Especially if the event took place on a sunny, fine day. If it was raining, it was cloudy and gloomy, then difficult times await him.

Who's stopping you?

Why do you dream about burying someone who is still alive? The dream book suspects that you are trying with all your might to remove this person from own life. Usually such visions concern competitors and rivals.

Did you dream that you wanted to bury someone alive in a dream? In reality, a rather strange and unusual incident will happen.

Why do you dream that you had to bury other people’s corpses? The dream book believes that you will be seriously disappointed. In addition, the burial of a large number of people marks a dangerous situation and difficulties in financial matters.

Make no mistake!

If in a dream you yourself were buried alive, then you will soon make a grave mistake, and ill-wishers will take advantage of this mistake.

Seeing that you managed to get out of the grave means that you will come to your senses in time or correct your own stupidity.

Did you dream that you were present at your own burial? The dream book predicts long life, family happiness and wealth.

Everything will change...

Why do you dream that you visited a cemetery to bury stranger? You are destined for a quiet old age, far from the vanity of the world.

If you had to bury your loved one, then there is a chance that he will cheat on you. Seeing the burial of a relative or friend means reconciliation with him.

Dead body loved one in dreams it means his probable illness or other life changes.

Wealth or addiction?

Did you dream about the funeral of someone who had already died in real life? The dream book believes that finally invisible connection will be torn between you. In a dream, did you plan to bury the deceased a second time? You are aware of the changes that occur in your body or soul.

Had to rebury the decaying corpse of a long-dead person? If the event did not cause any unpleasant feelings, you will suddenly become rich. If the reburial of the deceased was associated with attacks of nausea, then you will fall under the influence of others.

Besides burying in dreams dead person– to success where you couldn’t even imagine. In essence, this is a symbolic deliverance from possible obstacles.

A successful union

Why dream that you had to bury a loved one in a dream? The dream book promises you enrichment through marriage with a worthy person.

The dream funeral of a loved one also reflects serious changes in one’s own inner world or business. For further interpretation, you should remember exactly who the character is in real life.

Think about it!

Burying your parents in this way in a dream means that you will enter into a hasty marriage, but will not know happiness in it. In addition, the dream book believes that the moment has come when you should seriously think about the results of your own life and its meaning.

Did you dream that you buried your mother or father? In reality, you are afraid of losing some protection and your own safety. In a dream, burying your mother means unexpected luck in a hopeless case; your father means receiving necessary assistance, support.

Absolute well-being

Why do you dream about the death of your child? The dream book predicts that he will be healthy and generally live a long time, but his friends can seriously disappoint him.

Did you dream that you were burying your own child? For a certain period, peace and mutual understanding will be established in the house.

Only in extreme cases in a dream does the same image signify sad events. But usually it is confirmed by other dream signs.

Hold on!

The burial of other people's children is not the most pleasant symbol in a dream. It means that you will succumb to brute force and be forced to submit to outside opinions.

In addition, the funeral of a baby, according to the dream book, warns of significant danger. At the same moment, burying the boy means getting rid of boring affairs and worries.

But seeing the burial of a newborn literally means that you will have to give up a new business, idea or relationship.

You'll be lucky!

Why do you dream about funeral arrangements for a relative? This is a sure sign of good health and successful changes.

If in a dream you happened to bury a relative, then real world universal reconciliation is coming, even with old enemies.

Did you dream that you were burying your grandmother or grandfather? The dream book is sure that you will be lucky in the game or you will find a valuable item that you previously lost.

Specific images

The dream book offers a number of other interpretations, which depend on the personality and degree of relationship of the person who happened to be buried in the dream.

  • Husband/wife – long family life, changes.
  • Son/daughter – wedding, long-term relationship.
  • Sons-in-law - money troubles.
  • Nephew - mistrust.
  • Odnoklassnika - news.
  • Friend/girlfriend - increase in salary, position.
  • Sister - everyday troubles.
  • Brother - tears.


Why do you dream that you had to bury an animal? The dream book foretells deterioration in health and confusion in business. If you dreamed that you were burying a cat, then in reality you will get rid of vices and bad intentions.

It is bad to bury a puppy and a dog in a dream. In the first option, you will lose a friend, in the second, you are in real danger. If in your dreams you decide to bury the doll, then you will voluntarily give up frivolity and falsehood.

If you dream about Exhumation and you want to know why you dream about Exhumation, then first of all you need to turn to the meaning of the word Exhumation:

Removal of a corpse from a burial site for forensic or forensic examination

EXHUMATION [lat. ex from + humus earth] - extraction of a buried corpse from the earth for forensic, forensic examination or pathological examination.

Exhumation - interpretation of sleep

Dreaming of Exhumation means changes await you in your personal life. In a dream, Exhumation means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you a lot happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

For a woman, a dream in which Exhumation is present means that she will be shown unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house.

If in a dream where there is an Exhumation there are people present, then perhaps soon you will participate in wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party. If you dream of Exhumation together with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend.

IN individually. To do this, you need to describe your dream in as much detail as possible in the form below. Do not forget to indicate the smallest details of the dream - the extent and accuracy of the interpretation of what the Exhumation is dreamed of depends on them. It is necessary to indicate your name and address Email, to which we will send an interpretation (Your E-mail is not used anywhere and is not displayed on the site). We will be happy to help you!

If you dream about Exhauster and you want to know why Exhauster is dreamed of, then first of all you need to turn to the meaning of the word Exhauster:

EXHAUSTER [English, exhauster

Exhauster - interpretation of sleep

If you dream about Exhauster, you will experience changes in your personal life. In a dream, Exhauster means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

For a woman, a dream in which Exgauster is present means that she will be shown unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house.

If there are people present in the dream where Exgauster is seen, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party. If you dream of Exhauster with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend.

Dear visitors of our dream book website, for everyone we provide free online interpretations dreams on an individual basis. To do this, you need to describe your dream in as much detail as possible in the form below. Do not forget to indicate the smallest details of the dream - the extent and accuracy of the interpretation of what Exgauster dreams about depends on them. It is necessary to indicate your name and email address to which we will send the interpretation (your email is not used anywhere and is not displayed on the site). We will be happy to help you!

A complete description of the dream on the topic: “If you dream of exhumation” with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

If you dream about Exhumation and you want to know why you dream about Exhumation, then first of all you need to turn to the meaning of the word Exhumation:

Removal of a corpse from a burial site for forensic or forensic examination

EXHUMATION - removal of a buried corpse from the ground for forensic medical, forensic examination or pathological examination.

Exhumation - interpretation of sleep

Dreaming of Exhumation means changes await you in your personal life. In a dream, Exhumation means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

For a woman, a dream in which Exhumation is present means that she will be shown unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house.

If there are people present in the dream about the Exhumation, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party. If you dream of Exhumation together with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend.

On an individual basis. To do this, you need to describe your dream in as much detail as possible in the form below. Do not forget to indicate the smallest details of the dream - the extent and accuracy of the interpretation of what the Exhumation is dreaming of depends on them. It is necessary to indicate your name and email address to which we will send the interpretation (your email is not used anywhere and is not displayed on the site). We will be happy to help you!

If you dream about Exhauster and you want to know why Exhauster is dreamed of, then first of all you need to turn to the meaning of the word Exhauster:

EXHAUSTER [English, exhauster

Exhauster - interpretation of sleep

Dreaming of Exgauster means changes await you in your personal life. In a dream, Exhauster means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy moments and fill your life with new meaning.

For a woman, a dream in which Exgauster is present means that she will be shown unambiguous signs of attention. For a man, this means that he will soon meet a girl who will be a good housewife, capable of creating comfort in the house.

If there are people present in the dream where Exgauster is seen, then perhaps soon you will participate in a wedding celebration or a magnificent birthday party. If you dream of Exhauster with animals, then you are promised a meeting with an old friend.

Dear visitors of our dream book website, for everyone we provide free online dream interpretation on an individual basis. To do this, you need to describe your dream in as much detail as possible in the form below. Do not forget to indicate the smallest details of the dream - the extent and accuracy of the interpretation of what Exgauster dreams about depends on them. It is necessary to indicate your name and email address to which we will send the interpretation (your email is not used anywhere and is not displayed on the site). We will be happy to help you!

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Did you happen to bury someone in a dream? Don't be alarmed, the plot has nothing to do with reality. This is only a symbolic reflection of the coming changes. The dream book will explain in detail why this tragic image is dreamed of.

Where to begin?

The interpretation of a dream must begin with an absolute understanding that a dreamed funeral is a symbol of a total change in stereotypes, habits, and lifestyle. Moreover, this concerns the specific character who happened to be buried.

The Dream Interpretation also believes that you should definitely get rid of emotional negativity in relation to this person. In addition, the funeral of a deceased friend symbolizes separation from him, his marriage or future success.

Miller's interpretation

Miller's dream book claims that burying a familiar character in a dream means his long life and well-being. Especially if the event took place on a sunny, fine day. If it was raining, it was cloudy and gloomy, then difficult times await him.

Who's stopping you?

Why do you dream about burying someone who is still alive? The dream book suspects that you are trying with all your might to remove this person from your own life. Usually such visions concern competitors and rivals.

Did you dream that you wanted to bury someone alive in a dream? In reality, a rather strange and unusual incident will happen.

Why do you dream that you had to bury other people’s corpses? The dream book believes that you will be seriously disappointed. In addition, the burial of a large number of people marks a dangerous situation and difficulties in financial matters.

Make no mistake!

If in a dream you yourself were buried alive, then you will soon make a grave mistake, and ill-wishers will take advantage of this mistake.

Seeing that you managed to get out of the grave means that you will come to your senses in time or correct your own stupidity.

Did you dream that you were present at your own burial? The dream book predicts long life, family happiness and wealth.

Everything will change...

Why do you dream that you visited a cemetery to bury a stranger? You are destined for a quiet old age, far from the vanity of the world.

If you had to bury your loved one, then there is a chance that he will cheat on you. Seeing the burial of a relative or friend means reconciliation with him.

The corpse of a loved one in dreams means his probable illness or other life changes.

Wealth or addiction?

Did you dream about the funeral of someone who had already died in real life? The dream book believes that the invisible connection between you will finally be broken. In a dream, did you plan to bury the deceased a second time? You are aware of the changes that occur in your body or soul.

Had to rebury the decaying corpse of a long-dead person? If the event did not cause any unpleasant feelings, you will suddenly become rich. If the reburial of the deceased was associated with attacks of nausea, then you will fall under the influence of others.

In addition, burying a dead person in your dreams is a sign of success where you could not even imagine. In essence, this is a symbolic deliverance from possible obstacles.

A successful union

Why dream that you had to bury a loved one in a dream? The dream book promises you enrichment through marriage with a worthy person.

The dreaming funeral of a loved one also reflects serious changes in one’s own inner world or affairs. For further interpretation, you should remember exactly who the character is in real life.

Think about it!

Burying your parents in this way in a dream means that you will enter into a hasty marriage, but will not know happiness in it. In addition, the dream book believes that the moment has come when you should seriously think about the results of your own life and its meaning.

Did you dream that you buried your mother or father? In reality, you are afraid of losing some protection and your own safety. In a dream, burying your mother means unexpected luck in a hopeless case; your father means receiving the necessary help and support.

Absolute well-being

Why do you dream about the death of your child? The dream book predicts that he will be healthy and generally live a long time, but his friends can seriously disappoint him.

Did you dream that you were burying your own child? For a certain period, peace and mutual understanding will be established in the house.

Only in extreme cases in a dream does the same image signify sad events. But usually it is confirmed by other dream signs.

Hold on!

The burial of other people's children is not the most pleasant symbol in a dream. It means that you will succumb to brute force and be forced to submit to outside opinions.

In addition, the funeral of a baby, according to the dream book, warns of significant danger. At the same moment, burying the boy means getting rid of boring affairs and worries.

But seeing the burial of a newborn literally means that you will have to give up a new business, idea or relationship.

You'll be lucky!

Why do you dream about funeral arrangements for a relative? This is a sure sign of good health and successful changes.

If you happened to bury a relative in a dream, then in the real world there will be a general reconciliation, even with old enemies.

Did you dream that you were burying your grandmother or grandfather? The dream book is sure that you will be lucky in the game or you will find a valuable item that you previously lost.

Specific images

The dream book offers a number of other interpretations, which depend on the personality and degree of relationship of the person who happened to be buried in the dream.

  • Husband/wife – long family life, changes.
  • Son/daughter – wedding, long-term relationship.
  • Sons-in-law - money troubles.
  • Nephew - mistrust.
  • Odnoklassnika - news.
  • Friend/girlfriend - increase in salary, position.
  • Sister - everyday troubles.
  • Brother - tears.


Why do you dream that you had to bury an animal? The dream book foretells deterioration in health and confusion in business. If you dreamed that you were burying a cat, then in reality you will get rid of vices and bad intentions.

It is bad to bury a puppy and a dog in a dream. In the first option, you will lose a friend, in the second, you are in real danger. If in your dreams you decide to bury the doll, then you will voluntarily give up frivolity and falsehood.

Why do you dream about a grave?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

digging a grave is a loss through your own fault; to see a grave - news from afar; seeing an open grave is bad news; being in a grave means wealth, depending on the thickness of the earth above you (the thicker the layer, the richer it is); prepare your own grave - build a house, buy or purchase an apartment.

according to Ayurvedic dream book

Such a dream predicts the death of a friend or relative. The recovery of a sick person will be very doubtful.

I dreamed about a grave

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a fresh grave, then someone's dishonest act will cause you terrible suffering, or this dream foreshadows danger that threatens you. A dream about a grave most often promises troubles and illness. Walking among the graves in a dream means an unsuccessful marriage. Look into empty grave- to the loss of loved ones. Seeing a person half covered with earth in an unfilled grave foreshadows the danger that threatens him in reality. Seeing your grave is a harbinger of intrigues being prepared against you. Digging a grave in a dream is a sign that your opponents are ready to crush you, but if you manage to finish your work in a dream, in reality you will defeat them. An unfavorable dream is in which you see that the corpse for which a grave was dug has disappeared - this dream promises bad news. If you dream that night found you in a cemetery and you have to spend the night in an open grave, this means the loss of friends, the cooling of your lover. Sometimes a grave in a dream foreshadows troubles at work. An old, dilapidated grave means someone's dangerous illness and death. If in a dream you read inscriptions on graves, it means that you will have unpleasant troubles.

Why do you dream about a grave?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

well-groomed - benefit; evaporation, a cloud above - to deliverance; light, trees and flowers grow, a coffin appears - fortunately, good; erecting a monument means acquisition; see Earth. Why do you have a dream about a grave?

according to Vanga's dream book

In a dream, seeing your own grave is a harbinger of shock, unusual event which will change your destiny not in better side. If you dreamed of several graves, this means that a chain of unfavorable events awaits you ahead, with each of which you will lose more and more confidence in your abilities, and only prayers will return hope to you. An abandoned, unkempt grave is a sign of confusion, internal devastation, loss of direction in life, melancholy and despair, which will pass thanks to a new acquaintance with a wise and sympathetic person.

Why do you dream about a cemetery?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

see - long life; stones on graves, reading inscriptions - many friends; neglected - alienation.

I dreamed about a cemetery

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are walking through a cemetery or churchyard in winter foretells a long and desperate struggle against poverty; Perhaps you will live far from your home, separated from friends. But if you notice any signs of spring, then you will find a pleasant environment and enjoyment of the company of friends. For lovers to see themselves in a cemetery or churchyard in a dream means that they will never get married, but will see their beloved ones married to others. Seeing yourself in a dream on a beautiful and well-kept cemetery- means that you will receive unexpected news about the recovery of someone you have already mourned. Your right to the land taken from you will be recognized. Seeing an old, neglected cemetery means that you will live to see a time when everyone you loved will leave you and you will be left in the care of strangers. For young people to dream that they are wandering through the silent alleys of the dead means tender and loving attitude friends. But they will also face sorrow and grief, in which their friends will be powerless to help. Brides who dream that their wedding procession is crossing a cemetery will lose their husbands as a result of accidents. For a mother, bringing fresh flowers to the cemetery means long-term good health for the whole family. If a young widow dreams that she visited a cemetery, it means that she will soon change her mourning clothes to wedding clothes. If she sees herself sad, new worries and regrets await her. Old people who see a cemetery in a dream will soon have their last journey to the land of eternal peace. The sight of small children picking flowers and catching butterflies among the graves promises favorable changes. For the one who sees this dream, health will allow him to enjoy life for a long time, and his friends will not leave him in the middle of life’s journey.

I dreamed about a funeral

according to Miller's dream book

Being at a relative's funeral on a nice sunny day is a sign good health your relatives; a quick happy fate is also possible. But if it rains and the weather is gloomy, then expect illness and bad news, as well as a decline in business, soon. If you attend the funeral of a stranger, then unexpected complications in relationships with people are possible. The funeral of your child foretells health and peace in your family, but problems among friends. Hearing a death knell in a dream means unexpected sad news or the illness of an absent person. Ringing the bell yourself is a harbinger of illness and failure.

Why do you dream about funerals?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

a successful outcome, for the wedding; you are buried - long life; dead person alive - invitation to a wedding; funeral procession-long sorrows (depending on the length of the procession due to personal reasons).

according to the dream book of Symbols and numbers

The Latin cross is the most common Christian religious symbol in Western world. According to tradition, it is believed that it was from this cross that Christ was taken down, hence its other name - the cross of the Crucifixion. Usually the cross is untreated wood, but sometimes it is covered with gold, which symbolizes glory, or with red stains of the blood of Christ on the green Tree of Life. This form, so similar to a man with outstretched arms, symbolized God in Greece and China long before the advent of Christianity. The cross rising from the heart symbolized kindness among the Egyptians.

Why do you dream about the cross?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fate, fate; wear - they will slander the sleeping person; on the way - good news; fenced - a way out of difficulties; cross (see, hold in hands) - happiness; (on someone) - suffering because of the one on whom you see the cross.

Cross in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The cross is a symbol of salvation, trials, hope. Seeing a cross in a dream means that you will face long and difficult trials. Seeing a church crucifix in a dream means your unseemly actions will cause your mental suffering. If in a dream you clutch a cross in your hand, then you are not choosing the easiest, but worthy life path. A dream in which you saw an eagle carrying a cross in its talons means aggression powerful empire. Seeing a cross outlined in a circle in a dream is a sign of trouble; the entire planet and humanity are under threat. If in a dream you put a cross on your neck, get ready for the fact that one of your neighbors will ask you for help, the consequences of which will be unfavorable for you. Seeing a burning cross in a dream is a warning of danger. The cross, which looks like an anchor, means spiritual rebirth.

I dreamed of a cross

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a cross in a dream is a warning about the approaching misfortune into which others will involve you. Kissing a cross in a dream predicts that you will accept misfortune with due fortitude. For a young woman to see that she is holding a cross in her hands predicts that she will observe modesty and goodwill in behavior, thereby winning the love of others and arousing the favor of fate. If you dream of a person with a cross in his hands, then know that this dream encourages you to charity and care for others.

Why do you dream about the cross?

according to Vanga's dream book

In a dream, this symbol means petition, protection from evil, renewal. The dream in which you saw a cross with a chain on your neck symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for your neighbor. To see in a dream how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you is a sign that in real life your guardian angel will protect you from misfortunes. In a dream you saw a golden, shining cross - in reality you have such required quality character, such as the ability to forget and forgive insults. You dreamed that you were standing in a cemetery and in front of you was a grave on which you saw a large cross - this dream means that in reality you should do more good deeds, since bad deeds will definitely be punished higher powers. In reality, you have lost faith in the justice of this truth.

Why do you dream about a hole?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

danger; to see someone dug up - cooling of feelings (if familiar), trouble, material or personal; to climb into a hole - to experience relationships.

The meaning of a dream about a pit

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a hole in a dream - despite all your efforts, the secret will soon become apparent, and you will suffer for hiding the truth for so long. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind with such an explanation is betrayal, infidelity towards your marriage partner. However, this is not necessary. It may well be that once upon a time you had the experience of same-sex love, but then you were ashamed of what happened and did not tell anyone about it. So, the hole you saw in a dream symbolizes that everything will “crawl out” out. If in a dream you fall into a hole, it means that you are standing on the threshold of some action that is not entirely good from the point of view of generally accepted morality. Maybe you met someone you really liked and would like to move on to more informal forms of communication? There is only one big “but” stopping you – your responsibilities to your spouse. Jump over the hole - in intimate life You and your partner have some problem, but you find it difficult to discuss it. Thus, every time you reach a “difficult place”, you try to pretend that nothing “like that” is happening, that everything is fine. You jump over a problem as if over a hole you dreamed about. If you dream that someone is sitting in a hole, it means that you have some kind of sadistic beginning, you want to possess and dominate in bed. Well, that's great if your partner likes to be submissive.

I dreamed of digging

according to Miller's dream book

See in a dream excavation- means that difficult things await you, but by no means poor life. If, while digging a hole, you find some sparkling valuable things, then this promises a favorable turn of fate. But finding vast voids in the pit means that true misfortunes will haunt you. Water filling the hole you dug means that, despite your best efforts, the state of things is not subject to your will.

Why do you dream about digging?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to death; to dig up something - to take possession of something personal; someone is digging - they will find out the secret; see Dig it up. Why do you dream of a crucifixion?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be crucified is an unwanted marriage.

I dreamed of a crucifixion

according to Miller's dream book

If you happen to see a crucifix in a dream, then you will find that your former opportunities have disappeared, your hopes have collapsed. However, you will be persistent, stop moaning about the collapse of hopes and continue your work.

I dreamed of being buried alive

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself buried alive in a dream means that you are about to make a huge mistake, which your enemies will quickly use to insult and harm you. If you were saved by crawling out of the grave, then at the cost of great efforts you can safely get out on the right path.

Why do you dream about a grave hill?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

well-being (the higher the higher, Chinese); an end to worries about those who are buried.

Seeing a cross or crucifix in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

This powerful religious symbol represents comfort, condemnation, healing, pain or the need for protection. Of course, it is important to analyze how this object appears in a dream and what impact it has on the entire plot of the dream. The cross can cause absolutely opposite feelings: attraction, aversion or desire to avoid it. Avoiding the cross is an indicator of condemnation, shame, inadequate attitude towards the eternal human values. This is an attempt to ignore memory, that is, a kind of defense mechanism, which helps you forget about the consequences of a choice or event associated with religious symbolism in your life. The crucifixion, of course, also has a positive beginning - it brings salvation and a sense of security. Many religious icons are positive for us. Taboo. Just as we avoid association with dark symbols or taboo images, we feel good power positive symbols. The power of a symbol gives us a sense of security. Christians who see a crucifix in a dream can achieve inner cleansing, renewal and reconciliation. Who is next to you when the cross appears? What events precede and immediately follow the appearance of the crucifixion? This will tell you whether the cross is for you a symbol of internal healing or an external guide to reconciliation.

Expert answers grave

I dreamed that my father’s grave had caved in (the ground had subsided). And my friend and I dug up the ground and buried my father again. And after some time the ground settled again. What is this for? (SLAVIK)

The dream means that you need to finish some old things, perhaps fulfill some old promises, despite all the difficulties associated with this.

I dreamed of an earthquake in a place where people important to me live, and then graves and burials, and one grave of a girl who is also important to me in life. I was sad, she had changed a lot in my life, and I aspired to be like her. What does this mean? (Sofia)

For detailed interpretation details are needed, but your dream may mean that you are on the threshold of some new stage in your relationship with people important to you. In reality, you will have to rethink what is happening in order to then build interaction on a completely new level.

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Corpse - in dreams with an everyday plot gives good value throughout the dream, everything should be interpreted in a good way

lifting a corpse is a joy.

Kissing a corpse is all good.

The corpse speaks or stands up - happiness, fun.

Sleeping near him, sleeping between corpses means sadness or illness.

Dressing a corpse means the death of a friend.

Carrying a corpse is an indication of some fatal thing that will bring you misfortune.

Moving a corpse means committing crazy actions.

A corpse can also be an image of your body, which you observe in a dream as if from the outside.

A moving corpse is a sign of bad or unforeseen consequences of your or someone else’s actions.

Corpses floating along the river - something oppressive will be removed from your life.

To see a flying corpse is easy, to achieve everything without difficulty / something outdated in your environment weighs on you.

A corpse rises from a coffin at night - the changes you expect will not happen / it’s too early to bury your feelings and thoughts.

The corpse haunts you - the end of grave worries / you cannot escape from the torment of conscience.

The corpse clings to you, rides on you - the constancy of luck and worldly happiness, interfering with your spiritual development.

The corpse from the coffin smiles - to live forever in a state of deception.

The corpse shows its tongue - dishonest happiness.

The corpse threatens you with its fist - bury your delusions.

To ride or fly in a coffin means to acquire new wisdom; everything is good.

Seeing a blue corpse means stagnation of spiritual life, your spiritual coldness.

Seeing a crimson corpse means excitement and anxiety are ahead.

Green, overgrown with moss - a thoughtless wasteful life / vigor and confidence ahead

blackened corpse - deep melancholy.

A dead man lies on the dining table - business success.

A corpse looks into the room or enters - you will gain spiritual vigor and confidence.

The wounds on the corpse bleed - a surge of energy and vitality.

A headless corpse is burdened by rational life.

A swollen corpse means harm from gluttony.

To tear out the heart of a corpse means a struggle with feelings; to feel pity for the enemy.

To find a heart of stone in a corpse means to encounter callous people.

Cutting a corpse, dissecting it - burdening your life with unnecessary delving into yourself.

To cut or shave a corpse is to benefit from someone’s death or misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Corpse

If you dreamed that you found a corpse, then some significant event will happen in the near future. To make this event enjoyable, find the animal's corpse and bury it.

If you dreamed that you threw a corpse into the water, any of your undertakings will not be successful. To prevent this from happening, eat a piece raw meat.

Interpretation of dreams from
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