Deputy squad commander in the army. Who's who in the army. Military ranks

After taking the oath, you are assigned to the staff, given job title, secure equipment and weapons. But this is all on paper, so you can even be the head of a radio relay station - and work for the entire service at a sawmill, so the article will be about others positions. Freelance positions to which conscript soldiers are assigned, for example, these are all sorts of clerks, privateers, bathhouse attendants, cooks. You may see nothing but the company and the park all year, or you may not see the army at all, so let’s start from the bottom to the top.

I think the very bottom of this caste system This company clerk, I put him in this place based on the amount of blood shed during his service, our clerk raked, if not every day, then every other day for sure. Company clerk he is a hacker or a computer specialist; we had the same person, although in the other company there were two office workers, one worked on the computer, the other wrote by hand. Their work is paper - schedules, plans, notes, reports are all on them, and there is countless such work in the office. On the plus side: working in an office - when it was -30 outside and everyone went to the park, and they went to the office. They know more than other soldiers. They have an authorized telephone, you can drink tea in peace - but this is only relevant at the beginning of the service, you can watch a movie when there is no work - that's probably all. But there are a lot of MINUSES - they receive lyules from all the officers at the end of the service, along with a stamp in the military service, they receive a rubber face that can be beaten as hard as you can and nothing will happen to it. Often they don’t sleep at night, only God knows, they are working there or watching a movie. In general, this position is not rewarding. Concerning battalion clerks then it’s a little easier for them because They have one boss - the battalion commander - and they put it on all the other officers. At the beginning of the service, they kept scaring us with Totsk and Yelanya (as the political officer in Totsk said, they wash the floor with their ass, and in Elani, they beat off the edges with their ass), and when in December there was an order to send a party from our unit to Yelanskaya training company clerks(senior conscription) approached all the young people and said that they were on the dispatch list, but for some ridiculous 500 rubles they could solve this problem! Many then gave it to them, and to those who didn’t give it, they announced that in 2 days they would go to “sunny” Yelan, we had already prepared, but I didn’t leave, but they sent friends, now I wonder if I left with them, how would the service work out... but that’s all This lyric takes us to the next step:

Privateer- this position is a criminal position, so it’s purchased, old privateer sells it to a young man in our company; such a transfer cost 2,500 rubles. In charge of uniforms, boots, linen and all sorts of little things like shoe polish, buttons, towels. It is necessary that privateer they had their own man - to fix anything, charge the phone, pick up a normal uniform, but before demobilization they are simply irreplaceable; they keep all the demobilization equipment and buy a parade.

Papa Carlo, a carpenter-carpenter, has crazy hands - not every company has them, but ours had a nickname - Vilka spent his entire service planing, drilling, and painting. Stands, chairs, boxes. Work was provided all year. Then the company commander decided to earn extra money, assembled a team of special builders led by Vilka and sent them to do repairs in apartments according to an advertisement. They worked quietly for 3 months until one builder in the SOCH ran away.

Zoophiles - when we had a kennel, a dog lover was appointed from each company, in some cases they were dog handlers, in others they were simply not necessary people. Their task boils down to feeding and training dogs. I fed him and spent the whole day swimming freely, once a week you go on patrol, walk with the dog around the unit, that’s all the work. I remember once a dog ran away, a Caucasian Shepherd, I don’t know how much it costs, but apparently it’s expensive because... The commotion was not a joke, but the dog was still caught. The company commander then threatened to tie up the zoophile and the dog so that they could live in a kennel somewhere for safety.

Linemen- again, not in every unit, they are dumped in their closet during the day when they get up, they wander around the entire unit, they come to the company whenever they want - there is only one excuse for any dissatisfaction - we repaired the connection. When the company commander finally decided to take on them, they tore the wires at the headquarters, providing themselves with work for a long time, after which they were forgotten about again. They provide uninterrupted communication, after 8 machine guns were stolen from our unit, they were strained by installing an alarm system in the CWC, at night they were often blown up by this kind of service at linemen.

Cooks, bread cutters and other catering - in my opinion this is even a full-time position, those who have an education cooks they take them there, prepare “food”, what else can you say about them... when everyone is transferred with a belt, they are transferred with a ladle. Bread Cutter We had a 25 year old, so we wrote him off as butter for spreading bread. This position is a criminal one. They feed the soldiers and officers they need, who after the evening come to their house to take canned food, potatoes, meat (what the soldiers have in abundance). With the arrival of the civilian canteen, these positions will probably disappear into oblivion, but for now we have them together in case of field trips.

Physical education teachers, athletes, football players are instructors who help conduct exercises, sports events, and competitions. The locals were allowed to go to the city for training, once a week, in my opinion, but they kept their schedule of going out so well that they went “to training” every other day.

Postman in the army Great position, I stayed there for 6 months. It allows me to go out on civilian duty twice a week, but I had a power of attorney from the brigade commander and the time was not specified there, so I went out on civilian duty as often as possible! The main thing at the checkpoint is not to bluntly put on a stupid bull face and say that the answer was for the prosecutor’s office or they sent a lot of options for the commander’s letters, then they didn’t even stop. Everyone had a obsession that commanders read mail from company mailboxes, so everyone wanted to send a letter through me. Always came out with big list shopping returned with bales on top - two newspapers, two letters - and at the bottom - candy, waffles, cookies.

Medical unit - recruited from soldiers from medical education we had a paramedic. They lived and served in the medical unit itself, although without any drill reviews, they were always sick, so what the hell with such service.

Musicians - I’m not talking about guitarists in the army; there are many of them in the army, musicians for the army orchestra - drummers, trumpeters, cellists, God knows who else was there, they were all called drummers. On Mondays, on commander's day, they play on the lines, in the morning they still play the trumpet, and the rest of the time they rehearse.

Staff clerks- this is not for you company clerks, work in management. Of the advantages, everything that company commanders have, and work with more authority, they don’t get lyulas because in the department the officers are smarter than in the companies. The combat part is very important - all the documents, orders are all through them. If they fumble, they only get tense before the checks, otherwise it’s a complete mess. The position is transferred for money; entrance to the headquarters is three thousand rubles, but many got through without money.

Bath attendants– the best thing is that you can wash yourself every day! The most negative thing is that the position cost 8 thousand!!! Their farm includes a bath and laundry complex + a clothing warehouse. Their biggest business before demobilization was selling uniforms. This is an unworn capter - everything here is in paper and without buttons.

The holy of holies - a food warehouse - the advantages are already clear to everyone; they serve in the sarkars of their homeland. Sausages, sausage, condensed milk, cheese, you name it! I remember how thousands of cans of expired Pepsi were thrown away from there, but this happiness also costs 8 rubles.

These were employees in the unit, and there were also those who “pulled” in civilian life - the general’s drivers - they recruited from among the locals. We slept at home in the morning, they brought it, then they took it away; you sit in the car all year long, listen to the player, and become fused with the car.

VSOshniks - for us they were either thieves or bitches. VSO - the military investigative department mostly went there in private, they understandably did not want to return to the unit, so they were on parcels with the investigators, they went there and wiped the door handles.

Somehow I’m tired of writing all this heresy, and I’ve already scribbled down two sheets of it, and there were still a lot of positions filled with those who served in another city altogether, but were registered with us - they sat at the district headquarters either on the side or as thieves. One spent the whole year cleaning the snow at the FSB general’s dacha and heating the bathhouse. In the battalion there were also all sorts of electricians and battery workers, as well as household workers. We grew grass in the yard. Another advantage common to all is that soldiers in such positions are not assigned to squads (unless, of course, they mess up). You can go through the entire service with a broom, but you don’t have to be there. positions, but still don’t do anything like dugs... that’s enough, otherwise I’ll remember something else, I’ll call it a day until we meet again, comrades.

This will be my first blog post. It’s not a full-fledged article in terms of the number of words and information, but it’s a very important note, which can be read in one breath and has almost more benefits than many of my articles. So, what is a squad, platoon, company and other concepts known to us from books and films? And how many people do they contain?

What is a platoon, company, battalion, etc.

  • Branch
  • Platoon
  • Battalion
  • Brigade
  • Division
  • Frame
  • Army
  • Front (district)

These are all tactical units in the branches and types of troops. I have arranged them in order from least number of people to most to make it easier for you to remember them. During my service, I most often met with everyone up to the regiment.

From the brigade and above (in number of people) during the 11 months of service, we didn’t even say. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I do not serve in a military unit, but in educational institution.

How many people do they include?

Department. Numbers from 5 to 10 people. The squad is commanded by the squad leader. A squad leader is a sergeant's position, so commode (short for squad leader) is often a junior sergeant or sergeant.

Dear reader! Starting with the definition of branch and further through the article, there will be many military ranks. If you don’t yet understand which rank is higher - senior lieutenant or major, then I advise you to first read the article.

Platoon. A platoon includes from 3 to 6 sections, that is, it can reach from 15 to 60 people. The platoon commander is in charge of the platoon. This is already an officer position. It is occupied by a minimum of a lieutenant and a maximum of a captain.

Company. A company includes from 3 to 6 platoons, that is, it can consist of from 45 to 360 people. The company is commanded by the company commander. This is a major position. In fact, the commander is a senior lieutenant or captain (in the army, a company commander is affectionately and abbreviated as a company commander).

Battalion. This is either 3 or 4 companies + headquarters and individual specialists (gunsmith, signalman, snipers, etc.), a mortar platoon (not always), sometimes air defense and tank destroyers (hereinafter referred to as PTB). The battalion includes from 145 to 500 people. The commander of the battalion (abbreviated as battalion commander) commands.

This is the position of lieutenant colonel. But in our country, both captains and majors command, who in the future can become lieutenant colonels, provided they retain this position.

Regiment. From 3 to 6 battalions, that is, from 500 to 2500+ people + headquarters + regimental artillery + air defense + fire-fighting tanks. The regiment is commanded by a colonel. But maybe also a lieutenant colonel.

Brigade. A brigade is several battalions, sometimes 2 or even 3 regiments. The brigade usually has from 1,000 to 4,000 people. It is commanded by a colonel. The abbreviated title for the position of brigade commander is brigade commander.

Division. These are several regiments, including artillery and, possibly, tank + rear service + sometimes aviation. Commanded by a colonel or major general. The number of divisions varies. From 4,500 to 22,000 people.

Frame. These are several divisions. That is, in the region of 100,000 people. The corps is commanded by a major general.

Army. From two to ten divisions of different types of troops + rear units + repair shops and so on. The number can be very different. On average from 200,000 to 1,000,000 people and above. The army is commanded by a major general or lieutenant general.

Front. IN Peaceful time- military district. It’s difficult to give exact numbers here. They vary by region, military doctrine, political situation and similar things.

The front is already a self-sufficient structure with reserves, warehouses, training units, military schools, and so on. The front commander commands the front. This is a lieutenant general or army general.

The composition of the front depends on the assigned tasks and the situation. Typically the front includes:

  • control;
  • missile army (one - two);
  • army (five - six);
  • tank army (one - two);
  • air army (one - two);
  • air defense army;
  • separate formations and units of various types of troops and special troops front-line subordination;
  • formations, units and establishments of operational logistics.

The front can be reinforced by formations and units of other types Armed Forces and the reserve of the Supreme High Command.

What other similar tactical terms exist?

Subdivision. This word refers to all military formations that are part of the unit. Squad, platoon, company, battalion - they are all united by one word “unit”. The word comes from the concept of division, to divide. That is, the part is divided into divisions.

Part. This is the main unit of the Armed Forces. The term “unit” most often means regiment and brigade. External signs units are: the presence of their own office work, military economy, bank account, postal and telegraph address, their own official seal, the commander’s right to give written orders, open (44 training tank division) and closed (military unit 08728) combined arms numbers. That is, the part has sufficient autonomy.

IMPORTANT! Please note that the terms military unit and military unit do not mean exactly the same thing. The term “military unit” is used as a general designation, without specifics. If we are talking about a specific regiment, brigade, etc., then the term “military unit” is used. Usually its number is also mentioned: “military unit 74292” (but you cannot use “military unit 74292”) or, for short, military unit 74292.

Compound. As a standard, only a division fits this term. The word “connection” itself means to connect parts. The division headquarters has the status of a unit. Other units (regiments) are subordinate to this unit (headquarters). All together there is a division. However, in some cases, a brigade may also have the status of a connection. This happens if the brigade includes separate battalions and companies, each of which has the status of a unit in itself.

An association. This term combines corps, army, army group and front (district). The headquarters of the association is also the part to which various formations and units are subordinated.

Bottom line

There are no other specific and grouping concepts in the military hierarchy. In any case, in Ground forces. In this article we did not touch upon the hierarchy of military formations of the aviation and navy. However attentive reader Now he can imagine the naval and aviation hierarchy quite simply and with minor errors.

Now it will be easier for us to dialogue, friends! After all, every day we are getting closer to speaking the same language. You are learning more and more military terms and meanings, and I am getting closer and closer to civilian life!))

I wish everyone to find in this article what they were looking for,

Who's who in the army. Military ranks.

About military ranks, and to whom and why they are given. This should be quite interesting information for many, since few people know the army hierarchy and chain of command.

It all starts with the military registration and enlistment office. When a military ID is issued, the rank of “Private” is automatically assigned. This means that the person has entered the lower rung of his military career. With this rank, the unit is assigned any position, it can be a shooter, machine gunner, driver, gunner, and so on. There are more privates in a regular military unit. This is not the case with us recently. In connection with the formation of military commandant's offices and the massive transfer of the regiment to a contract basis, people began to be recruited for contract positions, and almost all of them were no lower than warrant officers.

The next step on the army career ladder is Corporal. This title can be given either in connection with the position held, which implies this title, or for excellence in studies, combat and special training. Often, corporals become henchmen of officers, who thereby slightly elevate their charges above the rest. There is even a saying about this: “It is better to have a prostitute’s daughter than a corporal’s son.” Senior drivers in squads, gunners of armored personnel carriers, clerks and some other “officials” automatically become corporals in our company. The corporal wears one corner of his shoulder straps.

The next level is “Junior Sergeant”. To earn this rank in the internal troops, you must undergo sergeant training. This is 4 months of full regulations and hazing combined, but, however, they don’t say that everywhere. After completing this training, you are awarded the rank of ml. s-t (this is how it looks in abbreviation and is pronounced). Junior sergeants are needed to command squads. After some time, they can become deputy platoon commanders, with a corresponding increase in rank. Junior sergeants wear two corners on each shoulder.

The junior sergeant is followed by "Sergeant". A sergeant is a full-fledged squad commander, and the commander and boss closest to the soldiers. Sergeants lead the formation, supervise the work, and conduct classes. The rank of sergeant is awarded to the most capable junior sergeants, those whom the soldiers listen to, those who truly enjoy authority. Sergeants wear three corners on their shoulder straps

"Staff Sergeant". This rank is awarded to the deputy platoon commander. There are as many such people in a company as there are platoons. This is the most responsible position among soldiers. Senior sergeants are the first assistants to officers and warrant officers; they must know their subordinate soldiers well and always be able to manage them. Senior sergeants wear one, but wide, corner on their shoulders.

"Sergeant major." This is the maximum rank a soldier can receive. Please do not confuse this with your position. Sometimes it happens that a sergeant major by rank becomes a sergeant major by position, but more often a warrant officer is appointed to the position of company sergeant major. Petty officers wear one wide and one narrow corner on their shoulder straps, one under the other.

"Ensign". To become a warrant officer, you need to sign a contract and go to warrant officer school. The school for warrant officers lasts, like sergeant training, about four months, where future warrant officers are taught to drink vodka correctly and get paid without doing anything. Ensigns are the most disadvantaged class of military personnel. These are people without higher education holding low positions. Warrant officers are either foremen, or heads of warehouses and workshops, or contract sentries on the perimeter. An ensign is a person who has left the status of a soldier, but has never reached the status of an officer. Ensigns wear two small stars arranged in a vertical row on their shoulder straps.

“Senior warrant officer” is like a soul outlet for an ordinary warrant officer. Their positions are almost the same, but the salary is slightly higher and their self-esteem is slightly higher. The senior warrant officer wears three small stars vertically.

“Junior lieutenant” - people who have graduated from the military department of a civilian university automatically become junior lieutenants. In most cases, junior lieutenants serve a mandatory officer service of two years, the same as soldiers, only in the role of commanders. Maximum position for junior lieutenant- platoon commander. This is a person, an officer, who has approximately 30 people under his command. Among soldiers, a junior lieutenant is called a “mamla.” People who have a higher education, but have not graduated from the military department, serve as soldiers for one year; they are called “year-olds.” Junior lieutenants wear one small star on their shoulder straps.

“Lieutenant” - lieutenants become people who have graduated from a higher military educational institution or warrant officers who have managed to obtain a higher education. The lieutenant is the full-fledged platoon commander. Young lieutenants who graduate from a military university are placed in the positions of service chiefs; these positions imply a much higher rank, and if the lieutenants cope with their duties, then every two years they are promoted to the corresponding rank. In the army there is a concept of service correspondence, this is when a person’s rank corresponds to the regular rank of the position held. Lieutenants wear two small stars lined up horizontally on their shoulder straps.

“Senior Lieutenant” - deputy company commanders become senior lieutenants. Deputy for work with personnel, Deputy for Technology and so on. Often, a senior lieutenant is made a company commander in order to later raise his rank to service level. First lieutenants wear three small stars, two horizontally and one between them at the top, forming the apex of a triangle.

“Captain” - captain is a full-fledged company commander, deputy battalion commander, and a few other positions give the right to this title. Captain, this is the last rank of junior officers. Captains wear 4 small stars, two horizontally, and two, slightly higher, vertically.

“Major” - Major is the first rank of senior officers. Chiefs of services, chiefs of staff of battalions, commandants of military commandant's offices, and so on become majors. Often this another title It turns the head of the recipient too much, and lust for power and ambition begins to pour out of him. The major wears one large star on his shoulder straps.

“Lieutenant Colonel” - this rank is given to deputy regiment commanders, regiment chief of staff, and battalion commanders. Lieutenant colonels are people who are tired from service and a little arrogant. Lieutenant colonels are the penultimate level that can be occupied in our regiment, and they have enough power to be spoiled by it. Lieutenant colonels wear two large stars horizontally on their shoulder straps, like lieutenants.

"Colonel" - colonels are enough calm people, since for many this is an impenetrable ceiling, and there is nowhere else to “pull your ass.” We have two colonels in our regiment, one is the unit commander, the other is the chief of staff of the regiment. The chief of staff was transferred to us from another unit, where the ranks correspond to higher positions, so he occupies a position here that implies a rank one rank lower. At the division headquarters, colonels occupy positions similar to those in which we have lieutenant colonels, and at the district headquarters, the same positions are occupied by generals. Colonels wear three large stars in a triangle. Like senior lieutenants.

"Major General" is the lowest general rank. The position of major general is either division commander or deputy district commander. I don’t know their types, because... and didn’t communicate at all. Major generals wear one very big star on uniform. Like majors, hence the name of the rank.

“Lieutenant General” - this rank can be held by the commander of a military district. There are very few such people and I have only seen them in pictures and videos. They wear two very large stars vertically. Like warrant officers.

“Colonel General” is the title given to the commander of our troops. People with this title wear three very large stars vertically. As senior warrant officers.

“Army General” - well, what can we say, this title is held by the Minister of the Russian Federation. On his shoulder straps, there are four very large stars lined up in a vertical row.

So, this chain is completed by our “Supreme Commander-in-Chief” - the President of the Russian Federation.

Officer's profession Russian Federation considered one of the most prestigious. She embodied such moral ideals as devotion to the Motherland, courage, bravery, honor and responsibility. Military events recent years testify to the high professionalism of career officers. They contributed to the increased interest in this craft among young people, including those who graduated from civilian universities. Young people are increasingly wondering how to become an officer Russian army.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. First acquaintance with the profession

The formation of interest in the military craft begins at school while studying the subject “Life Safety”. School program hours are provided for educating the younger generation in the spirit of high patriotism.

During the lessons, children get acquainted with the profession of defender of the Fatherland, with examples from life. Teachers draw the attention of schoolchildren to the significance and importance of the military for the country.

What is the officer corps?

The army of any state provides for the presence of persons of the administrative-legal category. These people are the organizers, as well as the direct executors of tasks for the defense and security of the country. Before becoming an army officer and beginning to perform your duties, you must obtain the appropriate education and rank. The officer corps has at all times been the backbone of the army.

The steadfastness, professionalism, dedication and devotion to the Fatherland of career officers maintained the armed forces in constant combat readiness.

The formation of correct moral principles among officers is carried out in special military educational institutions.

How is officer training going these days?

There are a sufficient number of military universities in the Russian Federation that train future officers. Each institution has the right to impose its own requirements on candidates. All the necessary information on how to become a military officer can be obtained from the commissariats. Having chosen a future young man, he can go two ways towards his intended goal.

The first way

This option is considered the most labor-intensive, as it can take a long period of time. The learning process is not easy. It takes place in the highest specialized military institutions. Before becoming an officer and receiving a rank, a young man must study for several years and successfully graduate from a military university.

This option is chosen by all future career officers. For those who are interested in how to become an officer in the Russian army and want to undergo special training on the territory of the Russian Federation, there are 55 military universities: institutes, universities and academies, providing their graduates with more than 250 specialties.

The second way

Many future applicants are interested in how to become an officer after a civilian university. Is it possible?

An officer rank can also be obtained in civilian life. To do this you need:

  • choose a university with a military department;
  • successfully complete it;
  • undergo field training (they last 80 days).

Citizens who graduate from a civilian university with a military department before reaching the age of 24, after passing preliminary selection and special training, receive the rank of officer. Work with graduates is carried out by the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration.

Which way is better?

Everyone who wants to become an officer is given the opportunity to choose one path or another. Military educational institutions are designed to help everyone who wants to learn how to become an officer of the Russian Federation, and in the future completely connect their life with the army. In this case, the age of applicants is limited: from 16 to 27 years. Upon admission, there is an informal requirement: it is desirable that the candidate undergo military service. For persons under 18 years of age, the law provides for deferments and academic leave for the period of their service.

When choosing a civilian educational institution, the presence of a military department in it is of particular importance. Successful completion of such a civilian university gives the graduate the opportunity to either become a conscript officer (receive the rank of lieutenant) or go into the reserves and not connect his future with the army. If desired, persons who have graduated from civilian universities can be reinstated to serve as officers. To do this, you need to contact the local military registration and enlistment office with a statement of desire to serve under a contract and undergo a medical examination. For applicants who have graduated from civilian universities, special command courses are provided that allow them to quickly become an officer.

Upon graduation from a civilian university with a military department

After a civilian university, a graduate receives. Often, people from civilian backgrounds and with higher education are recruited into the state security service. The title may also be awarded to individuals with a good track record or proven track record of success. Management sometimes takes these steps to reward the most conscientious subordinates.

Most graduates of civilian educational institutions, having the rank of lieutenant, go into the reserve and are not called up for service. Those who are conscripted often receive sergeant positions in the army. This is due to a shortage of officer vacancies. Those who have learned how to become an officer, have finally decided on their choice and decided to make a military career are recommended to start with specialized military educational institutions.

What should people do who graduated from civilian universities without a military department?

Often the question of how to become a Russian officer interests young people who graduated from a civilian university that does not have a military department. In this case, you should submit documents to a military university. To be admitted, an applicant must have good physical fitness, knowledge of specific subjects and the necessary social and psychological qualities. These three points are taken into account by the selection committee. For psychological examination, testing and an interview are provided, the results of which make it possible to draw conclusions about the psychological stability, reliability of applicants, as well as their ability to endure all the hardships of service. The Unified State Exam is used to test applicants' general education.


Often young people who want to know how to become an officer after a civilian university consult with lawyers on this issue. Social media, in which they share their problem, reveal it in all its diversity of aspects:

  • Is there a chance to get an officer rank after serving a military term, graduating from a civilian university and becoming a contract soldier? (Answer: upon completion of studies at a civilian university and subsequent military training, by order of the Minister of Defense, a person is awarded the rank of officer. If the educational institution had a military department, then the assignment does not depend on whether the applicant is an active military man or he is in the reserve. The rank of foreman and sergeant is assigned by order of the regiment commander.)
  • Is it possible to obtain the rank of officer in the army with a higher education diploma? (Answer: until the applicant is appointed to an officer position, even with several higher educations he will not be able to obtain officer rank. When appointed to such a position, the assignment of a title is possible even if you only have a general secondary education. But in this case - if there is no higher education - it will be a junior lieutenant. If you have a higher education diploma, the first rank will be lieutenant. A conscript employee can only receive sergeant rank- subject to his appointment to a sergeant position).
  • What title is awarded after a civilian university? (Answer: after graduating from a university or institute with a military department, a newly minted young specialist becomes a reserve lieutenant. The same rank is awarded upon graduation from a military school.
  • Is it possible to obtain the rank of lieutenant after graduating from a civilian university without a military department? (Answer: in the absence of training at a military department, the rank of lieutenant is not awarded. It is necessary to complete military service or enter a military university (up to 24 years of age).
  • Is it possible, after completing military service, for a graduate of a civilian university (“reserve officer”) to receive the rank of junior lieutenant? (Answer: a citizen who is in the reserve can receive the first and next military rank no higher than captain of the 1st rank or colonel. In this case, he must be assigned to a military unit. In case of mobilization, he is called up to a position providing for an equal or higher military rank. This person must take and pass the required tests).
  • What specialty of a civilian university should a contract soldier enroll in to get a better chance of continuing his military career as an officer? (Answer: Before reaching the age of 24, you can enter a military university. At an older age, you can enter any civilian university, but only after completing 3 years of service. After graduating from a university, in order to be awarded the rank of officer, the employee must be appointed to an officer position.)
  • Where is the best place for a graduate of a civilian university to serve in order to continue after the army? military career? (Answer: to continue military service the branch of the military in which the former civilian student will serve in military service does not play a special role).
  • Is it possible to study to become an officer in absentia after signing a contract? (Answer: there is no correspondence military training in the Russian Federation. If you want to become an officer, you can enter a military university. There, after the first year of study, a contract is signed for the entire period of study, as well as for 5 years of service upon completion).
  • Is it possible to serve under a contract in the army and study part-time at a civilian university? (Answer: this is possible. The law stipulates that contract military personnel, except officers who have continuously served for at least three years, can study at higher and secondary institutions with state accreditation, as well as at preparatory courses at federal universities at the expense of budget funds by form of study: full-time, part-time or evening. They have the right to enter these institutions without competition).
  • Does the military registration and enlistment office have the right to refuse to a graduate of a civilian university (received the specialty “manager, personnel management”), who has not served “fixed-term” service, in his desire to sign a contract as an officer, citing the fact that there is no military position for his civilian specialty? (Answer: right. Officer young man they won't take it. There really are no managers in the army. He can be called up as a private or a sailor, and after completing military service (or during the period of completion) he can sign a contract. Since he has a higher education, he will need to pass the VVC, tests and pass physical standards).
  • IN given time the man serves as a foreman (contract soldier). In the summer he finishes his studies at the university (specialty "finance and credit"). Can he apply for a higher rank? (Answer: a military man will be able to receive the rank of officer (in this case, lieutenant) only if he is appointed to an officer position. This is possible without having a higher education. In the absence of such a position, he will not be able to receive the rank).

How to become a police officer?

Police officers can be between 18 and 35 years of age. The gender of the candidate does not matter. The admissions committee evaluates individual qualities and data obtained as a result of serious medical, psychological and vocational examination. Police officers of the Russian Federation special education receives at universities and academies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Persons who have graduated from a civilian university under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and have a legal education have a greater chance of becoming a police officer. This also applies to those who have graduated (it accepts applicants from the ninth grade), cadet corps or college for a legal specialty.

Applicants from other universities with diplomas in other specialties can also receive the rank of officer. To do this, the candidate must submit an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then he will be sent to take accelerated courses, upon completion of which he will be entitled to apply for admission to

What documents need to be provided?

  • Personal passport (Russian and foreign).
  • Diploma of education.
  • Work book.
  • Application for a job.
  • Completed application form.
  • A written autobiography.

How to obtain the rank of FSB officer?

The activities of the FSB, which is engaged in protecting the national interests of the Russian Federation, differs from other law enforcement agencies in its particular complexity and responsibility. In this case, very high demands are placed on applicants.

Intellectuals for whom the army and police are not considered the limit have found their use in the service of the state. Such people are replenished officers FSB. You can become one of its members by taking a training course at the FSB Academy.

Graduation from this higher educational institution gives the graduate the opportunity to both become a state security officer and successfully make a career in any other law enforcement agency of the Russian Federation.

All the requirements for candidates who decide to connect their lives with the army, police and other law enforcement agencies are quite high. The work of an officer itself involves a lack of free time and often puts the health and sometimes the life of the employee at risk. If you want to be not just an officer, but to advance and occupy high ranks, daily duty, urgent calls and other service difficulties will not be a burden. Good results and success can come from loving your work.

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