Demis Karibidis: biography of a Comedy Club resident. Demis Karibidis: biography of Comedy Club resident Demis Karibidis now

Our hero today is the merry fellow and joker Demis Karibidis. The biography of the famous comedian and resident of the Comedy Club interests his many fans. Where was Demis born and studied? What is it like? The article contains answers to these and other questions.

Demis Karibidis: biography

The comedian was born on December 4, 1982 in Tbilisi (Georgia). Demis Karibov is the real name and surname of our hero. His parents are middle class.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Karibovs decided to move to Greece. They settled in the city of Thessaloniki. It was there that Demis went to school and studied until the 7th grade.

Our hero grew up as an inquisitive and sociable boy. He always had many friends. WITH early years he demonstrated artistry and a good sense of humor.

Russian citizenship

When Demis was 14 years old, his family moved to the city of Gelendzhik, located in Krasnodar region. Over the years of living in Greece, the boy practically forgot how to speak Russian. He had to catch up school curriculum. It was difficult, but Demis managed it. The parents were proud of their son.

student life

Demis Karibidis, whose biography we are considering, graduated high school With good grades in the certificate. The guy went to Sochi, where he easily entered the University of Tourism. During his studies at the university, he mastered Spanish and English languages. Demis considers himself a real polyglot. He is confident that he could learn several more languages.


Demis Karibidis was one of the most cheerful and active students. Therefore, they simply could not help but take him to the university KVN team. The team was called “Russo Touristo”. The guys joked sparklingly from the stage. They were real stars at their native institute.

In 2004, our hero got into the “big” KVN. Initially, he came to Moscow as part of the Krasnodarsky Prospekt team. But soon Demis decided to move to another team. And I must say that the guy did everything right. After all, it was with the team “BAK” (Bryukhovetsky Agrarian College) that he entered the Major League, gaining all-Russian fame and recognition from the audience.

Later, Karibidis joined the national team. In 2010, the members of this team managed to become champions Major League.

Resident Comedy Club

It was on the set of the KVN program that Demis was noticed by the producers of the TNT channel. At that time, the Comedy Club needed a creative and resourceful resident. Karibidis fit all these parameters. Representatives of the TNT channel offered the guy cooperation. And he agreed.

Demis quickly joined the team Comedy Club. He managed to stand on the same level with such humor stars as Timur Batrutdinov, Garik Revva and others.

Our hero writes jokes himself and creates plots for funny miniatures. His creative activity is not limited to the Comedy Club. Demis also participates in other TNT projects. For example, he could be seen in one of the episodes Comedy Woman. In the sitcom “Our Russia” he played the role of a policeman interrogating Alexander Borodach.

In 2011, Karibidis appeared in the TV series “Univer”. The comedian brilliantly got used to the image of a Caucasian man striving for knowledge. And in 2013, a film with his participation was released. The painting was called “Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay."

Personal life

Is Demis Karibidis married? Artist biography for a long time was classified. Journalists were unable to find out the details of the comedian’s personal life.

It turned out that the guy had bachelor status. And only in 2013 he met the girl Pelageya, with whom he wanted to connect his fate. It was love at first sight. At least that’s what Demis Karibidis himself says. Civil wife and legal wife - two big differences. And the first option did not suit our hero. In the summer of 2013, he proposed marriage to the girl. This happened at the anniversary festival “Comedy Club” in Jurmala.

In May 2014, the wedding of Demis and Pelageya took place. The celebration was attended by friends, relatives of the bride and groom, as well as Karibidis’ colleagues from the Comedy Club. In May 2015, the famous comedian became a father. His beloved wife gave him a charming daughter. The baby was named Sofia.

Comedy Club season 13 episode 33 featured several famous and not so famous guests. Among them you can watch Vladimir Mineev and Kamil Gadzhiev. Comedy presenters Club Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov noted in the traditional ironic manner that Vladimir is the world champion in kickboxing, but who is Kamil? To which the answer was received - the president of fight night. Since many Russian residents walk through disadvantaged areas every day, the hosts of Comedy Club Season 13 Episode 33 asked him to show a few simple techniques.

Garik Kharlamov and Pavel Volya were offered fighting gloves. Pavel Volya put on his glove incorrectly, which caused laughter from the audience and the situation for a joke - supposedly he had never fought. The fight between comedians in the Comedy Club, season 13, episode 33, was comic and ended after one prohibited move. Vladimir ironically noted that everyone here fights like that.

Modern superstar Face

Of course, the most significant guest of Comedy Club season 13 episode 33 was popular artist rap Face. On this moment You can watch his videos and listen to his songs online on various sites. Garik Martirosyan noted that Ivan Dremin looks like Gogol in Crimea (a reference to the recent premiere of a film about the great Russian writer). Pavel Volya reported that new album Ivana received more than 26 thousand reposts overnight - that is, his mother sat and reposted the disc until the morning. It must be said that in the Comedy Club, season 13, episode 33, Face behaved relaxed and responded with maximum self-irony to the caustic jokes launched in his direction by Garik Martirosyan and Pavel Volya. The presenters also asked Dryomin to perform a fragment of his own famous song. To which Ivan sang about “On my way to the Gucci store.”

Also visiting the Comedy Club, season 13, episode 33, was international-class gastroenterologist and dermatologist Dakhmina Radjabova. Pavel Volya said that colleague Veronica came to praise Radjabova (since Dakhmina Eastern woman and does not like to praise herself). Garik Kharlamov found out that he was a potential client of the girl (a hint at his excess weight), because the doctor also deals with liposuction.

Comedy Club season 13, episode 33 did not ignore the female athletes. One of them was Yulia Efimova, a four-time world champion in swimming, who was kindly introduced by Garik Kharlamov. Pavel Volya also introduced Artyom Selchenko, a two-time world champion in high diving.

Foreplay and Serge Gorely

In addition to traditional humorous sketches, in Comedy Club Season 13 Episode 33 you can watch the Foreplay section. Its host was Serge Gorely. The section is reminiscent of pickup training, but if you watch this fragment carefully, you can really pick up some useful tips. The section consists of small sketches, the main ones actors which becomes Serge Gorely himself and his new companion. In the most accessible form, Preliminary Caresses tell you how to avoid making certain mistakes when seducing a girl. In this episode of Comedy Club, season 13, episode 33, the theme of Lask was the minimum waste of money on a date with a potential partner. It's fun to watch, but also useful in some ways. What is called laughter is laughter, and some points can be gleaned and added to the treasury of useful tips.

One of the stars of Comedy Club season 13, episode 33 was stand-up comedian Alexander Nezlobin. IN Lately Alexander Nezlobin appeared in several projects from Comedy Club. He became famous thanks to the solo satirical series Alexander “Nezlobin”. Viewers liked the traditional system short jokes from Alexander Nezlobin.

Final numbers

After the middle of the new Comedy Club season 13 episode 33, Demis Karibidis, Andrey Skorokhod and Marina Kravets appeared on stage. The number presented a dialogue in the family of a philologist, whose daughter fell in love with an athlete. Andrey Skorokhod made a parody of a Caucasian fighter mixed martial arts. The father (Karabidis) was dissatisfied with this choice of his daughter (Kravets). This parody is amusing and interesting to watch; the visit of such an unusual guest in an intelligent family was a surprise.

Comedy Club season 13, episode 33 ended with a performance by Pavel Vol himself. He spoke about the life of Russian oligarchs in Barvikha. Sky-high prices and gigantic requests will seem ordinary people the extreme whim of the rich. Comedy Club season 13 episode 33 lifted the veil of secrecy and invited studio guests to look at how they live in Barvikha. This was made possible thanks to a slide show with photographs of the interior decoration.

Demis Karibidis - a creative pseudonym from the surname Karibov - a conversational artist, an improviser, a former member of the KVN teams "BAK" (stanitsa Bryukhovetskaya) and the National Team Krasnodar region, resident of the Comedy Club television project.

He comes up with his sparkling monologues, bold jokes, shocking parodies and funny miniatures himself, often improvising right on stage, despite the existence of a creative department of more than fifty authors working on episodes of the above-mentioned TV show.


Now a bright representative of the humorous genre, Demis was born on December 4, 1982 in the capital of Georgia - Tbilisi. Little is known about his parents - only that they belonged to the middle class and after the collapse of the USSR, together with their children (Demis and his older brother) moved for permanent residence to the million-plus Greek city of Thessaloniki.

In all likelihood, Greece is the historical homeland of the Caribbean family. At least, the showman has repeatedly stated in his witty manner that he is Greek by nationality, and that he became a KVN player many years ago in Ancient Greece.

As a child, Demis Karibidis was an active, inquisitive and sociable child, he loved to fantasize, showed musical abilities. According to him, he was always partial to music, he was especially attracted to percussion instruments. At first, the boy really liked just knocking on his mother’s upside-down pots, using them in an alternative capacity. Then, encouraging his passion and passion, his brother gave him a real, very good drum, and things went well. As a result, Demis, a purposeful man, masterfully mastered playing the percussion. And to this day he carefully and reverently preserves his first instrument.

Upon reaching the age of 14, the teenager was again expected to move, this time to the Russian resort city of Gelendzhik. Online sources claim that at that time he spoke Russian poorly, but spoke excellent Modern Greek and understood the Pontic dialect of Greek. In this regard, it was difficult for him to adapt to the new rules and requirements of the Russian school, but he coped with this difficult task. Proof of this can be considered his successful admission to the Sochi University of Tourism.

Demis Karydibis – Baby and pitiful song

At the university, he studied Spanish and English, claiming that he did not intend to stop there and also wanted to master Proto-Celtic, Scythian-Sarmatian and other rare dialects. Creative jokes have always been his strong point, and a completely natural result of this circumstance was his participation in the game in KVN.

Demis Karibidis in KVN

When he was a student, Demis realized that his place was in a comedy club, in an atmosphere of creative fulfillment and fun. His university team was called “Russo Touristo”, given its professional orientation educational institution. In the game, the young man demonstrated excellent resourcefulness and ingenuity, showed erudition and wit.

In 2004, he joined the team over high level– Krasnodarsky Prospekt, playing in the Premier League. Then, with a team from the village of Bryukhovetskaya (“BAK”), he reached the Major League.

KVN: best numbers Demis Karibidis

Humorous scenes, subtle witticisms, irony and puns became the main companions of his leisure time and throughout his life. On stage, he usually presented good-natured, somewhat naive and not very smart simpletons who found themselves in funny situations. In 2009, “BAK” teamed up with KVN players from the city of Armavir, whose team was called “Accomplices,” and the following year, 2010, their new team, declared as the National Team of the Krasnodar Territory, became the champion of the Major League.

"Comedy club"

The next step creative path The Kuban comedian had a humorous television show, Comedy Club, where he worked with great pleasure and enthusiasm on the preparation of each issue as an official “resident”, and very soon was recognized as one of the most colorful members of the project.

Many of the comedian’s numbers caused a flurry of positive emotions from the audience, including “Bath Attendant Valera”, “Don Corleone”, “ Strange family", "Case in the Moscow court", " Terrible secret in the village”, “How to get a girl drunk at sea”, created in partnership with Garik Kharlamov, Timur Batrutdinov, Ivan Pyshnenko, Marina Kravets and other residents of the club.

As part of the project, he led the author’s column “ Foreign languages”, often performed in tandem with Andrey Skorokhod, in particular, in the miniatures “Folk Healer”, “Caucasian Pharmacy”, which, as it turned out, offers medications with a “Caucasian focus” - hair skewer, ascorbic acid, paracelkamol and others.

Demis Karibidis and Andrey Skorokhod

It should be noted that, despite frequent accusations of using profanity and vulgarity, the talented resident has a lot of fans. He is not afraid of dangerous topics and strong expressions, masterfully balancing on the edge of decency, making his speeches interesting and poignant. In parallel with the Comedy Club, the comedian participated in other TNT comedy shows - Comedy Woman, Our Russia.

Participation in the television series “Real Boys”, “Univer. New dorm", "Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay."

Personal life of Demis Karibidis

The showman is married to his beloved Pelageya (not to be confused with the popular folk singer Pelageya - Karibidis's wife is simply her namesake). The young people got married in May 2014. Congratulate them on wedding celebration close friends came - Mikhail Galustyan, Timur Batrutdinov, Pavel Volya and Dmitry Sorokin. Photos from the wedding of Demis Karibidis

In 2015 married couple A charming daughter, Sofiko, was born.

Demis Karibidis now

In 2016, TNT aired the show “Improvisation”, where in the impromptu “Psychic” Demis appeared in the role of a female president who ended up in a gypsy camp.

At the same time, the comedy artist starred in the TV series “The Bearded Man,” where he played the role of a police chief, with whom a man who gets into trouble argues. incredible stories security guard played by Mikhail Galustyan.

In May 2016, Karibidis participated in the new performance “We are in the city!”, held in concert hall cultural complex "Lucerna" in Prague, in August - at a Comedy Club concert in Yerevan.

Demis Karibidis is a Russian showman, member of the KVN team of the Kuban national team, champion of the KVN Major League in 2010, resident of the Comedy Club.

Popular comedian Demis Karibidis (real name Demis Karibov) was born in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, on December 4, 1982. Demis is Greek by nationality.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Karibov family moved to Greece, to the city of Thessaloniki, where Demis studied until the seventh grade in a Greek school. It’s hard to believe now, but Karibov spoke Russian poorly.

Then the family moved to sunny Gelendzhik, where the boy, who understood the Pontic language well and spoke excellent Greek, had to quickly adapt to Russian and catch up with the school curriculum of his classmates. It wasn't easy, but Demis managed it.

After finishing school, Karibov decided to get higher education at the University of Tourism in Sochi. At the university, the young man studied English and spanish languages. Sometimes Demis jokes that he also dreams of learning Scythian-Sarmatian, Proto-Celtic, Hunnic and Aramaic - “what if it becomes necessary.”


Demis started playing in KVN at the university. The team was named “Russo Touristo”. But Karibidis came to the big KVN in 2004 with the teams “Krasnodarsky Prospekt” and “BAK” (Bryukhovetsky Agrarian College).

In both teams, Karibidis shone with creativity. With the BAK team, the young man was able to enter the Major League. The team performed at the Sochi KVN festival, at the Jurmala festival they twice won the “Presidential KiViN” and became the owner of the “Big KiViN in Gold”. Together with players from three teams from Moscow, the southerners took part in a special project for the 45th anniversary of KVN, where they took second place.

Demis Karibidis in KVN

But Karibidis became the champion of the Major League with the team of the Krasnodar region “BAK - Accomplices”. This happened in 2010. The year before, the guys lost first place to the Kursk team “PriMa”. The difference in points scored was 0.1 points. In addition to frontman Demis Karibidis, the team of the Kuban region included Nikolai Archipenko, Vitaly Pashenko, Aram Arakelov, Evgeniy Romantsov.

A television

After KVN, Demis Karibidis began performing on television comedy show Comedy Club, becoming its official resident together with, and others. Comedy Club fans retell many of Demis’s jokes to each other, and they, as they say, “live their own lives.”

Demis Karibidis at the Comedy Club

Connoisseurs of humor invariably pay tribute to the undeniable charisma of Karibidis. Demis Karibidis writes the texts for humorous miniatures and his speeches himself. Since 2013, Demis has been performing sketches in a duet with. Comedians have numbers in which they are joined. The popular duets of Demis and Andrey are the numbers “Dissatisfied Guards”, “How to Become a Caucasian”, “Pablo Koksobare”.

From the same year, the artist launched the series of sketches “Foreign Languages”. Together with Timur Batrutdinov and Andrei Skorokhod, Demis played in the comedy sketch “Russian Language Exam,” where he appeared as a foreigner taking an exam to obtain Russian citizenship.

Sketch “Russian Language Exam”

Demis Karibidis has participated in the miniatures “The traffic cop once again stopped the violators”, “An incident in a hardware store”, “At the chemistry exam”. The comedian also played in the sketch “Field of Miracles,” in which he played one of the participants in a popular program.

The artist participates in joint miniatures with Dmitry Kozhoma and Ivan Pyshnenko. The comedians have been performing as part of the trio since 2015. Among their rooms, “Hospitality in Sochi” and “Time Travel” are popular.

In addition to Comedy Club, Karibidis participated in the filming of Comedy Woman. In “Our Russia,” the comedian played a policeman with whom the hero, the incomparable security guard Alexander Rodionovich Borodach, constantly argues.

He also tried himself as a comedian in cinema. He made his debut in a small role in the film. The comedian also appeared among the heroes of Univer.

In 2011 creative biography Demis Karibidis was replenished with a role in the sitcom, where the artist played a relative of Michael. And in 2013, Demis appeared as Serzhik in the film “The Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay." In 2016, Demis starred in the comedy “The Bearded Man.”

Personal life

The personal life of Demis Karibidis, the last bachelor of the Comedy Club, was kept under seven locks for exactly as long as it could be hidden. Fans learned the name of the comedian’s chosen one only in the summer of 2013 during the anniversary festival “Week of High Humor” in honor of the tenth anniversary of the Comedy Club.

This happened in Jurmala “Dzintari” with a full hall. After jokes about marriage and wedding, Demis Karibidis suddenly became completely serious and proposed to his beloved girl who was sitting in the hall.

Demis Karibidis proposes to his girlfriend Pelageya

Pelageya’s “Yes” was drowned in applause - the audience greeted the bride and groom while standing. Demis proposed marriage to the song he performed. All the Comedy members came on stage to congratulate the newlyweds with bouquets of flowers for the bride.

Demis and Pelageya became married in May 2014, and the celebration itself was held a week later in one of the hotels in Gelendzhik. Among the guests, journalists noticed Timur Batrutdinov, Dmitry Lyusek-Sorokin, Le Havre, Zurab Matua and Mikhail Galustyan.

Pelageya and Demis are reluctant to advertise their personal lives. The showman's wife does not like publicity and managed to hide her pregnancy until the very end. Daughter Sofia was born in May 2015. In October 2017, Pelageya gave Demis a second daughter.

Now in his Instagram» Karibidis constantly posts photos of his wife and children.

Demis Karibidis now

The best numbers last period performed by Demis Karibidis, the sketch “Husband and Wife in the Club” is considered, where the artist is helped by Marina Kravets and the Ukrainian pop diva, “The Wife is Waiting for Her Husband” with the participation of Marina Kravets and Timur Batrutdinov.

The sketch “Passport Office”, performed in a duet with, received more than 11 million views on the Internet. According to the plot, Demis’s hero once again comes for a new passport, which he has been trying to get for three months. Even collected certificates do not speed up this process. Skorokhod acted as the all-powerful passport officer.

The number “Yurets Blatuet” gained popularity. Music label artists were invited to the Comedy Club Black Star Mafia. And during the singer’s performance, a hero named Yurets, performed by Demis Karibidis, appeared on stage. He asked the musicians to help him make peace with the girl.

At the end of May 2018, Demis, together with his Comedy colleague Andrei Skorokhod, became a guest humorous program"Where is the logic?". In the program, a team of television viewers opposed the artists. The spectators won the match with a score of 8:3. Friends also appeared in music show“Studio Soyuz”, where fans were delighted with humorous impromptu performances.

Among the events of the past spring in which Demis Karibidis participated is solemn ceremony closing of the X season of the KHL. The event took place at the Barvikha Luxury Village concert complex. In addition to the athletes, movie and show business stars arrived this evening - , . Demis acted as the host of the evening together with his charming colleague Marina Kravets.


  • "Comedy club"
  • "Comedy Women"
  • "Our Russia"


  • 2010 – “Univer”
  • 2010 – “Real boys”
  • 2011 – “University. New dorm"
  • 2013 – “Sea. Mountains. Expanded clay"
  • 2016 – “Bearded Man”

Today Marina Kravets is an artist, singer, soloist of the musical groups “Nestroyband” and NotNet. This talented and charming woman is also a journalist and radio host.

It is noteworthy that she was the only representative of the fair sex who managed to become a resident of the Comedy Club show.

Childhood and youth

Marina was born into a St. Petersburg family in May 1984. My parents had nothing to do with the world of art or show business. Dad worked as a mechanic, mom worked as an accountant at one of the enterprises. At the time of Marina’s birth, the family already had two sons, so everyone welcomed the birth of a girl. She basked in the love of her parents and two older brothers, who took care of the baby, picked her up from kindergarten, and then picked her up from school.

Marina Kravets already demonstrated in her childhood that she is a creative person. The girl loved to sing, dance and pretend to be an artist. Her melodious voice brought joy to her family on holidays and on weekdays. One day, the brothers recorded on tape how their sister was carefully singing the song “Aurora.” At one time this record was a source of pride family archive until it was lost forever.

Unfortunately, in music school Marina Kravets did not get in - there were no free places. But her family believed that it was necessary to develop her voice. A solution was found: the girl began taking optional vocal lessons. She is still grateful to her teachers, because their science was useful.

The girl’s artistry was manifested not only in singing, but also in playing KVN. Marina Kravets was an irreplaceable player on the school team, and together with her friend Anya, she wrote excellent scripts for humorous dialogues and skits.

After graduating from St. Petersburg gymnasium No. 524, Kravets went to receive higher education. A penchant for the humanities dictated her choice Faculty of Philology. She received the specialty “teacher of Russian language for foreigners.” But it was not possible to teach the “great and powerful” to those who wanted to master it. By the end of her studies, Marina realized that working as a teacher would not give her the necessary space for creativity.

Yesterday's student went in search of her place in the sun. She did a lot of different jobs: she advertised products in supermarkets instant cooking and distributed advertising brochures; for some time she worked as a secretary at a technical service center. But all this boring work was needed only to earn money for living. The main outlet for the born artist was playing student team KVN "Simps".


Marina Kravets joined the team in 2007. She was invited to play by a classmate and then singer Zhenya Kobich. On stage the girl felt at ease. The team often traveled to various festivals. I also visited Sochi, at the KVN Premier League. Once she even appeared on the screens with a successful parody of the program “Own Game”. But the “Simples” failed to take leadership positions. The team broke up.

But Marina Kravets could no longer live without creativity and the stage. The love for singing and music resulted in work in several musical groups. The girl was a soloist in the groups NotNet, Mary & Band and Nestroyband. The last team became especially close.

Some songs performed by Kravets turned into hits. First of all, these are “Hop, Trashcan”, “Disco Goddess” and “There Will Be No Sex”. Videos appeared for some compositions. The song “Hop, Trash” turned out to be popular jazz arrangement. Many famous NestroyBand tracks contain obscene language.

Marina Kravets and Nestroyband - "Hop, Garbage"

One day, one of the founders of the group, Igor Meerson (Elvis), invited the group to perform their song in popular show Comedy Club. He himself was a participant in the project. It cannot be said that the musicians accepted the idea with great enthusiasm, but they recorded a TV version of the song.

Unexpectedly for everyone, she received a rather warm welcome. For Marina Kravets, participation in the show was of particular importance. She met the producer of the group "" Yuri Almazov.

Creative career the girls were gaining momentum. The biography of Marina Kravets has been enriched with new bright pages. In 2011, the singer and her band were invited to anniversary concert groups . Together she performed one of the songs.

A couple of years later, Kravets sang in a duet with another star - the soloist popular group composition "Fallen". Soon a video for this song appeared.

Sergey Kristovsky and Marina Kravets - "Fallen"

The first successful video was followed by the second, recorded together with DJ Smash for the song “Oil”. Marina Kravets appeared before the audience as a glamorous beauty in a pretentious outfit and wig.

Earlier, during her collaboration with the NotNet team, Marina Kravets met bass guitarist Ilya Pavlyuchenko. Except musical activity, Ilya had a job at Radio Rox. One day Pavlyuchenko let it slip that the radio needed a person who could host the morning show “Full Speed ​​Ahead.” Marina Kravets immediately volunteered to try her hand at it.

Marina Kravets on radio "Rox" - "Song about bears" in the style of Rammstein

So the girl became a radio presenter. For 4 years, her sonorous voice delighted listeners of Radio Rox. But in 2011, Kravets moved to the capital. She successfully passed the interview and was invited to work at the Mayak radio station. Here she hosted a night show together with radio hosts and artists Mikhail Fisher and Nikolai Serdotetsky. The program was called “First Detachment”. And in the late fall of 2012, the entire “troop” of artists moved to the new Comedy Radio.

Marina Kravets – “I am the goddess of disco”

Once Marina Kravets recalled how, while still participating in KVN, she received a call on her behalf and was invited to star in several programs of “Comedy Woman” (then Made in Woman). The actress agreed and appeared on the screens.

Soon Marina Kravets was invited along with Nestroyband to participate in the Comedy Club. The team and spectators liked the girl so much that she received an offer to become a resident of the club. Since then lovers comedy show see Kravets in wonderful company with, and. Viewers believe that Marina fits perfectly into men's team.

Dj Smash, Marina Kravets, Zurab Matua and Andrey Averin - “Oil”

The girl’s striking performance on the Comedy Club stage is still considered the vocal number “Conversation between a husband and his wife” (“Purely hypothetically”), where the artist’s partner was. The opposite image is persons prostitute Angela - Kravets embodied “Night butterfly on call” in a number with Demis Karibidis. Marina's heroine turns out to be not only beautiful, but also savvy in economic issues a girl who becomes a financial advisor to her “client”.

Semyon Slepakov and Marina Kravets at the Comedy Club: “Conversation between a husband and his wife”

In 2016, a quartet of Comedy Club residents, which included Marina, released a video for the song “Loot.” The composition was dedicated to the topic of relationships in the international foreign exchange market. According to the plot, the characters Euro and Dollar do not allow two other currencies - Yuan and Ruble - to enter the party at the club. In the video, the role of the Russian “wooden” was played by Dmitry Sorokin, his friend Yuan was played by Marina, Zurab Matua appeared in the image of the European currency, and Andrei Averin appeared in the image of the American currency.

Marina Kravets - resident of the Comedy Club

Soon the quartet had another low-budget film, filmed on mobile phone, but witty video "I'm leaving." The theme of the clip is the resignation of the US President.

Since May 2014, Marina Kravets has been working as a TV presenter of a morning show on the TNT channel. And in 2015, she made her debut in another entertainment project - the 3rd season of “One to One!”, which aired on the Russia 1 channel. The artist reached the final and took 5th place. In the same year, Kravets replaced, temporarily becoming the TV presenter of the program “ Main stage».

Marina Kravets and Sergei Gorelikov in the show "Russo Touristo"

Television career Marina Kravets is rapidly moving up. An artist from St. Petersburg in September 2015 was invited to host the morning entertainment show “Russo Touristo” together with. The program is gaining popularity.

Kravets also appeared in films. In 2012, she played a prominent role in the TV series “Super Oleg”. And in 2014, together with, she worked on voicing the characters in the cartoon “Flap Your Wing.”

Personal life

Marina Kravets was a member for a long time civil marriage with a young man named Arkady. The artist met him back in student years. Arkady Vodakhov played with Marina in “Simples” and studied at the philology department. Friendly relations grew into a real romance.

The young people moved together from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Both began working on Comedy Radio, Marina - broadcasting, and Arkady - creative producer. In 2013 they got married. Despite her openness in communicating with fans, Marina Kravets did not advertise this event in "Instagram".

The personal life of Marina Kravets was happy. She has complete understanding and trust with her husband. The couple have not yet become parents, but both agreed that a family should have at least 2 children.

It's no secret that the beauty has a considerable army of fans. Seductive photos of a young beauty in a swimsuit appeared in Maxim magazine. According to the publication, in 2016 the girl took a place in the top 20 most beautiful and sexy Russian women.

Marina Kravets' height is 171 centimeters, weight - 50 kilograms. Marina is Russian by nationality, although this issue is often discussed on the Internet. Probably, he is inspired by the unusual shape of the eyes of the Comedy Club resident.

Marina Kravets now

Marina Kravets remains a regular participant in the Comedy Club festival, which was held in Sochi in 2018, on ski resort"Rosa Khutor". In addition to the nightly performances by Comedy Club residents with numbers that became hits of the show and new jokes, guests of the event enjoyed active recreation, relay races and competitions.

Marina Kravets - host of the "Big Breakfast" project

The popularity of Marina Kravets is also confirmed by her participation in other projects not related to her humorous alma mater. So, Marina became a culinary TV presenter entertainment show"Big breakfast". Together with her colleagues she performed at the VK-FEST festival, which took place in St. Petersburg. With the founder charitable foundation“Give Life” participated in the IX World Winners Games, which took place in Moscow. Children from 15 countries of the world, who once defeated oncology, came to the Russian capital for several days to participate in sports competitions.

Marina Kravets will become the host of the show "Married to Buzova"

New project TNT channel "", hosted by Marina Kravets, became the main premiere of the season. Filming took place in Italy. The 15 contenders for the heart and hand included millionaire Evgeny Nazarov and a cheese maker. The premiere of the program is scheduled for August 26, 2018.


  • Radio "Mayak"
  • Radio Comedy Radio
  • Show Made in Woman
  • Comedy Club show
  • “One to one!”
  • "Main Stage"
  • "Russo Touristo"
  • "Big breakfast"
  • "Married to Buzov"
Editor's Choice
Purpose of the study: With the help of literary and Internet sources, find out what crystals are, what science studies - crystallography. To know...

WHERE DOES PEOPLE'S LOVE FOR SALTY COME FROM? The widespread use of salt has its reasons. Firstly, the more salt you consume, the more you want...

The Ministry of Finance intends to submit a proposal to the government to expand the experiment on taxation of the self-employed to include regions with high...

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William Gilbert formulated a postulate approximately 400 years ago that can be considered the main postulate of the natural sciences. Despite...
Functions of management Slides: 9 Words: 245 Sounds: 0 Effects: 60 The essence of management. Key concepts. Management Manager Key...
Mechanical period Arithmometer - a calculating machine that performs all 4 arithmetic operations (1874, Odner) Analytical engine -...
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